columbine report pgs 2401-2500

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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500



    JC-001 002401

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    Pag&__ Of__ Pages Denver PoIce DepartmentSTATEMENT

    c_ No. _

    ~ ~ ; t ; ~ Maklng ~ l o l e m o r l l ;. ,mlJty e Offi"'" n W....... e Person adviQdSb'Hl Address~

    'Y;;l..()JU tlJY ',mewAlCounty


    ZipCoil1/-, '" ..:J.:::l 0 . . '{)1)"3~ ' ~ 9 j 3 ~ 6 ' 1 1 I ~ - ' " _ .. . Security No. Ollt. of Birth I SeriaiNo.( I //;;'/9'1

    Ek.IIineu Strewt Addreu City County I - ZIpCod.O ~ S ' " / , , -..-uod'l lO- r"""/S3cJ HoursConCerning an incident occurrinQ It : jloc::ationwhere strtwMntakeo:Summa'Y of Slatement.\;> I j/L4t

    4 '

    I have read the fort/going statement lind the IiJcts CMU/ined therein 1iIrt/ t1W to the best ofmy knowledge and belief. Ido notmaintain that it contains al l of the facts or datails of the incident. bu t only those facts about which I have beenasked.I I-- Dii i i "-- 0 AM

    r.... ~ . r ~ CompImd 0 PMOPO 366 {Rev. 21951 JC-001- 002402 IIDHllllmml n l l ~ 1 1 0 6 00'

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    Defendant:Date:Dep,.ty 0.11..:

    HARins !KLEBOLOAPRIL 29, 1999

    Docket NUlllber:Case Nullll:>er:Invest igator:

    99A052DOYLE, I?J

    FB! CASE 17411. DN-57419



    Report ing inves t iga tor , P.J . Doyle, i s a commissioned peaceo f f i ce r employed by the Dis t r i c t Attorney in the Fi r s t Jud ic ia lDis t r i c t serving Jef ferson and Gilp in c ou ntie s. ! am cur ren t lyassigned to a s s i s t in in te rv iewing s tu dents from Columbine HighSchool.

    On Apri l 28, 1999 I spoke to Junior Columbine High Schools tudent Mary sue Baribeau.OOB: 11-24-81


    5522 S. YarrowLi t t le ton , CO303 973-647SMother: Karen Baribeau Wark: 303 972-0800

    Mary's mother was present d,.r ing th e in te rv iew.

    Mary to ld me the fol lowing:

    1JC-001 002403

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    I t was about 11:15 and she had been in the cafe te r ia only a fewminutes and she sa t down a t t ab le I and s ta r ted to read. With herwere Diana Barker who was s i t t ing next to Mary. Mary didn ' tremember which side Diana was s i t t ing on. Mandy Nichols was s i t t i ngnext to Diana. The following students were a t the t ab le , but Maryd idn ' t remember where they were s i t t ing : Mary Beck, Este.. Bla t te r ,Nikki Spurgis and Elise Berret t . Mary wasn' t sure about thespel l ing of these names.

    Another student , Kim Blai r , ran in to the cafe te r ia and grabbedMary and said she need help. Mary went outs ide with Kim and saw AnnMarie Hochcolter (Spel l ing). Ann Marie was by a big plant outs ideby the side of a t ree . (See diagram fo r approximate location) As tudent named Jason, l a s t name unknown, was s i t t ing next to AnnMarie. Jason was holding Ann Marie. Ar.n Marie appeared to bebleeding from the stomach area . Mary could not remember what Kim,Jason or A . Marie were wearing.

    Mary said that when she was outside, she didn ' t h ea r any th in g.She turned around, away from Ann Marie and there was "a guy"outs ide , pointing h is gun and turning. He wasn' t real ly point ing a tanything i s par t icu la r . I t was not a long gun. I t was a hand gun.Mary didn ' t see him f i re whUe she was outside. He said nothing.He had a blank s ta re on h is face. She said tha t she d idn ' t knowth i s person. She has seen photos of Eric Harris and Dylan Kleboldon TV and newspapers . She said tha t she could have seen Eric orDylan or someone e l se . She doesn ' t know. She descr ibed the personshe Saw as being t a l l , 5 '9" , skinny, 140 - 150 Lbs , and white. Shesaid that th is person was wearing a black trench coat . She saidth a t she 's seen the person around school , but does not know who hei s . (See diagram of cafe te r ia to see where th i s person wasstanding. l

    Mary ran back in to the cafe te r ia and got down on the ground,about where she was s i t t i ng , under her t ab le . (Table I I All of asudden, people s ta r ted running toward the s t a i r s . She ran up thes ta i r s , f e ll , and g ot trampled , f e l l again and went to Mr. Craf t ' s

    2 JC.o01 002404

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    room which i s r igh t behind where she was. She sa id th a t tw o others tudents , Erin Hansey and Sara All i son , were there . Mary could hearshooting. I t sounded l ike it was coming from the s t a i r s . She sa idt h e t the re ' s a storage between the science rooms. She then ran and hid. In the st:orage room with her were Andrea Cole andAnnette Shinn and two other gi r l s t ha t Mary did not. know.

    Mary said t ha t t:hey a l l got down on the ground and they huddledtogether and stayed there . She sa id she could hear shot.s down thehal l , and then f a r the r down oy the Commons downstairs . She sa idt.hat: she d idn ' t know the di f ference between the gunshots and thebombs. Mr. Krall'. was in the room with her and went in and out andcalmed everyone down. This las ted about th ree hours . The l a s thour, they joined another c las s in Miss Mil le r ' s room. They ranthere and stayed there and wait.ed un t i l Mr. Frissen ye l led out. thedoor to the SWAT members tha t they were in th ere .

    Mary's back pack i s a blue, Jansen. She l e f t it a t t ab le t .Mary has had no in te rne t contac t with Er ic or Dylan.Mary had been wearing a blue jumper with broken s t r aps and a

    white sh i r t .

    She did not know _ or", but thought she may haveh eard abut them on TV.

    Mary cannot ID the shooters .She knows no

    Pauline Colby andt rench coa t guys.

    present t rench coat gang members. She sa id t h a Teibold hung out by the choi r room withShe d idn ' t know t h e i r names.

    Mary went on the Marketing f ie ld t r ip in the morning and wasnot at school .

    Attached to th i s repor t :3

    Jc.o01- 002405

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    Team fo ur gui de li ne que sti on sCafeteria diagramDenver Police Dept. statementNo fur ther information a t th is time.



    Jc..o01- 002406

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    L Didyoueversee the two largeduffel bagsill tbe cafeteria1 JV 0

    2, Did yousee anyonecarrying or in thepossession of thoseduffel a previous time? If ) [ )

    3. DidyouseeEricHam, orDylan KIebold eitheron:.rondsyof Tu.sdsy , Whatwer.:bey doing?What did theysav ? Were theywith anvone else 7 " ," " "'v '"'

    6. Did you S or ralk. to OIly of theTrench Coat Mafia members onMonday? Tuesday"! How about theprior weekor weekend" ;1 r'',' '....

    II , Havemernmark where they weresitting. rheirroute CUt of the building andwho theywerewith{ifknown)'!

    12. Canyou provide onyfurther information onthemembers of theTrench CoatMafia 'tv-

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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500



    SUBJECT: BARIBEAU, Mary Sue6522 South YarrowWayLittleton,CO 80123303-973-6478


    dab: 11/24/81 w/f Karen Baribeau (mother)6522 South YarrowWayLittleton,CO80123303-973-6478303-972..Q800 (wk)

    On 5/23/99 at 1530hours Ire-interviewedMa1)' Baribeau in thepresenceof her mother at her home. Duringthis interview I asked Mary to give mea detailed descriptionof the shooter and his weapon. Marystated it wasan 18-19year old white male, slender build, wearing a black longcoat, which she described as a trench coat..e stated he did not have a mask on, however she could not provide any details concerninghis face,hair, or

    other clothing. She stated he looked familiar as if she'd seensomeone likehim in school before. She stated shehad even looked through the yearbook, but could not findhim pictured. She stated that she remembers that itwas a smaller type weapon. Mary could not rememberhow itwas being held. She was unable to give anyfurther details on this.

    Mary looked at all of the photo displays showing youngwhitemales. She stopped at the attached photo displayand pointed out photo number one, saying that itpossibly could havebeen thisboy in the coat and with theweapon. She stated that she is not sure, because she has seenthis picture somuchonTV and in the newspaperrecently.

    Detective's Signature/Number/Date Sergeant's Signature/Number/Date

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    Case No. _


    Date of Birth ! Serial No.tState1 co

    Mwno mtis: .C Offi

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500



    Docket NUmber:FBI #: 174A-DN-57419I n v e s t i g a t o r : vondenkamp

    HIGH SCHOOL5/12/99



    On 5/11/99 I interviewed lS year o l d CHS s t u d e n t Michael "Bo"B a r i b e a ~ a t h i s home i n Denver, Co . His mother was p r e s e n t duringt h i s i n t e r v i e w . Bo confirmed the statement he f i l l e d out on 4/20/99was h i s s tatement , and t h a t he r e c a l l e d speaking t o Detect iveC a r r a l l .

    Bo s t a t e d he was i n t h e CBS c a f e t e r i a for "A" lunch on 4/20/99. Hehad a r r i v e d a t t h e c a f e t e r i a around 11:10am alone. His previousc l a s s was weight t r a i n i n g which l e t out e a r l y . He r e c a l l e d t h a t hegot h i s lunch and s a t down a t a t a b l e . I showed Bo a drawing o f theCBS c a f e t e r i a with t h e t a b l e s depicted i n t h i s drawing. I poin tedout s p e c i f i c t h i n g s , such as west windOWS, ki tchen a r e a and s t e p s t ogive Bo a b e t t e r understanding o f t h e drawing's l a y - o u t . I asked BOwhich t a b l e he was s i t t i n g a t . He looked a t the drawing and pointedt o t a b l e XX, a s t o where he s a t . He r e c a l l e d t h a t he had s a t down

    /'facing She k i t c h e n . At t a b l e XX with him were Kenny Rupp, TyroneGarret!" and Kent (unknown l a s t name) .He s t a t e d he d i d not see any l a rg e d u f fl e bags i n t h e c a f e t e r i a t h a tseemed out of p l a c e . He d i d not r e c a l l see ing anyone c a r r y i n g down al a r g e d u f f l e bag i n t o the c a f e t e r i a .He s t a t e d around 11: 25am he heard noises l i k e gunshots (pop, pop,pop) o u t s i d e t h e c a f e t e r i a i n t h e northwest corner . He s tood up andsaw two males f a l l down outs ide t h e windows. He r e a l i z e d they hadbeen shot a t . He then saw a t a l l (over 6 ' ) , white sk in ny male withshoulder l e n g t h h a i r wearing a dark t renchcoat ho ld i ng a gun t h a t was

    1 JC-001 002412

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    black and about 2 1/2 fee t long. This person was at tempting to hidthe gun ins ide h is long coat as he walked. Bo s t a t ed t h i s person wason the n orth we st c orn er of th e b uild in g, walking down the ou t s ideconcreee sea i r s . Bo est imated he was 20-30 fee t away from him andgot a s ide view of him fo r a couple seconds. He recognized him as a"t renchcoat maf ia gang member he knew as a CBS s tudent . He l a t e ri den t i f i ed t h i s person as Dylan Klebold.

    Be s t a t ed t h a t he then got down on the f loor a t the same t ime aj an i to r yel led a t the s tudents to ge t down. He heard an explos ionouts ide , which he did no t bel ieve was gunf i r e . He s ta ted t h a teveryone in the ca fe te r i a began running towards the ins ide ca fe t e r i as teps . He ran towards the foreign language area downstairs off theca fe te r i a . eas t of the stu de nt e nt ra nc e w it h about 15 other s tudents .He d id noe encounter any gunman ins ide the building. He ran in to aclassroom and waited about 2-3 minutes near an emergency ex i t . Hesa id the group he was with was no t sure i f going outs ide was a goodidea . The group then ran out the emergency doors , which ex i t by thejun ior parking lo t on the south end of the bui ld ing . Bo s t a t ed hed id no t see anybody with a gun when he ran ou t, however heard gunf i rebehind him towards the ca fe te r i a and sen ior parking l o t . He ranacross Pierce s t r ee t , in to Leawood Park. He stopped running, andbegan looking fo r h is s i s t e r , near the gazebo in Leawood Park. Therewere severa l s tuden ts in the park. Everyone began running away againand Bo heard more gunshots and a no th er e xp lo sio n. Someone yel led"they are shoot ing out f ront" and Bo con ti nu ed r unni ng away from thearea . He d id no t see anybody shooting out fron t o f the school , andhe does no t know who ye l l ed .Bo was picked up by someone in a car , and dropped o f f in Clemont Parkbehind the school (west s ide ) . He was still looking fo r h is s i s t e r .He saw a policeman confront a kid carrying a weapon, which he l a t e rfound out was a BB gun. The cop ye lled a t Bo and h is fr ie nd BrandonWilliams to leave the area . They did, walking fu r the r away from thesohool . He d id not see anybody outs ide except scared s tudents , s t a f fand pol ice . He did not reca l l see ing anyone susp ic ious .


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    Bo s t a t ed tha t he has no fu r the r information on the shoot ing . Hes t a t ed t ha t he knew very little of the TCM, only t ha t they weres tudents in school . He reoal led tha t he had Lydie Perry in a olassl a s t year , and she was of ten teased because of ber weight . He knewshe hung out w ith tbe TCM kids , but had no o th er c on ta ct with her .He s t a t ed he d id not have a backpack in the ca fe te r i a , and waswearing a long s leeve blue sh i r t with shorts and a white ha t . Bos t a t e s he has not ye t re turned to school fo r o lass , fo r he i s fear fult ha t he might be on a "h i t l i s t " . He had no spec i f ic informationabout t h i s , and he has not seen a l i s t with h is name on i t , nor doeshe know who's l i s t he may be on. He plays basketbal l , and hangs outwith o ther a th le te s , and he reminded me tha t the TCM d id not l ikea th le te s . Bo had no in fo rm atio n a s to who may also be involved inthe shootings, o r has a "h i t l i s t n His mother confirmed tha t Bo hasnot re turned to sohool, and they are at tempting to ge t h is remainingc red i t s taken care of . Bo s t a t ed he i s not one of the s tudents theschool asked to remain home. I advised Bo to contac t me if he hadmore information about t h i s "h i t l i s t " , and who's it may be.

    Michael "Bo" Baribean6522 S. Yarrow WayDenver, Co. 80123973-647B

    Inves t iga to r


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500



    JC.001 002416

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500





    1. BARKER. ALANMICHAEL7378IngallsCourt, Littleton. CO 80128, 303979-4920Mother: Virginia Barker, 7378 ingallsCourt, Littleton. CO 80128. 303979-4920

    INVESTIGATION:On 05-03-99 ! was assigned lnformanon Control Number DN2577 for follow up investigation. The

    Infomation Control narrative statedthatAlanBarkerwason theoriginal cafeteria backpack list.Thesourceofthisinformatlon was 59!. CaMnHemphill. of the Denver Police Depal1men!.

    On 05..()4-99 at 0800 hoursI responded to7378South Ingalls Courtwhere I metwithAlanBarkerandhisparents. Alan stated that he had beer in the cafeteria at the timethisincident Barkersaid that hehadgotten arideto school from hisfnendJeffMatthews andthat theyparked in thejunicr/sernor lot. They entered the schoolthrough thestudententranceat approximately 0725hours andwentto Barker's locker, which is located nearIhescience hall. Hesaidthat hewas running late and fromhis lockerhewert'lmmediately from his computer classdunng firsl hourin thecomputer room at the lowerlevel ofIhe school. Hesaidhethenwent 10his second hour.which was sociology located on the upperlevei. FromSOCiology hewent to hiS third hour, which Is math in themathwing. Barkersaidtnat his fourth hourclassis history andfromthehistory classhe hadgoneintothelibrary.Barker thenwent to the'A" lunch.

    Barkersaid that hearrived in thecafeteria at approximately 1115 hours, plusor minusa fewminutes. Hesaid thathewentto the student storeandpurchased a pizza. He said thathe didn't sit In Ihe cafeteria buthe andsomefriendshadmoved some chairs in by the food cart. He said thathewas siltingwith Samantha Haviland,

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    Katlan WI1ittney and Stephania UbousKi. Hesaid that theywere talking andhehad just started to eat his pizzawhen someone camein to the cafeteria areaandyelled 'get down". He said it was coming frommewest end ofthe cafeteria and he didn't see who yelled it. He said that he started to get down and then he noticed thateveryone wasstarting to runfor the stairs. Hesaid thatthestairs werebecoming extremelycrowded andhedidn'twantto go up ll1e stairsand hedidn'twant to go outside through the studentexit, so he ran down the hallwaytoward the language classrooms, He said that ashewentdownthishallway, he lostthegroup that hehad beenhaving lunchwith. Hesaid that ashegot to the language partof thebuilding, hewent intoa classroom and thentheteachers thatwerein theroom,Mrs. Lucas andasubstitute teacher forMr.StocKland, told thestudentstostaydown. Hesaidthatmorestudentscame running pastthe room andthe teachers finallytoldthemthat they shouldget out of the building as they couldhearmore whathe believed weregunshots coming from thecafeteria area.Theyexiledmeclassroom and ran outthe southdoorsof the bUilding, across the parKing lot to the houses that

    "e just directlysouthof the school.Barkersaid that as he was running away from the school, he could hear what he described as 'deep

    blasting sounds", similarto the sounds that he heard when hewas inside thescbcct, Hesaid thatwhiiehewasin theclassroom wailing to be evacuated. hewasneara wallandwhen lhese loudexplosions wentoff he couldfeellhe wall shaking. Hesaidthat afterthey ran through theparking lot they endedupat a housedirectlysouthof theschoolandon thecomer ofPierce Street,Which he beiieves is sometypeof Mormon seminary. They wentinto the houseat the directionof me teachers andhe called his parents from there. Heestimated hewas in theschoot for about five minutesafter the incidentbegan, Hesaidthat he got a ride homeand arrived homeatapproximately 1500 hours. Barkeradded thatas hewas runnIng into the classroom, he heard the fire alarmsgoingoff In the school.

    Barker said that he left his backpack behind and that it contained history books, math books, Englishbooks, math andhistory file toicers. and hisTI-es calculator.

    Barkersaidthat hewaswearing jeans, a whiteTshirt, and running shoes,AlanBarkersaid thatpriortothe incident, hewasfamiliarWith the'trenchcoatmafia" butdidnotKnow that

    much about them, He had not hear of them having any problems with any particular group and only '.YOuld

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    recognize them on sight by wearing the black lrllnch coats, Barker said that he did not know HARRIS orKLEBOLD.

    Barner said that he has access to a computer and the Internet but does not have his own web site and 15not accessed to any of the web sites run by HARRiS or KLEBOLD. Barner stated that during his travelsthroughout the school he never noticed anything unusual. He did not notice any unattended backpacks or largeduffle bags. He also added that wouldn't be uncommon for people to abandon their backpacks Inthe cafeteriato get In the lunch line and save a spot for them tosit Barker has not hear of any students talking about bombmaking or collecting weapons. Barker could not add any further information.



    These were students sitting by the food cartwith Barker at the time the Incident began.4. JEFFMATTHEWS

    Drove Barner to school.

    De . nature/number/date'/,;r/ JSergeant's signature/number/date

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    0.01'51."'" .A1"tI fJ"Y ki't- !.A/at! ~ Q /(er2. S 4 k a ~ t ~ ; H ~ " " , ' {Q"dJ. ,, __ fie" It/4 i-ttlle.yIt. $fefa"if/ Lib" f./Jh


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    c B A ~ E R , D

    JC-l101 002422

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    WITNESS:1. BARKER, DIANA, W1F, DOB: 03-2282

    5644WestLeawood Drive. Littleton, CO 80128, 303-7977618Mother: BabzanneBarker, 5844West Leawood Drive, Lillieton,CO 80128, 303-7977618,work: 303-730-8898Father: BruceBarker,5844West Leawood Drive. Littleton, CO80128, 3037977618, work: 303-814-8385

    INVESTIGATION:On05-04-99at1030 hours I interviewed Diana Barkeratherhome. Hermotherwashome, however Diana

    requested that her mother sit Ina separateroom duringthe interview.Dianastated shedroveto school themomingof 04-20-99 arriving at0715hours. Sheparked in thejunior

    lot. Shewas with her sister, Cindy Barker, who is a freshman. a friend. Cynthia Nichols, and a neighbor MCampbell. Shestatedthey entered the school through thestudententranceonthesouthsideof the school. Shestated it was a normalday and shedidn't noticed anything unusual goingon outside.

    Diana statedshewentto her lockeronthe second floor. During her second period shelef! theschool forameeting. DianastatedshehadseenKLE80LD andHARRIS beforebutdidnot knowtheir names. Shestatedshedidnot knowany of Ihe othersin the groupbutthoughtperhaps Pauline ColbyandDavidCaravan mightbeassociated with the "trench coatmafia". Diana stated that shedid not seeany of the group thatmoming or inbetween classes.

    Dianaretumedto school at approximately 1100 hoursand parked inthe same lot. Sheentered throughthe samedoorandwaswithher friend. MaryBaribeau. She stated shewentto her lockerandthenwent intothecafeteria coming downthe stairs. Shestateditwasapproximately 1105hoursand therewerealready a lotof kidsin there. Diana tracedher pathon the attached diagram ofwhere shewent in the cafeteriaandthe table shesati" identified as"I". Dianaalso listedthe otherpeopleat her tableandwhere theyweresilting. Diana stated she

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    had been in the cafeteriafive to ten minuteswhenthecommotion began, Diana stateda friendof hers, KimBlair,ran in through one of the south cafeterta doors andwent toMarywho was seated at Diana's table: Kim startedto shakeMaryand she was screaming hystertcal that she neededhelp. They lookedoutside and sawAnnMariebent over and a boyby the name of Jasonbehind her appearing to try to help her up, Diana said that it lookedlike hewas trying togive her the Heimlichmaneuver. As theystartedto gooutside through the samedoor. Marystoppedandcommentedthat someonewas shootingand shepushedeverybody back inskle. Dianastatedshedid not see anyonewith a gun but heard gunshotsat that time, She stated somebody yelled "get down", DianastatedJason came in through the door at this timewith blood all over his hands, She stated he collapsednearthe cafeteriadoor.

    Diana stated she headed toward the stairswhen somebodyyelled that they should run that way. SheheardgunfirewhiCh sounded very loud and she thought itwas comingfrom insidethe cafeteria. She stated shet , upstairsand turnedeast at the top, runningdownthehall. Shewasnearthe Choirroomwhen sheheardmoregunshotsthat sounded like they were coming from rtght behindher. She slated people were falling and beingtrampledbutthey kept trying to run away. Dianastatedshe lefttheschoolout the south eastdoor and ran acrossthe street to the park. From there they heard moregunshotsfromthe schooL She stateda frtendof hersby thename of Tyler Jackman was leaving the school in his car at that lime. He stopped at the park and helpedeveryone.

    Diana staled that when she was sitting at the table in the cateterta, she staled they ali commented thatsomethingsmeiledweird, unpleasant. She stated itwas likebad bodyodor or perhaps sulfur Dianastatedshehad a navyblueJansports backpack that had a gluestamonthe front,She had her purse insideof the backpackthat contained her school 10. driver's license,ATM card, and checkbook. She stated she was weartng a iong,black skirt,white top and black sandals.

    Diana stated that she had seen a video in schoolon the Rebel News Network that was a Fridayfeatureand that showed a shooting in it. She couldn't rememberwhenshe had seen this.

    Detective's signature/number/dale Sergeant's signature/number/datePage2 of 2


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    LA1 tBWOOD

    ""'0"''''' MURDER"cc, ,", SCOTT_, 1173 STEFFES, TIMOTHY!A . _, 1197 GIRSON


  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    r..A.II'Ji:I900D co P'D .0:2.. 3Supplement 05/06/99 ~ 1 7 3 STEFFES, TIMOTHY " '" 99038856Jennifer reported that when she reached the top of the stairs she saw anumber of people laying on the floor. She did not !mow i f they had beenshot or had fal len as a result of the crush of students running. Jennifersaid that just af ter she reached the top of the s ta i rs she heard shots thatsounded l ike they were coming from th e cafeteria. She said that the shotshad two different pitches, and there was a pause between aome of theshots.

    Jennifer continued to say that th e group moved down the south mainlevel hall way toward the main exit at the east end of the building.Jennifer advised that the crush of students pushed her into I I glass wall.She said that the glass in the wall was broken and she did not know i f i twas broken because of her hit t ing the glass or i f i t had been shot out.Jennifer continued to say that as she was running down the hall she hearda series of rapid f i re shots from behind (west) her, and male voiceslaughing and. saying "We got that one down, look a t a l l the blood....Jennifer ad.vised. that she believed. that she heard the bullets going pasther head. J ennif er s ai d that as the group approached the main exit shestopped. running and a t this time Mr. Sanders ran up behind her and pushedher. She said that Mr. Sanders told her to keep running. Jennifer saidthat Mr. Sanders sounded l ike he was out of breath and she briefly turnedand looked. at him. At this time she noticed that his hand.s were covered inblood. She stated. that she did not know i f he had. been injuried or i f theblood came from someone he was tr"Jing to help. Jennifer related. that sheasked Mr. Sanders i f he was a ll right and he said yes and told her "go""go". Jennifer said that as she started to run again, Mr. Sanders was kindof leaning ag ainst the wall. J enni fe r a lso reported that while she was inthe south main level hal l she noticed a strong odor s imilar to f ire works.Jennifer stated that She did not see which of the Shooters were firing thegun or talking.

    Jennifer said that when she reached the outsid e of the school she ranto the south down the hi l l and onto Pieroe Street. there she met Aleanaand they continued to run south on Pierce Street. Jennifer said thae theywere going to go to Aleana's house but a short distanoe down Pierce Streetshe could not run any further so she and Aleena went to a house at 6418West Arbor Drive. She advised that an older couple a t the house took themin.Jennifer advised that when she arrived in the oafeteria she did notnotioe anything l ike a duffel bag on the floor, but she said that therewere a ll ready a large number of student back packs scattered around. checafeteria on the f loor. Jennifer continued to say that during the time shewas in the cafeter ia she observed no one bring a duffel type bag into thecafeteria.J e ~ ~ f e r advised that she does not know anyone connected with theTrench Coat Mafia and has not had ~ ~ con tact with any of i t s members.Jennifer advised that she had not even heard about the group unt i l shewent to high school. She did relate that a friend, Meg Haines, knew ErioHarris, and had been bOWling with Eric on severa l occassions. She saidthat she did not know ei ther Eric or Dylan Klebold. Additionally Jenniferadvised that she had not heard anything about pending trouble a t Columbinebefore th e shootings, nor had she heard any rumors about somethinghappening to celebra te Hi tl er s birthday.

    JC-001 002428

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    UlCIllIOotl co PI ) ..... 3 . . 3Supplement 05/06/99 ~ ~ 7 3 STEFFES, TIMOTHY _ 99038856

    Jennifer said that she does use the internet, but had not correspondedwith ei ther Brie or Dylan, and did not know what names they used on theinternet.

    Jennifer reported that on April 24th she was doing a promotion forcream cheese, in connection with Barbazon modeling, at a King Soepers storea t 12959 South Parker Road. According to Jennifer a white male subjectabout h igh schoo l age wearing a white shirt and a black trench coat came upto her and said so you go to Columbine?" she replied "yes. and to th isthe male said "you may have escaped this time but you won' t the next time.The subject then walked away from her. Jennifer said that she did notrecognize th e sub je ct from school. She also advised that while she wasdoing the promotion she was not wearing anything that would have identifiedher as going to Columbine. I advised Jennifer that i f she did observethis subject while she was in SChcol that she was to contact the SRO orcampus security person.Jennifer could provide no additional information and the interviewconcluded at 11:30AM.

    ..._ , 1173 STEFFES, TIMOTHY Pr in t" , 05/06/99 10:25~ e - - - - - - ~ - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - E

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500



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    --:. ; 1 , : I , I \ 1\,,

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    BARRETT, J .


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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500



    class, third hour is science,and fourthhour is French,which is locatedin the lower level. Jeff stated he did notseeHams orKlebold in betweenclasses that day. Afterhis fourth hour class,he wentdirectly into the cafeteriaentering it through thehallway. He stated it was approximately II: 15amandhe went straight to the lunch line.After he boughtSOme foodhe went to table numberMM, Jeff tracedhis path on the attacheddiagram and alsolisted the other students whoweresitting withhim at this table,

    Jeff statedhe heard a poppingsound and thought itwas a seniorprank. Akid by the nameofJustinNormond(unknownspelling) ran in from thewest cafeteriadoor to the stairssayingthat a kid had beenoutside shootingpeople. Jeff statedat that point that he and the othersduckedunderhis table. A janitor then ran through thecafeteriaand told everyonetoget down. Hedescribedthis janitor as havingpuffy hair, a moustache and agoatee. He statedhe lookedout through the westwindowandsaw thick,white smoke. He statedat that time, and the others ran to the east end of the cafeteria. He wentintoa bathroomand stayedthere for oneminute.

    He thenwent into the elevator andwent up to the upper level. He statedthe doors openedand there was smokein the hallway. They took the elevatorbackdown, as they heardpoppingnoise. He stated thatonce theelevatordoorsopened, Coach Andreswas there toget them into the backdoorof the auditorium.

    Once in the auditorium,hewent to the upper level and heardgunfireeven louderthere. He statedhe was withother studentswhen they hid on the floor between the seats for approximately five to tenminutes. He statedajanitor was in the auditoriumwith them.

    Jeff stated thejanitor checked the back several times to see ifthepathwas clear. He and theotherstudents ranfromthe auditoriumto the hallway in the lower level and out the southeastdoor. Theyran up the hill and acrossPierce to LeawoodPark. They couldhear gunfireandexplosions. Afterabout fifteenminutes, someoneyelledthat someonewas on the roof shooting. Jeff statedhe then ran throughtheneighborhood. Jeff statedhe neversaw the shooter. He statedhe had a backpackthat he tookwithhimwhen he ran. He statedhewaswearing

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    INFORMADON CONTROL NUMBER: D"3683. FIB: 4A-DN57419. JCSO: CR 1997625

    jean shorts,a greyand blackstripped shirt,anda navyblueGeorgetown baseball cap. Hedid not leaveanything in thecafeteria.

    Jeffstatedhe remembers, from last year, theTeM group in thecafeteriaplayingcards and talking abouthowtheApocalypsewascoming.

    Jeffstatedhe remembered that the announcement thatmorning included, in boldprint,4120, whichwas veryunusual. Hesaidit was common knowledge that this wasa police codeformarijuana.

    1f/ 3 1

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    , II,, I , I ' , / I i 'I I IV,;: : I '3Zt'1" , i"; ....; i / / I II I I I

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  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500



    J C . ( ) O ~ ' 002,436

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    6 ~ - ). 7 ~ - . 2.r,p..:7/7y,l-M_S'?'11 :7J t : ' ~ Case No. ff- 766 (Denver Police Department


    l lummay of Statement,:.z k n != $a,il/toi'ftgl,e /FA/V /J1..v ;/(t: 'M -trj"",k /11,'" -to J 'C! / t&o/

    " ja: b'Y'#" # 1 - " ? ~ -t

    71havele8d /he fotegoing SUllemen! and the tects contained therein are llUe 10 the best 01my knowledge and belief. Ido nor lfJIJinrain that it contains aUof the facts or detai ls of tne incident" but only those facts about which f have beenasSt.ed.

    _ . s J J ~ - , ltitl'!'la.. 0 AMD?Mr ..... Statement Completed

    OPO386 _ , 2195) JC-001002437 I~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l ~ l l n IIII' 0500 '

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    Page__ of__ Pages Case # _Summary of Statement tcont.) _:z )0 Hcr f I ; N ~ . . . J rrhoC'A 1 U i ! ! ' , 6 ~ 4 1 6i t /' f-J..".u...,.-Cr

    r~ < k . :; P'v-

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    DenYer PoIce Dep;vtmentSTATEMEIlIT

    2-,ell:z. .... f n H - I I r J ~ : : ; 7 f " ' fCase Nc. _

    I-I.............. . ,., !? - v-.(d.., ...." I o 0/(_ [J P*,l'$on adviMd._-- City e-nv jSt8t8 Zip C4do-- l : - - - --""" Date of Birth I Sttial No,t I I I_S__ cay ISt lr t8 Zip Codli!lOK_T.... S ~ Q . / _ _Ho. lD:},LO'9 jl rom./} ",,-r) . 68'" 1'37 8'tCJO Hour'CotiCiItfil. ilIA incidBnt 41lt:: ~ / I l J l j t 7 2 Z : i . ~ , d ~ C Ce-/Uhl 1;1'#""Sum"""" of StBteIID1tf4 .;V1"r/ J"'.:.1'>"te 7n I '7 #if

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500



    1. Didyoueversee thetwolargeduffelbags in the c a f e . ?'\:112. Didyeu$00 anyoce cazrying or in thepossession of these duffel bags, at al"""ioua time ?fJ::-.3. Didyou $00 EricHams or Dylan KIeboldeitber on MoadoyoiTlllISday? Whatwue bey doing?Whatdidthey....y? W.... theywid> anyooe else ?lIO4. Did you!eaveanything bebind in the caieleria or anywbe:e else in !be school?if> "':, ~ t . k . f a . r . , K : . ~ < ; ' v . . t ' f / t ! h . ..r.. a.. / 10">:- m " ~ I 1 J . P t j ; s .S. Whowere youwith in the cafet'lttia ? Wbere were you sitting ?t_to acbat liae) . .count? lie. ,:>, " 3""-,,, qO I 3 i' l 1 " v ~ rCC b 'd """,.. ,(: "" J"." " t . ,

    16, Canyouprovidaany further lnfonnationon the nmnbers of theTrenchCoatMalIa?N,17, Askthepa:relIlS if thekids havetold themanything else? Differeot?

    '""'.-:-- z: ::1-. ! ? , ~ ,

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    (.',.; ~ ; 1;7- .Ft]:: /7"1'J9-il,v-Y7'11

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    Jc..o01- 002442

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    P"age__ c. ' _ Denver Police DepartmentSTATEMENT

    ~ /7'111 C/.;,) s 7 ~ / 1...:TY

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    Page__ 01 _ Pages Case # _Summary of Statement [eont.) _


    I have read the foregoing statement and the f/Jcts contained therein are _ to tnbest ofmy know/edge and belief, Ido not ma/nt8;n thet /t contains a/l of the facts or det8//s of the incident. but an/y those tects sbout which / h!Jvebeenasked, __ 1__1_-Oat. a AM=======0 PMTime Statement Completed

    Jc.o01- 002444

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    RECK, M


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    SyPFLEMENTAL REFORTDefencl.Ant:Date: 4-28-99Deputy D.A. :

    Docket Number:Case Number, 99A062Investigator, J.Burkhal ter


    Mary Beck, dob 1-30-825579 Maplewood Pl.Lit t le ton, co. 80123Ph. 303-738-0815

    This investigator was meeting with Mary'S brother, Will, and learnedMary was also a witness. A statement was taken a t th is time.Mary is a Junior a t CBS and was s i t t ing on the South Wall of theCafeteria with Estee Bladder; Maudi Nichols, E lise B arrett , NickiSpurgess, Michole Lunetta, Mary Sue Barabue and Dianne Barker.Mary sta ted she arrived in the cafe ter ia around 11:10 A.M., s i t t ingthere, not feeling well. The bel l rang and everyone came down tothe cafeter ia .Mary sta ted everyone was talking when a l l of a sudden they a l lnoticed a smell coming toward their table from the West. She sta tedthey a l l noticed i t l ike , "What is that?"At th i s time Kim Sla i r came into the cafe ter ia screaming. She carnethrough the South side door saying "Ann Marie, Ann Marie IS , beenhur t . " Mary s tated th is would be Ann Marie HocJ:>.hal te r .All of a sudden everyone s tar ted looking outside and then they a l lgot under the tables .

    JC-001 0024471

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    Mary sta ted she heard and saw a car explode r ight o utsid e the Westside and people ran and the jani tors y elled g et down.

    Mary s ta r ted running toward the s ta i rs and about half way up thes ta i rs she heard an explosion and saw gray smoke coming from theLibrary area. Two female teachers yelled at them to come down tothe cafeteria area.Mary sta ted they ran downstairs and to the foreign language roOm andwaited there. She sta ted i t Was the French room.All the people waited about 10 minutes and then exited a side doorand went to Pierce and Polk.Mary sta ted she didn ' t see any suspects. She stated she didn ' t seea bomb in the cafeteria and the sprinklers were not on when she l e f t .Mary stated Kim Blair grabbed Mary Sue Barabue and pulled heroutside to help Ann Marie Hochalter.Mary stated she l e f t her backpack near table G or H. I t is a Jans

    Sport, blue with her drivers l icense, 1D card, glasses and se t ofhouse keys.The interview was concluded a t this time.

    ~ 3 u J J fb::?-=Invest igator Date:2 JC.001 002448

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    -BERCH, T

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    -::ONTU'UATION 0 Reporting Agemy R.epMlng ()fficer CaM' ReportNoSUPPLEMENT X JCSO ERZEN 99-7625-AConn;titlg Case Report 'No Victim Name:Oriiinal Report 0- ThisReport0''''1042 4-ZS-99l - X FIRST DEGREE MURDER X. .:!lioo Of f_ StMut: Opm E ) ; ~ i O N l l h < CIftred c Recommend C.ilIH: Revtew n

    ReelassUiatio" a ClelTt'd by Arrnt o \Jrlfounded 0 Ctcsare 0I ~ ; r IQlJanllt)' l BnmdNUIe I ~ r i o n I S e r i 4 ~ No ,r.;; I VllilK\ I ValmoRe

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    CONTI1'UATION 0 Reporting. Agetlcy Reporting Off'teet' C a s ~ ReportNoSUPPLEMENT X JeSO ERZEN 99-7625-AC o m ~ e , ; : : l i ! ' l g CeseRepcrtNo Vil;l:im Na;nc Or1glllal Report DaleThis Report

    t ' . , ~ t 0 4 2 4-28-99- X FIRST DEGREE MURDER OfftriM Stal\lS: Opl!n X al.... .,"" E ~ t e p t i m 1 1 l H ~ CIClinr'\l Recommend Case; Review aRKlasaiflClIliml a Clartd by ' \m$1 a U n f ! ) u n c t ~ a Closure a

    II.Sr:' I Q u a t ' \ t i ~ I Bra;.d .;-.lame IDncrtptkn I Serl;ii ~ ~ ~ \ ~ I R Value I C : a ~eecveree mtge;!estimatethat at the time there were 50-15 students In the cafeteria. After Tyler arrived at the table he placed his backpackonthetableand then proceededto thefoodservicelinewherehe gothis lunch.Afterhe receivedhislunchhe went back tohistable.atwhich timeI asked him ifhe badobservedtwo largeduffel type gymbags. oneblue in color and the other an orange-Ish/red.which were located in the central area of the cafeteria near where he was seared. l also asked if he observed anyone bring thoseItemsinto the cafeteria. He stated he did not see the items,nor did hesee anyonebring the Items In.

    Tyler slated that shortly after 11 :20 a.m.he observeda janitor hedescribed as a white male. between 5'8" and 5'9". short hair.bluejeans. skinnywith a white t-shtrt on come intothe cafeteriafrom the south doors. Thisjanitor was telling everyone in get down under the tables. Tyler described seeing a teacher by the nameofMr Sanders. who was near the north/westdoor of the cafeteria, Mr. Sanders was also telling students to get under the tables. Tyler stated Mr. Sanders attention was.directedout into the parking lot, to the west of the cafeteriaarea. Tyler statedhe did not hearany gunshotswhile hewas inthe-aterena, and it wasn't until he saw a large puff of smoke neara carparked in thesenior parking lotthat he saw anything Iasked Tyler if heard any gunshots or explosionswhenhe saw thispuff of smoke. He said shortly after the puffof smoke fromthe car bedid see that the students thatwerenear the west sideof the cafeteria started moving towards the east. at which timeMr. Sanders told the students to leave the cafeteriaarea. I askedTyler ifhe sawany gunmenwhile hewas in the cafeteria area.Hestated bedid not see any gunmen. He said heproceeded upthe stairswhich are located due east of the central core of thecafeteriaarea. As he proceededup the stairshe remembers hearing nine gunshots. describedas automaticgunfire.and one largepop.what he describedas a shotgun blast, Hesaidhe believesthesewerecomingfromthewest side behindhimin thecafeteria.TylerSlated he started to move up the stairs to the second level ofthe school. Hesaid he proceeded to the math, science ballwherebe went intoa science room. Hestayed in thescienceroombriefly then heproceededto thechemistryroomwherehehid,TylerSlated other kids hiding in thechemistryroomwith himwere; StephanieWise.Carmey(unk last name).John Batchhelder.and Beth(unklast name). HeSlated therewerefourteacherswhohe identified asMr Johnson.Mr.Freezen,Mr.Craft. andtherewas another unidentified teacher in the chemistry roomwith him.

    Tylerstated after this incidentoccurredthat it wasprobably30-45minutesafter the incidenttheycontinuedtohear gun fireandexplosions Heslatedwhile theywere Inthechemistry roomtheyhadkeptthedoors locked fromthe insideand be believedthere'vas a total of 19students. and fourteachers inthe roomwith him.



    Assigned To


    ASAFJ 4198 JCSDf167-i

  • 8/14/2019 Columbine Report Pgs 2401-2500


    ' : O N T I ~ U A 110N 1:1 Reporting Agency R ~ p o n j l 1 g Off'iCtt CaseReport NoSUPPLEMENT y JeSO ERZEN 9\I7625ACoom::.:tiO'gC&II; RqiUr'INo Vktlm Nalm'OriginalReport Dale: This, Repolt_P"'ltI042 4-28-99c. . , X FIRST DEGREE MURDER O f f e n ~ Status: Open X fu::cptiooaJly C'1eaR

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    SupplementalReportJCSO997625 1 FBI174ADN57419 1 CONTROL NUMBER: 2706Investigator DaD PranoenstiellWestMetro FIre1303-9894307Extension 530OnMay 5, 1999 at 0830hoursI metwithTinaColleen Bemacchi (doh11-28-81) andherfather, PeterBemacchi, at 7193SouthTellerCourt in Littleton, COI0111do for the purposeof an interview.Tina Bemacchi provided the following information abouttheColumbine High Schoolincident, whichoccurred on April20, 1999: Tina is a Seniorat CHS andtherefore has a varied schedule. In addition, sheisinvolved in the High SchoolMarketing program and spends a lot of time in thestudentstore, whichis locatedin Rebel Comer(southeastof the cafeteria). Tina staled that sherypicallywow the Student Store I" hourand then studiesin thecafeteriaduring3M hour. She staled that00 AprilWllJ, however, she was at aM8IketinJBanquetwith two otherstudents andtherefore. shewas not in the cafeteriaduring 3 hour. Tina statedthatshe rypically sits at table"D","E" or"F ' as depictedin the FBIEvidence Diagram withthe following students:

    ~ E 5 f ~ ! ~ ( S i C 1 J" MelissaCow (6653West IdaPlace)"Steve TrujillorKim Lorenz ' Tinastatedthatshewentto schoolthefirsttimeatabout7:30 themorningof April20.... Shestated that her intentwasto workin theStudent Store. Tina statedthatshemerwithMrs.Frommer (theMarketing teacher) in herofficeforabout ten (10)tninutes andit wasdecidedthat shewasnotneeded thatmorning. Shestatedthat sheparked inhernormalspace(#50). Shestatedthat she didnot seeanythingunusual atthattime,including anyof the so-called Trench CoatMafia(TeM). Tina thenreturned horne for a briefmoment. Tina statedthat she then left for school again atabout8:00or8:10arn, She statedthat shewas goingtomeetLindsayCrandell andMichelle Fox so thattheycouldallgo to the Marketing Banquetthatmorning. She stated that shewas drivinghermother's light teal 1996MercuryMystic. Shestated thatshe pulledintothe parkinglot at about8:15a.m, Again, Tinawasaloneat this time. Tinastatedthatwhileshewaspullinginto theJuniorparking lot(southeastsideof theschool) shesawDylanKlebold drivinghis latermodel, blackBMW. Shestatedthathewason theroadexitingthe parkinglotand notyet at Pierce (generally travelingnortheast). ShestatedthatDylanwasnotdriving "unusually fast". She statedthatthe speedlitnitis 15mphand thateveryone typically goesabout25 - 30 mph.

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    Supplemental ReportJCSO99-7625 I FBI174A.DNS7419 1 CONTROL NUMBER: 2706Investigator DanPfannenstiel IWestMetroFire1303-989-4307 Extension530 Tina stated that Dylanwas aloneand tIw he "lookedlikehealwaysdoes, thatgrumpystare on his face". Tinastatedthatshe did not see whathewaswearingorshe couldnot recall. Tina statedthatshecouldn't see into thecar, but knows tIwtherewas"nothingpiled in his car abovetile heightof tile windows". She stated thatDylandidnot makeeye contactwith her.

    Tina statedthat shedid not lookin herrearview mirroror tum aroundand therefore,does not knowhowhe left theparking lot ifhedid at all. Tinastated that she recognized Dylan Kleboldbecause hewasin herGovernmentEconomics class in tile fall of 1998. ShestatedtIwBrooksBrownandRobinAnderson were also in the class. She statedthat sheneverhad any conversationwiththemduring tile semester. Shestated tIwBrownandKleboldwouldcome to classlateand sneak out onoccasionsand the teacher (Ms. Karmigious (sic wouldnevernotice. Tina stated that she has seenDylan in hisBlackBMWon severaloccasionsbefore April 201ll Tina statedthat shewasAnalytical Reading!his semesterwith RobinAnderson. Shestated thatRobin wenton a lot of trips. She statedthatshewentto Germany and toNew Yarkduringa short time period. Tina statedthat she parkedin the"15minutepaikingspaces"rightoutside theCommons. She statedthat shewent into tile Commons and to the storefor about5 or10minutes before she met with lindsayCrandell andMichelleFox. She stated thatthey thenleft for theMarketingBanquet in her car. Shebelievesthat they leftat oraround8:20 a.m. She statedthat she did not seeanything unusual at that time. Tina statedthat shedid not lookinto tile cafeteriaat that time, butknows thattypically thereare 100to 200students hangingout therethroughoutthe day. Shestatedthat they areeithereatingsnacks,hanging outor studying. TiM statedthat shedid not see anybody hanging out at thebottomof the stairs. Shedid statedthat she saw the following near the Student Storethat morning(April20"'):MarissaMartinezChristelPriceNickSchumann (Tina's boyfriendI 303-973-7002)EvanHesly(sic)Kristien JohnsonTishaRichardson

    Tinastatedthatshedid not seeanybody carry anythinginto thecafeteriaat that time.Shestatedthat she did not observeany largeduffeltype bagsor largeba.c1mJlelr 3" I ) S - - ; ; 2 ~ - C " " ' tBum,," Street City County IState ZiI> Cod.Officer Takio!:l S_No , 10... rime""'''''' ~ \ > ~ , t

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    Defendant:Date:Deputy D.A. :

    (Columbine shooting)042893

    Docket Number:Case Number:Invest igator:

    99A062 (H)99-7625Mike Heylin

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * *


    Laura E. Bickmore DOB: 1013836422 W. Fremont Dr.Lit t le ton, CO 80128303-978-0066c /o mother; Betsy Brickmore (w) 303-220-0482,Brickmore (w) 303-239-0909-eHS stUdent, cafeter ia witness, tab le 00"INVESTIGATION:

    and father; Steve

    On April 27, 1999 a t 1600 hours I contacted Laura Bickmore a t herhome for an interview. Her mother Betsy was present . Laura thento ld me the following:

    * She i s a freshman a t Columbine.

    * Just prior to the f i r s t lunch hour, she jus t got out of her 4thhour geometry class which ended a t 11:10 a.m. That class i s in themath area of the school, the area east of the science sect ion.* After that class , she went to her locker nearby, walked downthe hal l by the science area and then down the s ta i rs to thecafeter ia . She got to the cafeter ia around 11:15 or 11:20 a.m . She was wearing a black t - sh i r t , jeans, and brown shees .

    1 JC001.002470

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    ~ ~ She t a lked by the s t a i r s fo r a minute or two and then sa t her:aCkPaCk by the lunch t ab le she was going to s i t a t . She was with aStephanie Lebsack. The two of them went to ge t t h e i r lunch a tIIRebel Corner."

    * She looked a t a diagram (with th i s supp . report) and thoughtthe table she went to was in the second row c lose to the foodl i nes , I then looked a t the locat ion her backpack was found. Sheagreed t ha t the table locat ion was "00." (See diagram fo r t ab lelocat ion and path in to the cafe te r ia . ) She did not know who elsemay have been a t th a t t ab le .

    * She sa id tha t she went to Rebel Corner with Stephanie , gotlunch, and was walking back to the cafe ter ia when she saw l o t s ofkids ge t t ing up from t h e i r t ab les . She heard rus t l ing around andsaw scme kids go up to the windows on the west s ide . She saw one ortwo kids ex i t the south side doors,

    *ye l lt ha t

    She saw theto everyone,as well .

    j an i to r (male with brown hair) by the south doors"Get down," over and over . She heard others say

    * Shes t a i r s .repor ts

    l a id on the f loor with Stephanie by the area near theShe heard t a lk of a gun, but she ne ver h ea rd any shots o r

    a t t h i s t ime.

    * She sa id everyone s t a r t ed to run out of the ca fe te r i a . She randown the fore ign l a n ~ ~ a g e ha l l and back to a classroom w ith about 30o ther s . The classroom was the southeas t corner room in th a t sec t ion .

    * An unknown female teacher was with them in the classroom. Theyturned some t ab les over fo r cover. Someone t r i ed cal l ing 911 butcould not ge t through. She s tayed in the classroom and heard abouttwo to three sho ts . A fte r only a few minutes, the t eacher hadeveryone run out the ex te r io r door next to the classroom. She ranthrough the south parking lo t and to a house on the next s t r e e t ,Polk s t r ee t .


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    //,/ _0 ked , she d i d 00' ,,"OW " i ' =i. 0. Dy1= ""old by/'it' face or name. She may have seen them in the hallways once or twiceduring the school year .* She does not know any other students that wear tr en ch coa ts .* She did not see Eric, Dylan, or any other trench coat studentsin the school or cafe ter ia on the shooting day.* Whencafeter ia .cafeter ia .


    she did not see ~ ~ unusual person or object indid not see anyth ing other than backpacks inasked specifical ly about duffle bags, she said


    odid not see any.


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    c \"04/22/1999 c : { n ~Sketched By: SA Stephen W" Pi Ritl:.,Not to scale - _ ,hl ,I - . .. . , ~ . 1 ..; ,j i '1m 1 '" ., ff '"" ,;" 2 ' . , J.",I .", I,,,,', _.J,., ' 'N

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    5/19/99On 5/13/99, Seth Bi'1'1i, DOB 1/2/82, 5417 SouthIndependence, Litt leton, Colorado, was advised of the identity ofthe interviewin'1 Agent, and th e nature and purpose of theinterview. He was interviewed in the presence of his Mother,Philippa, DOB 5/10/53 , and his Father, T o ~ , DOB 9/5 /53 . Heprovided the following information.On 4/20/99, Seth arrived a t Columbine High School a tapproximate ly 7:10 a.m. He went to his normal classes, the las tprior to f i r s t period lunch being math class. He bought hislunch, and then sa t at ei ther table AA or N with his friends. He

    didn't notice any duffel bags or packages that seemed out of theOrdinary in the cafeter ia. The following individuals were a t thetable with him.1. Braden PesUSkh/2. Jeremy Orban ; /v '3. Ollie B O U l k a ~4. Ryan Borus5. Robbie Raul ,/

    He heard a commotion, and stood up and looked out the westwindows of the cafeter ia. He heard students saying tha t therewas a f ight . He saw one student whom he could not identify runup the grassy h i l l towards t he f oo tbal l f ield. He then sa t backdown, and didn't yet real ize that anything s ignif icant washappenin'1. He next heard ei ther Mr. Sanders or a jani tor yellingfor everyone to get down. Students began getting underneathtables, and he did the same. He now heard popping noises. Hebegan working his way towards the stairs near the t rophy cases ina semi crouched position. Approximately two thirds of the way tothe s ta i rs , he got up and ran to the s ta i rs . He heard a loudnoise or explosion a t the top of the s ta i rs . He stopped, andin stead o f using the s ta i rs , he used the lanquage ar ts hallway.At the end of this hallway, he went into a classroom along withapproximately 20 other students, where a teacher named Ms. Lucas,and another unidentified teacher were located. They were in th isclassroom for approximately two minutes. While in th is classroom,they could hea r several loud explosions. The teachers thenchecked the hallway, and when i t was clear, they a l l ran out theexi t adjacent to the classroom. Seth ran across the parking lo t ,

    5/13/99F ~ 4-DN-57419/ 99-7625/ CN3200by SA Russell J . Atanasio

    0... dlt. dlAribtu.ed OlJU,tde your . i e ~ ) '

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    4-0N-57419/ 99-7625/ CN3200

    Seth B iq9iand into a Mormon seminary house located a tfew llIinutes la ter , he 90t a ride to Clementunidentified student.

    Prior to 4/20/99, he knew who Klebold was, but notHarris. He thinks that the Friday prior to 4/20/99 , Kleboldpicked a f ight with an unidentified athlete (jock). He knew whothe Trench coat Mafia was, but didn 't personal ly know any of themembers, nor associate with them. After his return to school, a tChatfield hiqh schoo l, a qir l named courtney Shakowski statedthat jus t after fourth period she saw four or f ive 'rCM lllembersenter the cafeteria . She stated that one them was carryinq a bigblack duffel bag. They entered the cafeter ia frOlll the seniorparking lo t . There are also rulllors going around tha t there was athird shooter.Seth uses th e Inte rn et , bowever he does not have ascreen name. He does not have an ICQ account, nor does heut i l ize chat rooms.


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    llINGllAM , K

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    0.", al eanscnpuon 05/ 05/19.99Kalynda Marie Bingham, DOB 12/18/1982, 9283 Wesc BrandtPlace, Lit t le ton, Colorado, telephone (303)979-3556, a sophomorea t Columbine High School, was interviewed a t her home in chepresence of her mocher, Debra Bingham, by Special Agent (SA) RickyV. Wright regarding th e in cid en t that cook place on 04/20/1999 a tColumbine High School. After being adv ised as to the ident i ty ofthe interviewing agent and the nature of the interview, Binghamprovided the fol lowing informat ion :At approximately 11:10 am, Bingham got out of scienceclass , taught by Mr. Craft , and l e f t the science department andwent direct ly down the s ta i rs to the cafe ter ia . Bingham se t herbookbag and a gray sweatshirt down at a lunchroom table (marked Ron diagram sketch), got her luns:h, and sa t back down. Bingham . /remembers that Chanra M a r s h a l l ~ N i c h e l e D u n n ~ a n d Letisha Marcumwere also s i t t ing a t her table. Bingham was s i t t ing facing east .Bingham thinks tha t Marshall was s i t t ing facing southwest andMarcum was s i t t ing to B i n g h a ~ s right . There was a stack ofchairs to Bingham's l e f t .Bingham was eating her lunch, when she noticed tha t thestudents on the west end of the cafeteria had gotten down underthe tables . Bingham and her fr iends got down as well. Dave

    Sanders and One of the custodians was n4>ning around te l l ingeveryone to get down. After about 45 seconds under the table ,everyone started running. Bingham was not sure what was goingon, but thought i t must be serious. Bingham started to run aswell and ran up the s ta i rs , then east down the hal l , and out theexi t a t the end of the hal l . Once outside, Bingham ran acrossPierce S treet to Leawood Park.Bingham did not see the gunmen and did not rememberseeing any large duffle bags s i t t ing in the cafeter ia . Binghamwas not in the cafeter ia a t any other time during the day.Bingham ~ , e w who E ric Harr is and DylL' Klebo ld were, but did notknow them well . Bingham did not remember seeing Harris orKlebo ld on the day of the shooting or a few days prior to the

    shooting. Bingham did not know any of the other members of theTrenchcoat Mafia.JC.o 01- 002480

    1''' ' ' '8'' ' ' '000 05/04/1999 at . . ; L ~ i : : : t : : : t ~ l : : : : e ~ t : . : o ~ n : : . . , , - C o : o ~ l : : o , : : : r . : : a ; : : d ; : : o : . . . . _Jeffco #99-7625;Fil i l ' 174A-DN-57419j Control #2591 Dee dlc....d 05/05/1999b, SA Ricky v. WrightThisdocumem contains oetCH:r re'ommendaMJ".$ norCOrtl;l\.lSJons of the FBl it isme ptopel1}'of i.h FBI and IS roaeed to your agency;il and Its contents are not to be dl>mbul.ed 0iJ!51de your agenty

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    Defendant:Date: 4-28-99Deputy D.A. :

    Docket Number:Case Number: 99A062Investigator: J.Burkhal ter

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * *

    Kandice Ster l ing, dab 2-5-557057 S. Flower S t.Lit t le ton, CO 80123Ph. 303-973-9589

    Control # 1592

    This invest igator met with Mrs. Sterl ing for a followup interview a t3:30 P.M.Mrs. S te rl ing c al le d in to sta te she needed to ta lk to someone.

    Mrs. Sterling began by saying she teaches Spanish and was working on4-20-99 in the lower f loor classroom.

    At about 11:15 A.M., Mrs. Sterl ing was headed for her classroom fromthe Teacher 's lounge in the Cafeteria. At th i s time as she was inthe cafeter ia area a wave of students moved away from the windows ofthe cafeter ia . The jani tors then began yelling "get down." Thejani tors then went upsta irs .Mrs. Ster l ing sta ted Dave Sanders, another teacher, came bolt ing outof the teacher ' s lounge and up the s t a i r s .She then heard gunshots and crouched down. At th i s time a group ofpeople ran toward the kitchen area and onto the elevator. Someoneyelled get out of the elevator and they did. Some students stayedon the elevator.


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    Mrs. S t e r l i n g s t a t e d Lee Andres, a teacher, then held the door t ot h e auditorium open and everyone went u p s t a i r s through t h eaudi tor ium and out t h e door on the main h a l l and down t h e h a l l t ot h e h a l l by t h e counse l l ing o f f i c e s and then out t h e door by t h e gym.A f t e r being o u t s i d e Mrs. S t e r l i n g s t a t e d someone y e l l e d , " t h e r e heis, a nd e very on e moved again and climbed a picknick t a b l e and overa fence. They t o l d t h e students t o go North t o Bowles.

    Mrs. Stex-ling s t a t e d she saw a s t u d e n t , Bryce McConnell, a s e n i o rwith another s t u d e n t . They were s tanding t h e r e and the m a j o r i t y hadmoved away. She thought t h i s was s t range as Bryce and the s t u d e n td i d n ' t seem t o want t o leave the area .

    Mrs. S t e r l i n g went on t o say t e a c h e r s were t a l k i n g t o each o t h e ro u t s i d e during the episode and t h e names, E r i c H a r r i s , Dylan, and

    were names they a s s o c i a t e d with t h i s i n c i d e n t . Mrs.S t e r l i n g th inks it was Barb Hirakawa and Art Teacher and SusanP e t e r s who s a i d t h i s .

    Mrs. S t e r l in g s ta t e d they t o l d Bryce t o come with them and she t o l dhim they need t o come with them. B ryce answe red h e r by saying hewas OK s t a y i n g a t t h i s l o c a t i o n . He s t a t e d he was s a f e t h e r e .

    Mrs. S t e r l i n g s ta te d Bryce d i d n ' t seem t o be i n the f l i g h t mode.She had him i n c l a s s and he i s p o l i t e , and a good s t u d e n t with maybelat.ent. anger .

    Mrs. S t e r l i n g stat .ed she knows Alex Marsh a female j u n i o r i s anadmit ted member o f TCM. Alex came outs ide with her group and wentup t o an i n v e s t i g a t o r and gave a s tatement a t Pierce and sewles .

    Mrs. S t e r l i n g stat .ed Bryce and the othex- male st.udent s t a y e d behind,near t h e t e n n is c o u rt s f rom where the fence f o r smokers i s .

    Mrs. S t e r l i n g s t a y e d a t Pierce and Bowles.

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    Mrs. Ster l ing s tated Zack heckler was a at.udent; assistant ana l ikecomputers. He and Dylan were fr iends. Kathy Lutz taught themFrench.Mrs. Sterling noticed Bryce and Matt Ricks were outside but nottogether. She sta ted Matt had a funny look on h is face ana his aloner a t school. She doesn' t know i f he is a TOM member.Mrs. Sterling did not see suspects. She didn ' t see any devices.She sta ted she hasn ' t talked to th e press and no students approachedher with information about the incident .She went on to say the sprinklers were not on when she l e f t thecafeter ia .

    Mrs. Ster l ing sta ted Amy Burnett, teacher, taught Eric Harris threeyears of German.Mrs. Sterl ing remembered Alex Marshto find "Nicole" (possibly Markum) .

    came into the LMC saying she hadThis was before the incident.

    Mrs. Sterling sta ted th is i s a l l she could remember a t this time.



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    1. BIRCH-STERLING, CANDACE M.,WIF, OOB: 0205557057 SouthFlowerStreet, Littleton, CO 60128. 303973-9569

    INVeSTIGATION:On 050299 at 1230 hours I contacted Candace Birch-5t&r1ing by phone. Mrs. Ster1ing is a Spanish

    teacherat Columbine HighSchool. She statedshearrived at school the morning of 04-2099 at approximately0645 hours. Shestated the school hasbeenopeninthepastasearlyas0600 hours. Shestatedshedidnotseeanything unusual inoraround theschool thatmorning. ShestatedsnewasnotfamlliarwithKLEBOLD orHARRISanddid not see themthatmorning.

    Mrs. Sterling left the foreign language department on the lower levelandenteredthe cafaleria between1115 and 1120 hours. Shestatedshewas standing nextto theservicelinewithtwo otherteachersby the nameof JaneBrug andNoleneRegnier. She stated shewasnearthethirdservice linegoingeastto west. ShestatedthaI someeustccians called out foreveryone to gel down because therewassomeone with a gun. She statedshethennoticed Mr.Sanders running east through thecafeleriawith possibly anothercustodian. Shestated shesawa social studies teacher, Eric Kreutzer, makehisway to \he westwindow of the cafeteria. She stated shethoughteveryone was tryingto keepthe gunman in sightbecause of the CUlVe in the building you could not seehim from just standing inside the cafeteria. She statedpeople started to yell to get out and she went to theelevatorandgotin. Shethengotoutofthe elevatorbeforeij left thegroundfloor. ThemUllic teacher. LeeAndresJr.,then opened uptheauditoriumdoors. Sheanda groupofstudentswent into theauditorium onstageandthenupthe northside of the auditorium leadingto the top floor. Mrs.Sterling statedthey crossed themainfloor and

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    I BLAIR, L.


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    Defendant.Date. May 15, 1999

    Deputy D.A. I

    Docket :ll'wII:l_.Calle lII'WIlber. 174A-PN57419

    99-7625CN 2592

    Inve. t igator : Lauck

    Lindsy Blair6532 W. Arbor Ave.Littleton, CO., 80127303/798-6687

    eMS student, cafeteria witness.On May 15, 1999, th is investigator met with Lindsy Blair a t her

    residence. Present dur ing the interview were her parents.Lindsy advised that she was in the cafeter ia shortly after

    10:00 a.m. on the day of the incident as her fourth hour i s her "offhour." She said that there did not appear to be anything unusualgoing on and at this time, and noted that there were probably onehundred and f i f ty students in the Cafeteria. During this timeperiod, Lindsy said she was with Jenny Allen, Melissa Lorenz, DonNurhut (SF?), Nichola Ray, and Lindsy Dowling. She was !Shown asketch of the cafeter ia and indicated that she was a t the tablemark.ed "V," during her lunch break which began at 11:10 a.m. Othersa t her table Were: Alex Goldberg, Amiee stone, Naomi Lucero, LorenBeyer, and Jennifer Muncen. She advised that at approximately 11:15a.m., she heard scmecne say, "they have a gun," and students beganscreaming. She saw many of the students get up from thei r tables andrun toward the s ta i r s . She said thet she also ran to the s ta i rs andfollowed students to the upper level. She stated that she then ran

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    down the ha l l between the math and social studies hal l s , eas t to adoor by the math room and out tha t door to S. Pierce St. and then toh er r es id en ce

    She recal led tha t while running down the hal l , she heard threeloud explosions. She could not t e l l whether they were gunshots orbombs.

    Lindsy s ta ted tha t she did not know Bric Ha= is o r DylanKlebold. She said she had never heard of the "trench coat mafia . She was unaware of any rumors r ela tin g to t h i s inc ident .

    Invest iga t ion continues.


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    ~ - V ( ) y & . A / ~ C,,-v 2:;-U1. Didyou oversee thetwo la.rge duffelbags in tile cafemria ? /1 / , )2. Didyausee allYO'" Cllnj'ing orin tile possossiooo( 111_duflill bags,il l a previous time , N/,,

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    Supplemenllll aeportJCSO 9jl.7625 1 FBI174ADNS7419 1 CONrROL NUMBER: 2389tn.esdplor Dan PfannenstlellWest Metro Fire1J03-9lJ9.4307 ExtA!lISion 5JlIOnMay 3, 1999 at 1000 hours I me l withEstee Blatter(dob1712-8ll,herfalbe the

    stairs". She stated thatshe went"east along thesouthwalland thenout tbesooth doors,by RabelCorner",rather thangoingup thestairs, Sbestatedthat shewasby herselfwhen 'he exited these southdoors. She statedthat the"ceilingwas fallingon ber headas she ran throughRebelCarner", Shethoughtw t it was coming fromabove,inme Library, rather thanfrombehindher, Shestatedthar ,,,,took her backpackwith herwhenshe left, 002.495JC.o01-

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    Supplemental ReportJCSO 007625 1 FBI174ADN57419 I CONTROL NUMBER; 2389Invest ie Dan PfatlllOnstiellWestMetroFlre 13413-989-4307 Esttns!(JIl5341 Esteestaled that when sheran out the doorsshe remembersseeing"TylerJackmandrivinga redMustangconvertible". She statedmar it is a "1989or 1990 Mustang"andthaI hewas"drivinga littlefaster than normal,bUI aoereal fast". SheSlatedthat sae could 001 tellwhalhe waswearingor if

    anybodywasin the carWIth Tyler. She statedthat h. was"driving east thtough theparkinglot".ESIee staredthaIshe yelled "Tyler" and !liarhedid 001 acknowledgebet. Esteestated that she ran aCfO$S the roadand into theparking lot, She stated Ibalshe ran "generallyeastto bet parkingspace (she did notknow the space number, nor did she haveher permilWIth her)". Shestated!liarshe drives. Grey Isuzu pickup truckwith noshell. She stated !liar she did nOl seeanygunman or heatanygunfireas shewas ruooing througb the parking10e Shestaled !liarshedid notsee"anybody.1 all in the parking101" at !liartime.nor did she see"any otherem comingor going". Esree statedthaIshe got in her truckand started it. She StllIed that shewanted to lveand theolhoughl"oh. my brother". Shestaled that she wailed for a fewmomentsand then shul the truckoff,got out and lockedthedoors. Shes tated IllsI 'h e "looked around the parkinglot for. fewmoments"and then "people started

    runaing everywhere,hUl mosdytowardsLeawoodPark". She swed tbar she neversawbet brothersoshe ran tbroegh the junior parking lot and10a hill (on

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    SupplcmeDlal ReportJCSO !J!I-7625 I FBIl74ADN-S7419 I CONTROL NUMBER: 23119IllvestiptorDanPranDeustleIIWestMell'O Fi... 13lI3-'lli9-4307EJrtel>lion S30Apparently Aleecia'. lIOn,AllanThomasaMods Columbine HighSchool. I hadstaffquerythe Rapid S!lIrtlnfOl'llllllion SystemforAllanThomasand A1eeeia Thomas. Therewere nocontactsor cOll1ro10_ssigne

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    000o 0 000 0


    i I D.STAllS Ul'TO lJBlWty cv.-1OODCA.lIT0 0 0-< ... 0 0

    0 0 0

    'h.-- (7l(l

    w,?Do 000o 0 0 0o 0 0 0

    8 t-E 1 3 L A f ~ 1 " J ~ f r 5 JJCSO Cfe; - 7(", Z.S- JC..Q01 002498F ( I7.fA - DN -57

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    JC.001. 002499

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    CONTINUATION 1:=- . . . . . . . .Offi< u"",'.""..Sup'J..EM,.:NT X RE 99-7625Cwuedi.lilCaar: Rcpt'Jft 1"9 ~ u . : l < l l l : a n l i l X l O """510-99ClassUliljOO homocide 0flellIe s_ : Qpm Ex