comparison of rip, ospf and eigrp routing protocols based ...€¦ · ensc 427: communication...

ENSC 427: COMMUNICATION NETWORKS SPRING 2015 FINAL PROJECT Comparison of RIP, OSPF and EIGRP Routing Protocols based on Riverbed Project Group # 11 Jie Wen Mai Donh Hao Zhuo James (Chia Hung) Lee 301187584 301101257 301179238 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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Comparison of RIP, OSPF and EIGRP Routing

Protocols based on Riverbed

Project Group # 11

Jie Wen Mai Donh Hao Zhuo James (Chia Hung) Lee

301187584 301101257 301179238

[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Table of Contents

List of Figures.........................................................................................................................................................1


1. Introduction......................................................................................................................................................3

1.1 Routing Protocol Basics .................................................................................................................................................3

1.2 Routing Metrics Basics....................................................................................................................................................3

1.3 Static Routing and Dynamic Routing...................................................................................................................... 3

1.4 Distance Vector and Link............................................................................................................................................. 3

2. Three Routing Protocols...............................................................................................................................4

2.1 Routing Information Protocol (RIP) .......................................................................................................................4

2.2 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) ..............................................................................................................................5

2.3 Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP) ................................................................................ 8

3. Routing Protocol Parameters....................................................................................................................10

3.1 RIP Parameters................................................................................................................................................................10

3.2 OSPF Parameters.............................................................................................................................................................11

3.3 EIGRP Parameters..........................................................................................................................................................13

4. Topologies of Riverbed..............................................................................................................................15

4.1 Star Topology...................................................................................................................................................................15

4.2 Large Mesh Topology...................................................................................................................................................16

4.3 Tree Topology.................................................................................................................................................................16

5. Simulation Setup..........................................................................................................................................17

5.1 Simulation Setup for Failure/Recovery Configuration.......................................................................................18

5.2 Setup for the Simulation Global Attributes........................................................................................................19

5.3 Setup for the Individual DES statics for viewing results..............................................................................21

6. Result and Analysis.......................................................................................................................................23

6.1 Convergence Activities..................................................................................................................................................23

6.2 Traffic Sent..........................................................................................................................................................................25


8. Difficulties......................................................................................................................................................28



List of Figures

Figure 1: RIP overview……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..5

Figure 2: OSPF Area Diagram…………………………………………………………………………………………………..6

Figure 3: OSPF simple network………………………………………………………………………………………………..7

Figure 4: EIGRP simple network……………………………………………………………………………………………….8

Figure 5: RIP Parameters……………………………………………………………………………………………………….10

Figure 6: OSPF Parameters………………………………………………………………………………………………….…11

Figure 7: EIGRP Parameters……………………………………………………………………………………………………13

Figure8. Star topology…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….15

Figure9. Large Mesh topology……………………………………………………………………………………………..…16

Figure10. Tree topology………………………………………………………………………………………………………….17

Figure11. Profile Configuration…………………………………………………………………………………………..…18

Figure12. Failure/Recovery Configuration………………………………………………………………………………18

Figure13. IP Routing for Global Attributes………………………………………………………………………………19

Figure14. Simulation Stop time for each protocols…………………………………………………………………20

Figure15. Configure/Run the simulation with 15 minutes……………………………………………………..20

Figure16. RIP DES statics……………………………………………………………………………………………………….21

Figure17. OSPF DES statics………………………………………………………………………………………………….…22

Figure18. EIGRP DES statics…………………………………………………………………………………………………..22

Figure 19: Overlaid Convergence Activity on Star Topology………………………………………………..…23

Figure 20: Overlaid Convergence Activity on Mesh Topology…………………………………………..……24

Figure 21: Overlaid Convergence Activity on Tree Topology………………………………………………….24

Figure 22: Overlaid Traffic Sent on Star Topology………………………………………………………….………25

Figure 23: Overlaid Traffic Sent on Mesh Topology……………………………………………………………….26

Figure 24: Overlaid Traffic Sent on Tree Topology…………………………………………………………………27

Table 1: RIP Parameters……………………………………………………………………………………………………..…11

Table 2: OSPF Parameters……………………………………………………………………………………………………..12

Table 3: EIGRP Parameters…………………………………………………………………………………………………...14



Computer networks are a system of interconnected computers for sharing digital information

by selecting the best routes between any two nodes which based on the routing protocol.

There are many types of routing protocols which can be dynamic or static, as well as distance –

vector or link – state. In this project, there are three typical types of routing protocol chose to

simulate which are Routing Information Protocol (RIP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF), and

Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP). RIP is one of the oldest distance – vector

routing protocols and uses `next - hop` as its metric. OSPF is a routing protocol for internet

protocol networks. OSPF builds a database of routes to its neighbors and using an algorithm to

calculate the best possible path. EIGRP is a hybrid between link – state and advanced distance

– vector routing protocol that is used on a computer network to help automate routing

decisions and configuration. EIGRP is the fastest router convergence among the three


Detailed descriptions of these routing protocols are provided later in this project. We are using

Riverbed to simulate RIP, OSPF and EIGRP in order to compare their simulation results and

compare performance. We aim to analyze the performance of these three protocols such as

their router convergence or convergence duration in order to determine the best routing

protocol for a given network topology.


1. Introduction

1.1 Routing Protocol Basics

A routing protocol specifies how routers communicate with each other, disseminating

information that enables them to select routes between any two nodes on a computer

network. A routing protocol includes a algorithm to determine the best rough among

immediate neighbors. Routing protocols are according to the OSI routing framework.

Routing protocols are layer management protocols for the network layer.

1.2 Routing Metric Basics

Different routing protocols have different metrics. If there are two more routes

between two nodes, each router must determine a method of metrics by choose the

routing protocol to calculate the best path. A metric is a variable assigned to routers as a

means of tanking them from the most preferred to the last preferred.

1.3 Static Routing and Dynamic Routing

Static routing is a form of routing that occurs when a router uses a manually –

configured routing entry, rather than information from a dynamic routing protocol to

forward traffic. Static routes are usually configured by a network administrator by

adding in entries into a routing table. In static routing, all the changes in the logical

network layout need to be manually done by the system administrator. However,

Dynamic routing is adaptive routing which describes the capability of a system are

characterized by their destination, to alter the path that the route takes through the

system in response to a changed conditions. Dynamic routing allows routers to select

the best path while there is a real time logical network layout change. In our project,

RIP, OSPF and EIGRP are belonging to the dynamic routing protocols.

1.4 Distance Vector and Link State

Distance vector protocols is a vector which contains both distance and direction such as

RIP, determine the path to remote networks using hop count as the metric. Distance

vector protocol is based on Bellman – Ford algorithm and Ford –Fulkerson algorithm to

calculate paths. It also transmits routing information that includes a distance vector,


typically expressed as the number of hops to the destination. Distance vector requires a

router informs its neighbours of topology changes periodically.

Link state protocols are routing protocols which calculate the best paths to networks

differently than distance vector routing protocols. Link state protocols also calculating

their network routes by building a complete topology of the entire network area. It is

calculating the best path from the topology of all the interconnected networks.

2. Three Routing Protocols

2.1 Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

RIP stands for Routing Information Protocol in which distance vector routing protocol. RIP

is the first routing protocol implemented on TCP or IP. RIP can't guarantee that the route

it's using is loop free like OSPF or EIGRP can. RIP is basically just making a guess based on

the limited information that it knows. RIP uses `next - hop` as its metric and calculates the

best route based on the number of hop it takes to reach the specified subnet. The

advantage of RIP is that it's very simple to implement, and that it's an open standards

based protocol.

The maximum number of hops allowed for RIP is 15. If the number of hops goes beyond

15, the route will be considered as unreachable. At the first developed, RIP only

transmitted full updates every 30 seconds. As the networks become larger, `the reactive

time of RIP is longer.

RIP has four basic timers which are Update Timer (default 30 seconds), Invalid Timer

(default 180 seconds), Hold – Down Timer (default 180 seconds), and flush Timer (default

240 seconds).

Update Timer defines how often the router will send out a routing table update.

Invalid Timer indicates how long a route will remain in a routing table before being marked

as invalid. Moreover, the route is marked with a metric of 16, means the route is



Hold – Down Timer specifies how long RIP will keep a route from receiving updates when it

is in a hold – down state. A route will go into a hold down state if the invalid timer has

expired or the route goes into a higher metric that what it is currently using.

Flush Timer indicates how long a route can remain in a routing table before getting flushed

out. The flush timers operates simultaneously with every 60 seconds, the route will get

flushed out after it is marked invalid.

The popularity of routing information protocol is largely due to its simplicity and its easy

configurability. RIP`s disadvantages include slow convergence times and its scalability

limitations. In conclusion, routing information protocol works best for small networks.

Figure 1: RIP over view

2.2 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

OSPF stands for open shortest path first which uses link-state routing algorithm. OSPF is a

routing protocol for internet protocol networks. It uses a link state routing algorithm and

falls into the group of interior routing protocols. OSPF is the most widely used interior

gateway protocol in larger enterprise networks. OSPF routing protocol is a typical link-state

routing protocol, commonly used for the same routing domain. Here, the routing domain is

an Autonomous System(AS).

With the expansion of the network, when a large network routers run OSPF routing

protocol will result in an increase in the number of routers, then the LSDB very large and

take up a lot of storage space. It also makes the complexity of running the SPF algorithm

increases the CPU load heavy.

After the network size increases, the probability of topology changes also increased, the

network will always be in "hunting", it will cause a lot of network OSPF protocol packets in


the transmission, reducing the bandwidth utilization of the network. Even more serious is

that each change will cause all the routers in the network to re-route calculation.

OSPF protocol is dividing the autonomous system into different areas to solve the above

problems. Area is logically divided router from different groups, each with a zone number

to identify. Boundary region is a router rather than a link. A network segment belongs to

only one region, or each OSPF interface must be specified to belong to an area. As shown in

Figure 2.

Figure 2 : OSPF Area Diagram

OSPF routing computation can be simply described as follows:

Each OSPF router generated based on the network topology around itself, LSA (Link State

Advertisement, LSA) and LSA update packets will be sent to other OSPF routers in the


Each OSPF router collects other router advertisements LSA, put allLSA together compose a

LSDB (Link State Database). LSA is a network topology around a router description, LSDB is

a description of the entire autonomous system network topology.


OSPF router change LSDB into a weighted directed graph, which is on the whole a true

reflection of the network topology. All the routers have the same map.

The follows graph is a simple network formed by five routers; all the paths are figured out,

the path information are stored in the link database. The link database for the above

model is : [A, B, 3], [A, D, 6], [B, A, 3], [B, C, 5], [C, D, 3], [C, B, 5], [C, E, 6], [E, C, 6], [E, D, 3],

[D, E, 3] , [D, C, 3] and [D, A, 6].Each term is referred to the originating router, the router

connected to and the cost of the link between the two routers. Once the database of each

router is finished, the router determines the Shortest Path Tree to all the destinations.

Figure 3: OSPF simple network

The metric of OSPF is the cost of sending packets across a certain interface. The formula to

calculate the cost is: cost= 10000 0000 /bandwidth in bps. The cost of OSPF computing and

interface bandwidth is also inversely proportional to, the higher the bandwidth, the

smaller the Cost value.

For example, calculating cost of a 10 Mbit / s interface, convert the 10 Mbit into bit, it is 10

000 000 bit, then with 100 million divided by the bandwidth, the result is 10000 0000/10

000 000 bit = 10, so that is a 10 Mbit / s interface.

Each router has a directed graph, using the SPF algorithm to calculate the tree itself is the

root of the shortest path tree, tree shows the routes to the nodes in the autonomous

system. When the Shortest Path Tree is completed, the router will work on the routing



2.3 Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP)

EIGRP is an advanced distance-vector routing protocol that is used on a computer network

to help automate routing decisions and configuration. EIGRP is in many different

structures and media for interior gateway protocol. In the designed network, EIGRP is the

good extension of time to provide fast convergence to minimize network traffic.

Some advantages of EIGRP are :

Very low network resource usage during normal operation.

When the changes occur, only propagate routing table changes, not the entire routing

table; this reduces the load placed of routing protocol in the network.

Fast convergence time as a change in the network topology (confluent in some cases can

be almost instantaneous).

EIGRP is an enhanced distance vector protocol, which relies on the diffusion Update

Algorithm (DUAL) to calculate the shortest path to a network destination.

EIGRP uses the minimum bandwidth on the path of the destination network, and calculate

a route from the total delay metrics. Although you can configure additional weights, we do

not recommend it, because it can cause your network routing loops. Bandwidth and

latency metrics depends on the value leading to the destination network router interface.

In the following Figure 4, the router calculates the best path to the network a:

Figure 4: EIGRP simple network


This net work is constructed by four routers and two paths. The router four, with a

minimum bandwidth of 56 and total delay is 2200; the other path through router three,

the minimum bandwidth of 128 and total delayed is 1200. Select the path router with a

lower metric.

Metric = (bandwidth + Delay) *256

Let's calculate the weights. EIGRP calculates the total weight by extending the bandwidth

and latency metrics. EIGRP bandwidth expansion using the following formula:

Bandwidth = (10000000 / bandwidth (i)) * 256

Where the bandwidth (i) is a minimum bandwidth of all outgoing interface in the routing

network to the destination indicated in kilobits.

The default EIGRP algorithm DUAL requires guaranteed and ordered delivery of packets for

transmission. DUAL, the Diffusing Update Algorithm is the default convergence algorithm

which is used in EIGRP to prevent routing loops from recalculating routes. DUAL tracks all

routes and detect the optimal path in terms of efficiency and cost which will be added in

the routing table.


3. Routing Protocol Parameters

3.1 RIP Parameters

The following figure shows the default Riverbed values for update interval parameters and

other parameters for RIP routers.

Figure 5: RIP Parameters


As a result, we can generate those parameters as a table shown below:

Description Default

Update Interval


How often an RIP router sends

updates to its neighbours


Timeout Values


Used to indicate an invalid route.

When the router expired, the

router is removed


Flush (seconds) Garbage collection value which

indicates a route should be

removed from the routing table


Holddown (seconds) Used to avoid route flapping.

During holddown time, updates in

invalid routes are ignored


Maximum hops Maximum number of packet

supported by RIP


Table 1: RIP Parameters

3.2 OSPF Parameters

The following figure shows the default Riverbed values for hello interval parameters and other

parameters for OSPF routers.

Figure 6: OSPF Parameters


As a result, we can generate those parameters as a table shown below:

Description Default

Hello Interval


How often an OSPF router

sends hello messages to its



Router dead interval


Used to declare neighbour

routers dead when no hello

messages have been

received. This is usually a

multiple of the Hello



Interface transmission


Estimated time to transmit

a Link State Advertisement



Retransmission Interval


The time between LSA

retransmissions. Have to be

greater than the expected

round-trip time between

any two routers in the



Interface cost The values used to calculate

the shortest path in the



Table 2: OSPF Parameters

Moreover, for the SPF calculation, there are two options for the router to calculate

shortest path:

1. Periodic: Recalculate at each specified interval, unless no change has occurred.

2. LSA driven: Recalculate after every LSA has been received.


3.3 EIGRP Parameters

The following figure shows the default Riverbed values for update interval parameters

and other parameters for EIGRP routers.

Figure 7: EIGRP Parameters


As a result, we can generate those parameters as a table shown below:

Description Default

Hello Interval


How often an EIGRP router

sends hello messages to its



Hold time Used to declare the amount

of time a neighbour should

wait for another hello

message from this process

model before marking its

node as down

3 Hello Times

Route filters Specifies the distribute lists

used to filter routes

received on or sent from

this interface


Split Horizon Does not advertise route to

the neighbour from which

route was learned


Maximum Hops Maximum number of

packet supported by EIGRP


Table 3: EIGRP Parameters


4. Topologies of Riverbed

To simulate different conditions of network, we built three topologies which are tree, large

mesh, and star topologies. We built the network topologies with several of elements from

palette to set up the environment. In order to form different topologies, we used different

placement of nodes for the three protocols to compare the performance.

4.1 Star Topology

In star topology, each single network is linked to the central node which is the hub. Also, the

hub is the server and the others are the clients. The disadvantage of star topology is that the

central point can lead to the failure of entire network. For our star topology, we use five nodes

to connect to the central point to form the topology which is shown in the below figure.

Figure8. Star topology


4.2 Large mesh topology

For large mesh topology, every node is connected to each other in the network. There are two

types of mesh topologies. One is the fully connected network that is a communication network

that has each node is linked to each other. However, large mesh topology requires a lot of links

as the formula (where n is the number of nodes). The other type of mesh network is

the partially connected mesh topology that has some of the nodes is connected in the network.

For our second topology, we build a fully connected mesh network with 19 Cisco 7200 nodes

which are shown in the figure below.

Figure9. Large Mesh topology

4.3 Tree Topology

In tree topology, the structure is consisted with bus topologies and star topologies. Also, it has

the form of hierarchy that has a root node that duplicate similar forms. The root node repeats

the same structure for each level. And, each level has the same number of nodes to be


connected. In this project, we built the tree topology with 155 nodes in 4 levels which are

shown in the following figure.

Figure10. Tree topology

5. Simulation Setup

To setup the simulation, we place the profile and application definitions for setting up the

attributes. Also, we use the failure/recovery configuration to setup the time and duration for

the failure and recovery. In the following figure, it shows the file (High resolution video) we try

to send with the network we have.


Figure11. Profile Configuration

5.1 Simulation Setup for Failure/Recovery Configuration

In order to show the failure and recovery, we enabled the failure and recovery modeling. Also,

we set the failure time to be at 200 seconds and the recovery time to be at 500 seconds as the

figure shown below. The failure and recovery configurations were set to be the same for the

three scenarios and topologies.

Figure12. Failure/Recovery Configuration


5.2 Setup for the simulation Global attributes

The three protocols RIP, OSPF, EIGRP are set with its IP dynamic routing protocol respectively.

Also, we set the IP routing to export mode and the IP version to IPv4 which is shown in the

figure below.

Figure13. IP Routing for Global Attributes

To guarantee the results can continue running until the end of simulation which is 15mins (900

sec), the efficiency for the each protocols are enabled. Also, the stop time of the three

protocols RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP are set to 1200, 260, and 1500 respectively.


Figure14. Simulation Stop time for each protocols

Figure15. Configure/Run the simulation with 15 minutes


5.3 Setup for the Individual DES statics for viewing results

In order to compare the three protocols, we set the individual statics differently. We planned to

view the results of RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP for each topology. It shows the comparison of

Convergence Activity and traffic sent (bits/sec). The following three figures shows the statics for

showing the results.

Figure16. RIP DES statics


Figure17. OSPF DES statics

Figure18. EIGRP DES statics


6. Result and Analysis

Based on the three topologies we set up above, we simulated the performance of each routing

protocol on each topology and compared the results.

6.1 We ran the simulation of convergence activities for the three protocols:

Figure 19: Overlaid Convergence Activity on Star Topology

The figure above shows the convergence activity of each protocol (blue for EIGRP, red for OSPF

and green for RIP) in star topology. From left to right, the first, second and third peaks

represent the initial time, link failure at 200 seconds as we set and link recovery at 500 seconds.

As we can see, in small network, EIGRP is the fastest protocol because it reacts right away when

failure detected and recovery detected. RIP is a bit slower than EIGRP and OSPF is slowest

because the distance between red and two specific times (200s and 500s) are longest.

Next we ran the simulation in the larger network which is large-mesh topology.


Figure 20: Overlaid Convergence Activity on Mesh Topology

Obviously, EIGRP is still the fastest protocol. And OSPF still has the longest initial setup time.

But when failure and recovery happened, OSPF is way faster than RIP. When the size of

network is being bigger, RIP will also have slower convergence. The reason why RIP is the

slowest one was RIP is limited by its hop count which is only 15. This is also due to the prompt

LSA’s and the LAS driven SPF calculations. We should also notice that even though the network

size was increasing, EIGRP’s convergence times are almost the same as those of small

topologies such as star topology.

Figure 21: Overlaid Convergence Activity on Tree Topology


This is the biggest network of the three. However, EIGRP is still the fastest protocol among all

three. OSPF still has the longest initialization time and RIP is slightly shorter than OSPF. The fail

convergence time is same as the mesh topology where EIGRO > OSPF > RIP, but the difference

between RIP and OSPF were not significant. At the end, RIP also has longest recover time.

As a result, EIGRP is the fastest protocol for any network. RIP has a better performance than

OSPF when the network was small because RIP doesn’t need to map out the network and

distribute a large amount of information then choose a path. In addition, OSPF has the better

and better performance relative to RIP when the size the network is getting bigger and bigger.

6.2 We ran the simulation of traffic sent (bits/second) for the three protocols:

Figure 22: Overlaid Traffic Sent on Star Topology

The figure above shows the router traffic sent in bits/second of three protocols using Star

topology. Again, from left to right, the first peak is the initial traffic, the second one is the link

failure and the last one is the recovery. As we can easily see, at the first peak, OSPF has a

significantly high initial traffic. The reason of that is OSPF has to collect large amount of data of

the network and do the algorithm at the beginning then choose the best path. We also

observed that EIGRP has the highest bandwidth efficiency and RIP has the lowest. We can also

see that if there are no new routers added, OSPF has better bandwidth efficiency than EIGRP.

However, RIP has not a big difference from OSPF and EIGRP because RIP will update the routing

table every 30 seconds.


Figure 23: Overlaid Traffic Sent on Mesh Topology

The figure above shows the router traffic sent in bits/second of three protocols using Mesh

topology. Obviously, in this topology the output for each protocol has increased because the

size of the network has increased a lot. At the beginning, the initialization is similar to the small

traffic graph, which OSPF has an output of 0.26Mbps, EIGRP has 0.1 Mbps and PIR only has 60

Kbps. It is because OSPF uses link state and has to collect large amount of data of the network

and do the algorithm at the beginning and RIP does not need that big amount of work at the

beginning. And also because EIGRP uses hybrid, it has to map out the whole network at the

beginning too. When failure occurred, EIGRP has higher throughput than OSPF. But when

recovery occurred OSPF has higher throughput than EIGRP which has the same situation as at

the beginning but both of their throughputs decreased. For bandwidth efficiency, OSPF and

EIGRP have much higher efficiencies than RIP in this graph. As RIP is updating every 30 seconds,

RIP wastes about 60Kbps in every 30 seconds. As a result, RIP has less difference from EIGRP

and RIP in small network such as star topology. Therefore, RIP is only suitable for small network.


Figure 24: Overlaid Traffic Sent on Tree Topology

The figure above shows the router traffic sent in bits/second of three protocols using Tree

topology. In this graph we can again see at the initial peak OSPF still has the highest throughput

which was 3.2 Mbps. EIGRP was also similar as the mesh topology, it has 0.6 Mbps throughput.

As we mentioned that OSPF uses link state and EIGRP uses hybrid of RIP and EIGRP. Moreover,

when failure and recovery occurred EIGRP has higher throughput than OSPF. For bandwidth

efficiency, the situation is similar as the mesh topology. OSPF and EIGRP have much higher

efficiencies than RIP in this graph. As RIP is updating every 30 seconds, RIP wastes about 60Kbps

again in every 30 seconds. As a result, RIP has less difference from EIGRP and RIP in small

network such as star topology. Therefore, RIP is only suitable for small network.


7. Conclusion To compare the performance of RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP, our group analyzed the results with OPNET. To simulate different conditions for each protocols, we built three different topologies for the three protocols to test the performance. Firstly, we designed a star topology and observe the results of convergence activity, convergence duration, and traffic sent (bits/sec). Also, we designed a large mesh and tree topologies to provide different topologies for comparing the three protocols. In order to compare the update time for calculating the path, we compare the convergence activity of the three protocols with fail and recovery time. EIGRP is the fastest routing protocol for each topology by analyzing the results from every result plots. EIGRP has the least delay time from the failing and recovering time which are set at 200 seconds and 500 seconds respectively. In star topology, RIP is faster than OSPF. However, OSPF is faster than RIP when the protocols are used in large mesh topology. To conclude, EIGRP is the best protocol in both convergence speed and traffic sent no matter which topology. However, the research shows that EIGRP cost more money than OSPF and RIP. Therefore, OSPF has been commonly used for companies. And, RIP is the slowest protocol and has worst performance in large topology. RIP is still a better choice in small network environment.

8. Difficulties Our first choice of project is TCP/IP technology which we encountered a lots errors and cannot

finish the simulations with RiverBed. Therefore, we check the lists from the ENSC427 website

and decided another topic for our project. According to our research, we chose the topic

“Comparison of RIP, OSPF and EIGRP Routing Protocols based on OPNET” since the three

protocols are commonly used during recent years. Therefore, we planned to compare the

performance between RIP, OSPF, and EIGRP. The major problem we have for the new topic is

that the protocols stop running in half way of the simulation process. Also, we are not able to

simulate the results after the recovery time. The features for us to compare performance are

also the problems we had.



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