cooperation institute of Сhildhood with the social partners

Cooperation Institute of Сhildhood with the social partners

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Page 1: Cooperation Institute of Сhildhood with the social partners

Cooperation Institute of Сhildhood with the social


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Levels of partnership

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International Partners:1. University of Eastern Finland:

1) jointly offered Master’s degree international programme “Early Language Education for Intercultural communication”

2) jointly offered non-degree programme Teaching Foreign Languages to Young Learners (TeFoLa) 25 ECTS

3) students and staff academic mobility (funded by CIMO)

4) students’ Professional practice at partner university schools.

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5) Intensive Programmes (funded by CIMO) held jointly by the University of Eastern Finland and Herzen University staff for the students of both universities in the premises of Herzen University (April 2015, October 2015), including visits to Saint Petersburg schools and the Finnish school in Saint Petersburg where the students observe the lessons and also teach.

Herzen students in Joensuu School

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6) joint seminars including the research presentations of the students of both universities (November 2015, funded by VERA of the University of Eastern Finland ) Seminar website

Intensive programme Finnish and Russian Teachers and students

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7) joint presentations at international events joint publications of research articles and textbooks:Kantelinen R., Pogosian V. (2014) First Steps to Educational Research. Learning material for TeFoLa course Research Practicum in Language Teaching and Learning. – СПб.:ООО «Книжный Дом». Кантелинен, Р., Погосян В.А. Международное измерение педагогического образования: из опыта совместной реализации образовательных программ // UNIVERSUM: Вестник Герценовского университета, 2014, № 1. - С. 26-29.

National Programme (and seminar) coordinators Ritva Kantelinen and Victoria Pogosian with Herzen students in Joensuu

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2. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE APPLIED SCIENCES OF OSLO AND AKERSHUS Development of a joint module “Intercultural Communication in Educational Settings”. The piloting started in November 2015.


1) Schools and Kindergartens of Saint Petersburg.

- Students’ professional practice

- Principals review master’s degree theses

- School Principal Vladimir Sedov is the member of Master Degree Programmes Examination Board (Oral Defence of theses)

2) Publishers of textbooks for students of foreign languages and for teachers:


Participation in the events (workshops and forums) held for teachers.

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Reviewing the publications of textbooks for children

Editing the articles of teachers to be published in the journal "Английский язык в школе" (The English Language at School) (Victoria Pogosian a member of the editorial board)

3) Methodology Center of Moskovski District of Saint Petersburg

The Director of the Center Irina Luzhetskaya is the member of Bacherlor Degree Programme Examination Board (Oral Defence of theses)

a presentation for English teachers, March 2015, Olga Malova

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1) jointly offered Master’s degree international programme “Examination of the quality of pre-school education”

Сooperation directions:• Network research projects: master's theses, researches, training

courses and modules• Student exchange programmes: studying national characteristics

and comparativeLY analysing the best practices of preschool education in St. Petersburg and Minsk

• Herzen State Pedagogical University and Belarusian State University joint research projects on examination of quality pre-school education

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2) joint training seminars for primary school teachers

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Federal and regional partners

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1. Innovations Support in the education system

Federal study placement

"Regional system of independent assessment for quality of pre-school educational organization"

Scientific advice and support for innovative projects in the pre-school education at the federal level

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Зигле Лилия Александровна

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Advising regional innovation facilities:

Educational organizations, research laboratories

Educational organizations - research and experimental platforms

Educational organizations -resource centers

Map of innovation platforms

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Faculty members participation in the developing and implementing the program of regional development of the education system "Petersburg school of 2020"

Holding leading university teachers professional public expertise of regulatory and legislative acts in the field of education at national and regional level

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Experts at the Institute of Public Education Committee of St. Petersburg - 110

15 of them are from Herzen State Pedagogical University

Experts responsibilities:

Maintenance and examination of the quality of federal and regional innovation platforms

Participation in regional competitive movements, projects and programs

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2. Increasing the practical orientation of training in high school in the framework

of cooperation of the university and employers

Development and testing of the project on the bachelors

programm “Pre-school Teacher"

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• Development of school-university partnerships mechanism including involvement in the involvement of educational programs representatives of the employer

• Inline multilevel pedagogical education (teacher training college - Pedagogical University)

• Developing practical-oriented master`s programs with built-in long practical training in employers' organizations

• Matching vocational retraining and advanced training of pedagogical specialties in accordance with the professional standard of the teacher

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Mechanisms:• conducting public examinations including

video conferencing technology participating employers (principals) and teacher (Herzen State Pedagogical University)

• developing technology of professional examination for compliance with professional activity

• jointly implemented young teachers` support system - competition of young teachers (Herzen State Pedagogical University)

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3. INNOVATION PROJECT "Creating a model of modern educational space in the conditions of pastures in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District of the Russian Federation (ass. hrof. Novitskaya VA)


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4. Support the positive image of the teacher

• holding competitions for schoolchildren,who have chosen the teaching profession,

• Enrollment the winners on traditional teaching professions (Herzen State Pedagogical University)

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Activities of student scientific society

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Carrying out research commissioned by the administration of St. Petersburg

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Science Days - 2015

• Active involvement of employers

• Workshops• new


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10-11 December 2014 Russian Student Forum ( Moscow, MSU )

• Projects "Interactive educational and gaming complex " and " Journey of the MOTHERLAND"

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Club "Secrets of the first teacher`s pedagogical skills"