complete and consistent theory of the universe

Complete and Consistent Theory of the Universe Erik D. Andrulis, PhD Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine X International Ontology Congress Physis: From Elementary Particles to Human Nature San Sebastian, Spain October 1-6, 2012

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This is a presentation I gave at the X International Ontology Congress; Physis: From Elementary Particles to Human Nature. It is a converted Power Point presentation. I plan to make this into video format.I have linked this page to my branding page:


Page 1: Complete and Consistent Theory of the Universe

Complete and Consistent Theory of the Universe

Erik D. Andrulis, PhD

Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

X International Ontology Congress Physis:

From Elementary Particles to Human Nature San Sebastian, Spain

October 1-6, 2012

Page 2: Complete and Consistent Theory of the Universe

Complete and Consistent Theory

Complete: models everything

Personal: gives first-person perspective

Final: resolves all problems; consummates the intellectual endeavor

Unifying: unifies ontogeny and phylogeny, microcosmos and macrocosmos

Consistent: data positioned accurately, perfectly

Explanatory: reveals why reality is the way it is

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Theory of Life

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Theory of Life Features

Parsimonious: uses the simple gyre—vortex, whorl—as core model (gyromodel)

Incommensurable: has no prior standard

Neologistical: introduces 100 new words to identify, explain and interconnect natural phenomena

Synthetic: coalesces data in astrophysics, physics, geophysics, chemistry, climatology, genetics, biochemistry, biology, medicine, and evolution

Radical: challenges fundamental assumptions and extant ad hoc theories

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Gyre Characteristics

Thermodynamic: dissipative, nonlinear, oscillatory, homeostatic, auto-regulatory

Natural: organic, uncontrollable, unpredictable

Organization: chiral, coherent, fractal, emergent

Forces: attractorepulsive, creatodestructive, expansocontractive

Free gyre

Forced gyre

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Modeling Walking Cycle as a Gyre

Transition states

High energy

Low energy

Biphasic cycle  

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Modeling RNA Cycle as Gyre


P~P conventional


ribonucleotide triphosphates


ribonucleic acid



2D model “cycle”




3D model “gyre”



2P conventional (shorthand)



ribonucleotide monophosphate

polymer (NpNpNpNp…)







unconventional theoretically

unifying (shorthand)

ribonucleoside three linked phosphates

two linked phosphates

ribonucleoside polymer one linked phosphate




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Modeling NTP Cycle as Gyre







ribonucleoside three linked phosphates

one phosphate

ribonucleoside two linked phosphates









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General Model

LEGEND X = particle that defines modeled system; e.g., nucleoside (N) • = particle that modifies the X particle; e.g., orthophosphate (P) ¤ = quantum; source and sink of system; e.g., phosphate biogeochemicals (Ⓟ) X3• = “excited” state; e.g., NTP X2•, X•, X = “ground” state; X2•, highest; X•, intermediate; X, lowest; e.g., NDP, NMP,

N, respectively [X•] = [X•]n, where n is any positive integer; i.e., X•, X•X•, X•X•X•…; e.g., RNA [X] = [X]n, where n is any positive integer; i.e., X, XX, XXX…; e.g., phosphate-

independent nucleoside linkage

X3• X3• X3•

X2• [X•] [X]

• 2• 3•

primary secondary tertiary

e.g., NTP ßà NDP + P e.g., NTP ßà NMP + 2P e.g., NTP ßà N + 3P

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Visualizing Flow

Triple-expansion steam engine: High-pressure steam (red) enters, passes through as intermediate-pressure steam (orange) and then low-pressure steam (yellow). Finally, it exits (green)

Carriers of information, energy, or matter release their payloads in quantal (discrete, complete, and irreducible) steps.  A carrier can have full, partial, minimal, or no payload.

X3• X2• X•

X2• [X•] [X]

• • •

Three-tiered gyromodel system: High-energy carrier (X3•) enters, passes through as intermediate-energy carrier (X2•) and then low-energy carrier (X•). Finally, it exits (X).

e.g., NTP ßà NDP + P e.g., NDP ßà NMP + P e.g., NMP ßà N + P

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Gyre-quantum Equivalence

This shorthand is used because gyres are nested, and Ⓧ   is the thermodynamic source and sink of the Y Gyre (and so on)

3D model “gyre”

All particle states in a gyre




• X  





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This presentation focuses on the major elements of the natural world; minor elements (e.g., ADP -> AMP) exist and require more time for discussion than is alotted here.

This theory uses neologisms that refer to concepts that are not presently treated by or unified by extant theories.

This theory models, positions, orders, and explains both microcosmic and macrocosmic phenomena.

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Format of this Presentation

In this box: A listing of major origins that are modeled, positioned, and explained by this gyrosystem

In this box: Identity of the symbols (i.e., X, •) that are overlaid onto the primary, secondary, and tertiary gyres. A necessarily brief explanation of the objects, substances, occurrences, particles that are modeled at microcosmic and macrocosmic scales. Neologisms are italicized.

In this box: The prior and existing phenomena that reveal the expansion, instability, and criticality of the gyrosystem. These phenomena are categorized by those that are experienced within the physical body or the physical world.

In this area: One image related to the overarching point or proving gyre existence in the modeled system.

X3• X3• X3•

X2• [X•] [X]

• 2• 3•

In this area: Primary, secondary, tertiary gyres

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Denergyre Origin: dark energy • space • time • symmetry • chirality • entropy • gravity • universal expansion • Higgs field • consciousness • conscience • emotions

ε = dark energy particle (denergon); micro: consciousness; macro: empirically undetectable foundation of observed and experienced universe

I = Origin of the Universe (Iquantum; Iq) [εI]n = εIεIεI…; micro: subconscious emotions, conscience; macro: “dark flow”

polymer (denergonexus) [ε]n = εΓεΓεΓ…; self-rejecting conscious knowledge (Γ = geniuon) {unstable}

Denergyre criticality Body: separation; emptiness; depression; unharnessed emotions Cosmos: runaway universal expansion

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δ    = dark matter particle (ombron); micro: Higgs boson, quark; macro: black hole, galactic core necessary for life

ε    = dark energy particle (denergon); 3ε are creative, sustaining, destructive energy [δε]n  = δεδεδε…; micro: quark, quark polymer in nucleon; “mind stuff ” polymer;

macro: galactic core polymer (ombronexus) [δ]    = δΙδΙδΙ…; antiquark; antiquark polymer {unstable}

Origin: dark matter • mass • quark • black hole • galactic core • mind • thought • perception • imagination

Ombregyre criticality Body: closed-mindedness; paranoia; hysteria; full spectrum of mental illnesses; depression; identity disorders; delusion; insanity Cosmos: collapse of cosmic thought processes; social amnesia

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γ    = visible energy particle (photon); micro: proton, neutron; macro: star necessary for life

δ = dark matter particle (denergon); 3δ are three quarks [γδ]n = γδγδγδ…; micro: l-e proton or neutron, proton or neutron polymer in

atomic nucleus; macro: l-e star, polymer of stars in a galaxy (photonexus) [γ]n = γεγεγε…; antinucleon, antinucleon polymer {unstable}

Origin: visible energy • nucleon • plasma • galaxy • stellar core • strong and weak nuclear forces • wave-particle duality • mind’s eye

Photogyre criticality Body: amnesia; acedia; sloth; fatigue; anomie; ennui; complacency Cosmos: energy overextraction, overconsumption; radioactive fallout; nuclear disasters; changing radioactive decay rate; acceleration in solar conveyor belt

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Caesura I

Dark energy (denergon) à dark matter (ombregyre)

Dark matter (ombron) à visible energy (photogyre)

Origin of the Universe (Iq) flows into and through, supports, constitutes, attracts, repels, creates, destroys, expands, contracts (unified in ‘à’) dark energy (denergyre).

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Origin: visible matter • lepton • planetary core/formation • elements • quantum gravity • orbits • orbitals • geomagnetic reversal • electromagnetism

e    = visible matter particle (electron) micro: electron, muon, tau; macro: planetary core necessary for life

γ = visible energy particle (photon); 3γ models positive, neutral, negative energy [eγ]n = eγeγeγ…; micro: lepton polymer linked by photons, i.e., electrons in atomic

orbital (electronexus); macro: l-e planetary core; planetary polymer [e]n = eδeδeδ…; electron linked by ombron, i.e., positron{unstable}

Electrogyre criticality Body: electrolyte imbalance; hypovolemia; epileptic seizure; ataxia; tremors; dystonia; spasms; heart attack Cosmos: electrical grid collapse; seismic activity; breakdown in planetary orbit around star; magnetosphere instability; breakdown in biogeochemical hydrogen cycle

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Origin: water • phase transitions • oceans • water cycle • oxygen species • oxide geochemistry • lunar core • tidal/lunar cycles

O    = oxygen particle (oxyon); micro: oxygen atom; macro: planetary atmosphere necessary for life

e    = visible matter particle (electron); 3e models 3 electrons [Oe]n = OeOeOe…; micro: oxyon polymer linked by electrons, i.e. water; macro:

oceans(oxynexus); moon, lunar core polymer [O]n = OγOγOγ…; e.g., O2, molecular oxygen; O3, ozone {unstable}

Oxygyre criticality Body: dehydration; diaphoresis; dyspnea; hypoxia; hypoxemia; sleep apnea Cosmos: drought; desertification; dead zones; floods; typhoons; collapse of ocean conveyor belt; breakdown in biogeochemical oxygen and water cycles; climate change

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Origin: organic chemistry • carbon dioxide • carbohydrates • hydrocarbons • photosynthesis • carbon cycle • fatty acids • asteroids • comets

C    = carbon particle (carbyon); micro: carbon atom; macro: organic matter necessary for life

O    = oxygen particle (oxyon) [CO]n = COCOCO…; micro: carbyon polymer linked by oxyons, e.g., carbohydrate

(carbonexus); macro: cometary core polymer; metabolome [C]n = CeCeCe…; carbyon linked by electrons, e.g., oil, petroleum {unstable}

Carbogyre criticality Body: glycogen storage disease; obesity; diabetes; alcohol, steroid, marijuana (ab)use Cosmos: climate change; depletion of petroleum and hydrocarbon reserves (peak oil); breakdown in biogeochemical carbon cycle

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physical matter (electron) à oxides (oxygyre)

oxides (oxyon) à organic matter (carbogyre)

Physical energy (photon) flows into and through, supports, constitutes, attracts, repels, creates, destroys, expands, contracts (unified in ‘à’) visible matter (electrogyre).

Caesura II

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Phosphogyre Origin: phosphorganics • phosphorus cycle • phosphoenol pyruvate • orthophosphates • polyphosphates • phospholipids • membrane compartment

P    = phosphorus particle (phosphon); micro: phosphorus atom, orthophosphate; macro: phosphorganic matter necessary for life

C    = organic matter particle (carbyon) [PC]n = PCPCPC…; micro: phosphon polymer linked by carbyons, e.g.,

phospholipid (phosphonexus); macro: phosphate metabolism; phosphatome [P]n = POPOPO…; phosphon linked by oxyons, e.g., polyphosphate {unstable}

Phosphogyre criticality Body: autophagic and lysosomal storage diseases; obesity; abnormal membrane potential; phosphorus metabolism disorder Cosmos: climate change; soil erosion; food web collapse; breakdown in biogeochemical phosphorus cycle

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Origin: nucleotide phosphates • genetic code • RNA • RNA metabolism • RNA viruses • nitrogen cycle • amino acid origins • nitrogenous matter

R    = nitrogenous particle (ribon); micro: nitrogen atom; macro: nitrogenous matter necessary for life

P    = phosphorus particle (phosphon); 3P model triphosphate [RP]n = RPRPRP…; micro: ribon polymer linked by phosphons, e.g., RNA

(ribonexus); macro: transcriptome [R]n = RCRCRC…; ribon linked by carbyons, e.g., coenzymes, cofactors {unstable}

Ribogyre criticality Body: avitaminosis; malnutrition; coenzyme, cofactor, deficiencies; stimulant, antidepressant, psychoactive, hallucinogenic drug (ab)use Cosmos: climate change; emerging retroviruses; breakdown in the biogeochemical nitrogen cycle

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Aminogyre Origin: translation apparatus • polypeptide metabolism • protein enzymes • membrane proteins • antibiotics • sulfur cycle • CHNOPS

A    = amino acid particle (aminon); micro: amino acids, esp. Cys and Met; macro: sulfonated matter necessary for life

R    = nitrogenous, RNA particle (ribon); 3R models mRNA, tRNA, rRNA [AR]n = ARARAR…; micro: aminon polymer linked by ribons, e.g., polypeptide

(aminonexus); macro: proteome [A]n = APAPAP…; aminon linked by phosphons, e.g., phosphoprotein {unstable}

Aminogyre criticality Body: plaques in neurodegenerative disorders; antibiotic resistance; sulfa drug resistance or sensitivity Cosmos: emerging infectious prion diseases and related disorders; increasing volcanic activity, gas emission; breakdown in the biogeochemical sulfur cycle

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phosphorganic matter (phosphon) à RNA(ribogyre)

RNA (ribon) à protein (aminogyre)

Organic matter (carbyon) flows into and through, supports, constitutes, attracts, repels, creates, destroys, expands, contracts (unified in ‘à’) phosphorganic matter (phosphogyre).

Caesura III

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Origin: deoxynucleotides • DNA • chromatin • chromosomes • DNA viruses • mutations • exons/introns • genome • dNTP pools

D    = deoxynucleotide particle (genon); micro: dNTP; gene; regulatory sequences; macro: DNA molecule necessary for life

A    = protein particle (aminon); 3A models three distinct protein classes [DA]n = DADADA…; micro: genon polymer linked by aminons, e.g., chromatinized

DNA (genonexus); macro: genome; chromosome [D]n = DRDRDR…; genon linked by ribons, e.g., RNA-mediated DNA mutations


Genogyre criticality Body: DNA mutations; mutagenesis hotspots; chromosomal abnormalities; meiotic dysfunction Cosmos: emerging DNA viruses; genomic expansion; excess “junk” DNA

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Cellulogyre Origin: life • DNA replication • cell division cycle • meiosis • sex • aging • cell death • integument • circadian rhythms • olfaction

Ç    = cell particle (cellulon); micro: cell; macro: life D    = DNA particle (genon); 2D models sister chromatids [ÇD]n = ÇDÇDÇD…; micro: cellulon polymer linked by genons, e.g., cell colony,

monolayer (cellulonexus); macro: cellome [Ç]n = ÇAÇAÇA…; cellulon linked by aminons, e.g., extracellular matrix, integument


Cellulogyre criticality Body: circadian rhythm sleep disorder; parasitic symbiosis; anosmia; mitochondrial diseases Cosmos: emerging pathogens; algal blooms; misregulated cellular differentiation, senescence, apoptosis

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Organogyre Origin: organisms • organ systems • nervous/lymphatic/cardiovascular/immune systems • disease • healing • eating • gustation • excretion • speciation • extinction

Ω    = organ particle (oraganon); micro: tissue; macro: multicellular organism Ç    = cellular particle (cellulon); 3Ç models, e.g., meso-, endo-, ectoderm [ΩÇ]n = ΩÇΩÇΩÇ…; micro: organon polymer linked by cellulons, e.g, organs, tissue

masses (organonexus); macro: invertebrates, vertebrates, species [Ω]n = ΩDΩDΩD…; organon linked by genons, e.g, extinction, death {unstable}

Organogyre criticality Body: anemia; heart disease; cancer; organ failure; breakdown in cardiovascular, lymphatic systems; immunodeficiency; inflammation; fibromyalgia Cosmos: species extinctions; foodborne illness; emerging autoimmune and infectious disease

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genomes (genon) à cells (cellulogyre).

cells (cellulon) à organism (organogyre)

Protein (aminon) flows into and through, supports, constitutes, attracts, repels, creates, destroys, expands, contracts (unified in ‘à’) genomes (genogyre).

Caesura IV

WARNING: The ensuing models fit data that is left largely untreated by—yet is fundamental to—scientific practice; explanation and understanding is challenging.

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Envirogyre Origin: ecosystems • architecture • socializing • civilization • agriculture • flocking • migration • predator-prey dynamics • locomotion • intercourse • birth • tactility • experimentation

E    = environment particle (environ); micro: personal spacetime; macro: social, global, universal spacetime

Ω = organismal particle (organon); 3Ω models, e.g., father, mother, child [EΩ]n = EΩEΩEΩ…; micro: environ polymer linked by organons, e.g., a bird nest

(environexus); macro: cars in a traffic jams; houses on city streets [E]n = EÇEÇEÇ…; environs linked by cellulons, e.g, bacterial ecosystems;

environment abandoned of/by organons {unstable}

Envirogyre criticality Body: paralysis; catalepsy; agnosia; apraxia; plastic surgery; body modification; divorce Cosmos: destruction of nesting grounds, fisheries, herds, and livestock; food shortages; breakdown of social infrastructure; endemic rape, torture, physical abuse; human trafficking

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Visigyre Origin: vision • depth/motion/color perception • non-verbal communication • telescopy • microscopy • reflection • crypsis • mate selection • play • beauty

Visigyre criticality Body: blindness; cataracts; macular degeneration; blurred or double vision; visual hallucinations; visual agnosia; autism Cosmos: light pollution; unidentified flying objects or lights; atmospheric optical phenomena

V    = visual particle (visuon); micro: image; macro: sightscape E    = environmental particle (environ); 3E models depth, width, length [VE]n = VEVEVE…; micro: visuon polymer linked by environs, i.e., how I see this

line (visinexus); macro: e.g., visual history of families, of humankind [V]n = VΩVΩVΩ…; visuons linked by organon, i.e., closing my eyes, loss of sight,

darkness {unstable}

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Phonogyre Origin: sound • hearing • utterance • acoustics • soundscape • communication • echolocation • musical notes • music • song • phonemes

Φ    = sound particle (phonon); micro: personal sound; macro: global sound V    = visual particle (visuon); 3V models depth, color, motion [ΦV]n = ΦVΦVΦV…; micro: phonon polymer linked by visuons, e.g., a babbling

brook (phononexus); macro: e.g., an orchestral performance [Φ]n = ΦEΦEΦE…; phonons linked by environs, i.e., sound perception or

expression without visual basis or cue {unstable}

Phonogyre criticality Body: autism; hearing voices; presbycusis; tinnitus; deafness; dumbness; yearning for silence Cosmos: natural soundscape destruction; noise pollution; deterioration of music genres; skyquakes; The Hum

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environment (environ) à vision (visigyre)

vision (visuon) à sound (phonogyre)

Organism (organon) flows into and through, supports, constitutes, attracts, repels, creates, destroys, expands, contracts (unified in ‘à’) environment (envirogyre).

Caesura V

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Linguigyre Origin: words • vocabulary • language • creole • pidgin • grammar • myth • storytelling • conversation • accent • semantics • soliloquy

L    = language particle (linguon); micro: word; personal vocabulary and language; macro: global linguistics

Φ = sound particle (phonon); 3Φ models volume, pitch, harmonics [LΦ]n = LΦLΦLΦ…; micro: linguon polymer linked by phonons, e.g., a spoken phrase

(linguinexus); macro: e.g., speeches, stories [L]n = LVLVLV…; linguons linked by visuons, i.e., gibberish, loss of vocalization


Linguigyre criticality Body: autism; aphasia; stuttering; muteness; word deafness and dumbness; speech delay Cosmos: language death; loss of oral histories; protests; saturation of talk shows, pundits, speeches

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Symbogyre Origin: symbols • art • glyphs • characters • alphabet • writing • literature • poetry • history • cartography • code • logo • heraldry • flag • advertisement

Σ    = symbol particle (symbon); micro: personal alphabet, symbol system; macro: global sign and symbol systems

L    = linguistic particle (linguon); 3L models, e.g., subject, object, verb [ΣL]n = ΣLΣLΣL…; micro: symbon polymer linked by linguons, e.g., this sentence

(symbonexus); macro: e.g., books, libraries [Σ]n = ΣΦΣΦΣΦ…; symbons linked by phonons; indecipherable text {unstable}

Symbogyre criticality Body: aphasia; alexia; dyslexia; micrographia Cosmos: global illiteracy; deterioration in reading and writing skills; saturation of signage, publications, and symbolism in society; picket lines; symbol system extinction

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Numerogyre Origin: numbers • mathematics • theorems • calculations • constants • measurements • coordinates • timekeeping • age • recordkeeping

#    = number particle (numeron); micro: personal numbers; macro: global numbers, counting systems

Σ = semiotic particle (symbon); 3Σ models symbolic form, fit, function [#Σ]n = #Σ#Σ#Σ…; micro: numeron polymer linked by symbons, e.g., reservation

number, license plate (numeronexus); macro: e.g., phone books, dietary record [#]n = #L#L#L…; numerons linked by linguons; decontextualized numbers


Numerogyre criticality Body: dyscalculia; hyper-accumulation of passwords, dates, times, codes, identification numbers Cosmos: mathematical abstractions of reality; numerical amnesia; recurrent numerological phenomena; persistent failures of statistics

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language (linguon) à symbols (symbogyre)

symbols (symbon) à numbers (numerogyre)

Sound (phonon) flows into and through, supports, constitutes, attracts, repels, creates, destroys, expands, contracts (unified in ‘à’) language (linguigyre).

Caesura VI

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Econogyre Origin: value • barter • currency • supply/demand • accountancy • price • corporation • budget • credit/debt • taxation • markets • inflation/deflation

€    = value particle (econon); micro: personal values; macro: global worth and value systems

#    = numeric particle (numeron); 3# models space, time, amount calculations [€#]n = €#€#€#…; micro: econon polymer linked by numerons, e.g., grocery bill, tax

return (econonexus); macro: e.g., corporate budgets, financial statements [€]n = €Σ€Σ€Σ…; econons linked by symbons; loss of number-defined value, i.e.,

hyperinflation {unstable}

Econogyre criticality Body: debt slavery; unemployment; underemployment; personal bankruptcy Cosmos: soaring costs (health care, food, energy); financial fraud; fiat currency failure; welfare; devaluation of social system and people in it; corporate bankruptcy

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Lapoligyre Origin: law • morality • ethics • politics • government • rule • bureaucracy • human rights • military • codes of conduct • criminal justice • rebellion

λ = law particle (lapolon); micro: personal rules and principles; macro: global laws and legal systems

€    = value particle (econon); 3€ models financial, institutional, personal values [λ€]n = λ€λ€λ€…; micro: lapolon polymer linked by econons, e.g., household rules

(lapolonexus); macro: e.g., city, state, national laws [λ]n = λ#λ#λ#…; lapolons linked by numerons; obsolete laws, laws stripped of

value {unstable}

Lapoligyre criticality Body: devaluation of lawful order; financial support for laws for personal gain or interest Cosmos: legalized disempowerment, racism, sexism, hyper-surveillance; breakdown in criminal justice; social unrest; political revolution; nationalism; government waste


Satisfaction Revolution

Dependence Tyranny

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Geniugyre Origin: knowledge • ideological systems • philosophy • religion • science • belief • justification• anomaly • theory • intellectual revolution • truth

Γ = knowledge particle (geniuon); micro: personal facts, ideas, frameworks; macro: global knowledge systems

λ = legal particle (lapolon); 3λ models personal, social, and natural laws [Γλ]n = ΓλΓλΓλ…; micro: geniuon polymer linked by lapolon, i.e. scientific

theories, religious views (geniunexus); macro: Weltanschauungen [Γ]n = ÀÀÀ…; geniuons linked by econons; ideas supported exclusively by

valuation or finance rather than rules, standards, and principles {unstable}

Geniugyre criticality Body: immorality; personal crime; charlatanism; crackpottery; manipulating knowledge for financial gain Cosmos: corporate crime; intellectual fundamentalism; cults; conspiracy theories; disarray in intellectual systems as theories lose support and explanatory effectiveness

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economics (econon) à law (lapoligyre)

law (lapolon) à knowledge (geniugyre)

Numbers (numeron) flows into and through, supports, constitutes, attracts, repels, creates, destroys, expands, contracts (unified in ‘à’) economics (econogyre).

Caesura VII

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Origin: Universe

I    = Self particle (Iq); micro: me, that is, my self, writing this; macro: you, that is, your self, reading this

Γ = knowledge particle (geniuon); 3Γ models, e.g., science, philosophy, religion [IΓ]n = IΓIΓIΓ…; micro: Iq polymer linked by geniuons, e.g., ideas, beliefs, facts that

make me who and what I am (Inexus); macro: the knowledge that defines you, the reader

[I]n = IλIλIλ…; my lawful nihilism {unstable}

Igyre criticality Body: aporia; apostasy; solipsism; revelation Cosmos: abandonment of knowledge systems; civilization collapse; universal collapse; macroevolutionary event

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Cosmology Astronomy

Physics Chemistry

Biology Biochemistry



Ecology Anthropology


Climatology Geology Pedology

Art Architecture

Music Mathematics Statistics

Literature Semiotics

Economics Politics





Religion • Science • Philosophy


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genogyre/genon organogyre/organon











I Create, Sustain, Destroy Myself


Feedforward and feedback excluded for clarity

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Theory of the Origin, Evolution, and Nature of Life: My contact information: [email protected]

Dermot O’Connor Facultad de Filosofía de la Universidad del País Vasco International Scientific Committee Advisory Council Organizing Committee You