conclusion - springer978-1-4842-1987-4/1.pdf · conclusion the emergence of sponsive e r web design...

137 © Inayaili de León 2016 I. de León, Moving to Responsive Web Design, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-1987-4 Conclusion The emergence of responsive web design, more than six years ago, showed us the vision for our future sites: a world where users can have great experiences no matter what devices or what screen sizes they have those experiences on. However, it was also clear to us that this change was not going to happen without effort—and a tremendous one, at that. The beautiful thing about responsive retrofitting projects—and what can also make them look so scary—is the number of improvements that can be validated by the need to make your site’s experience better on any device. As professional web designers and developers, we often know perfectly well what our sites need in order to be greatly improved. But sometimes the task ahead seems too complex, too riddled with obstacles, and too big to feel realistic and achievable. Our teams are not made up of an infinite number of people who can work on our responsive retrofitting projects day in and day out, leaving everything else on standby. So it is key that any retrofitting project be thoughtfully planned and broken down into digestible chunks that you, your team, and your team’s schedule can comfortably handle. My hope is that this book has made what can often seem like an insurmountable task feel a little more attainable. The technologies of the Web change quickly. Some of the techniques I have mentioned here will likely be surpassed soon after this book goes to print. But hopefully the core ideas about how to approach planning, content, design, and development will be helpful regardless. Even though this is where this book ends, this is certainly not the end of your journey into responsive web design. There are many excellent resources that can take you further into understanding how best to design and build a responsive site. You will find some helpful resources in the appendix, and you are bound to also discover others that I have not included in that short list. I would love to hear about your experiences making existing web sites responsive. What problems were tough to solve? What solutions are you proud of? What was easier than expected? Feel free to find me online, and send me your stories, case studies, blog posts, and conference talks. I await your comments eagerly.

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Page 1: Conclusion - Springer978-1-4842-1987-4/1.pdf · Conclusion The emergence of sponsive e r web design , more than six years ago, ... Mixpanel mobile analytics,

137© Inayaili de León 2016 I. de León, Moving to Responsive Web Design, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-1987-4


The emergence of responsive web design , more than six years ago, showed us the vision for our future sites: a world where users can have great experiences no matter what devices or what screen sizes they have those experiences on. However, it was also clear to us that this change was not going to happen without effort—and a tremendous one, at that.

The beautiful thing about responsive retrofitting projects —and what can also make them look so scary—is the number of improvements that can be validated by the need to make your site’s experience better on any device. As professional web designers and developers, we often know perfectly well what our sites need in order to be greatly improved. But sometimes the task ahead seems too complex, too riddled with obstacles, and too big to feel realistic and achievable.

Our teams are not made up of an infinite number of people who can work on our responsive retrofitting projects day in and day out, leaving everything else on standby. So it is key that any retrofitting project be thoughtfully planned and broken down into digestible chunks that you, your team, and your team’s schedule can comfortably handle. My hope is that this book has made what can often seem like an insurmountable task feel a little more attainable.

The technologies of the Web change quickly. Some of the techniques I have mentioned here will likely be surpassed soon after this book goes to print. But hopefully the core ideas about how to approach planning, content, design, and development will be helpful regardless.

Even though this is where this book ends, this is certainly not the end of your journey into responsive web design. There are many excellent resources that can take you further into understanding how best to design and build a responsive site. You will find some helpful resources in the appendix, and you are bound to also discover others that I have not included in that short list.

I would love to hear about your experiences making existing web sites responsive. What problems were tough to solve? What solutions are you proud of? What was easier than expected? Feel free to find me online, and send me your stories, case studies, blog posts, and conference talks. I await your comments eagerly.

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139© Inayaili de León 2016 I. de León, Moving to Responsive Web Design, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-1987-4



The constraints that come with the book format are evident when it comes to a subject as broad as responsive web design: there is so much to say, in such a finite space. But luckily, there are plenty of excellent resources available to further improve your ability to plan, design, and deliver a great responsively retrofitted web site. Peruse this list at your leisure.

Responsive web design and responsive retrofitting in general:

• Responsive Web Design Podcast , Karen McGrane and Ethan Marcotte, . Episodes 7, 9, 15, 30, 38, 42, 43, 44, and 53 are especially relevant.

• Implementing Responsive Design: Building Sites for an Anywhere, Everywhere Web , Tim Kadlec (New Riders, 2013), .

• Responsive Web Design , Ethan Marcotte (A Book Apart, 2011), .

• Going Responsive , Karen McGrane (A Book Apart, 2015), .

• Responsive Design: Patterns & Principles , Ethan Marcotte (A Book Apart, 2015), .

Project management and planning:

• “Effective Project Management: Three Critical Activities,” Laura Dallas Burford, Nonprofit Technology Network , .

• “Top 11 Project Management Tools for 2016,” Robin Muilwijk, , .

• “Project Management Apps: Which Is Best for Your Team?” Laura Shin, Forbes , .

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Content strategy:

• “Content Choreography in RWD,” in Smashing Book 5: Real-Life Responsive Web Design , Eileen Webb (Smashing Magazine, 2015), 99–126, .

• A Practical Guide to Information Architecture , Donna Spencer (Five Simple Steps, 2010), .

• “Writing for the Web,” , .

• “Content Strategy Basics,” , .

• “The Elements of Content Strategy,” Erin Kissane (A Book Apart, 2011), .

• “The Discipline of Content Strategy,” Kristina Halvorson, A List Apart , .

• “Content Strategy for Mobile,” Karen McGrane (A Book Apart, 2012), .

• “Aligning Content Work with Agile Processes,” Brendan Murray, A List Apart , .

• “Why and How to Perform a Content Audit,” Laura Rives, Hannon Hill , .

• “How to Quickly Create a Written Style Guide for Your Company,” Emily Nix, Nectafy , .

User research and testing:

• “User Research Basics,” , .

• “User-Centered Design Process Map,” , .

• “Guerrilla Testing: Getting Input into Products and Services,” Government Service Design Manual, , .

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• “Accessibility Basics,” , .

• “Reframing Accessibility for the Web,” Anne Gibson, A List Apart , .

• “All Technology Is Assistive,” Sara Hendren, Backchannel , .

• “What’s the Difference Between Usability and Accessibility?” Liam McDermott, A Padded Cell , .

CSS units:

• “The Lengths of CSS,” Chris Coyier, CSS-Tricks , .

• “<length>,” Mozilla Developer Network , .

• “Font Sizing with rem,” Jonathan Snook, .

Media queries:

• “Using Media Queries,” Mozilla Developer Network, .

• “Media Queries Level 4,” W3C , .

• “@media,” Mozilla Developer Network , .

Responsive images:

• Responsive Images Community Group, .

• “Responsive Images: If You’re Just Changing Resolutions, Use srcset,” Chris Coyier, CSS-Tricks , .

• “The Anatomy of Responsive Images,” Jake Archibald, .

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• “Setting a Performance Budget,” Tim Kadlec, .

• “How to Make a Performance Budget,” Daniel Mall, .

• “What Your Site Costs Users,” Tim Kadlec, .

• “Render Blocking CSS,” Ilya Grigorik, Google Developers , .

• “More Weight Doesn’t Mean More Wait,” Scott Jehl, Filament Group , .

• “Inlining Critical CSS for First-Time Visits,” Jeremy Keith, .

• “Media Query & Asset Downloading Results,” Tim Kadlec, .

• “The Perception of Performance,” Luis Vieira, SitePoint , .

• “An Introduction to Perceived Performance,” Matt West, .

Measuring performance:

• Google PageSpeed tools, .

• gzipWTF, .

• Pingdom Website Speed Test, .

• ImageOptim, .

Measuring success, analytics, and data gathering:

• “Web Analytics Basics,” , .

• Mixpanel mobile analytics, .

• Segment analytics API and customer data hub, .

• Kissmetrics customer intelligence and web analytics, .

• Intercom customer communication platform, .

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Other resources:

• Style Guide Podcast , Anna Debenham and Brad Frost, .

• “HTML5 Cross Browser Polyfills,” Modernizr, .

• “Responsive Resources,” Brad Frost, .

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A Absolute units , 72 Accessibility , 25, 27, 94–95

responsive web design , 52–53 Accordion , 38 A List Apart’s pattern library , 61 Amazon , 54 Anne Gibson’s alphabet

of accessibility , 26 Argos , 39 Asana tool , 7 Axure tool , 70

B Basecamp tool , 6–7, 21 BBC News web site , 85 BBC’s home page redesign , 48 Bootstrap, front-end framework , 50–51 Boston Globe , xxv Breakpoints, responsive web design , 59 BrowserStack , 119 Building strategies

accessibility , 94–95 experiment, smaller projects , 94 inobtrusive ways , 134–135 , 135 markup and code style guide , 126–127 metric , 134 mixins and functions , 129, 131 performance

budget , 96–98 handy tools , 100 lean sites , 99 mobile user , 96 perceived performance , 98–99

responsive retrofi tting project , 96 site cost , 102–103 Speed Index , 101–102 visually responsive , 96 web fonts , 100 WebPagetest , 100–101

publishing, site , 132–133 Sass , 127–129 site and organization , 134 small-screen devices , 134 stylesheets , 131–132 testing

browsers and operating systems , 119–120

BrowserStack , 119, 122–123 decision-making process , 118 defi nition , 119 device lab , 121 document and process , 119 Ghostlab , 124 Percy , 124–125 web site and prototypes , 118

writing code and markup , 126

C’s fi rst responsive test , 58 Chicago Manual of Style , 43 12-Column grid layout,

content boxes in , 73 Command-line interface (CLI) , 133 Component inventory folders , 62 Consultants, project , 3 Content

accessibility and usability , 24, 27 accordion , 38 audit , 30


© Inayaili de León 2016 I. de León, Moving to Responsive Web Design, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4842-1987-4

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146 , 38 column headings , 29 content inventory , 28 creation and management , 23 duplicated work , 32 ongoing maintenance , 32 real , 23–24 simplifi cation , 40 style guide , 41 tabs , 39 updates and improvements , 32–33

content audit , 28, 30 Content boxes

adjustments to narrower viewport adapt to , 75

in 12-column grid layout , 73 in screen one-third smaller , 74

Content inventory , 28 Content management system , 23 Content specialist , 47 Content strategy , 40–41

mobile , 31, 45 CSS , xxii–xxiii, xxv, 59 CSS Object Model (CSSOM) , 113

D Dated content , 36 Deadlines, responsive

retrofi t project , 17–18 Designers, project , 16–17 Designers, web site , xxii Design-pattern library , 44 Design stage, responsive web design

on accessibility , 52–53 determining breakpoints , 59

analytics , 60 in browser , 59 elements to analyze , 60 tweakpoints and breakpoints , 59

evolution , 47–48 feedback and reviews , 91 fl ats , 54–55 grids and type , 72

explore responsive grids , 73–74, 76 grid to percentages , 72 reorder content , 76, 78 typographic scale , 78–79

handling images , 79 bytes , 81

make image inventory , 79–80 SVG , 81

performance , 54 on reusability , 49–50, 52 setting rules , 55

building prototype , 58 writing ideas , 55–57

standardize across sites , 67 style guide , 60–61

building style guide , 65–66 clean up style sheets , 66 examining , 66 pattern library , 66 responsively rationalize , 64 screenshots , 62–63

useful patterns dropdown and slidedown , 82 navigation , 82 overfl ow , 86–87 priority+ , 84 priority columns , 90 side drawer , 84 tables , 87

UX , 68 prototyping , 68–69 sticky-note-sized wireframes , 68 testing prototype , 70–71 things to test , 71

Developer, front-end , 2–3 Developers, project , 16–17 Digital record,low-fi delity planning , 6 Document object model (DOM) , 113

E eBay’s November 2000 web site , xxiii Emergence of responsive web design , 137 European Organization for Nuclear

Research (CERN), web site for , xxii

Evernote tool , 8 Evolution, responsive web design , 47–48

F Fixed-width site , xxi, xxiv, xxvi, 17

creating style guide for , 64 Flat mockups , 55 Fluid grids

absolute units , 109–110 bootstrap , 107

Content (cont)

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fast track , 104 markup , 104–106 remove inline styles , 106 scalable type , 110 ZURB , 108

Folders, component inventory , 62 Front-end developer , 2

G Ghostlab , 124 Going Responsive , 19 Google’s material design spec , 51 Grids and type, responsive web design , 72

explore responsive grids , 73–74, 76 grid to percentages , 72 reorder content , 76, 78 typographic scale , 78–79

Guardian and Observer Style Guide , 43 Guerrilla testing , 70–71

H “How to Make a Performance Budget” , 54 HTML , xxv HTML5 Boilerplate framework , 49

I, J, K iMac , 68 Informal testing, prototype , 70 InVision tool , 70

L Lea Verou’s contrast ratio tool , 53

M MailChimp’s acclaimed

Content Style Guide , 42 MailChimp’s style guide , 42 Media queries

advantage , 113 breakpoint , 113 browser support , 114 CSS rules , 112 fl oat properties , 112 linear , 112 print and speech , 111 stylesheet , 113

technical tenets , 110 W3C specifi cation , 111

Microsoft, dropdown navigation style , 83 Mobile view of Wikipedia , 77

N Navigation pattern, responsive web

design , 82 New York Times uses dropdown

navigation , 83

O One-hour test, responsive

retrofi t project , 15 Online banking project , 19 Open source tools , 6–8

P Paper prototype , 69, 71 Pattern Lab tool , 65 Percy , 124–125 Performance, responsive web design , 54 Photoshop , 55 Pixels , 72 Priority columns responsive pattern , 90 Priority+ navigation pattern , 84 Project leader , 3–4

role of , 12, 20 Project-management tools, open source , 6 Prototyping, super-speedy , 68–69

Q [Q]uick fi x remedies

R Redesigns, responsive , 48

BBC’s home page , 48 Responsive images

compress, bitmaps , 118 image caching , 117 optional images , 118 picture and srcset , 115–117 SVG images , 114–115

Responsive retrofi t project , 44 account for downtime , 12–13 assigning tasks , 10

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defi ne project leader , 3–4 deprioritize other projects , 10 do not use everyone at once , 12 fi nding time in schedule , 9 goal of , 68 involve right people , 2–3 keeping record , 20–21 keep tight scope , 13

break down tasks , 14–15 defi ne stages , 16 determining out of scope , 16–17 one-hour test , 15 organize , 14 prioritize , 14 start with wish list , 13 testing , 17

low-fi delity planning , 5 digital record , 6–8 gaining perspective , 5

managing site updates , 20 participation , 4 rollout strategies , 18–19 set deadlines , 17–18 team , 2 understand calendar , 9 use everyone at once , 11

Responsive retrofi tting project , 104, 137 Responsive web design , xxi

emergence of , 137 enter , xxiv time , xxvi web used to be responsive, xxi–xxiii,

Reusability, responsive web design , 49–50, 52

Rewriting content , 34

S Salesforce’s Lightning Design System , 61 Scalable vector graphics (SVG) , 81 Scope creep , 17 Screenshots, responsive

web design , 62–63 Senior designer , 3 Side drawer navigation , 84 Sketch tool , 55 Slack messaging app , 20–21

Sony Android , 68 Sound content strategy , 41 Standards-based HTML , xxiii Sticky-note-sized wireframes , 68 Style guide, responsive web design , 60–61

building , 65–66 clean up style sheets , 66 examining , 66 or pattern library , 66 responsively rationalize , 64 screenshots , 62–63

T Tables, responsive web design , 87

jQuery Mobile , 89–90 to list , 88 Wikipedia entries, tables , 88

Task-management software , 7 Testers, project , 3 Testing, project , 17 Th e Elements of Content Strategy , 37 Tools

Asana , 7 Axure , 70 Basecamp , 3, 6–7, 21 Evernote , 8 InVision , 70 Lea Verou’s contrast ratio , 53 Pattern Lab , 65 Sketch , 55 Slack , 20–21 Trello , 8–9, side drawer , 84 Trello tool , 8–9 Typographic scale , 78–79

U , xxvi, 4

component inventory uncovered variations on , 64

Usability testing , 71 User experience designer , 2–3

V Visual designer , 47

Responsive retrofi t project (cont)

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W, X, Y, Z Web design

professionals , xxvi technical factors , xxiv

Web site designers , xxii eBay’s November xxiii , 2000

for European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) , xxii

responsive redesigns of , xxv Web Standards Project’s

mission , xxiv Wikipedia,

mobile view of , 77 Words—no mockups , 55