consti 1st exam reviewer

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  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    Review Question AnswerMacariola vs. Asuncion    Judge Asuncion was accused of violating paragraph 1 and 5 of 

    Art 14 of the Spanish Code of Commerce. He associated

    himself with the Traders Mftg. And ishing !ndustries "provision

    stated that #udges could not engage in commerce$ either in

    person or in pro%&'

    Court( )ven though the provision is part of the Spanish Code

    of Commerce it parta*es the nature of a political law$ since it

    regulates the relationship +etween the government and

    certain pu+lic o,cers and emplo&ees. "more of administrative


    -olitical law +ranch of law which deals with the organi/ation

    and operation of di0erent organs of the State de2ne the

    relations of the state with its inha+itants of its territor&.

    "constitutional law$ law of pu+lic admin$ administrative law$

    and law of pu+lic corporation'

    3pon transfer of sovereignt& all political laws of the former

    sovereign are automaticall& a+rogated

     T&pes of Constitutional aw   English

    o a+sence of a written constitution


    no power of #udicial reviewo parliamentar& supremac&

      European Continental

    o there is a written constitution

    o no power of #udicial review

    o onl& render advisor& opinions upon reuest of the


    American Type

    o there is a written constitution

    o there is power of #udicial review

    o given e0ect through the power of courts.

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


     T&pes of constitution

    • As to origin

    • As to form

    • As manner of amending

    -hil Constitution is6

    As to origin(

    o Conventional7)nacted given de2nite form at one given

    timeo Cumulative7)volved evolved through traditions and

    customs As to form(

    o 8ritten reduced to writing at a particular time

    o 3nwritten has not +een committed to writing at one

    time product of gradual political and legal development As to manner of amending(

    o 9igid amended through a special process distinct w7

    e%traordinar& reuirementso le%i+le ma& +e changed the same wa& one would

    pass a law

    our :rganic aws in Chronological

    :rder and their respective



    o 9ider the @Arm& and av& Appropriation ActB

    o Changed gov

    o Dovernor general had )%ecutive power

    Ma& suspend ha+eas corpus upon

    recommendation of -hil Commissiono ?icameral egislative

    -hilippine Commission upper house All


  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    -hilippine Assem+l& lower house elected

    ilipinoso Ee2ned citi/ens for the 2rst time

    All inha+itants who were su+#ects of Spain as of

    April 11$ 1F==$ who continued to reside and all

    children +orn  Jones aw "1=>G'

    o -hilippine Autonom& Act

    o  Tripartite government with real separation of powers

    o American DovDen e%ecutive power

    Could suspend ha+eas corpus without

    recommendation of legislatureo egislature Senate and House of 9epresentative "All

    ilipinos' T&dings Mcdu0e aw   -hilippine !ndependence Act of 1=I4

    )na+ling statute providing for the mechanism where+& the

    constitution of an independent -hilippines could +e adopted -rovided for(

    o Call of ConCon to draft Constitution

    o 9epu+lican government$ ?ill of 9ights$ Separation of

    Church and Stateo Su+mission of draft to the 3S -resident for certi2cation

    of conformit&o 9ati2cation +& people in a ple+iscite

    Complete independence was to ta*e place 1> &rs after its

    e0ectivit&8hat was the form of government in


    -residential 9epu+lic

    8as the government in 1=I5


     es. There was a unicameral ational Assem+l&

    8hat were the terms of o,ce of the

    -resident during 1=I5.

    -resident could serve for G &ears$ for 1 term onl&. "later

    amended'8hat were the amendments of the 1=I5

    Constitution 6 "including &ears'


    o ?icameral Congress

    o Changing the term of -resident to 4 &ears$ terms.

    o !ndependent )lectoral Commission

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    -arit& Amendment

    o 9elated to the ?ell Trade Act "grant -H e%ports entr& to

    3S free of customs duties and a gradual increase of

    duties'. !n return -H had to grant 3S same privileges in

    addition to( the right to e%plore natural resources of -H

    and operate pu+lic utilitieso

     This reuired amendments of the 1=I5 Constitution

    Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito

      8hat was assailed6

    Mabanag vs. Lopez Vito 

    o suspended legislators were not included as +asis for

    computing K vote. Court invo*ed )nrolled ?ill Theor&.

    "all passed +ills are assumed to have followed proper

    procedure'o uestioned if the voting complied with the K rule of

    1=I5 Constitution Javellana vs. )%ecutive Secretar&

    8hat was political6 8hat was #usticia+le6

    -:!T!CA L3)ST!:S

    o 8o 1=I Constitution is in force  J3ST!C!A?) L3)ST!:S

    o Nalidit& of -roclamation o. 11>

    o Nalidit& of rati2cation of the Constitution

    8hat were the amendments of 1=I

    Constitution6 "include &ears'

    1=G Amendments

    o -resident granted legislative power "Amendment o. G'

    1=F> Amendments

    o 9aised the SC retirement age from G5 >

    1=F1 Amendments

    o Changed the form of government from parliamentar& to

    presidential 1=F4 Amendments

    o -rovided for a Nice-resident as a response to

    succession pro+lem8a&s to amend under 1=I


    8hat were the voted needed6

    Calling for a Constitutional Convention

     Through a Constituent Assem+l& "legislative would act as


    Ma& +e proposed +& the ational Assem+l& at the vote of K of 

    all its mem+ers$ or +& the Constitutional Convention

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    ational Assem+l& ma& call a Constitutional Convention +& a

    vote of 7I of all its mem+ers. :r su+mit such uestion to an

    electorate +& a ma#orit& vote.8ere the wa&s amended thru Sanidad

    vs. Comelec?

     es. -resident ma& e%ercise legislative power and possess

    Constituent power to propose amendments to the Constitution

    "under Amendment o. G of the Constitution'Eid reedom Constitution a+rogate all

    provision of 1=I Constitution6

    • 8hat was a+rogated6

    • 8hat was carried over6



    o Article N!! ?atasang -am+ansa "egislative -rovisions'

    o Article !O The -rime Minister and Ca+inet

    o Article ON! Amendments

    o Article ON!! Transitor& -rovisions

    Adopted "in toto'

    o Art ! ational Territor&

    o Art !!! Citi/enship

    o Art !N ?ill of 9ightso Art N Euties and :+ligations of Citi/ens

    o Art N! Su0rage

    Adopted "in so far as the& are no inconsistent'

    o Art !! Eeclaration of -rinciples and State -olicies

    o Art N!! -resident

    o Art O the Judiciar&

    o Art O! ocal Dovernment

    o Art O!! Constitutional Commission

    o Art O!!! Accounta+ilit& of -u+lic :,cers

    o Art O!N ational )conom& and -atrimon& of the ationo Article ON Deneral -rovisions

    Selfe%ecuting and not selfe%ecuting

    provisions of the Constitution.Ei0erence +etween )ESA ! and )ESA !!   )ESA !

    o )%ercise of people power of revolution

    o )%traconstitutional

    o -resented a political uestion

    )ESA !!

    o )%ercise of people power of speech and freedom of


  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    o Constitutional onl& a0ected the o,ce of the president

    o Succession su+#ect to legal review "political uestion'

    PAs presented in the case of Estrada vs. Desierto

    9amos Amendements

    Santigao vs. Comelec

    -!9MA campaign

    Change s&stem from presidential to parliamentar&

     Through people

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    unconstitutionalB C:39T( o e%post facto law. o law was invalidated. The

     #udicial interpretation of the law should +e deemed

    incorporated at moment of legislation.  Auraullo vs. A>uino

    •  "ote -ower of Augmentation

    •  De9nition of Di@erent 0erms

    -etitions assailing the constitutionalit& of the Eis+ursement

    Acceleration -rogram "ramp up spending to increase economic

    activit& and e%pansion'


    8o Eap violates sec =$ Art N! of 1=F Constitution "no

    mone& shall +e paid out of the treasur& e%cept in pursuance of 

    an appropriation made +& law."o. DA& is not a fund or an appropriation. 2t is a program for

     prioritizing spending to stimulate econom!. 8o it violates Sec 5 "5' of Art N! +&(

    o  Treating unreleased appropriations and uno+ligated

    allotments withdrawn as @savingB

    =es. %nreleased appropriation and unobligatedallotments are not spending. 

    o Authori/ing the dis+ursement of funds for

    pro#ects7programs not provided in the DAA=es. Ma! augment anot(er item t(at is in t(e :AA

    -eclusive/o Augmenting discretionar& lump sum

    8o Eap violates(

    o )ual -rotection Clause "funds released to select

    legislators'"o. lacBs factual basiso S&stem of Chec*s and ?alances "allowed legislators to

    *eep silent on issues'"o. Speculative

    o -rinciple of -u+lic Accounta+ilit& ")%ecutive ta*ing

    Congress< power of appropriation'"o. policies and acts eecutive could do in

    implementation. Eoctrine of :perative act applica+le


  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    o 8ithdrawal of uno+ligated allotments and declaration of 

    such along with unreleased appropriations as savings.o Cross +order transfers

    o unding pro#ects not in DAA

    Savings8 de9ned. The de2nition of @savingsB under the >11$

    >1 and >1I DAAs refer to portions or +alances of an&programmed appropriation in this Act free from an& o+ligation

    or encum+rance which are( "i' still availa+le after the

    completion or 2nal discontinuance or a+andonment of the

    wor*$ activit& or purpose for which the appropriation is

    authori/ed "ii' from appropriations +alances arising from

    unpaid compensation and related costs pertaining to

    vacant positions and leaves of a+sence without pa& and "iii'

    from appropriations +alances reali/ed from the

    implementation of measures resulting in improved s&stemsand e,ciencies and thus ena+led agencies to meet and

    deliver the reuired or planned targets.  9espondents were forcing the generation of savings in order

    to have a larger fund availa+le for discretionar& spending.

    9espondents$ +& withdrawing uno+ligated allotments in the

    middle of the 2scal &ear$ in e0ect deprived funding for -A-s

    with e%isting appropriations under the DAAs. Savings could not +e reali/ed for certaint& within the middle of 

    the 2scal &ear. unds for slow moving -A-s could not +e

    considered as savings since such has not +een a+andoned or

    discontinued &et. 8hat is the 2rst rule in statutor&


    Ner+a egis as it is written and understood +& the people

    ational Territor& ";ala&aan !sland


    -H claims ;ala&aan !slands to +e part of -H territor&

    -E 15=G "June 11$ 1=F'

    ?& reason of histor&$ indispensa+le need$ and e0ective

    occupation and control esta+lished in accordance with

    international law

    ))Q ot part of a territor& +ut state has e%clusive economic

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    • 8hat are its uses6

    • :ther countries ma& not use if


    • :ther countries ma& use it for6

    +ene2t ">> nautical miles from +aseline' -urpose73ses(

    o Sovereign rights to e%plore and e%ploit natural

    resourceso )%clusive right to est. of arti2cial islands o0shore

    terminals$ installations$ and structureso -reservation of marine environment

    :ther states ma& :T(o )%plore

    o Conduct drilling

    o Conduct research

    o Construct operate arti2cial island$ o0shore terminal$

    etc.o -erform an& other activit& contrar& to sovereign rights

    :ther states MA use it for(

    o avigation and overRight


    a&ing of Su+marine Ca+les and -ipelineso awful avigation and Communication

    &rovince of "ort( Cotabato vs. :)&

    •  !s there a pro+lem with ?J) as a


    •  8hat is the meaning of


    •  8hat is the meaning of irst


    •  9elationship of !-9A w7 M:AAE

    ?J) has authorit& and #urisdiction over Ancestral Eomain and

    Ancestral ands of the ?angsamoros. )ssentiall& a state all +ut

    in name. -owers granted to it e%ceed those granted +& an&

    ocal Dov "including A9MM'. @Associative relationshipB ?angsamoro all indigenous people in Mindanao

    irst ation refers to indigenous people man& indigenous

    groups "Canadian term'. M:AAE violated !-9A procedure of delineating ancestral

    domainCiti/enship !llustrative Cases8hich o,ces ma& onl& natural +orn

    citi/ens occup&6



    Mem+ers of Congress

     Justices of the Supreme Court and lower collegiate courts

    :m+udsman and deputies

    Constitutional Commissions

    Mem+ers of the Central Monetar& Authorit&

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    Mem+ers of the CH9

    Citi/en 9etention and 9eacuisition Act

    • 8hat is it a+out6

    9A =5 "August =$>>I'

    9efers onl& to citi/ens of countr& who lost citi/enship +& virtue

    of naturali/ation in another countr&  Those who were naturali/ed +efore August =$ >>I ma&

    regain  Those who were naturali/ed after will not lose their citi/enship

    "retain'CA9AM 9ule   S&rian in the Constitutional Convention

     Those +efore the 1=I5 Constitution$ who were elected "not

    appointed' into pu+lic o,ce are considered citi/ens.Chiong+ian 9ule   Children of those considered citi/ens under the Caram rule

    were considered as citi/ens +ut +ecause of par. I "father was

    a citi/en'8hat is Eerivative Citi/enship6   @The unmarried child$ whether legitimate$ illegitimate or

    adopted$ +elow eighteen "1F' &ears of age$ of those who re

    acuire -hilippine citi/enship upon e0ectivit& of this Act shall

    +e deemed citi/enship of the -hilippines.B 9A =5 Sec 4Ma>uiling vs. Comelec   Arnado$ Ma&or of ;auswagan

    9enounced 3S citi/enship

    -roven to have used 3S passport G times after doing so "use

    of foreign passport indicates recognition of foreign state as

    national' even after issue of -H passport Eual citi/ens cannot run for pu+lic o,ce.

    9A =5 Sec 5"' those who reacuire and see* elective

    pu+lic o,ce must renounce an& and all foreign citi/enship8hat is the overseas voting act6

    • !s it a violation of residenc&


    • Macalintal vs. Comelec

    9A =1=F

    !mmigrant ma& vote +& preparing a,davit that he7she shall

    resume permanenet residence in the -hilippines not later than

    I &rs from approval. ot a violation of residenc& reuirement +ecause Court

    alread& e%empted them in Sec $ Arv N. Constitutional

    Commission provided for an e%emption to actual residenc&

    rule of Sec 1

    8hat is repatriation6

    9epatriation "ta*ing oath of allegiance in ocal Civil 9egistr&'

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    • !f a person is repatriated$ is he

    natural +orn or naturali/ed6

    results in the recover& of original nationalit& atural ?orn if originall& atural ?orn.

    !llustrative Cases on suits against


    • 8hen is it a suit against gov

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    !f consent is provided +& the charter the consent does not stop

    with the rendition +ut goes up to the satisfaction of the

     #udgment. "funds can even +e garnished'

    Corporation under general law$ ma& it

    +e sued for a uasidelict6

    Special agent6

    • State is lia+le if it acts through special agent "one who

    receives a de2nite and 2%ed order or commission$ foreign to

    the e%ercise of the duties of his o,ce'• A9T 1F> of the Civil Code allows a suit against the

    government for uasidelicts committed +& the voernment

    when acting through special agents "those performing non

    regular function'

    • !f the tortious act was commited +& a regular emplo&ee the

    in#ured part& could onl& +ring a suit for damages against the

    emplo&ee in his personal capacit&

    Merrit v. :ov’t ' c(au@er of ambulance as not a special agent 

    Ei0erence +etween corporations created

    +& special law and charters!f government 2les a suit against &ou$

    does it waive its immunit&6

     es. !f government is claiming a,rmative relief. -)elief8 bene9t8

    or compensation (ic( ma! be granted to t(e defendant in a


  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    Eeclare state of war "7I voting separatel&' 1G

    Congressmen and 1G Senators Amendment7revision of Consti "I74 of all mem+ers of

    congress' 1> legislators !f -res vetoes "7I of one House to pass to another house$

    needs two thirds'

    )ECA )nhanced Eefense Cooperation Agreement "signed April F$ >14'

    Allow 3S to station troops and operations in -hilippine territor&

    Signed not +& presidents :T an e%ecutive agreement$

    need not +e vetoed +& the Senate Signed +& Sec. of Eefense and 3S Am+assador

    "1' !s it constitutional6 "unimpeded access and use of A- +&

    3S'"'Eoes )ECA mean return of 3S +ases in -H6 "o. no

    permanent militar& power'

    a. Shouldn

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    in its 2nal form have +een distri+uted to its Mem+ers three da&s

    +efore its passage$ e%cept when the -resident certi2es to the

    necessit& of its immediate enactment to meet a pu+lic calamit& or


    !n times of national emergenc&$ when the pu+lic interest so reuires$

    the State ma&$ during the emergenc& and under reasona+le termsprescri+ed +& it$ temporaril& ta*e over or direct the operation of an&

    privatel& owned pu+lic utilit& or +usiness a0ected with pu+lic


    !n times of war or other national emergenc&$ the Congress ma&$ +&

    law$ authori/e the -resident$ for a limited period and su+#ect to such

    restrictions as it ma& prescri+e$ to e%ercise powers necessar& and

    proper to carr& out a declared national polic&.Are we allowed to teach religion in

    pu+lic schools6

     es. Allowed to +e taught in class hours$ when e%pressed in writing

    +& the -arentsSeparation of Church and State

    • Complete separation6

    • 8hen is it not separation6

    • 8ho can invo*e it6

    )sta+lishment Clause$ ree )%ercise Clause$ o religious test

    • o. Churches$ parsonages$ convents$ mosues$ used for

    religious purposes e%empted from ta%ation

    • Militar& pa&s priests #ust li*e orphanages$ penal insitutions$

    and leprosariums-owers of the Commission on Human


    "1' !nvestigate on its own or on complaint +& an& part&$ all forms

    of human rights violations involving civil and political rights"'Adopt its operational guidelines and rules of procedure$ and

    cite for contempt for violations thereof in accordance with the

    9ules of Court"I'-rovide legal measures for the protection of human rights of

    all persons within the -hilippines$ as well as ilipinos residing

    a+road$ and provide preventive measures and legal aid

    services to the underprivileged whose human rights have

    +een violated or need protection"4')%ercise visitorial powers over #ails$ prisons$ or detention


    "5')sta+lish a continuing program of research$ education$ and

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    information to enhance respect for the primac& of human

    rights"G'9ecommend to Congress e0ective measures to promote

    human rights and to provide for compensation to victims of

    violations of human rights$ or to their families."'Monitor the -hil gov

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    consent':amboa vs. 0eves

    •  8hat is the de2nition of capital6

    •  How to determine G>4> rule6

    •  8hat are the di0erent tests6

    Capital refers onl& to shares of stoc* that can vote in the

    election of directors G> of capital should result in controlling interest "common

    shares7voting shares' Drandfather rule trace +ac* who reall& own the compan&

    holding shares Control Test see who reall& is in control through holdings of

    voting stoc*9egulation of certain industries and how

    the& are related to ilipino ownership.

    Mass Media 1>> ilipino

    Advertising !ndustr& > ilipino

    -u+lic 3tilit& G> ilipino

    Eid E)9 have power in League of


    :ver ocDov6

    8h& was case decided this wa&6


    Control of the E)97E)9 Secretar& over smallscale mining

    in the provinces is granted +& three statutes( "1' 9.A. o. >G1

    or 0(e Local :overnment Code of 33 "' 9.A. o. >G or

    the &eople’s Small Scale Mining Act of 33 and "I' 9.A. o.=4$ otherwise *nown as the &(ilippine Mining Act of 37.

    Case was decided this wa& +ecause there is alwa&s

    presumption of constitutionalit&8hen can -resident interfere in local

    "2scal6' matters

    !Un the event the national government incurs an unmanaged pu+lic

    sector de2cit$ the -resident of the -hilippines is here+& authori/ed$

    upon the recommendation of theU Secretar& of inance$ Secretar& of 

    the !nterior and ocal Dovernment and Secretar& of ?udget and

    Management$ and su+#ect to consultation with the presiding o,cers

    of +oth Houses of Congress and the presidents of the liga$ to ma*ethe necessar& ad#ustments in the internal revenue allotment of local

    government units +ut in no case shall the allotment +e less than

    thirt& percent "I>' of the collection of national internal revenue

    ta%es of the third 2scal &ear preceding the current 2scal &ear % %


     There are therefore several reuisites +efore the -resident ma&

    interfere in local 2scal matters( "1' an unmanaged pu+lic sector

    de2cit of the national government "' consultations with the

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    presiding o,cers of the Senate and the House of 9epresentatives

    and t(e presidents of t(e various local leaguesF and "I' the

    corresponding recommendation of the secretaries of the Eepartment

    of inance$ !nterior and ocal Dovernment$ and ?udget and

    Management. urthermore$ an& ad#ustment in the allotment shall in

    no case +e less than thirt& percent "I>' of the collection of

    national internal revenue ta%es of the third 2scal &ear preceding thecurrent one.

    9egalian Eoctrine

    • 8hat do &ou do if &ou have claim

    of ownership6

    • 8ho does the presumption favor6

    9egalian doctrine( state has ownership of all lands. :ne claiming the

    land has +urden of proof.

    8hat are the ma%imum terms of o,ce6

    • How is it counted6

    • 8hat a+out interruptions6

     ou ma& onl& serve three consecutive terms "ma&or'

    !nterruptions are still counted

    Succession not counted

    !f there was a recall and u are elected that counts as an

    interruption8hen do &ou need to have a ple+iscite

    for creation of ocDov +oundaries6


    "avarro vs. Eecutive Secretar!    Creation of the Eianagat islands

    -rovince must have income not les than > Million 5>$>>>

    inha+itants$ territor& of $>>> suare meters S: did not certif& special census. and was onl& F>.1

    suare meters

    Einagat failed to compl& with land area and populationreuirement

    -le+iscite should have included the mem+ers of parent

    province 9eversed( Einagat is read& and capa+le of +ecoming a

    province "large income and good services to its constituents'

    -or* ?arrel Cases "Toda&

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    funded +& CE is encroachment of e%ecutive

    power Court( power of appropriation carries w7 it power

    to specif& the pro#ect7activit& to +e funded

    individual mem+ers of Congress are more

    *nowledgea+le of the needs of their constituentso 9ealignment of Allocation for :perational )%penses

    -etitioners( Senate -resident7Spea*er of the

    House authori/ed$ :T individual mem+ers of

    Congress Court( Mem+ers onl& determine the necessit& of

    realignment "more *nowledgea+le' approval +&

    Senate -resident7Spea*ero Appropriation for Ee+t service "see :uingona vs.


    @por* +arrel ma*es the uneual eualB

    Lamp vs. Sec. of #udget 

    o Constitutionalit& of &riorit! Development and Assistance

    undo -etitioners( violation of separation of powers. E?M

    illegall& made and directl& released +udgetar&

    allocations out of -EA in favor of individual mem+erso Court( presumption of validit& no clear uneuivocal

    +reach of the Constitution

    ?elgica vs. :choa

    o Aftermath of apoles scam "soft pro#ects went to D:'

    o Constitutionalit& of &orB #arrel S!stem

    o 9ealignment reuires prior approval of legislators

    o -residential -or* ?arrel Malampa&a unds "Das

    -ro#ect' and -residential Social und "-ADC:9'o Niolated separation of powers +ecause Congressmen

    were dictating instead of recommendingo

     There was undue delegation to individual mem+ers

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


    o Chec* and +alance violated since -resident could not

    vetoo Niolation of local autonom&

    -ower of the :m+udsman   -rosecutes cases in the Sandigan+a&an "same function as

     Tanod+a&an' 3sed to +e Tanod+a&an "demoted to Special -rosecutor'

    @:m+udsman need not wait for a complaint. Ma& investigate

    an&thing on its ownB @Ma& pu+lici/e matters covered +& its investigationB

    @Has power over all elective and appointed e%cept (

    impeacha+le o,cials$ mem+ers of Congress$ #udiciar&. "ma&

    investigate 2rst two +ut not discipline' Ma& impose penalt& through proper course

    Sandigan+a&an   Court for corruption cases

    -rosecuted +& the :m+udsman

    Has #urisdiction over D:CC with special charter

    o #urisdiction over D:CC pursuant to general law"Corporation Code'

    acial vs. Asapplied Challenge acial challenge assails the validit& of the stat&te for +eing

    unconstitutional at all times "at its face' Asapplied challenge assails the validit& of the statute once

    applied to &ouHow is facial challenge applica+le to our


    •  ou ma& onl& use facial challenge

    when legislature passes what *indof statute6 "infringes on what


    acial Challenge when legislature passes overl& +road law that

    would a0ect freedom of speech7e%pression "over+readth


    Ei0erence +etween

    :udani vs. Senga and Senate vs. Ermita

    Ei0erence +etween e%ecutive privilege "-resident has no

    +lan*et authorit& must have formal grounds to invo*e it' and

    Commander in Chief power "a+solute with recourse in


    -ower :f Judicial 9eview( legislative and e%ecutive acts are su+#ect to the review of the #udiciar& to determine if it is not

    against the Constitution

  • 8/17/2019 Consti 1st Exam Reviewer


      Eetermine if there has +een grave a+use of discretion


    Actual Case or Controvers&

    Must +e ripe for ad#udication

    -art& must have legal standing

    Constitutional uestion raised at earliest possi+le time and must +e the ver& lis mota of the case