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STOP SPAMFOREVER!The 100 media streamer Photos, video and internet to INDOWS7 LAPTOPS Quality notebooks from E 9Inkjets Photo, business and multi-function printers 15 MP3 playe Music and video in your palm from 36..,:tI;Q: 12 Smartphones Get aniPhone killer for less How vOUrC:o,mDllter, and phone track u your locatron, ' - .,........:.. . :::tiiiii Windows@. Life without Walis. Dell recommends Windows 7. STAR PERFORMERS If you're into film ,music, networkingand great design, theStudio notonly looks good, butdelivers greatHi-Oef multi-mediaperformancetoo, Available in a range of colours and designs. Choose your favorite at - Inlel- Pent ium- T4300 Genui"" Wir>cSows7 Home Premium wilh 3GB MemOfYand 250GB HardDrive 15,6- Wide!iCreen High Oelinition WLEO wilh TrueUle - Inlegrated Intel' GMA 4500MHD Graphic Card Dell 1397 WirelessCard 2 MPWebcam NeED HeLP GETTING STARTED? AN EXPERT ON CAll. FOR JUST 89 """" ''''''" T'" 500>companies to offer youservices based on your exactlocation. Isthis abenefit on page116. David LudlDw Editor Back to thismonth' s issue, and we've got tons of great products for you to buy. Our Windows 7 laptop Labs (seepage 68) isideal PCSYSTEMS&LAPTOPS Acer Aspire OneD25018 Acer Aspire Timeline5810TG72 Acer Ferrari One23 ASus EeeBox fB 101218 AsusKSOIJ70 DellStudiol S23 HPProSook45 10571 Lenovo GSSO70 Median AkoyaE32 1170 Mes,",Edge 17 HD CS71 Mesh Mat ri x11 925HD20 MSI CX10071 PCSpecialist Vortex is GTS20 Samsung N5 1019 Samsung Q320-jS03UK72 Sony VPC- L11SlEIS16 ToshibaSatelliteUSOO-1 8671 HANOHELOS/SMARTPHONES AppleiPhone 3G532GB BlacklOS HTC Hero10< HTCTouch2103 LG GC900Viewty Smart103 lG GT505lOS MioNavmanMoovSpirit 500 Traffic27 Navman 530 3026 NokiaE5S100 NokiaN97104 PalmPre104 RIM BlackBerry Curve8520100 Samsung GT-17S00 GalaxylOS Samsung 58000 jet103 SonyReader26 SonyReaderPocketEdition26 T-MobilePulse100 Viewsonic VTV3527 liJmm '''4''''':I@1i Brother OCP-703029 Canon CanoScanli DE 700f29 Canon PixmaiP l 00 withbattery 28 CanonPixmaiP470094 CanonPixmaMP64093 EpsonStylus OfficeB40W94 EpsonStylusSX2 1S92 JANUARY2010 .COMPUTERSHOPPER HP Officejet 600094 HP Officejet 700028 HP PhotosmartPlusB20992 KodakESP 525092 LexmarkInteract S60593 LexmarkPlatinumPro90593 5amsung CLP-31528 5amsungML-191529 DISPLAYS BenQ G2220HD EpsonEH-TW420 Mitsubishi HC5500 Panasonic PT-AE3000E 30 31 31 31 Panasonic VieraTX-P42G lOB30 PhilipsBrilliance22SP1ES30 Phili ps Brilliance230C1HSB Samsung SP-P410M 30 31 PHOTOGRAPHY CanonEOS10000 & 18-S5mmIS (ens33 Canon 200IS34 FujifilmF200EXR33 FujifilmF70EXR33 NikonCoolpixP9034 Panasonic LumixOMC-FZ2832 Panasonic LumixOMC- L58533 Panasonic l umixOMC-TZ632 Ricoh GRDigitalIII32 VIDEO FlipUltraHO37 Humax PVR-9300T36 Medionlife 54700036 PhilipsBDP730036 SonyHOR-CXl l E37 WestemDigital WOTVLive37 Xtreamer37 AUDIO AltecLansing Expressionist Ultra AppleiPodClassic160GB AppleiPodNano16GB AppleiPodShuffle2GB AppleiPodTouch64GB Archos28GB Archos3 Vision8GB 39 86 as 80 86 80 81 Cowon02+DAB CreativeZenX-Fi 2 16GB Edifier Ell 00Plus HerculesOJConsoleRMX iRiver8308GB iRiverE200 8GB Logitech X-230 Logitech Z-5S00Digital PhilipsGoG ear Muse16GB PhilipsSHE2SSObtra Bass PhilipsStreamiumNP2900 PureAvantiFlow 5amsung VP-P38GB ShureSE102 Sony walkrnanNWZ-E443 Sony Walkrnan NWZ-S544 SpeedoLZRAquabeat 2GB ViewsonicVP0500 IMjWl 82 8S 39 39 8S 81 38 39 86 39 39 38 82 38 SO 82 38 81 HP Media5mart EX49040 Iomega eGoPortable500GB40 5amsuflg SE-S08441 Samsung Story Station1TB41 SeagateBarracuda1200.1 1 l .5TB 41 Sony ORX-S70U-W40 WesternDigital MyBookWorld Edition1TB40 WesternDigital ScorpioBlue 640GB41 NI':TWORKS 3 MobileBroadband42 Netgear WNOR370042 LinksysWAG160N-UK "Linksys WRT320N "LinksysWVC54GCA42 V-CamBlack5043 .!itAMDPhenomIIX2550 Black Edition.. Antec Solo45 AsusP7P550Deluxe.. AMD Athlon II X462045 GigabyteGA-M720-US3.. SapphireRadeonHO 5750.. SapphireRadeonHO 577044 SapphireRa deonHO 5850l GB45 SOFTWARE AccountzPersonal50 AcronisTrue ImageHome 201049 AdobePhotoshopElements 848 AdobePremiereElements 852 MapyxQuo v249 McAfee Virus ScanPlus200950 Microsoft Windows7 Home Premium49 MindGenius352 SerifPagePlus X450 SteinbergCubaseEssential550 GAMES Aion:The Tower 01Eternity57 Batman: ArkhamAsylum56 FIFA 1056 OperationFlashpoi nt: Dragon Rising57 OverlordII56 Plants vs.Zombies56 Tales of MonkeyIsland56 TheSims 356 BYTESIZE AlteclansingExpressionist Classic24 ExspectDrop'n' chargeKit Xbox 36023 EverymanS11 523 QOOSleather andnyloncase lor Sam sung VP-P320 TechAir4501 17in MessengerBag18 TenbuNioBluetooth security dongle18 TVdean ComboPack20 Ultimate Ears MetroFi 220vi24 For plene visit _w compute,shoppe, couk Fake anti-virus software hacks pes for cash Onlinecriminals areinfecting PCs with fake anti-viros software and conning their victims into h.mding over their credit card details. According to estimates fromsecurity firm Symantec, the criminals behind this scam are netting O\fl!r850,000 pt'r year. The company claims that the vast majority of victims (93 pt'r cent) actually downloadthe rogue security programs intentionally, believing they will help keep their computers safe fromviroses and other internet threats. PCscan alsofallfoulof the threat by visiting malicious or hacked websites that install the software automatically. Computer Shopper's own virus-testing lab has frequently encountered fake anti-virusprograms, whichinstall themselves automatically when youvisit a hacked website. These programs are 'embedded' into websites ranging from 'honeypots' (suchas pornographic sites designed to ensnare victims) to legitimate but hacked sites including those belonging to abank, a Chinese tea-importing business and a well-known author. "What happt'ns withthese infections isthat a fake anti-virus programpopsup andtells you that you've got a virus. The fakesoftware tries to force yout oregister inorder to remove the inftions from your PC, whichrequires youto enter your credit card AIfyouto remove of the viruses from your system using the fakesoftware. It willaskyoo to register and enter yoor credit card detail. explainedShopper's features editor, Simon Edwards. "It will continually harass youuntil you do." Symantec daims it has identified over 2S0 types of the rogue software. These arespread across the internet by anetwork of criminals who earn commissions fromthe big players. ConMallon, product mari;eting director for Symantec, told Shopper: "Wefound anumber of affiliate networks that we were able to monitor to see how they were opt'rating. Weknow howmuch the affiliates are paid per installation. Some pt'ople earn $23,000 (around 14,000) a week, whichcomes to O\fl!r$ 1 mpt'r Inthe UK, affiliates c.m e,nn ,nound 30 to 40 penceper installation. This may not sound much, but Mallonpoints out that PCsbelonging to thousands of people are being infected. This is a lucrativebusiness for the criminal con artists. People go looking for security software andend up on fake sites," he said. "Pop-ups fool them into thinking there's aproblem and they panic-buy the software.NFake anti-virus software can lookincredibly convincing. Computer Shopper has infected asystem inour dedicated virus-testing lab andcreated some video footage, which youcan watch at http://tinyur/. comlfakeiIVSw. We've. also includedsome below so you'll know what to look out for. --._--.--..-.. . _---._.... _- ---_.. ---A The fake software willclaimthat multiple viruses are Installed 0