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Power industry Reference Alstom SA Pulp & paper industry Referenz ANDRITZ Oy Release COMOS Mobile Solutions 1.1 COMOS certification program Interview with Klaudia Kulka Edition December 2014 COMOS Plant Manager COMOS – Making data work.

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  • Power industry Reference Alstom SA

    Pulp & paper industry Referenz ANDRITZ Oy

    Release COMOS Mobile Solutions 1.1

    COMOS certification program Interview with Klaudia Kulka

    Edition December 2014

    COMOS Plant ManagerCOMOS Making data work.

  • These days everybody is talking about Indus-try 4.0., the Internet of Things, the complete digitalization of our world. The ways and means of our daily dealings have changed significantly with respect to communication and the requirements for each of us have thereby changed as well. Improved accessibil-ity, higher efficiency, greater performance to name just a few keywords.

    We at COMOS have been dealing intensively with this issue for some time now, and have asked ourselves how we can provide better support to you, dear customers, at this point. The result was presented in May 2014 with the COMOS Mobile Solutions product series which was essentially extended once again with our current release of version 1.1

    this month. The main features of the series are the new dashboard for clear visualization and the optimized task management. The new functions simplify the use and evaluation of engineering and operating data of plant projects and thereby facilitate global networked activities across the entire value chain. They also offer you and your employees faster and transparent access to the relevant infor-mation.

    Despite all the incredible technological ad-vances, I am still glad that some traditions continue to be important even in our media age: Personal contact, good communication and, of course, spending time with friends and family. These are my wishes for you in the upcoming holiday season, and I would

    also like to provide a heart-felt thank you for the trust you have placed in us and our work. I wish you and your family a peaceful time over the coming holidays as well as a healthy and happy new year. I hope to have many in-teresting conversations with you and continue our trusting and successful cooperation in 2015.

    Now, I hope you will enjoy reading this Plant Manager edition.

    Yours sincerely, Andreas Geiss

    Dear Readers, Dear COMOS Customers,

    Andreas GeissVice President COMOS Industry Solutions

    2 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014


  • We had to share information with several companies. You need tight integration of data to make sure that the result meets all requirements. As the second line was a clone of the first one, we only needed about 20% of the manpower we were expecting.

    Leonardo Nogueira, Commissioning Manager, Rodrigo Avelino, Manager of Engineering Design, Petrobras, Brazil

    3 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014

  • Content

    05 Power industry: Reference Alstom SA Renewal of plant engineering software at Alstom

    08 Pulp & paper industry: Reference ANDRITZ Oy ANDRITZ Oy streamlines bidding and engineering processes with a uniform database and a shared software tool

    11 NEWS COMOS Mobile Solutions 1.1, New central

    portal for COMOS support requests, COMOS certification program, Tips and tricks ask Doc COMOS, Event Calendar

    In this issue you can read about:

    4 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014


  • 5 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014

    The way forwardRenewal of plant engineering software at Alstom

    Alstoms Thermal Power Sector not only con-structs highly modern and efficient gas tur-bines, but also offers turnkey power plants. Almost 4,000 power plants worldwide are equipped with Alstom products: turbogen-erators, steam turbines, boilers, waste gas treatment plants, etc. Alstoms gas and steam turbine business resides in the Swiss city of Baden. That is where the worlds first market-ready gas turbine was presented al-ready back in 1939 at the time by Brown, Boveri & Cie., which gave rise to ABB Kraft-werke AG, a line of business that now be-longs to Alstom.

    Gas turbine power plants are gentler on resources and above all more flexible than their coal-fired counterparts and are superior to every wind or solar farm in terms of reliability of the supply system. Alstom SA, a vendor of power plant equipment and turnkey gas turbine power plants, is currently replacing its previous plant engineering software with a new solution. Development of first projects is promising.

    Power industry: Reference Alstom SA

    Future-proof plant engineering

    Baden is also home to Gerry Timoneys office. At Alstom, he is responsible for engineering and project management of gas turbine pow-er plant projects worldwide. This is what he has to say: Basically, the business model is still the same as it was then, but technology and markets have changed considerably. Local conditions and customers wishes with regard to technology, economy and ecology make each project unique, and that calls for highly individual planning. With the large number of trades involved in the process of planning gas turbine power plants, not only the know-how of all specialist disciplines, but especially the applicable handling of infor-mation and data are important. To this end,

    Alstom Thermal Power has been using SECAD (Simultaneous Engineering by Concurrent Access to Data) since the 90s. This database application, which was developed in-house,

    The people at Alstom in the Swiss city of Baden are responsible for engineering and project

    management for gas turbine power plant pro-jects throughout the world. The holistic COMOS software solution serves as the basis for global

    cooperation. (Source: Alstom SA)

  • Thanks to object orientation and concurrent, but conflict-free, access to the same plant model by several users, COMOS does

    in actual fact permit genuine concurrent engineering. Even now, we see how much potential for shortening planning

    time this involves

    Gerry Timoney,

    Vice President Engineering & Project Office in the Thermal Power Sector at Alstom, delivers a positive first summary of the use of Comos, which is replacing the previous plant engineering software. (Source: SIEMENS AG)

    6 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014

    stores and manages data for plant engineer-ing, commissioning, procurement and docu-mentation. Based on Oracle, the system serves the purpose of central data storage, while graphical CAX planning is done with Plant Design Management System (PDMS) from AVEVA Group plc. As Oracle is about to terminate support, Alstom sees itself com-pelled to organize its engineering by way of a new software solution. The Thermal Power Sector is now placing its bets on COMOS, the plant engineering software solution from Sie-mens. Gerry Timoney welcomes this decision: With SECAD we had reached a dead-end street COMOS is the way forward. It is state of the art and, whats even more important, its not an in-house development. This means that our central planning tool no longer rests on the shoulders of a handful of Alstom em-ployees. Now, we can fall back on the experi-ence and skills of a whole team of developers and were sure that obsolescence of our cen-tral software will never happen again.

    Practical test in a large project

    A tool on whose correct functioning the success of a projects depends almost 100 percent is not just replaced overnight, but sooner or later you have to put all your eggs in one basket. COMOS is undergoing practical testing in a project worth 350 million euros. The German Cologne-based power utility RheinEnergie AG has ordered a turnkey gas and steam turbine power station with a 450 MW output in Cologne- Niehl from Alstom. The project comprises the following components, among others: GT26 gas turbine, steam turbine, turbogenerator, heat recovery steam generator, heat exchang-er, and power station control technology as well as a maintenance agreement for 15 years. The plant engineering was implemented almost completely in COMOS. We deliberately chose the Cologne-Niehl project as the pilot project, says Gerry Timoney. It is subject to the VGB standards. This means that a whole lot of things have to be observed right down to the

    smallest detail. Our approach was simple: if we succeed in launching a project like this in COMOS and we really do benefit from con-sistent data throughout the entire workflow, then everything we have is VGB-compliant, right down to the documentation. That means we achieve a level of data and project quality that fulfils the highest European demands. We didnt want to settle for anything less either. And what am I to say? We got through this baptism of fire with COMOS.

    Changed working methods

    COMOS is based on an object-oriented central database model. Contrary to SECAD, it not only describes the data representation of a compo-nent in a plant as an object, but also the graph-ical representation. This means that COMOS visualizes the centrally stored records in certain applications such as piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID). Thus, the working method at Alstom is also changing. Up to now, if a process engineer has dimensioned a pipe, for example, the responsible department has created a P&ID on the basis of his specification. In it, the engi-neer responsible for piping then entered the wall thickness data, etc. Today, the process

    engineer enters his dimensioning values in a data sheet in COMOS, thus storing it in the central database. On the basis of this, the pro-gram automatically creates the P&ID and a routine then ensures that wall thickness values and other physical attributes are set. We en-tered the COMOS implementation with two internal stipulations, explains Timoney. First-ly, we largely dispense with customizing and, in exchange, we have no grave upgrade prob-lems. And secondly, we must be willing to change our processes. Precisely this is now the case. Our departments came into being along successive work steps. As they are no longer sequential any more, in fact to some extent not even necessary any more, there is no longer any justification for this classical organization. Nowadays, instead of relying on departments, Alstom Thermal Power places its bets on inter-disciplinary project teams. The classical depart-ments still possess the know-how, and develop follow-up processes, etc. A turning point is also recognizable as far as simultaneous processing of projects is concerned: global cooperation and also placement of self-contained project packages with external service providers all that is no longer a problem. Thanks to object orientation and concurrent, but conflict-free, access to the same plant model by several users,

    Power industry: Reference Alstom SA

  • 7 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014

    Power industry: Reference Alstom SA

    COMOS does in actual fact permit genuine concurrent engineering. Even now, we see how much potential for shortening planning time this involves, reveals Timoney.

    Further room for improvement

    Alstom is satisfied with the pilot project. Naturally, not everything went according to plan and a few workarounds and compro-mises were necessary, but we always got the support we needed from Siemens. Now were about to tackle standardization, says Gerry Timoney. He wants to use COMOS through-out the company in an as standardized way as possible: Thanks to its openness, COMOS is wonderfully adaptable, but every special solution and every homespun deviation will sooner or later fall on our feet. It is still too early for specific figures, but he is expecting substantial time savings in engineering: Were hoping for savings of up to 20 percent. At least, those were the figures confirmed to us at user meetings, such as those with Novartis, who we regularly exchange experience with.

    What is more, with COMOS both site and maintenance management will be made more efficient in future. Even now, Alstom Thermal Power assigns barcodes and QR (Quick Response) codes to all installed com-ponents. As soon as implementation of a further COMOS solution has been completed, thanks to direct access to the central data-base a scan with a tablet computer will reveal all object properties right down to the manual

    or the installation instructions. During ongo-ing operation, which is accompanied by the COMOS database and thus an always up-to-date 3D model, maintenance work, inspections and also warranty issues can be reliably and efficiently processed on this basis. When appropriately equipped mobile terminals are used, all changes made in the field are adopted immediately in the central database without

    paper printouts or synchronization opera-tions.

    We are already developing the next visions with the new software solution. I still see plenty of room for improvement in our work-flows, explains Timoney.

    The new Cologne-Niehl gas and steam turbine power station

    With a fuel utilization rate of around 85%, the Cologne-Niehl 3 power plant will be one of the most efficient in the world when commissioned in 2016. Thanks to many years of research, Alstom is able to start up its KA26 gas turbine power plants in under 30 minutes. From the low-load range, Cologne-Niehl 3 can supply a safe-guarded output of 350 MW in the network in less than 15 minutes. The plant design was implemented almost completely with the holistic COMOS software solution from Siemens.

  • Beyond paperWith a uniform engineering software to sup-port its bidding and proposal processes and basic engineering, the Finnish company ANDRITZ Oy has been able to significantly reduce its engineering time and costs. This efficiency boost will help ANDRITZ main-tain its competitive position as one of the three leading plant and process equipment companies supplying the pulp and paper industry, and will enable the teams to bet-ter focus on their key expertise: delivering advanced technology and services for more efficient pulp and paper production world-wide.

    From China to Europe and then around the globe: paper has come a long way from being only something to write on. In fact, the main focus of many companies in the pulp and paper industry has shifted from printing paper to other applications. These include packaging materials, and even investigating how pulp components such as lignin can be used in chemical applications. Any innovation is criti-cally scrutinized internally to ensure that there is a real benefit, as cost effectiveness is a major concern for all the players in this industry. Pulp producers must achieve optimized production with a uniform pulp quality, with the highest yield at the lowest possible consumption of chemicals and water regardless of the fiber source while complying with ever-tightening

    environmental regulations. Paper producers need to improve margins for commodity and specialty grades through optimized produc- tion of on-spec paper at the highest efficien-cies with the lowest possible consumption of chemicals and energy.

    Technology is key

    Employing the latest technology to improve efficiency and quality is the key to surviving in this market. ANDRITZ PULP & PAPER busi-ness area is one of the top three equipment providers in the pulp and paper industry. Headquartered in Graz, Austria, the ANDRITZ Group is a leading equipment and technology provider, not only for the pulp and paper in-dustry, but also in other industry sectors. The group also builds and services plants for hy-droelectric power stations, solid-liquid sepa-ration for municipalities and industry, the steel industry, and for the production of ani-mal feed and biomass pellets. ANDRITZ has more than 250 production and service sites worldwide, with approximately 23,700 em-ployees. Ismo Ltti of ANDRITZ Oy stated that roughly one third of the companys business comes from the pulp and paper segment. Finland is traditionally strong in pulp and paper, but ANDRITZ Oy is serving customers all over the world, from China to Europe

    ANDRITZ Oy streamlines bidding and engineering processes with a uniform database and a shared software tool

    8 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014

    Pulp & paper industry: Reference ANDRITZ Oy

  • and South America. New mills are typically being built outside Europe at the moment, stated Ltti, but Europe remains a key mar-ket, as we have a large installed base here and provide maintenance, repair, and over-haul services to our customers. Ltti is well aware that in order to remain competitive, the engineering teams need to do more than just provide innovative solutions to address specific customer requirements; they must do so in a shorter time and with lower costs. In order to win a project, our teams have to deliver their very best and part of my job is to provide a working environment that helps the teams do just that.

    In 2003, ANDRITZ decided to deploy the COMOS software at the group level for plant design management and lifecycle manage-ment. ANDRITZ Oy had already been using the integrated COMOS software solution for some time, following an initiative that started in the Austrian headquarters. All the auto-mation experts at ANDRITZ, both in the indi-vidual business areas and in the separate Automation Solutions division, are part of the companys global Automation Network. This network aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and resources, as well as to coordinate all activities in the automation sector. Typical engineering tasks are very similar across all of ANDRITZs business areas, and the network was investigating new strat-egies to address the engineering challenges. The result is the ANDRITZ UT Uniform Tool for proposal and engineering processes (see box). This tool is based on COMOS, and helps engineering teams cope with ever- increasing workloads, growing plant and

    project complexity and shorter engineering periods.

    Ltti is the COMOS administrator for ANDRITZ Oy Finland and was the member of a team that deployed COMOS in Finland. When we decided to use this tool here as well, we were able to draw on the experience of our colleagues in Austria, which has helped a lot in the implementation, says Ltti. So we were able to start reaping the benefits right away. We are already seeing significant im-provements in terms of reduced engineering time and higher overall engineering perfor-mance. Because the pulp and paper industry is very cost-driven and for us, engineering is a major cost factor in our projects having a software solution such as COMOS really helps a lot. We are now able to give a more solid, structured, and detailed presentation during the bidding phase, as we have all the information in a single database.

    During the bidding and project acquisition phase, the teams at ANDRITZ use COMOS to create presale projects based on existing subsets and templates. Having a very de- tailed and specific project specification early on helps ANDRITZ provide a more exact cost and time estimate. Further, it also stream-lines project execution. Once the contract is awarded, the teams can use the same data for the basic and detailed engineering of the process functions, piping and instrumenta-tion, as well as the electrical and automation engineering.

    A standard tool for the entire lifecycle

    During the initial evaluation, we compared many systems and saw that COMOS is a tool that not only benefits engineering, but also the complete lifecycle. This was very impor-tant to us, as we also provide lifecycle servic-es to some of our customers. Further, we already had some previous experience with COMOS and were certain that the system would meet our expectations. All in all, COMOS really provides a whole raft of inno-vative features and functions, stated Ltti. All of the engineering data is maintained in a single database with automatic update procedures, which helps improve engineering quality. COMOS offers a single platform for all models, workflows, templates and documents. This enables us to ensure that we are using the latest technology and offering the best value to our customers. Additionally, COMOS has effective tools for managing revision history, which is very helpful in the types of complex projects that we need to manage.

    We are already seeing significant improvements in terms of reduced engineering time and higher overall engineering

    performance. Because the pulp and paper industry is very cost-driven and for us, engineering is a major cost factor in

    our projects having a software solution such as COMOS really helps a lot.

    Ismo Ltti

    COMOS administrator, Andritz Oy, Finland

    9 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014

    Pulp & paper industry: Reference ANDRITZ Oy

  • Smooth implementation, high user acceptance

    The teams have had little trouble accepting the new tool, explained Ltti. Of course, working with a new tool always requires some adjustments in work routines, and you have to maintain the expertise and knowledge in operating the system. However, the benefits have really made these efforts worthwhile. The data exchange between process and auto-mation engineering has really improved. When changes are made during the process phase, the automation engineer gets an automatic update this makes sure that the entire pro-ject will run more effectively. We have received positive feedback from our automation de-partment, as especially for them, programming the control system is now much easier. The documentation is easy to read, the standards for the project and functional structure make sure everyone is on the same page, and has access to a uniform database that always con-tains the most current project information. All of these features significantly improve overall project quality.

    The proposal process has also been stream-lined, as we are now able to deliver a detailed proposal in less time, and we can more easily integrate advancements in technology during the proposal process. As this project phase can extend over a longer period of time, this also helps to streamline our processes and provide customers with the best solution for their requirements.

    COMOS also helps us when we need to work in global teams. Every region and every team has a specific mindset and specific skills and expertise with COMOS, we can leverage all of this based on a common set of rules and standards, which helps us to fully utilize syn-ergies between organizations and resources.

    Immediate benefits, significant savings

    This positive feedback from the teams in Fin-land is perfectly in line with the overall expe-rience with the ANDRITZ UT tool. The project has contributed to significantly improving the engineering efficiency, and an evaluation of the ANDRITZ UT tool shows that between 1998 and 2007, COMOS has played a role in reducing engineering costs by 40%. We can-not easily provide specific data on the cost savings for our projects, as every mill is unique, and it makes little sense to do an hour-by-hour comparison. But we can see that the collaboration between departments has definitely improved and we also get very positive feedback from the on-site teams. This is because the system documen-tation also makes it easier for them to install and commission systems, stated Ltti.

    More applications down the roadWith such excellent results, the teams at AN-DRITZ are now evaluating additional applica-tions for COMOS. Currently, we are also re-searching how we can benefit from COMOS solutions for operations such as 3-D visualiza-tion and maintenance, repair, and overhaul, says Ltti. Being able to provide visual infor-mation in 3-D with COMOS Walkinside is an interesting option when presenting a pro-ject the customer can actually see what the equipment looks like, and doesnt just have to depend on drawings and diagrams. And CO-MOS MRO will be a useful addition to our ser-vice portfolio as well. So there is quite a lot to do and that is another benefit of COMOS: you have a lot of options and features, and that helps you improve quality and efficiency in all aspects of your project not just the de-sign and engineering.

    Fact sheet: the ANDRITZ UT Uniform Engineering Tool

    ANDRITZ introduced a shared engineering tool (Uniform Tool based on COMOS) to facili-tate the flow of information from process engineering directly into automation and mechanical engineering. This allows the three engineering disciplines to benefit from having a uniform database for all project information. It extends from planning to order execution, commissioning and after-sales service. All the information on a particular plant is always available. The system is operated via servers in Austria, China, Finland, Brazil and the US. The ANDRITZ UT project using COMOS started in 2002. Since then, the company has han-dled more than 6,500 projects (quotations and orders) with COMOS, with more than 3,500 already completed or operational. The tool comprises the following:

    n 1 master database and 4 synchronized engineering databases

    n 100 standard projects (templates)

    n 591 users

    n 8 administrators and 46 key users and steering committee members

    n License pool with 175 licenses for COMOS Platform and various COMOS Process modules

    10 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014

    Pulp & paper industry: Reference ANDRITZ Oy

  • Your benefits at a glance

    n Efficient work even on the go through the clear representation of project status and KPIs

    n Easy use and evaluation of engineering and operating data for all project participants

    n Perfectly coordinated workflows through simple and reliable task management

    n Direct access to all project-relevant documents

    It is becoming increasingly important to have project data, plant data and documents avail-able anytime and anywhere for instance, when traveling. This is true especially for pro-jects in which employees at different locations or across multiple phases of the value chain are involved. However, not only does access need to be ensured, but there also needs to be a simple and clear way of showing the user the current status or the tasks immedi-ately pending at a single glance.

    This is where the new COMOS Mobile Solutions product series comes in, with its web-based solutions for plant projects in the process in-dustry and with the latest release of two fea-tures that exactly meet these requirements. In version 1.1., in addition to dedicated im-provements to individual workflows, the new dashboards and task management represent further improvements to global networked activities across the entire value chain.

    The new dashboard functions show all impor-tant information at a glance whether they are project-specific or cross-project evalua-tions. Requiring no installation, you can see the project progress and important KPIs on your individual dashboards at any time clearly visualized as a status tachometer or chart. Important data and documents can be collected using pre-configured queries or fa-vorite links for each dashboard on the web and made available with one click. This ena-bles you to manage even the most complex projects easily and efficiently.

    The new Task Manager shows the user direct-ly what needs to be done and when. The user has immediate access to all relevant documents and can thus easily provide feedback, which significantly increases reliability in the review and approval process even across multiple projects.

    COMOS Mobile Solutions provides the entire project team access to relevant information at any time and any place via web-based ser-vices.

    The new features of the product series are easy to use and are particularly suitable for mobile information management in globally distributed plant projects. The customized solutions saves time and money and also significantly improve collaboration between different departments and disciplines. Changes to data and documents can be tracked at all times and kept consistent.

    COMOS Mobile Solutions 1.1 with additional functionalities for more efficient work in complex plant projects


    further information

    11 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014

  • New central portal for COMOS support requests

    The Global Technical Access Center (GTAC) is your focal point for post sale software sup-port. It is the essential link between you, the customer and our product development. The center provides both your application and operating systems software support through telephone and electronic access to increase your productive use of our software by pro-viding responsive and specialized support.

    GTAC is organized into specialized teams that support specific product disciplines. The glob-al collaboration of our GTAC support agents and the close interaction with our product development teams enable a more productive work environment resulting in increased effi-ciency. Our GTAC team brings many years of experience in various technical disciplines. The big advantage for our customers is the resulting understanding for local, specialized concerns.

    The Global Technical Access Center leverages a full range of problem resolution tools and services. Using the GTAC service, your request will be logged, traced and followed until re-solved. In some instances, the solution to your problem or answer to your question may already exist and can be readily provided.

    Of cause, all existing, open service requests will be automatically transferred into the new system. Your already known SR-numbers will be handed over as a reference and can be fil-tered in the new web portal.

    Additional helpful information concerning GTAC can be found on our website An on-demand webinar introduces our most commonly used support tools and explains the lifecycle of your support requests.

    On December 1st, 2014 the time did finally come: Our new support platform GTAC (Global Technical Access Center) is ready for your use!

    Your benefits at a glance

    n A central, user-friendly platform to track progress on open issues, download and upload files, access documentation or certification information

    n Day-by-day status of support requests easy accessible via web interfacen Transparent view on the latest status of the reported issues and detailed product inquiries n Fast and easy export of support tickets incl. status report n Independent prioritization of support requests

    In that case that you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact our COMOS GTAC team in Germany under +49 221 2080 2222.

    12 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014


  • Continuous flow of information within COMOS in the context of training

    Interview with Klaudia Kulka, Manager Global Training

    Plant Manager: Ms. Kulka, how does the COMOS certification program differ from the training services offered to date?

    Klaudia Kulka: The COMOS certification pro-gram is based on our existing training servic-es. Generally, after each training course, par-ticipants have the opportunity to review the content learned by taking a knowledge test. In addition to confirming successful participa-tion, a certificate also confirms a comprehen-sive understanding of COMOS that covers

    Plant Manager: Ms. Kulka, the COMOS train-ing and certification program is subject to the ISO 9001:2008 standard. What is this all about?

    Klaudia Kulka: The ISO 9001:2008 standard generally describes the minimum require-ments for a quality management system and the processes contained therein. We are cer-tified according to this standard. This means the following for our processes in the training environment: Basically, we always proceed according to the same principle. This begins with preparing the contracts, that is, with booking a training course. The customer ob-tains a detailed overview of the agreed terms and conditions and is thus assured that we will meet all the requirements placed upon us. Within our training, we follow a so-called road map for conducting action-based train-ing. We always begin with a theoretical sec-tion, followed by the practical part. In the practical part, the participants expand their own previously acquired knowledge by means of practical exercises. Of course, our instruc-

    various related topic areas. For example, a certificate as a Foundation P&ID Engineer can be obtained through the training combina-tion of COMOS Basic and P&ID. In this way, we contribute to conveying the continuous flow of information within COMOS in the context of training and verifiably document-ing this level of knowledge.

    If the participant does not want to take the final test, he or she simply receives confirma-tion of participation in the training.

    Plant Manager: What does such a certifica-tion process look like?

    Klaudia Kulka: Certification is voluntary and consists of 10 final test questions, of which at least 80% must be answered correctly. The cer-tificate is valid for 2 years. After that, it must be renewed by participating in further training or successfully completing the certification process again. This ensures that the knowledge of the certified person also encompasses new and further developments in COMOS.

    tors are there to help. The preparation of the contract and road map is always the same, and this also applies to the content of our training. In this way, we guarantee our cus-tomers consistent quality around the world, with the same documentation and the same standard.

    Plant Manager: For whom is the advanced COMOS certification offer intended?

    Klaudia Kulka: The COMOS certification offer is aimed at both, new customers and existing customers, partners, and all employees involved in a project, for example, planners, drafters, engineers, project staff, developers, designers or administrators.

    Plant Manager: What benefits does the extended COMOS training portfolio with the new certification program offer to customers?

    Klaudia Kulka: By standardizing our training processes according to ISO 9001:2008, we can also guarantee large companies with

    13 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014


  • locations worldwide that all employees are taught the same training content. We provide the participants in our training with compre-hensive know-how and in-depth knowledge about COMOS that they can apply in practice even the very next day. The company imme-diately benefits from the knowledge gained. Participants are rewarded with self-assurance as well as independence in their work and even more importantly in making project- related decisions. Last but not least, sound training and further training always form a good argument basis for the participants next career step.

    Plant Manager: What support can I receive if I dont have the opportunity to visit one of the training centers?

    Klaudia Kulka: We place great emphasis on the flexibility of our service. Optimum and ef-ficient training is possible at any place and at any time. If a customer does not have the op-portunity to visit our training centers, training can take place at the customers location, tai-lored to their needs. In addition, of course, customers have the opportunity to complete a training course at one of our worldwide loca-tions or to obtain training or further training through one of our certified COMOS partners.

    Plant Manager: What qualifications do the trainers at the COMOS training centers have?

    Klaudia Kulka: All of our trainers have a so-called Train-the-Trainer certification. This means that they understand how to use di-dactic and rhetorical techniques and thus

    Plant Manager: Where and how can I register for COMOS training?

    Klaudia Kulka: You can register via our web-site or, alternatively, by directly contacting one of our staff at the training centers or a sales representative. All information on the topic of training, as well as contact informa-tion and registration forms, can be found on our website.

    convey even complicated contents in a simple and understandable manner. In addition, our trainers all have third-level qualifications in the fields of process engineering and electri-cal engineering, and project experience as well as many years experience with COMOS.

    Plant Manager: Is the training provided only in English and German?

    Klaudia Kulka: At our training centers in Es-sen, Frankfurt and Nuremberg, we offer all COMOS training in English and German. How-ever, through our worldwide representatives, it is also possible to receive training in another language.

    Plant Manager: What prior knowledge do I need to take a training course in COMOS?

    Klaudia Kulka: As a new customer who has not worked with COMOS before, Windows user skills are sufficient for COMOS Basic Training. COMOS Basic Training is then the basis for all further training. There are also more specific requirements, however. For example, the COMOS Electrical Engineering Training is a prerequisite for attending the COMOS Cabinet Layout Training. However, professional knowl-edge of the subject is required for this training because we mainly teach only the technical implementation within COMOS, not the basic knowledge of the subject.

    You can obtain exact details about this from our training calendar, or, of course, by con-tacting our staff at the training centers for advice. COMOS Training Center

    14 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014



    COMOS WebPQM is an integral part of the COMOS Mobile Solutions product series, the web-based solutions for simplified global collaboration

    Movie 1In the first movie, we will show you how you can also edit values in attributes via the web and save them in the COMOS database.

    To edit an attribute on the web, it must be marked for editing on the web. Then you have the ability to change data on the web interface.

    If you change data on the web, a small red dot ap-pears on the respective tab to the right of the tab name. This dot indicates that changes have been made to the data on this tab but these changes have not yet been saved.

    When you press the Ap-ply and OK buttons, the data is written to the data-base. If you select the

    Cancel button, the values are not stored in the database. The red dot disappears after each of these actions and is only visible again if you change data again in the corre-sponding tab.

    Movie 2The second film shows how you can easily add documents to the COMOS structure and edit them via the web portal.

    Similar to the COMOS client application, you can use the web portal to add documents to the COMOS data structure. You can edit metadata and then upload the document.

    Tips and tricks ask Doc COMOSYou can simply check out the document for ed-iting. The document will be marked as checked out in the COMOS navigator and can be stored for further editing at a location of your choice.

    Once you have finished editing, you can upload the document from the previously determined location back into the COMOS data structure and immediately have a new version of your docu-ment available. The checked out status indica-tor now disappears from the COMOS navigator.

    If you look at the version history of the docu-ment, you can keep track of all check-ins and check-outs, just like in the COMOS client application.

    The described workflow simply works with the software applications supported by COMOS, such as Microsoft Office.

    Movie 1: (0:27 minutes)

    Movie 2: (3:05 minutes)

    Your benefits:

    n Efficient and location-independent work via web

    n Reliable integration of suppliers in projects

    n Easy to use and set up

    n Faster data exchange

    15 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014


  • Numerous events covering all aspects of COMOS take place around the world all through the year. Just have a look at our current Event Calendar and pick out the right event for you. You can find more detailed information on each event under more.

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    Maintenance 2015 11.12.02. Zrich, CH > more

    COMOS Lifecycle Solutions Fachkonferenz 18.02. Essen, GER > more

    MarchIPEC 2015 25.03. Nrnberg, GER > more

    AprilPharma Forum 01.04. Muttenz, CH > more

    Hanover Fair 13.17.04. Hannover, GER > more

    Siemens Oil& Gas Innovations 22.-23.04. Houston, TX, US > more

    MaySMART Automation 19.21.05. Linz, AT > more

    JuneACHEMA 15.19.06. Frankfurt, GER > more

    16 COMOS Plant Manager | December 2014


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    COMOS Mobile Solutions 1.1

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  • COMOS Plant ManagerDecember 2014

    PublisherSiemens AG Process Industries and DrivesProcess AutomationAutomation and EngineeringPD PA AE CIS MK Karl-Legien-Str. 190 D-53117 Bonn, Germany

    COMOS Industry SolutionsVP Andreas Geiss

    EditorMareike Blettner Siemens AG, PD PA AE CIS MKKarl-Legien-Str. 190 D-53117 BonnTel.: +49 (0) 228 [email protected]

    2014 Siemens AktiengesellschaftMunich and BerlinAll rights reserved by the publisher.

    The following products are registered trademarks of Siemens AG: COMOS, SIMATIC, SIMATIC Automation Designer, SIMATIC IT, SIMATIC PCS 7, TIA

    The marks mentioned are registered trademarks of the respective owner. If trademarks, trade names, technical solutions, or similar are not listed above, this does not imply that they are not registered.

    The information provided in this magazine contains merely general descriptions or characteristics of performance, which in the case of actual use do not always apply as described or which may change as a result of further development of the products. An obligation to provide the respective characteristics shall exist only if expressly agreed in the terms of contract.

    Picture credits: Alstom SA ANDRITZ Oy Digitalstock Fotolia Siemens


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