copyright 2003 by hongyu xu mahalanobis distance based artmap networks master thesis supervisor:...

Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science San Diego State University October 16, 2003

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Page 1: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks

Master Thesis

Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic

Hongyu Xu

Department of Computer ScienceSan Diego State University

October 16, 2003

Page 2: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

2Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu


Taxonomy of pattern recognition Gaussian mixture model Taxonomy of ART networks ART and ARTMAP Gaussian ARTMAP Mahalanobis distance based ARTMAP MART Merging ellipsoids Experiments

Page 3: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

3Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Approaches in Pattern Recognition

Bayes’ Classifier

Bayes’ Classifier

Neural networksNeural networks

Single layer Perceptrons

Single layer Perceptrons

Probability density estimation

Parzen window

Multilayer Perceptrons

Multilayer Perceptrons

K-nearest neighbor

Mixture model

Feed forward Feed forward


Recurrent Recurrent

Basis functions

Maximum likelihood

Bayesian inference

Pattern recognition

Pattern recognition




Mixture model

Radial Basis Function

Radial Basis Function

Page 4: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

4Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Mixture model is a semi-parametric method of estimating probability density function.

In such model, a density function is formed from a linear

combination of M basis functions.

The concept of mixture model can be applied separately to each class. Thus a class conditional probability density function is given by:

Where is label of cluster j. is array of labels indexed by k .

Gaussian Mixture Model

, ( )

( | ) ( | ) ( )k

kj L j

p p j P j

x x

( )L j


( ) ( | ) ( )M


p p j P j

x x

# of mixture models = # of the classes

Page 5: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

5Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Gaussian Mixture Model (Cont.)

12 1

2/ 2

( | ) ,(2 )



Qp j e


( )kjP j N N

Here we only consider Gaussian mixture model. An example: a 2 –D, two classes Gaussian mixture models

In each model, cluster conditional pdf of x is given by :

Prior probability of cluster j in mixture model is given by:

where is inverse covariance matrix of

cluster j , and is

Mahalanobis distance from x to cluster j .

jQ( ) ( )Tj j j jt x -w Q x -w

( It is the ratio of the number of patterns enclosed by cluster j to the total number of patterns represented by the mixture model of . )k


Page 6: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

6Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Thus, classification based on the Gaussian mixture model follows:

The class conditional pdf of x is given by :

, ( )

( | ) ( | ) ( )k

kj L j

p p j P j

x x

According to Bayes’ theorem, the posterior probability of class is :k( | ) ( )

( | )( )k k


p PP




( )kkP N N where:

Gaussian Mixture Model (Cont.)

where is the ratio of the number patterns

enclosed by cluster j to the total number of patterns.

1 , ( )

arg max ( | ) ( )k

jk C j L j

J p j P c


( )j jP c N N

Page 7: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

7Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu


What is ART?

ART stands for Adaptive Resonance Theory networks.

ART incorporates Leader – Follower algorithm into parallel network architecture and employs set operations into activation and match function.

Why ART?

The research at this area was motivated by the need of a real-time, incremental learning classifier.

ART characterizes self-organized, incremental, fast learning ability.

ART performs well in numerous benchmarks.

The initial effort at ART research was encouraging.

Page 8: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

8Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Important ART Networks

ART Networks Grossberg, 1976

ART Networks Grossberg, 1976

Unsupervised ART Learning

Unsupervised ART Learning

supervised ART Learning

supervised ART Learning


Carpenter & Grossberg,



Carpenter & Grossberg,


Fuzzy ART

Carpenter & Grossberg,


Fuzzy ART

Carpenter & Grossberg,



Carpenter & Grossberg,



Carpenter & Grossberg,



Carpenter & Grossberg,



Carpenter & Grossberg,


Gaussian ARTMAP


Gaussian ARTMAP


Simplified ART

Baraldi & Alpaydin, 1998

Simplified ART

Baraldi & Alpaydin, 1998

Simplified ARTMAP

Kasuba, 1993

Simplified ARTMAP

Kasuba, 1993

Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP

Vuskovic & Du, 2001, Vuskovic, Xu & Du, 2002

Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP

Vuskovic & Du, 2001, Vuskovic, Xu & Du, 2002

Page 9: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

9Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu



1n 2n Cn

Output J

0x Input Layer





Architecture of a simplified ART


while (X not empty) Learning loop

{ get x; Get a pattern from X

new = true;

loop j = 1,C

Compute activation

loop i = 1,C Search for resonance

{ Find candidate

if resonance occurs

{ Update the template

new = false

break; } Stop the search


Suppress the candidate

} NEWNODE(new); Create new node


( , )j jt T x w

arg max jj C


( , )JM x w

: ( , )J JUw x w


Sequential implementation of ART

if new == true



: 1C C

:C w x: CW W w

Page 10: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

10Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

T(): choice, or activation function. The measure of degree of resemblance of an input with a template.

M(): match function. The measure of degree of resemblance of a template with an

input. Resonance happens when M > .

U(): update function. Update a template if it resonances with a pattern.

is learning rate.

is bitwise AND operator, is fuzzy AND operator, and is norm

operator defined by .

Functions Used in ART

( , )j




x wx w

w( , )



x w

x wx

( , ) (1 ) ( )j j jU x w w x w

( , )j




x wx w

w( , )



x w

x wx

( , ) (1 ) ( )j j jU x w w x w

ART-1(Binary pattern) ART-2(Fuzzy pattern)







, ,


Page 11: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

11Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Geometric interpretation of fuzzy ART with fast learning and compliment coding

0J i iR x x

1 2 1 2( , ) ( , ,1 ,1 )c x x x x I x x

( , )cj j jw u v

Input (complement coding):

Weight vector is given by:

( ) ( )( )k ix x

( ) ( )( )k ix x


Encoded with one pattern

Encoded with two patterns


Each category has a geometric representation as a rectangle .The size

of is defined by .


jR j j jR u v

Page 12: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

12Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Geometric interpretation of fuzzy ART (Cont.)

min :j iix has been coded by category j x x

max :j iix has been coded by category j x x

The template is given by: ,c

j j j w x x

In general, if x has dimension D, the hyper rectangle includes the two vertices and , where:

j x j xjR

The following relationship can be easily derived:

j jR D w and (1 )jR D

Page 13: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

13Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Sequential Algorithm of ARTMAP…………..

Loop j =1,C

loop j = 1,C Search for resonance

{ Find template with highest activation value

if label matches


if { And the resonance occurs

; Update the template

new = false; No new node needed

break; Stop the search for the resonant node

} else

} If label or distance don't match

else {

; Reset its activation value, so J will not be elected

; Match tracking triggered

} Continue search for resonant node

} NEWNODE(new); Create new node if needed


argmax ;jj CJ T

( ) ( )Jlabel labelw x

( , )JM x w

: ( , )J JUw x w




if new == true



: 1C C

:C w x

: CW W w

( ) : ( )Jlabel labelw x

( , )j jt T x w

Page 14: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

14Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Gaussian ARTMAP GA employs Gaussian distribution into choice, and match

function proposed by Williamson in1995



1 1

1( ) log 2 ( | ) ( ) log log ( )


DDD ji i

j jii jji

w xT p j P j P j

x x

Choice function:

Match function:


1 1

1( , ) ( ) ln ln ( )


DDi Ji

Jii iJi

x wM J T P J

x x

2 2

: 1;

: (1 ) ; 1, 2,...,

(1 ) ( ) 1:


Ji J Ji J i

J Ji J Ji i JJi

n n

w w x i D

w x n

Update function:

1J Jn Where,

Page 15: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

15Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Gaussian ARTMAP (cont.)

Classification function:

, ( ) , ( )

( | ) | exp ( , , )k k

k k j jj L j j L j


x x x w σ arg max ( | )k

kclass P


Advantage: solve category proliferation caused by noise. better generalization and representation of category.

Disadvantage: less efficient representation than general ellipsoids.

Page 16: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

16Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP

• Vuskovic, M.I. and Du, S. Classification of EMG patterns with simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP networks. Proceeding of the 2002 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Networks, Honolulu, HI, May 12-17, 2002.

• Vuskovic, M.I, Xu, H., and Du, S. Simplified ARTMAP Network Based on Mahalanobis distance. Proceeding of the 2002 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Science, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 27-27, 2002.

• Xu, H., Valafar, F and Vuskovic, M. Prediction of Sickle Cell Anemia Patient’s Response to Hydroxyurea Treatment Using ARTMAP. Proceeding of the 2003 International Conference on Mathematics and Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological Science, Las Vegas, Nevada, June 23-26, 2003.

Page 17: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

17Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu


Loop j =1,C

{ if


Find closest template for x

if Resonance occurs


update w and Q

new = false; No new node needed

} NEWNODE(new); Create new node if needed


if new == true



Sequential Learning Algorithm of MART

: 1C C

: CW W w

( ) ( )Jlabel labelw x

( , )j jt T x w

argmin jj C

J t


( , , ) : ( , , , )J J J J J JN U Nw Q w Q x

:C w x

( ) : ( )Jlabel labelw x

Only the templates with the same label as input will be activated.

vigilance remains constant

Activation and match function are made the same, thus searching loop is not needed

Page 18: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

18Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

(Inverse covariance matrix is initialized with: )

Functions Used in MART


1: ( )TJ J J Jt

Q Q g g

Activation and Match function:

( , ) ( , ) ( ) ( )Tj j j j j jt T M x w x w x w Q x w

Update function:

: (1 )J J J J w w x

( )J J Jg Q x -w

: 1J JN N

where: 1 21

1 11 ( 1) , ,

1 2J







, ( )

, ( )

arg max ( | ) arg max ( | ) ( )

1 1arg max exp ln ln

2 2



kk k j L j

j j jk j L j

class P p j P j

t N

x x





Page 19: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

19Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Recurrent Formula for Computing Q and W


1: ( )T


Q Q gg

1 1 1 -1 1 1( ) ( ) A BC A A B I C A B C AMatrix inversion lemma:

( )


1 ni


w x ( ) ( )


1( )( )


ni i T

n n ni


x w x w

Cluster center and covariance matrix are estimated by:

( 1) ( 1)1

1 2( )( )

1n n T

n n n n

S S x w x w

( 1)1 1(1 ) n

n n w w x

Recurrent formula for computing S and W:

1, 1

1 1


n n


Recurrent formula for computing inverse of S :

1 21

1 1,

1 2


Page 20: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

20Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Architecture of MART (Training Mode)


Input pattern ( with label )

2n 3n Cn u u

Net Manager ( Find the maximum activation value and commit new nodes)




X : FeaturesL : Labelt : Activation valuei : Inhibit / Update / New node signal

ttt i i ii i i

(X,L) (X,L) (X,L) (X,L)


Training Mode

Page 21: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

21Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Architecture of MART (Classification Mode)


Input pattern ( without label ) x

2n 3n Cn

Net Manger ( Find the maximum posterior probability from all categories)


p : Posterior probabilityL : Label




Page 22: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

22Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Merging Ellipsoids

Why merge clusters?

To improve generalization

1 2 34 12 34

Before merging ( the number indicates the coming order of the patterns ):

After merging:

To reduce the output nodes

(1) (2)

Page 23: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

23Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Cluster i and j has the same label.

They are mutually close to each other

They should not have common enemy

where index “e” denotes an enemy cluster, i.e. cluster of different label.

Merging Criterion

( ) ( )Tji j i i j id w w Q w w ( ) ( )T

ij i j j i jd w w Q w w

andji ijd d

orie ied d

Distance of cluster j to cluster i: Distance of cluster i to cluster j:

To merge cluster i to cluster j:

Page 24: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

24Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Illustrate Merging Criterion (1)

Cluster i

Cluster j

iw jw

Cluster iCluster j

iw jw

Cluster j is close to cluster i, but cluster i is not close to cluster j. The two clusters cannot be merged.

Cluster i and cluster j are close to each other and have the same label, therefore, they can be merged.

Page 25: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

25Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Illustrate Merging Criterion (2)

Cluster i Cluster j




Cluster i

Cluster j




Enemy Cluster

Cluster i and cluster j are close to each other. Though cluster j is close to an enemy cluster, because cluster i is not close to the enemy cluster, the two clusters can be merged.

Cluster i and cluster j are close to each other, but because they are also close to a common enemy, they can not be merged.

Page 26: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

26Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Evaluate Merging Algorithm on Circle-in-Square Benchmark (1)

Before merging After merging

Page 27: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

27Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Evaluate Merging Algorithm on Circle-in-Square Benchmark (2)

Before merging After merging

Page 28: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

28Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

# of features


Before merging After mergingChange

of # output nodes

Change of hit rate

# of output nodes

Hit rate %

# of output nodes

Hit rate %


1 687 96.65 352 95.93 -335 -0.72

2 687 96.80 380 96.20 -307 -0.60

3 676 96.73 364 95.58 -312 -1.15

4 657 96.53 356 95.95 -301 -0.58

Average 677 96.67 363 95.91 -314 -0.76


1 578 97.45 262 96.45 -316 -1.0

2 587 97.40 275 96.33 -312 -1.11

3 538 96.92 267 95.80 -271 -1.12

4 555 97.28 267 96.35 -288 -0.93

Average 565 97.26 268 96.23 -297 -1.03

Evaluate Merging Algorithm on Frey-Slate Letter Image Recognition Problem

Page 29: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

29Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Circle-in-Square Benchmark

It is specified as a benchmark in DARPA artificial neural network

technology program to measure a network performance

Description: A square with unit length. A circle covering exactly half area of the square is located at the center of it. The task is to tell whether a data is inside the circle or outside the circle.

Page 30: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

30Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Networks Samples/EpochsHit rate %

(Worse-Best)Output nodes(Best-Worst)


100/2 89.60 12

















Two-layer Back propagation network(with 20 to 40 hidden

neurons) [49]

It takes 5000 epochs to reach the equilibrium state and achieves about 90% hit rate.

Experimental Results on Circle-in-Square benchmark

The result shown here for MART is averaged over 100 independent experiments. Each time with a data set generated from different random seed.

Page 31: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

31Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Letter Recognition Problem

• The database is archived in the UCI Repository of Machine Learning Databases and Domain Theories, maintained by D. Aha and P. Murphy (ml_respsitory@#ics.uci,edu).

• The database consists of 20,000 unique samples. The first 16,000 samples are used for training, and the last 4000 samples are used for testing

• Each pattern consists of 16 features obtained from machine generated images of 26 capital alphabetical characters from A to Z .

• Characters are generated from 20 different fonts.

• The fonts are randomly distorted

Page 32: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

32Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Experimental Results on Letter Recognition Problem

The results show here are averaged over five independent experiments for FA, GA, and MART. Each of them has different training sequence. The results were averaged to produce 1-voter result, and were combined to produce the five-voter results.

# of features

Networks# of

votersEpoch Hit rate % output nodes


FA 5 7 94.85 5,175

GA 5 20 95.95 4208

NN - - 95.80 16,000

MART 1 1 97.52 580


FA 5 20 95.82 5,312

GA 5 20 95.98 5218

NN - - 96.55 16,000

MART 1 3 96.79 872

Page 33: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

33Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Electromyographic Signal (EMG)

• Basic types of finger grasps: cylindrical grasp, spherical grasp, precision grasp (pinch), lateral grasp (key grasp), and hook grasp . In this research, first four categories were recorded. And cylindrical grasps were further divided into big and small grasps, so are spherical grasps.

• The EMG signals were collected from several human subjects with healthy hands. Four electrodes (channels) were placed upon their upper forearms.

• The raw EMG signal of each channel was squared, then passed through a moving average (FIR) filter (Finite Impulse Response Filter) with Hamming windowing function of size 300 ms.

• The amplitude of the first oscillation in each channel was used as a feature.

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34Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Page 35: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

35Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Experimental Results on EMG Signal

# of categorie

sNetworks Hit rate (%) Output nodes


Classical SFAM 85.7 9.4

E-SFAM 86.53 30.1

M-SFAM 94.6 5.2

MART 96.03 4.31


Classical SFAM 61.1 24.3

E-SFAM 60.1 53.7

M-SFAM 77.6 7.0

MART 82.67 6.16

The results shown here are averaged over 100 experiments. E-SFAM stands for Euclidean distance based SFAM. M-SFAM stands for Mahalanobis distance based SFAM.

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36Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu



1(1,3), 2(2,4), 5, 6)


1, 3)

Train_set3(two category







Six-category grasps

1 - larger cylinderical grasp2 - larger sperical grasp3 - small cylinderical grasp4 - small sperical grasp5 - precision grasp6 - lateral grasp





Hierarchical Classification of EMG Patterns

Page 37: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

37Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu



PCA(1,3) PCA(2,4)MART2 MART3

Prediction = 5 or 6 ?


Prediction= 1 ?





Output output



Hierarchical Classification of EMG Patterns

By using hierarchical MART, the hit rate for 6-category EMG is increased to 84.33 %

Page 38: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

38Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Prediction of Sickle Cell Anemia Patients’ Response to HU Treatment

Sickle cell anima is a genetic disorder. The red blood cells (RBC) of the patients are distorted into sickle shape. They stick in narrow blood vessels, blocking the flow of blood.

Sickle cell patients experience severe painful crises. Many sickle cell patients die before the age of 20.

A drug called hydroxyurea (HU) can alivate the syndrome of the disease, but it can also quite toxic.

Our task is to design a classifier which can help the physician to administrate the drug to those who are going to response positively.

The data used in this research is obtained from University of Georgia, Structural Genomics Group. Dr. Homayoun Valafar was responsible for the data collection and preprocessing.

The data contains the information from 92 patients [42]. Each of them contributes 26 parameters.

Page 39: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

39Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Prediction of Sickle Cell Anemia Patients’ Response to HU treatment

Label the data• 15 percent rule: If the final %HbF is over 15% while initial value of %HbF

is under 15% , the patient is labeled as a responder.• Double-rule: If the final HbF is increased at least two times over the initial

value of HbF, the patient is labeled as a responder.

Data preprocessing Remove linear dependency from the features Decrease the dimensionality

Experimental results

The performance of the MART network was evaluated using N-fold or leave-one-out method . Each time a different sample is extracted from the whole data set for testing, while the rest is used for training. This procedure is repeated until all samples have been tested.

Page 40: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

40Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

15% Rule Double Rule

Number of Features 21 8 21 3

Accuracy of Predicting Responders





Accuracy of Predicting Non-Responders





Global Hit Rate 65.79% 67.11% 85.19% 91.36%

Number of Output Nodes 3.01 2.84 6.70 2.04

Prediction of Sickle Cell Anemia Patients’ Response to HU treatment

Interestingly, usage of the subset of the three most significant features (SNBRC, HbF and TotalTx) in case of double rule has given considerably better result. This can be explained by the fact that the other features have practically no relevance and act as noise.

Page 41: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

41Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

The Important Contributions in this Work

Coauthored development of recurrent formula for computing inverse covariance matrix.

Eliminate searching loop for the winner node. Concluded experimentally that classification based on

Gaussian mixture model gives better hit rate than that of Mahalanobis distance.

Confirmed experimentally that variable learning rate is more beneficial than constant learning rate.

The idea of resetting covariance matrix. Designed and evaluated an effective merging algorithm. Applications of MART.

Page 42: Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu Mahalanobis Distance Based ARTMAP Networks Master Thesis Supervisor: Marko Vuskovic Hongyu Xu Department of Computer Science

42Copyright 2003 by Hongyu Xu

Future Work

Treat the plasticity/ stability property of MART theoretically.

Profile the matlab implementation and convert the whole or part of the programs into optimized C/C++.

Extend applications of MART to image processing, acoustic data classification, and micro array data analysis, etc.