
COMMUNICATION! Through The Ages.

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Communication!. Through The Ages. 3500-2900BC. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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3500-2900BCDuring this time, the first advances beyond cave drawings were invented.

- The Phoenicians develop an alphabet.- The Sumerians develop cuneiform writing (Pictographs of accounts written on clay tablets.- The Egyptians develop hieroglyphics.

The Phoenician alphabet.

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Sumerian clay tablet

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Egyptian Hieropglyphics

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1775-776BC- Greeks use a phonic alphabet that reads left to right.- Oldest record of writing on bones in China in 1400BC.- First encyclopedia is written in Syria.- Chinese government developed first postal service in 900BC.- First use of homing pigeons used to send a message; Olympic Games winner to the Athenians.

Greek alphabet read left to right

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Parthenon – First Greek Library The Parthenon is located on the outskirts

of Athens and is a temple to the Greek goddess; Athena. It is the oldest known library.

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500-100BC- Invention of papyrus scrolls and parchment made from dried reeds; The first light weight portable writing.- Human messengers on foot and horseback with relay stations. - Tsai Lun invents paper as we know it.

Papyrus scrolls were commonly used in Egypt.

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14 – 1450AD- Romans develop a postal service.- Heliographs invented for use by Emperor Tiberius of Rome.- First bound books.- First wooden printing presses in China.- Pi Sheng invents clay.- Newspapers appear in Europe.

Early European Newspaper.

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1455 – 1824AD- Johannes Gutenberg invents a printing press with metal movable type.- Camera Obscura invented; primitive imaging machine.- First Daily newspaper.- Henry Mills receives first patent for typewriter.- Claude Chappe invents the first semaphore telegraph line in 1793.- Joseph Nicéphore Niépce achieves first photographic image.

First Photograph Taken.

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1821 – 1867AD- Charles Wheatstone invents first microphone.- Joseph Henry invents first electric telegraph.- Samuel Morse invents Morse code and first long distance electric telegraph line.- Alexander Bain patents first fax machine.- United States starts the Pony Express for mail delivery.- Coleman Sellers invents first kinematoscope. - American, Sholes the first successful and modern typewriter.

The First Microphone.

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The Pony Express

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1876 – 1899AD- Thomas Edison patents the first Mimeograph.- Alexander Graham Bell patents first electric telephone.- Thomas Edison patents first phonograph.- Eadweard Muybridge invents high speed photography- capturing motion.- Emile Berliner invents the gramophone.- George Eastman patents Kodak roll film camera.- Almon Strowger patents the direct call telephone or automatic telephone exchange.- Guglielmo Marconi improves on wireless telegraphy.- First telephone answering machines invented in 1898.- Valdemar Poulsen invents first magnetic recording.

The first telephone!

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1902 -1916AD- Guglielmo Marconi transmits first radio waves across the Atlantic from Cornwall, England to Newfoundland.- First comic books in 1904.- Lee Deforest invents the first electric amplifying tube or triode.- Thomas Edison demonstrates the first talking motion picture.- First cross continental telephone call made in 1914.- First radio with tuners in 1916.

First Talking Motion Picture.

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1923 – 1938AD- First television invented by Valdimir Kosma Zworykin.- John Logie Baird transmits first experimental television signal.- Warner Brothers Studios invent a new way to record sound then synchronize it with motion picture.- NBC started two radio networks.- CBC was founded.-First television broadcast in England. (1927)- First television broadcast in USA. (1930)- Joseph Begun invents first tape recorder for broadcasting.- Television broadcasts are able to be taped and edited in 1938.

The first television!

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1939 – 1951AD- Scheduled television shows begin.- Computers, like Harvard’s Mark I; are government owned and put into public service.- Long playing vinyl records are invented in 1948.- Network Television starts in the US in 1949.- Computers are first sold commercially in 1951.

Harvard’s Mark I!

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Vinyl Records

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1958 – 1971ADChester Carlson invents first photocopier in 1958.- Integrated Circuit invented.- Zip Codes invented in the United States in 1963.- Xerox invents the telecopier, the first successful fax machine in 1966.- ARPANET invented; first internet in 1969.- The microprocessor and floppy disk invented in 1971.

The first Xerox Machine.

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Floppy disk and microprocessor

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1972 – 1981AD- HBO invents pay- TV service for cable.- Apple I home computer invented.- First nationwide programming in 1976.- First Cellular phone communication started in Japan in 1979.- Sony Walkman invented in 1980.- IBM PC First sold.- First laptop computers sold to public in 1981.- Computer mouse becomes regular part of computer.

Apple I home computer.

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1983 -1994AD- First Cell phone network in the United States in 1983.- Time magazine names the computer as “Man Of The Year” in 1983.- Apple Macintosh released in 1984.- Cell phones in cars become wide-spread.- CD ROMs for computers released in 1985.American government releases control of the internet and the World Wide Web was born; making communications at light-speed.

Car Cell Phones.

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Today’s technology!In today’s society, we have touch screen phones, global messaging in seconds, a wide variety of social media networks, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr. These sites make communication simple and instant throughout the world.We can use the internet on our phones as well, without having to be attached to a landline. Newer technology is released ever year to advance what we already have advanced.

Modern day “cell phone”

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The future!With technology advancing so quickly, new releases are soon to be outdated.People had predicted that we’d have flying cars by the year 2000 before the technology was advanced that far.But even as we speak, engineers are designing a car meant to drive on both land and water! Flying is just the next step.With most cell phones as touch screens, we are evolving to the point where we won’t even need buttons. Not just in phones, but at all! TV’s, cars, computers, etc. will all be touch controlled! 3D television is in production, so I believe that holograms replacing screens is just a short step away and that all of this can be achieved in the next 15 years!

Volkswagen is currently designing a hover car prototype!

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Holograms! Soluce Corporation is proto typing a

holographic TV!

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Glass phone! Apple is trying to prototype an entirely

glass cell phone!