journals beware fake

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  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    Cteva sfaturi pentru a gsi

    revista n care s publicm unarticol

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake



    Fake journals

    Predatory publishers

    ecent journals

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    Fake journals


    &n site util inainte de a alege o revista!http!""fakejournalss$#ordpress$com"

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    Predatory publishers


    Pensee +ournal , revista adevrat- fakesite!

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    ecent journals

    http!""cercetare$ulbsibiu$ro"obj"documents"cautareinba.adedate/0/$pdf% un tutorial

    Cum verificam ca o revista e1ista- esteinde1ata /0/ sau este cotata /0/2


    Alte ba.e de date! cautati revista cu8oogle$ 61emplu!
  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    Punct de pornire

    7eviste romne ti cu factor de impact!


    http!""uefiscdi$gov$ro" % scorul relativ deinfluenta al revistelor- fisier 61cell$
  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    Alt e1emplu , este fake journal2 elivered%5o! dan$chicea:ulbsibiu$ro ate! ;ed- )< ec '()= )>!==!** ?()(( @C65 From! molecules:mdpi$com 7eply%5o! molecules:mdpi$com 5o! dan$chicea:ulbsibiu$ro 4essage%/! B)>D)>

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake



    R magnetite nanostructures R drug targeting R anti%tumor treatments R modulation of biofilm development R #ound healing R stabili.ation of essential oils R magnetic resonance imaging R antimicrobial therapy and drug delivery

    R cancer therapy

    Sou may send your manuscript no# or up until the deadline$ 0ubmitted papers should not have been published previously- nor be under consideration for publication else#here$ ;e also encourage authors to send us their tentative title and short abstract to the 6ditorial Mffice @molecules:mdpi$com for approval$

    5his 0pecial /ssue #ill be fully open access$ Mpen access @unlimited and free access by readers increases publicity and promotes more freTuent citations- as indicated by several studies$ Mpen access is supported by the authors and their institutes$ 4ore information is available at http!""###$mdpi$com"about"openaccess"$

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    5he Article Processing Charges @APC are )

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    Alt e1emplu , ce credeUi2

    Dear Colleagues: 5he ne# "Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (BME)"#as inaugurated in 4arch '()* by

    5echno%Press$ 5he L46L aims at the valuable source of information and e1cellent publicationchannel to share the most recent scientific findings among the global community of practitionersand researchers in the biomaterials and biomedical engineering$ For more details- please linkOhttp!""###$techno%press$org"2journal3bmeVsubpage3E

    5aking this opportunity- / #ould like to e1tend my appreciation to the authors- editors- revie#ers#ho made it possible to publish the inaugural issue of 46 on schedule$

    Considering your global reputation in the areas of iomaterials and iomedical 6ngineering- /have the pleasure to invite you to contribute your paper to this e1citing ne# journal$ ;e #ill do ourbest to e1pedite the revie# process so that your paper can be included in the earlier issues of46$ 5o submit a manuscript- please linkO http!""###$techno%press$org"papers "$

    Also- #e #ill greatly appreciate it if you can recommend the journal to your library for possiblesubscription after you have an opportunity to revie# it$ For subscription informationOhttp!""###$techno%press$org"2page 3subscription$

    Wooking for#ard to your enjoyable association to the ne# journal 46$ ;ith best regards$ Chang%Qoon Choi- Ph @&/&C

    4anaging 6ditor for 46/nstitute Chair- Professor 6meritusept of Civil V 6nvironmental 6ngQorea Adv /nst of 0ci V 5ech @QA/05aejeon =(%E()- 0$ Qorea6%mail! technopD:chol$com- 5el! ?

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    Alt e1emplu International Journal of Advanced Research in h!sical cience (IJAR)

    Call for a#ers$ARI%& '* htt#:++,,, Dear Esteemed ir+Madam& /nternational +ournal of Advanced 7esearch in Physical 0cience @/+A7P0 is one of the international journals #hich is

    an integral part of AcademiciansX 7esearch Center #hich strives to cater to the needs of those #ho #ant to contributediverse papers on Physical 0cience for publication in international journals to diffuse- share their kno#ledge #ithstudents- scholars- intellectuals- academicians etc$ across the globe$

    ;e therefore invite you to for#ard your papers of your research- revie#- learning etc$ for publication in our esteemed/nternational +ournal of Advanced 7esearch in Physical 0cience$ lease for,ard !our #a#er to the email id : or editor/ 0ubmissions must be uniTue and should not be published earlier or be under consideration for publication #hile being

    evaluated for this +ournal$ #ecial 1eatures of IJAR v lind peer revie#ed journal$ v Prompt and rapid response to the authors according to the schedule$

    v 0imple and standard 5emplate$ v Free 6nglish Wanguage assistance from AcademiciansX 7esearch Center$ v Mn%line and print versions in t#o formats @e%journal and Print #ith reasonable cost$ v /ssuing the Certificate of Publication to each Author free of cost$

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    Qindly inform about IJARto your Friends " 0tudents" Colleagues " Associates and Fello# 7esearchers #ho may

    utili.e this opportunity as a platform for their ne# research inventions$ Im#ortant Dates for 2olume$ 3 Issue$' Wast date of paper submission! Ma!& '*(E4tended) Acceptance notification! Before 5 Ma!& '* /ssue publication! ' Ma!& '* Publication freTuency! ' Issues for !ear Publisher!Academicians6 Research Center (ARC)-

    u7lication Charges

    tudents (India)8thers (India)I9R ' (8nline)& I9R (8nline ;

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake




    Ce fel de revist este2

  • 7/24/2019 Journals Beware Fake


    Care este condiUia ca un articol sfie publicat ntr%o revist decent2

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