corporation - temporal stasis disorder - the awakened

TEMPORAL STASIS DISORDER (TSD) MODIFICATIONS Affected regions of the brain (In red) TEMPORAL STASIS DISORDER (TSD) A condition resulting from repeated exposure to the temporal aspects of subspace. This condition affects the human mind’s ability to reason and ability to control emotional response. Positive aspects include increased mental characteristics e.g. heightened intelligence, perception and presence and an increased ability to comprehend abstract psychological and telepathic concepts on an instinctual level. Negative aspects include a somewhat complex neural structure which prevents easy fitting of neural and sensory based cybernetic augmentations. Sufferers of TSD are known to sleep heavily while resting and may be difficult to awaken. Some subjects exhibit uncontrolled manifestations of psychic activity and a predilection to cruelty and predatory tendencies towards their fellow human beings. There are two species of TSD characterized by the somewhat dramatic terms, the ‘Awakened’ and the ‘Dreamers.’ The Awakened are typically sleepers who somehow learned to adjust to their dilemma and retained their sanity throughout their time in stasis. Independent loners of strong character with resilient wills typically become an Awakened. Dreamers are sleepers who were either unable to cope with the nightmare of unending entrapment or were forced to develop a co-dependency with the other sleepers around them. Dreamer cells usually form when large numbers of individuals were placed into stasis together (i. e. Prison Populations). Many Dreamers have quite literally lost their minds and find it difficult to differentiate between reality and fantasy. When released from stasis, sleepers present divergent aftereffects from their ordeal. The differences are detailed below. THE AWAKENED Mental Changes Having lived within their own minds for years on end has increased an Awakened’s mental characteristics providing heightened awareness, greater intellectual flexibility and a powerful will. As a result, natural ability maximums for Intelligence, Perception and Presence are increased to 11 and the awakened gain a +1 to these scores as well. The expansion of mental faculties and the time spent exposed to subspace energies has awakened sections of the brain that govern the development of telepathy and increased the capacity of the Awakened’s personal psionic field, boosting the amount of Telepathic Energy available. The Awakened receives the Telepath training for free and +1 bonus TE for every decade spent in stasis. Physical Condition Physical characteristics, Strength, Agility, Reflexes and Endurance, do not change but due to lack of actual use they are considered to be D2 points lower than they really are. This condition, more a mental block than physical deterioration, recedes over time and the impaired stats return to normal after a period of regular exercise. Expanded Insight Awakened gain a keen insight into the inner workings of the mind and are adept at extending their perceptions outside normal human range. Any training with a Telepathic or Psychology skill as a prerequisite costs only 6 XP instead of the usual 10 XP. Awakened also pay 1 XP less when increasing telepathic Powers or the Psychology skill to a minimum of 1 point. Adaptability Because of their forced adaptability and mental fortitude the Awakened receive the Aptitude, Mental Block Techniques and Weaponized Psyche (Level Two) trainings for free. Unconscious Comprehension The Awakened are natural lucid dreamers, able to control their actions during sleep with the capacity to learn from their dreamtime experiences. They receive the Dreamwalker (See Mind Unbound) training for free with the following changes: 1. Does not require the Contact training as a prerequisite. 2. Only works for the Awakened; he cannot bring others with him. Also, through the all-pervasive nature of the subspace continuum they are able to tap into the thoughts and experiences of the sleeping minds around them, absorbing pertinent thoughts and memories. Because of their ability to comprehend the world around them and translate their experiences into useful information, they effectively have earned XP for the time spent in stasis. Duration of Stasis XP Accrual Rate Accrued XP 1-10 years Adjustment Period 0 11-85 years 1/5 +15 for this period 86-175 years 1/3 +30 for this period 176-325 years 1/1 +150 for this period 326-425 Years 3/1 +300 for this period 426+ 5/1 Varies These XP may only be spent on telepathic powers, general skills and trainings and the improvement of Stats. Example 1: Arnult has been in stasis for 100 years. He has ‘earned’ 20 XP to spend on skills, trainings and improving his STATs. Example 1: Hammond has been in stasis for 350 years. He has ‘earned’ 270XP to spend.

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Page 1: Corporation - Temporal Stasis Disorder - The Awakened

TEMPORAL STASIS DISORDER (TSD) MODIFICATIONS Affected regions of the brain (In red)

TEMPORAL STASIS DISORDER (TSD) A condition resulting from repeated exposure to the temporal aspects of subspace. This condition affects the human mind’s ability to reason and ability to control emotional response. Positive aspects include increased mental characteristics e.g. heightened intelligence, perception and presence and an increased ability to comprehend abstract psychological and telepathic concepts on an instinctual level. Negative aspects include a somewhat complex neural structure which prevents easy fitting of neural and sensory based cybernetic augmentations. Sufferers of TSD are known to sleep heavily while resting and may be difficult to awaken. Some subjects exhibit uncontrolled manifestations of psychic activity and a predilection to cruelty and predatory tendencies towards their fellow human beings. There are two species of TSD characterized by the somewhat dramatic terms, the ‘Awakened’ and the ‘Dreamers.’ The Awakened are typically sleepers who somehow learned to adjust to their dilemma and retained their sanity throughout their time in stasis. Independent loners of strong character with resilient wills typically become an Awakened. Dreamers are sleepers who were either unable to cope with the nightmare of unending entrapment or were forced to develop a co-dependency with the other sleepers around them. Dreamer cells usually form when large numbers of individuals were placed into stasis together (i. e. Prison Populations). Many Dreamers have quite literally lost their minds and find it difficult to differentiate between reality and fantasy. When released from stasis, sleepers present divergent aftereffects from their ordeal. The differences are detailed below. THE AWAKENED Mental Changes Having lived within their own minds for years on end has increased an Awakened’s mental characteristics providing heightened awareness, greater intellectual flexibility and a powerful will. As a result, natural ability maximums for Intelligence, Perception and Presence are increased to 11 and the awakened gain a +1 to these scores as well. The expansion of mental faculties and the time spent exposed to subspace energies has awakened sections of the brain that govern the development of telepathy and increased the capacity of the Awakened’s personal psionic field, boosting the

amount of Telepathic Energy available. The Awakened receives the Telepath training for free and +1 bonus TE for every decade spent in stasis. Physical Condition Physical characteristics, Strength, Agility, Reflexes and Endurance, do not change but due to lack of actual use they are considered to be D2 points lower than they really are. This condition, more a mental block than physical deterioration, recedes over time and the impaired stats return to normal after a period of regular exercise. Expanded Insight Awakened gain a keen insight into the inner workings of the mind and are adept at extending their perceptions outside normal human range. Any training with a Telepathic or Psychology skill as a prerequisite costs only 6 XP instead of the usual 10 XP. Awakened also pay 1 XP less when increasing telepathic Powers or the Psychology skill to a minimum of 1 point. Adaptability Because of their forced adaptability and mental fortitude the Awakened receive the Aptitude, Mental Block Techniques and Weaponized Psyche (Level Two) trainings for free. Unconscious Comprehension The Awakened are natural lucid dreamers, able to control their actions during sleep with the capacity to learn from their dreamtime experiences. They receive the Dreamwalker (See Mind Unbound) training for free with the following changes: 1. Does not require the Contact training as a prerequisite. 2. Only works for the Awakened; he cannot bring others with him. Also, through the all-pervasive nature of the subspace continuum they are able to tap into the thoughts and experiences of the sleeping minds around them, absorbing pertinent thoughts and memories. Because of their ability to comprehend the world around them and translate their experiences into useful information, they effectively have earned XP for the time spent in stasis. Duration of Stasis XP Accrual Rate Accrued XP 1-10 years Adjustment Period 0 11-85 years 1/5 +15 for this period 86-175 years 1/3 +30 for this period 176-325 years 1/1 +150 for this period 326-425 Years 3/1 +300 for this period 426+ 5/1 Varies These XP may only be spent on telepathic powers, general skills and trainings and the improvement of Stats. Example 1: Arnult has been in stasis for 100 years. He has ‘earned’ 20 XP to spend on skills, trainings and improving his STATs. Example 1: Hammond has been in stasis for 350 years. He has ‘earned’ 270XP to spend.

Page 2: Corporation - Temporal Stasis Disorder - The Awakened

Neural Complexity Because of the Awakened’s complex neural network any cybernetic augmentations affecting the brain adversely affect the limbic system and Advani Apparatus. Any such improvements must be rerouted around these sensitive areas and require an additional 20% cost to fit. Example: If you wanted a Datanetica Neural Jack (new cost 25,000¢) it would cost you an additional 5,000¢ for a total of 30,000¢. Metabolic Torpor When sleeping, an Awakened sinks into a coma-like state for D6+4 hours. During this time, only a determined effort to wake them will be successful and even then they will suffer a -1 penalty to all actions for every hour they were awakened early. This means an intruder can enter the room where the Awakened is sleeping and they will remain so unless the intruder makes a concerted effort to wake them. Stealth checks succeed automatically without a roll. Should the Awakened want to awaken prematurely they must roll under their Presence on 2D10. Failure indicates they remain asleep.