his 101 chapter 10a religious & intellectual developments 1100 1300

Religious and Intellectual Developments 1000-1300 Henry IV of Germany Pope Gregory VII

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Religious and Intellectual Developments1000-1300

Henry IV of GermanyPope Gregory VII

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Changes in the churchPapacy: dominant organizational force in western

ChristianityPope Leo IX a reformer, appointed by his cousin,

German Emperor Henry III Outlawed Simony: buying church offices Tried to enforce priestly celibacy (in the year 1000,

majority of parish priests were married)1059 Pope Nicholas II papal decree—only Cardinals

could elect the Pope Middle ages—neither Kings nor Popes could imagine a

separation of powers of church and state Decree of 1059 raised concerns about the nature of

cooperation between church leaders and state leaders Both Kings and Popes were corrupt by today’s standards

Changes in the Church

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Pope LEO IX Pope Nicholas II

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Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085)Election violently supported by a mob of RomansViolated terms of Papal decree of 1059 Caused friction between Pope and Henry IV

Could a lay person appoint Bishops or Abbots?Gregory VII prohibited all clerics from accepting church offices

from a layman even if the layman was a kingHenry IV refused to accept this and appointed a new archbishop in

MilanGregory reminded Henry that Gregory was the successor to St.

Peter and Henry owed Gregory the same obedienceGregory renounced his obedience to Gregory reminding Gregory

that his election as Pope violated the decree of 1059Gregory excommunicated Henry and called on his subjects to rebelSaxon Nobility renewed their civil warHenry must humble himself at Canossa

Investiture Conflict

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Concordat of Worms Henry forbidden to invest Bishops or Abbots with the

symbols of their religious office (staff and ring)Henry was permitted to invest Bishops and Abbots with

the symbols of their secular office (lance)Monastery lands owed rents to the KingMonastery’s were required to support the King in times of

war or rebellionKings permitted to be present at investiture of Bishops

(to mediate over disputes)Papal victory

Strengthened the Papal claim to supremacy over the clergyPopulation rejected Bishops, Priests and Abbots who had

purchased their officePopulation rejected married Priests

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Increase in number of parish churchesMarried Priests had to leave wives or leave

the churchEstablishment of cannon courts in which

litigants could appeal to the Pope (outside the jurisdiction of the Kings)

Parish Churches

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Cluny freed itself from obligation to noble families by placing itself under the direct protection of the pope.

Benefactor of Cluny relinquished control over Cluny property.

Cluny benefactor and family granted special spiritual privileges including guarantee of heaven.

Monastic Reformation & Cluny

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Became Pope at 37Goal: bring all of Christendom under Papal

hegemony and to recover Jerusalem from the Muslims

Believed that Pope had the right to discipline Kings who sinned

Engineered the accession of Frederick II to power as Emperor of Germany

Increased church lands in Northern Italy of which Pope was the secular PrinceVatican City

Power to tax parishes

Innocent III (1198-1216)

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Heresy is the assertion of a controversial or novel change to the established dogma of a religion

Pope Innocent III supported the Medieval Inquisition to stamp out Christian heresyCatharsWaldensiansEpiscopal InquisitionMedieval Inquisition

Torture permitted after 1252Could not result in bloodshed, births, mutilation or deathCould only be used onceFull Confessions

Heresy and Inquisition

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The Strappado & Symbols of Heresy

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13th century Popes acted more like Kings and less like Christ’s Representative on Earth

Failure of the CrusadesInquisitionsConflict with Frederick II involved the church in

purely political controversy over who had secular control over territories in Italy

Pope Boniface III (1294-1303)National monarchies had gained more loyalty than

papal powerClerical taxationConflict with King Philip IV of France

Decline of the Church

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Increased emphasis on differences between Christians and non-Christians

Distinctive badges identified Jews, Muslims and Heretics in most Western Kingdoms

Expulsion of JewsEngland 1290France 1306

Distinctions between Christians and Non-Christians

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Philip IV of France levied taxes on French Clergy up to ½ of income from Church property

Pope Boniface III issued decree forbidding clergy from transferring any property to the French crown

Philip called a meeting of Bishops, Aristocrats and merchants to condemn the PopeBoniface arrested and held in FranceBoniface died (1303), Benedict XI died in 1304.

French Cardinals narrowly elected Clement V

and moved the seat of the Papacy to Avignon in France

Avignon Papacy

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Academic Achievements

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Scholasticism: a method of reconciling the claims of competing authorities by applying Aristotle’s principles of logic to themSome early scholastics called this method

“dialectic”Dialectic= thesis + antithesis = synthesis

Abelard The Story of My CalamitiesSic et Nom (Yes and No)

Peter LombardBook of Sentences theological questions,

apparently contradictory answers from the Bible and Christian teachings; synthesis in answers

Academic Changes

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Here there arises a question.  For it has been said … and completely fortified by authorities, that the Will of God,… and (which) is called His “Good Pleasure”, cannot be cancelled, because by that Will … He has done in Heaven and on Earth:  Which, according to the testimony of the Apostle, nothing resists.  

Therefore, it is asked, in what manner is what the Apostles says of the Lord, “Who wills that all men to come to be saved,” is to be accepted?  For since not all come to be saved, but more are damned, it seems, … what God wills to be done, a human will impeding the Will of God…. The Gospel says:  How often I willed to gather thy children together, just as the hen gathers her chicks under (her) wings, and thou wouldst not!  Thus these are said, as if God’s Will has been overcome by the will of men, and (as if) … the Most Powerful One could not do, what He wanted.   Where is, therefore, that omnipotence, by which, according to the Prophet, all whatsoever He has willed, He has done in Heaven and on Earth?  Lombard, Peter. The Four Books of Sentences. Ad Claras Aquas, 1882, Vol. 1, pp. 814-818. http://www.franciscan-archive.org/lombardus/opera/ls1-46.html. (Accessed 11/6/2011).

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Thomas AquinasSumma Theologica

God created the world

Study of the natural world can lead to knowledge of God

Reason supports faith

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Dante Alighieri (1265-1321)

La Divina Commedia di Dante (Dante and the Divine Comedy). 1465 fresco, in the dome of the FlorenceCathedral. 

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Describes Dante’s journey through hell, purgatory and earthGuides: Roman poet Virgil and Dante’s

deceased love, BeatriceVirgil represents reason and classical learning

Guides Dante through hell and purgatoryBeatrice represents Christian wisdom and

blessednessGuides Dante through Paradise

The Divine Comedy

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1st Circle: Limbo

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2nd Circle: Lust

"... But to that second circle of sad hell,Where ‘mid the gust, the whirlwind, and the flawOf rain and hail-stones, lovers need not tellTheir sorrows. Pale were the sweet lips I saw,Pale were the lips I kiss’d, and fair the formI floated with, about that melancholy storm."

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3rd Circle: Gluttony

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4th Circle: Avarice

"… I saw multitudesto every side of me; their howls were loudwhile, wheeling weights, they used their chests to push.They struck against each other; at that point,each turned around and, wheeling back those weights,cried out: Why do you hoard? Why do you squander?' "

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5th Circle: Anger

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Lower Hell: Violence and Fraud

"From these two, art and nature, it is fitting,if you recall how Genesis begins,for men to make their way, to gain their living;and since the usurer prefers anotherpathway, he scorns both nature in herselfand art her follower; his hope is elsewhere."

Of every malice gaining the hatred of Heaven, injustice is the goal; and every such goal injures someone either with force or fraud.

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6th Circle of Hell: Heresy

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7th Circle of Hell: Violence

Violent against peopleAnd property.Submerged in boiling River guarded byCentaurs. AlexanderThe Great is buried up To his chin.

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7th Circle of Hell: Suicides

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7th Circle of Hell: Blasphemers

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8th Circle of Hell: Fraud

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Flatterers Upside down in excrement

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9th Circle: Treachery

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Glowing Souls in Heaven

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Art & Architecture

Chartres Cathedral

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Cologne Cathedral France

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Upper Chapel at Saint Chappelle Cathedral, France

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Façade intended to demonstrate to Approaching worshippers, both the Might of God and the Might of the institution.Western Façade of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris

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Gargoyle PurposeCarry water away from the wallsDivide the flow of rainwater away from the

roofAdopted from ancient Egyptians and GreeksUsed by the Church as a representation of

evilFrighten worshippersRemind them that the end is nearAssured worshippers that evil is kept outside

the churchLions most used imageChimeras: combination of animal body parts to

create new creatures. Chimeras remind the people not to underestimate

the devil

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Illuminated Manuscripts

Drogo’s Sacramentary

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Vernacular LiteratureVirile and unpolished warrior society

BloodyHeroic warfareHonor LoyaltyWomen subordinate to men

Song of Roland (French)Song of the Nibelungs (German)Poem of the Cid (Spanish)

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Not merely revival of classical learningAdapted classical ideas to new, Christian


12th Century Renaissance