completed shot list


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Post on 14-May-2015




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Page 1: Completed shot list

Shot No. Shot type Action Mise en Scene1 Extra long shot Panning right to

leftWhitcliffe scene over town, early morning. Bird song etc. Natural lighting

2 Close up Low level shot of boot. Camera tracks movement as character walks away from camera. Crunch of leaves, then music starts up.

Walking boot in autumn leaves. Woodland pathway.

3 Medium close up Mans rubbing hands together to keep warm as he walks

Man wearing coat, woolly jumper (cold weather clothing)

4 Medium shot Man pulling coat tighter against cold.

5 Long shot Tilt down from tree top to floor

Autumn leaves falling from trees in breeze. Vibrant colours.

6 Close Up Hand held shot, man touches tree bark as he walks past

Sleeve of coat woolen and hand.

7 Medium close up Hand held camera shot

Man rubbing hands together and blowing on them

8 Medium long shot Camera pans out showing man walking towards camera.

Man walking down woodland path wearing coat and scarf. Surrounded by trees. Natural lighting.

9 Medium shot Camera zooms into hands

Two people holding hands, presumably male and female

10 Long shot Still shot with performer in center third of the frame

Low key lighting, performer is playing and singing on a small stage. Casually dressed in shirt jeans etc

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11 Extra long shot Camera tilts upwards from ground to sky

Moving clouds, birds, wind in trees

12 Medium close up Birdseye view of mans hand feeling leaves.


13 Medium shot Camera moves in a 180-degree circle around main character. Camera at eye level.

Character stood in woodland contemplating; circular movement of camera shows emotional turmoil. Natural lighting.

14 Low Angle Shot LAS of the tea lights surrounding the artist in the performance section. This establishes a change in the location and section.

The shot will focus on the low-key lighting in the assembly rooms or drama studio. The tea lights will be the primary focus with the artist in the background.

15 Tilt Shot The TS will establish the change from the LAS. It will focus on the change from the tea lights and gradually tilt up to the head of the artist performing.

The location will be the same as the previous shot and there will still be elements of low-key lighting. The lighting will have gotten a bit brighter in order for the audience to see the artist clearly.

16 Medium Shot The MS will focus on the artist playing the guitar and singing.

Location is still the same.The artist will be wearing jeans, a casual t-shirt and maybe a few accessories.

17 Close Up CU of the artist singing. This will establish a brand identity as it still shows the artist to be the ‘star’ of the video.

Location is still the same.

18 Zoom Out The camera will then zoom out to focus on the whole location. It will

Location remains the same; however, the lighting will steadily be made brighter.

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allow the audience to see the artist surrounded by the tea lights and playing guitar.

19 Zoom In The camera will zoom in to the artist once more before the scene/location changes.

No changes

20 Tracking Shot The camera will track the narrative section where the ‘Dad’ is seen to be walking.

The location has changed to the woods. Therefore, there will be trees and leaves and possibly a few people walking by. The lighting is now high key as it is now outside.

21 Medium Shot MS showing the girls red hair, this will illustrate the lyrics. The camera will be filming from behind us as she is running in the woods.

The girl can be seen running in the woods; however, she will be wearing: boots, tights, skirt, coat, hat and scarf.

22 Long Shot LS showing the performer walking towards the camera. He will be looking sad and barely engaging with the camera.

Location is still in the woods. The performer will be wearing jeans, walking shoes, coat and possibly a scarf in order to suit our genre.

23 High Angle Shot HAS showing that the performer has stopped walking. The shot will only last for a brief second.

No changes.

24 Panning Shot The camera will pan from left to right to show the performer looking at polaroid photos. The photos will be of his family.

The performer will now be inside, sitting on a chair with his head bent down looking at his past memories.

26 Extreme Close Up

ECU focusing on one of the polaroid

The location will not be seen in the

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photos. background.27 Close Up CU of two people

holding hands. The camera will only focus on the hands in this shot.

The two actors will be walking slowly in the woods.

28 Zoom Out The camera will slowly zoom out to reveal a bit more of the two people who are holding hands.

The two actors will still be walking in the woods and wearing outdoor clothes.

29 Medium Close Up

The MCU will show the artist in the performance section. The shot will show his head, shoulders and part of the guitar whilst he is singing.

The artist will be inside, sitting on a bar stool and surrounded by either fairy lights or tea lights.

30 360 Rotation This shot will track the artist in 360 degrees. The shot will start from the front and slowly pan around to the back and to the front again.

Nothing will have changed.

31 Track Out The camera will track out from the artist, in order to signify that the scene is about to change once again to the narrative section.

Nothing will have changed apart from the lighting, which could be dimmed.

32 Close up (eye-level)

Eye level shot establishes audience at par with the audience. Gives a comfortable atmosphere and allows the audience to connect.

Use of studio lighting in a controlled environment. Lighting will be warm and comforting-link to the lyric.

33 Long shot from low camera angle (narrative section)

Camera angle from the ground looking up towards the subject who is walking away from the camera through

Natural lighting will be dim and crisp due to season. Leaves falling from trees. Clothing will be rustic and layered which

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thick woodland. links to the cold lighting.

34 Tracking shot (narrative)

Camera in front of subject moving away. Smooth and slow shot to give emphasis on his loss.

Again, natural, cold lighting showing his emotion of loneliness and mourning . Trees in foreground which take up proportion of screen as if to suggest he is disappearing.

35 Mid shot (performance)

Shot of whole body sitting on chair with guitar n lap. Still shot.

Use of warm studio lighting. Performer is wearing t-shirt and hoodie, casual clothing to reflect his comfort in the song.

36 Close up(performance)

Shot from behind the artist casting a silhouette. Quick change from pervious shot in time with change of beat.

As the shot will be a silhouette there will be a simple shade of darkness. ‘Monsters in your room’. Link to lyric.

37 Extreme close up (narrative)

Shot of performers face from lower angle as he walks through woods.

Focus on face showing his emotions of his loss. Looks cold and shivering.

38 Panning shot(narrative)

Shot of the subject walking through a clearing and on to a view point looking over the landscape

Shows his reminiscing and him thinking about his loss.

39 Close up(performance)

Shot of performers face. Showing him with closed eyes.

Emotional singing to reflect the meaning of the song.

40 Long shot(performance)

A longer shot showing the singer on a chair lit by fairy lights

Dark background and having the subject lit will give the whole focus of the shot on him.

41 Panning shot(performance)

A slowly moving shot circling the subject as he plays the guitar.

A 360 degree shot of the performer at eye-level giving the audience a feel of equality between them and the performer.

42 Following shot/low level

A ground level shot following the

Slow motion footage of him treading,

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(narrative) footsteps of the performer as he walks over dead leaves.

connoting progress and how he is reminiscing the past events. Outdoor boots and jeans.

43 Over the shoulder shot(narrative)

A shot showing the back of his head and over the shoulders as he walks down a street through crowds of people. As he finds his lost person.

Connoting how he is separated from the rest of the world through his loss. Making the audience feel the emotion.

44 Close up(narrative)

Shot showing is face and emotions.

Slow motion shot where it shows him crying and shutting his eyes. Screen goes black.

45 Log shot(performance)

Showing performer from the other side of the room. Only he is lit. dark background

Coming to the end of his song, lighting fades slowly.

46 Moving shot(performance)

Shot moving backwards away from the perfomer in to the distance.

Lighting fades to black and the screen then goes balck.

47Extreme close up Close up of entire face of

actor that continues for a few seconds

Lighting will be bright in order to signify hope and the fact he is moving on

48 Long shot of the whole of the actor

Panning shot of actor skimming stones on a lake, that moves around quickly (sped up) and finishes on him standing still

Actor will be wearing a coat and scarf (‘dad’ clothes) and the lighting will hopefully be a gloomy winter’s day

49 Mid shot/two shot Tracking shot of the backs of the male actor and female actor holding hands and walking- expansion of time

Male actor will be wearing coat and scarf (dad clothes) and little girl shall we wearing a similar thing- coat, scarf, gloves and hat

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50 Long shot of male actor sat on sofa alone- close up of hands holding each other

Split screen between two situations to signify memories- hand holding in b/w- people in background of shot of male actor on his own- sped up- represent time elapsing quickly without daughter

Male actor will be wearing jumper and jeans- casual home wear- lighting will be high key on the hands and dark and dismal on the shot of the male actor alone

51 Mid shot Tilt shot of performer on barstool- feet upwards

Lighting shall be provided by tea lights- totally dark apart from that- performer shall wear a T-shirt, open hooded jacket and jeans


Extreme close up

Eyeline match shot with face of performer and audience, and then back again to performer

Lighting on face of performer shall be extremely bright, in order to signify hope being restored, whilst the audience will be dimly lit, in order to connote his separation from the world at this point in his life

53 Long shot Jump cuts of faces of male actor and female actor’s eyes

Packing up car to go on holiday- miming conversation (male actor) female actor now in shot- see actors holding hands in a ‘pact’ sort of manner from back window of car

54 Mid shot Continuity shot of male actor sitting on sofa again- people walking behind him in and out of house- sped up- he remains sitting- time elapsing around him again

Shot shall be in colour and lighting shall be low key and gloomy- same clothes as before- jumper and jeans- messy hair- room slowly becoming more desolate and messy

55 Mid shot Tracking shot of male and female actor running through woods- expansion of time- can still only see eyes of female actor- close up of her mouth smiling

Black and white- high key to resemble intense happiness- winter gear (scarves, coats and boots) actors smiling as they chase eachother- female actor still not in shot

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56 Extreme close up Shot reverse shot of eyes Tear running down male actor’s face- see female actor close eyes and turn (only head in view so you still cannot tell her age)

57 Extreme long shot Male actor standing alone in woods after being left- fade into performance

Winter clothes- light going from very high key to very low key as male actor is left alone and the shot fades out

58 Mid shot Panning shot of performer sitting on stool

Casual clothes- jeans and hoody- still lit by candle light

59 Extreme long shot of male actor walking towards camera

Handheld camera- shaky in order to suggest instability and metaphorically falling apart

Colour- low key light due to sadness

60 Close up shot of empty hand

Empty hand of male actor as he walks away

No glove- colour- low key lighting

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61 Close up Graphic match of hand holding the hand of female actor

Lighting immediately increases as other person is introduced again

62 Mid shot Hands slipping away- expansion of time- male actor clasps hand into fist- frustration

Fading into black and white and low key light as female actor is taken from male actor once again