colligative property - elevation in boiling point

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  • 8/13/2019 Colligative Property - Elevation in boiling point




    Colligative Property:

    Elevation of Boiling Point

    Name : Avantika Arun

    Class : XII F

    Exam No. :

    Year : 2013-2014

  • 8/13/2019 Colligative Property - Elevation in boiling point


  • 8/13/2019 Colligative Property - Elevation in boiling point



    I would like to thank the CBSE, the school Principal Mr.

    Thakur Mulchandani, the Vice Principal Mrs. Sheela P. John &

    my parents for being a constant source of support and

    information. I also take this opportunity to express my sincere

    gratitude to my Chemistry teacher, Mrs. Mini George and the

    lab assistant Mrs. Shemna, for guiding me and imparting a

    sound base of knowledge pertaining to this topic which

    ensured the successful completion of this project. Above all, Ithank the Almighty for his blessings.

  • 8/13/2019 Colligative Property - Elevation in boiling point



    NAME : Avantika Arun



    ACADEMIC YEAR : 2013-2014

    SCHOOL : Sunrise English Private School

    NAME OF TEACHER : Mrs. Mini George


  • 8/13/2019 Colligative Property - Elevation in boiling point





    To study the effect of addition of a non-volatile solute to a

    volatile solvent and also to demonstrate that elevation in

    boiling point depends upon the relative number of moles of the

    solute and solvent but doesnt depend on the nature of the



    Bunsen burner, tripod stand, wire mesh, 250ml flask, glass

    stirrer, thermometer, tap water, solutes.

  • 8/13/2019 Colligative Property - Elevation in boiling point




    Colligative properties are those properties of dilute solutions

    which depend entirely on the number of moles of solute

    contained in the solution and not on the nature of the solute. It

    means that two solutions having different components but

    same mole-fraction of solute can have identical colligative

    properties. Some of the colligative properties are mentioned


    I. Relative lowering of vapour pressure.II. Elevation in boiling point.

    III. Depression in freezing point.IV. Osmotic pressure.RELATIVE LOWERING OF VAPOUR PRESSURE

    For an ideal solution, the relative lowering of vapour pressure

    is equal to the mole fraction of the solute. In a solution , a part

    of the surface of the liquid is occupied by the solute particles ,

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    as such the evaporation of liquid takes place from a lesser

    liquid area and hence the liquid will now have a lesser vapour

    pressure as less liquid will change into vapours.

    Suppose a solution with two components A which isvolatile

    and B which is non-volatile. The vapour pressure is given as

    Or = K. where K is the constant of proportionality

    For pure liquid,

    = 1, then K =

    , which is the vapour pressure of pure




    Similarly, if B is also a volatile liquid, the partial vapour

    pressure of B, is proportional to its mole fraction. Hence,

    , =.

    . (1)

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    , = .

    . (2)

    This relationship is known as Raoults law. It states that for a

    given solution of two or more miscible volatile liquids, the

    vapour pressure of each component at a particular temperature

    is directly proportional to its mole fraction.

    From equation (1),

    = .

    Now, suppose B is a non-volatile solute, then

    + = 1, = 1 -

    = - .



    is the relative lowering in the vapour pressure.

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    The boiling point of a liquid maybe defined as the temperature

    at which its vapour pressure becomes equal to the atmospheric

    pressure. The normal boiling point of pure water is 373 K. The

    vapour pressure of the solvent in the solution is lowered due to

    addition of non-volatile solute which leads to an elevation in

    the boiling point of the solution as now the solution needs

    more heating to make its vapour pressure equal to the

    atmospheric pressure. This effect has been illustrated in the

    vapour pressure curve below:

    The curves AB and CD are the vapour pressure curves for the

    pure liquid solvent and the solution respectively. At the

    temperature T, the vapour pressure of the pure solvent

    becomes equal to the atmospheric pressure and T is the

    boiling point of the solvent. But the vapour pressure of the

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    solution at T is P which is less than atmospheric pressure

    and therefore it is needed to heat the solvent to a higher

    temperature say in order that the vapour pressure becomes

    equal to the atmospheric pressure. Thus is the boiling point

    of the solution .Thus it is clear that the solution has higher

    boiling point than the pure solvent or . Evidently - is the

    elevation in boiling point. Since its magnitude is determined bythe vapour pressure lowering the elevation in boiling point is

    also proportional to solute concentration.



    From (1) and (2),

    = K.

    = K


    For dilute solutions,

  • 8/13/2019 Colligative Property - Elevation in boiling point



    = K

    = . m [ where m =


    Where, is the molal elevation constant or molal

    ebullioscopic constant.

    It is quite clear from the above discussion that we can calculate

    molecular mass of solute by measuring the elevation in boiling

    point of a solution and elevation in boiling point is a colligative



    Freezing point of a substance is the temperature at which solidand liquid phases of the substance co-exist. It is also defined as

    the temperature at which liquid as well as solid phases have

    some vapour pressure. The freezing point of pure water is

    273K. If a non-volatile solute is dissolved in a pure solvent, the

    solvent vapour pressure in the solution is depressed which

    results in lowering of freezing point. K is the molal depression

    constant or cryoscopic constant. Thus, it is clear from the

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    discussion that depression in freezing point of solution is a

    colligative property.


    The passage of solvent from pure solvent or solution of lower

    concentration to solution of higher concentration is called


    Osmotic pressure may be defined as the excess pressure which

    is to be applied to the solution side to prevent the passage of

    solvent into it through a semi-permeable membrane. Solutions

    having same osmotic pressure are called isotonic. The solution

    having higher osmotic pressure than a given solution is called

    hypertonic and if it has lesser osmotic pressure, it is called

    hypotonic. Osmotic pressure is also a colligative property.

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    1.Set up the apparatus using a 250ml beaker containing200ml of the experimental solution.

    2.Put the beaker on a tripod stand with a wire mesh and usea Bunsen burner to heat the solution

    3.A celestial thermometer calibrated up to 110C isimmersed in the solution in the beaker with the help of a

    clamp stand.

    4.The initial temperature taken before starting theexperiment was considered as the room temperature.

    5.At first, find the boiling point of tap water. Thistemperature is taken as the standard boiling point of the


    6.Now, prepare three different concentrations of NaCl andboil 250ml of each one by one in the beaker.

    7.Take the readings of the temperature after every 20seconds

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    8.After 90 seconds, take the readings after every 10 secondsin order to easily find out the concurrent result.

    9.Repeat the procedure similarly for different concentrationsof oxalic acid and take the observations accordingly.

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    On increasing the concentration, the boiling point of NaCl and

    oxalic acid increases.


    The first set of graphs were plotted for temperature of the

    solution versus time. In the graph for 1M NaCl, there is slow

    rise in the temperature in the first 60 seconds of the

    experiment. After that the temperature rises rapidly till 110

    seconds. A peak is obtained at 120 seconds. For 2 M NaCl, the

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    initial slow rise is almost same as for the 1M graph but the

    peak is obtained much faster in 100th second. The boiling

    point is obtained by finding the mean temperature. For 3M

    NaCl the peak is obtained almost faster at 80 seconds.

    In the graph for 1M oxalic acid, a slow and steady rise is seen,

    80 seconds after which the graph shoots up. The peak is

    obtained at 100 seconds after which the temperature remainsalmost constant. For 2 M oxalic acid, the peak is at 90 seconds

    and then for 3M the peak is at 80 seconds. So it is seen that the

    time required to attain the peak becomes lesser. From the two

    graphs, it is evident that when the concentration of the

    solution is increased from 1 M to 3 M, in both cases there is

    rise in boiling point.

    The increase in temperature in case of NaCl is 97C, 98C and

    100.2C. The first two readings are almost the same but for 3

    M, the reading differs. This difference can be attributed to

    experimental errors as experiment was not conducted in

    controlled laboratory conditions.

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    Also, the two experiments were not conducted simultaneously

    and due to non-availability of distilled water, tap water was also

    used. Moreover, due to prolonged heating, some of the solution

    evaporates bringing about a change in the actual

    concentrations. So it can be suggested that increase in boiling

    point is dependent only on the number of moles of solute and

    not on the nature of the solute whether it is NaCl or oxalic


    It is proved that when a non-volatile solute is added to a

    volatile solvent, the boiling point of the solvent increases. Also,

    this increase in boiling point is not dependent on the nature of

    the solute but depends only on the number of moles of the

    solute. Thus, this elevation in boiling point is a colligative


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    Franks SENIOR SECONDARY CHEMISTRY PracticalManual, Frank Bros. & Co., 2012 edition.