completely remove competition bulow klemperer...

10 5 20 Review Myerson's mechanism Simplicity versus optimality Vickrey auction with monopoly reserves simplifying dependence on distributions Non anonymous pricing completely remove competition Bulow Klemperer result extra competition remove dependence on Vickrey with anonymous reserve dist Prior independent mechanism Hw 1 due next Monday Oct 12 Info about projects coming soon

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Post on 06-Feb-2021




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  • 105 20

    Review Myerson's mechanism

    Simplicity versus optimality

    Vickreyauction with monopoly reservessimplifyingdependence on distributions

    Non anonymouspricingcompletely removecompetition

    Bulow Klemperer resultextra competition removedependenceon

    Vickrey with anonymous reservedist

    Prior independentmechanism

    Hw1 due next Monday Oct12Info about projects coming soon

  • qesignN buyers Uno n Fi knownFeasibility constraintGoal Btc mechanism that maximizes revenue

    Nigeria Btc mechs x is non decPaymentidentity

    Theorem Exp revenue of any BK mechanismis equal to the expected virtual surplus

    Rev a Eff seeVirtualvalues n Cvp Ui

    Theoremeo When all buyers have regularvaluedistributions pointwise maximizationofvirtualsurplusgives a BK mechanismf Optimal mech is the virtualsurplusmaximizer

    Regularity dit is a non doc function

    In the non regular case weneed to iron

  • 8 Icq

    i iiilow valve

    highvalve to PitaRevenueofanyBICmech ironed virtualsurplusironed v.v are non decreasing

    Rev ofany BK mech.that has a flattonstantallocationfunction over ironed regions

    ironed virtual surplus

    Revenue optimal mechanisms is the ironedvirtual surplus maximizer

    Emile.uaYgwsHtmyvznnzucotDtbuEaiEftF Lt t b U 1411

    fact L Felt 4613 t414t e 2T I 243 16 TECH314J

    Atty lb t 3314

  • ay b t Hfit 413 E Wea

    213 4149J

    i t au.iq2T I 34,1

    I Gilt


    sq 112

    VickeryBuyer1 wins if withu Kc and minxeseither Vi3314 and u3Vz Up42doe Ii cc's




  • Restofthis lecture Single item and regularityShowed lasttime Vickrey with monopolyreserves gets a 2 approx to expected revenue

    Eanism eGiven Fi Fn Determine pukes pi pinBuyers will arrive one at a time1st buyer with Vi pi will getthe item atpico

    piSequential_PM_ f RandomorderPM fodderobliviousINIb whiformlyspecific bestcaseordering random worst case ordering

    impose an order arrival

    Ex AntonAB

    Supplyconstraint AllocatetoBB B atmost onebuyer at every

    value vectorV

    AAe Ex ante relaxation Allocate11 atmost one item in expectation

    A oven value vectors

  • Zi qe Maximum revenue we can getfrom agent 9 byselling with ex autoprob at mostgo to the agent

    Ex ion

    Eff max 7 Tgifhoming'atoptmettreffffp

    s t Zi qi ElTg

    QFftp.qqRa Reemn.negtfmagent

    at apriceofEkodis

    Whatis the best mech that sells with ex anteprobgIntheregularcase this correspondsexatoly to posting a

    f price of G D2 g Rlg

    Inthe non regular case 2Cop IcqAt quantiles q where Rlg f RG the

    anlooptimal mech random

  • ex autooptimal mech randomizesbetween two potted prices

    Suppose git grit is the solution to EA OPT

    Y Set go I got and pi Feta gi RYndofggoffer prices pi on arbitrary summaziyi

    EA OPT E Zig t


    tie Zilgio 3 4by concavity


    Ego E ai't e zTotal prob of selling the item is 112

    Forany agent prob that item is stillavailablewhenkeyarrive is 3112

    Revof0PM 3 Pilitemageinstofferedtg tffE Zilge

    3 114 Zilgi TEA OPT4

  • 3 OPT


    ME The he xD

    m boxes with a reward in each

    Rg can openboxes are at a timeobserve the rewarddecide to accept or reject it

    game ends

    Prophet knows theinstantiationsofall rewardsSo can accept the highestoneAlg competes against EImaxe Xie oPT

    Theorem Canachieve 112of prophetsexpected rewardby picking a singlethreshold andacceptingthe 1st reward that crosses it

    Alg E mine xistsX inany

    Alg 3 42OPT for an appropriatechoiceoft

  • oftConnection toOPM's 8 the X's are virtualvaluesOPT virtualvalue maximizerAlg 0PM that places a priceofGuilt

    for buyer


    Puffin x et Hzf median Max XD

    OPT E maxieX E t t E maxieXi Efet t Xi tf

    at maxlad

    ALG It t Rfdidnotacceptarqm.geCho t


    Pe x Xu atPn miyagiXii at

    pn may x et


    Et t Iz x t5 OPT

  • Non anonymous posted pricing different buyers areoffered differentpubs

    Xmdimqmonpdition.eempcrerni.ird buyers with regularvalues

    Optimal mechanism Vickrey auction with anon reserve

    The revenueof the Vickreyauction over ntDbuyerswith no reserve price is at least as largeas revenue of optimal auction over n buyers

    Vickreyauction overLntdbuyers sells to the buyerwith highest v v even whenthis is re

    Among mechanisms that always selltheitem overloadbuyers Vickrey is the optimal one

    Alternatemech over Mtl buyers

    peer Run optimal much over n buyersopt If item remains unsold giffeitutuffutfger

    Vickreynu 3 OPTn

  • extraneous DRY 10Jone buyer UNF Optimal mechanism offer 0 6

    Draw p NF Offer p to the buyer

    Claim ftp.fvlpD 3 I OPT if F isregulars

    opt q qReq


    fee correspondingto



    Eu D Rl9D fRlqDdg1

    3 area ofpurpleDPurple 0 has area 112OPTand lies below Rlg R is concave

  • ItartlineRoughgardenlo

    Consider n non iid regularbuyers Ui vnSuppose we double thebuyers v un

    Revenueofthe Vickreyauction over vi Vnv Unis at least 1 2 of the opt rev over u un