cordova: apis and instruments

DISIM | University of L’Aquila Ivano Malavolta Cordova: APIs and instruments

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Slides of a talk of a seminars series I gave at WebRatio in January 2014.


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DISIM | University of L’Aquila

Ivano Malavolta

Cordova: APIs and instruments

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• The Cordova framework

• Recurrent app architecture

• Cordova CLI

• Debugging Cordova applications

• My development environment

• Cordova APIs

Page 3: Cordova: APIs and instruments

PhoneGap VS Cordova

Adobe/Nitobi donated the PhoneGap codebase to the Apache foundation

wider audience and contributors

transparent governance

Better documentation

easier contributions for companies

Apache Licensing

There was only one problem....

trademark ambiguity CORDOVA

PhoneGap is a distribution of Apache Cordova

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Cordova You develop your app using the usual three guys

You use the same web view of the native OS

• iOS = UIWebView

• Android = android.webkit.WebView























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Cordova The UI layer is a web browser view

• 100% width

• 100% height

Headless web browser

• No URL bar

• No decorations

• No zooming

• No text selection

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Can I use HTML5, JS and CSS libraries I use everyday?

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How does Cordova work?

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Features coverage

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When Cordova API is not enough...

Sometimes PhoneGap is not enough as is for our purposes

• unsupported feature

• heavyweight data processing is faster in native code

ex. images manipulation

• background processing is better handled natively

ex. files sync

• complex business logic

You can develop a Cordova plugin

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Cordova plugins


To expose a Phone native functionality to the browser

This is done by developing

• a custom Native Component

it will be different for each platform

• a custom JavaScript API

it should be always the same

Mobile Web app

JavaScript Plugin A

JavaScript Plugin B

iOS Plugin A

iOS Plugin B

Native Platform

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Cordova plugin architecture

Since the 3.0 version, Cordova has a slim core with only the very basic native to web bridge technology

All other APIs are optionally installable

Plugins are installed and removed using the Cordova CLI instrument

Developers Can compose a version of PhoneGap suited to their project needs

Cordova contributors Can revision APIs independently + it is easier to upgrade and extend APIs

Users Smaller and faster apps

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Cordova plugin architecture

Cordova core is now composed of 17 repos

Comparing it to the old plugin architecture...























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Examples of available plugins

Please, notice the upload dates

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• The Cordova framework

• Recurrent app architecture

• Cordova CLI

• Debugging Cordova applications

• My development environment

• Cordova APIs

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Recurrent app architecture

The app acts as a client for user interaction

The app communicates with an application server to receive data

The application server handles business logic and communicates with a back-end data repository


Application server

Data repository

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The app

It generally uses the single-page application model

• the application logic is inside a single HTML page

• this page is never unloaded from memory

• data will be displayed by updating the HTML DOM

• data is retrieved from the application server using Ajax

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The server

It is a classical web server

• server-side scripting language such as Java, .NET, PHP, etc…

• communication can be based on:

- RESTful services (XML, JSON, etc.)


• it performs business logic, and generally gets or pushes data from a separate repository

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The data repository

It may be:

• a standard DB (even deployed in the same machine of the application server)

• an external API

Both application server and back-end repository can be provided as a service BaaS

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• The Cordova framework

• Recurrent app architecture

• Cordova CLI

• Debugging Cordova applications

• My development environment

• Cordova APIs

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Cordova CLI

The main tool to use for the cross-platform workflow

It allows you to:

• create new projects

• add platforms

• build a project w.r.t. different platforms

• emulate a project on platform-specific emulators

• run a project on device

• include specific plugins into a project

CLI = Command-Line Interface

If you prefer to use platform-specific SDKs, you can still use it

to initialize your project

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Creates template project

• PATH the folder that will contain your project

• ID package identifier in reverse-domain style (optional)

• NAME display name of the app (optional)

Project creation

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The create command creates a

predefined project structure

• merges a mirror of the www folder containing platform-specific assets

• platforms platform specific projects (ex. an Eclipse project for Android, XCode for iOS)

• plugins installed plugins (both JS files and native resources)

• www contains your HTML, JS, CSS files

Project structure

config.xml contains core Cordova API features, plugins, and platform-specific settings. See here for the iOS values:

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With this command you add a target platform of your project.

The platform will appear as subfolder of platforms containing the platform-specific project mirroring the www folder


the name of the platform (e.g., ios, android, wp8)

Add platforms

If you do something like this:

cordova platform remove ios

you are removing a specific platform

You can use an SDK such as Eclipse or Xcode to open the project you created

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This generates platform-specific code within the project's platforms subdirectory


the name of the platform to be built (e.g., ios, android, wp8)

Build the app

If you do not specify the PLATFORM_NAME, Cordova will build for all installed platforms

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The emulate command will run the app on a platform-specific emulator

The run command will run the app on a previously setup device (e.g., connected via USB and configured for being used as device for testing purposes)


the name of the platform to be built (e.g., ios, android, wp8)

emulate/run the app

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This generates platform-specific code within the project's platforms subdirectory


the id of the repository containing the source code of the plugin to be added to the project

add plugins

If you do something like this: cordova plugin remove PLUGIN_NAME

you are removing a specific plugin

The list of plugins can be found here

If the plugin you want to add is not in the registry, you can directly refer to the URL of his GitHub repository

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Sometimes it may happen to need different JavaScript code, CSS stylesheets or generic assets for a specific platform

ex. Android-specific CSS stylesheet

iOS-specific assets for managing the back button graphics


In these cases you can put the platform-specific assets into the merges/PLATFORM_NAME folder

Cordova’s build command will take care of integrating them in your deployed app for the specific platform

Platform custom code

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• The Cordova framework

• Recurrent app architecture

• Cordova CLI

• Debugging Cordova applications

• My development environment

• Cordova APIs

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The killer app!

• Check console

• Breakpoints

• Update the DOM at run-time

• Access to all local DBs

• Network profiling

• CPU and memory profiling

• Monitor event listeners

• Monitor elements’ rendering time

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Desktop Browser

• very quick

• very handy functions

• see Chrome’s Web Development Tools

• Breakpoints


• browsers’ small differences and bugs

• cannot test all Cordova’s specific functionalities

• you need Phonegap shims


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Desktop Browser

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Chrome Security Restriction

If you need to test your JSON calls from a local web app, you need to relax Chrome’s security policies with respect to local files access and cross-domain resources access


open -a Google\ --args “ --disable-web-security“

• Windows

chrome.exe --disable-web-security


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Desktop Browser - Tools

Browser’s extension for window dimensions

Resolution Test

PhoneGap Shims, there are many, this is the most used:


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• very quick

• can use Chrome’s Web Development Tools

• You can test Cordova’s API from the Desktop

• browsers’ small differences and bugs

• cannot test the interaction with external apps



It is based on Ripple, a Chrome plugin for mobile dev

from Cordova 3.0.0, you need to use the Ripple available at Apache

npm install -g ripple-emulator

ripple emulate

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Apache Ripple

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• Officially supported by platform vendors

• You use the “real” device’s browser


• device’s performance is not considered

• this is iOS-specific

• Android’s emulator is a joke

• device’s capabilities are only simulated


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On device

• accurate

• still handy

• real performance tests

• real browser tests


• Deployment takes some time (~6 seconds for iOS)


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Remote Debugging

From iOS 6, Apple provided Mobile Safari with a remote web inspector

You can debug your app by using the classical web inspector of Desktop Safari

It can connect both to

• The iOS emulator

• The real device

Since Android 4.4, this feature is available via Chrome’s web dev kit

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Remote Debugging for older platforms


3 main components:

Debug Server

the HTTP server for debug data

Debug Target

the (web) app you are debugging

Debug Client

the Web Inspector user interface

Public debug server:

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Debugging reference table

Make a favor to yourself, don’t debug craftsman way:

console.log() + alert()

iOS Android

Desktop Browser ✓ ✓

Ripple ✓ ✓

Device/emulator ✓ ✓

Weinre ✓ ✓

Safari Web Inspector

✓ X

Chrome Web Inspector

X ✓

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• The Cordova framework

• Recurrent app architecture

• Cordova CLI

• Debugging Cordova applications

• My development environment and workflow

• Cordova APIs

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My development environment

Sublime Text 2

SublimeText Package Control

Sidebar Enhancer

HTML Prettify



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My development workflow

1. Code & test using Ripple (very quick)

Quick sketch of layout and complete business logic

2. Run and debug in the XCode simulator (handy & accurate)

Complete the UI for iOS devices and ~99% confidence about business logic

3. Run and debug on devices (complete control & confidence)

Complete the UI for Android too and ~99% confidence about business logic

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These are MY development environment and development workflow

There are many tools and IDEs out there

Consider this as a starting point & feel free to use the ones that fit well with your attitude

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• The Cordova framework

• Recurrent app architecture

• Cordova CLI

• Debugging Cordova applications

• My development environment

• Cordova APIs

• Accelerometer • Geolocation • Compass • Capturing audio and video & camera • Media playback • Contacts • Connection • Device information • Events • Notification • Local Storage • File system access • Globalization • In-app browser • Splashscreen

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It is a global object that captures device motion in the x, y, and z directions

You can call 3 methods on it:





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getCurrentAcceleration(win, fail);

It gets the current acceleration along the x, y, and z axis


callback function with an Acceleration parameter


error callback

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watchAcceleration var watchID = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(win, fail, [options]);

It gets the device's current acceleration at a regular interval


callback function with an Acceleration parameter, it is called at regular intervals


error callback


the interval is specified in the frequency parameter

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clearWatch clearWatch(watchID);

Stop watching the Acceleration referenced by the watch ID parameter


ID returned by accelerometer.watchAcceleration

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The Acceleration object

It contains accelerometer data captured at a specific point in time


x (Number): Amount of acceleration on the x-axis. (in m/s^2)

y (Number): Amount of acceleration on the y-axis. (in m/s^2)

z (Number): Amount of acceleration on the z-axis. (in m/s^2)

timestamp (DOMTimestamp): Creation timestamp in milliseconds

these values include the effect of gravity (9.81 m/s^2)

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Accelerometer example var options = { frequency: 3000 }; var watchID = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(win, fail, options); function win(acc) { if((acc.x == 0) && (acc.y == 0) && (acc.z == 9,81)) { console.log(“I am on a table”); stop(); } else { console.log(“Please, leave me on the table”); } } function fail() { console.log(“error”); } function stop() { if(watchID) { navigator.accelerometer.clearWatch(watchID); watchID = null; } }

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Shake detection var previousReading = {x: null, y: null, z: null}; navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(function (reading) { var changes = {}, threshold = 30; if (previousReading.x !== null) { changes.x = Math.abs(previousReading.x, reading.x); changes.y = Math.abs(previousReading.y, reading.y); changes.z = Math.abs(previousReading.z, reading.z); } if (changes.x + changes.y + changes.z > (threshold * 3)) { console.log(“shake detected”); } previousReading = { x: reading.x, y: reading.y, z: reading.z } }, errorCallback, { frequency: 300 });

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Geolocation refers to geospatial data collection and manipulation

ex. LatLon calculations, geocoding, etc.

Mapping refers to the activity of creating a map through some cartographic works

ex. maps, layers, markers, routes, etc.


In Cordova you can use any JS library for maps: GMaps, Leaflet, Bing Maps,

Cordova plugins for native maps

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The API itself is agnostic of the underlying location information sources

Common sources of location information include

• Global Positioning System (GPS)

• location info from IP address, RFID, WiFi,GSM cell IDs, etc.

This API is based on the W3C Geolocation API Specification, and only executes on devices that don't already provide an implementation

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You can call 3 methods on it:

• getCurrentPosition

• watchPosition

• clearWatch

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getCurrentPosition(win, [fail], [options]);

It returns the device's current position


callback function with an Position parameter


error callback


geolocation options

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watchPosition var id = watchPosition(win, [fail], [options]);

It gets the device's position when a change in position has been detected


callback function with an Position parameter


error callback


geolocation options

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clearWatch clearWatch(watchID);

Stop watching the position referenced by the watch ID parameter


ID returned by geolocation.watchPosition

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enableHighAccuracy (Boolean)

receive the best possible results (e.g., GPS)

* by default Cordova uses network-based methods

timeout (Number)

the maximum length of time (msec) that is allowed to pass from the call until the corresponding callback is invoked, otherwise the error callback is called

maximumAge (Number)

accept a cached position whose age is no greater than the specified time in milliseconds

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The Position object

Contains the data created by the geolocation API

It is passed as argument to the success callbacks of getCurrentPosition and watchPosition


• coords: a set of properties that describe the geographic coordinates of a position

• timestamp: creation timestamp as a Date object

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The Coordinates object


latitude (Number)

latitude in decimal degrees

longitude (Number)

longitude in decimal degrees

accuracy (Number)

accuracy level of the latitude and longitude coordinates in meters

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The Coordinates object

altitude (Number)

height of the position in meters above the ellipsoid

altitudeAccuracy (Number)

accuracy level of the altitude coordinate in meters

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The Coordinates object

heading (Number)

direction of travel, specified in degrees counting clockwise relative to the true north

speed (Number)

current ground speed of the device, specified in meters per second

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The PositionError object

Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed position capture operation

It contains a pre-defined error code




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Geolocation Example

var options = { maximumAge: 3000, timeout: 5000, enableHighAccuracy: true }; navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(win, fail, options); function win(pos) { var el = ‘<div>Latitude: ‘ + pos.coords.latitude + '</div>'); el += ‘<div>Longitude: ‘ + pos.coords.longitude + '</div>'); el += ‘<div>timestamp: ‘ + pos.timestamp + '</div>'); $(‘#block’).html(el); } function fail(err) { console.log(err.code); }

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You can call 3 methods on it:

• getCurrentHeading

• watchHeading

• clearWatch


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getCurrentHeading(win, [fail], [options]);

It detects the direction or heading that the device is pointed from the top of the device


callback function with an Heading parameter


error callback


compass options

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watchHeading var id = watchHeading(win, [fail], [options]);

It gets the device's heading at a regular interval


callback function with an Heading parameter


error callback


compass options

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clearWatch clearWatch(watchID);

Stop watching the heading of the device by referencing the watchID parameter


ID returned by heading.watchHeading

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frequency (Number)

How often to retrieve the compass heading in milliseconds

filter (Number)

in iOS the success callback of a watchHeading call can also be called once the sensed heading values are greater than a given filter

the filter option represents the change in degrees required to initiate a watchHeading success callback

iOS only

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The CompassHeading object Properties

magneticHeading (Number)

the heading in degrees from 0-359.99 at a single moment in time

trueHeading (Number)

The heading relative to the geographic North Pole

headingAccuracy (Number)

the deviation in degrees between the reported heading and the true heading

timestamp (Number)

The time at which this heading was determined in milliseconds

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The CompassError object

Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed heading capture operation

It contains a pre-defined error code



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Compass example

var options = { frequency: 2000 }; navigator.compass.watchHeading(win, fail, options); function win(compass) { console.log(compass.magneticHeading); } function fail(err) { console.log(err.code); }

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Provides access for capturing directly from the device




Capturing Audio and Video

Omogeneous APIs between audio, image, and video capturing based on a W3C specification

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Supported formats

The navigator.device.capture object the supported formats it can record in three properties


The audio recording formats supported by the device


The recording image sizes and formats supported by the device


The recording video resolutions and formats supported by the device

They all contain an array of ConfigurationData objects

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The ConfigurationData object

It is used to describe media capture modes supported by the device


type (String)

the string in lower case representing the media type

height (Number)

the height of the image or video in pixels

width (Number)

the height of the image or video in pixels

ex. • video/3gpp • video/quicktime • image/jpeg • audio/amr • audio/wav

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Supported format example

var imageModes = navigator.device.capture.supportedImageModes; for each (var mode in imageModes) { console.log(mode.type); console.log(mode.height); console.log(mode.width); }

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Audio capture

captureAudio(win, [fail], [options]);

Starts the audio recorder app and returns information about captured audio clip files


callback function with an array of MediaFile parameter


error or when the users cancels the capture operation before capturing any media file


compass options

It uses the device's default audio recording app

The operation allows the device user to capture multiple recordings in a single session

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limit (Number)

the maximum number of audio clips the user can record in a single capture operation

duration (Number)

the maximum duration of an audio sound clip, in seconds

not supported in iOS

not supported in Android

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Audio capture example

var options = { limit: 2, duration: 5 }; navigator.device.capture.captureAudio(win, fail, options); function win(mediaFiles) { var i; for (i=0; i<mediaFiles.length; i++) { console.log(mediaFiles[i]); } } function fail(error) { console.log(‘Error with code: ' + error.code); }

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Image capture

captureImage(win, [fail], [options]);

Start the camera application and return information about captured image file(s)


callback function with an array of MediaFile parameter


error or when the users cancels the capture operation before capturing any media file


compass options

It uses the device's default camera app

The operation allows the device user to capture multiple images in a single session

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limit (Number)

the maximum number of photos the user can take in a single capture operation

not supported in iOS

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Video capture

captureVideo(win, [fail], [options]);

Start the camera application and return information about captured video file(s)


callback function with an array of MediaFile parameter


error or when the users cancels the capture operation before capturing any media file


compass options

It uses the device's default camera app

The operation allows the device user to capture multiple videos in a single session

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limit (Number)

the maximum number of videos the user can take in a single capture operation

duration (Number)

the maximum duration of each video, in seconds

not supported in iOS

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The MediaFile object

A MediaFile encapsulates properties of a media capture file


name (String): the name of the file, without path information

fullPath (String) : the full path of the file, including the name

type (String): The file's mime type

lastModifiedDate (Date): the date and time that the file was last modified

size (Number): the size of the file, in bytes

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MediaFile format data

mediaFile.getFormatData(win, [fail]);

It is used to get information about the format of a captured media file


callback function with a MediaFileData parameter


error callback

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The MediaFileData object

Encapsulates format information about a media file


codecs (String): The actual format of the audio and video content

bitrate (Number) : The average bitrate of the content (zero for images)

height (Number): the height of the image or video in pixels (zero for audio clips)

width (Number): the width of the image or video in pixels (zero for audio clips)

duration (Number): the length of the video or sound clip in seconds (zero for images)

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Capture Error

Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed media capture operation

It contains a pre-defined error code






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It provides an home-grown API for capturing images from the device’s default camera application

It is developed in-house by Cordova in order to provide more options to developers




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MediaFile format data

camera.getPicture(win, [fail], [options]);

Takes a photo using the camera or retrieves a photo from the device's album


callback function with a image data parameter


error callback


capture parameters

The result of getPicture can be: • a base64 encoded string • the URI of an image file Encoding the image using Base64 can cause memory issues on some devices

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getPicture options

getPicture() can be called with the following options

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getPicture options quality (Number)

quality of saved image Range [0, 100]

allowEdit (boolean)

allow simple editing of the image before selection

destinationType (Number)

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getPicture options sourceType (Number)

encodingType (Number)

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getPicture options mediaType (Number)

correctOrientation (boolean)

Rotate the image to correct for the orientation of the device during capture

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getPicture options saveToPhotoAlbum (boolean)

Save the image to the photo album on the device after capture

popoverOptions (object)

iPad only

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getPicture options targetWidth, targetHeight (Number)

width/height in pixels to scale image

cameraDirection (Number)

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MediaFile format data

camera.cleanup(win, [fail]);

Removes intermediate photos taken by the camera from temporary storage


callback function


error callback

Valid only when • the value of Camera.sourceType === Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA • the Camera.destinationType === Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI

iOS only

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Camera example

var options = { quality: 50, destinationType: destinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: pictureSource.PHOTOLIBRARY });, fail, options); function win(imageURI) { var element = $(“#block”); element.src(imageURI); } function fail (error) { console.log(error); // this is provided by the device’s native code }

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The Media object provides the ability to record and play back audio files on a device

Media playback

It does not adhere to any W3C specification, it is just a convenience API provided by Cordova

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The Media object

var media = new Media(src, win, [fail], [status]);

src (String): A URI containing the audio content

The URI can be local or can be a URL addressable by a standard HTTP get request

win: callback executed when the object executes a play, record, or stop action

fail: error callback

status: callback executed to indicate status changes

Media status possible parameters: • Media.MEDIA_NONE = 0; • Media.MEDIA_STARTING = 1; • Media.MEDIA_RUNNING = 2; • Media.MEDIA_PAUSED = 3; • Media.MEDIA_STOPPED = 4;

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Media methods

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Media Error

Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed media operation

It contains a pre-defined error code





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Media example

var media = new Media(“http://path/to/mp3”, win, fail); // every second we log the position var myTimer = setInterval(function () { media.getCurrentPosition( function (position) { if (position > -1) { console.log((position) + " seconds"); } }); }, 1000); function stopAudio() {

if (media) {




myTimer = null;


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A global object that provides access to the device contacts DB

You can call 2 methods on navigator.contacts

• contacts.create

• contacts.find


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Creating contacts


One of the few synchronous functions of Cordova

It that returns a new Contact object

The properties parameter is a map of properties of the new Contact object

To persist the Contact object to the device, you have to invoke the method

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The Contact object It contains all the properties that a contact can have

Every platform has its own quirks, you better check them on the Cordova documentation

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The Contact object

A contact object provides the following methods:


returns a new Contact object that is a deep copy of the calling object, its id property is null

remove(win, fail)

removes the contact from the device contacts database

save(win, fail)

saves a new contact to the device contacts database

updates an existing contact if a contact with the same id already exists

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Create contact example

var contact = navigator.contacts.create({ "displayName": “Ivano“ }); var name = new ContactName(); name.givenName = “Ivano“; name.familyName = “Malavolta“; = name; contact.birthday = new Date(“19 July 1983");, fail); function win(contact) { console.log("Save Success"); }; function fail(contactError) { console.log("Error = " + contactError.code); };

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Finding contacts

navigator.contacts.find(fields, win, fail, options);

It queries the device contacts database and returns an array of Contact objects

fields: contact fields to be used as search qualifier. Only these fields will have values in the resulting Contact objects

win: callback function with the array of contacts returned from the contacts database

fail: error callback

fail: search options to filter contacts

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Contact fields

Specifies which fields should be included in the Contact objects resulting from a find operation

var fields = ["displayName", "name"]; // or [“*”] navigator.contacts.find(fields, win, fail); function win(contacts) { console.log(‘ok'); }; function fail(err) { console.log(err.code); };

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Contact find options

Contains properties that can be used to filter the results

filter (String)

the search string used to find contacts, a case-insensitive, partial value match is applied to each field specified in the contactFields parameter

multiple (Boolean)

determines if the find operation should return multiple contacts

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Contact Error

Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed lookup operation in the contacts DB

It contains a pre-defined error code








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Contact find example

var options = new ContactFindOptions(); options.filter = “Ivano"; options.multiple = true; filter = ["displayName",“birthday"]; navigator.contacts.find(filter, win, fail, options); function win(contacts) { for (var i=0; i<contacts.length; i++) { console.log(contacts[i].displayName); } }; function fail(contactError) { console.log("Error = " + contactError.code); };

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provides information about the device's cellular and wifi connection

it is synchronous and very fast

You can access a single property

• connection.type


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Encapsulates the error code resulting from a failed lookup operation in the contacts DB










iOS can't detect the type of cellular network connection, it will return always Connection.CELL_2G

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Contains information about the device’s hardware and software

It is assigned to the window global object

Device information

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Device properties

A device object provides the following properties:


the name of the device's model or product (ex. “iPad 2”, “iPhone 5,1”, etc.)


the version of Cordova running on the device


the devices’ operating system (ex. “Android”, “iOS”, etc.)

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Device properties


a unique identifier of the user’s device (UUID)

Android: a unique 64-bit integer generated at device’s first boot

iOS: a string of hash values created from multiple hardware identifies


the OS version of the device (ex. “4.1”, “2.2”, etc.)

in iOS it is not reliable: The uuid on iOS is not unique to a device, but varies for each application, for each installation

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Device information example

function getDeviceInfo() { var element = document.getElementById('deviceProperties'); element.innerHTML = 'Device Model: ' + device.model + '<br />' + 'Device Cordova: ' + device.cordova + '<br />' + 'Device Platform: ' + device.platform + '<br />' + 'Device UUID: ' + device.uuid + '<br />' + 'Device Version: ' + device.version + '<br />'; }

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An event is an action that can be detected by your JavaScript code

In traditional JS programs, any element of the page can have certain events

ontouchstart, onclick, ...

To use any event, you’ll want to use an event listener

document.addEventListener(EVENTNAME, callback, false);


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Cordova events

• deviceready

• pause, resume

• online, offline

• batterycritical, batterylow, batterystatus

• backbutton, menubutton, searchbutton

• startcallbutton, endcallbutton

• volumedownbutton, volumeupbutton these work on Blackberry 10 only

Android buttons events

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It is the most important in event in a Cordova app

Once deviceready is fired, you know two things:

• The DOM has loaded

• the Cordova native API are loaded too

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App lifecycle events

Based on two main events:


fires when an application is put into the background


fires when a paused application is put back into the foreground

resign, active

iOS-specific events that are triggered when the users locks/unlocks the device

In the pause handler, any calls to the Cordova API or to native plugins that go through Objective-C do not work,, they are only processed when the app resumes.

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Connection events

Based on two main events:


fires when the application's network connection changes to being online (that is, it is connected to the Internet)


fires when the application's network connection changes to being offline (that is, no Internet connection available)

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Battery events

Based on two main events:


fires when the battery has reached the critical level threshold


similar to batterycritical, but with a higher threeshold


fires a change in the battery status is detected

This value is device-specific

The battery status must change of at least 1%

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Battery events

The handler of a battery event is always called with an object that contains two properties:

level (Integer)

The percentage of battery (0-100)

isPlugged (Boolean)

true if the device is plugged to the battery charger

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Allows yout to provide feedback to the user

• alert

• confirm

• prompt

• beep

• vibrate


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navigator.notification.alert(message, callback, [title], [button]);

Shows a custom alert to the user

• message: the string to present to the user

• callback: the function invoked when the user taps on the button

• title: title of the alert (default is “Alert”)

• button: name of the confirm button (default is “Ok”)

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navigator.notification.alert(message, callback, [title], [buttons]);

Similarly to alert, it shows a customizable confirmation dialog to the user

• message: the string to present to the user

• callback: the function invoked when the dialog is dismissed

it takes a “buttonIndex“ parameter to know which button has been pressed (it starts from 1)

• title: title of the dialog (default is “Confirm”)

• buttons: comma-separated string containing the button labels (default is “Ok, Cancel”)

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Prompt navigator.notification.prompt(message, callback, [title], [buttons], [text]);

It shows a customizable dialog with a prompt to the user

• message: the string to present to the user

• callback: the function invoked when the dialog is dismissed

it takes a “results“ parameter to know which button has been pressed (it starts from 1) and the text entered by the user

• title: title of the dialog (default is “Prompt”)

• buttons: comma-separated string containing the button labels (default is “Ok, Cancel”)

• text: default text in the input box

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It playes a beep sound

• times (Number): the number of times to repeat the beep

Android plays the default "Notification ringtone" specified under the "Settings/Sound & Display" panel

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It vibrates the device

• milliseconds (Number): the duration of the vibration

iOS ignores the milliseconds parameter, it always vibrates for a fixed amount of time

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There are 4 ways to store data locally in Cordova:

• Web storage

• Local Storage

• Session Storage

• WebSQL

• Indexed DB

• File System Access

Local storage and file system access

Web storage, WebSQL, and IndexedDB conform to W3C specifications and are provided by the browser itself

File system access API conforms to its corresponding W3C specification

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Web Storage


stores data in key/value pairs

persists across browser sessions


stores data in key/value pairs

data is erased when a browser session ends

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relational DB

support for tables creation, insert, update, …


persists across browser sessions

Its evolution is called IndexedDB

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It provides you a structured SQL relational database

You have to setup a DB schema

You can then perform classical SQL queries

tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM User“, [], function(tx, result) { // callback code });

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• It tries to combine Web Storage and WebSQL

• You can save data as key/value pairs

• You can define multiple DBs

• Good Performance

data is indexed

asynchronous it does not block the UI

You can see a store as a big SQL table with only key/value pairs you don’t need to define a schema upfront

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File System

• you can access files locally to your app

• supports main FS operations

creation, move, delete, rename, etc.

• it is not transactional

• persists across browser sessions

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You will likely use more than one API in combination

Use the right API for the right job

Web Storage

• it is not transactional race conditions

• very simple API, no schema

• only String data performance issues for complex data due to JSON serialization

• session storage will be cleared after the app is closed

• limited quota

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SQL-based fast and efficient

transactional more robust

asynchronous does not block the UI

rigid data structure data integrity vs agility

limited quota

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simple data model easy to use

transactional more robust

asynchronous does not block the UI

good search performance indexed data

data is unstructured integrity problems

limited quota

not supported by every platform (e.g., iOS)

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File System

asynchronous does not block the UI

not transactional

indexing and search are not built-in you have to implement your lookup functions

unlimited quota useful for images, videos, documents, etc.

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Platforms support

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About quotas...

Local Storage

~ 10Mb

Session Storage

~ 10Mb


~ 50-80Mb (depends on the device)

Indexed DB

~ 50-80Mb (depends on the device)

File system


Native DB


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What is not covered in this talk

• Cordova Native Platform Dev workflow & Plugman

• Cordova’s less important or already known APIs:

• Splashscreen

• local storage & File API details

• InAppBrowser

• Globalization

• PhoneGap Build

• How to develop a plugin

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+ 39 380 70 21 600 Contact Ivano Malavolta | DISIM


[email protected]