colonial life

Colonial Life 1607-1763

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Colonial Life. 1607-1763. Major Themes. Southern Colonies New England Colonies Middle Colonies Imperialistic System Diversity. The Southern Colonies. Describe the Southern economy and the plantation system. Outline the development of slavery in the South. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Colonial Life

Colonial Life


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Southern Colonies New England Colonies Middle Colonies Imperialistic System Diversity

Major Themes

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The Southern Colonies

Describe the Southern economy and the plantation system.

Outline the development of slavery in the South.

Explain the rise of the planter elite in colonial Southern society.

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Commercial agriculture

1. tobacco2. rice & indigo3. Plantations

Demand Chesapeake Bay Indentured Servitude

1. need2. contract

South Carolina1. rice2. indigo


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Plantation system tended to create a society

with distinct social classes Gentry Self contained communities Planters

1. 1600’s2. 1700’s

Yeoman farmers1. Subsistence farming2. tobacco


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Governor William Berkeley

1. Tax exemption2. Voting disenfranchisement

Land Nathaniel Bacon (1676) Result

1. Land expansion2. Expansion of slavery3. Royal African Company (1672)

Bacon’s Rebellion

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10-12 million slaves transported to the

Americas b/w 1450-1870 Middle Passage Chattel slavery Slave code


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Why did Southern tobacco planters use

indentured servants to work their fields? What was the difference between the planter

elite and backcountry farmers? What situation led to Bacon’s Rebellion? Why was slavery particularly entrenched in

the Southern colonies?

Chapter 3.1 Review Questions

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New England & Middle Colonies• New England’s Economy• New England Towns• Rise of Cities• Middle Colonies

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Diverse economy Corn Grand Banks Whaling Lumbering

1. Timber2. Fall line

New England’s Economy

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Church covenants Town proprietors Town meetings Selectmen Meetinghouse “Holy Watching”

New England Towns

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Merchants Triangular Trade

1. New England2. Caribbean3. England

Urban Social Class1. Wealthy merchants2. Artisans3. Unskilled workers4. Forced laborers


Rise of Cities

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Fertile land Wheat Rivers (Hudson, Delaware, and

Susquehanna) Wheat boom Entrepreneurs Capitalists Class System

1. Wealthy entrepreneurs2. Farmers3. Tenant farmers

Middle Colonies

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How did the geography of New England affect

its economy? What was the importance of New England

town meetings? What social classes made up urban society in

colonial America? How did geography affect the economy of the

Middle Colonies?

Chapter 3.2 Review Questions

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The British Imperial System• Mercantilism• The Glorious Revolution

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Economic system that emphasized a country had to

accumulate gold and silver through exports and imports Self sufficient in raw materials Provides reliable markets & eager suppliers Navigation Acts

1. All goods must be transported in GBR ships2. Enumerated commodities3. Staple Act

Custom inspectors Commissioners of Trade and Plantations (1675) Dominion of New England (1686) Sir Edmund Andros


Page 17: Colonial Life

James II Mary and William of Orange Glorious Revolution English Bill of Rights

1. Abolish king’s absolute power2. Impose taxes or raise army3. Freedom of speech and cruel & unusual punishment4. Toleration Act

New Charter for Massachusetts Bay John Locke

1. Two Treatises of Government2. Justification of revolution3. Natural rights

Glorious Revolution of 1688

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Why did James II create the Dominion of New

England? What did the English Bill of Rights provide?

Chapter 3.3 Review Questions

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Diverse Society• Family Life• Immigrants• Africans• Enlightenment• Great Awakening

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Explosive growth Birthrate Legal status Disease Cotton Mather

Family Life

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Pennsylvania Dutch Scot-Irish Jews


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West Africa South Carolina

1. Gullah2. Control

Virginia1. English2. Control

Stono Rebellion


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1. Rationalism2. Jacques Rosseau3. Baron Montesquieu

Great Awakening1. Pietism2. Revivals3. Jonathan Edwards4. George Whitfield

Intellectual Movements

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Why did the colonial population increase

dramatically in the 1700’s? What reasons did immigrants have for coming

to the American colonies? How did enslaved Africans fight back against

slavery? What was the difference between the

Enlightenment and Great Awakening?

Chapter 3.4 Review Questions