college magazine evaluation


Upload: joe-wilson

Post on 20-Jul-2015



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Strap line

Sell line


Cover line

Pull quote

Left third

Bar code


Date line

Price line



Sell line


Cover line

Left third

Main image


My masthead, unlike a lot of other

magazine mastheads, is quite a long

worded one and is also made up of two

words which is different from the

generic masthead style. However much

like mastheads in big magazines and

most magazines I have gone for a very

bold look with the font, enabling it to be

easily noticeable to the audience.


The puff that I have created and used for

the front cover of my college magazine is a

very eye catching puff and stands out very

well on the front cover of the magazine. The

bold black out line and the bright red fill of

the puff contrast well with the background of

the front cover increase how well the puff is

able to stand out from everything else on

the page. This is good as the puff may

encourage people to want to have a look at

the ‘Win an iPad’ section as well as the rest

of the magazine.

The first reason that I choose this image for my

front cover pictures was that it showed that the

person was fairly high up and does have some

authority. This is something that I was

attempting to show in the photo as the person in

the photo is representing the schools head boy.

The way that the camera is taking a low angled

shot gives a very tall and powerful appearance,

when in fact the person was not very tall. Also in

the background of this photo is one of the school

buildings and this has also been shot from a low

angle, giving it the appearance of also being tall.

All though the picture may give a powerful look

to the student in the foreground, he is smiling

which takes away an strict or unwelcoming

appearances, which is good for a college


Keeps to theme

List articles



The pictures both on the cover of my

magazine and on the contents page

show males and females therefore it

is representing both of these.

Therefore the products is aimed at

both genders. Also due to this being

a 6th form magazine it represents

ages of 16 to 19 (the possible ages

of students.


The articles that I have used in the

contents and cover pages of my

magazines are mostly talking about

college related subjects. Therefore

they are representing students at the

ages of 16 to 19 years old. This also

includes young s16 year olds as I

have mentioned the leap from GCSE’s

to A levels.

The first of the institutions that may

distribute my magazine could be schools or

colleges. This is purely for the reason that

they would students there who either are

going to go to college or already have, and

feel like they need advice and help.

Another institution may be UCAS. This is

because there are always students looking

on UCAS whether they are in their last year

of college or their first, and they might see

the magazine as interesting and helpful.

The final of the institutions that may

distribute the college magazine that I have

made are social networks. Social networks

have thousands of students on them ever

second a lot of whom will have recently

started college and might be finding it


The main audience of the

magazine that I have designed

would be college students and

GCSE students. This is because

the magazine would help current

students with difficulties that they

are encountering at college and

will help GCSE students to be

able to see what college will be

like. The range of age would be

from 16 – 19.

One of the ways in which I managed to

attract the audience to the magazine I have

created is by using the main sell line. I have

created this so that it is catchy and so that

people will ant to find out about it. By saying

‘Head boy reveals his secret to learning

success’ students will read it and think I want

to know this secret to success.

Another way in which I attracted the

audience with my magazine was by having a

puff. The puff says ‘Win an iPad’ will make

people want to look inside the magazine and

found out how exactly they can win this iPad.

This will also mean that they go through the

rest of the magazine and would hopefully

take an interest into it.

One of the technologies that I have learnt

about whilst creating this product is how to

use the DLSR camera correctly. This

includes using all of the right settings and

focuses to get the best quality photo that I

could get. When I was doing this photo

shoot I used the Cannon EOS 600D and

managed to use this camera whilst in the

manual set up mode, meaning I would have

to set the focus and lighting myself, this is

something that I learnt and found very

useful. Another technology I have learnt to

use and picked up some skills with is

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