color on memory. prieto_s group

LYCEUM OF THE PHILIPPINES UNIVERSITY CAVITE THE EFFECT OF COLOR ON MEMORY AMONG GRADE ONE PUPILS OF GENERAL ALOÑA SR. MEMORIAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S.Y 2013-2014 A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences Lyceum of the Philippines University - Cavite In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements of the Degree Bachelor of Science in Psychology Abegail O. Etulle Abigail Kate O. Pecaña Charline G. Peñaranda COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES 1

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how color affect your memory





Submitted to the Faculty of the

College of Arts and Sciences

Lyceum of the Philippines University - Cavite

In Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements of the Degree

Bachelor of Science in PsychologyAbegail O. EtulleAbigail Kate O. Pecaa

Charline G. Pearanda

Lovely Anne A. Prieto

Rosevelen V. Puli

Mariel C. RamosPatria P. ReyesMarch 2014

ACKNOWLEDGMENT This undergraduate thesis would not have been accomplished without the support of many people.

The researchers wish to express their gratitude to their professor in Experimental Psychology, Ms. Ma. Alodia Cueno-Mercado. Deepest gratitude is also due to the Principal of General Alona Memorial Elementary School, Mr. Saturnino Hernandez, for allowing their students to participate in the study.

Special thanks to all their friends and classmates for giving strengths and wisdom.

The researchers wish to express their love and gratitude to their beloved family for their unconditional love and support.

Most importantly the researchers would like to give their deepest and sincerest appreciation to the One above all, the Lord, and Savior, the ALMIGHTY GOD. Without Him, this study will not be possible. His overflowing greatness provides them guidance and wisdom in the path they are taking.

Abegail O. Etulle

Abigail Kate O. Pecaa

Charline G. Pearanda

Lovely Anne A. Prieto

Rosevelen V. Puli

Mariel C. RamosPatria P. ReyesCollege of Arts and Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Psychology


THE EFFECT OF COLOR ON MEMORY AMONG GRADE ONE PUPILS OF GENERAL ALOA SR. MEMORIAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S.Y 2013-2014Abegail O. Etulle, Abigail Kate O. Pecaa2, Charline G. Pearanda3, Lovely Anne A. Prieto4, Rosevelen V. Puli5, Mariel C. Ramos6,Patricia P. Reyes7, and Ma. Alodia Cueno-Mercado8Proponents1,2,3,4,56,7and Research Adviser8PAST TENSE; CHECK GRAMMAR

The purpose of the study is to determine whether colors have an effect on memory of grade one pupils of General Aloa Sr. Memorial Elementary School. The, participants were 18 grade one pupils who were randomly selected and grouped into 3. Randomize group research design was used in the study. The experimenter used flashcard test in order to measure the ability to memorized words with different conditions. The conditions were words in black ink which was the control, treatment 1 was words in colored ink, and treatment 2 was black ink words with colored picture above. The participants were asked to write the words that they had been remembered. The calculated result implies that condition with colored words were the most likely to remember than the two remaining conditions. Thus, it can be concluded that color has a significant effect on memory on grade one pupils. Moreover, memory works best under treatment 1. It is recommended to conduct first an IQ test in order to eliminate the possible extraneous variables. Also, the cognitive ability of the student may vary the possible implication of the study. Keywords: Color, Memory, Randomize Group Design, IQ Test, and Extraneous VariablesTABLE OF CONTENTS









Background of the Study 1

Statement of the Problem 3

Hypothesis. 3

Conceptual Framework 4

Theoretical Framework 5

Significant of the Study... 5

Scope and Limitation 6

Definition of Terms.. 6LITERATURE REVIEW 8

Color, The Spectrum of Light.. 8

Memory 10

Color on Memory. 11METHODOLOGY.. 15

Research Design 15

Participants of the Study... 16

Sampling Technique. 16

Data Gathering Procedure..... 16

Research Instrument. 18

Data Analysis. 19

Statistical Treatment.. 19



Summary.. 25

Conclusion 25



1 Mean Scores in Flashcard Test (Pretest)... 20

2 Mean Scores in Flashcard Test (Posttest).. 20

3 T-test Result. 21




1 Conceptual Framework of the Study 4 2 Research Design 15



1 Words used in the study... 2 Permit to conduct the experiment.

3 Inform consent for the research participants.

4 Flash card used in pretest..

5 Flash card used in treatment 1..

6 Flash card used in treatment 2..

7 Result of Flashcard test.

8 Timetable for research..

9 Budget proposal

10 Curriculum vitaeCHAPTER IINTRODUCTIONBackground of the Study Colors are capable of influencing your life, health, mood, emotion, and thinking. Cool colors like blue and green can make you feel relaxed. On the other hand, colors like red and orange shows the intense emotion and can catch attention. Color is a part of haptic environment; it is like the architectural integration of artistic experience, function, and technology to drive a meaningful perception (Cobble, Dagett, Gertel 2008). Researchers concluded that colors on walls have an impact to the individuals work and studying. That is why corporations are now hiring color consultants to decorate their offices in order for the employees to have an effective environment to work on (OBrien 2003). Same in the class rooms, studies shows that colors around the classroom affects the learning of the children. Classrooms and library uses neutral colors to help them focus and reflect. More recently experiment, states that students who were exposed to red color before the exam has a negative effect on test performance.

The cognitive development of children includes memory. Brain loves fun and excitement that is why fun activity with colors became more productive on the fact of learning. Brain also loves color; it can help the memory, inspires and encourages kids to be creative and come up with new ideas. It can also help them evaluate and solve questions. Students were highly motivated to do schoolwork based on observation and experiment. It also holds their attention span for longer period of time. Children can remember information longer when colors are used in their activity or educational materials in classrooms because brain can receive visual information easily. They find bright or high contrast colors stimulating; the brain keeps some information in short period of time unless it connects with prior knowledge. You can activate it by reminding him of things youve done as family or group of friends. When children are very young, the use of colors and shapes identify things, if flashcards, blocks or any images can be presented with colors or can have a different color background, children can easily associate it with other things. Children ages from 6-7 has a remarkable change in cognitive development. It is because, pupils move from preschoolers to primary education (Anthony, Ph.D). Children increase their ability to use their memory during middle childhood. Children gain new information when the school starts as well as they develop the capacity to process information. It allows them to store rising information and has the ability to recall it (Oswalt, n.d.). Memory refers to the processes that are used to acquire, store, retain and later retrieve information (Cherry, n.d.). Memory span is the longest list of items that a person can repeat back in correct order immediately after presentation. Memory is a complex process of storing and recalling data. Short term memory is the ability to store and recall information for a few seconds. Active memory takes several minutes while long term memory extends for a couple of time to recall information. This is for children only ages from 6-7 (Wachs, n.d.). The experimenter would like to know if color affects the memory of male and female grade one pupils, ages 6 to7 years old. The participants are randomly selected from General Aloa Sr. Memorial Elementary School. Statement of the Problem

The study was conducted in order to determine if color has an effect on memory among grade one pupils. Specifically it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What were the pre-test scores in the flashcard test?

2. What were the Post-test scores in the flashcard test?

3. Was there a significant difference in scores among pretest and posttest?4. Under what condition does memory work best? Was it in pretest, treatment 1 or treatment 2?Hypotheses The following statements were the hypothesis of the study.

Ho1: There was no significant difference in scores between pretest and posttest with in groups. Ho2: Memory works best under no condition.Conceptual Framework

Figure 1. A model of pretest and posttest design of the experiment The diagram above represents the conceptual framework of the study. The experimenter went to the school to seek approval to the principal. The researcher needed 18 pupils (9 boys and 9 girls grouped into 3). Participants were selected and grouped randomly. After finalizing the participants, the experimenter distributed the informed consent to be sign by the parents.

In the procedure proper, the experimenter showed 10 black-inked words on a flash card which is the pretest. In posttest treatment 1, the experimenter showed another 10 words in colored ink. Then in treatment 2, the experimenter showed black-colored word with colored picture.Theoretical Framework This paper is anchored to the theory of the stroop effect experiment of John Ridley Stroop in 1935. Stroop effect or name that color was the study of interference in serial verbal reaction in which the stroop was presented in different ways. First, the meaning of the word and the color were congruent to each other. For example, the word red was written in color red. Second, the meaning of the word was incongruent to the color. For example, the word red was written in blue color. The implication of the study was naming colors in incongruent form was longer than colors in congruent form. The implication is explained through speed processing theory and automaticity theory (Stirling 1977). Speed processing theory stated that brain read words faster than it recognizes color. Moreover, word information arrived in decision making stage than word information. On the other hand, automaticity theory was the most common theory in stroop effect. It stated that reading was an automatic process prior to recognized word. Selective attention memory stated that naming colors requires more attention than reading words. Significance of the Study The result of the study may benefit the student, teachers, parents and future researches. Students. This study may provide effective way of developing memory skills of grade one pupils. Familiarizing the pupils in different colors may stimulate the brain to function well in school. Teachers. This study may serve as their basis of which condition works best in memory of grade one pupils. This may serve as a tool on how teachers can improve their way of teaching through applying the appropriate condition.

Future Researchers. This study may serve as a basis for future researches of the same nature. The implication of the study may provide proper information with regards to the said topic.Scope and Limitation The study involves the effect of color on memory among grade one pupils in General Aloa Sr. Memorial Elementary School. The participants of the study were both male and female pupils, ages from 6 to 8 years old. The time and place of the experiment was constant, 9:00 to 11:30 in the morning at the guidance office where in theres a testing area for the students. Definition of Terms These definitions explain how the variable will be manipulated in the study: Color. It refers to the treatment of the study. Diverse colors were applied to the 3 different sets of flashcards. Flashcard Test. It refers to the tool for measuring the memory of the participants. The experimenter used three ten sets of flashcards with different words printed on it. Grade one pupils. It refers to the participants of the study. The pupils came from the public school General Aloa Memorial Sr. Elementary School. The participants were selected in a random sampling method. Memory. The result of the flashcard test. The experimenter asked the participants to write down the words they remembered.

CHAPTER IIReview of Related LiteratureColor, the spectrum of light Color is defined in different ways. Some of this is described by Miriam-Webster dictionary and Oxford dictionary where in color is a phenomenon of light. It is a property that possessed by an object that gives various sensations to our eyes. Color is an element of light where in it can be separated in a spectrum or rainbow. One of the pioneers who studied color is Sir Isaac Newton. His study about color was published in 1672. Newton is the first to understand rainbow through prism experiment. The prism experiment led him to discover the spectrum of light where in white light can be separated in to different components which consist of six basic colors arrange in specific order namely red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet. When white light passes through transparent medium into another medium like glass, its components are deflected according to their color. The spectrum of light led to the discovery of primary, secondary and tertiary color. Primary colors are the sources of other color therefore; it cannot be derive by mixing other colors. Primary colors are red, blue and yellow. Secondary colors are produced by mixing the primary colors. These are the colors green, orange and purple. Tertiary colors are the product of mixing the primary and secondary colors. These are the colors yellow-orange, red orange, red-violet, blue violet, blue-green, yellow green. Colors almost have connection in every aspect of peoples mind, emotions, environment, health and personality. Colors is not just an art, it gives a deeper meaning to the things around us. Many studies were conducted that is related to colors. Study by Wolfson (2000), stated that common area of interest for color Psychologist is the biological effect of the color Red. He declared that red increases arousal and brain activity. Base in this study it is very clear that the color has an impact on our mood, mental state and ability to learn words and remember musical chords in a sequence. Another study, the effects of Indoor color use gender and age on mood and cognitive performance was tested. K.Yildirim,A. Akalin- Baskaya, M.L Hidayctoglu (2006). It was hypothesized that indoor color for decoration in stores is an effective source that may convey emotional meanings. To start the study, there were two participants who have sent in a Caf Restaurant. The decorations were change into violet.

In the result, participants for each stage showed that interior violet were more positively perceived compared to yellow decorations. And in addition, young customers had more positive tendency than older customers towards perception of atmospheric attributes including color of store interiors. According to Morton 2010, they are tests showing that Black and white image can sustain the interest for less than two-thirds a second while in colored image it can do for two seconds or more. Based on Olsen 2010, two experiments investigate that colors produce different cognitive learning motivation: Red gives an avoidance motivation and blue produces an approach motivation, these two studies shows the idea that color strongly influence cognitive task performances. According to Metha and Zhu 2009 cited in the study, color is an important part of human perception. Many objects have been decorated to convey a message through color. Metha and Zhu, 2009 clarify these results through achievement motivation theory. Elliot and Maier (2007) different colors enhance different achievement motivation which can then affect the performance on different types of cognitive task. Another researcher says that if you are in social context, color red can be associated with romance and will then have a more positive association as stated by Elliot and Niesta.

Red Color increases the memory of negative words; Green Color can help in recalling the positive words while the Blue or Black Color recall the words linked to our emotions. Thats why; the researcher agreed that the color can influence the strength of some emotion-related memories. (Madhusoodanan 2013)

Memory According to Standford Encyclopedia Memory, memory is one of the important ways by which histories animates the current actions and experiences. Memory differs from perceptions. John Locke took memory to be power of mind to revive perceptions which it has once had, with this additional perception annexed to them, that it has had them before (1960/1975, p. 150; see also Owens 1996). A rough consensus has emerged among philosophers and psychologist around one promising, more-or-less unified terminology for the forms of long-tern memory. William Brewer defines recollective episodic memory in similar terms as reliving of individuals phenomenal experience from a specific moment in their past (1996, pp. 60-61). Bergson (1908/1991) and Russell (1921) distinguished recollective memory is episodic memory and also sometimes called Personal Memory. Episodic memories are naturally expressed with a direct object: Such personal memories can be generic or specific, and can be memories of more or less extended temporal periods. But the most characteristic feature of episodic remembering, arguably, is the way it brings us into contact with theparticularpast events which such memories are about and by which they are caused (Campbell 1997; Hoerl 1999). Memory is the ability of the mind to recall past experiences. It is the process of storing and recalling facts, experiences and situations (Luke Mastin 2010). In memory, there are three major processes involved namely encoding, storage and retrieval (Kendra Cherry). Encoding refers to the new information that comes to our memory system, and then our brain incorporates it to a usable form so that it can be stored. Once information has been encoded, it is now the process to storage. Lastly is the retrieval, it refers to the process to recalling information out of the storage (Saul Mcleod 2007).Color and Memory A lot of studies were conducted about the relationship between color and memory.

The Color Memory and Memory Color are different concepts according to Hering in 1961. He explained that the most outstanding color of an object has a part in the memory representation and it influences the perception of that objects color. Color Memory represents the actual memory for color alone, it is not depending on the specific object while the Memory Color refers to the detailed information, and they preferred colors of objects.

According to Pisaran, there is one way that the color of a word can affect how well it is memorized. One way is, if the color of the word is printed and it is connected to the meaning of the word. It is called as a Mnemonic, which can help us to memorize something better. It has been account that color increases the peoples arousal (Birren 1978). Thus, it was reported that the increase of arousal also increases the memory. (Roozendaal 2002). Therefore, researchers may assume that color increases the peoples memory.

The study of Suzuki and Takahashi (2002) investigated the effectiveness of color in picture recognition memory. The experiment was conducted by presenting half of the picture in color form and the other half is in black and white color only. The implication of the study was the recognition of picture was poor even in colored from. These suggest that the effectiveness of color to picture recognition were not efficient. Smilek, Dixon, and Merikle 2006, this study will tell us hoe color can affect the performance of an individual. Participants will be shown different colored pictures, followed by a description on nature of human memory. Smilek, Dixon, and Merikle investigate the influence of color on memory performance. There are four different conditions (black, white, congruent and in- congruent color conditions). Their participants were undergraduate student; participants will be given three minutes to study and another three minutes for them to recall the said activity. As a result, the memory performance of the participants was found to be better in the congruent color condition compared to other condition. Therefore, the choice of color is very important because it has an effect on human memory performance.

Lynnay Huchend 2007, this study determined whether color has an effect on memory. Participants were undergraduates enrolled in Psychology course, each of them will be given a packet consisting of twenty (20) words. All sheets with in the packet were the same color; Participants will receive warm colored and cool colored or white packets. They will be given one minute to recall those words that they have seen. They will try to remember as many words as they can. After the activity, this experiment shows that participants who received warm-colored packets recall more than those who received cool-colored packets. Metha and Zhu (2008) found the connection between color and memory. The experiment found out the participants performed better on word recall task when it is presented in red background rather in white ones. According to Wood 2010, the study investigates how spatial working memory and visual working memory interacts. This study focuses on their ability to operate independently and when do they operate together. In this study, there will ten individuals, four males and six females, aging 21 to 22 years of age. They will be doing two tasks: one, the participants will attempt to remember locations using spatial working memory task and two, the participants will attempt to remember colored objects in a visual working memory task. The memory responsible for locations and objects are not the same thus this experiment concludes that spatial working memory and visual working memory works independently. However, there is an additional study that shows that they work together in three memory contexts: shapes, integrated color-shaped objects and colored objects when retaining for specific locations. The results suggests that spatial working memory is needed to connect colors and shapes into included representations in visual working memory. Aman, Kumar, Methab, Nihal, Nisar, Zaheer, (2012) studied if colored text motivates, enhances the concentration and the ability to recall information of medical students. Again, the experimenter used paragraph in black and colored ink. The study proved that colored text improve the memory retention, motivates and develop better concentration than in black text. Also, it is found that colored ink reduces stress of the students. In the study of Bergantino (2013), determined the effect of color on memorization and what way does it affect. The experimenter used historical dates wrote in two condition flashcard. First is written in black and the other one is written in different colors. The participants were divided and ask to study the given dates in 5 minutes. The implication of the study is participants who studied dates with different colors memorized more effectively than those flashcards written in black marker.CHAPTER IIIMethodologyResearch Design

Figure 2. Randomize group research design The research design use in the study is randomized group design under between-subject design. The participants of the study are randomly assigned to each level if independent variables. In the experiment, there are 3 levels of independent variable. First are words in black ink for the control group. Second, words in colored ink are for treatment 1. Lastly, words in black ink with colored drawing in treatment 2.Participants of the Study The experiment is to be conducted to 18 grade one pupils, 9 boys and 9 girls. We chose General Aloa Sr. Memorial Elementary School as our target school because of their population, 379 pupils enrolled in this school year. It is a public school with seven (7) sections in grade one only. There is only 1 section for students with high average (star section), the rest is random assignment of pupils. Each of those sections is composed of 45 to 50 students.Sampling Technique The participants were selected through random sampling technique. There were 18 grade one pupils that clustered into 3 groups. Each group was composed of 6 pupils (3 girls and 3 boys).Data Gathering A letter was sent to the coordinator of General Aloa Sr. Memorial Elementary School, requesting for permission to administer an experimental research. When the request letter was accepted, the experimenter gave letters for the chosen sample population asking for the cooperation of every individual involved. The experimenter examined each pupil individually on an empty room. The room set-up has a table with two chairs, side by side facing each other. One chair for the experimenter and another for the pupil. The experimenter was polite all throughout the experiment period. When the pupil entered to the room, the experimenter immediately accommodated them by saying hi and asked for their name. The experimenter wore a white polo shirt (old NSTP uniform) and pants. It was constant to the entire sessions.

The experimenter waited for the pupil outside the room. Pupils were guided to their seats and then experimenter asked constant questions throughout the experiment. Experimenter: Hello, what is your name?

Experimenter: Im (name of the experimenter) how old are you?Experimenter:Im going to show you 10 words in a flashcards, then try remembering every word written to it because later on you will list down all the words you have remembered, ok?

The first phase of the experiment was the pretest. Pretest consists of 3 sessions, with 3 different set of participants. The experimenter divided the participants into 3 groups, to know the control group; the group 2 was the group 3. The duration of each session was 10 to 15 minutes. During pretest, the three groups didnt receive any interventions. The experimenter just showed 10 set of flash cards using black ink only. Once the experimenter read the word, pupil will also read the word. After the presentation of the 10 flashcards, the experimenter conducted a short recap on the words that the pupil encountered. By then, the experimenter gave a half of a bond paper and pencil and asks to write down the words they remembered. If the pupil doesnt know how to write a certain word, they were assisted accordingly.

The second phase of the experiment was posttest; the duration of the activity was the same in pretest, 10 to 15 minutes. Group one was not included anymore because it was the control group. In posttest treatment1, the experimenter showed another 10 set of flashcards. These flashcards has words presented in colored. Again, the experimenter conducted short recap before the pupil take down notes. In group three, the intervention was similar to group two. The words that the experimenter used in treatment 1, was the same in treatment 2. The only difference was theres a colored picture above the black colored word in a flashcard.Research Instrument The tools that the experimenter used were 20 flashcards with different words, 10 words in pretest, and 10 words in posttest. Words in treatment 1 and 2 were the same. The size of the flashcards was like one half of the index card. The color of the flashcard is white only. The words that were used are ordinary words that the grade one pupils may probably know.

Data Analysis The mean scores in pretest and posttest were computed in order to know the effectiveness of the treatment. Also, t-test is calculated to compare the score of two treatments. >>> THIS MUST BE INCLUDED UNDER YOUR STATISTICAL TREATMENT.THIS SECTION SHALL CONTAIN HOW YOU INTERPRETED THE RESULTS OF YOUR EXAMS OR INSTRUMENTS.Statistical Treatment To answer the statement of the problem, mean, t-test and t-critical value were computed in the study.

Mean. The mean scores in flashcard test were computed to answer questions number 1, 2 and 4 raised in the study. These was determined which condition had the highest mean.T-test. The t-test was computed in order to answer question number 3 rose in the study. It was used to determine the significant difference between the two conditions. T- Critical Value. The t-critical value was computed to know the margin of error. CHAPTER IVResults and DiscussionsPROBLEM 1: What were the pre-test scores in the flashcard test?Table 1 Summary distribution of pre-test scores in flashcard test of the participantsGROUPMean


Group 24

Group 33.5

The table indicates the mean score of grade 1 pupils on Flash Card Test during Pre-Test. It is answer the first question where in group 1 got the highest score of 5.17, while group 2 has a mean score of 4 and lastly the group 3 got the lowest mean score of 3.5. As you can see, the means scores were not different from each other. The experimenter concluded that the technique that the teachers used in the said school is constant. Therefore, pupils gained the same learning in school. WHERE IS YOUR RRL HERE?PROBLEM 2: What were the Post-test scores in the flashcard test?Table 2Summary distribution of post-test scores in flash card test of the participantsGROUPMean

Treatment 1(Words in Colored ink)5.3

Treatment 2(Words in Black ink)1.2

The table indicates the mean score of grade 1 pupils on Flash Card Test during Post Test. It shows that treatment 1 had the highest mean score of 5.33 while in treatment 2, pupils got the mean score of 1.5. To that note, the experimenter may conclude that colors really effect the memorization of grade one pupils. The result are supported by Aman et al. (2012) and Bergantino (2013) where in their study proved that colored text enhances memory, motivates and develop concentration than black ink text.

On the other hand, colored pictures or figures have a significant low effect in memory of grade one pupils with the average score of 1.2. According to Suzuki and Takahashi (2002) colored picture was not efficient in memory recognition because requires more attention to acquire information than just reading words with color. PROBLEM 3: Was there a significant difference in scores among pretest and posttest?

Table 3 Summary distribution of the test of difference between pretest and posttestGROUPT-testCritical ValueDescription

Control - Treatment 1

(Black ink Colored ink)2.4212.571Reject HO

Control - Treatment 2

(Black Colored Drawing)2.09062.571

Reject HO

The table indicates the result of the paired t-test. Considering the table Values of the t-distribution (two-tailed), t-obtained value must be greater than or equal to t-critical value in order for the null hypothesis to be accepted. When a = 0.05, the degrees of freedom is equal to 5, and the hypothesis is two-tailed, we should use 2.571 as the t-critical value. The table 4 depicts that the t-obtained value of control treatment 1 (2.421) is less than the t-critical value (2.571) which falsify the null hypothesis that makes it un-acceptable or rejected. Another, in control treatment 2, considering the table Values of the t-distribution (two-tailed), t-obtained value must be greater than or equal to t-critical value in order for the null hypothesis to be accepted. When a = 0.05, the degrees of freedom is equal to 5, and the hypothesis is two-tailed, we should use 2.571 as the t-critical value. The table 4 depicts that the t-obtained value (2.0906) is less than the t-critical value (2.571) which falsify the null hypothesis that makes it un-acceptable or rejected. As the result implied, both hypotheses of the study were rejected. Therefore, color has a significant effect to memory. This was supported by the studies of Smilek et al (2006), Metha and Zhu (2008). Both studies determined that there were connection between color and memory. Words in congruent color increased the performance of the participants. Same as words in red background helped stimulate the brain in order to function well, Wolfson (2000). Just like the experimenter did in the conditions of the flashcards, colors were congruent to the printed word. As a result, it shows the effectiveness of the said condition.PROBLEM 4: Under what condition does memory work best? Was it in pretest, treatment 1 or treatment 2?

Table 4 Summary distribution of post-test scores in flashcard test of the participantsGROUPMean

Treatment 1

(Colored words)5.3

Treatment 2

(Colored picture)1.2

To answer the final question, the condition in which memory works best is in colored form. Indeed it is treatment 1. The null hypothesis, is rejected because color has an effect in memory of grade one pupils as the result stated. This was supported by Suzuki and Takahashi (2002) where in colored pictures doesnt have an effect on memory of a person. Because pictures were complex than words, it requires more attention identify or to process the shape, the size and color of the said picture. On the other hand, when a person saw words, the brain automatically read it and process it, thus, it is the automaticity theory.PLEASE EXPLAIN MORE CHAPTER V Summary, Conclusion and RecommendationSummary

The study was conducted to know the effectiveness of color on memory among respondents, grade one pupils. The study was held at the General Aloa Sr. Memorial Elementary School consists of seven sections, every sector was composed of 45-50 students. The experiment started at exactly 9:00 am and ended up at 11:30 am. The experimenter used set of flash cards composed of different words. Each set of flash cards has a different condition presented to the pupils. In order to know the effect of the conditions, pupils needed to write down the words they had remembered. Based on the result, control group had the highest score in pretest. Moreover, treatment 1 has the highest score in posttest. Congruent to that, color has a significant effect on memory among grade one pupils. In line with that, memory works in treatment 1 condition which is words with colored ink.

Conclusion Based on the result of the study, the implication of the study may conclude that color has a significant effect on memory. Memory of grade one pupils works best in treatment 1 which were words in colored ink. Recommendation In order to develop and improve the memory of grade one pupils, teacher must know what condition works best to the memory of children.

Students. Students may enjoy the learning more through colors. Colors not only catch the attention of pupils, it also improves the memory. Teacher. In order to improve the education of pupils, teachers must be creative in presenting and teaching lessons. The application of color in every lesson is one way. Future Researches. The null hypothesis is rejected; it is proven that color has an effect on memory among grade one pupils. It is also recommended to conduct first an IQ test to each participant to get a more concrete result because the pupils ability to read and write may be a hindrance in data gathering. In line with this, make sure that each participant of the study doesnt have color blindness in order to perform to this kind of experiment.REFERENCESThe white light spectrum [article blog]. Retrieve from

Newton and the color spectrum [article blog]. Retrieve from

Color Wheel Artist [article blog]. Retrieve from

Basic Color Theory [article blog]. Retrieve from

Harris, P. C (unknown). Definition of Primary Color. Retrieve from

MacLeod, S. (2007). Stages of Memory- Encoding, Storage and Retrieval. Retrieve from

Kendra, C. (unknown). What is Memory? Retrieve from

The Human Memory [article blog]. Retrieve from

Monahan, J. S (1997). Effect of Practice on Stroop Congruity. Retrieve from

Stroop Effect Explanation [article]. Retrieve from

Background of The Stroop Effect [article]. Retrieve from

What is The Stroop Effect? [article]. Retrieve from

Demonstration of the Stroop Effect [article]. Retrieve from Sir Isaac Newton, His study about color, published in 1672

Retrieve from Wolfson, stated that common area of interest for color Psychologist is the biological effect of the color Red; (2000).

Retrieve from Morton, , they are tests showing that Black and white image can sustain the interest for less than two-thirds a second while in colored image it can do for two seconds or more; 2010

Retrieved from Based on Olsen, two experiments investigate that colors produce different cognitive learning motivation; 2010

Retrieved from Metha and Zhu,color is an important part of human perception; 2009

Retrieved from Elliot and Maier, different colors enhance different achievement motivation which can then affect the performance on different types of cognitive task; (2007).

Retrieved from Madhusoodanan, color can influence the strength of some emotion-related memories; 2013


Words used in the study












APPENDIX 2Permit to conduct the Study


Informed Consent for Participation in a Research Project


Project Title: The Effect of Color on Memory among Grade One Pupils of General Aloa Sr. Memorial Elementary School

Name of Investigators:

Etulle, Abegail

Pecana, Abigail Kate

Penaranda, Charline

Prieto, Lovely Anne

Puli, Rosevelen

Ramos, Mariel

Reyes, Patricia

How to contact the investigator: [email protected]


Your child is being asked to volunteer for a research study to investigate The Effect of Color on Memory among Grade One Pupils of General Aloa Sr. Memorial Elementary School

In the experiment, memory of the participants will be determined. We will present different types of flashcards then try to recall what the pupil will remember.

The participation in this study is voluntary. If you agree to allow your child to participate, he/she is free to withdraw from the study at any point without penalty. All information he/she provide in this study will be anonymous. His/her name will not be linked to his/her information in any way; instead code numbers will be used. Adequate safeguards will be used to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all information he/she provide. Group reports (instead of individual reports) will be discussed (if requested) once the results of the study are gathered.

The experimenter will answer any questions you have about the study before you agree to participate. You will be given a copy of this form to keep. For questions you may have after the study, please contact the investigator listed above. For questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact Ms. Alodia Cueno-Mercado, contact no. 09151348219. If you agree to participate in this study, please sign and date the form below in the spaces provided.



(Parents signature over printed name)


APPENDIX 4Example Flashcard used in Pretest

Size: 7.8 x 5 inchesFont: Times New Roman

Font Size: 120

APPENDIX 4.1Example Flashcard used in Treatment 1

Size: 7.8 x 5 inchesFont: Times New Roman

Font Size: 120

APPENDIX 4.2Example Flashcard used in Treatment 2

Size: 7.8 x 5 inchesFont: Times New Roman

Font Size: 120


Pretest result

APPENDIX 6Posttest result

Treatment 1


Posttest result

Treatment 2

APPENDIX 8Timetable for Reasearch

(Gantt Chart)


Title Proposal

Title Approval

Survey of Literature (RRL)

Writing of Proposal (Ch 1-3)

Proposal Defense and Revision

Conduct, Data Collection & Analysis

Final Manuscript

Oral Defense

Revision, Binding and Distribution

Appendix 9 Budget Proposal


Thesis Problem Proposal

PrintingPhP 250

Conduct and Data Collection

Transportation1, 700

Instrument used300

Token and food for the teacher, participants and statistician1, 350

Statisticians fee700

Revision and Binding


TOTALPhP 4, 500

APPENDIX 10Curriculum Vitae

Abegail O. Etulle was born on the 30th of August in the year of 1989 at Quezon City. She finished her elementary last 2002 at San Gabriel Elementary School at Novaliches, Quezon City and she finished her High school at Sta. Lucia High school in the year of 2006 both in Novaliches, Quezon City. She was graduated at her vocational course of Caregiver at Asian Institute of HealthCare in the year of 2009 at Fairview Quezon City. And now, she is studying at Lyceum of the Philippines University- Cavite Campus taking up Bachelor of Science in Psychology.She attended seminars with various themes such as Becoming a competent and ethical practitioner of Psychology and from interview to feedback: what you need to know about Psychological Assessment which both happens in Provincial Gymnasium of Trece Martires City Cavite. She also attends a seminar entitled Innovative strategies in teaching special children, a first seminar for Psychology that happened in the campus.Abigail Kate O. Pecaa was born on the 6th day of June in the year of 1994 at Bacoor, Cavite. She finished her elementary education last 2006 at Las Pias Elementary School and finished her High school at Las Pias National High School in the year 2010 both in Las Pias City. And now, she is studying at Lyceum of the Philippines University-Cavite taking up Bachelor of Science in Psychology.

She attended seminars with various themes such as Becoming a competent and ethical practitioner of Psychology and From interview to feedback: what you need to know about Psychological Assessment which both happen in Provincial Gymnasium of Trece Martires City Cavite. She also attended the 27th PAPJA Convention entitled Philippine Psychology in the midst of change, and a seminar held in University of the East-Manila with a theme of a Journey into Personhood: Self discovery. She also attend a seminar entitled Innovative strategies in teaching special children, a first seminar for Psychology that happened in the campus.

She is a member of a choir in San Martin De Porres Parish and a member of the Psychological Association of the Philippines Junior Affiliates.

Charline G Pearanda was born in, Tagaytay city, Cavite on October 10, 1994. She finished his elementary education at Sungay East Tagaytay city Elementary School. She took her Secondary Education at Tagaytay City Science National High School. She is currently taking up Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Lyceum of the Philippines University, Cavite Campus.

She has attended various seminars related to the field of her study. One of these is the Psychological Association of the Philippines Junior Affiliates (PAPJA) 27th Annual Convention that was held last January 17 to 18, 2014. . Other seminars she attended were the Cavite Center for Mental Health 7th Annual Seminar entitled: From Interview to Feedback: What you need to know about Psychological Assessment happened on December 6, 2013, and The Eighth All Psychology StudentsCongress PSYNERGY 8: Hanggang Saan ang Walang Hanggan? Ang Pagtuklas sa Sikolohiya sa Likod ng Walang Hanggan at De La Salle University, Dasmarias on February 21 to 22, 2014.

Ms. Pearanda is a new affiliate of Psychological Association of the Philippines Junior Affiliates.

Lovely Anne A. Prieto was born April 10, 1995 in Amadeo Cavite. She studied primary school in Halang Banaybanay Elementary School. She graduated high school in Halang Banaybanay National High School. Now, she is currently taking up BS Psychology in Lyceum of the Philippines University.

Her first seminar that she had attended was on Lyceum of the Philippines Manila entitled Handwriting Analysis, 2nd Interscholastic Psychology Congress on February 20, 2012. After that she had attended the 7th Annual Seminar, Cavite Center for Mental Health Psychological Services on December 6, 2013. And recently, she attended the Hanggang Saan ang Walang Hanggan seminar in PSYNERGY 8th: All Psychology Students Congress February 21-22, 2014.

Ms. Prieto won the best leader award on ENSCIEMAS camp during her highschool days. Then, Ms. Prieto took the TOEIC Exam for assessing English Proficiency for Business. She got a score of 705 out of 990 which it assessed that she has Basic Working Proficiency.

Rosevelen V. Puli was born last November 13, 1976 in Manila. She finished her elementary education at Las Pias Elementary School and her secondary education at SAGAD High School Pasig City. She is currently taking up Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Lyceum of the Philippines University. She is currently living in Aratilis St. CAA Las Pias City.

She attended various seminars related to the field of her study, one of these is From interview to Feedback: What you need to know about Psychological Assessment last December 6, 2013 at Provincial Gymnasium, Trece Martires Cavite. She also attended The Eight All Psychology Students Congress PSYNERGY: Hanggang Saan Ang Walang Hanggan at De La Salle University- Dasmarias last February 21-22, 2014 and Shaping the Perfect Soul: Innovative Strategies in Teaching Special Children last March 1, 2014 held at Multi- Purpose Hall in Lyceum of the Philippines University General Trias Cavite. She is currently working as online Junior Contributor/Web Content Analyst base in United States.

Mariel C. Ramos was born in Manggahan General Trias, Cavite on March 15, 1992. She finished her Elementary Education at General Aloa Memorial Elementary School Biclatan General Trias, Cavite. And took her Secondary Education at AmadeoWeste Cavite Instituto de Le Mar. She is currently taking up Bachelor of Science in Psychology at Lyceum of the Philippines University-Cavite Campus.

She has attended various seminar related to field of her study. One of these is the Shaping the Perfect Soul: Innovative Strategies in Teaching Special Children at the Lyceum of the Philippines University-Cavite that was held last March 1,2014. Other seminars she attended were the The Eight All Psychology Students Congress PSYNERGY 8: Hanggang Saan ang Walang Hanggan? Ang Pagtuklas sa Sikolohioya sa Likod ng Walang Hanggan at De La Salle University- Dasmarias on February 21 to 22, 2014, Cavite Center for Mental Health 7th Annual Seminar entitled From Interview to Feedback: What you need to know about Psychological Assessment happened on December 6, 2013 at Provincial Gymnasium Trece Martirez City, Cavite and On the Edge Season 2 : Self Mastery: Think Better Live Better on August 24,2013 at Penthouse, Emar Suites, Mandaluyong City.

Patricia P. Reyes was born on the 21th day of March in the year of 1995 at Makati City. She finished her elementary education last 2007 at Saint Baraqueil Learning Center and finished her High school at Our Lady of Peace Academy in the year 2011 both in Bulihan Silang Cavite. And now, she is studying at Lyceum of the Philippines University-Cavite taking up Bachelor of Science in Psychology.She attended seminars with various themes such as From interview to feedback: what you need to know about Psychological Assessment in Provincial Gymnasium of Trece Martires City Cavite. She also attended the 27th PAPJA Convention entitled Philippine Psychology in the midst of change, and a seminar held in San Sebastian College with a theme of Your Honor: Navigating Forensic Psychology in the Philippines.

She is and a member of the Psychological Association of the Philippines Junior Affiliates.


