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Corvington Courier & Security Service S.A. Page 1 Integrity Independence Confidence Corporate Presentation

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Corvington Courier & Security Service S.A.

Page 1

Integrity Independence Confidence

Corporate Presentation

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Introduction to Corvington Courier & Security Service


Please take a minute out of your busy schedule to look

at some of the ways that Corvington Courier & Security

Service (CCSS S.A.) could help you to secure and

protect your human and financial investments in Haiti.

Who we are.......

CCSS S.A. is a Haitian family-owned Security Company

founded in 1982 by the current General Managing

Director: Mr. Reynaldo Corvington.

CCSS S.A. goal is to provide the highest quality security

services and the company employs both local and

international security experts to provide a full range of

security services to clients, residences and businesses.

In addition, CCSS S.A. has an international partnership

with Scandinavian Risk Solutions (SRS) a Swedish risk

management company.

Our office is situated Blvd Toussaint Louverture – Rte

de l’Aéroport # 49 - Port-au-Prince – Haiti.

For more information regarding our services please visit

our website:


Page 3

⊕ Static and mobile guard services,

⊕ Mobile patrols,

⊕ Personal bodyguards,

⊕ Home security systems,

⊕ Rapid alarm response patrols (e.g. motorbike),

⊕ CCTV and alarm systems,

⊕ Tracking system for person(s) or vehicle(s),

⊕ Drug test and detection,

⊕ Threat identification and risk assessments,

⊕ Documention and implementation of security and

evacuation plans,

⊕ Audit and security consulting,

⊕ Information and market monitoring,

⊕ Training courses (initial training, refresher courses or

skills upgrading).

All of our security services are authorised and

carried out by personnel licensed by the Ministry of


Our Security and Safety Services Supports Local and International

Clients, Residences and Businesses

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Currently, the international security situation is

continuously undergoing profound and

complicted changes. Peace and development are

still the main themes and the trend of

multipolarization is irreversible.

Meanwhile, traditional and non-traditional

security threats remain serious challenges to

international and regional security.

Corvington Courier & Security Service follows

closely local and international security situation

and developments in order to be able to provide

up-to-date decision support and awareness/

security training courses tailored for managers,

businessmen and diplomats travelling or living in

unsafe or high risk level countries.

Corvington Courier & Security Service cooperates closely with

Scandinavian Risk Solutions (SRS) and our international advisors

Geophysical events

(earthquake, tsunami, volcanic activity)

Meteorological events


Hydrological events

(flood, mass movement)

Selection of significant

loss events

Natural catastrophes

NatCatSERVICE Natural Catastrophes 2011

World map

© 2012Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft, Geo Risks Research, NatCatSERVICE

Earthquake, tsunami

Japan, 11 March

Earthquake New Zealand, 22 Feb.

Cyclone Yasi Australia, 2–7 Feb.

Landslides, f lash floods

Brazil, 12/16 Jan.

Floods, flash floods

Australia, Dec. 2010–Jan. 2011

Severe storms, tornadoes

USA, 22–28 April

Severe storms, tornadoes

USA, 20–27 May

Wildfires USA, April/Sept.

Earthquake New Zealand, 13 June

Floods USA, April–May

Climatological events

(extreme temperature, drought, wildf ire)

Number of events: 820

Drought USA, Oct. 2010– ongoing

Hurricane Irene USA, Caribbean

22 Aug.–2 Sept.

Wildfires Canada, 14–22 May

Drought Somalia Oct. 2010–Sept. 2011

Floods Pakistan Aug.–Sept.

Floods Thailand Aug.–Nov.

Earthquake Turkey 23 Oct.

Flash floods, floods

Italy, France, Spain

4–9 Nov.

Floods, landslides

Guatemala, El Salvador

11–19 Oct.

Tropical Storm Washi

Philippines, 16–18 Dec.

Winter Storm Joachim

France, Switzerland,

Germany, 15–17 Dec.

Page 5

The main purpose of a risk management process is to plan, organise, lead, and control the activities of a

operations or project in order to minimise the effects of risks on its objectives. It can also be defined through

four main steps, illustrated in the figure below.

Our Approach Combines Best Practice Risk Management

and Risk Analysis Concepts

A risk-optimized strategy relies on the use of risk analysis:

•Risk identification - discovering, defining and reporting risks in the most

extensive way possible,

•Risk assessment - determining identified risks’ criticality by measuring

the likelihood to occur and the severity of their occurrence’s impacts,

which allows to rank and prioritize risks,

•Definition of a risk mitigation plan - selecting options, actions and costs

to be taken in order to set risk at an acceptable level based on project

constraints and objectives.

•Implementation - once risk analysis is carried out, actions must be

implemented (Emergency Response Plans) and risks communicated and

followed-up in a proactive and iterative process.

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Security guard training

Objectives: To acquire the knowledge and necessary skills for

employment as a security guard.

Close protection (bodyguard) training

Objectives: to master and apply basic techniques as a close

protection officer.

Defensive driving course

Objectives: To master the knowledge and techniques as a

professional driver.

Security awareness training

Objectives: To understand the mechanisms of fear and

insecurity and how to manage them. Know how to deal in a

potenitally hostile situation and manage stressful situations

caused by travelling or living in high risk areas incl. natural


First aid training

Objectives: Save the victim and ensure correct emergency

procedures; Provide first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or

external defibrillator and preserve physical integrity until help


Our Comprehensive Training Courses Include

Initial Training, Refresher Courses and Skills Upgrading

Page 7

SRT 306 tracker

•Developed in Sweden

•Microphone and speaker

•Quadband GSM/GPRS

•Water Resistant (IP54)

•Intelligent power saving

SRT306 is a small, portable lightweight GSM/GPRS handset

with a multitude of alarm and report functionalities, as well as

exceptional battery life and performance. The SRT306 is

equipped with GPS, alarm button, microphone & speaker,

DTMF receiver, vibration sensor, vibrator, battery and built-in

antenna for GSM.

How GPS tracking works

GPS Tracking devices can be used to track people, vehicles

and other assets world-wide via a system of satellites. At any

given time, there are at least three satellites that triangulate

the position of the GPS tracking device by CCSS/SRS

operations center.

By continuing to triangulate the coordinates at regular

intervals, the satellites can determine the speed of an object,

the distance travelled and how long it has been stationary.

Global tracking system – exclusive by Corvington Courier &

Security Service (CCSS SA) and Scandinavian Risk Solutions (SRS)

The SRT 306 uses GPS signals that allow an accurate geolocation world-wide.

The application can be used for location for stolen vehicles, tracking for cash

tranfer and immediate location in case of kidnapping.

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No matter what security or threat issue that you may be

facing in Haiti – at home or at work, Corvington Courier

& Security Service will be able to provide you with an

effective and tailored solution to meet your unique

personal circumstances and requirements.

How to contact us:

Tel : +(509) 22-46-7710

+(509) 22-46-7711

+(509) 22-49-5192

Cell : +(509) 37-23-9113

Mail : [email protected]

Web :

Web : (international partner)

We look forward to support you with our security and

safety services - enabling you to focus on your

successful business!


Reynaldo CorvingtonGeneral Managing Director

Corvington Courier & Security Service (CCSS SA)

– a Trusted Partner in Security