combining aster multispectral imagery analysis and support … · 2015. 2. 11. · remote sensing...

Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 305–317, 2010 © Author(s) 2010. This work is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Combining ASTER multispectral imagery analysis and support vector machines for rapid and cost-effective post-fire assessment: a case study from the Greek wildland fires of 2007 G. P. Petropoulos 1 , W. Knorr 1 , M. Scholze 1 , L. Boschetti 2 , and G. Karantounias 3 1 University of Bristol, Department of Earth Sciences, Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road, BS8 1RJ, Bristol, UK 2 Department of Geography, University of Maryland, 2181 LeFrak Hall, College Park, MD 20740, USA 3 Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering, 75, Iera Odos St., 118 55, Athens, Greece Received: 30 September 2009 – Revised: 18 December 2009 – Accepted: 6 January 2010 – Published: 17 February 2010 Abstract. Remote sensing is increasingly being used as a cost-effective and practical solution for the rapid evaluation of impacts from wildland fires. The present study investi- gates the use of the support vector machine (SVM) classi- fication method with multispectral data from the Advanced Spectral Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) for obtaining a rapid and cost effective post-fire assessment in a Mediterranean setting. A further objective is to perform a detailed intercomparison of available burnt area datasets for one of the most catastrophic forest fire events that oc- curred near the Greek capital during the summer of 2007. For this purpose, two ASTER scenes were acquired, one before and one closely after the fire episode. Cartography of the burnt area was obtained by classifying each multi- band ASTER image into a number of discrete classes using the SVM classifier supported by land use/cover information from the CORINE 2000 land nomenclature. Overall verifi- cation of the derived thematic maps based on the classifica- tion statistics yielded results with a mean overall accuracy of 94.6% and a mean Kappa coefficient of 0.93. In addition, the burnt area estimate derived from the post-fire ASTER image was found to have an average difference of 9.63% from those reported by other operationally-offered burnt area datasets available for the test region. Correspondence to: G. P. Petropoulos ([email protected]) 1 Introduction Wildland fires generally constitute one of the most widespread environmental hazards and are regarded as one of the dominant sources of disturbance in natural ecosys- tems, particularly in the Mediterranean basin (FAO, 2001). The high frequency of fires is a natural and recurrent element in the Mediterranean region and has been closely linked to the climatic conditions that dominate in these areas, charac- terised by prolonged drought periods generating favourable conditions for fire outbreaks (Cuomo et al., 2001; Zammit et al., 2006). Obtaining accurate as well as rapid mapping of burnt areas from a wildfire, is of key importance to en- vironmental scientists and policy makers. Such information is important, for example, in estimating the economic conse- quences from the fire and in establishing rehabilitation and restoration policies in the affected areas to avoid post-fire hazards and long-term degradation (Giglio et al., 2006). Ac- curate knowledge of the geographical and temporal distribu- tion of burning is also vital in being able to model the atmo- spheric and climatic impacts of biomass burning and assess the total emissions from it (Kaufmann et al., 1990; Kasischke et al., 1995). Delineation of the burnt area on an operational basis can also provide important information on land cover changes related to ecology and biodiversity, that in turn can significantly assist in understanding post-fire recovery of an affected area (Rong et al., 2004). Remote sensing methods employed in burnt area map- ping are based on a range of methodologies implemented in multispectral remote sensing data at diverse spatial res- olutions. Methods that are used generally differ with re- gards to the type of processing carried out and the number Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

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  • Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 305–317,© Author(s) 2010. This work is distributed underthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

    Natural Hazardsand Earth

    System Sciences

    Combining ASTER multispectral imagery analysis and supportvector machines for rapid and cost-effective post-fire assessment: acase study from the Greek wildland fires of 2007

    G. P. Petropoulos1, W. Knorr 1, M. Scholze1, L. Boschetti2, and G. Karantounias3

    1University of Bristol, Department of Earth Sciences, Wills Memorial Building, Queens Road, BS8 1RJ, Bristol, UK2Department of Geography, University of Maryland, 2181 LeFrak Hall, College Park, MD 20740, USA3Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Natural Resources Development and Agricultural Engineering, 75, IeraOdos St., 118 55, Athens, Greece

    Received: 30 September 2009 – Revised: 18 December 2009 – Accepted: 6 January 2010 – Published: 17 February 2010

    Abstract. Remote sensing is increasingly being used as acost-effective and practical solution for the rapid evaluationof impacts from wildland fires. The present study investi-gates the use of the support vector machine (SVM) classi-fication method with multispectral data from the AdvancedSpectral Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) forobtaining a rapid and cost effective post-fire assessment ina Mediterranean setting. A further objective is to performa detailed intercomparison of available burnt area datasetsfor one of the most catastrophic forest fire events that oc-curred near the Greek capital during the summer of 2007.For this purpose, two ASTER scenes were acquired, onebefore and one closely after the fire episode. Cartographyof the burnt area was obtained by classifying each multi-band ASTER image into a number of discrete classes usingthe SVM classifier supported by land use/cover informationfrom the CORINE 2000 land nomenclature. Overall verifi-cation of the derived thematic maps based on the classifica-tion statistics yielded results with a mean overall accuracy of94.6% and a mean Kappa coefficient of 0.93. In addition, theburnt area estimate derived from the post-fire ASTER imagewas found to have an average difference of 9.63% from thosereported by other operationally-offered burnt area datasetsavailable for the test region.

    Correspondence to:G. P. Petropoulos([email protected])

    1 Introduction

    Wildland fires generally constitute one of the mostwidespread environmental hazards and are regarded as oneof the dominant sources of disturbance in natural ecosys-tems, particularly in the Mediterranean basin (FAO, 2001).The high frequency of fires is a natural and recurrent elementin the Mediterranean region and has been closely linked tothe climatic conditions that dominate in these areas, charac-terised by prolonged drought periods generating favourableconditions for fire outbreaks (Cuomo et al., 2001; Zammitet al., 2006). Obtaining accurate as well as rapid mappingof burnt areas from a wildfire, is of key importance to en-vironmental scientists and policy makers. Such informationis important, for example, in estimating the economic conse-quences from the fire and in establishing rehabilitation andrestoration policies in the affected areas to avoid post-firehazards and long-term degradation (Giglio et al., 2006). Ac-curate knowledge of the geographical and temporal distribu-tion of burning is also vital in being able to model the atmo-spheric and climatic impacts of biomass burning and assessthe total emissions from it (Kaufmann et al., 1990; Kasischkeet al., 1995). Delineation of the burnt area on an operationalbasis can also provide important information on land coverchanges related to ecology and biodiversity, that in turn cansignificantly assist in understanding post-fire recovery of anaffected area (Rong et al., 2004).

    Remote sensing methods employed in burnt area map-ping are based on a range of methodologies implementedin multispectral remote sensing data at diverse spatial res-olutions. Methods that are used generally differ with re-gards to the type of processing carried out and the number

    Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.

  • 306 G. P. Petropoulos et al.: A case study from the Greek wildland fires of 2007

    of the satellite scenes used in the analysis. Image process-ing methods employed for burnt area mapping in remotesensing utilise the changes in the reflective characteristicsof vegetation and of their spectral signatures after burning,which results in a strong contrast of the fire-affected areaswith the surrounding environment (Chuvieco et al., 1997;Jensen, 2000; van Wagtendonk et al., 2004; Lobola et al.,2007). While global and continental mapping of burnt ar-eas has been conducted using time series of moderate resolu-tion data (such as MODIS, SPOT VEGETATION or ATSR),generally processed through automatic systems (Simon et al.,2004; Tansey et al., 2008; Roy et al., 2005), high resolutionapplications have been typically based on single image pro-cessing. Processing methods vary from simple radiometricindices to other more complex ones such as image classifica-tion and sub-pixel classification methods such as pixel spec-tral unmixing. The use of image classification has proved avery practical technique for burnt area mapping in exploit-ing the spectral changes of the objects after a fire (Sunar andOzkan, 2001; Epting et al., 2005; Kokaly et al., 2007; Escuinet al., 2008). For more details see Quintano et al. (2006) andSmith et al. (2007).

    Non-parametric classifiers such as Artificial Neural Net-works or the Spectral Angle Mapper have certain advantagesover parametric ones, such as the Maximum Likelihood andthe Mahalanobis Distance methods, an important one beingthat they do not require prior knowledge of the statistical dis-tribution of the data to be classified. Support Vector Ma-chines (SVM) non-parametric classifiers have the additionaladvantage that they are able to simultaneously minimize theempirical classification error and maximize the class sepa-ration using various transformations of hyperplanes. Thisallows SVM to better deal with data of high dimensional-ity and/or classes with a feature space of multimodal distri-bution producing often better results in comparison to otherparametric or non-parametric methods (Waske and Benedik-tsson, 2007; Sanchez-Hernandez et al., 2007; van der Lindenet al., 2007; Koetz et al., 2008; Dixon and Candade, 2008).SVM classifiers are also easy to implement, since only a fewparameters need to be adjusted by the user (Karimi et al.,2006) and they have shown to generally provide good resultswhen small training sets are used (Pal and Mather, 2006).SVM has been widely applied in many classification prob-lems using remote sensing data (Brown et al., 1999; Zhu andBlumberg, 2002; Keuchel et al., 2003; Sanchez-Hernandezet al., 2007; Tseng et al., 2008; Koetz et al., 2008; Kavzogluand Colkesen, 2009), including burnt area mapping imple-mented in SPOT5 multispectral data (Zammit et al., 2006).

    Multispectral data from the Advanced Spaceborne Ther-mal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER1), thehighest spatial resolution instrument onboard the Earth Ob-serving system (EOS) Terra platform, have so far been ex-

    1,last access: 30 September 2009

    ploited in a large spectrum of fire analysis investigations.Such studies include fuel type mapping in various ecosys-tem conditions (Lasaponara and Lanorte, 2007; Falkowski etal., 2005), forest fire wildfire management (Keramitsoglou etal., 2008), assessment of forest fire risk (Guang-Xiong et al.,2007) and the evaluation of wildfire damage (Nomonoura etal., 2007). In addition, ASTER imagery has been used inthe identification of coal fire location and change (Chen etal., 2007) as well as the detection and characterisation of ac-tive fire (Giglio et al., 2008) and the validation of active fireproducts computed from moderate resolution sensors such asMODIS (Giglio et al., 2003; Morisette et al., 2005a, b).

    However, based on our knowledge, although the combineduse of SVM with ASTER imagery analysis has been demon-strated in the past (Zhu and Blumberg, 2002), their combineduse for retrieving burnt area estimates has not been investi-gated yet. But ASTER has a number of particular advantagesthat make it unique: on the one hand, its superior spatial(15 m–90m) and spectral resolution (14 bands from visibleto thermal infrared) compared to freely distributed data suchas MODIS and, on the other hand, its low acquisition costin contrast to other sensors of similar resolution. ASTERmay, therefore, act as a “pathfinder” for evaluating the per-formance of analogous retrieval algorithms for performing afire analysis – including burnt area mapping – implementedwith coarser – resolution data, because its high spatial reso-lution makes it easier to compare to in situ observations forvalidation purposes.

    The present work explores, for the first time, the value ofthe combined use of ASTER satellite data and SVM clas-sifier for this purpose using them in a case study in one ofthe largest Greek forest fire events during the catastrophicfires season of year 2007. This includes a detailed intercom-parison of burnt area estimates at a regional scale betweenthose derived from the present study and data sources cur-rently available for operational needs in forest fires in theMediterranean region, ranging from 1 m to 1 km spatial res-olution.

    2 Site description

    The severe forest fires of summer 2007 in the Mediterraneanbasin attracted sustained interest by the remote sensing com-munity in mapping the extent of the burning using variousmethods and satellite sensors, particularly in Greece as thiswas the country mostly affected (Boschetti et al., 2008; Gitaset al., 2008; Sifakis et al., 2008; Kontoes et al., 2009). Thestudy site comprises the area of Mt Parnitha, located approx-imately 30 km north of Athens, Greece (Fig. 1). The studyarea covers approximately 200 km2 with an altitude rangingfrom 200 to 1400 m a.s.l. and slopes ranging from 3 to 90%.The study region is representative of the mixed characteris-tics of the eastern Mediterranean regions, covered by GreekFir and Aleppo Pine forest at altitudes between 300 m and

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    Fig. 1. Location of the study region.

    1000 m. Above 1000 m height the dominant land types aregrassland and scrubland, and below 300 m farmland (to thenorth) and suburban housing (to the east). In 1961, a largepart of Mt Parnitha was designated as a national park andconservation site and was later also included to the Europeannetwork of protected areas Natura 2000 due to its high bio-diversity. The region also contains one of the few remainingforests near Athens and is, therefore, important for the city’smicroclimate. Mt Parnitha experienced severe damage froma wildfire outbreak on 28 June 2007, which was suppressed5 days later (1 July 2007).

    3 Data description

    3.1 ASTER data

    Multispectral remote sensing image data from the ASTERmultispectral sensor was used as the primary source foranalysing the fire in Mt Parnitha during the summer of

    2007. Due to the known problem of ASTER shortwave(SWIR) bands on-board calibration which started to degradethe quality of the SWIR bands information of the sensorsince 2007 (ASTER web site, 2009), the present uses areonly for the ASTER visible and near infrared (VNIR) bandsfrom ASTER the surface reflectance higher level product(15-m spatial resolution). This product consists of geo-metrically and atmospherically corrected VNIR reflectancedata (Thome et al., 1999). Two ASTER images were ob-tained, one before (21 March 2004) and one soon after thefire suppression (20 July 2007). The selection of the spe-cific images was based on the fulfillment of criteria suchas clear atmospheric conditions, high sun conditions, lowwater vapour and near-nadir viewing and availability of thenearest ASTER data closest to the fire event. The imageswere obtained from the ASTER data distribution center inJapan ( Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 305–317, 2010

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    4 Description of additional data

    Information on land use/cover from CORINE 2000 landnomenclature (JRC-EEA, 2005) was used to assist inthe classification of the ASTER multispectral imagesCORINE 2000 data used in the present study were at a spatialresolution of 100 m and are available to the public at no cost).

    In addition, burnt area estimates for the test region wereobtained from independent sources, namely the World WideFund for Nature (WWF) Hellas, the RiskEOS Global Moni-toring for Environmental Security/Service Element (GMES)of the European Space Agency (ESA), as well as from op-erational services available in Europe, namely the Euro-pean Forest Fire Information System for Rapid Damage As-sessment (EFFIS RDA) and the Moderate Resolution Imag-ing Spectroradiometer (MODIS) burnt area product. Esti-mates of the burnt area from WWF Hellas was done usingprimarily IKONOS (1 m spatial resolution, Pan-sharpened4 bands dataset) satellite imagery analysis and their resultswere checked against field surveys (WWF Hellas, personalcommunication, 2007).

    RiskEOS ( was developed in the framework of the GMES-SEprogramme of ESA, which is a crisis response service tosituations engendered by natural disasters. The burnt areamapping from the RiskEOS involves automatic productionof highly accurate maps of burned area, derived from im-plementation of various spectral indices which are combinedwith a change vector analysis (see, for example, Kontoes etal., 2009). For the Mt Parnitha region, post-fire burning as-sessment analysis had been based on SPOT4 XS multispec-tral 20 m spatial resolution imagery, acquired shortly afterthe fire suppression (C. Kontoes, personal communication,2009).

    EFFIS has been in operation since 1997 by the Joint Re-search Centre (JRC) of the European Commission. Its mainrole is to provide the EU countries with a daily map of firerisk and to map any forest fires larger than 50 ha of eachMediterranean EU country. EFFIS RDA burnt area data arederived from the combination of MODIS VNIR and SWIRdata (250 m and 500 m, respectively) and the MODIS 1-kmactive fire product (Giglio et al., 2003) as well as various an-cillary data (Barbosa et al., 2006). The evaluation estimatesof the burnt area from the EFFIS RDA system is provided ata spatial resolution of 250 m (EC, 2006).

    The MODIS burnt area product (MCD45A1) is a collec-tion five product of the MODIS suite of land surface products(Justice et al., 2002; Roy et al., 2005, 2008). It includesmonthly estimates of burnt area with a spatial resolution of500 m. This product is based on the detection of rapid changein MODIS Terra and Aqua sensor daily reflectance values,assisted by a bidirectional reflectance model which is usedto correct angular effects and by statistical assumptions ofchange probability from a previously observed state (Roy etal., 2008).

    5 Methodology description

    5.1 Support vector machines

    A summary of the basic principles of the SVM method isbriefly made available here. A detailed description of theSVM technique can be found, for example, in Burges (1998)and Foody and Mather (2004). SVM is a supervised ma-chine learning method that performs classification based onstatistical learning theory (Vapnik, 1995). SVM is a binaryclassification method that provides a separation of classes byfitting an optimal separating hyperplane to a set of trainingdata that maximizes the separation between the classes. Es-sentially, the hyperplane is the decision surface on which theoptimal class separation takes place. Intuitively, a good sep-aration is achieved by the hyperplane that has the largest dis-tance to the neighbouring data points of both classes.

    Each training example is represented by a feature vector.From a given set of training data, the SVM classifier cal-culates an optimal hyperplane characterised by a vector thatprovides the best separation between the two classes. Theoptimal hyperplane is the one that maximizes the distancebetween the hyperplane and the nearest positive and negativetraining example, called the margin. To avoid computationaloverload, this is not done by evaluating all training points, butonly a subset, called the “support vectors” of the algorithm.In order to represent more complex shapes than linear hy-perplanes, the classifier may use kernel functions which re-place the vector. In this case, the problem transforms into anequivalent linear hyperplane problem of higher (sometimesinfinite) dimensionality. Commonly used SVM kernels in-clude polynomial and radial basis function (RBF), and sig-moid kernels. Also, a penalty parameter can be introducedto the SVM classifier to quantify the misclassification error,providing important information in the case of non-separabletraining datasets. Finally, SVM classifiers can be extended tomore than two classes by splitting the problem into a seriesof binary class separations.

    5.2 Selection of the SVM parameters

    In the present study, multiclass SVM classification was per-formed in the ENVI (version 4.5) image processing environ-ment. In ENVI, a pairwise classification strategy is usedfor performing a multiclass classification. This method isbased on creating a binary classifier for each possible pair ofclasses, choosing the class that achieved the highest probabil-ity of identification across the series pair-wise comparisonsassessed, based on a kernel. The selection of the kernel isregarded as the most important task in the implementationand the performance of the SVM classifier (e.g. Keuchel etal., 2003; Li and Liu, 2010). Here, the radial basis function(RBF) kernel was used. The RBF was chosen because it hasbeen widely used in the literature in land classification andchange detection studies with various satellite data (Keuchel

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    Fig. 2. Overall methodology followed for the implementation of the SVM technique to the ASTER imagery for deriving a post-fire assess-ment of the burning for the study region.

    et al., 2003; Carrao et al., 2008; Knorn et al., 2009; Huang etal., 2008; Kuemmerle et al., 2009), including ASTER (Kav-zoglou and Colkesen, 2009) and has shown classification re-sults that have outperformed those obtained by other kerneltypes. In addition, RBF kernel requires only one parameterto be pre-defined, which makes it more robust in its imple-mentation in contrast to other kernels (Huang et al., 2002,2008). RBF kernel is defined as:


    )= exp


    ∥∥(xi,xj )∥∥2),γ > 0, (1)wherexi andxj represent a set of training data andγ is auser-defined parameter, specified as the inverse of the num-ber of the spectral bands of the sensor on which the SVMis implemented. The penalty parameter controls the trade-off between allowing training errors and forcing rigid mar-gins and it was set to its maximum value; we were inter-ested in creating a more accurate model. The images were

    all processed at full resolution (i.e. pyramid parameter wasset to zero). A classification probability threshold of zerowas applied, meaning that all pixels were assigned exactlyone class, and none remained unclassified.

    5.3 Burnt area delineation

    The image processing steps for retrieval of the burnt area andof the post-fire burning assessment from the two ASTER im-ages are depicted in Fig. 2. Preliminary processing of theASTER reflectance images included the improvement of thegeopositional accuracy of each ASTER image (Abrams andHook, 1999; LPDAAC, 2006), the data co-registration (layerstack) to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) map pro-jection system, and the creation of an image subset that in-cluded the area of interest. The geopositional accuracy of thedataset was verified by overlaying the geocorrected imagesto a vector layer (1:25 000) that was available for the area. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 305–317, 2010

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    The mapping of the burnt area and the land use/cover typesin the interior of the burn scar was obtained by classify-ing each ASTER imagery into a number of discrete classesbased on the CORINE 2000 land nomenclature, which wasfurther generalised into a smaller number of classes accord-ing to the characteristics and properties of the land use/covertypes present in our study site. The classes which were se-lected included, apart from the burnt area, the urban/bare soil,the forest, scrubland and agricultural areas. Essentially, thetwo ASTER images included the same classes except that theclass “burnt area” was not included in the pre-fire ASTERimage.

    To derive the land use/cover classes, the SVM non-parametric classifier was applied to each ASTER image.The algorithm was trained using a random sampling de-sign of points, where an average of approximately 1500 and3000 such points were chosen from the pre- and post-fireASTER image, respectively, from each class based on theCORINE 2000 land nomenclature. Training points, specifi-cally for the burnt area class, were obtained from visual in-spection of the ASTER post-fire image itself, assisted by theIKONOS imagery from WWF Hellas study. Image segmen-tation, which was performed on the post-fire classificationimage, allowed the delineation of the burn scar from the im-age.

    5.4 Accuracy assessment

    Assessment of the SVM classifier performance in theASTER images was based on the analysis of the classifica-tion statistics obtained from the two ASTER images. Clas-sification accuracy of the derived classification maps was as-sessed via the error matrix. The latter was derived from atotal of 2255 pixels (ca. 470 per class) used for validationand selected based on a random sampling design and theCORINE 2000 land nomenclature. From this we derivedoverall accuracy and the Kappa statistics (Foody, 2002). Theproducer’s accuracy (100% minus omission error) describesthe probability of correct classification and refers to all pix-els classified by the algorithm as a given class. The user’saccuracy (100% minus commission error) also describes thesuccess rate, but is relating to all pixels belonging to a cer-tain class according to the ground truth. The overall accu-racy is the total number of pixels classified correctly, dividedby the total number of pixels (Story and Congalton, 1986).The Kappa statistic provides a measure of the difference be-tween the actual agreement between reference data and theclassifier used in the present study to perform the classi-fication versus the chance of agreement between the refer-ence data and a randomly selected classifier (Congalton andGreen, 1999).

    6 Results and discussion

    6.1 ASTER SVM classification accuracy assessment

    The thematic map derived from the implementation of theSVM classifier to the ASTER pre- and post-fire imagery isdepicted in Fig. 3 and the associated classification accuracyassessment statistics in Table 1. Overall, SVM supervisedclassification returned satisfactory results in terms of recog-nising the different classes at the 15-m spatial resolution. Vi-sual comparison of the derived classification maps againstthe land use/cover map from CORINE2000 map showed gen-erally an acceptable similarity in the spatial distribution ofthe different land use/cover classes under the ASTER’s field-of-view. As seen, overall classification accuracy was 95.5%and 93.6% for the pre- and post-fire classification images,respectively, whereas the Kappa coefficient was 0.94 and0.92, respectively. Also, the producer’s accuracy and user’saccuracy for each of the classes used was always reportedgreater than 87.1% and 86.0%, respectively, indicating theoverall success of the performed classification. Furthermore,based on the supervised classification results of the post-fireASTER image, the total area burnt was 46.49 km2.

    With reference to the classification statistics of the ASTERpost-fire image, as can be observed, the class “burnt area”was found to be correctly classified with no omission or com-mission errors among the 440 validation points used for thisparticular class. Also, a high producer’s accuracy was foundfor the forests (100%) and urban/bare soil class (94.9%) incomparison to the scrublands (87.1%) and agricultural areas(87.2%). In addition, the user’s accuracy was reported high-est for the forests (100%) and the agricultural areas (93.5%)in comparison to urban/bare soil areas (89.1%) and scrub-lands (92.7%). Similar results were also obtained in the clas-sification of the ASTER pre-fire image (see Table 1). Highproducer’s and user’s accuracies were reported for all classes,with the highest producer’s accuracy found in the classifi-cation of urban/bare soil areas (99.4%) and the scrublands(95.3%), followed by forests (92.8%) and agricultural ar-eas (91.7%). Forests exhibited the highest user’s accuracy(100%) from all classes, followed by and the urban/bare soil(98.0%), agricultural areas (97.0%) and scrubland (90.6%).The level of the overall accuracy in both ASTER images islargely determined by the lower accuracy that exhibited theclassification of scrublands (Table 1), which is assumed tobe caused by mixed pixels between scrublands and forestsand/or agriculture.

    6.2 Post-fire burning assessment

    The image segmentation implemented in the supervised clas-sification of the post-fire ASTER image also allowed thedelineation of the burned area envelope which was over-lain on top of the classified pre-fire image, providing a car-tography of the land use/land cover of the area under the

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    Fig. 3. Thematic maps produced from the implementation of the SVM classifier to the ASTER post-fire (top image) and the pre-fire (bottom)images.

    Table 1. Summary of the classification statistics of the post-fire (top) and of the pre-fire (bottom) ASTER 15 reflectance images.

    Support vector machines classification

    Class name Commission Omission Producer’s Accuracy User’s Accuracyerror (%) error (%) (%) (%)




    age Scrubland 7.35 12.90 87.10 92.65

    Urban/bare soil 10.90 5.12 94.88 89.10Burnt area 0.00 0.00 100.0 100.0Forests 5.38 0.00 100.0 94.62Agricultural area 6.50 12.77 87.23 93.50

    Overall Accuracy (%) 93.57Kappa coefficient 0.92




    age Scrubland 0.00 7.23 92.77 100.0

    Urban/bare soil 14.0 4.68 95.32 86.00Forests 3.05 8.33 91.67 96.95Agricultural area 2.00 0.58 99.42 98.00

    Overall accuracy (%) 95.52Kappa coefficient 0.94 Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 305–317, 2010

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    Fig. 4. Land use/land cover map of the area under the envelope of the burn scar.

    Table 2. Results of the land use classes which were burnt in thewildfire in the study site as those derived from the fuel type map ofthe ASTER pre-fire supervised classification image using the SVMclassifier.

    Land cover class ASTER-derived % of land class(km2) type burnt

    Forest 36.10 77.65Shrubland 7.36 15.83Agricultural area 2.94 6.32Urban/bare soil 0.09 0.19

    Sum of burnt area 46.49 100

    burn scar (Fig. 4). Table 2 illustrates the results from thequantitative estimates of the different land use/land coverclasses under the burn scar envelope. Analysis of the re-sults showed that from the total area burnt, 36.10 km2 ofwas forested area, 7.36 km2 scrublands, 2.94 km2 agricul-tural areas and 0.09 km2 urban/bare soil areas. The domi-nant burnt land use/land cover type was forests (77.65% oftotal area burned), followed by scrublands (15.83% of totalarea) and agricultural areas (6.32% of total area), whereas ur-ban/bare soils was the class burned least (only 0.19% of thetotal burned area).

    6.3 Burnt area estimates intercomparison

    The simultaneous availability of burnt area estimates forthis specific fire from WWF Hellas, RiskEOS, EFFIS andMODIS burnt area products allowed an inter-comparison ofthe burnt-area estimates (Table 3). We note that this inter-comparison is not regarded as a validation of the SVM classi-fier using the ASTER observation; it is rather an exploratory

    investigation of the deviations in the burnt area estimates be-tween the different datasets and reflects the uncertainties inremotely sensed burnt area estimates. As shown in Fig. 5, inall cases the shape of the detected burnt scar from the 15-mASTER reflectance imagery agreed well with those from theother datasets, indicating a good spatial agreement. In abso-lute terms, the ASTER-derived burnt area was in close agree-ment with the corresponding values from the other datasets.However, the estimate from ASTER and SVM is in muchcloser agreement with the RiskEOS and the WWF Hellasstudy estimated values, while it is noticeably higher fromthe MODIS burnt area product. Absolute difference in burntarea estimates ranged from 0.81 to 11.76 km2, with a meanof 9.63 km2 (equivalent to 9.63%), whereas with the excep-tion of the EFFIS data, the ASTER burnt area estimate is al-ways lower. EFFIS RDA indeed provides a lower estimate ofburnt area in comparison to the other datasets, including thatof the MODIS burnt area product. Boschetti et al. (2008) intheir study reported an overestimation of the MODIS resultsin comparison to the EFFIS RDA data by approximately 7%,for the same fire season of 2007 in Greece. Disagreementin the burnt area estimates was suggested by the authors tobe the result of the difference in the border lines defined be-tween the datasets, and the fact that no agricultural regionsand small fires had been included in the EFFIS burnt areaestimates.

    7 Discussion

    The main finding from the reported results here is thatASTER imagery can be used with an SVM classifier andinformation from the CORINE 2000 land nomenclature toprovide an accurate and rapid mapping of the land use/covertypes distribution with very high accuracy levels. Others(e.g. Yuksel et al., 2008) recently demonstrated the synergicuse of ASTER imagery with information from the CORINE

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    Table 3. Comparisons of the burnt area estimates derived from ASTER post-fire imagery versus those derived from different datasets.

    Burnt area Abs. Diff. from ASTER Abs. % diff. from ASTER(km2) (km2)

    ASTER (15 m spatial resolution) 46.49 – –RiskEOS (20 m spatial resolution) 47.30 0.81 1.73WWF Greece (1 m spatial resolution) 49.20 2.71 5.83EFFIS RDA (250 m spatial resolution) 43.86 2.63 5.66MODIS burnt area product (500 m spatial resolution) 58.25 11.76 25.30

    land nomenclature for deriving land use/land cover maps ina Mediterranean setting, whereas in other studies the useful-ness of CORINE data for fire analysis with coarser spatialresolution data has also been demonstrated in comparison toASTER (e.g. Sifakis et al., 2004).

    Generally, in terms of the overall accuracy and Kappa co-efficient, accuracy levels reported here are also comparableto those reported by Zhu and Blumberg (2002), who demon-strated the combined use of ASTER with SVM for landuse/land cover mapping for a site in Israel using six classes.In addition, results reported here are in close agreementwith other studies performed using ASTER data with non-parametric classification methods (Lasaponara and Lanorte,2007; Keramitsoglou et al., 2008), studies where SVM clas-sifier has been combined within hyperspectral and/or LiDARdata (Koetz et al., 2008) and/or studies where SVM havebeen used for land cover mapping applications in dissimilarecosystem conditions (e.g. Keuchel et al., 2003; Karimi et al.,2006; Dixon and Candade, 2008; Kavzoglu and Colkensen,2009; Su, 2009).

    Taking into account the classification accuracy of the pre-fire ASTER image and the fact that no fire occurred between2004–2007 (validated from both the EFFIS and local author-ities), the ASTER results concerning the land use/land cov-ers under the burn scar area appear reasonable. It is alsoworthwhile to note that the summed areas of the forest andscrubland classes derived from the SVM and ASTER methodwas in close correspondence to the EFFIS reported burnedarea estimate, which by definition covers only areas classi-fied as “forest” (absolute difference is 0.4 km2). Unfortu-nately, these results could not be directly compared againstother datasets as such data were not available for the regionfrom other sources. Yet, overall results further demonstratedthe synergy between ASTER and CORINE 2000 to performa post-fire assessment of the burning in the affected area us-ing the SVM with the ASTER imagery analysis.

    There are many possible reasons accountable for the dif-ferences in the burnt area estimates between the datasetscompared here, including the differences in their spatial andtemporal resolutions as well as in the relative methodolo-gies employed for the burnt area retrieval. IKONOS satellite

    imagery used in the study conducted by WWF Hellas hasa spatial resolution of 1 m, RiskEOS estimate was based onSPOT4 XS (20 m) imagery analysis (Kontoes et al., 2009),whereas the EFFIS and the MODIS burnt area product datahave a spatial resolution of 250 m and 500 m, respectively.The lower spatial resolution, combined with the fragmenta-tion of the burned areas evident from Fig. 3, introduces anamount classification errors which, it can be argued that aredue to, are due solely to the sensor resolution (Boschetti etal., 2003). Furthermore, discrepancy in the burnt area esti-mates between the different sensors can be enlarged by theheterogeneity of the burnt surface as non-burnt areas can beincluded in the coarse resolution burnt scar estimates leadingto overestimation of the burnt area due to spectral confusionand overlapping (Chuvieco and Congalton, 1989). Moreover,it should be noted that EFFIS RDA burnt area results includeonly the estimates of the forested area burnt in the total burntarea reported, in contrast to other datasets which include es-timates of all land use/cover types burnt. Also, it should bepointed out that in the EFFIS estimate, an error due to thegeneralisation of the fire vector map should perhaps also beadded, as non-burnt areas inside the burnt scar (which wereidentified by the other datasets) have been marked as burnton the EFFIS vector map.

    8 Conclusions

    This study investigated the suitability of the SVM classi-fier for the analysis of ASTER multispectral imagery for therapid and economically viable assessment of impacts fromwildfires. As a case study, one of the most catastrophic Greekforest wildfires occurred in summer 2007 was used. Thiswork, to our knowledge, forms the first implementation ofthe combined use of the SVM classifier with ASTER mul-tispectral satellite imagery for obtaining burnt area mappingand performing post-fire analysis assessment. It also pro-vided the first intercomparison of burnt area datasets avail-able in the Mediterranean region derived from spacebornesystems of dissimilar spatial resolution from different large-scale operational sources (i.e. EFFIS, RiskEOS and MODISburnt area products). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 10, 305–317, 2010

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    Fig. 5. Examples of the burnt scar shape from the fire event occurred in the studied,(a) MODIS burned area product,(b) EFFIS,(c) ASTER,and(d) IKONOS, as computed by the different sources used in this study (from WWF study, available at:\&task=view\&id=539\&itemid=294).

    Overall, the 15-m ASTER spatial resolution proved suit-able for performing a fire analysis at the regional scale ofthis specific fire episode, providing a mapping of the burntarea and of the generic land use/land cover types affected bythe fire under the enclosed burnt area perimeter. Accuracyassessment of the computed classification maps using estab-lished classification statistical metrics indicated a mean over-all accuracy of 94.6% and a mean Kappa coefficient of 0.93,providing results of comparable accuracy levels compared toother analogous studies that have demonstrated the use ofSVM in classification problems (Zhu and Blumberg, 2002;Kavzoglu and Colkensen, 2009). Thus, overall results clearlysuggested that ASTER imagery can be used with an SVMclassifier methodology to provide accurate and rapid analy-sis and characterisation of the land cover/use classes distri-bution. The synergy between ASTER and CORINE2000 toconstruct a fire map from the pre-fire ASTER image of theenvelope inside the burnt area using an SVM classificationmethod was also demonstrated. ASTER resolution yieldedresults of the burnt scar estimates comparable to those ob-tained from inventories obtained by WWF Hellas, RiskEOS,EFFIS Rapid Damage Assessment system and the MODISburnt area products. The average difference in burnt area es-timate from ASTER and those from the other sources was4.48 km2 or equivalently 9.63%, confirming the validity ofthese datasets (including the EFFIS RDA and MODIS burntarea product) for operational fire mapping applications.

    Generally, our results suggested that the methodology em-ployed here has the potential to be used for providing keyinformation in a rapid and cost-effective post-fire assessmenton a regional scale of a comparatively high resolution suffi-cient for the needs of local authorities. Such information canassist the decision making process in fire risk management inprioritisation of areas for rehabilitation as well as for main-taining a history of fire episodes in the specific region. Thisis especially important when taking into account the signif-icance of fire events in Greece in ecological, environmen-tal, social as well as cultural/historical context. Although thecapacity of the work described in this communication hasbeen restricted to illustrating the ability of ASTER sensor inperforming a rapid and cost effective fire analysis of a sin-gle fire event, the motivation of this study stems from ourgoal of extending the methodology presented herein to otherMediterranean-like ecosystems in performing rapid and costeffective post-fire analysis.

    Acknowledgements.We wish to thank Giorgio Libertà and theEFFIS team at Joint Research Center (JRC), Italy for the rapidprovision of the EFFIS vector files concerning the Greek forest firesof year 2007 as well as Liarikos from WWF Hellas and Kontoesfrom the National Observatory of Athens, Greece for the fruitfuldiscussions on their studies for Mt Parnitha region. In addition,we would like to thank the Head of the Directorate General forDevelopment and Protection of Forest of the Greek Ministryof Agricultural Development and Food, as well as the Head of

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    the Parnitha Forest Office and Head of Thebes Forest Office forproviding us with the administration inventory burnt area results aswell as the 1:25 000 land use/cover thematic map of Mt Parnitha.

    Edited by: R. LasaponaraReviewed by: A. Elatawneh and Y. Chang


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