college magazine design, preparation and evaluation


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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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Page 1: College Magazine Design, Preparation and Evaluation
Page 2: College Magazine Design, Preparation and Evaluation

FontsI am going to use a font that is creative but simple to

read so that the audience is able to read my magazine.The font for the college magazine will stand out and

be creative as the magazine is targeted to students and must be appealing. Some fonts I may use are the following :



Page 3: College Magazine Design, Preparation and Evaluation

Colours I am going to use some vibrant colours for the theme of my

magazine such as red and blue in order for my magazine to stand out compared to other magazines so that I can attract my target audience.

Here are some examples of the colours red and blue being used in magazines:

Page 4: College Magazine Design, Preparation and Evaluation

IdeasAs it is a college magazine my articles are going

to be based on education and college. It is going to be formal but also include a few articles that are not so formal such as competitions.

A few ideas for my articles are the following :

Competitions Interviews with TeachersNew BuildingsCharity EventsAdvice and Support

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ImagesFor my front cover I am going to use a primary dominant

image that attracts my target audience to my college magazine so that they will want to buy my magazine over anybody else's.

For the contents page I will use a variety of images including students, teachers and buildings. Here is an example of some images that would be suitable for a college magazine :

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Front Cover Mock Up

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Contents Page Mock Up

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Software and ToolsI will be using Adobe Photoshop CS6 to

create my college magazine as it has all the necessary tools that I require and it has good software capability's in order to edit my images and to present my college magazine in the way that I have designed.

The interface also has lots of different tools that I will go into more detail with when creating my music magazine.

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Front Cover Page

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The bold yellow mast head is big and helps to attract the target audience of my magazine which is this case is ‘College’ students hence the title COLLEGE. I have also put it in a location on my magazine that is the first place you look at when viewing the magazine.

The use of sell lines helps to promote the magazine as it shows the audience what is going to be included in the magazine which helps sell the magazine as the audience may be attracted to a specific article.

My college magazine is going to be free as it is designed to inform students about what is going on in there local college.

The barcode is on my magazine so that the local college shop is able to keep count on how many free magazines are handed out so that they are able to record whether it is a successful magazine and the target audience is interested. There is also a link to the college website to promote the college and so students can find out more.

The issue number is included on my magazine as there will be more an issue released every term.

My dominant image is of a student at the college. The student is smiling which helps to create a warm vibe to my magazine which means more students are likely to want to read the magazine. The direct eye contact helps to create a connection between the reader and the audience.

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Contents Page

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The contents page title is rather large and attracts your attention however, in my music magazine it will not be so big as it draws your eyes away from the columns and images.

I have added an editorial to reflect on who created the magazine. It also shows that the magazine is focused on the students which may help the promotion of the magazine.

I have used columns to display the article names as it is a basic but effective way of presenting them. However, for my music magazine I will make the articles more creative.

I have added a teacher to my music magazine making a funny but serious face as it makes the students wonder what the article is going to be about.

The direct contact of the student reading a book shows an educational side to the magazine but also created a relationship with the audience.

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Evaluation I felt that my college magazine went well as I kept to all of the conventions of

a magazine. I also partially managed to stick to the colour theme that I planned to which helped the magazine to stand out and attract my target audience. Whilst I changed some of the colours around, it was good experimenting and I was able to see which colours worked best.

The font I decided to use was the Agency FB font as it was a creative but simple font that is easy to read and looks good in different colours.

I used a good colourful dominant image on my front cover page that stood out. It was a college student which matches my theme of a college magazine as students will then recognise what magazine it is that they are attracted to. However, for my music magazine I will make my dominant image bigger and create direct eye contact to create a bond with the audience.

I used a good choice of article names that relate to college such as interviews with teachers and advice and support articles.

There is also a different variety of images on my contents page such as a student reading a book in order to vary the contents page.