connect, communicate, collaborate

Connection Communication Collaboration Peter Cochrane Comprehension solutions

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Peter Cochrane


s o l u t i ons


The divisions between people, peoples, devices and things, plus machines of all kinds are being eroded by need, opportunity, and the necessity to reduce waste in the interests of finding solutions…

Apps, Nets, services, companies

All available by the score for every conceivable opportunity (and) space ??

All well documented and advertised !

THe  bigger  picture

things  that  think  want  to  link

The divisions between people, peoples, devices and things, plus machines of all kinds are being eroded by need, opportunity, and the necessity to reduce waste in the interests of finding sustainable solutions…

A future of collaboration includes machines and things on the move

interdependenceNo company, institution, government, big or small can afford all the in house resources and expertise they need… …they have no choice but to adopt networking and sharing…

…and this is mostly on a global and highly dynamic scale!

old  methodsFundamentally unable to meet our needs and satisfy the demands of a technologically driven world…

…we need an entirely new approach to the way we work, solve problems, create new products and solutions

Experience  &  InstinctServed us well in a slow, disconnected and well behaved linear world …but now they are very often dangerous…

…in a fast, highly connected and non-linear world, things are not generally well behaved and emergent behaviours are the norm


Remembering stuff and processes is no longer sufficient…

…we need better problem solving skills and more creativity…to realise sustainable economies and futures…


Our single biggest challenge is to understand the natural world, and the one we created and now live in…which is accelerating faster than ever before…

…both are non-linear, choatic (in the mathematical sense) and confounding !

A new book is published ~ 13 seconds

A new scientific abstract ~ 13 ms

Online updates << 13 µs

Publication Rates are AcceleratingEXEMPLAR  Challenge

This technology helps , a l itt le , but it is cer tainly not the answer !

Just  a  band  aid  ?

AI  -  our  best  hope  ?Right now it is our only hope ofcoping with a growing deluge ofdata, increasing complexity, &the need to satisfy a peoplesinhabiting a planet of finiteresources growing everstrained and depleted….

exemplar  Profession

On the day they graduate to treating patients about 50% o f eve r y th i n g t hey were taught and learned is out of date…

…and no matter how they tr y they cannot keep on top of c l inical advances and stand no chance of reading all the published works…even in the specialisms they are defeated by the speed of advance…

I BM  WAT S ONH u m a n s o v e r t a ke n b y 2 0 1 1

A I g o e s r e a l t i m e … … a s a C l o u d A p p . .

T h e T r u t h E n g i n eC om i n g   s oon

A c o r r e l a t i n g a g g r e g a t i o n m a c h i n e a b l e t o g a u g e c o r r e c t n e s s o f p r o p o s i t i o n s , s t a t e m e n t s & f a c t s i n a f u l l y d y n a m i c m a n n e r

A c o r r e l a t i n g a g g r e g a t i o n m a c h i n e a b l e t o g a u g e c o r r e c t n e s s o f p r o p o s i t i o n s , s t a t e m e n t s & f a c t s i n a f u l l y d y n a m i c m a n n e r

T R U T H   L I N E S  

If we do not engage in the sharing of data, information, experience and knowledge…just how bad could it be ??

Look no fur ther than the IT secur ity business !

exemplar   Industry  Fail   !  

Lower Skil l SetsFewe r Peop l eFa r L e s s $$

the  balance  of  resources  


CriminalsRogue States Banks



Best Skil l Sets Most Peop le Far More $$

Looks like one big paradox !

Lower Skil l SetsFewer PeopleFar Less $$

the  balance  of  power   !  


CriminalsRogue States




Best Skil l Sets Most People Far More $$

Estimated from people , compute power and $$$!the  scale  of  capability  

Red (Bad) Force

Blue (Good) F o rc e

1<< 300

Need To Know

two  extreme  modes  

Need To Sha re

The  art  of  war

S u n T z u544 - 496 BC

“He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks”

Why the Red Force is winning




Those sha r i n g w i l l a lway s ou t gun t hose t h a t go i t a l one ?


T he s h o r t t e rm m i gh t b e a d i f f e r e n t s t o r y !

One s i ze d o e s n o t f i t a l l !

LockheedMicroSoftMotorolaDupontAirbusAppleNokiaKodakDECIBMGD3MGE HP RR

Some s e c t o r s a r e n o t i n n ova t i n g a s fa s t a s o t h e r s…no r d o t h e y f a c e t h e s ame l e v e l o f c ompe t i t i o n…

pace  of  change  

We a re c h a l l e n g e d b y a p re ca r i ou s ba l anc i ng a c t t o s e r v e t h e n o w , a n d t o s e cu re t he unknown f u tu re p o w e r e d b y t e c h c h a n g e t ha t i s a c ce l e ra t i ng… E s t a b l i s h e d

t e chno l ogy b u s i n e s s p roce s s e s cu s t omer s compe t i t i on

New technologiesBusiness choicesNew opportunitiesOld/new threats

Business Futuret e c h adop t i o nma rke t p o t e n t i a lR o I , ma r ke t v a l u es u r v i v a l , l o n gev i t y

Balancing  Act  


Fail FastFail Slow

Certain Disaster

AlmostCertain Success




You need bandwidth

Right cultu

re ?


e is

a ki


difficult  dimensionsA n e f f e c t i v e i n f r a s t r u c t u r e i s v i t a l

This productis to


…duct iscomplete

…is toocomplete ?

…is torepeat ? meetings  

Four people are at fourdifferent meetings !

Meine Mission ist es, meinen Laptop stolz auf mich zu sehen, bevor ich sterbe

My mission is to see my laptop proud of me before I die

Ma mission est fier de voir mon portable sur moi avant que je meure

La mia missione è orgoglioso di vedere il mio computer portatile su di me prima che io muoiaMy mission is proud to see my laptop on me before I die

私の使命は、私が死ぬ前に私に私のラップトップを参照してくださいすることを誇りに思っているMy mission, are proud that please refer me to my laptop before I die

LanGuagesOne for every profession

My mission is proud to see my laptop on me before I die


E v e r y o n e h a s a P h D i n h i n d s i g h t b u t w e a l l ( c o l l e c t i v e l y ) n e e d a c l e a r p i c t u r e o f w h a t l i e s a h e a d

the  bigger  jigsaw




A r t i f i c i a l

I n

t e l l i g e n c e Modellin




M at e r i al

S c i en c e









C y b e r





Of necessity a global activity

The ab i l i t y t o s o l ve p rob l ems now t rumps pu re and i s o l a t ed academ i c a t t a i nmen t…

Hiring  ??  

A good workforce includes Specialists and PolyMaths……real and/or virtual…

Collaboration helps us get that balance right dynamically !

21C  winners

& Solution Producers





Virtual global team players