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SHOT LIST Children of Men

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Post on 07-Aug-2015




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SHOT LISTChildren of Men

INITIAL INFORMATIONThroughout the whole opening scene the camera is not stable and seems to be handheld and filmed in one take, giving it a ‘documentary-esque’ feel. This then adds to the verisimilitude of the film.

Long shot to used to show large amount of people looking at something with their concerned/shocked facial expressions.

Close up shot is then used to show what the people in the previous shot were looking at.

This Tracking shot follows a male character as he walks through the crowd, suggesting he is the protagonist.

An Establishing shot is then accompanied by text to inform the audience of the place and date the film is set in.

The camera then takes up a long shot to show the busy streets, the rubbish bags and the pollution from the vehicles which may suggest London is an unattractive and stressful place to live in.

The camera then follows the ‘180-rule’ as it rotates around the character 180 degrees to show the area he has just walked past and to show the 2 people in the background hugging suggests London is still a friendly place.

After the camera has rotated, it can now show the explosion that the character has just missed. This also contrasts the friendly nature of the 2 people hugging seconds ago.

The final shot used before the title of the film is presented is a long shot of a wounded woman emerging from a cloud of smoke to show the impact and damage of the explosion.