coub douglas function of pakistani economics

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  • 7/23/2019 Coub Douglas function of Pakistani economics


    Seminar in Economic Policy Ahmed Faizan Kashmiri (Std 14447) 0333-3820172

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    Can we Interpret Pakistan`seconomic Insights by a coub

    douglas production Function?


    Can aggregate production model of economy like Pakistan is justifiable with the help of a coub-

    douglas model. Whether we can compute the insight on relationships that existed between the

    inputs and outputs, simply by drawing functions of production in this arrangement, we have

    used data from inputs and outputs and applied regression models to test the framework in an

    economic simulation. Conclusive relationship was observed, justifying that economic variationsin outputs of Pakistani economics can be explained and estimated by a coub Douglas function

    with reliable effectiveness.


    Computing a function to justify the relationship between factors of productions was primarily a

    micro level phenomenon, it provided basis for justification of answering the most difficult

    questions ever raised by any economist.

    As the economic school of thought gained evolution this principle was started to answer the

    Macro level productions outputs related anomalies, however the models were always criticized

    and skeptics emerged with a question that whether the function of specific model represent

    true economic relationship or not.

    One of such model was Coub-Douglas Model of production which described the aggregate

    production in a function and can be used to justify the economic phenomena on a macro level

    but still the questions evolves that whether it fits the variable of the country level economic

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    Seminar in Economic Policy Ahmed Faizan Kashmiri (Std 14447) 0333-3820172

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    scales. Its applicability to asses depends from country to country depending upon the strength

    of data availability. We therefore decided to test the model on Pakistan economic indicator in

    order to find whether our production related researches can or cannot be done using subject


    Literature Review

    Cob Douglas function (Charles W Cobb, Paul H Douglas, 1928) discovered relationships between

    Labor, capital and product. It is one of the frequently used functions for computing aggregates

    of outputs/productions. It represents real relationship among variables of productions (capital,

    tech-change & wages) as wage impact turns constant most of the time (Franklin M. Fisher, Oct

    1970).(Herbert A Simon & Ferdinand K Levy, 1970) also affirmed strong pragmatic evidences of

    the economic relationship after simulating diverse applications of this function with aggregate

    production in their critically analytical research work.

    The effectiveness and reliability of the function was further confirmed by working papers of the

    central bureau of statistics of Norway, where they analyzed Noted Elasticities of Variables in

    different Industrial Sectors to alter the Output at optimum level (Vidar Ringstad, 1967).

    Although there were few researchers who argued the idea of using Cob-Douglas function as

    appropriate aggregate production function ,one of such example is (Pol Antr`as,2004) it argued

    that a Cobb-Douglas specification of the U.S. aggregate production function may be misleading.

    Controlling for biased technological change, the elasticity of substitution between capital

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    Seminar in Economic Policy Ahmed Faizan Kashmiri (Std 14447) 0333-3820172

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    and labor is likely to be considerably below one, and may even be lower than

    0.5. This contrasts with the results of Berndt (1976).

    It is notable that relationship discovered and explained during different subsets for growth

    projections and Production outputs model based on Coub Douglas, CES function and Knowles

    assumptions (Richard R Nelson, 1964).

    (Robert Sollow, 1957) concluded that Technical change during that period was neutral on average.

    Gross output per man hour doubled over the interval, the aggregate production function, corrected for

    technical change, gives a distinct impression of diminishing returns, but the curvature is not violent.

    Studies (Joan Robinson, 1954) further discovered that, The rate of production on capital will

    tend to be higher, and real wages lower if: the more plentiful are the technical opportunities

    for mechanizing production; the slower is the rate of capital accumulation in relation to the

    growth of population; the weaker is the force of competition and the weaker is the bargaining

    power of the workers, when competition is weak.

    GDP is used as development indicator which is very similar to aggregate production in a coub

    Douglass arrangement, Real GDP tends to underestimate the increase in real domestic income

    and welfare when the terms of trade improve. An improvement in the terms of trade is similar

    to a technological progress, but when computing real GDP, the national accounts treat the

    former as a price phenomenon and the latter as a real event.(Ulrich Kohli,2004)

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    Seminar in Economic Policy Ahmed Faizan Kashmiri (Std 14447) 0333-3820172

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    In most of studies it was found that cob Douglas expression can be used effectively to judge the

    relationship of the variables of production in relation to the aggregate level of production. A

    model based on such assumption can affirm an economic relationship and its significance.


    With evidences from the primitive researches we concluded the following hypothesis to test

    H1: A coub Douglas function can explain all the relationship between economic variable in

    economics of Pakistan and justify aggregate production.

    H:A coub Douglas function cannot explain all the relationship between economic variable in

    economics of Pakistan and justify aggregate production.


    The crux of this research paper is to simulate the aggregate production function on economic

    level with relational to inputs provision made through economic indicators data made available

    by the government of Pakistan and World Bank.

    Assumptions are made on the modified form of mathematical function of cob Douglas

    (production function),

    Y F(K,E L)


    Eis competence of labor, in use as an indicator of the level of technology

    (manufacturing practice and scientific awareness etc)

    Y -- The level of output (GDP). L -- The economy's labor supply (No of workers)

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    Seminar in Economic Policy Ahmed Faizan Kashmiri (Std 14447) 0333-3820172

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    K -- The economy's capital stock (Gross Capital formation).

    The core purpose of the research is to gain insight of a real relationship between dependent

    variables (wage, capital and technological advancements) and their impacts in relation to the

    relevant GDP of the period.

    The Assumption is made simple if the GDP is the total production of any country it can be

    termed as output = Y that resembles the total output as suggested by Coub and Douglas in their

    production function.

    Keeping the aggregate technology as constant (Limitation due to UN 2008 reporting model of

    adopted by Govt of Pakistan for macroeconomic reporting) we can test the relational

    significance of labor and capital pass into economy. The actual gross domestic product however

    can serve as a benchmark for comparative analytical rationale if the relationship further tested

    for CES techniques.


    Time Series data is selected from 19902010

    from Pakistan economic indicators.

    Due to Limitation in availability of data the

    data set is constrained to 21 years.

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    Seminar in Economic Policy Ahmed Faizan Kashmiri (Std 14447) 0333-3820172

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    Periodic/historic data can be analyzed to test the significance of independent variables over the

    dependent variables by using Statiscal techniques i.e. regression analysis (Least Square

    Method), Granger causality test for checking overall auto correlations existences (if any).

    Analysis & Findings

    A regression analysis using least square was conducted. Ordinary least squares are a

    statistical technique that uses model data to approximate the true population

    association between two variables. It constructs a line that minimizes the computation

    of the squared plumb distances from the line to the pragmatic data points. The findings


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    Seminar in Economic Policy Ahmed Faizan Kashmiri (Std 14447) 0333-3820172

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    Regression analysis are not free from the problem of auto correlation where by the

    error terms of the variables often get interrelated and the results may seems vague if it

    exists. Granger causality test was performed in order to check if the problem exists the

    findings were :

    Interpretation of Results


    Hypothesis is supported by evidence. The relationship between data is real and reliable.

    ii. P values for the variables tested in less than .1 that is conventionally treated as

    significant. It tells how likely it is that the coefficient for that independent variable

    emerged by chance.

    iii. t stat compares the error suggested by the null hypothesis to the standard error of the

    estimate here in our case the T stats value are greater than 1.96 having probability

    under or equal 0.05 suggests that the independent variables are significant predictors of

    dependent variables.

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    Seminar in Economic Policy Ahmed Faizan Kashmiri (Std 14447) 0333-3820172

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    iv. R square resulted 0.99 while adjusted R Square is 0.98 implies that 98% of variation in

    responses can be explained by variables .it proves the model as whole have highly

    reliable relationship.

    v. Overall significance of the model is judged by F Stats value and Prob F indicators; F stats

    show a high value of 922 and Prob F results 0.000 indicates there is no chance for all of

    regressive parameters can be zero.

    vi. No autocorrelation existed among variables of the model.


    The imminent of economic relationships in economy of Pakistan can be computed with

    accuracy by a coub douglas function styled function; one can practically estimates the trends of

    possible output with ratios and build optimum production analysis by the this model of

    production function. The study represented that the aggregate production of economic inputs

    in Pakistan represented in real relationship by such functional form.

    So the answer to the Title is YES it can .

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    Seminar in Economic Policy Ahmed Faizan Kashmiri (Std 14447) 0333-3820172

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    A Note on the cob-Douglas Function ,Herbert A Simon & Ferdinand K Levy, The Review of

    Economic Study Vol 30 ,No 2 (1963)


    OF WAGES: A SIMULATION EXPERIMENT, by Franklin M. Fisher No. 61 October, 1970 Source:



    Progress Report No 6, prepared by Vidar Ringsted, Source:,WORKING


    Is the U.S. Aggregate Production Function Cobb-Douglas? New Estimates of the Elasticity of

    Substitution by Pol Antr`as, Contributions to Macroeconomics 4(1): article 4. Harvard

    University ,April 2004 Source:

    A Cross-Country Empirical Investigation of the Aggregate Production Function Specification

    by JOHN DUFFY Department of Economics, University of Pittsburgh

    & CHRIS PAPAGEORGIOU Department of Economics, Louisiana State University

    published : Journal of Economic Growth, 5: 87120 (March 2000) Kluwer Academic Publishers.

    Printed in the Netherlands JEL classification: O40, O47 Source:

    Aggregate production function & Medium range growth projections By Richard R Nelson ,

    American Economic Review Vol 54,No 5 (Sep 1964 )

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    Seminar in Economic Policy Ahmed Faizan Kashmiri (Std 14447) 0333-3820172

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    The Production Function and the Theory of Capital By Joan Robinson The Review of Economic

    Study Vol 21 ,No 2 (1953-54)PP 81-106

    Real GDP, real domestic income, and terms-of-trade changes by :Ulrich Kohli Journal of

    International Economics 62 (2004) 83106 ,JEL classification: O11; O41; C43; F11

    World Bank Economic indicator database & Labor Survey of Pakistan (Govt of Pakistan ,Various


    Technical Change and the Aggregate Production Function

    Author(s): Robert M. Solow Source: The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 39, No. 3 (Aug.,

    1957), pp. 312-320

    A theory of production BY Charles W Cobb,Paul H Douglas Mar 1928,The American Economic

    Review Vol 18 Issue 1 Source :