content marketing ideas: beware of imposters

content marketing ideas: beware of imposters by mark johnstone

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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content marketing ideas: beware of imposters

by mark johnstone

we make content to gain attention online

for example…

the vocal ranges of the world’s greatest singers

111,240 likes 5,079 tweets 772 links 2.2m visits

how quickly tech companies make money

21,498 likes 5,902 tweets 597 links 162,831 visits

the history of the fortune 500: the rise and fall of the world’s greatest companies

the history of the fortune 500: the rise and fall of the world’s greatest companies

actually, that’s not true. we didn’t make this idea.

we did pitch it, we did gather the data, and we did visualise it. but then we got stuck.

we ended up staring at graphs like this...

and tables like this... for days!

we thought we might show the change in the industrial landscape over time : we used this tool to explore the data

but GE has been around the top of the Fortune 500 since the beginning

and so has Ford

HP has risen slowly over time

and Apple has had a rollercoaster ride

but ultimately, what does this really show?

this idea is an imposter!

the history of the fortune 500: the rise and fall of the world’s greatest companies



it seemed like a good idea, but it wasn’t. we weren’t clear about what we wanted to show.

the history of the fortune 500: the rise and fall of the world’s greatest companies



2 things to learn from this…

1. don’t be fooled by a clever-sounding headline

what’s the one thing this shows?

visualising the careers of the world’s famous authors

we had to decide upon the ‘one thing’ to show

we thought about showing how many books each author wrote per year

but we focused on the age they each published their breakthrough book

this turned out to be a good call. more on that shortly...

when focusing on the ‘one thing’ you’re going to show, you don’t necessarily need to show them something new

you can simply show them something in a new light

the fact that ipods hold a lot of songs is not news, but we made it more concrete, and allowed people to wrap their

heads round it – to literally get a ‘sense’ of it

sharks kill 12 humans per year humans kill 11,417 sharks per hour

sharks kill 12 humans per year humans kill 11,417 sharks per hour

this is a powerful stat, but even more powerful when you can see it

these 2 infographics show the creative routines of famous people, but they don’t make the routines that easy to see.

we saw an opportunity to do more...

39,673 likes 13,763 tweets 737 links 764,439 visits

39,673 likes 13,763 tweets 737 links 764,439 visits

we weren‘t first to this idea. we weren’t even second.

but we were still more successful, just by allowing people to see things more clearly

why will anyone care?

the second question you need to ask

why would anyone care when authors had their breakthrough book?

a lot of people who love reading, secretly harbour the desire to write a book one day

and this piece told them it’s not too late!

we visualised all the previous six nations rugby matches

31 likes 59 tweets 9 links

very few people cared!

31 likes 59 tweets 9 links

why? when it comes to this year’s tournament,

very few people care what happened last year

the history of the fortune 500: the rise and fall of the world’s greatest companies





remember our imposter idea?

we said there were things to learn from this…

1. don’t be fooled by a clever-sounding headline

2. topic + format ≠ idea

we said there were things to learn from this…

infographics surveys guides

the history of…


these are all formats. they’re not ideas

infographics surveys guides

the history of…


this is probably the most dangerous one, because it sounds like you automatically have a story

infographics surveys guides

the history of…


simply putting things in chronological order will give you a story, but not necessarily an insightful one

infographics surveys guides

the history of…


showing ‘the history of’ could contain a good idea, but you haven’t done the hard work yet…

infographics surveys guides

the history of…


let’s look at a few examples of ‘the history of’ – the good and the bad…

121,208 likes 8,261 tweets 619 links 542,948 visits

the ‘one thing’ this shows is the lines of influence –

which genres gave birth to which genres

121,208 likes 8,261 tweets 619 links 542,948 visits

not only can you see the lines of influence –

you can hear them too (by clicking each genre to hear a sample)

now let’s take a look at the other extreme…


let’s recap…

the history of the fortune 500: the rise and fall of the world’s greatest companies

don’t be fooled by a clever-sounding headline

topic + format ≠ idea

ask yourself the hard questions

what’s the one thing this shows?

why will anyone care?

if you can answer these 2 questions succinctly, you’re more likely to have a clear and compelling idea

this will give you a better chance

of gaining attention online

thank you
