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International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 2(4)599-619(2004)

Computational Evaluation of StrainGradient Elasticity Constants

R.H.J. Peerlings∗

Department of Mechanical Engineering,Eindhoven University of Technology

PO Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

N.A. Fleck1

Department of Engineering, University of CambridgeTrumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ, UK


Classical effective descriptions of heterogeneous materials fail to capture the influ-ence of the spatial scale of the heterogeneity on the overall response of components.This influence may become important when the scale at which the effective contin-uum fields vary approaches that of the microstructure of the material and may thengive rise to size effects and other deviations from the classical theory. These effectscan be successfully captured by continuum theories that include a material lengthscale, such as strain gradient theories. However, the precise relation between the mi-crostructure, on the one hand, and the length scale and other properties of the effec-tive modeling, on the other, are usually unknown. A rigorous link between these twoscales of observation is provided by an extension of the classical asymptotic homog-enization theory, which was proposed by Smyshlyaev and Cherednichenko (J. Mech.Phys. Solids 48:1325–1358, 2000) for the scalar problem of antiplane shear. In thepresent contribution, this method is extended to three-dimensional linear elasticity.It requires the solution of a series of boundary value problems on the periodic cellthat characterizes the microstructure. A finite element solution strategy is developedfor this purpose. The resulting fields can be used to determine the effective higher-order elasticity constants required in the Toupin-Mindlin strain gradient theory. Themethod has been applied to a matrix-inclusion composite, showing that higher-orderterms become more important as the stiffness contrast between inclusion and matrixincreases.

∗Corresponding author: [email protected]: [email protected]

0731-8898/04/$20.00 © 2004 by Begell House, Inc. 599

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Despite the fact that the deformation of solidmaterials is ultimately governed by the motionof atoms and the forces acting between them,engineers generally successfully rely on contin-uum theories that describe the effect of thesephenomena at a much larger scale and in anaverage sense. The main motivation for usingsuch approximate theories is efficiency; evenon modern digital computers, full-scale atom-istic simulations of engineering structures andcomponents simply require too much compu-tational power to be of practical use to a de-signer. Furthermore, such computations, whichdepend on more or less arbitrarily chosen initialconditions, would deliver far more detail thanis required. Continuum theories, such as linearelasticity, plasticity, etc., provide the approxi-mate response engineers are interested in at afraction of the cost of even the simplest atom-istic simulation.

Most materials exhibit some kind of order atone or several spatial scales between the atomicscale and that of components and structures.Examples are the crystal lattice in metals andthe arrangement of fibers and matrix in fiber-reinforced laminates. Where this order is im-perfect or even entirely absent, a number ofspatial scales usually can still be distinguishedin the disorder. For instance, grains in a metal-lic component tend to have a rather uniformsize, even if their shape may be disordered.Likewise, these and other materials may con-tain voids and defects whose size and spac-ing have a typical order of magnitude. Stan-dard elasticity and plasticity theory can onlybe successful in describing the overall behaviorof materials if the largest of these microstruc-tural length scales is considerably smaller thanthe scale of application. In ordered materials,this ensures that a volume which is small atthe macroscopic or component scale, still con-tains several wavelengths of the microstructure

and can therefore be modeled independentlyof the precise position and orientation with re-spect to this microstructure. In disordered ma-terials, it contains a sufficient number of irreg-ularities for their random effects to cancel. It isworth mentioning that similar statements canbe made about time scales; however, in thiscontribution emphasis is on the effect of spatialscales.

When the relevant macroscopic length scaleapproaches the largest microstructural scale ina material, microstructural effects are no longeraveraged out in the macroscopic response [1].Note that this does not necessarily require theoverall dimensions of components to be small.Even in large structures, high-frequency wavepropagation or localized deformation bandsmay result in variations of the relevant macro-scopic fields at the scale of the microstructure.In each of these situations the microstructureand its local behavior may strongly influencethe observed macroscopic response. For in-stance, the propagation of elastic waves in crys-talline materials exhibits anisotropic and dis-persive effects as a result of the interaction ofthe waves with the crystal lattice (see, for in-stance, [2] and references therein). In formingoperations on thin metallic strips, the distribu-tion of plastic strain may vary significantly be-tween specimens depending on the orientationof individual grains (see, e.g., [3]). This clearlyleads to a large scatter in experiments in whichthe grain orientation is not controlled. Aver-age results, however, often also show a system-atic dependence on specimen size relative to,e.g., grain size. In tensile tests on thin metal-lic strips a decrease of the apparent strengthwith specimen thickness has been reported [3].Bending and torsion tests, on the other hand,show a substantial strengthening with respectto the classical theory [4,5].

Microstructural effects can often be de-scribed accurately and in a natural way bymodeling the microstructure in detail at the

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dominant size scale, assuming relatively simpleconstitutive relations at this scale. Examples arebeam-network models of metal foams, whichallow one to capture the strain profiles and sizeeffects observed in experiments [6], and dis-crete dislocation dynamics models, which cap-ture the influence of hard particles in a plas-tically deforming metallic matrix on the yieldstrength [7]. Although much more efficientthan atomistic simulations, these microstruc-tural analyses are still rather expensive andprovide much more detailed results than re-quired, for instance, by design engineers. Fur-thermore, they require geometric and mate-rial data which may be difficult to obtain andmay vary between different instances of thesame product or specimen. Engineers, there-fore, have a legitimate interest in continuumtheories that can predict the average response(or bounds) of the real-size components tak-ing into account the effect of microstructure, orat least the typical scale of the microstructure.Note that “average” should usually be inter-preted as “ensemble average” in this context,since volume averaging may smoothen stressand strain variations to an unacceptable degree.

An interesting and promising intermediatesolution is provided by multilevel finite ele-ment or computational homogenization tech-niques used by [8,9]; see also the contribu-tion by Kouznetsova et al. [10] to this issue.These methods employ a homogeneous con-tinuum formulation at the macroscale, but ex-tract the constitutive response by a pointwiselink with a micromechanical model, which usu-ally consists of a finite element model on itsown. Like the truly microstructural models,this approach does not require the formula-tion of macroscopic constitutive relations andallows one to make (usually more realistic) con-stitutive assumptions at a lower, microscopicscale. Connecting the two scales when theyare not well separated, however, still presentsa theoretical challenge [9,10]. Furthermore, due

to the computational cost of the microscale fi-nite element analyses, the method will not eas-ily be able to compete with closed-form macro-scopic theories in those cases where the latterare available.

Closed-form macroscopic continuum frame-works which take into account microstructuraleffects and, in particular, the relevant lengthscale(s) of the microstructure, have been devel-oped since the early 1960s [11–15], although themuch earlier work by the Cosserat brothers [16]should also be mentioned in this connection.The end of the previous century has shown arenaissance of these theories, which was drivenby the desire to properly capture shear bandsand other localized failure bands, as well as tocapture size effects that were observed in exper-iments [17–24]. Finite element algorithms havebeen developed that allow one to solve the rele-vant equations for realistic geometries in an ac-curate and reliable manner [25–29]. Finite ele-ment as well as analytical solutions obtained forsimple geometries generally show the desiredbehavior, i.e., shear bands and damage bandsof a finite width and size effects that comparewell with the available experiment data.

Crucial in the success of the enhanced contin-uum formulations is that they introduce a ma-terial length scale — or sometimes several ofthem [22]. It is this length that sets the widthof localization bands and the size at whichsize effects come into play. It is generally ac-cepted that the material length scale should berelated to the typical dimensions of the rele-vant microstructural features. However, theprecise way in which it enters the continuumformulation, although sometimes motivated bymicromechanical arguments and by thermody-namical principles, is usually largely based onphenomenology. This implies that constitu-tive relations and the parameters featured inthem must always be determined from exper-iments. For a number of theories and mate-rials, such an experimental parameter identi-

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fication, including that of the internal lengthscale, has indeed been carried out successfully(see, e.g., [4,5,30,31]). However, these identi-fication procedures not only require advancedexperimental techniques, but they also have alimited predictive power: for every new mate-rial or new microstructure new experiments areneeded.

Extensive and repeated experimental identi-fication may be avoided if a rigorous connec-tion can be made between microstructure andits effect on the overall response. Classical ho-mogenization methods make this connectionby predicting average properties of a material(or bounds on them) based on the properties ofthe constituents and their geometrical arrange-ment (see, e.g., [32–37]). In their standard form,however, these methods fail to include the scaleof the microstructure in the resulting constitu-tive laws. Where this scale has a significant in-fluence on the overall response, such as in thesituations discussed above, extensions of theclassical theory are required.

For linear elastic random composites, an en-hanced homogenization method has been pro-posed by Willis and coworkers [36,38,39]. Anonlocal effective representation is derived byformally solving the equilibrium equations interms of a stress polarization and subsequentensemble averaging. The method requires sta-tistical data on the random microstructure. Inparticular, two-point statistical data introducesthe typical scale of microstructural fluctuationsand, thus, sets the length scale of the nonlo-cal effective theory. A similar path was fol-lowed before by Beran and McCoy [40,41], re-sulting in an effective higher-order gradienttheory. Higher-order gradient theories for pe-riodic, linear elastic media have been devel-oped by Boutin [42] and Triantafyllidis andBardenhagen [43] using an asymptotic solutionof the microstructural problem. The size ofthe periodic cell enters the higher-order effec-tive continuum as the microstructural length

scale. For the simplified case of antiplane shear,Smyshlyaev and Cherednichenko [1] have re-fined this approach by introducing variationalarguments. Their method ensures that the dif-ference between real and homogenized behav-ior is minimized and that the homogenizedequilibrium equations are elliptic.

In each of the above enhanced homogeniza-tion methods, closed-form expressions can onlybe obtained for very simple microstructures(e.g., laminates [42]). Applications to real mate-rials require a computational strategy to solvethe relevant equations. It is the objective of thiscontribution to develop such a computationalstrategy and to apply it to a two-phase com-posite. The method proposed by Smyshlyaevand Cherednichenko [1] is taken as a startingpoint for this development. It is first extendedto the fully three-dimensional case in Section 2(see also [44]). As in the antiplane shear casediscussed by Smyshlyaev and Cherednichenko,a number of boundary value problems must besolved on the periodic cell in order to determinethe higher-order elasticity constants of the over-all strain gradient elasticity description. Theseproblems are cast in a weak form and solvedby the finite element method. Effective higher-order moduli can then be computed directlyfrom the numerical solutions (Section 3). InSection 4, the method is applied to a matrix-inclusion system, for which the influence of theratio of the elastic moduli of the inclusion andmatrix on the effective behavior is examined.


The homogenization method developed in thispaper largely follows that of Smyshlyaev andCherednichenko [1]. However, the limitation toantiplane shear made by them is dropped. Asa consequence, the scalar character of the equa-tions is lost and vector problems must be con-sidered. The influence of this change of charac-

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ter on the main development is limited, but itmay have some impact on the formal justifica-tion of the asymptotics, which is not consideredhere.

2.1 Heterogeneous Problem

The setting of the heterogeneous problem con-sidered here is a simple extension to three di-mensions of that of Smyshlyaev and Chered-nichenko [1]; see Fig. 1 for a graphical repre-sentation of the one-dimensional case. The mi-crostructure of the material is constructed froma unit cell Q = [0, 1] × [0, 1] × [0, 1] by rescal-ing by a small parameter ε and repetition alongeach of the coordinates xi (i = 1, 2, 3). The pe-riod of the material is thus εQ, and the parame-ter ε appears as the natural length scale. A bodyforce f(x) is applied, which is also periodic buthas a larger period T = [0, T ] × [0, T ] × [0, T ],where T is of the order of one and T/ε is an inte-ger; at the scale ε of the microstructure f(x) is as-sumed to be smooth. It is emphasized that themacroscopic periodicity (period T) is used onlyin developing the homogenization process; the







FIGURE 1. One-dimensional heterogeneous elas-ticity problem with double periodicity

effective relations following from it can also beused in nonperiodic problems. The microscopicperiodicity (period εQ), on the other hand, isessential for the method to work.

The three-dimensional equilibrium problemon the period T can be written as


∂xi+ fj(x) = 0 (j = 1, 2, 3) (1)

where the Cauchy stress tensor is given by

σij =Cijkl(x/ε) ekl ekl =12






and summation is implied over the repeatedindices i, k, l = 1, 2, 3. The elasticity tensorCijkl(ξ) satisfies the usual symmetries Cijkl =Cjikl = Cijlk = Cklij and is assumed to bepositive-definite and piecewise smooth; the ap-propriate weak continuity conditions must beadded to Eq. (1) at discontinuity surfaces.

Substitution of relations (2) in the set of equi-librium equations (1) results in a set of partialdifferential equations in terms of the displace-ment components uk(x). It proves to be use-ful to rewrite this set of equations in the vectorform




)+ f(x) = 0 (3)

where the matrix-valued functions Ail(ξ) aregiven in terms of the elastic moduli Cijkl by(Ail)jk(ξ) = Cijkl(ξ). Periodicity of the bodyforce f implies that the displacement field uis T-periodic; furthermore, rigid body motionis prevented by the requirement that the meandisplacement on the period T vanishes. To-gether with these conditions, Eq. (3) forms awell-posed boundary value problem.

2.2 Asymptotic Solution

Equation (3) clearly shows the influence of thetwo scales of the problem. On the one hand, the

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coefficient matrices Ail vary at the microstruc-tural scale given by the cell size ε. On theother hand, the body force f has a wavelengthT and is therefore related to the macroscopicscale. Homogenization methods aim at averag-ing the fast variations in u, which are due to themicrostructure, and at formulating equationswhich allow one to determine this averaged re-sponse without first solving the full, two-scaleproblem. Asymptotic homogenization [35,45]allows one to separate the influences of the twoscales by assuming a solution of the form

u(x) =∞∑


εm um(x, x/ε) (4)

where the functions um(x, ξ) are Q-periodicwith respect to the microstructural coordinatesξ and T-periodic with respect to the macro-scopic coordinates x.

Straightforward substitution of Eq. (4) inEq. (3) and requiring that the resulting equa-tion is satisfied at each order of ε shows that theasymptotic expansion (4) must be of the form[42, 45]

u(x)=v(x) +∞∑




Nn(x/ε) Dnv(x) (5)

The vector-valued function v(x) is T-periodic.Superimposed on this slowly varying fieldis a series of correction terms. The sub-script n = n1n2 . . . nm denotes a multi-indexwith “length” |n| = m in which each ofn1, n2, . . . , nm adopts the values 1, 2, 3. Dn de-notes differentiation with respect to xn1 , xn2 ,etc.: Dn = ∂m/∂xn1∂xn2 . . . ∂xnm . So eachof the correction terms in Eq. (5) consists ofa derivative of v(x) modulated by a matrix-valued field Nn(x/ε).

The functions Nn(ξ) are Q-periodic and sat-isfy the following partial differential equationon the periodic cell [45]:





)+ Tn(ξ) = Hn

(|n| = m = 1, 2, 3, . . .) (6)



∂ξi(m = 1) (7)


∂ξi(Ain1Nn2) + An1l



+An1n2 (m = 2) (8)


∂ξi(Ain1Nn2...nm) + An1l



+An1n2Nn3...nm (m ≥ 3) (9)


Hn = 〈Tn〉 =∫

QTn(ξ) dξ (10)

Note that Hn1 = 0 because of periodicity.Uniqueness of Nn is ensured by the additionalrequirement that their mean on the periodic cellvanishes, i.e., 〈Nn〉 = 0. Problems (6) dependonly on the microstructural stiffness distribu-tion given by Ail(ξ) and can therefore be solvedindependently of the macroscopic problem [inparticular, independently of the distribution ofbody force f(x)]. Since for values of m ≥ 2Eq. (6) depends on functions Nn with |n| < m,these problems have to be solved sequentially,for increasing m and starting at m = 1.

The slowly varying contribution v to Eq. (5)formally satisfies [45]





HnDnv(x) + f(x) = 0 (11)

where Hn are the constant matrices defined byEq. (10). All information on the heterogeneous

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microstructure has been lumped into these ma-trices and only macroscopic quantities remainin Eq. (11). This equation is was, therefore,termed “homogenized equation of infinite or-der” by Bakhvalov and Panasenko [45], a termwhich will be further substantiated in the nextsection.

2.3 Homogenization by EnsembleAveraging

The averaged behavior of the heterogeneousmaterial can be determined based on the argu-ment that the precise “phase” of the microstruc-ture with respect to the body force is gener-ally unknown and a family of translated mi-crostructures should therefore be considered[1]; see Fig. 2 for a one-dimensional representa-tion. Average relations can then be obtained byensemble averaging of the solutions for each ofthese translations. The translation is describedby a translation vector ζ ∈ Q; note that trans-lations beyond Q need not be considered sincethe same periodic microstructure can always beobtained by another ζ ∈ Q.

The equilibrium problem for a single realisa-tion of the translation reads




FIGURE 2. Translation of the microstructure withrespect to the body force





)+ f(x) = 0 (12)

with Aζil(ξ) = Ail(ξ + ζ) and the additional

conditions that uζ is T-periodic and⟨uζ

⟩= 0.

Following the same arguments that led to rela-tion (5), it can easily be shown that the asymp-totic solution to Eq. (12) is given by





Nζn(x/ε) Dnv(x) (13)


n(ξ) = Nn(ξ + ζ) (14)

and v the same slowly varying function whichappeared in Eq. (5), i.e., the solution of Eq. (11).The leading, zeroth-order term in Eq. (13) thusdoes not depend on the translation vector ζ,whereas the correction terms depend on ζ in away that is given by the translated microstruc-tural functions Nζ

n according to Eq. (14).Expression (13) gives the asymptotic solution

to the heterogeneous problem for each realiza-tion of the translated microstructure. The ho-mogenized response is now defined as the en-semble average of this family of solutions uζ :

u(x) =∫

Quζ(x) dζ (15)

Substitution of Eq. (13) results in

u(x) =∫

Qdζ v(x)






n(x/ε) dζ Dnv(x) (16)

where use has been made of the fact that v andits derivatives do not depend on ζ. The firstintegral on the right-hand side is equal to onebecause Q is a unit cell. Using relation (14),

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the other integrals, which are associated withhigher-order terms, can easily be seen to beequal to 〈Nn〉 = 0 (cf. [1]). Thus, the higher-order contributions to uζ cancel in the ensembleaveraging and only the leading term v survivesthe averaging:

u(x) = v(x) (17)

This identifies the slowly varying field v as thetrue homogenized solution and Eq. (11) as thetrue homogenized equilibrium equation.

2.4 Truncation Based on Energetics

The above result for the homogenized equationof infinite order [i.e., Eq. (11)] is classical. How-ever, it is not of much practical use, preciselybecause it is of infinite order. For practical ap-plications it must somehow be approximatedby an equation — or a system of equations —of finite order. One should realize that sim-ply truncating the left-hand side of Eq. (11) atsome order of ε may not be a good idea becauseellipticity of the resulting equation cannot beguaranteed. One way to proceed has been sug-gested by Boutin [42] and basically means thatthe infinite-order equation is split into a seriesof second-order partial differential equations.Each of these equations has the form of an elas-ticity problem with a body force that dependson the solution of the previous problem. Theseries can be truncated to an arbitrary numberof equations, thereby defining the degree of mi-crostructural detail which is taken into account.

The approach followed by Smyshlyaev andCherednichenko [1] is different in that it leadsto a single partial differential equation — of ahigher order — which has the appealing prop-erty that it falls back onto the Toupin-Mindlinstrain gradient elasticity framework (see [11,46] or Section 2.5). The finite-order governingequation is derived via a variational formula-tion of the averaged problem. In this way, el-lipticity of the resulting equation is guaranteed

in a natural way. Moreover, the resulting ho-mogenized solution is the best possible fit to uin terms of elastic energy.

The equilibrium problem for a single realiza-tion of the microstructural translation can bewritten in a variational form by defining on themacroscopic period T the energy functional

Eζ [u?]=∫











where the trial functions u∗(x) must satisfy thekinematic constraints that were imposed on thesolution uζ , i.e., periodicity and 〈u∗〉 = 0. Theelastic energy in the equilibrium state, denotedby Iζ , is the minimum of Eζ [u∗] and is obtainedfor u∗ = uζ :

Iζ = minu∗(x)

Eζ [u∗] = Eζ [uζ ] (19)

Taking the ensemble average of Eq. (19) overall possible translations results in the followingminimization problem for the average energy:

I =∫

QIζdζ =


Eζ [u∗] dζ (20)

Introducing the trial function u∗∗(x, ζ) which isT-periodic in its first argument and Q-periodicin its second argument, this minimization prob-lem can be rewritten as

I = minu??(x,ζ)

E[u??] (21)

where E[u∗∗] is defined as

E[u∗∗] =∫

QEζ [u∗∗] dζ (22)

The minimizer of E[u∗∗] clearly is u∗∗(x, ζ) =uζ(x), the asymptotics of which are given byEq. (13).

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The crux of the method proposed bySmyshlyaev and Cherednichenko [1] is now torestrict the set of trial functions u∗∗ by truncat-ing Eq. (13) after a finite number of terms. In thepresent three-dimensional case, this means thatwe consider a class U of trial functions whichcan be written as

u∗∗(x, ζ)=v∗(x)+K∑




Nζn(x/ε) Dnv∗(x)


where K ≥ 1. A higher value of K implies thatmore detail of the microstructural fields is in-cluded and will result in a higher order of theresulting homogenized equations. Limiting theclass of trial functions in Eq. (21) to U , a min-imization problem of order K can now be for-mulated as

I = minu∗∗(x,ζ)∈U

E[u∗∗] (24)

Since the dependence of u∗∗(x, ζ) on ζ isknown, the energy functional E[u∗∗] can berewritten solely in terms of the slowly varyingfield v∗(x) for u∗∗(x, ζ) ∈ U :

I = minv∗(x)

E[v∗] (25)

where E[v∗] follows by substitution of Eq. (23)into Eq. (22) and use of relation (14) as

E[v∗] =∫







dx (26)


Hp;q =∫



∂ξi+ δ


× Ail(ξ)(


∂ξl+ δlq1Nq2...qs


(r, s = 2, . . . , K) (27)

For r = 1 or s = 1, the factors orNq2...qs in Eq. (27) must be replaced by the iden-tity matrix I; for r = K + 1 or s = K + 1 theterms ∂Np/∂xi or ∂Nq/∂xl must be dropped,respectively. The constant matrices Hp;q can becomputed solely on the basis of the microstruc-tural stiffness distribution and the microstruc-tural functions Nn, and can therefore be deter-mined independently of the macroscopic prob-lem.

Limiting the energy minimization to trialfunctions u∗∗ ∈ U for which the microstruc-tural influence is given by Eq. (23) implies thatthe energy I obtained in this minimization willgenerally be higher than the true mean energyI . Furthermore, the minimizer v of E[v∗] gen-erally will not satisfy the homogenized equa-tion of infinite order (11). The elastic energyI generated by this minimiser, however, is theclosest possible to I within the limited class oftrial functions. In this sense, v is the best pos-sible approximation of v for a given order K ofthe microstructural influence in Eq. (23); it was,therefore, termed “homogenized solution of or-der K” by Smyshlyaev and Cherednichenko[1]. The “homogenized equation of order K,”i.e., the truncated counterpart of Eq. (11), whichis satisfied by v, can be obtained as the Euler-Lagrange equation associated with the mini-mization (25). This equation can be interpretedas an equilibrium problem for a grade-n elasticmedium (see [44]). Here, however, Smyshlyaevand Cherednichenko’s interpretation as a straingradient continuum in the sense of Toupin andMindlin [11,46] is followed.

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2.5 Interpretation in Terms of StrainGradient Elasticity

The strain gradient continuum theory due toToupin and Mindlin [11,46] is a generalizationof standard continuum mechanics in the sensethat, apart from the usual first-order gradientsof displacement (i.e., strain), higher-order gra-dients of the displacement are also taken intoaccount in the kinematics — in principle to anarbitrary order. For instance, in the theory de-veloped in [46], gradients up to order 3 areconsidered. Each of these deformation mea-sures has a higher-order stress measure asso-ciated with it, which is work conjugate to it.The equilibrium equations that must be satis-fied by these higher-order stresses and consti-tutive relations between stresses and (higher-order) strains have been derived from an en-ergy potential via variational considerations(see, e.g., [46]).

In a similar fashion, effective constitutive re-lations of the strain gradient type can be re-trieved from the energy minimization problem(25) by casting it in a variational form. Usingthe symmetry property Hp;q = HT

q;p, the varia-tion δE due to a variation δv∗ of the trial func-tion v∗ can be written as

δE =∫









Hp;q Dqv∗)− δv∗Tf

dx (28)

The factors Dpδv∗ in the kernel of the integralcan be recognised as variations of the higher-order deformation gradients

e∗pj = Dpv∗j (|p| = r ≥ 2) (29)

associated with the slow displacement varia-tion v∗; the first-order gradient terms can besymmetrized in the usual way

e∗p1j =12




)(|p| = r = 1) (30)

Using these expressions and the minor symme-tries of Hp;q, Eq. (28) can be rewritten as

δE =∫





δe∗pjσ∗pj − δv∗j fj

dx (31)

where the terms between round brackets inEq. (28) have been identified as the higher-order stresses conjugate to δe∗pj :

σ∗pj =K+1∑




Cpj;qke∗qk (32)


Cpj;qk =1






and P(p) denoting all possible permutations ofp. Note that the stiffness coefficients Cpj;qk havebeen symmetrized with respect to p and q in or-der to reduce the number of independent val-ues.

Integration by parts and realising that the re-sulting boundary terms vanish because of peri-odicity allows to rewrite Eq. (31) as

δE =−∫






Dpσ∗pj + fj



Now, for the energy minimizer v and thestresses σpj associated with it, the variation δE

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must vanish for all admissible δv∗j . The aboveexpression for δE shows that this can only betrue if





Dpσpj +fj = 0 (j = 1, 2, 3) (35)

These equations are exactly the equilibriumequations of the Toupin-Mindlin framework,formulated in terms of the effective (higher-order) stresses associated with the homoge-nized solution v. Indeed, it can easily be ver-ified that for K = 0 they reduce to the stan-dard equilibrium equations of classical contin-uum mechanics. If more microstructural effectsare taken into account in Eq. (23), i.e., for K ≥ 1,higher-order stresses come into play and the or-der of the equations becomes K + 1 in terms ofthese stresses. For K = 1 only second-orderdisplacement gradients (or gradients of strain)and so-called double stresses appear [11,12];this is also the case which was extended to plas-ticity by Fleck and Hutchinson [22]. For K = 2the theory of [46] is retrieved and even higherK lead to the natural extensions of these casesto higher orders.

The above shows that an effective strain gra-dient description is obtained as the naturaloutcome of homogenizing a standard elasticmedium. Perhaps more importantly, it alsoshows how to determine the effective constitu-tive behavior of the heterogeneous material interms of higher-order strains and stresses. Forthe homogenized solution v the homogenizeddeformation gradients according to Eqs. (29)–(30) become

eq1k =12





)(|q| = s = 1) (36)

eqk = Dqvk (|q| = s ≥ 2) (37)

and the homogenized stresses generated by thisdeformation read [cf. (32)]

σpj =K+1∑




Cpj;qkeqk (38)

where the constants Cpj;qk are given by Eq. (33).These constants should be compared to thestandard elastic moduli of linear elasticity; to-gether with the constitutive relations (38), theyuniquely define the higher-order effective re-sponse of the heterogeneous material. Rela-tions (38) also show that the periodic cell sizeε, which is the typical length scale of the mi-crostructure, enters the effective constitutive re-lations. The effective properties are, therefore,clearly size dependent, and macroscopic analy-ses using these properties will show a size effectas the macroscopic dimensions are diminishedto the order of the microstructural size ε. Theprecise influence of the material length scalein different directions is governed by the elas-tic moduli Cpj;qk and may therefore be highlyanisotropic.

It is emphasised that the moduli Cpj;qk arenot unknown parameters, but can be com-puted in a systematic way for any periodic mi-crostructure once the cell problems given byEquation (6) have been solved. The resultingmicrostructural fields Nn(ξ) can then be in-serted in (27), after which the moduli Cpj;qk

can be determined via Eq. (33). Particularlyfor higher orders, a substantial amount of datacan thus be generated, for which it is diffi-cult to imagine how it could be determinedpurely experimentally. It is worth mentioningin this connection that already for an isotropic,second-order linear elastic strain gradient the-ory, 18 independent elastic constants were iden-tified in [46]. It needs no further explana-tion that this number increases dramatically ifanisotropy is considered and as the frameworkis extended to higher orders.

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A crucial step in determining the effectivehigher-order response of the heterogeneousmaterial, characterized by the moduli Cpj;qk asdiscussed above, consists in solving the mi-crostructural boundary value problems givenby Eq. (6) together with Eqs. (7)–(9) and theconditions of periodicity and vanishing aver-age. As was stated before, these problems arefully determined by the microstructure of thematerial and can therefore be solved indepen-dently of the macroscopic problem at hand. Forrelatively simple microstructures, they can besolved analytically (see, for instance, Boutin[42] for the case of a two-phase laminate). Forless trivial geometric arrangements, a numeri-cal approach must be followed. In this contri-bution, a finite element algorithm is developedfor this purpose.

Given the dependence of the terms Tn andHn in Eq. (6) for a certain order m = |n| on thefunctions Nn of order m− 1 and lower, the mi-crostructural problems must be solved for in-creasing order m. At a certain order, Eq. (6) canbe regarded as a set of linear elasticity equa-tions, with each column of Tn −Hn represent-ing a body force vector, which is known onceall problems of lower order have been solved.The columns of Nn are then the displacementfields corresponding to these body forces. Thedevelopment of the finite element algorithm tosolve these equations is therefore largely paral-lel to that for boundary value problems in linearelasticity. Instead of the usual displacement ortraction boundary conditions, however, the so-lutions of Eq. (6) must satisfy Q-periodicity andhave mean zero. The latter condition can easilybe dealt with by first solving the problem withNn fixed at the corners of the cell and, subse-quently, subtracting from this solution its aver-age. Periodicity can be enforced by introducing

dependencies between the boundary nodes ofthe finite element discretization (see also be-low).

3.1 Weak Formulation of Cell Problems

The finite element discretization of cell prob-lems is based on the weak form of Eq. (6). Thisweak form is first derived for the case m ≥ 3using the weighted residuals formalism. Af-ter substitution of Tn(ξ) according to Eq. (9),Eq. (6) reads







+ An1l∂Nn2...nm

∂ξl+An1n2Nn3...nm = Hn (39)

Multiplication of this equation by a Q-periodic,vector-valued test function ψ(x) and integra-tion over the cell Q results in the weightedresiduals form

QψT ∂







QψT ∂







QψTAn1n2Nn3...nm dξ =

QψTHn dξ (40)

which must be satisfied for all admissible ψ.The continuity conditions on Nn can be relaxedby integration by parts of the first two integrals;after reordering this yields the weak formula-tion

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∂ξldξ =






Ain1Nn2...nm dξ






QψTAn1n2Nn3...nm dξ


QψTHn dξ (41)

Note that the boundary terms which resultfrom the integration by parts, vanish becauseof periodicity.

It is now convenient to condense the summa-tion over i and l in Eq. (41) into matrix form. Tothis end the following 9×1 matrices are defined:

Dψ =







DNn =








as well as the 9× 9 and 9× 3 matrices

A =

A11 A12 A13

A21 A22 A23

A31 A32 A33

An1 =





With these definitions, Eq. (41) can be rewrittenas

Q(Dψ)TADNn dξ =


Q(Dψ)TAn1Nn2...nm dξ



n1DNn2...nm dξ


QψTAn1n2Nn3...nm dξ


QψTHn dξ (44)

Note that the matrix products can, in principle,be condensed slightly further using the sym-metries of Ail (cf. standard elasticity); however,this is not done here for clarity.

The equivalents of Eq. (44) for m = 1 andm = 2 follow analogically. The result for m = 2can be obtained from Eq. (44) by dropping thefactor Nn3...nm in the third term on the right-hand side. Likewise, for m = 1, the factorNn2...nm disappears in the first right-hand sideterm; all other terms on the right-hand side dis-appear entirely.

3.2 Discretization by Finite Element ShapeFunctions

The weak forms obtained above can now bediscretized by interpolating the test functionψ(ξ) and the microstructural functions Nn(ξ)in the standard way

ψ(ξ) = Φ(ξ)ψ Nn(ξ) = Φ(ξ)Nn (45)

where Φ(ξ) contains the finite element interpo-lation functions and the vector ψ and the ma-trix Nn contain the nodal components of ψ andNn, respectively. Using the same interpolation,the derivatives Dψ and DNn can be written as

Dψ(ξ) = B(ξ)ψ DNn(ξ) = B(ξ)Nn (46)

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where B(ξ) contains the shape function deriva-tives. The microstructural functions of lowerorder will generally have been computed us-ing the same discretization and are thereforeavailable in the same discrete form given byEqs. (45)–(46).

Substitution of the respective discretizationsin Eq. (44) and realizing that the resulting equa-tion must be satisfied for all ψ results in a set ofdiscrete equations of the form

K Nn = Fn (47)

where K is the standard stiffness matrix in elas-ticity, given by

K =∫

QBTABdξ (48)

and Fn is a matrix, which reads

Fn = −∫




n1Bdξ Nn2...nm


QΦTAn1n2Φdξ Nn3...nm


QΦTHn dξ (m ≥ 3) (49)

The matrix Hn in this expression can be com-puted from Eqs. (9) and (10) on the basis of thenumerical solutions obtained at lower orders

Hn =∫


n1Bdξ Nn2...nm


QAn1n2Φdξ Nn3...nm (m ≥ 3) (50)

Note that the first term in Eq. (9) vanishes afterintegration as a result of periodicity.

The discretized equations for m = 1 and m =2 follow completely analogically. This results in

systems of equations of the same form (47), butwith different right-hand sides, namely,

Fn1 = −∫

QBTAn1 dξ (m = 1) (51)


Fn1n2 = −∫

QBTAn1Φdξ Nn2



n1Bdξ Nn2


QΦTAn1n2 dξ


QΦTHn1n2 dξ (m = 2) (52)

In the latter expression, the matrix Hn1n2 can beevaluated as [cf. (50)]

Hn1n2 =∫


n1Bdξ Nn2 +

QAn1n2 dξ

(m = 2) (53)

Before the linear system of Eq. (47) can besolved, periodicity of the finite element dis-cretization must be enforced by tying the de-grees of freedom associated with opposite facesof the cell to each other. Furthermore, the nodalvalues in the corner nodes are set equal to zero.After condensing the linear system accordinglyand solving for the unknown Nn, the average

〈Nn〉 =∫

QΦdξ Nn (54)

is subtracted from the numerical solution in or-der to ensure that 〈Nn〉 = 0, see [47] for moredetails.

3.3 Evaluation of Elastic Moduli

Once the discretized microstructural fields Nn

have been determined for all relevant ordersm ≤ K, the matrices Hp;q can be determinedfrom the discretized equivalent of Eq. (27)

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Hp;q = NTp


+ NTp

QBTAq1 Φdξ Nq2...qs



p1Bdξ Nq


QΦTAp1q1 Φdξ Nq2...qs (m ≥ 3) (55)

for m = 1 and m = K +1 some trivial modifica-tions again have to be made to this expression[see below Eq. (27)]. The strain gradient mod-uli Cpj;qk are now readily computed accordingto (33).


The numerical algorithms developed in theprevious section have been applied to a two-dimensional microstructure, which consists ofhard inclusions embedded in a softer, contin-uous matrix phase. The inclusions have a cir-cular shape and are stacked in a square pat-tern; the periodic cell that can be distinguishedin this microstructure is depicted in Fig. 3(a).

The size of the inclusions is such that theirvolume fraction equals 0.25. Plane deforma-tions are assumed, i.e., displacements in the di-rection perpendicular to the plane of the cell,are neglected. In the reference computation,Young’s modulus of the inclusion Ei was set to100 times that of the matrix Em; this ratio hasalso been varied, however, in order to examinethe influence of stiffness contrast between thetwo phases on the computed effective moduli.The Poisson ratios of the two materials equalνi = νm = 1

3 .The finite element mesh which was used

in the computations is shown in Figure 3(b);it consists of 2520 eight-node elements whichare integrated by a reduced, four-point Gaussscheme. Higher-order gradients are taken intoaccount up to an order of K = 2. This meansthat the effective kinematics are described bystrains, second-order displacement gradientsand third-order displacement gradients; apartfrom stresses, also double stresses and triplestresses enter the effective constitutive descrip-tion. Note that this is precisely the case considerin [46].

Figure 4 shows two components of the mi-crostructural (matrix-valued) fields N1 as com-



Em, νm

Ei, νi

(a) (b)

FIGURE 3. Periodic cell of the matrix-inclusion system: (a) geometry and (b) finite element discretization

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FIGURE 4. Microstructural function N1 computed in the first-order problems: (a) 11-component(N1)11 and (b) 21-component (N1)21

puted with the finite element algorithm for astiffness contrast of Ei/Em = 100; the coordi-nates ξ1 and ξ2 used in these plots have beenindicated in Fig. 3(a). These functions mustbe interpreted as (the 1- and 2-component of)the first-order microstructural corrections to theoverall displacement field as triggered by theoverall (11-component of) strain [see Eq. (5)].For instance, the negative gradient of (N1)11

in the part of the domain that is occupied bythe fiber (Fig. 6(a)) indicates that the true, mi-crostructural strain e11 in the fiber will be con-siderably smaller than the effective strain e11; inthe matrix, on the other hand, it is larger thanthe effective strain. The (N1)21-field in Fig. 4(b),shows that overall straining in the 11-directionresults in hardly any displacement in the ξ2 di-rection within the fiber, but some rearrange-ment in the matrix material. Similar conclu-sions can be drawn for the other directions in-volved. Indeed, as can be seen from the doublesymmetry of the unit cell, the effective stiffnessof the cell is orthotropic with identical proper-ties in the two coordinate directions.

The dominant components of the solutionsof the second-order problems (m = 2), havebeen plotted in Fig. 5. The 11-component of

N11 [Fig. 5(a)] represents a microstructural dis-placement in the direction of ξ1 under the in-fluence of the effective displacement gradiente111 = ∂2v1/∂x2

1. Likewise, the 11-componentof N22 depicted in Fig. 5(b) represents the mi-crostructural response to an effective displace-ment gradient e221 = ∂2v1/∂x2

2. Both of thesefields, and indeed all other fields of the sameorder, are smoother and also smaller in ampli-tude than those resulting from the first-orderproblem; this trend seems to persist for higherorders. It should be noted that they are further-more multiplied by the small parameter ε (orεm for higher orders) when entering the asymp-totic expansion (5).

The numerical representations of the mi-crostructural fields Nn have been used to com-pute the higher-order effective stiffness moduliCpj;qk by the method described in Section 3.3.Table 1 gives the resulting moduli for a stiffnesscontrast of Ei/Em = 100. The values have beennormalized with respect to Em and (where ap-propriate) unit length. Only nonvanishing val-ues and values that do not follow from symme-try arguments are given. The standard compo-nents Cp1j;q1k coincide with the ones given byclassical homogenization. Note that the higher-

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FIGURE 5. Typical components of the second-order problems: (a) (N11)11 and (b) (N11)22












FIGURE 6. Effective moduli of (a) standard order (Cp1j;q1k) and (b) higher order (Cpj;qk) vs. Young’smodulus of the fiber; both axes have been normalized by Young’s modulus of the matrix

order terms are multiplied by powers of ε inthe constitutive law (38). This means that theirrelevance decreases as the separation betweenthe microstructural and macroscopic scales in-creases. When this scale separation is relativelysmall, however, or when strong gradients arepresent in the averaged displacements v, the in-fluence of the higher-order terms will be morenoticeable.

In order to examine the influence of the stiff-ness contrast between inclusion and matrix on

the effective properties of the composite, theratio Ei/Em has been varied in the range of1 − 104. The resulting effective moduli, nor-malized by Young’s modulus of the matrix andunit length, have been plotted versus the con-trast in Fig. 6. Figure 6(a) shows the moduliCijkl of the standard order. For increasing stiff-ness of the fiber, the moduli increase from thehomogeneous values at Ei = Em to horizontalasymptotes in the limit of a rigid fiber. Someof the higher-order moduli have been plotted

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TABLE 1. Normalized effective higher-order moduli Cpj;qk computed with the higher-order ho-mogenization method; components not given follow from symmetry or vanish.

C11;11 = 2.242661 C111;111 = 0.016795 C1111;1111 = 0.005738C11;22 = 0.990341 C111;122 = −0.002489 C1111;1122 = −0.002944C12;12 = 0.535859 C111;221 = 0.000973 C1111;1221 = −0.001017C11;1111 = 0.013393 C112;112 = 0.007393 C1111;2222 = −0.000537C11;1122 = −0.004581 C112;121 = 0.003496 C1112;1112 = 0.003235C11;1221 = 0.000619 C121;121 = 0.002746 C1112;1121 = 0.001559C11;2222 = −0.003646 C1112;1222 = 0.001130C12;1112 = 0.001189 C1112;2221 = 0.002037C12;1121 = 0.000371 C1121;1121 = 0.001374

C1121;1222 = 0.000574C1122;1122 = 0.006014C1122;1221 = 0.004645

in Fig. 6(b); other components show a verysimilar trend and have been left out for clar-ity. As should be expected, all higher-ordermoduli vanish for the homogeneous material(Ei = Em). As the degree of heterogeneity in-creases, however, these higher-order terms be-come more important. It is interesting to notethat they also asymptote to a finite value for arigid fiber.


The effective properties listed in Table 1 give animpression of the amount of data that can begenerated with the numerical homogenizationstrategy described in this paper. Only two or-ders of strain gradients have been taken intoaccount, and the number of different moduliis further reduced by the high degree of sym-metry of the periodic cell. But already in thiscase determining a parameter set of this size ex-perimentally would be extremely difficult. In-stead, the entire set has been determined solelyon the basis of the (four) elastic constants of the

constituents and their geometric arrangement.No a priori assumptions have been made aboutthe macroscopic behavior of the material. Theonly assumptions are in the modeling of themicrostructure; length-scale effects, anisotropy,and other macroscopic properties all enter theeffective representation naturally in the peri-odic homogenization process. The degree towhich these effects are captured is set by thenumber of higher-order terms that are included(i.e., the parameter K).

Two essential requirements for the methodin its present form to work are periodicity ofthe microstructure and linear elastic materialbehavior of its constituents. This latter condi-tion has been somewhat alleviated by the ex-tension of the theory to a limited class of non-linear elasticity problems by Cherednichenkoand Smyshlyaev [48]. As to the periodicity as-sumption, it is emphasized that, although a pe-riodic body force has been assumed in deriv-ing the effective constitutive model, its appli-cation is by no means limited to macroscopi-cally periodic problems. The effective moduliare properties of the material and can therefore

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also be used for nonperiodic problems. Appli-cation to finite-sized bodies, however, requiresa more detailed understanding of the higher-order boundary conditions that must be ap-plied in such cases. At free boundaries, it seemsnatural to set the higher-order tractions that ap-pear at the boundary (see, e.g., [11,22,46]) equalto zero. But in more complicated situations,these boundary conditions should ideally belinked back to the microstructure. A first at-tempt in this direction — albeit for a nonlocaltheory of the integral type — has been under-taken by Luciano [49], but more work is neededto further clarify this link.

Periodicity of the microstructure is an es-sential condition, which often will not be metfor real materials. However, this limitationis less restrictive than it may appear. Mi-crostructures that are not periodic may be dealtwith by defining a representative volume el-ement, i.e., a sample volume which is suffi-ciently large and contains a sufficient numberof microstructural features for its periodic ex-tension to be representative of the real, disor-dered microstructure. Such representative vol-umes will generally be much larger comparedwith the microstructural components (e.g., in-clusions) than the unit cell of Section 4, butsince the homogenization method is based ona body force generating strain gradients withinthe cell, this does not need to pose a problem.Computationally, however, the microstructuralanalyses will become more expensive as thenumber of finite elements needed to describethe microstructure increases.

A drawback of the strain gradient theorythat results from the homogenization processis that it imposes stringent continuity require-ments on the effective displacement field. Thismay not be a problem when macroscopic prob-lems can be solved analytically, but it poses adifficulty for numerical analysis methods, suchas the finite element method. Particularly forhigh degrees of microstructural detail (large K),

this may seriously complicate the implementa-tion of the macroscopic strain gradient formula-tion in analysis codes. Replacement of the rig-orously derived effective relations by approx-imate relations, which are easier to deal within this respect, may be one option here. Or al-ternatively, and perhaps more attractively, onecould aim to adapt the rigorous homogeniza-tion framework such that it delivers an effec-tive constitutive description that is more fa-vorable with respect to numerical implementa-tion. These and other aspects of the method,e.g., extensions to the nonlinear regime, pro-vide many opportunities for fruitful further de-velopments.


Financial support from the EU-TMR program“Spatial-temporal Instabilities in Deformationand Fracture” (Contract No. FMRX-CT96-0062)is gratefully acknowledged. The authors alsowish to thank V.P. Smyshlyaev (University ofBath, UK) and J.R. Willis (University of Cam-bridge, UK) for helpful discussions.


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Volume 2, Number 4, 2004

Page 22: Computational Evaluation of Strain Gradient Elasticity ... · Computational Evaluation of Strain Gradient Elasticity Constants ... the propagation of elastic waves in ... COMPUTATIONAL