cool tools: cataloger’s desktop

COOL TOOLS: CATALOGER’S DESKTOP May 15, 2009 Jacquie Samples

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May 15, 2009 Jacquie Samples. Cool Tools: Cataloger’s Desktop. Objectives. Overview How to customize Searching techniques Where to get help or learn more. What is Cataloger's Desktop?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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May 15, 2009Jacquie Samples

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Objectives Overview How to customize Searching techniques Where to get help or learn more

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What is Cataloger's Desktop?

Provides access to AACR2 and LC’s most heavily used cataloging publications. With hypertext links, a single click takes you from one tool to the relevant section of others: Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules (AACR2) Library of Congress Rule Interpretations Subject Cataloging Manuals MARC 21 Formats & Code listsHundreds of web-based cataloging


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Logging on

To log on to Cataloger’s Desktop, Click the link on the M&C Department page to open a browser session or go to Click the Log On button to start a session.

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Pop up blockers You will need to select

“If you use a popup blocker with your web browser please check here and click the Login button.”

Or, allow pop-ups on to login without going through this extra step.

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The Start page

Note the Start Over button. This always brings you back to the Document pane.

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The Browse tab (Classic view)

TOC pane Document pane

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Document Tab (Desktop basic)

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Results Tab Displays the list of

search results in the full screen

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Doc/Results tab Shows the search

results together with the Document pane

Each of the search terms are highlighted

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Search tab Displays the TOC

pane together with an Advanced Search template

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Preferences tab Allows you to limit

the content of the TOC pane to the resources used most frequently

Also sets “Use my preferences” limit to searches.

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Customization Set Preferences for TOC and Searching Add Bookmarks Add Notes

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Setting preferences

To remove resources that you seldom use, you can deselect them and save your preferred view in Preferences by clicking the “Set view” button.

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Bookmarks and Notes Allows you to customize resources to

suit local needs and to create a personal file of notes and bookmarksGroup Notes and BookmarksPersonal Notes and Bookmarks

Be Careful not to Delete Group Notes or Bookmarks!

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Bookmarking The Document

tab must be opened to use the bookmark icon.

The list of saved bookmarks can then be seen on the tab.

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Creating Notes Similar to add Bookmark feature

From Document Tab, Use same Icon to create new note.

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Using Preferences in Searches Type search terms into box and click Limit by:

My PreferencesFull siteType of materialEtc.

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Selecting Resources in Browse

To select only certain sources of information to search, click the check box next to its listing in the TOC pane

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Doing a search limited by Categories

Instead of browsing this view you can search the resources in this category by using the simple search box in the upper right corner

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Restoring the full site view

To return to the full site once you have finished searching within a certain category, click the “Reset” TOC drop-down and then select “Use Full Site”

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Where to find help from the Library of Congress

Quick Tips and other help at

Or click on the Training tab before logging in This is the same page you are sent to by clicking the FAQs tab

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Click the FAQs tab

To view Quick Tips

FAQs Join the

Catalogers’ Desktop Listserv

And more

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Miscellaneous Info All customization features (i.e., Preferences, Bookmarks)

are stored as cookies on the cataloger’s personal workstation. For this reason, they cannot be shared and they will disappear if cookies are deleted.

Many remote databases are included media, movie, theater and music guides, historical society catalogs, government agency websites, Autocat archives, OCLC documentation

The Feedback tab on the navigation bar allows customers to send comments to CDS (alternatively accessed via

4. Search sessions time out after 60 minutes of inactivity.