compiled speeches

SPEECH #1: LIBYA Libya: Pushing For Peace “In order to attain growth and prosperity, peace is of the most impor tant essence…” Why? ecause on!y peace can ma"e the peop!e united as one and achie#e e#ery goa! the peop!e desire for their country together$ I stand here in front of you in beha!f of my countrymen to further discuss our deep concern in our countryto as" for he!p in order to attain what our count ry most!y need to ha#e$ ut before anything e!se I wou!d !i"e to share the brief history to where the prob!em has began$ %y country has been buttered by unending and continuous war which rea!!y started from the &rab 'pri ng pr otests against the go#ernment and the rei gni ng of (o!$ %uammar )addafi that !ed to the First Libyan (i#i! War$ It was between the peop!e against )addafi and pro )addafi fought which then caused many casua!ties among the ci#i!ians of Libya$ *he history of Libya under %uammar )addafi spanned a period of o#er four decades from +- to ./++$ )addafi became the de facto !eader of our country on + 'eptember +- aft er !eading a group of young Libyan mi!itary officers against 0ing Idris I in a b!ood!ess coup d12tat$ &fter the "ing had f!ed the country, the Libyan 3e#o!utionary (ommand (ounci! 43((5 headed by )addafi abo!ished the monarchica! form of  go#ernment of Libya and the o!d constitution and proc!aimed the new Libyan &frican 3epub!ic, with the motto 6freedom, socia!ism, and unity6  &fter coming to power, the 3(( go#ernment initiated a process of directing funds toward pro#iding education, hea!th care and housing for a!!$ 7espite the reforms not being entire!y effecti#e, pub!ic education in the country became free$ %edica! care became a#ai!ab!e to the pub!ic at no cost but pro#iding housing for a!! was a tas" the 3(( go#ernment was not ab!e to comp!ete$8nder )addafi, per capita income in the coun try rose to mor e than 8' 9++,///, the fif th hig hest in &fric a$*he increase in prosperity was accompanied by a contro#ersia! foreign po!icy, with increased po!itica! repression at home$ *he reign of (o!$ )addafi was indeed good at first$ owe#er, many of our peop!e saw what was rea!!y happening after being good at first$ (o!$ )addafi became greed and corrupt in most of his po!itica! acti#ities, that is why peop!e had started to re#o!t and create groups of anti;)addafi forces$

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Libya: Pushing For Peace

“In order to attain growth and prosperity, peace is of the most important essence…”

Why? ecause on!y peace can ma"e the peop!e united as one and achie#e e#ery goa!the peop!e desire for their country together$

I stand here in front of you in beha!f of my countrymen to further discuss our deep

concern in our countryto as" for he!p in order to attain what our country most!y need to

ha#e$ ut before anything e!se I wou!d !i"e to share the brief history to where the

prob!em has began$

%y country has been buttered by unending and continuous war which rea!!y started

from the &rab 'pring protests against the go#ernment and the reigning of (o!$

%uammar )addafi that !ed to the First Libyan (i#i! War$ It was between the peop!eagainst )addafi and pro )addafi fought which then caused many casua!ties among the

ci#i!ians of Libya$

*he history of Libya under %uammar )addafi spanned a period of o#er four decades

from +- to ./++$ )addafi became the de facto !eader of our country on + 'eptember 

+- after !eading a group of young Libyan mi!itary officers against 0ing Idris I in

a b!ood!ess coup d12tat$ &fter the "ing had f!ed the country, the Libyan 3e#o!utionary

(ommand (ounci! 43((5 headed by )addafi abo!ished the monarchica! form of 

go#ernment of Libya and the o!d constitution and proc!aimed the new Libyan &frican3epub!ic, with the motto 6freedom, socia!ism, and unity6

 &fter coming to power, the 3(( go#ernment initiated a process of directing funds

toward pro#iding education, hea!th care and housing for a!!$ 7espite the reforms not

being entire!y effecti#e, pub!ic education in the country became free$ %edica! care

became a#ai!ab!e to the pub!ic at no cost but pro#iding housing for a!! was a tas" the

3(( go#ernment was not ab!e to comp!ete$8nder )addafi, per capita income in the

country rose to more than 8' 9++,///, the fifth highest in &frica$*he increase in

prosperity was accompanied by a contro#ersia! foreign po!icy, with increased po!itica!

repression at home$

*he reign of (o!$ )addafi was indeed good at first$ owe#er, many of our peop!e saw

what was rea!!y happening after being good at first$ (o!$ )addafi became greed and

corrupt in most of his po!itica! acti#ities, that is why peop!e had started to re#o!t and

create groups of anti;)addafi forces$

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In ear!y ./++, a ci#i! war  bro"e out by 6 &rab 'pring6 protests against )addafi$ *he anti;

)addafi forces formed a committeenamed the <ationa! *ransitiona! (ounci!, on .=

February ./++$ It was meant to act as an interim authority in the rebe!;contro!!ed areas$

 &fter a number of atrocities were committed by the go#ernmentwith the threat of further 

b!oodshed,a mu!tinationa! coa!ition !ed by <orth &t!antic *reaty >rganiation forces

inter#ened on .+ %arch ./++ with the aim to protect ci#i!ians against attac"s by the

go#ernment1s forces &t the same time, the Internationa! (rimina! (ourt issued an arrest

warrant against )addafi and his entourage on .= @une ./++$ )addafi was ousted from

power on ./ &ugust ./++, a!though poc"ets of resistance he!d by forces !oya! to

)addafi1s go#ernment he!d out for another two months, especia!!y in )addafi1s

hometown of 'irte$ $ *he fa!! of the !ast remaining cities under pro;)addafi contro! and

'irte1s capture on ./ >ctober ./++ was then fo!!owed by the subseAuent "i!!ing of 

)addafi that mar"ed the end of the first war$ut the aftermath of the war has not yet

good to say so because those who are sti!! !oya! to (o!$ )addafi had not stopped to fight

for themse!#es$ *his was so far resu!ted to #io!ence and instabi!ity among the peop!e of Libya and the who!e country$ &nd thus, !ed to the 'econd Libyan (i#i! War in which is

sad to say unti! now is sti!! onset$

%oreo#er, the is not Bust the prob!em because aside from this, there are four ri#a!

organiations that boosted see"ing to contro! Libya$ *hese four are the internationa!!y

recognied go#ernment of (ounci! of 7eputies and internationa!!y "nown as the 6Libyan

)o#ernment6$ *his go#ernment has the !oya!ty of the Libyan &rmy under the command

of )enera! officer  0ha!ifaaftar  and has been supported by air stri"es by Cgypt and

the 8&C, the ri#a! Is!amist go#ernment of the new )enera! <ationa! (ongress !ed by

the %us!im rotherhood, bac"ed by the wider Is!amist coa!ition "nown as 6Libya7awn6and aided by Datar , 'udan, and *ur"ey, the Is!amist 'hura (ounci! of enghai

3e#o!utionaries, !ed by &nsar a!;'haria 4Libya5$ *hey ha#e had the support of the <ew

)enera! <ationa! (ongress and the unrecognised go#ernment in *ripo!i !ed by former 

prime minister >mar &!;assi, the Is!amic 'tate of IraA and the Le#ant1s Libyan


<ow, the ongoing crisis in our country has so far resu!ted to tens of thousands of 

damages and casua!ties since the onset of #io!ence in the ear!y year of ./++$

I am addressing this to the 8nited <ations to further gi#e us assistance in our country

most especia!!y to our ci#i!ians there who are in most need of your guide$ &nd, to a!so

he!p our country achie#ethe rea!ms of peace and stabi!ity$

'o far, I ha#e "nown some of the reso!utions that 8< had gi#en to our country$ &mong

those were the 8nited <ations 'ecurity (ounci! passed an initia! reso!ution on .-

February, freeing the assets of )addafi and his inner circ!e and restricting their tra#e!,

and referred the matter to the Internationa! (rimina! (ourt for in#estigation in that time

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before the assassination of )addafi, and on %arch ./++, a foreign mi!itary inter#ention

had began in Libya to imp!ement 8nited <ation 'ecurity (ounci! 3eso!ution +=E$ *his

was to ha#en immediate ceasefire in the country inc!uding an end to the current attac"s

against ci#i!ians which might constitute to a crime against humanity, imposing a ban on

a!! f!ights in the countrys airspace which constitute to a no fy one, and tightened

sanctions on the )addafi regime and its supporters$ *hese were before the

assassination of (o!$ )addafi$

 &nd a!so,we wou!d !i"e to than" the 8nited <ations for the creation of the 8nited

<ations 'upport %ission In Libya or 8<'%IL to he!p our country cope from the ruins

and distractions that were caused by the Libyan (i#i! Wars$

 &s a chosen representati#e of my country, I wi!! ac"now!edge some of the aims of the

mission for our country that we a!! appreciated inasmuch as we rea!!y do$ 'ome of 

which are to restore pub!ic security and order and promote the ru!e of !aw, underta"e

inc!usi#e po!itica! dia!ogue, promote nationa! reconci!iation, to eGtend state authority andstrengthen the institution and restoration of pub!ic ser#ices, to ta"e the immediate steps

for economic reco#ery and to promote and protect human rights particu!ar!y those of 

whom are in wea" groups who most!y in need of he!p$ In beha!f of my fe!!ow

countrymen, I "now #ery we!! that 8<'%IL is a mission to assist and support Libya to

reco#er the nationa! efforts of what we be!ie#e our country deser#e to ha#e, peace it is$

I, together with my fe!!ow countrymen are who!ehearted!y eGpressing our gratitude to

the 8nited <ations for hearing our grie#ances and gi#ing initia! he!p and support to our 


<ow, I am sti!! in point of as"ing further he!p from the 8nited <ations to he!p our country

put an end to this war and estab!ish a permanent peace and order, so that Libyan

peop!e wi!! get the chance to reco#er, to restore and assure their security and safety, to

prosper and grow economica!!y, and to !i#e their !i#es with peace in the entire country of 


*han" you$

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)ood morning de!egates and chairperson$ %y name is e#er!y(antero,I

represent the (ountry of 0orea$ We arehere today, in another 8nited <ations

conference, such as the one that created our country$ >ur de!egation is here to discussone of the most aggra#ating issues in the wor!d$ It is great concern to our peop!e, and

we are sure that it is greatconcern to the entire wor!d as we!!H we are here to discuss the

<orth 0orea and 'outh 0orea re!ations in the po!itica!, dip!omatic, and mi!itary

interactions between both countries from the di#ision of 0orea in +J fo!!owing Wor!d

War II $

istorica!!y, after more than a mi!!ennium of being unified, was seen as

contro#ersia! and temporary by both regimes$ *he armed forces of each side engagedin a series of b!oody conf!icts a!ong the border$ *hese conf!icts esca!ated dramatica!!y

when <orth 0orean forces in#aded 'outh 0orea, triggering to the 0orean War $ 3esu!ted

to 0orean peninsu!a became a continuous batt!efie!d without an officia! dec!aration of 

peace$ With the 'outh 0orean conscription act and <orth 0orea maintaining the !argest

standing army, it is #ery ob#ious that the threat of war remains in the air between <orth

and 'outh 0orean po!itics$ With the armistice the two countries ne#er signed a peace

treaty, meaning that <orth 0orea and 'outh 0orea are sti!!, and officia!!y, at war there

was no officia! statement of which po!itica! ideo!ogy was right$ &s a resu!t, both countries

were determined to "eep their ideo!ogy going strong$

*here are some effects happening to the 3epub!ic of 0orea, due to the unified of 

north and 'outh 0orea$ *here are: *he se#era! casua!ties on both sides, though the

eGact figure in un"nown$ 'econd, *he 0orean War created more friction between the

8nited 'tates and the 'o#iet 8nionH *hird, the war made the 8nited 'tates tru!y aware

of the fa!!ing domino effect of communismH Fourth, 'outh 0orea became an important

8' mi!itary base with thousands of &merican troops 'tationed thereH Last!y, <orth 0orea

has carried out a contro#ersia! nuc!ear test and se#era! ba!!istic missi!e tests, "eeping

'outh 0orea, @apan, 8'& and (hina in their missi!e range$

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 &nd ecause of those situations some peop!e tried to reunified 'outh 0orea and

<orth 0orea$ First was, the efforts of President 0im 7ae;@ungto reunified the 0orean

peninsu!a by creating the 'unshine Po!icy$ *his po!icy was meant to ease tensions

between 'outh 0orea and <orth 0orea after so many years after the 0orean WarH

'econd, >n @anuary +, ./++, a group of twe!#e !awma"ers from the ru!ing and

opposition parties introduced a bi!! into the <ationa! &ssemb!y to a!!ow for the

estab!ishment of a 6unification taG6$&s proposed by President Lee %yung;ba"the

proposa! for unification taG was not warm!y we!comed at the timeH*hird, the formation of 

a 0orean Cconomic (ommunity, it cou!d be a way to ease in unification of the 0orean

peninsu!aH Fourth,the <orth 0orea1s po!icy, it is to see" reunification without what it sees

as outside interference, through a federa! structure retaining each side1s !eadership and

systems In +=E, it proposed forming a (onfedera! 3epub!ic of 0oryo that wou!d

represent 0orean peop!e in the 8<$ ut this cannot reunify <orth and 'outh 0oreaH

Last!y, *he 8nited <ations 'ecurity (ounci! 3eso!ution K it was adopted on @u!y =,

+J/$ a#ing determined that the in#asion of the 3epub!ic of 0orea by the forces from

<orth 0orea constituted a breach of the peace, and the (ounci! recommended that the

members of the 8nited <ations furnish such assistance to the 3epub!ic of 0orea as may

be necessary to repe! the attac" and restore peace and security to the area$ *he

(ounci! further recommended that a!! members pro#iding mi!itary forces and other 

assistance to *he 3epub!ic ma"e these forces and assistance a#ai!ab!e to a unified

command under the 8nited 'tates of &merica$  *he (ounci! then reAuested that the

8nited 'tates designate the commander of such forces and authoried said commander 

to use the F!ag of the 8nited <ations at his discretion in the course of operations

against <orth 0orean forces$ Fina!!y, *he (ounci! reAuested that the 8nited 'tates

pro#ide it with reports as appropriate on the course of action ta"en by the unified

command$ *his reso!ution was passed with the #otes from the 8nited 0ingdom,

the 3epub!ic of (hina 4*aiwan5, (uba, Ccuador , France, <orway and the 8nited 'tates$

*he 8$<$ 'ecretary;)enera! an 0i;moon ga#e an effort by ha#ing a dia!ogue

between the two 0oreas and is urging both sides to de;esca!ate the situation to their 

respecti#e peninsu!a$ In a statement, an ca!!ed on the two sides to 6redoub!e efforts to

reso!#e differences through dia!ogue whi!e refraining from ta"ing any measure that is

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not conduci#e to dia!ogue$6*he ri#a!s, who are trying to defuse mounting tensions that

ha#e pushed them to the brin" of a possib!e mi!itary confrontation, <orth 0orea has

dec!ared its front;!ine troops are in fu!! war readiness and prepared to go to batt!e if 

'eou! doesn1t bac" down$ ecause of this, in despite of the effort of the 8nited <ations

and other peop!e who wants to bring peace, stabi!ity, and reunification to the 0orean

peninsu!a$ ecause & unified 0orea cou!d ha#e great imp!ications for the ba!ance of 

power in the region$ 3eunification wou!d gi#e access to cheap !abor and abundant

natura! resources in the <orth, which, combined with eGisting techno!ogy and capita! in

the 'outh, wou!d create !arge economic and mi!itary growth potentia!$


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Ladies and )ent!emen,

If to be secure means to be free from fear of being "i!!ed, persecuted or abusedH free

from the abBect po#erty that brings indignity and se!f;contemptH free to ma"e

choices then a maBority of peop!e in today1s wor!d do not  !i#e in security$ (hapter +,

 &rtic!e + of the 8nited <ations (harter proc!aims that the first aim of the wor!dorganiation is to 6maintain internationa! peace and security6$ a!f a century !ater, this

goa! has not yet been achie#ed$ Mes, significant progress has occurred$ When the

(harter was ratified, most &sian and &frican countries were Curopean co!onies$ <ot so

!ong ago, a !arge part of Curope itse!f, east and west, and a!most a!! of Latin &merica,

!i#ed under communist or fascist regimes, whose po!icies denied freedom and b!oc"ed

economic de#e!opment$ ut if we !oo" bac" at the decade that is ending, our optimism

is sha"en: the )u!f crisis, the successi#e a!"an conf!icts, the 3wandan genocide,

count!ess wars in &frica, the &fghan tragedy, and many other episodes, stand out as

bac"wards steps on the path to peace and security$

*oday, the concept of 6human security6 commands the same respect and attention asthe more traditiona! one of 6state security6$ Issues pertaining to 6human security6 areincreasing!y discussed by the 8nited <ations 'ecurity (ounci! there is a growingawareness that states cannot and wi!! not be secure un!ess peop!e fee! secure, too$

In situation wherein in +K, 0oso#o, a semi;autonomous pro#ince of Mugos!a#ia

most!y made up of ethnic &!banians, was stripped of its autonomy by 'erbian

President '!obodan %i!ose#ic$In response, the ethnic &!banian 0oso#o Liberation

 &rmy attac"ed 'erb targets, which !ed to a #io!ent crac"down by the 'erbian army

and the persecution of 0oso#ar &!banians, "i!!ing more than +,J// and forcing//,/// more from their homes$ 7ue to the humanitarian conseAuences and

regiona! impacts of the esca!ating crisis, the 8< 'ecurity (ounci! 48<'(5 adopted

reso!ution ++ in 'eptember +K$ *he reso!ution eGpressed concerns o#er the

eGcessi#e use of force by the 'erbian mi!itary against 0oso#ar &!banians and ca!!ed

for a ceasefire by both parties$

7espite the internationa! community1s dip!omatic efforts, in %arch +, #io!ence

erupted again$ In @une +, the 8nited 'tates !ed a <&*> campaign to ha!t ethnic

c!eansing in 0oso#o carried out by the 'erbian mi!itary$ <&*> continued airstri"es

against the 'erbian forces for =K days unti! then;'erbian President '!obodan

%i!ose#ic withdrew a!! 'erbian forces from 0oso#o$ &t that time, the 8<'(

authoried reso!ution +., estab!ishing 8<%I0 to go#ern 0oso#o$ 'tatus ta!"s !ed

by 8< specia! en#oys and the 'ecretary;)enera! from .//- to .//K were unab!e to

reach an agreement on the future status of 0oso#o$

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ut in February .//K, the &ssemb!y of 0oso#o unanimous!y dec!ared 0oso#o1s

independence from 'erbia and estab!ished the 3epub!ic of 0oso#o$ *his dec!aration

was forma!!y !ega!ied by the Internationa! (ourt of @ustice on @u!y .., ./+/$ *he

3epub!ic is now recognied by +/+ states, inc!uding the 8nited 'tates$ Prior to this

forma! dec!aration in .//K, much of the 8<1s authority had been transferred to

0oso#o1s go#ernment and C8LCN$ &!though 'erbian and &!banian re!ations within

0oso#o are tense, the go#ernment has made an effort to engage with the countrys

minority popu!ations$ (urrent!y, northern 'erbs are guaranteed +/ representati#es in

the &ssemb!y of 0oso#o, whi!e ten more seats are a!!ocated for other minority ethnic


8<%I0 is now in its fina! chapter as the 8< continues to downsie its presence in

0oso#o$ <&*> has a!so reported a troop withdrawa!, with 8"raine pu!!ing out a!most

+-/ so!diers from the peace"eeping mission in &ugust ./+$ In 7ecember ./+/,

0oso#o authorities conducted democratic e!ections without 8<%I0 in#o!#ement$ &fter the constitutiona! court ru!ed the first e!ection unconstitutiona! due to reports of 

#oting irregu!arities, 0oso#o e!ected deputy genera! director of 0oso#o po!ice,

 &tifete@ahBaga, president on &pri! =, ./++$ With the inauguration of the russe!

 &greement, a 'erbia de facto signed on &pri! +, ./+E between e!grade and

Pristina that assented to 0oso#os territoria! integrity, the first 0oso#o;wide

municipa! e!ections were he!d in <o#ember ./+E, pa#ing the way for the <orths

inc!usion into the country$ &nother round of e!ections happened during the spring of 

./+, which !ed to the creation of a new coa!ition go#ernment in e!grade headed

by Prime %inister &!e"sandarOuiQ$ *hese maBor strides forward ha#e he!ped create

po!itica! unity among the &!banian and the 'erbian municipa!ities$

Protection does not on!y mean defending !ega! rights$ Protecting refugees means

monitoring borders to ensure that they remain open when refugees cross themH

demanding access for food and medicines needed for their assistanceH fighting

discriminationH re!ie#ing traumaH counse!!ing on !ega! proceduresH deciding when to

ad#ise refugees to return homeH and so on$ &t times, it reAuires discreet negotiations

with go#ernments or non;go#ernmenta! forces$ &t other times, it demands spea"ing out

to denounce abuses and #io!ations$ 3efugee protection is a set of !ega! instruments,

operationa! acti#ities and materia! contributions that can restore a sense of security in

peop!e whom f!ight has depri#ed of e#erything sometimes, as the 0oso#o tragedy hasshown, e#en of their identity$

Promoting se!rit" st$%i&it" $n' res(et )or *!m$n rig*ts in Koso+o

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>rigina!!y, the 'ecurity (ounci!, by its reso!ution +.  of +/ @une +, authoried

the 'ecretary;)enera! to estab!ish an internationa! ci#i! presence in 0oso#o the 8nited<ations Interim &dministration %ission in 0oso#o 48<%I05 in order to pro#ide aninterim administration for 0oso#o under which the peop!e of 0oso#o cou!d enBoy

substantia! autonomy$ Its tas" was unprecedented in comp!eGity and scopeH the (ounci!#ested 8<%I0 with authority o#er the territory and peop!e of 0oso#o, inc!uding a!!!egis!ati#e and eGecuti#e powers and administration of the Budiciary$

'ubseAuent!y, fo!!owing the dec!aration of independence by the 0oso#o authorities andthe entry into force of a new constitution on +J @une .//K, the tas"s of the %ission ha#esignificant!y been modified to focus primari!y on the promotion of security, stabi!ity andrespect for human rights in 0oso#o$

*he 8< Interim &dministration %ission in 0oso#o

%I''I>< %&<7&*C

In @une +, the 8< 'ecurity (ounci! adopted reso!ution +. to estab!ish the 8<

Interim &dministration %ission in 0oso#o 48<%I05$ *his mission was enacted to

he!p estab!ish a 0oso#ar go#ernment, faci!itate the de#e!opment of democratic

institutions, coordinate humanitarian re!ief, and promote security, stabi!ity and

respect for human rights$

In &ugust .//K, the 8< mission transferred its authority to the go#ernment of

0oso#o and to the Curopean 8nion 3u!e of Law %ission in 0oso#o 4C8LCN5$ *hetransfer has a!!owed the 0oso#ar go#ernment to assume responsibi!ity o#er its

country and its citiens, whi!e the 8< mission continues to pro#ide support and

guidance to the go#ernment and C8LCN$

T*e ,ission-s m$n'$te in&!'es:

R 7emi!itariing armed groups

R Pro#iding security for a!! communities in 0oso#oR %onitoring the border 

R Faci!itating democratic institutions

R Faci!itating par!iamentary and municipa! e!ections

R ui!ding go#ernment capacity

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>W 8<%I0 &FFC(*' &%C3I(&< I<*C3C'*'

• Se!res $ (e$e)!& Koso+o. *he 8nited 'tates see"s a stab!e, democratic,and economica!!y #iab!e 0oso#o, and o#er the !ast e!e#en years, 8<%I0 hasmade substantia! strides in estab!ishing peace and security in the region$ 7ue to

its success, and the fact that 0oso#o is now se!f;go#erning, the 8< is decreasingits personne! to around +J from the initia! authoried strength of ,J+$ 'ti!!,8<%I0 and the 8nited 'tates continue to wor" with <&*> forces to maintainstabi!ity in the region$ &!most K// &mericans ser#e in <&*>s 0oso#o Force40F>35 which sti!! has a J,-// troop presence in the a!"an country$ &dditiona!!y, since +, the 8nited 'tates has contributed o#er 9+$. bi!!ion to0oso#o1s de#e!opment$ It is estimated that 9-=$J mi!!ion in 8' aid went to0oso#o in the year ./+.$

• S!((orts t*e Koso+o Po&ie Ser+ie. 8<%I0 has wor"ed with the 8nited'tates to pro#ide the 0oso#o Po!ice 'er#ice 40P'5 with training and guidance$ In%ay ./+, E members 4E- 0oso#o 'erbs and = 0oso#o &!banians5 of the0oso#o po!ices Auic";response team in the north conc!uded a three;wee"training course at the 0oso#o Po!ice &cademy and became fu!!y operationa! on%ay th$ >ther new recruitment campaigns !aunched in %ay ha#e he!ped tosignificant!y increase the operationa! effecti#eness of the 0oso#o po!ice in thenorth$ *he 8< and 8$'$ in#estment has he!ped the po!ice ser#ice become ahigh!y respected and trusted institution$ 0P' now commands a!! EE po!icestations, siG 3egiona! Po!ice eadAuarters, and +E border contro! stationsthroughout the country$

• /osters %etter re&$tions. *he 8< continues to monitor 0oso#o c!ose!y, andreports that progress has been made in the northern region$ *he %itro#ica <orthadministrati#e office has begun pro#iding ser#ices aimed at forging a betterre!ationship between northern 'erbs and the 0oso#o go#ernment$ y reno#atingpub!ic bui!dings, rehabi!itating p!aygrounds and pro#iding wire!ess internetaccess in pub!ic par"s, the 0oso#ar administrati#e offices are attempting tomo!!ify hosti!ities and cu!ti#ate trust$ (i#i! ser#ants sti!! report intimidation tacticsby &!banians which are Auic"!y reso!#ed as a resu!t of effecti#e administration$>ne such incident happened on @u!y +/, ./+, where a concrete b!oc" with ap!aAue reading “&dem@ashari 'Auare” was insta!!ed, bearing a f!ag po!e and an

 &!banian f!ag, at a road Bunction in the ethnica!!y miGed area of osnia"%aha!a in<orth %itro#ica$ *he day after, representati#es from e!grade and Pristinacon#ened in russe!s to !essen tensions and estab!ish a wor"ing group topermanent!y reso!#e the matter$

• Promotes eonomi 'e+e&o(ment. 8<%I0 is acti#e!y engaged in thepromotion of economic de#e!opment and stabi!ity, and o#er the years, 0oso#ohas demonstrated growth in the g!oba! mar"et p!ace$ In .//-, 8<%I0 signed0oso#os accession to the (entra! Curope Free *rade &rea 4(CF*&5 on thecountrys beha!f, and in .//, 0oso#o Boined the Internationa! %onetary Fund$*he 8' a!so be!ie#es that 0oso#o can be a #a!uab!e trading partner, ha#ingeGported o#er 9+K mi!!ion worth of goods and ser#ices to 0oso#o in ./+.$ & "ey

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indicator of 0oso#os significant progress is i!!ustrated in the Wor!d an"s 7oingusiness IndeG, with 0oso#os ran"ing impro#ing from +.Kth to Kth in ./+.$*his progress was achie#ed after much effort by the 0oso#ar go#ernment, withsignificant technica! support from 8'&I7 and 8<%I0 $

><)>I<) (&LLC<)C'

• 0i+i'e' omm!nities. Whi!e progress has been made, di#isions between &!banians and 'erbs continue$ Within 0oso#o itse!f, there are ongoing tensionsbetween the countrys ethnic &!banian maBority and 'erb minority$ 'erb defianceis rooted in the north, where 0oso#os courts, po!ice, and customs authorities donot operate$ In 'eptember of ./+., at a Boint session between 0oso#o officia!sand northern 0oso#o municipa!ities, 0oso#os northern residents refused torecognie the independence of 0oso#o in any form$ C#en though there ha#ebeen impro#ement between the two sides after the <o#ember ./+E e!ections,

tensions remain$ 'e#era! incidents ha#e occurred in <orthern 0oso#o where'erbs c!ashed with 0oso#o po!ice o#er cu!tura! and ethnic differences$

• Prose!tion o) serio!s rimes. *he 8<%I0 7epartment of @ustice 47>@5di#ision has impro#ed the process for prosecuting serious crimes, inc!udingcases of corruption, terrorism, and war crimes$ &s !oca! capacity impro#es, the8< has begun shifting responsibi!ities to !oca! institutions$ It is a!so wor"ing withthe 0oso#o 'pecia! Prosecutors >ffice to enab!e !oca! prosecutors to ta"e onmore serious cases in the future$ 'ince commencing operations in 7ecember.//K, C8LCN has prioritied cases handed o#er by 8<%I0$ In %itro#ica, !oca!staff continues wor" to estab!ish an in#entory of /,/// prosecution fi!esnecessary for the go#ernment to address past human rights #io!ations$*herefore, the Inter;ministeria! Wor"ing )roup on 7ea!ing with the Past and3econci!iation committee was formed on @u!y , ./+. to dea! with human rights#io!ations and #io!ations of internationa! humanitarian !aw$ War crimes are sti!!being in#estigated to this date$ In !ate @u!y ./+, a Curopean 8nion in#estigati#eteam found eGtensi#e e#idence of war crimes committed by senior officia!s of the0oso#o Liberation &rmy 40L&5 during and after the 0oso#o war in +$

• Un)rien'&" neig*%ors. 'erbia continues to resist recogniing 0oso#osindependence$ 'erbias Prime %inister &!e"andarOucic emphasied that hiscountry “wi!! ne#er, under any circumstances, imp!icit!y or eGp!icit!y, recognie theuni!atera! dec!aration of independence by 0oso#os ethnic &!banian authorities$”In an effort to continue ta!"s between 'erbia and 0oso#o !eaders, 8<%I0faci!itated a new security coordination forum in northern 0oso#o which inc!udedC8LCN, the 0oso#o Force 40F>35, >rganiation for 'ecurity and (o;operationin Curope 4>'(C5, and northern 0oso#ar !eaders$ *here are ongoing ta!"s aboutthe countrys cooperating on such proBects as certifying dip!omas, estab!ishingfreedom of mo#ement, and Boint!y managing crossing points$

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For a city or a peop!e to be tru!y free, they must ha#e the secure right, withouteconomic, po!itica! or po!ice pressure, to ma"e their own choice and to !i#e their own!i#es$*he security of peop!e, therefore, must be not on!y ensured and uphe!d, buta!so made to last $

When peace is negotiated, more attention must therefore be paid to creating conditions

for the coeGistence of di#ided communities$ 3ehabi!itation and reconci!iation acti#ities

are fundamenta! e!ements of peace bui!ding, and must be p!anned and imp!emented


'PCC( S: 'M3I&

 & (ry for e!p from 'yria

Ladies and )ent!emen, I want to ta!" to you about my shattered home, 'yria how thehorrific war began, its de#astating impact, the 8<s action and the resu!t of such deed$

*he 'yrian (i#i! war is a conf!ict between our !ong;ser#ing go#ernment and thosesee"ing to boot it out of office$ *he &ssad fami!y has he!d power in 'yria since +=+$First it was afe a!;&ssad, then ashar a!;&ssad$

<ow, you may wonder how the atrocious ci#i! war started$

*he ci#i! war began when pro;democracy protests erupted in %arch ./++ in thesouthern city of 7eraa after the arrest and torture of some teenagers who paintedre#o!utionary s!ogans on a schoo! wa!!$ &fter security forces opened fire ondemonstrators, "i!!ing se#era!, more too" to the streets$ *he unrest triggered nationwideprotests demanding President &ssad1s resignation$ *he go#ernment1s use of force tocrush the dissent mere!y hardened the protesters1 reso!#e$ y @u!y ./++, hundreds ofthousands were ta"ing to the streets across the country$ >pposition supporterse#entua!!y began to ta"e up arms, first to defend themse!#es and !ater to eGpe! security

forces from their !oca! areas$

Oio!ence esca!ated and our country descended into ci#i! war as rebe! brigades wereformed to batt!e go#ernment forces for contro! of cities, towns and the countryside$Fighting reached the capita! 7amascus and second city of &!eppo in ./+.$ y @une./+E, /,/// peop!e had been "i!!ed in the conf!ict$ owe#er, by &ugust ./+ that figurehad more than doub!ed to ++,/// ; and continued to c!imb to ../,/// by %arch./+J$*he conf!ict is now more than Bust a batt!e between those for or against President

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 &ssad$ It has acAuired sectarian o#ertones, pitching the country1s 'unni maBority againstthe president1s 'hia &!awite sect, and drawn in neighbouring countries and wor!dpowers$ *he rise of the Bihadist groups, inc!uding Is!amic 'tate, has added a furtherdimension$

*he death to!! may now be we!! o#er +J/,///$ Prisons and ma"eshift detention faci!itiesare swe!!ing with men, women and e#en chi!dren$ 7eaths by summary eGecutions andunspea"ab!e torture are widespread$ Peop!e are a!so dying from hunger and once;rareinfectious diseases$ Who!e urban centers and some of human"ind1s great architectura!and cu!tura! heritage !ie in ruins$ *he war has caused de#astation and hundreds ofthousands deaths, disp!acing o#er - mi!!ion peop!e, and forcing another E mi!!ion to f!eethe country as refugees$ >ur country is increasing!y a fai!ed state$ eyond the human tragedy, the conf!ict has disrupted the functioning of our economy$ Ithas destroyed infrastructure, pre#ented our chi!dren from going to schoo!, c!osedfactories, and deterred in#estments and trade$ efore the war, unemp!oyment was

be!ow +/ percentH now e#ery second 'yrian is without a Bob$ *hose who can, often thewe!!;educated 'yrians who were being counted on to bring the country forward in timesof peace, are mo#ing abroad$ ac" in ./+/, the country eGported goods andcommodities worth o#er . bi!!ion euros 49.$=E bi!!ion5 ; now it1s down to mere!y a fourthof that$

Without a shadow of a doubt, the impact of 'yrian ci#i! war has de#astated 'yria andour peop!e$

With a!! these humanitarian crises, what did the 8nited <ations do for our country,'yria?

*he 8nited <ations has tried hard to address the conf!ict1s deep roots and de#astatingimpact$ *heir humanitarian and other efforts are sa#ing !i#es and reducing suffering$ uttheir fundamenta! obBecti#e ;; an end to the conf!ict ;; remains unmet$ *he b!ea"prospects for peace ha#e dar"ened further with the f!are;up of #io!ence and sectariantensions in IraA$ *he cohesion and integrity of two maBor countries, not Bust one, is inAuestion$

With neither side ab!e to inf!ict a decisi#e defeat on the other, the internationa!community !ong ago conc!uded that on!y a po!itica! so!ution cou!d end the conf!ict in'yria$ owe#er, a number of attempts by the &rab League and the 8< to bro"erceasefires and start dia!ogue ha#e fai!ed$ In @anuary ./+, the 8', 3ussia and 8<con#ened a conference in 'witer!and to imp!ement the ./+. )ene#a (ommuniAue, aninternationa!!y;bac"ed agreement that ca!!ed for the estab!ishment of a transitiona!go#erning body in 'yria formed on the basis of mutua! consent$ *he ta!"s, whichbecame "nown as )ene#a II, bro"e down in February after on!y two rounds$ *he then8< specia! en#oy La"hdar rahimi b!amed the 'yrian go#ernment1s refusa! to discussopposition demands and its insistence on a focus on fighting 6terrorists6 ; a term7amascus uses to describe rebe! groups$ 8< 'ecretary )enera! an 0i;moon says the

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organisation1s !ong;term strategic obBecti#e remains a po!itica! so!ution based on the)ene#a (ommuniAue$ *he 8< specia! en#oy 'taffan de %istura has a!so proposedestab!ishing a series of 6freee ones6, where !oca! ceasefires wou!d be negotiated toa!!ow aid de!i#eries in besieged areas$ ut his attempt to bro"er a truce in &!eppo hasbeen reBected by rebe!s in the city, who fear the go#ernment wi!! use it to redep!oy its

forces e!sewhere and that I' mi!itants wi!! simp!y ignore it$

>ur country need a negotiated so!ution ; and we need it #ery soon and the basis for thatmust be the needs of the 'yrian pub!ic$ ut for now that appears to be a case of wishfu!thin"ing: & speedy end of 'yria1s ci#i! war is not in sight$

We wi!! ha#e a !ong road to rebui!d our country to its former state when the war is o#er,for the death, desertion, and decimation of our country has a!ready !eft a huge scar$

Ladies and )ent!emen, we need you to he!p us$ *he future of our country depends onyou$ *han" you #ery much$

'PCC( SJ: LC&<><

)ood morning !adies and gent!eman, I Tam 0ees!y M#ette &ro representati#e of 

Lebanon$ Im here today to discuss the prob!em that we encountered in our country and

how the 8nited <ation can he!p us$ Lets start in a brief history of the conf!ict between

our country and Israe!$ In the ear!y +=/s tension a!ong the Israe!;Lebanon border 

increased, especia!!y after the re!ocation of the Pa!estinian armed e!ements from @ordan

to Lebanon$ Pa!estinian commando operations against Israe! and Israe!i reprisa!s

against Pa!estinian bases in Lebanon intensified$ (ommando attac" in Israe! resu!ted inmany dead and wounded among Israe!i popu!ation$ *he Pa!estine !iberation

organiation 4PL>5 c!aimed responsibi!ity for that raid, in response Israe!i forces in#aded

Lebanon on the night of %arch + U +J and in a few days occupied the entire southern

part of the country eGcept for the city of tyre and its surrounding area$ *hey urged

further internationa! support for the Lebanese armed forces where they are most

critica!!y need a support$ *he peace "eeping forced tas" is ensuring the area between

the so ca!!ed b!ue !ines separating Israe! and Lebanon and the Litani 3i#er is free of 

unauthoried weapons, personne! and assets$ It a!so cooperates with the Lebanese

armed forces so they can fu!fi! their security responsibi!ities, and continues to monitor 

and report on ground and air #io!ations$ In +K. Lebanon in#aded again by the Israe!i,

the 8<IFIL remained behind the Israe!i !ine$ Which one of the incident across in the so

ca!!ed b!ue !ine resu!ted in "i!!ing and wounding of united nation mi!itary obser#es$ >n

august .+, ./+J  Lebanon continues to constitute a threat to internationa! peace and

security, the 'ecurity (ounci! today decided to eGtend the present mandate of the

8nited <ations Interim Force in Lebanon 48<IFIL5 for one year, unti! E+ &ugust ./+-$

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 &s a resu!t of conf!ict between Israe!;Lebanon war in our country more than +,///

Lebanese died, more than ,/// had been inBured and o#er one mi!!ion Lebanese were

disp!aced for the duration of the war, it a!so damage the Lebanons infrastructure as a

resu!t of Israe! bombing K/ bridges // factories, commercia! bui!ding and airports,

estimated of +J homes were destroyed$

*he 8<IFIL together with the Lebanese armed forces estab!ish a new strategic

en#ironment, to he!p the Lebanon to face the prob!em they encountered$ First the

8<IFIL monitor the cessation of hosti!ities and ensuring fu!! respect of the !ue Line

by a!! parties, second they secure humanitarian access to ci#i!ian popu!ations, neGt

is ensuring the right to safe and #o!untary return of disp!aced persons and assisting

the )o#ernment of Lebanon in securing its borders$ *heir tas"s inc!uded watching

o#er the Israe!i withdrawa!, maintaining conditions of peace and security, and he!ping

the Lebanese go#ernment re;estab!ish its authority$ 'uch tas"s ha#e taGed the

capabi!ities of 8<IFIL to the utmost, but the 8< forces ha#e made an important

contribution by reducing the !e#e! of conf!ict in the area$

*han" you 'ecretary )enera! an 0i %oon and we hope that you he!p us to eGtend the

peace "eeping force in our country to respect of the !ue !ine by both parties and to

maintain the safety of the peop!e and the Litani 3i#er is free from the Israe!i forces$

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'PCC( S-: '>8* &F3I(&

Centr$& A)ri$n Re(!%&i

)ood morning de!egates of the house and chairperson$ I come here from angui onbeha!f of my peop!e, the peop!e of (entra! &frican 3epub!ic$ I#e come here to spea" of the gra#e situation we face and of the situation of the humanitarian wor"ers who aretrying to assist us$

C#eryday thousands of my countrymen !ose their !i#es$ >ur #i!!ages are burned to theground$ &rmed men from ri#a! groups traw! many areas !ooting, "i!!ing, burning cropsand bui!dings$ We are forced to !ea#e our homes so that we cou!d sur#i#e$

*he conf!ict began in ./+. when 'e!e"a, an armed organied rebe! mo#ement,representing %us!ims in the northeast of our country and other groups dissatisfied withthen President Francois oie, !aunched a maBor mi!itary offensi#e$ &!though the troopswere stopped c!ose to angui, they seied power in %arch ./+E and their !eader, %iche!7Botodia, became president of the (entra! &frican 3epub!ic$

>n @une ./+E, the anti;a!a"a group started to fight 'e!e"a forces and attac"ed %us!imci#i!ians$ 'e!e"a reta!iated by "i!!ing non;%us!ims$

*his conf!ict was main!y po!itica! at first$ owe#er, it is progressi#e!y ta"ing a re!igiouscharacter as there are increasing reports of reta!iation "i!!ings by the (hristian and%us!im popu!ations respecti#e!y$

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oth (hristians and %us!ims ha#e been #ictims of #io!ent attac"s in this conf!ict$Whi!e I spea" in front of you, se#era! hundred thousand of my fe!!ow countrymenremain disp!acedH our chi!dren ha#e been recruited by different factions parta"ing in#io!ent acti#itiesH and thousands of our women ha#e been seGua!!y abused$

With more than two years of ci#i! war and sectarian #io!ence, I a!most !ose hope for our country$ I fe!t that the rest of the wor!d abandoned us$ ut then the 8nited<ations assistance came$*he 8nited <ations1 (ommon umanitarian Fund 4(F5 hasre!eased 9+E$. mi!!ion to he!p support !oca! aid agencies de!i#er c!ean water, education,hea!thcare, !i#e!ihoods support, nutrition, protection, and she!ter to peop!e disp!aced by#io!ence, returnees, refugees and #u!nerab!e host communities$

*he 8nited <ationsa!so send humanitarian wor"ers$ *heir he!p was the reason why Iand my fami!y, my friends and some others !uc"y enough are sti!! a!i#e$ *hey ga#e usshe!ter away from the fighting$ *hey ga#e us food, food that we ha#e no means of acAuiring$ *heytreated those who were inBured by the seeming!y end!ess fighting$ *hey

ga#e us a new hope$ & hope that we can sur#i#e this conf!ict and that one day we mayfind peace$We wi!! fore#er be than"fu! for them$

owe#er, they, the ones gi#ing us hope, are not spared of the same dangers as we

(entra! &fricans are facing$ & food con#oy of ./ #ehic!es escorted by the 8nited <ations

%u!tidimensiona! Integrated 'tabi!iation %ission in the (entra! &frican 3epub!ic

4%I<8'(&5 peace"eepers, recei#ed gun shots that fata!!y wounded the dri#er and his

#ehic!e immediate!y re#ersed causing inBuries to other passengers on @u!y +K near 


(!aire ourgeois, the 8nited <ations1 humanitarian coordinator in our country, said therehad been around J/ attac"s on aid wor"ers in the !ast +. months$ &ccording to her statement, the number of humanitarian wor"ers who ha#e been "i!!ed, "idnapped, andserious!y inBured in our country has reached a !e#e! ne#er seen in the country before$

 &ccording to the reports, there are current!y more than .,/// aid wor"ers in our country,many of them trying to dea! with who!e communities that ha#e been forced from their homes$

 &ttac"s !i"e these dont happen in one day$ *hey may happen during the day$ *hey maya!so happen during the night$ *hey may be happening right now$ We, the peop!e of (entra! &frican 3epub!ic, fee! gui!ty that these peop!e are !osing their !i#es whi!e he!pingus$ If on!y there is something we cou!d do$

If on!y the conf!ict wou!d stop$ ut Im afraid that it wont happen anytime soon$ For as!ong as the conf!ict continues, these attac"s wi!! !i"e!y happen again$

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*o e#eryone who hears me, I beg you$ P!ease he!p us$ e!p us attain peace so that wewi!! not !i#e in fear of being attac"ed, of being "i!!ed$ 'o that no more humanitarianwor"ers wi!! die doing their Bob in our country$

*han" you$

'PCC( S=: (I<&

*o our 'ecretary )enera!, to a!! my co;representati#es of their respecti#e

countries, !adies and gent!emen, my warmest we!come and good morningV

It is with the great p!easure and pri#i!ege for me to raise and be heard in this

assemb!y about the conf!ict arising between our friend country; 3epub!ic of the

Phi!ippines and my be!o#ed country; Peop!es 3epub!ic of (hina$ Mes, it is a!! about the

territoria! dispute specifica!!y the 'carborough 'hoa!$ With your permission !adies and

gent!emen, I wou!d !i"e to discuss first about what is our basis of strong!y c!aiming the

said territory$

It is with our stand that it is based on historica! facts and internationa! !aws$ 'ince

.// (, our peop!e, (hinese fishermen ha#e used the 'prat!y Is!and$ In fact, there are

famous (hinese boo"s authored by Wan hen of the Castern Wu 'tate and pub!ished“*he *hree 0ingdoms” period 4../;.K/ &75 and wor" tit!ed )uanghou @i 4(hronic!es of 

)uanghou5 authored by Pei Muan of the @in 7ynasties described the Parace! and

'prat!y is!ands$ *he !oca! go#ernment of the @in 7ynasties eGercised Burisdictions o#er 

the is!ands by sending patro!!ing na#a! boats to the surrounding sea areas$ In the *ang

7ynasty the is!ands 4Parace! and 'prat!y5 were p!aced under the administration and

authority of the Dionghou Perfecture which is now a ainan Pro#ince$ 'upported!y, the

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archeo!ogists ha#e found (hinese made potteries, porce!ains and other historica! re!ics

from the 'outhern, 'ui, *ang, 'ong, Muan and %ing 7ynasties and !ater eras up to

modern times on the 'outh (hina 'ea Is!ands$ *his c!ear!y showed that e#er since,

these is!ands were parts of (hinas territoria! sea and maintained by us$

Mes, because the area is rich with oi! and natura! gas deposits and abundantfishing opportunities within the region and one of the busiest shipping routes in the

wor!d, there are many countries c!aiming this territoria! body to be their part such as,

Oietnam, %a!aysia, @apan, Curope, India and the Phi!ippines$ 8n!uc"i!y, those countries


In +-, the &mericas reminded the Phi!ippines at its independence that the

'prat!y was not Phi!ippine territory and because the 'prat!ys were not part of the

Phi!ippines per the “+KK *reaty” 'pain signed with &merica$ ut then, by the year 

+=+, Phi!ippines announces c!aim to is!ands adBacent to its territory in the 'prat!ys

which they named “0a!ayaan” which was incorporated into Pa!awan Pro#ince in +=.$Phi!ippine President Ferdinand %arcos announced the c!aims after *aiwanese troops

attac"ed and shot at a Phi!ippine Fishing boat on Itu &ba$

y the year .//, &'C&< 4&ssociation of 'outh;Cast &sia <ation5 which the

Phi!ippines is an origina! member and the (hina agreed to a code of conduct, “*he

7ec!aration on the (onduct of Parties in the 'outh (hina 'ea”$

'eptember J, ./+., Phi!ippine President &Auino promu!gated &dministrati#e

>rder <o$ ., naming maritime areas on the Western side of the Phi!ippine archipe!ago

as the “West Phi!ippine 'ea”$ *he order dec!ares that the Phi!ippine eGercises so#ereign Burisdiction in its CGc!usi#e Cconomic one 4CC5, an area dec!ared by Presidentia!

7ecree <o$ +J of @une +=K to eGtend to a distance of two hundred nautica! mi!es

beyond and from the base!ine from which the territoria! sea is measured$ *he Phi!ippine

ase!ines are defined by 3epub!ic &ct <o$ E/- as amended$ &s per respond by our 

country, (hina !aunched program to increase the number of monitoring group in the

'carborough 'hoa!, Parace! Is!ands, 'prat!y Is!ands and Cast (hina 'ea which fo!!ows

a nationa! marine ooning program appro#ed by the 'tate (ounci! during the pre#ious

year as a part of (hinas fi#e year p!an$

It was @anuary +/, ./+ when my country imposes a “fishing permit” in the 'outh(hina 'ea o#er the obBections of the 8nited 'tates, Phi!ippines and Oietnam$

7ocumented by %arch E/, *he 3epub!ic of the Phi!ippines in#o"es the compu!sory

sett!ement of dispute c!ause under the !aw of the 'ea (on#ention by submitting a case

to the Permanent (ourt of &rbitration in *he auge in its case against my country about

the 'outh (hina 'ea c!aims$

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y those incidences, it was c!ear!y showed that the two country are both with its

firm stand regarding the territory to be c!aimed with$ ut in our part, it was so sad to

thin" that the 8nited 'tates responded to my countrys c!aim o#er the fishing grounds of 

the other nations by saying that “(hina has not offered any eGp!anation or basis under 

Internationa! Law for these eGtensi#e maritime c!aims” in the year ./+$ *he &merican

p!edged support to the Phi!ippines in its territoria! conf!icts$ *he ironic fact is that the

8nited 'tates is not a member of the 8nited <ations (on#ention in the Law of the 'ea

48<(L>'5$ ut they stood by c!aiming that peacefu! sur#ei!!ance acti#ities and other 

mi!itary acti#ities without permission in a countrys CGc!usi#e Cconomic one 4CC5 is

a!!owed under the con#ention$ It was a!so testified by 8' 'ecretary (!inton, her support

with the congressiona! appro#a! of the Law of the 'ea (on#ention which wou!d

strengthen 8' abi!ity to support countries that oppose (hinese c!aims to certain is!ands

in the area$

*hese conf!ict has caused for the boycott of our goods in the Phi!ippines in the

year ./+.$ (ounter actions to these was the stricter regu!ations on our imports of 

Phi!ippine bananas, as a ship!oad of bananas was then reBected in %ay$ &side from that,

most of the (hinese tra#e! agencies suspended tour to the Phi!ippines$ *hese

suspension of a!! the tours was citing the &nti;(hinese sentiment in the country and for 

the safety of (hinese nationa!s$ owe#er, Fi!ipinos organied protest near the (hinese

consu!ate in %ani!a against (hinese po!icies in the 'carborough 'hoa! he!d on %ay ++$

We then dep!oyed po!icies near the Phi!ippine embassy in eiBing$ *hese resu!ted from

fear of (hinese nationa!s to stay on the streets in %ani!a !i"ewise as the Fi!ipinos in

eiBing$ &side from that, there was a cyber;hac"ers eGchange among the two

specifica!!y the websites of 8ni#ersity of the Phi!ippines and the (hina 8ni#ersity %edia8nion website which both about this disputes$

 &!! of these resu!ted into different perspecti#es, #iews and reactions from different

countries in the wor!d$ &s for a mu!ti!atera! so!ution pushing by the Phi!ippines, %a!aysia

and the 8nited 'tates are strong!y in fa#or with it$ Whi!e, we than" you Pa"istan, and

3ussia for in fa#oring my country for a bi!atera! so!ution among c!aimant countries and

opposed the in#o!#ement of other nations in the 'outh (hina 'ea disputes$ owe#er,

India, &ustra!ia, 8nited 0ingdom, *aiwan and Oietnam eGpressed their reactions in

reso!#ing these conf!icts based on internationa! !aw as to maintain peace, stabi!ity,

security and maritime safety in the Cast 'ea and region$

 &nd came to the point that this territoria! conf!icts had into the 8nited <ation

 &rbitra! *ribuna! which from the Phi!ippines fi!ed case against us which was the first

internationa! fi!ed case against (hina re!ated to territoria! dispute$ With a!! of my heart,

we than" you 8nited <ations organiation for gi#ing us chance to defend our territoria!

c!aims by gi#ing us time to submit e#idences to support our c!aims$ We wi!! sure!y wor"

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on it as soon as possib!e to ma"e our c!aims !ega! and so for the c!arity of the maritime

entit!ements in the disputed waters$

In our part, we are as"ing the 8nited 'tates to maintain a neutra! position on the

issue$ We p!eases a!so the non;c!aimant &ssociation of 'outh;Cast &sia <ations

4&'C&<5 countries and countries outside the region that ha#e adopted position top!ease not of getting in#o!#ed into this issue$ We hope for a fair in#estigation and fair 

decision of the Internationa! *ribuna! in Laws of the 'ea 4I*L>'5 for a peacefu!

reso!ution to maintain stabi!ity, security and harmonious re!ationships among nations

especia!!y between (hina and Phi!ippines$ &gain, !adies and gent!emen, in beha!f of the

3epub!ic and peop!e of (hina, I am hoping for this issue be reso!#ed the soonest time

possib!e$ %ay you a!! ha#e a great stay with our home$ )ood morningV

'PCC( SK: &F)&<I'*&<

C#erybody deser#es peace and security but how can we achie#e this if terror Ue#i! !ooms within our doorsteps$ & *a!iban suicide bomber has attac"ed a chec"point

near the entrance to the internationa! airport in the &fghan capita! 0abu!, "i!!ing fi#epeop!e$ Loca! officia!s said at !east +- peop!e were inBured in the b!ast$ *he incident isthe !atest in a series of recent dead!y attac"s fo!!owing the announcement of a new*a!iban !eader$ & suicide bomber b!ew himse!f up near the city1s po!ice academy onFriday e#ening, "i!!ing about ./ recruits$& short whi!e !ater, gunmen !aunched an attac"on (amp Integrity, a <ato base that houses 8' specia! forces near the airport$C!e#enpeop!e, inc!uding an &merican so!dier and eight contractors, were "i!!ed in the attac" onthe base$Car!ier on Friday, a truc" carrying eGp!osi#es was detonated near an armybase in the 'hah 'hahid area of the capita!, c!aiming +J !i#es$*he *a!iban said it wasbehind the attac" on the po!ice academy but did not mention the two other incidents$*heattac" raises new Auestions o#er &fghanistan abi!ity to maintain security without <atos

he!p$ >#er the wee"end *a!iban forces too" contro! of (hardara district in 0undu$ *hecontinued insurgency a!so suggests di#isions within the *a!iban as it occurred soon after some senior *a!iban figures entered ta!"s in Datar$

ehind a!! these acts of barbarity is the infamous *a!iban terrorist group$ *he *a!iban or 

'tudents of Is!amic 0now!edge %o#ement ru!ed &fghanistan from +- unti! .//+$ *he

*a!iban was formed in the ear!y +/s by an &fghan faction of muBahideen, Is!amic

fighters who had resisted the 'o#iet occupation of &fghanistan with the co#ert bac"ing

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of the 8$'$ (entra! Inte!!igence &gency and its Pa"istani counterpart, theInter;'er#ices

Inte!!igence directorate $ *hey were Boined by younger Pashtun tribesmen who studied

in Pa"istani madrassas, or seminariesH taliban is Pashto for 6students$6 Pashtuns

comprise a p!ura!ity in &fghanistan and are the predominant ethnic group in much of the

country1s south and east$

*hey came to power during &fghanistan1s !ong ci#i! war$ &!though they managedto ho!d /X of the country1s territory, their po!iciesYinc!uding their treatment of womenand support of terroristsYostracied them from the wor!d community$ *he *a!iban wasousted from power in 7ecember .//+ by the 8$'$ mi!itary and &fghani opposition forcesin response to the 'eptember ++, .//+, terrorist attac" on the 8$'$ *he suicide attac"swere a resu!t of the power strugg!e within the *a!iban$

ut why do my countrymen ha#e to suffer? What does the bombings #ictims

ha#e to do with the *a!iban group? <othingV I stand here in beha!f of a!! my countrymenespecia!!y the #ictims of the crimes and may their sou! peacefu!!y rest in @anna$ I standhere to see" Bustice and as" for the condemnation of the *a!iban group for their unBustacts of #io!ence$ *he dame and fear that they ha#e caused to my country is within the!e#e! of no forgi#eness which demands not on!y !oca! actions but internationa! actions aswe!!$