coordinator of religious education (cre) religious education … · 04-03-2018  · billy graham...

Page 1 - 229 Assumption B.V.M. Church and Parish Office: 300 State Road West Grove, PA 19390 Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:00 pm Email: [email protected] Web: Facebook: ABVM Parish Community, West Grove, PA Twitter: @ABVM_WestGrove Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm Masses Daily Mass Schedule 6:30 am - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:15 am - Tuesday, Friday Eucharistic Adoration After morning Mass, Monday through Friday, until 7 pm ABVM Adoration Chapel No adoration on public holidays or snow days. Pastor …..….…Reverend Scott D. Brockson [email protected] Pastor Emeritus…….…..Rev. Msgr. John Graf In Residence ….…Rev. Msgr. Frank Depman Deacons ….………..Deacon Thomas Hannan Deacon Michael DeGrasse Operations Manager ….……Mary Rose Edmonds Parish Office Staff ……..……Donna Brumbaugh Ann Caruso Parish Office (Ph) 610-869-2722, (fax) 610-869-3252 School Principal ….……………Danielle White [email protected] School Office (Ph) 610-869-9576, (fax) 610-869-4049 Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE) ……… Teresa Leszczynski [email protected] Religious Education Office .…...(Ph) 610-869-8575 Music Director ….……………....Kevin Myers [email protected] Facilities Request……[email protected] Sacraments and Devotions Baptism: Sundays at 1:30 pm in Church (bimonthly) Matrimony: Engaged couples are asked to meet with parish priest at least six months prior to the wedding and enroll in a marriage-prep program. Reconciliation: (Church) Saturdays, 11:00 am-12:15 pm Rosary: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm (Church) Bulletin: Submit articles by 8:00 am on Thursday for publication the following week. Submit to the Parish Office or email [email protected]. March 4, 2018 Third Sunday of Lent

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Church and Parish Office: 300 State Road • West Grove, PA 19390

Parish Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 am-4:00 pm

Email: [email protected]


Facebook: ABVM Parish Community, West Grove, PA

Twitter: @ABVM_WestGrove

Weekend Mass Times Saturday: 4:30 pm

Sunday: 8:00 am, 10:00 am, 12:00 pm Masses

Daily Mass Schedule 6:30 am - Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

8:15 am - Tuesday, Friday

Eucharistic Adoration After morning Mass, Monday through Friday, until 7 pm

ABVM Adoration Chapel No adoration on public holidays or snow days.

Pastor …..….…Reverend Scott D. Brockson [email protected]

Pastor Emeritus…….…..Rev. Msgr. John Graf

In Residence ….…Rev. Msgr. Frank Depman

Deacons ….………..Deacon Thomas Hannan Deacon Michael DeGrasse Operations Manager ….……Mary Rose Edmonds

Parish Office Staff ……..……Donna Brumbaugh Ann Caruso Parish Office (Ph) 610-869-2722, (fax) 610-869-3252

School Principal ….……………Danielle White [email protected]

School Office (Ph) 610-869-9576, (fax) 610-869-4049

Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE) ……… Teresa Leszczynski [email protected]

Religious Education Office .…...(Ph) 610-869-8575

Music Director ….……………....Kevin Myers [email protected]

Facilities Request……[email protected]

Sacraments and Devotions

Baptism: Sundays at 1:30 pm in Church (bimonthly)

Matrimony: Engaged couples are asked to meet with parish priest at least six months prior to the wedding and enroll in a marriage-prep program.

Reconciliation: (Church) Saturdays, 11:00 am-12:15 pm

Rosary: Wednesdays, 6:30 pm (Church)

Bulletin: Submit articles by 8:00 am on Thursday for publication the following week. Submit to the Parish Office or email [email protected].

March 4, 2018

Third Sunday of Lent

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Observing the news accounts of the passing of the Rev. Billy Graham, I was reminded of his

crusade in Philadelphia in 1992. It was welcomed by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Catholics were

encouraged to volunteer for it. The highlight of Graham’s crusades was always the call for sinners to

walk towards the stage and publicly say a prayer to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Those who

were moved to leave their seats and come forward were met by volunteers who would pray with them

as they made their commitment to Christ. Then they would encourage the new believers to get

plugged into a local congregation, where they would learn how to live as a Christian and enjoy

fellowship with other believers. Those who identified as Catholics were directed by Catholic volunteers

to get involved in their local parish. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was not interested in

stealing sheep. Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua felt good enough about the crusade to put out a letter

inviting people to participate. He did not hesitate to state his opinion that the Rev. Billy Graham truly

preached the gospel of Christ.

It was amazing that an Archbishop would be willing to so unequivocally affirm a Southern Baptist

preacher, and the preacher’s evangelistic association would be so willing to work closely with

Catholics. This would have been unthinkable only a few decades before. It was too much for some of

Billy Graham’s fellow evangelicals, who continued to harbor a strong bias against the Catholic Church

and thought that the preacher was dancing with the devil. But he would not be turned aside from his

central message that Jesus Christ died to save every human being from their sins. He preached the

Bible to be the Word of God and warned about the judgment that every soul would one day face. Billy

Graham was convinced that every person’s life could only find its fulfillment through the establishment

of a personal relationship with the Son of God. No other considerations, whether political,

denominational or cultural, would turn him from this simple message.

I admire the fact that Rev. Graham resisted the temptation to wade into politics. He remained

above the political fray and for that reason his message was able to be heard by many sides. Some

Christians on the right and some on the left complained that he didn’t talk enough about their issue.

Billy Graham did not hide his socially conservative views, but he knew his role. He would put his

energies into preaching Jesus Christ as crucified for humanity’s salvation. His primary interest was in

convincingng people of their need for a Savior. What other evangelical ministers were doing in the

political sphere was not his concern. He would not place any obstacle in the way of people hearing

what he believed they needed to hear about their eternal salvation.

The role of an evangelist is different from that of a bishop. Sometimes Catholic bishops are

obligated to speak to issues of public policy, for example, when the rights of religious freedom are

threatened or a law promoting euthanasia is considered by the state legislature. However, it would be

good for us to remember that Blessed Pope Paul VI affirmed that the Church exists to evangelize.

While Catholic leaders need to speak out on issues of peace and justice, their primary concern has to

be the salvation of souls. Moreover, their competency in religion and morality does not extend to

details about domestic and foreign policy. There are principles regarding social justice which bishops

are bound to teach and Catholics are bound to accept. How those principles are implemented is a

matter for debate among people of good will. If we want to be heard and respected as a Church in our

society, our first priority must be the preaching of the gospel and the winning of souls for Christ.

Father Scott

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Live the Liturgy How seriously do we take the Ten Commandments? Many today adopt a free spirit approach to life and resist conforming their thoughts and actions to established guidelines and principles. We all need direction. Those who travel realize how much easier journeys can be when equipped with the proper directions. The Ten Commandments are God’s proper directions for us to assist us in living our lives as his children. We are given the example of Jesus, the living temple. Jesus allows us to share in his intimate relationship with his Father so that we can more quickly find our way to him. Guidelines and structure are important. Lent reminds us we are created in a certain way and are meant to live our lives in God.

Questions of the Week 1st Reading (Ex 20:1-17) We hear today the giving of the Law to Moses at Mount Sinai. The first three Commandments speak to Israel’s relationship with God, while the remaining seven focus on the Israelites’ relationships with each other. How do you interpret this disproportionate focus?

2nd Reading (1 Cor 1:22-25) Paul asserts that “Christ crucified” was a “stumbling block” and “foolishness” to many. Why do you think this was the case?

Gospel (John 2:13-25) John concludes his account of the incident in Temple by commenting that Jesus knew “human nature” well, but did not “trust” it. What is it about human nature do you think that Jesus found untrustworthy?

Third Sunday of Lent

March 4, 2018

Rest in Peace

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May their souls and all

the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace.

Helen Doyle

Kevin McGonigle

Thomas J. Powell

Linda Spohn

John Sciarra

Please Pray

For Our


Public Prayer Request

Name: _______________________________________


Requests will be printed in the bulletin for one month and military prayers for six months. You may renew as often as you wish.

♦SGM Nicolas Relacion

♦PFC Charles Morgan Griffith

♦SSGT Michael Kauffman

♦HM1 Matthew Rosenberg

♦2 LT Niccolo Iacovelli

♦AB Brandon Narkin and FLT 601/602 Lackland AFB ♦Cadet Jacqueline Brattan

♦PVT Charlie Harrison

♦PFC Daniel Engberg

♦LT Connor Dunleavy

♦1st ID HHBN & Coalition

♦MAJ Sean McEntee

♦LTC Don McDannald

♦SGT Andrew Wolfe

♦MAJ Michael Berk

♦FS3 Cody Liebeskind

♦SGT James McWilliams

♦MAJ Nicholas Beamer

♦SPC Thomas Wolfe

Please remember to pray for those in need of hope and healing.

Mary, Health of the Sick, pray for them.

Chayse & Jack Rusnak, Charles Mitchell, Linda Carango, Patti Bubel, Florence McWilliams, Robert E., Luke Ra-mowski, Philip Caruso, Paula Reeves, Tim G., Christopher Furniss, Ryan Coyle, Msgr. John Graf, Abigail McCrystal, Philip Budzynski, Fred & Betty Anne Silva, Jennifer Cable, Rose Marie Reynolds, Margo Passehl, Shirley Carlson, Ed Painter, Bob Lauer, Lacey Pidgeon, Jones Family, M.J., Natalie Gillin Heisler, Nancy Larkin, Fabiola Matalonis, John & Liz Yeager, Margaret Shillingford, Cheryl Sedlak, Yvonne Beaudet, Charles Koslowsky, John & Joann George, Den-nis Kelleher, Bill Sauerwine, Aria Toner, Jean Mariano, Chloe Genther, Devon Bartholf, Maria Kilgore, Mary Gro-fasik, Debbie Robinson, Jim Groome, Tony McGinley, Kath-leen & James Maccari, Gary Barber, Kathy Stankiewicz,


Lenten Quote from our Pope

Lent is a good time for sacrificing. Let us deny ourselves something

every day to help others.

- Pope Francis

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Take the Opportunity to go to Confession!

Saturdays: March 10, 17 & 24 from 11 am -12:15 pm

All Fridays in Lent

March 9, 16 & 23

8:15 am Mass

1:00 pm Stations of the Cross

All Wednesdays in Lent

March 7, 14, 21 & 28

6:30 am Morning Mass

6:30 pm Rosary

7:00 pm Stations of the Cross,

Gospel Reflection & Benediction

The 2018 Annual Parish Appeal is underway. Our goal is $150,000. In the first twenty weeks of the 2018 Appeal two hundred sixty-six fami-lies have pledged more than $92,000 of which $74,481 has been received. The Appeal will support continuing operations of the parish and help us fund a few necessary projects. These include upgrade of the HVAC system in the Church and Parish Life Center, improve-ment of the church sound system, including hearing assist devices, and improved use of electronic media in support of parish commu-nications. Please complete the Intention Card you received in your letter from Father Scott and place it in the envelope in the collection basket or mail the envelope to the Parish Office Or, you may use the Parish Appeal envelope from your packet of envelopes to make your donation. The Finance Council and Father Scott thank you for your generosity.

We are very pleased that our E-giving over the past four months has increased. The collection in-come through February 18th for the fiscal year is more than $35,000 below our budgeted amount. Our beloved church with the associat-ed facilities is 16 years old. As in your home, maintenance costs and operating costs need to be ad-dressed. You have demonstrated your generosity to enable us to fulfill our fiscal responsibilities. Please continue to be as generous as you can.

Week of February 24/25, 2018 $17,249 Avg. Weekly Collection 2017/2018

Estimated Weekly 2017/2018

$17,056 $18,270

Includes $20,921 E-Giving for Feb. 33% Participation

The Eucharist is Food for the Journey

It’s Lent and time to take into consideration what we can do to strengthen our relation-ship with God and grow more deeply in our faith. When Jesus had pronounced the words: “Take… this is my body; take...this is my blood,” He didn’t allow much time to pass before doing what He had promised: a few hours later He gave His life and blood on the Cross. Here at Assumption BVM, we are very blessed to have Eucharistic Adoration, Mon-day-Friday, after morning Mass until 7 pm. You will never regret spending time with our Lord, truly present. Always believe: JESUS IS HERE. All hours of Adoration should have at least one “adorer” committed to spending time with Jesus. To help, visit the sign-up table in the church vestibule or contact Mary at 302-388-3752; [email protected] or Cyn-di at [email protected], or Mary Ellen at 610-345-0024.

Saintly Quote

“We need not speak so much to pray well.

We know the good God is in the holy tabernacle.

We open our hearts to Him and delight in

His holy presence; that is the best prayer.”

-Saint John Marie Vianney

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Assumption BVM School News

Assumption BVM School third graders live the school motto, "To Know Jesus, To Love Jesus, and To Serve Jesus" by feeding the hungry. Students gathered bread, peanut butter, and jelly to prepare sandwiches and decorated colorful bags with encouraging words to place the sandwiches in. The group made well over 150+ sandwiches which were donated to The Unforgotten Haven's PB&J Project. What a beautiful way to help those in need!

MARCH Mon., March 5th: Close of the Second Trimester Mon., March 5th: After School Choir Practice Mon., March 5th: After School Service Club Tues., March 6th: 8:15 AM Mass prepared by Grades 3 & 5 Thurs., March 8th: Student Council Dress Down Day Fri., March 9th: 1 PM Stations - Lower classes Mon., March 12th: After School Choir Practice Mon., March 12th: After School Service Club Tues., March 13th: 8:15 AM Mass prepared by Grades 4/PreK Tues., March 13th: After School SCATS Wed., March 14th: After School Student Council Meeting Thurs., March 15th: After School Yearbook Fri., March 16th: 1 PM Stations - Upper classes

Would you like to make a difference in a child's life? Support Catholic education at Assumption BVM School by sponsoring a new student. There are several levels of giving: full tuition, half tuition, quarter tuition, or other designated amount. To learn

more, contact Advancement Director Kristen Sullivan at [email protected]. Thank you for considering making an investment in Catholic education.

ALUMNI NEWS Congratulations to the following ABVM Alumni for achieving honors at Padua Academy:

Distinguished Honors: Brighid Brennan (Grade 11), Mary Pepe (Grade 11), Madeline DiFilippo (Grade 10) High Honors: Elizabeth Bader (Grade 11), Emily Thompson (Grade 10) Honors: Lauren Gempp (Grade 11), Clare Mazzeo (Grade 11), Chioma Njoku (Grade 11), Joelle Lennick (Grade 9)


Sacramental News

FIRST RECONCILIATION: Thursday, March 8th, 6:30 PM, ABVM Church Children are asked to wear their Sunday best.

FIRST COMMUNION RETREAT & REHEARSAL: Sunday, April 29th, ABVM Church Families are asked to attend the Noon Mass. Following Mass, First Communicants will participate in the retreat. Par-ents are asked to return at approximately 2:30 pm. Following the retreat/rehearsal, families are invited to attend the annual ABVM Spaghetti Dinner in the Parish Center with your “free” child dinner ticket.

FIRST HOLY COMMUNION: Saturday, May 5th, ABVM Church 9:30 am Mass—ABVM School Students and Sunday Religious Education Classes 12:30 pm Mass—Tuesday and Wednesday Religious Education Classes

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Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries

Post-Abortion Healing Retreat March 9,10, 11, 2018, Malvern-Frazer, PA

This upcoming retreat is designed to help those struggling with

a past abortion experience the mercy and compassion of God.

It will help focus on the buried emotions of the past and begin

healing in a safe, non-judgmental, loving and confidential envi-

ronment. Contact Lauren (215)720-5828, Priscilla (215)906-

6337 or visit Confidentiality assured.


Rosary for Life (3/4/18-3/10/18) Sunday: D. Brumbaugh Monday: J. Patrick Tuesday: C. Sedlak Wednesday: S. Tobin Thursday: N. Kennard Friday: J. Wolfe Saturday: M. Mueller Sign-up calendar available in the lobby.

Pregnant? Call 1-800-CARE-002.

Birthright: 610-436-0773.;; or call 610-354-0555 or 1-877-HOPE-4-ME.

Al-Anon meeting will be held every Monday night, 8 pm meeting in the ABVM Church. Call

Valerie at 610-662-1567.

Annulment Proceeding: Contact the Metropoli-tan Tribunal, Archdiocese of Philadelphia (215) 587-3750. Interviews are confidential.

Aid for Friends Cooks: Filled, frozen meal trays can be taken to the freezer in the lower level of the Main Church. If you would like to prepare meals or be an AFF volunteer driver, contact Ann Barr at 610-869-8559.

Lions Club Hospital Equipment Loan Pro-gram: Contact Bob Yeatman at 484-883-0515;

Courage: Courage ministers to those with same-sex attractions and their loved ones. A weekly peer support group is offered to homosexual men and women who wish to live according to the teaching of the Catholic Church. Call 215-587-4505. Confidentiality assured.

Lily’s Gift: A ministry that assists couples who experience a poor prenatal diagnosis. Call 215-587-3530 or visit

Social Outreach

From February 14 to March 25, 2018, our community will take part in 40 Days for Life…a groundbreaking, coordinated interna-tional mobilization. We pray that, with God’s help, this will mark the beginning of the end of abortion in our community and beyond.

The ABVM Respect Life group has committed to give witness in front of West Chester’s Planned Parenthood. Would you like to be part of a small group that spends 1 hour in prayer at Planned Parenthood on those days? Please contact Stephanie at 484-467-6675, [email protected] or

Speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves!

Intellectual Disabilities and

Autism Help-Line

Do you need help accessing services and support for someone with an intellectual disability or Autism? A collaboration of Catholic Social Services-Developmental Programs, the Office for Persons with Disabilities and the Schools of Special Education of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia is offering this convenient help-line to assist families connect to disabilities services provided by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.

To reach the Help-Line call: 484-472-5041 or email

[email protected]

Social Outreach



ABVM Adoration Chapel, Thursdays, 6 pm - 7 pm

Rediscover the Love

in Your Marriage!

The Retrouvaille Marriage Program offers help for struggling marriages. Tens of thousands of cou-ples have successfully saved their marriages by

attending a Retrouvaille weekend and the six post ses-sions that follow it. Retrouvaille is not just a social gather-ing or series of seminars, but rather a way to rediscover and rekindle the loving relationship in your marriage. The next program begins on the weekend of April 13, 2018 at the Malvern Retreat House in Malvern, PA. Please visit or call 800-470-2230. All in-quiries are kept confidential.

Retrouvaille is a lifeline for marriages….

A program to help couples heal and renew hurting marriages.

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St. Pius X Council 3858

READY TO JOIN? CONTACT KRIS KELLEHER. [email protected] (610) 345-9245


March 4: 11 am Coffee & Donut Social

March 9: Lenten Fish Fry, 5-7 pm

March 15: 6 pm Knights Meeting

March 17: Founder’s Day Mass, 4:30 pm

March 23: Lenten Fish Fry, 5-7 pm

March 24: Easter Egg Hunt, 10 am

March 31: Pancake Breakfast at Applebees, 8-10 am, Proceeds benefit the Donald Family

Coffee & Donut Social This Sunday, March 4th After the 10 am Mass

This Friday Night (see below)


HUNT Saturday, March 24th

Assumption BVM Parish Center

(Rain or Shine) (Bring your own basket.)

10 AM: 1 & 2 YEAR OLDS · 10:20 AM: 3 & 4 YEAR OLDS 10:40 AM: KINDERGARTEN · 11 AM: 1ST, 2ND, 3RD GRADE


CONTACT: JOHN LYNCH AT (610) 888-5257 OR [email protected]

Columbiettes Meeting Monday, March 12th

7 PM ~ ABVM Parish Life Center

All members are invited to attend. Questions? Call Teresa Kelleher

at 610-291-9938.

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Saturday, April 21st Assumption BVM School

Join us for Night at the Races (NATR)! Doors open at 6 pm.Join us for Night at the Races (NATR)! Doors open at 6 pm.Join us for Night at the Races (NATR)! Doors open at 6 pm.

This adultThis adultThis adult---only (21+) event offers an only (21+) event offers an only (21+) event offers an exciting evening featuring simulated horse racing, unbelievable silent auction items including an amazing new raffle room, delicious food and drink from phenomenal local restaurants, and a photo booth with the perfect props to capture all the excitement. But, that's not all! Be sure to note that this year's fun includes late night with a D.J. and live entertainment. You

won't want to miss it!

Tickets are on sale now. Individual tickets are $45 per person or tables of 10 are $405 (10 tickets for the price of 9) so be sure to invite all of your family and friends to be part of the FIESTA!!

Tickets can be purchased at

ABVM Youth Group Meetings for March

Sunday, March 4th: 6:30 to 8 pm Youth Group Meeting Sunday, March 11th: 6:30 to 8 pm Youth Group Meeting Sunday, March 18th: 12 Noon Youth Mass, Youth Group Meeting 6:30-8 pm

Meetings are in the Parish Life Center (lower level of the church). Questions? Please contact Bob Moran, [email protected] or Sean Moran, [email protected].

Eucharistic Adoration Candles Are you praying for a special


Consider offering a Five Day Adoration Candle for yourself, or your living or deceased loved one. Your candle intentions are lifted up to our Lord on the altar in the Adoration Chapel. Candle intention cards are available at our Parish Office, weekdays, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. A $10.00 donation would be appreciated. For questions, please call the Parish Office at 610-869-2722.

Catholic Young Adults of Chester County (CYACC)

Are you a Catholic Adult in your 20’s or 30’s? Please consider joining us! For more information, check us out on Facebook or at

Wed., March 7, 2018: Holy Hour with Music and Prayer, St. Joseph, Downingtown at 7 pm

Wed., March 14, 2018: SS. Peter & Paul, West Ches-ter at 7:30 pm. Join us for our Church History Series. Fr. John Collins will guide us through the time period following the Apostolic Age by exploring some of heresies that developed and the councils that were called to unravel them.

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Pancake Breakfast

Avon Grove Lions & West Grove Avondale Rotary

Supports local fire companies & ambulance associations

Sunday, March 25 Avondale Fire Hall Avondale, PA 8 am - 1 pm

Adults: $10.00 Children: $6.00

Tickets can be purchased at the door.

All proceeds are donated to the fire companies!

WOMEN AFIRE WOMEN’S RETREAT (March 9-11, 2018, Malvern Retreat House) This unique women’s retreat incorporates healing prayer, uplifting music by Marty Rotella (3 time Grammy nominee), Mass and Adoration. To register, visit

IRISH PROGRAM (Saturday, March 10, 2018, Elk’s Lodge, West Washington & N. Wayne Sts., West Chester, PA, Noon to 6 pm) Chester County Ancient Order of Hibernians 43rd annual Irish Pro-gram includes live Irish entertainment with Celtic Connection, the Do’Cairde and McDade-Cara Schools of Irish Dance. Admission: $12 per person, children free. Visit

MARIAN DAY AT THE SEMINARY (Saturday, March 17, 2018, 9 am to 4pm, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary) Join us for the Legion of Mary’s “Marian Day” including morning and afternoon presenta-tions by Tim Staples from Catholic Answers, Mass, box lunch and Holy Hour. Donation request for box lunch is $10. To RSVP, email [email protected] or call 610-785-6270.

CULTURAL HERITAGE MASS (Sat., March 17, 2018, 2 pm Procession, 2:30 pm Mass) Archbishop Chaput will be the celebrant and homilist.

CONCERT AT THE CATHEDRAL (March 18, 2018, 2:30 pm, Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia) The Mendelssohn Club of Philadelphia and Symphony in C join forces to perform Beethoven’s epic Symphony No. 9, Ode to Joy. For tickets, visit

ARCHDIOCESAN MASS FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES, THE DEAF COM-MUNITY, FAMILY, FRIENDS & CAREGIVERS (Saturday, March 24, 2018, 10:30 am Mass, Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia) Archbishop Charles Chaput will be the celebrant and homilist. A light reception will fol-low Mass. RSVP by calling 215-587-3530 or visit

MATRAMONY: Rediscovering Its Truth (Saturday, April 21, 2018, 10 am-6:15 pm, Cathedral Basilica of SS. Peter and Paul, Philadelphia) Keynote Speak-er: His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke, D.D., J.C.D., Member and Pre-fect Emeritus, Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura; Other speak-ers: Reverend Gerald E. Murray, J.C.D., EWTN Commentator; Reverend Ger-ald Dennis Gill, S.S.L., M.Div., Director, Office for Divine Worship, Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Visit to register.

2018 CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE (Saturday, October 27, 2018, 9 am to 4 pm, Our Lady of Czestochowa, Doylestown, PA) More information com-ing soon at

Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary



Sat., March 24, 2018

Annunciation BVM Church

401 Brookline Boulevard Havertown, PA 19083

Guest Speaker: Msgr. John A. Esseff

Former Spiritual Director of Mother Teresa

“Retreat Day” begins at 9 am and

ends at 3 pm.

Please bring your own lunch. The event is free of charge and open

to the public.

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is sponsoring a

Lenten Crab Cake Fundraiser Supporting K of C Charitable Activities

Featuring “Fresh Jumbo Lump Crab Cakes” From Capt’n Chucky’s, the finest in the Northeast. Also Crab Critters Appetizers and Maryland Crab Soup (red & a little spicy)

“All orders must be prepaid “

Orders will be ready for pick up on

Friday, March 23rd between 5:00 & 7:00 PM at the ABVM Parish Center across from Avon Grove High School

Impress your family and friends with these easy-to-heat seafood treats! (You can store them in your fridge for 5 to 6 days or freeze them for later use.)

Please make checks payable to: Knights of Columbus Council 3858. Return forms to the Knights after Mass March 3rd through March 18th or mail to: K of C Crab Cakes, C/O: Joe Fick, 159 Hipkins Road, West Grove, PA 19390 (mail orders must be received by Saturday, March 17th)

Orders must be received by Sunday, March 18, 2018 Benefits K of C charitable activities

Knights of Columbus

Pius X

Council # 3858



Qty Unit Cost SubTotal

Crab Cakes – 4 pack (minimum of 4) x $21 Equals

Crab Cakes – 6 pack x $32 Equals

Crab Cakes – 12 pack x $60 Equals

Crab Critter Appetizers (bag of 50) x $15 Equals

Maryland Crab Soup (Quart) x $12 Equals

“Party Pack Sampler Special” 1 dozen crab cakes, 1 bag of critters, 1 qt Soup

x $85 Equals

“Family Dinner Pack Special” 1 dozen crab cakes, 2 qt Soup

x $80 Equals

Talluto’s Big Round Cheese Ravioli – 12 pack

x $8 Equals

Crab Marinara Sauce – 1 quart

x $14 Equals

Order Total:

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Free Tax Help!


427 S. Walnut St., Kennett Square


Hours: 9 am to 2:30 pm (by Appointment Only)

We offer free tax preparation help to anyone. If you’re 50 and older, and can’t afford a tax preparation service, we were made especially for you. Schedule your appointment today at 610-444-4819. For information about the AARP Foundation Tax-Aide, visit or call 1-888-227-7669.

Think About This Before You Visit Your Financial Advisor for 2018

Available Option Individual 70½ years old or older may make a charitable contribution from their annual Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from their Individual Retirement Account (IRA)


Individuals and eligible spouses can make an IRA charitable rollover and not have that transfer count towards your taxa-ble income in the year you make the contribution.

Charitable rollover amounts could count toward your RMD.

By avoiding the recognition of taxable income, you may have less of your Social Security income subject to income tax.

Rules for Using an IRA Charitable Rollover

• Individuals must be 70½ years old or older.

• The rollover must be completed before December 31 of the year in which the contribution was to count against taxable income.

• Rollovers could only be made from traditional IRAs.

• Funds have to come DIRECTLY from the plan administrator to the parish.

These are generic advantages and rules. Talk with your financial advisor or plan administrator for advantages and rules applicable to your specific situation. If you wish to discuss this opportunity with a member of the Parish Development Council please e-mail [email protected], President of the Development Council.

Are you new to the Parish

and would like to register?

We would love to have you!!

You can register every weekend after the 4:30 pm Vigil Mass and after the 10 am Mass. See a Parish Repre-sentative at the Registration Desk in the Adoration Chapel.

Words to Ponder

“Live simply that others may

simply live.”

- St. Teresa of


ABVM Gift Card Program

Let Assumption BVM help you with your shopping. We sell supermarket gift cards such as Giant and Acme, as well as many local stores and national chains. Gift Cards can be purchased at the ABVM Parish Office (weekdays 8:00am—4:00pm) or at Assumption BVM Church after any of the weekend Masses.

Next Sunday, March 11

Page 12: Coordinator of Religious Education (CRE) Religious Education … · 04-03-2018  · Billy Graham did not hide his socially conservative views, but he knew his role. He would put his

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6:30 am Mass - Edward O’Brien, requested by The Family


8:15 am Mass - Wayne Bunch, requested by The Brumbaugh Family


6:30 am Mass - Edward O’Brien, requested by Deacon Mike and Carol DeGrasse 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross Altar Servers: Brandon & Anthony Esposito, Michael Stemerman


6:30 am Mass - People of the Parish


8:15 am Mass - John Michael McConomy, requested by The Losito Family


4:30 pm Vigil Mass - Stefanie Pastock, requested by The Schill Family

Reader 1/Reader 2: Michael Debes, Michelle Wu Extraordinary Ministers: Deacon Mike DeGrasse, Camila Barbosa, Sandi Gosline, Donna Lauletta, Lisa McNamara, Ruder Schill Altar Servers: Corinne & Mikaela Cavanagh, Matteo Riordan Music: Choir Sacristan: Andy Mazzeo

SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2018

8:00 am Mass -

Ed O’Brien, requested by Rose Adams and Family

Reader 1/Reader 2: Margaret Ptakowski, Kathleen Hamill Extraordinary Ministers: Deacon Mike DeGrasse, Jim Kirwin (A), Ella Havrilak (B), Stephanie Tobin (C), Donna Brumbaugh (LH), Bob DiMarco Altar Servers: Annie Strehlau, Ethan & Ryan Walpole Music: Jennifer Michalski, Kevin Myers Sacristan: Ray Bunjo 10:00 am Mass -

Joan Carbo, requested by The Staso Family

Reader 1/Reader 2: Tom Harrison, John Colgan Extraordinary Ministers: Deacon Tom Hannan, Nancy Paproth (D), Ann Barr (E), Dennis Shannon (TP), Tom Powell (JPP), Steve Malloy (JPR), Jill Wise (PENN), Michael Wise Altar Servers: Audrey Conrad, Heidi Stumpf, Jonathan Tamin Music: Anthem Folk Group Sacristan: Fred Buoni 12:00 pm Mass -

Victor Seichepine, requested by G. Furniss

Reader 1/Reader 2: Jean Duffy, Neil Coyne Extraordinary Ministers: Deacon Tom Hannan, Sharon Hannan, Linda Lanciano, Shawn Murphy, Carl Nardi, Barry Young Altar Servers: Isabella Atwood, Kiki & Nicolette Mur-phy Music: Kevin Myers Sacristan: Jeffrey Lyons Please Note: If you are having a Mass offered and would like to take up the gifts, please contact the Ush-er 15 minutes before Mass. Weekly Mass and Candle Intentions are available. Please stop by the ABVM Parish Office to schedule Masses and Adoration Candles for your special intentions. The 2019 Mass Book is now opened for your special intentions.