components of a verilog module

1 Verilog HDL /29 Components of a Verilog Module behavioral modeling

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behavioral modeling. Components of a Verilog Module. behavioral modeling. Review. They will produce the same logical model and functionality. behavioral modeling. Always/Initial Blocks. behavioral modeling. Procedural Assignments. Blocking Assignment ( = ) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


1Verilog HDL /29

Components of a Verilog Modulebehavioral modeling

2Verilog HDL /29


• They will produce the same logical model and functionality

behavioral modeling

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Always/Initial Blocksbehavioral modeling

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Procedural Assignments

• Blocking Assignment (=)

– Executed in the order they are specified in a sequential block

• Nonblocking Assignment (<=)

– Allow scheduling of assignments without blocking execution of the state

ments that follow in a sequential block

– Recommended: Use Nonblocking assignments for clocked processes w

hen writing synthesizable code.

behavioral modeling

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Procedural Assignments (2)

• Example 1

• Example 2

– First, value is a=7, b=3, c=6, d=0, execution below the code

b=a; b<=a;

c=b; c<=b;

d=c; d<=c;

behavioral modeling

6Verilog HDL /29

Procedural Assignments (3)

• Example 3module blocking;

reg [0:7] A, B;

initial begin: init1


#1 A = A+1;

B = A+1;

$display(“blocking: A=%b B=%b”, A, B);


#1 A<=A+1;


#1 $display(“non-blocking : A=%b B=%b”, A, B);


endmoduleblocking : A= 00000100 B= 00000101non-blocking : A= 00000100 B= 00000100

behavioral modeling

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Always/Initial Blocksbehavioral modeling

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Sensitivity List

• Sensitivity List:

– This procedural block (process) executes after a change in any signal in the Sensitivity List

behavioral modeling

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Two Types of Processes

• Combinatorial process

– Sensitive to all inputs used in the combinatorial logic

– Example

» always @(a or b or sel)

» sensitivity list includes all inputs used in the combinatorial logic

• Clocked process– Sensitive to a clock or/and control signals

– Example

» always @(posedge clk or negedge clr)

» sensitivity list does not include the d input, only the clock or/and control signals

behavioral modeling

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Behavioral Statements

• Behavioral statements

– IF-ELSE statement

– CASE statement

– Loop statement

• These behavioral statements can also be used in a clocked process

behavioral modeling

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If-Else Statements

• Format • Example

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If-Else Statements (2)

• Conditions are evaluated in order from top to bottom

– Prioritization

• The first condition, that is true, causes the corresponding seque

nce of statements to be executed.

• If all conditions are false, then the sequence of statements asso

ciated with the “else” clause is evaluated.

behavioral modeling

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Case Statement

• Format

• Example

behavioral modeling

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Case Statement (2)

• Conditions are evaluated at once

– No prioritization

• All possible conditions must be considered

• default clause evaluates all other possible conditions that are

not specifically stated

behavioral modeling

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Loop Statements

• forever loop – executes continually

• repeat loop – executes a fixed number of times

behavioral modeling

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Loop Statements (2)

• while loop – executes if expression is true

behavioral modeling

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Loop Statements (3)

• for loop– Executes once at the start of

the loop and then executes if expression is true

behavioral modeling

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Always/Initial Blocksbehavioral modeling

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Two Types of Block Executions

• Sequential Blocks

– Statements between begin and end execute sequentially

– If there are multiple behavioral statements inside an initial and always block and you want the statements to execute sequentially, the statements must be grouped using the keywords begin and end.

• Parallel Blocks – Statements between fork and join ex

ecute in parallel

– If there are multiple behavioral statements inside an initial and always block and you want the statements to execute in parallel, the statements must be grouped using the keywords fork and join

fork: three begin // code for thread1 end begin // code for thread2 end begin // code for thread3 endjoin // merge the threads to one

behavioral modeling

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Sequential vs. Parallel Blocks

• Sequential and parallel blocks ca be nested

behavioral modeling

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Components of a Verilog Modulebehavioral modeling

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Verilog Functions and Tasks

• Function and tasks are subprograms

• Useful for code that is repetitive in module

• Add to module readability

• Tasks– Like procedures in other languages

– Task are invoked as statement : add(ina, inb, out);

• Function– Return a value based on its inpurs

– Used in expressions : assign mult_out = add(ina, inb);

behavioral modeling

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• Functions

– Can enable another function but not another task

– Always executes in zero simulation time

– Can not contain any delay, event, or timing control statements

– Must have at least one input argument

– Always return a single value

– Can not have output or inout arguments

• Tasks

– Can enable other tasks and functions

– May execute in non-zero simulation time

– May contain delay(#), event(@), or timing control statements (wait)

– May have zero or more input, output or inout arguments

– Do not return a value

behavioral modeling

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• Examplemodule tasks;

task add; input a, b; output c; reg R; begin R=1; if(a==b) c=1&R; else c=0; end


initial begin: init1 reg p; add(1, 0, p); $display (“p= %b”, p); end


definition of a task :

task <task name>;

<argument ports>




invocation of a task :<name of task> (<port list>);

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• Examplemodule functions;

function [1:1] add2; input a, b;

reg R;



if(a==b) c=1&R;

else c=0;



initial begin: init1

reg p;

p = add2(1,0);

$display (“p= %b”, p);



definition of a function :

task <range or type><function name>;

<argument ports>




invocation of a function :value = <name of function> (<port list>);

behavioral modeling

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Typical Synthesis Design Flow

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T Flip-Flop Example

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T Flip-Flop Example (2)

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• 4-bit UP Counter

– Use ISE and ModelSim (refer “ISE Quick Start Tutorial”)

– Design 4-bit up counter

– Create a test bench waveform in HDL bencher

– Simulating with ModelSim