consultation guiding principle of islam in matters of...

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful And say, the truth has come and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood (by nature) everbound to depart (Qur’an 17:81) Volume 21. No.3 • REGISTERED AT GPO AS A NEWSPAPER Rabiul - Aakhir 1440 / December 2018 Consultation Guiding Principle of Islam In Matters of Deen Qur’an 42: 38 And those who have responded to their lord and established prayer and whose affair is (determined by) consultation among themselves, and from what We have provided them, they spend. Hadith The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: He who consults others in matters will never regret and he who has recourse to interrogation shall not fall into destitution. (Tirmizi) Ask someone who knows: Two lots of knowledge are better than one. Consultation is the first requirement for reaching the right decision. Decisions reached without due reflection or proper consultation usually come to nothing. Individuals who depend only on themselves, are disconnected from others and unconcerned with their opinions. They could even happen to be geniuses, yet, are at considerable risk of error, as compared to those who offer and receive opinions. Consultation is the first condition for obtaining good results. Paying attention to opinions of friends and well-wishers is an important means of avoiding mistakes. Tasks undertaken without due preparation and consideration of possible consequences and ramifications, apart from making little progress, discredit those who undertook them. Wise people know whom to consult, and how to get the most benefit from their opinions. It is a pleasure to work with such people. Some of us are so insensitive, thoughtless, and complacent about our own knowledge or competence that we intimidate others into accepting our opinions. Such people are always unbearable to those who must work with them. Before initiating a task, consult with other people involved, so that everyone’s responsibilities are clear. Then, if something goes wrong in the future, only the person directly responsible will be blamed. Unless possible consequences of proposed actions are properly discussed in advance with people, regret and remorse will be the outcome. More importantly, always consult in matters of religion. Islamic Information Bureaus are Islamic Libraries. Currently it operates in 3 districts: Lilongwe, Balaka and Blantyre. These are public libraries where Islamic information can be sourced. This month hot issue on marriage discourse: Ungratefulness with the blessing of married woman wants divorced. Details covered on page 4 Zakaah Nisaab (Dec 2018) MK212,000

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Page 1: Consultation Guiding Principle of Islam In Matters of… · never regret and he who has recourse to interrogation

Vol 21. No.3 December 2018 / Rabiul-Aakhir 1440

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

And say, the truth has come and falsehood has departed. Indeed isfalsehood (by nature) everbound to depart (Qur’an 17:81)

Volume 21. No.3 • REGISTERED AT GPO AS A NEWSPAPER • Rabiul - Aakhir 1440 / December 2018

ConsultationGuiding Principle of Islam

In Matters of Deen

Qur’an 42: 38And those who have responded to their lord and established prayer and whose affair is (determined by) consultation among themselves, and from what We have provided them, they spend.

HadithThe Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: He who consults others in matters will never regret and he who has recourse to interrogation shall not fall into destitution. (Tirmizi)

Ask someone who knows: Two lots of knowledge are better than one. Consultation is the first requirement for reaching the right decision. Decisions reached without due reflection or proper consultation usually come to nothing.

Individuals who depend only on themselves, are disconnected from others and unconcerned with their opinions. They could even happen to be geniuses, yet, are at considerable risk of error, as compared to those who offer and receive opinions.

Consultation is the first condition for obtaining good results. Paying attention to opinions of friends and well-wishers is an important means of avoiding mistakes. Tasks undertaken without due preparation and consideration of possible consequences and ramifications, apart from making little progress, discredit those who undertook them.

Wise people know whom to consult, and how to get the most benefit from their opinions. It is a pleasure to work with such people. Some of us are so insensitive, thoughtless, and complacent about our own knowledge or competence that we intimidate others into accepting our opinions. Such people are always unbearable to those who must work with them.

Before initiating a task, consult with other people involved, so that everyone’s responsibilities are clear. Then, if something goes wrong in the future, only the person directly responsible will be blamed. Unless possible consequences of proposed actions are properly discussed in advance with people, regret and remorse will be the outcome. More importantly, always consult in matters of religion.

Islamic Information Bureaus are Islamic Libraries. Currently it operates in 3 districts: Lilongwe, Balaka and Blantyre. These are public libraries where Islamic information can be sourced.

This month hot issue on marriage discourse: Ungratefulness with the blessing of married woman wants divorced. Details covered on page 4


(Dec 2018)MK212,000

Page 2: Consultation Guiding Principle of Islam In Matters of… · never regret and he who has recourse to interrogation


QHow did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) interact with his Companions (Radhiyallahu Anhum) in terms of mercy, compassion and in decision making?

AThe Prophet’s (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) interactions with his Companions (Radhiyallahu Anhum) was in accordance with what Allah enjoined upon him. Allah says: So by mercy

from Allah [O Muhammad] you were lenient with them. And if you had been rude [in speech] and harsh in heart, they would have disbanded from about you. So pardon them and ask forgiveness for them and consult them in the matter. (3:159) We learn three aspects here: Compassionate, lenient and overlooking mistakes. Praying for forgiveness. Making decision with consultation.

QAqeeqah was not offered to children until they grew up. Is it permissible to offer Aqeeqah for them but they are out of the location where they were born?

AThere is nothing wrong with slaughtering the Aqeeqah on their behalf, even if they are grown up although it would have been better to hasten to do it. But if it has been delayed, then there

is nothing wrong. You may slaughter it whenever you can afford to do that. With regard to where the Aqeeqah is slaughtered, there is no specific place for that; rather it is permissible to slaughter it in the location where they were born, or elsewhere. This act of worship (Ibaadah) has no specified place.

QSpreading affairs of others is the conduct of some people. Mostly is done without permission. Is that conduct applicable in Islam?

AConversation in a gathering is a trust. If spreading it will result in harming a Muslim that is not permitted. There should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm. But, if spreading it will

serve a Shar’i interest then it is permissible to spread. For example MAM made press briefing clarifying the position of Islam as regards to Ruqyah. The press briefing also clarified the stand of Islam in imitating non-Muslim terms. Major of all is the newly imitated term by some corrupt individuals using the term ‘Healing Ministries’, yet they are Muslims. Defiant Christians from mainstream bodies use these terms.

QSometimes a Muslim may kill himself due to hardships. What is the ruling on committing suicide in the case of severe hardships and depression?

ASuicide is a major sin, and the one who does that is warned of Hell-Fire. The believer has to be patient and seek help from Allah and understand that no matter what hardship befalls

him/her in this world, no matter how severe it is, the punishment of Hereafter is worse than it. A Muslim/Muslimah should ponder and realise that he/she is not the only one in this world who is affected by calamity and hardship. With today’s dynamic world, there are always alternatives one can adopt than taking his/her own life.

[email protected]


• Question and Answers

• Marriage Discourse

• IIB Highlights

• Road Users in Islam

Motivational Moments

Unfair things may have happened to us and caused pain. But remember the Almighty is making us stronger in the process.

Protect your heart from revenge and hate. Don’t let it consume you. A vindictive soul will end up miserable. Learn to forgive instead.

When you’ve sinned, quickly repent and get back on track. Don’t wait for the “right time”. There might not be next or second chance.

The trouble with us today is that we’ve stopped feeling someone else’s pain and suffering. We’re obsessed with ourselves. Bring back compassion.

PublisherAl-Haqq Publications

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Page 3: Consultation Guiding Principle of Islam In Matters of… · never regret and he who has recourse to interrogation

Vol 21. No.3 December 2018 / Rabiul-Aakhir 1440

[email protected]

QWe sometimes make promises and fail to honour it. When are we excused not to fulfill our promises?

AKeeping promises are attributes of the believers. Breaking promises is one of the attributes of the hypocrites. The believer

who makes promises to people and breaks his promise may have an excuse or he may not. For example he may be excused in the following scenario: Forgetting: whoever promises then forget the promise, being forced to break one’s promise, promise to do something that is Haraam (forbidden) or not to do something obligatory, and if something unforeseen happens to the one who made the promise.

QIs it permissible for a Muslim to enjoy at the beach? And what are the guidelines for enjoying at the beach?

AWe are warned against sins of nudity, promiscuity, and all those that corrupt the soul and mind. It is therefore imperative

that, while at the beach we specifically avoid areas associated with the above and find locations or times where we will be staying clear of the above completely. We are not allowed to expose our nakedness to others. Remember nakedness includes all parts of the body that we must keep covered from others.

QWe have a servant at home. She is paid and eats the same food we eat. Are there any other rights upon us that are not

known to us?

AIslam encourages kindness to servants, by teaching that the head of the household should give his servant a share of his food

and drink, especially if this servant is the one who makes that food or brings it to his master, and he looks at the food. She does not have any established rights over you additional to what has been stipulated in her contract or to what is well established according to custom.

QLiving as a human being requires in one way or the other having relationships. How can we build good relationships?

ACorrect the relationship between yourself and Allah Ta’ala and Allah Ta’ala will then correct the relationship between yourself

and others. Put yourself in the place of others and let them hear from you what you like to hear from them. Keep smiling especially during difficult situations. Keep yourself calm when provoked. Be sensitive to feelings of others, their rights, and their needs. Choose your words carefully when speaking. Spread Salaam (Islamic greeting). Give away gifts even if small ones and rush to help others even if is little. Keep your promises and be truthful in your talk.

QOur Muslim friend is admitted at the hospital and wants to know how he can perform Tayammum in a hospital?

AIf a sick person cannot use water for ablution for a medical reason, he/she can make Tayammum (dry ablution) to offer the

prayers. Hitting one’s clothes if there is dust on it/them, or he can keep with him/her some dust in a vessel or bag to use for Tayammum.

QSome people offered the funeral prayer, and the Imaam said three Takbeers, and forgot the fourth. What is the ruling?

AIt should be known that the number of Takbeers in the funeral prayer is four, all of which are pillars or essential parts of that

prayer. Based on that, if the Imaam says only three Takbeers by mistake he should not be followed, and it is essential to alert him to that. If he then says the fourth Takbeer, his prayer is valid, but if he does not do that, then the people praying behind him have to complete the fourth Takbeer, then say Salaam. This may happen out of fear or grief more especially when the one leading the prayer is a close relative to the deceased Muslim.

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: When the servant of any one of you brings his food to him, if he does not make him sit with him, then let him give him a morsel or two, or a mouthful or two, for he has endured its heat and preparation. (Bukhari & Muslim)

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: I and the one who sponsors an orphan will be like this in Paradise, and he gestured with his index finger and middle finger. (Bukhari)


Page 4: Consultation Guiding Principle of Islam In Matters of… · never regret and he who has recourse to interrogation

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Q: Even though my husband is a person of good character he does not treat me with kindness. He is moody and troubled at heart. He often says that I am the cause of this. I do fulfill his rights. What advice will you give?

A: It is obligatory for couples to live in a kind manner. There should be good manners and treatment between them. Allah Ta’ala says: And live with them in honour and in kindness. (4:19) The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: Righteousness is good character. (Muslim) He (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) also said: The most perfect of believers in ‘Iman (faith) is the one with the best character. And the best of you are those that are best to their womenfolk, and I am the best amongst you to my family. (Tirmizi)

You have done well in patiently persevering and bearing the ill treatment and bad character from your husband. However, we advise you to have even greater patience.

Q: My husband was having an affair with a non-Muslim girl and gave her a child. He wants to take the child so that he can give the child Muslim values. But the girl says she won’t give the child. In this situation how can I help?

A: You can offer sincere advice to your husband, reminding him to fear Allah Ta’ala. The consequences of adultery are bad in this world and in the Hereafter. One of our pious predecessors said: Adultery combines all the characteristics of evil such as lack of religious commitment, loss of piety, corruption of dignity and lack of protective jealousy. It is well known that there is no sin on you because of your husband’s sin and illicit relationship. You are not

responsible for the child at all. So do not burden yourself or worry about him.

Q: A man is in love with a Christian woman. He wants to leave his first wife and call this Christian woman to Islam, then later marry her. What is your advice?

A: When Islam permits plural marriage (up to four), it stipulates the condition of fair and just treatment.Undoubtedly it is not just or fair to forsake the first wife in order to marry the second, even if we assume that the intention in this case is good, which is to make the Christian woman embrace Islam. For Islam of the second wife does not require that the first wife be mistreated or abandoned. The end does not justify the means. Moreover, there are many ways and means of calling the Christian woman to Islam. We do not advise this man to marry this Christian woman in such circumstances.

Q: My husband did not fulfill my hopes of a life based on religious commitment. Should I ask for divorce?

A: Islam does not allow seeking divorce except in cases where there is a valid reason and hardship that calls for that. Perhaps you may get divorced and not find the husband you are wishing for. Seeking divorce is a kind of ingratitude for blessings of getting married. What you are seeking of life filled with religious commitment can be obtained by striving hard and seeking the means that will help you to attain that, such as finding righteous friends and participating in women Tarbiyah programmes and so on. Also, beseech Allah Ta’ala to guide your husband and to make him religious.

• Inter - college meeting. Bringing all colleges together. Mapping the way forward and reviewing MSA activities.

• IQRA Hall in the city of Blantyre will host Muslim Youth United and Zanzibar Muslim Graduates for a panel of discussion. The discussion will be held under the theme “Identity Crisis of Muslim Students in Schools”.

• General Get-Together for all colleges and secondary schools around Blantyre

and nearby districts.

• Ali Mahomed & MAT: Joint Tarbiyyah

Program for beneficiries of the two

charity bodies.

• Lilongwe and Limbe Islamic Information

Bureau respectively continue with

hospital visits. Additionally Lilongwe

Islamic Information Bureau hold Masjid

tour with its potential reverts. 4

Marriage Discourse

Islamic Information Bureau Highlights

Page 5: Consultation Guiding Principle of Islam In Matters of… · never regret and he who has recourse to interrogation

Vol 21. No.3 December 2018 / Rabiul-Aakhir 1440

[email protected]

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: When one of you supplicates (makes Dua) he should ask with confidence and should not say: Allah bestow on me (such and such) if You please. (Bukhari & Muslim)

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: When one of you enters the Masjid, you should pray two Rakaahs before sitting down (Bukhari & Muslim)


QClothes made from animal skin are normally made from the skin of unlawful animals such as pigs. What is your

opinion about such clothing?

AThe Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: If the skin is tanned, then it is purified. (Muslim) Scholars (Ulama) have

differed concerning this: Does this Hadith cover all types of tanned skins, or is it particular to the tanned skin of those animals whose slaughtered meat is lawful? There is no doubt that the tanned skins of those animals whose slaughtered meat is lawful, such as the skin of camels, cows and sheep, are Tahir (pure) and are Ja’iz (permissible) to use for all types of clothing. As for the skin of pigs, dogs and their like Scholars have differed as to whether tanning purifies their skin or not. So cautiousness dictates avoiding their usage. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: Whosoever avoids the doubtful matters safeguards his religion and his honour. (Bukhari)

QI work for a company that has not given me my salary for two months. The owner of the company says, when we

make a sale I will give you your salary, but if you do not achieve any sales, you will not get anything. Which way to go?

AWhat is required of the business owner is to fear Allah Ta’ala with regard to his employees, and to pay their salaries without

delaying it. If this refusal to pay the salaries is indeed because the company is unable due to lack of funds, then the company is excused. But if the owner is being heedless then he is wrong. You have a number of possible solutions, including the following: You can advise the owner with gentleness. You can bear this situation with patience until Allah makes things easy for you. We cannot advise you to resign.

QWe saw a man in Masjid moving his finger in circles. He said this is Hisar a type of Ruqyah to protect from black

magic. What is this thing Hisar?

AWe have not come across any Hadith, which speaks of Hisar. We should protect ourselves against magic and other evils

before they happen which includes the following: Constantly obeying Allah, by doing everything that Allah has enjoined upon His slaves and avoiding everything that is prohibited. Sincerely repenting to Allah drawing closer to Him. Persisting in reciting the Adhkaar which includes the following: Reciting Aayat al-Kursi and the last two verses of Surat Baqarah. Reciting Surat Ikhlaas and al-Mi‘wadhatayn three times. Eating seven dates in the morning, before eating or drinking anything else. The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: Whoever eats seven ‘ajwah dates in the morning every day, no poison or magic will harm him during that day. (Bukhari)

QWhen should Zakaah on crops and fruits be paid? We have vast gardens for both fruits and crops for business?

AZakaah become due on grains and fruits is when they reach peak condition. As for the time when Zakaah is to be given, it is after

removing the husk and cleaning grains. It is not valid to give Zakaah on them before that. Knowing when Zakaah become due is important for the following reasons: The ruling on liability. If the crop is destroyed before the time when Zakaah becomes due, then no Zakaah is due at all. But if it is destroyed after Zakaah becomes due, Zakaah is not waived, unless it was destroyed by an “act of Allah” or by something over which the owner had no control. If he sells it before it appears to be ripe and in sound condition, then no Zakaah is due from him; rather Zakaah is to be given by the purchaser. But if he sells it after it appears to be ripe and in sound condition, then Zakaah is due from the seller. If he inherits the crop and fruit before it appears to be ripe and in sound condition, then he must pay Zakaah on it. If he inherits it after that, then no Zakaah is due from him..

Page 6: Consultation Guiding Principle of Islam In Matters of… · never regret and he who has recourse to interrogation

[email protected]

F:Kodi ndizololedwa abale a munthu womwalira kukhala nawo panthawi yomwe akusambitsidwa. Komanso

pamafunika anthu angati kuyendetsa mwambo wosambitsa thupi la munthu wakufa?

Y:Palibe mulingo weniweni wa anthu oyenera kuyendetsa mwambo wosambitsa thupi la munthu wakufa.

Koma mulingo oyenera ndiwo omwe ungakhale wokwanira kuyendetsa mwambowo. Umm Attiya (Radhiyallahu Anha) anati: Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) analowa kumalo komwe timasambitsa mwana wake ndipo anati kwa ife: Nsambitseni katatu kapena kasanu kapena kuposa apo. (Bukhari) Koma Maulama ena anaona kuti ndikwamwino kuti m’bale kapena abale a munthu womwalira azipezeka pa malo pomwe akusambitsa m’bale wowo ngakhale kutakhala kuti palibe chomwe angapange koma kupezekako ndikuonetsa chifundo ndi chisoni kwa m’bale wawo yemwe wapita.

F:Kodi Chisilamu chikutinji pa nkhani yakusunga ubale?

Y:Chisilamu chimaphunzitsa kusunga ubale chifukwa kupyolera mukusunga ubale muli

phindu lomwe limapezeka chifukwa chakukhalira limodzi monga kuthandizana pa nthawi yamavuto Komanso pa nthawi yachisangalalo. Komanso kumabweretsa chikondi pakati pa Asilamu. Dziwani kuti kusunga ubale ndi udindo wa wina aliyense yemwe ali wokhulupilira (Msilamu).

F:Anthu ena kuchita juga ndi gawo lalikulu ku moyo wawo wa tsiku ndi tsiku ndipo amafunsa kuti ndichifukwa

chani Chisilamu chimaletsa kuchita juga?

Y: Chisilamu chinaletsa kuchita juga ndipo zina zifukwa zomwe chinaletsera ndi monga: Kuchita juga kumapangitsa munthu

moyo wake kukhala odalira kupeza zinthu zobwera mwangozi, mosayembekezera, mwadzidzidzi, kapenanso kupeza zinthu mwamwayi komanso mongolota m’malo mogwira ntchito. Kuchita juga kumaononga mabanja pamene chuma

chimatayidwa chopezapeza komwe kuli kuuitana umphawi ndi kusauka. Kuchita juga kumayambitsa matenda a mtima. Mwapaderadera kuchita juga kumapangitsa ochita jugawo kugwa m’milandu, kuzipha, kupenga misala komanso kuyambitsa matenda a mgonagona.

F:Anthu ena akamafuna kufunsa makamaka pa zinthu zochititsa manyazi kapena zoyalutsa amanena

kuti palibe kuchita manyazi pa chipembedzo. Kodi ndizoona kuti palibe kuchita manyazi pa chipembedzo?

Y:Sizolondola kunena kuti palibe kuchita manyazi pa chipembedzo pamene munthu akufuna kufunsa kapena kunena

zinthu zolaula kapena zochititsa manyazi. Dziwani kuti kuchita manyazi ndi gawo la chipembedzo cha Chisilamu. Msilamu ayenera kuchita manyazi kumene. Njira yabwino ndiyomwe Umm Salamah (Radhiyallahu Anha) ananenera kwa Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) pomwe Ananena kuti: E! Inu Mtumiki wa Mulungu, Mulungu sali omangika kapena kuchita manyazi ponena zoona ndi chilungamo, kodi munthu wa mkazi ayenera kuchita Wuzu ngati iye atazilotera? Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) anati: Inde ngati ataona chinyontho. Umm Salamah (Radhiyallahu Anha) anabitsa nkhope yako ndikunena kuti: E Inu Mtumiki wa Mulungu, munthu wa mkazi angazilotere? Inde … (Bukhari komanso Muslim)

F:Kodi Istikhaarah ndi chiyani?

Y:Istikhaarah ndi liwu lomwe likuthanthauza kumupempha Mulungu kuti amuthandize

munthu kusankha kwabwino pakati pa zinthu zingapo zomwe iye munthu akufuna kuchita, kukhala nazo ndi zina. Zimatheka kuti pali zinthu zingapo zomwe munthu ukufuna kuti usankhe chimodzi ndipo zonse zikuoneka ngati zabwino kwaiwe. Choncho Istikhaarah ndi pemphero lomupempha Allah Ta’ala kuti apeleka dangalira la chinthu chabwino.



Mtumiki (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) anati: Moyo wa dziko lino la pansi sikanthu koma chisangalalo chachifupi, ndipo chisangalalo chachifupi chomwe ndi chabwino ndi kukhala ndi mkazi womuopa Mulungu. (Abu Dawood)

Page 7: Consultation Guiding Principle of Islam In Matters of… · never regret and he who has recourse to interrogation

Vol 21. No.3 December 2018 / Rabiul-Aakhir 1440

[email protected]

Mtumiki (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) anati: Msilamu asakhale mlowa malo wa chuma cha munthu yemwe sali Msilamu chomwechonso munthu yemwe sali Msilamu asakhale mlowa malo wa chuma cha Msilamu.(Ibn Majah komanso Ahmad ndi Abu Dawood)


F:Nthawi zina tikayenda kupita kutali zimatheka kugona mnyumba ya anthu omwe sali Asilamu. Kodi ndizololedwa

kuimitsa Swalah munyumba zimenezi?

Y:Ndizololedwa kuimitsa Swalah munyumba ya munthu yemwe sali Msilamu kupyolera mukulankhula kwa Mtumiki

(Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) konena kuti: Nthaka yapangidwa kwaine kukhala malo omulambira Mulungu komanso njira yakuziyeretsera, choncho nthawi ikakwana ya mapemhero munthu wa Ummah wanga ayenera kuimitsa Swalah. (Bukhari) Tikuphunzira mu Hadith iyi kuti nthaka ndiyoyeretsedwa kupatulako ngati pali choletsa chomwe chingapangitse Swalah kusalandiridwa kapena kupelewera chifukwa cha zinthu zopezeka pa nthakapo.

F:Bambo anga amandipatsa ndalama pafupipafupi komanso ngakhale amandipatsa sindikhala pa ndekha

ndipo ndili mmanja mwawo. Chifukwa chondipatsa pafupipafupi nthawi zonse ndimakhala ndi ndalama. Kodi ndalama imeneyi ndiyoti nditha kupeleka Zakaah?

Y:Kupereka Zakaah kumakhala kokakamizidwa pa ndalama yomwe zakwanira Nisaab (Mulingo wopelekera

Zakaah) ndipo ngati ndilamayo itatha chaka ikadali yanu. Ndalama yomwe bambo anu amakupatsani ndiyanu ndipo mutha kugwiritsa ntchito m’mene mufunira. Choncho ndiyoyeneranso kupeleka Zakaah. Nisaab ya Golide ndi 85 grams ndipo Nisaab ya Silivala ndi 585 grams. Ngati ndalama yanu itakwana mulingo (Nisaab) wa golide kapena silivala ndiye kuti yakwanitsa mulingo wopelekera Zakaah.

F:Kodi mamuna ali ndi ufulu wolowelera zakulumikizana kwa amzizawo (achikazi) a mkazi wake?

Y:Ndizachiziwikire kuti akazi apabanja kapena okwatiwa atha kukhala ndi azimzawo omwe anaziwana nawo

asanakwatiwe ndipo atha kupitiliza nawo ngati

mamuna wawo atawalola kutero. Zinthu ziyenera kukhalira motero pokhala ndi abwezi omwe mkazi analinawo asanakwatiwe. Umo ndi m’mene zinalili ndi azikazi ama Swahabah (Radhiyallahu Anhuma) Umm Salamah anati: Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) tsikulina analowa mu mnyumba yake ndipo anamupeza ali ndi azimzake achikazi. Komabe mkazi ali ndi udindo womvera ndikutsatira zomwe mamuna wake angamuuze zokhuza azimzake oyenera ndi osayenera kuchezanawo.

F:Mkazi wanga yemwe banja linatha pakati pa iye ndi ine wabweretsa uthenga wachilendo komanso wodandaulitsa

pamene akunena kuti ana omwe ndinabeleka naye bambo awo ndi ena osati ine. Kodi zikatero ndikumayankha motani nkhani yodwalitsa ngati imeneyi?

Y:Chisilamu chimaphunzitsa kufunika kolongosola za mtundu wa munthu makamaka za bambo amene ali mwini

wa ana ndikuvomereza za umwiniwu. Chimalora kuvomerezeka ndikulola kwa ubambo ngakhale zitakhala kuti umboni wake ndiocheperapo. Koma chinakhwimitsa posalora kukana ubambo wa ana omwe abadwira pa banja loziwikabwino. Chiphunzitso cha Chisilamu chimanena kuti mwana kapena ana ndi a mamuna monga mukulankhula kwa Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) kunena kuti: Mwana ndi waiye mwini malo ogona ndipo yemwe kuchita chiwerewere alibe gawo. (Bukhari)

F:Anthu ena akabwereka zinthu za amzawo sabweza. Malangizo anu ndi otani?

Y:Mulungu sadzawononga malipiro abwino a munthu. Kuwapatsa amzathu omwe atibwereka zinthu ndi chinthu chimodzi

cha ntchito yabwino. Munthu akabwereka ndipo akulephera kubwenza zomwe anabwereka mwina chifukwa cha mavuto ndi bwino kumupatsa nthawi yokwanira, posanyoza koma kumuchitira chifundo. Munthu yemwe wabwereka kanthu ndikoyenera kwa iye kuonetsetsa kuti wabweza..

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F:Kodi ndizoloredwa kukwatiwa ndi mamuna yemwe akuziwika kuti satha kuchita za m’banja. Izi zitha kukhala

choncho pomwe mamunayo ulinaye chikondi ndipo ukufuna kukhala naye pa banja

Y:Ndizololedwa mkazi kukwatiwa ndi mamuna yemwe akuziwika kuti satha kukwanitsa kuchita za m’banja chifukwa

kuchita za m’banja ndi ufulu wanu (wofunika kulandira) inu ngati mkazi ndi zomwe zimapezeka kupyolera mukuchita za m’banjazo monga kukhala ndi ana zomwe munthu wa mkazi mwachilengedwe amazifuna kukhala nazo. Tinene kuti ngakhale kuti tanena kuti ndizololedwa Ndibwino kusatero. Mutha kuvomereza kusalabadira za mtendere umenewu koma simukudziwa maganizo omwe angabwere patadutsa chaka kapena zaka zingapo muli munyengo yotere. Dziwani kuti banja limayenera kukhala lokhazikiza. Choncho simungasinthe pambuyo poti munazivomereza nokha.

F:Ndalapa (kuchita Tawbah) ndipo sindikufuna kubwereranso kuzoipa zomwe ndimachita. Koma ngakhale

ndalapa sindikumva mumtima mwanga zakudandaula pa zochimwa zomwe ndimkachita. Kodi ndingapangebwanji kuti ndikwanitse kuzidandaulira mumtima poti zikuoneka ngati zovuta kukwanitsa?

Y:Kulapa (Kuchita Tawbah) kuti kukhala kovomerezeka kumayenera kuti munthu atsatire izi: Kusiiratu tchimo

lomwe amachita. Kuzidandaulira pa zomwe iye munthu amachita. Kuzilankhula mumtima kuti siuzabwereranso kumachimowo. Koma ngati tchimo kapena machimowo akukhuza anthu kapena munthu wina yemwe kapena omwe adalakwiridwa ndiye pali chinthu chachinayi chofunika kuchita komwe kuli Kupempha chikhululuko kuchokera kwa munthu yemwe analakwiridwa kapena kumupatsa zinthu zake. Dziwani kuti kuzidandaulira ndi gawo lofunika kwambiri la kulapa. Mtumiki (Mtendere ndi Madalitso a Mulungu apite kwa Iye) anati: Kuzidandaulira ndiye kulapako (Ibn Majah). Ngati

kuzindaulira kutakhala koziyeretsa kwenikweni ndiye kuti munthu wochita tchimoyo atha kusiya tchimolo. Dziwani kuti kulapa ndi chinthu chomwe chimadutsa zigawo zingapo kuchoka gawo ili kufika gawo ilo kwenikweni zigawo zitatu: Kuzindikira za tchimolo, kuchitapo kanthu. Pamene iye wazindikira zakulakwa kwake kapena kuzindikira za tchimo, kuzidandaulira ndikumva kuwawa mumtima mwake kuzamufikirira.

F:Msilamu mzathu yemwe anachita kulowa Chisilamu anamwalira. Abale ake analetsa kupereka thupi lake

kwa Asilamu kuti amusambitse, kumumveka komanso kumupempherera Janazah. Zachisoni anamuika munjira yosakhala ya Chisilamu ndikukamuika ku manda awo. Kodi timupempherera bwanji Msilamu mzathuyo?

Y:vvv Pamene Msilamu waikidwa m’manda mopanda kumuchitira pemphero la Janazah tiyenera kumuchitira pemphero

la Janazah ngati ataikidwa kudera lina lakutali. Koma ngati ataikidwa kudera lomwelo pemphero lake liyenera kuchitika pa manda pomwe waikidwa. Koma nanga Msilamu uyu anaikidwa kumanda a anthu omwe sali Asilamu komwe kuli mitanda ndi zina zotero kodi titha kumupempherera pa manda pomwe waikidwa? Inde tiyenera kumuchitira pemphero pa manda pomwe waikidwa ngakhale kuli mitanda ndi zina zotero. Mulungu ndi yemwe akudziwa zonse.

F:Kodi anthu owaimilira anthu pa milandu (maloya) ayenera kutsatira ziti pogwira ntchito yawo ya uloya

Y:Ntchito yeneni ya maloya ndikumuimilira munthu kapena anthu pa milandu ndicholinga choteteza chilungamo

komanso kuti zoyenera ziperekedwe kwa oyenera. Mwachidule ntchito iyi ndiyovomerezeka. Ngati maloya angamuope Mulungu ndipo samuimilira munthu kapena anthu pomuteteza pamene iye ndiolakwa udindo wawo udzakhala womvemerezeka. Zomwe zili zofunika kwa maloya ndikuimilira chilungamo. Kwa yemwe ali mbali yolakwa zedi sizololedwa kumuimilira pa mulandu.

Mtumiki (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) anati: Moyo wa dziko lino la pansi sikanthu koma chisangalalo chachifupi, ndipo chisangalalo chachifupi chomwe ndi chabwino ndi kukhala ndi mkazi womuopa Mulungu. (Abu Dawood)

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F:Kodi udindo woyang’anira ana ngati mamuna (Msilamu) atamwalira umapita kwa yani pamene mkazi wake

ndi wachipembedzo china kunena kuti sanali Msilamu, ndipo mamunayo abale ake enieni ali kutali?

Y:Udindo wolera ndi kuyang’anira ana usaperekedwe kwa munthu yemwe sali Msilamu. Ngati abale a munthuyo ali

kutali tipange chotheka kuti anawo atumizidwe kwa abalewo. Ngati kuwatumiza kwa abalewo kuli kovuta choncho udindo woyang’anira anawo upite kwa banja la Chisilamu. Zoyenera kutsatira ndi izi: Munthu otenga udindo ayenera kukhala Msilamu. Asakhale wamisala. Akhale munthu wamkulu osati mwana. Akhale yemwe angathe kuwalera ana bwino, munthu wodziwa udindo wa kholo.

F:Timamva kuchokera mu Hadith kuti munthu akamwalira zintchito zake zonse zimaima kupatulako zitatu ndipo

chimodzi mwaicho ndi ntchito yabwino yomwe ili yopitilira monga mzikiti, zitsime, zipatala ndi zina ndipo iyi imatchedwa Sadaqatul Jarriyah. Kodi nthawi yabwino yokhonza Sadaqatul Jarriyah ndi iti?

Y:Asilamu onse omwe ali ndi kuthekera akulangizidwa kupereka chaulele kwa osauka akadali moyo. Chomwenso

chopereka chopitilira yomwe ndi Sadaqatul Jarriyah ndiyofunika kwambiri kwa Msilamu chifukwa phindu komanso madalitso ake amapitilra iye munthu atamwalira. Chopereka chopitilra ndi monga kumanga ma sukulu, zipatala ndi zina, ndipo nthawi yabwino kukhazikitsa chopereka chopitilira ndi pamene tili moyo. Abale a munthu yemwe wa mwalira atha kukhazikitsa chopereka chopitilira m’malo mwaiye. Khazikitsani lero chopereka chopitilira imfa isanakufikireni kuti chuma chanu chomwe muli nacho chidzakupatseni madalitso ndi mtendere pamene inu muli m’manda.

F:Kodi tili ololedwa kutsatira ndale za dziko lathu, pothandizira komanso kulowa kumene ndalezo?

Y:Poyamba tinene kuti Msilamu ayenera kukhala munthu ochangamuka pazochitika za dera lomwe iye amakhala,

boma lake komanso dziko lonse. Msilamu ayenera kuonetsetsa kuti akuchita zinthu zofuna kuthandiza anthu a dera lake komanso dziko lake. Kusatsatira kapena kusalowa ndale kutha kubweretsa zovuta zambiri monga kusowa anthu owaimilira Asilamu ku nyumba ya malamulo ndi zina. Choncho tili ololedwa kutsatira komanso kulowa ndale za dziko lathu ngati zolinga zathu ndi zabwino. Zolinga za Msilamu nthawi zonse zimayenera kukhala zosatsutsana ndi malamulo a Chisilamu. Poyamba ndife Asilamu kenaka ndife a Malawi choncho tisasiye gawo lina lililonse la zochitika za dziko lathu popanda kukhala nawo, kulowa nawo, kuchita nawo ndi a Malawi ena.

F:Ndikufuna kudziwa ngati mkazi yemwe sali pa banja ndipo anapezeka ndi vuto loti sazabereka pa moyo wake wonse

kuti ngati atha kutenga mwana wa munthu wina kukhala mwana wake?

Y:Chisilamu chimalola kutenga mwana wa munthu wina ndikukhala naye koma asatchulidwe ndi dzina la iye amene

akutenga mwanayo. Mulungu akunena mu Qur’ani: Mulungu sadaike m’chifuwa cha munthu mitima iwiri. Ndipo sadachite akazi anu amene mukuwayesa ena mwa iwo monga amayi anu, kukhala mayi anu enieni. Ndipo sadachite ana anu ongowalera kukhala ana anu enieni(monga inu mukuwatchulira) (33:4) Pali magawo awiri akuzitengera mwana ndikumulera. Gawo loyamba munthu amamutenga mwana yemwe makolo ake ndi odziwika koma iye ndikufuna kuti anawo kapena mwanayo adzitchulidwa dzina la iye. Gawo ili ndiloletsedwa muchipembedzo cha Chsilamu. Gawo lina lomwe lili lovomerezeka ndi lomwe munthu atha kutenga mwana kapena ana ndikumawalera ndipo anawo ndikumatchulidwa mu dzina la makolo awo enieni.


Mtumiki (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) anati: Moyo wa dziko lino la pansi sikanthu koma chisangalalo chachifupi, ndipo chisangalalo chachifupi chomwe ndi chabwino ndi kukhala ndi mkazi womuopa Mulungu. (Abu Dawood)

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QThe landlord did not fix a problem with the window, then water got in and damaged the tenant’s goods. Is he


AFirstly: The landlord should repair whatever gets damaged of rented property without the tenant having caused the damage, or

what gets worn out by normal usage, such as if the roof collapses or a window develops problems and so on, because the tenant has the right to make use of what he is renting, which should be in good condition, for the duration of his tenancy. Secondly: If the landlord does not fix what needs fixing, and as a result something belonging to the tenant gets damaged, then he becomes liable for it.

QWhat are the remedies of getting rid of arrogance?

AOne of the remedies for arrogance is to think of yourself as being just like other people and realize that

they are like you. Allah Ta’ala says: Verily, the most honourable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. he is one of the Muttaqoon (the pious) (49:13) The arrogant Muslim should realize that no matter what he achieves, he is still too weak to attain a stature like the mountains in height nor penetrate the earth. Arrogance is a blameworthy characteristic, which is the feature of Iblees and his cohorts in this world, those on whose hearts Allah has placed a seal. We ask Allah to rid us all of arrogance and make us humble.

QI am a 23-year-old girl, and to be honest I do not pray the obligatory prayers. I listen to music, which puts me in a bad

mood. I want to be praying and obey Allah. I am very desperate. How can I get rid of this sad situation?

AIt is essential to define the cause of the problem, and then you can go ahead and deal with it. If you ask us to help you define

it, we would say that the problem is in yourself and not in anything else. The help that others offer you will never be of benefit unless you take steps towards righteousness. The feelings that you express in your question indicate that the elements of righteousness are present in you. For the believer is the one who takes stock of himself and rebukes himself. It seems that you are doing that. The believer is afraid of his shortcomings, and sees them as a mountain that is about to fall

on him. It seems that you feel this way too. The believer holds his Islam and faith in high esteem, and is proud to belong to this great religion. So how can all these qualities be present in one who falls short in the greatest religious duty, which is prayer? We do not have any explanation for that except poor self-management and a lack of self-control.

QI have a child who is 11 months old, and sometimes I change my clothes in front of him. Is that permissible? How old

should the child be when it is not permissible to take off my clothes in front of him?

AIf the child understands what the Awrah (private parts which need to be covered in public) is, then it is not permissible for a

woman to uncover her Awrah in front of him. But if he does not understand because he is little, then it is permissible. It seems to us that at the age of 11 months he will not understand, but if a child is four or five years old, he may understand this matter. The point is that if he understands and such actions will stick in his mind, then it is not permissible for a woman to uncover the most private Awrah in front of him.

QWith scarcity of job opportunities one may find he working in an alcohol company. What is the ruling on such a


ASelling alcohol and other intoxicants is a grave sin, and working in alcohol factories or company is Haraam and is evil. Allah

says in the Noble Qur’an: Help you one another in virtue, righteousness and piety, but not help one another in sin and transgression. (5:2) Undoubtedly, selling alcohol constitutes cooperating in sin and transgression and working in alcohol companies also constitutes cooperating in sin and transgression. With regard to the ruling, the one who does this is a sinner and an evildoer.

QA tenant is using my residential house as a meeting point for prostitution. What is your advice?

ANormally it is permissible to rent out one’s property to someone who will obviously do some Haraam acts in the house. But that is

not the concern of the owner of the house. He rents it out for residential purposes. But when the house is hired specifically for Haraam activities such as the ones mentioned, then it is not permissible and the income is Haraam.


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Vol 21. No.3 December 2018 / Rabiul-Aakhir 1440

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The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: Whoever imitates a people is one of them. (Abu Dawood)

The Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam) said: There should be neither harm nor reciprocating harm. (Ahmad)


QWhat is the ruling on wearing certain makeup products called contouring in which a dark powder is applied under

the cheek bones to make the face look thinner and more defined?

AThere is nothing wrong with using cosmetics subject to certain conditions: 1.They should not contain anything that is harmful to the

user. 2. Using it should not involve imitation of disbelieving women. If this is something that is unique to disbelieving women, or a woman does that in imitation of a particular disbelieving woman. If that is widespread among Muslim women, and is not unique to disbelieving women, and it is not done for the purpose of imitating disbelieving women, then the issue of imitation that is prohibited no longer applies 3.That no impure (Najis) substance is added to its components. 4.That the woman should not flaunt herself wearing those cosmetics in front of non-Mahram men.

QRuling on discussions in chat rooms about religious matters and polls concerning them?

AWe may break the matter down into a number of issues as follows: Discussion of religious issues, which are clear and

established. Discussion of matters that are subject to Ijtihad. Putting religious matters to a vote. With regard to the first issue: it should be known that whatever Qur’an and the Sunnah have established, it is not permissible for anyone to doubt. With regard to the second issue: in many religious issues there is a difference of opinion among the Scholars, with regard to the evidence used and how it is understood. When it comes to these issues, there is nothing wrong with bringing them for discussion. The debate and discussion on these matters should be based on evidence and Scholarly views. As for polls, which are the third issue, giving space for opinion concerning them, this is not acceptable.

QIf a man commits Zina with an unmarried woman, and this Zina results in the birth of a child, is it permissible for him to call

the child after himself?

AScholars agreed that the bed is the basic principle in establishing lineage. What the bed means is marriage. However they

differed with regard to the Zaani if he wants to acknowledge his illegitimate child and call him after himself. There are two well-known views: 1. That the illegitimate child is not to be attributed to the Zaani even if he acknowledges him and names him after himself. This is the view of most of the Scholars of the four Madhhab. Based on this view, the illegitimate child is not to be attributed to the Zaani and is not to be described as his child. 2. That if the Zaani acknowledges his illegitimate child, and then he is to be attributed to him. That is because he fathered this child. In reality, and there is no clear Shar‘i evidence to indicate that he should not be attributed to him. With regard to the Hadith: The child is to be attributed to the bed and the adulterer deserves nothing, it refers to the case where there is a marriage, and the issue under discussion is a case where there is no marriage.

QJust embraced Islam and want to know the relevant conditions of worship in Islam?

AWorship must be in accordance with Shariah in its reasons. Any person who worships Allah Ta’ala by doing an act of worship

that is not done for a reason proven in Shariah is doing an act of worship that will be rejected and is not enjoined by Allah Ta’ala and His Messenger (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam). The act of worship should be in accordance with Shariah in its type or nature. For example, if a person were to sacrifice a horse, that would be contrary to the Shariah in the nature of the action. Because a sacrifice can only involve an animal of the An’aam class, namely a camel, a cow or a sheep. In short act of worship should follow six factors: reason, type, amount, manner, time, and place

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The scenario of road accidents in Malawi reached an alarming level leading towards loss of lives. This situation haunts dreadful imageries for every road user. Among notified causes are the attitudes and actions of drivers, such as reckless driving, impatience, and disobedience to road traffic regulations. Solutions For Road Users

This negligence ultimately brings misery to the mass as it affects innocent lives.We attempts to outline ethics and solutions for road users as introduced by Islam. Islam involves guidance and regulations that lead towards perfecting characters.Use of Road in Islam

Ethical use of road in Islam comes with a holistic view approach towards life that ultimately leading towards fear of Allah Ta’ala and following His commands. This will finally lead towards happiness and blessing in life.Road Usage Ethics

Islam as a religion that concerns itself with preservation of life has set certain rules and ethics that should be done by humans in terms of road usage for benefit of all. Ethics on the road usage outlined in Islam are based on evidence from the Noble Qur’an and the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alayhi wa Sallam)

Read Prayer As You Use The Road

One of the first things for a road user is to read prayers. This is because prayer is a demand for people to Allah Ta’ala to provide protection from all disasters in the travel or transport.Glorify Allah as You Travel

While boarding a vehicle, Islam teaches for road users to read certain prayers. Among them are, “Glory to Him who has subjected this to us when

we were not capable of it and we will get back to our Lord.”

Never Be Arrogant on Roads

Never be arrogant on roads. In the Noble Qur’an Allah Ta’ala forbids people including road users from being arrogant and imperious as He says: Do not walk in a swank and arrogance in the face of the earth itself, surely, you will not be able to dig the earth and will not be able to match the height of the mountain. (17:37)

Do Not Attract Attention

In the context of road user, someone who has ethical values should not take the opportunity to show their prowess with reckless driving, speeding, overtaking recklessly, driving to attract public attention, use of excessive horn, turning the loudspeaker installed in a vehicle loudly.

Road Users should Be Patient

Thus, for people who really have high ethical values should not be cocky and arrogant on the road, because it will bring danger to themselves and to others. As a nation we have witnessed loss of innocent lives all due to reckless road users. Road users should be patient and tolerant because the road is a shared property and right.

Road Ethics in Islam

It is imperative for road users to always be careful when using it to avoid any harm to other users. Road ethics in Islam are not only limited to those who use the roads, even those who are at the roadside must also meet the rights of the road. Every road user should follow traffic rules such as having valid driving license, owning a vehicle in perfect condition while complying with speed limits.

Reckless Driving - Unethical in Islam

Dzutsani Sunnah Ya Mtumiki Muhammad Gwiritsani ntchito “Mudd Imodzi” popanga

Wuzu Mutha kukalandira Mudd ku Islamic Information Bureau

Limbe, Balaka ndi Lilongwe

Tengani Nyuziyi pokalandira Mudd. Musadule Gawoli: