cold war. east and west germany and the berlin wall 1948 france/uk/us merged zones of germany and...

Cold War

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Page 1: Cold War. East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany. Independent but did not

Cold War

Page 2: Cold War. East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany. Independent but did not

East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall

• 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany.

• Independent but did not have a military.

• Soviets maintained control over East Germany and East Berlin.

• Tried to take over West Berlin during “Berlin Blockade”

• In 1961 the Soviet Leader Khrushchev demanded that the US/UK/France withdraw from West Berlin

• Kennedy refused and Khrushchev build the Berlin Wall

• Purpose was to prevent people from crossing from East to West Germany

• Wall came down in 1989• Germany reunified in 1990

Page 3: Cold War. East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany. Independent but did not

Korean War• At the end of WWII the Allies removed

Japanese troops and divided Korea at the 38th parallel

• Soviets controlled North and established Communist gov., Americans controlled South.

• Reunification talks broke down and both sides claimed authority.

• 1950: Soviets armed North Koreans who invaded the south.

• US mobilized navy and air force and called for UN intervention.

• US and South Korean troops pushed back the invading North and pushed past the 38th parallel.

• China felt threatened and entered the war, drove troops back to 38th parallel.

• 1953 peace treaty signed. Established DMZ. (35,000 American troops killed) American troops still in Korea.

• Turning Point: 1) cold war now in Asia, not just Europe

• 2) military buildup and conflict, not just political and economic pressure to contain communism. 3) more military intervention in Asia.

Page 4: Cold War. East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany. Independent but did not

Chinese Revolution and Taiwan Crisis

• Nationalist government forces and Communist forces led by Mao Zedong had been struggling since 1920

• Post WWII fighting resumed and US supported nationalists with $$. (2 billion)

• 1949 Communists captured Beijing and US discontinued aid. • 1949: Peoples Republic of China established, nationalist forces fled

to Taiwan. • 1950: Signed a treaty of friendship with Soviets• Japan became key to defending Asia from communist takeover. • 1954 China threatened to “liberate” Taiwan.• US hinted that we would use Nuclear weapons to stop an invasion

and China backed down. • Example of Brinksmanship

Page 5: Cold War. East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany. Independent but did not

The Red Scare: McCarthy• Growing Fear of Communism: Soviets test

Atomic Bomb, China becomes Communist. • Many believed that communists and infiltrated the

gov. • 1950: US Senator from WI Joseph McCarthy

claimed to have a list of 205 state department employees who were communists. (Never produced the list)

• McCarren Act (1950) allowed for arrest of communists and communist sympathizers, Truman vetoed but was overridden. Was found unconstitutional.

• McCarthyism: using unfounded charges to damage reputation of political opponents. McCarthy headed committee on Senate investigations and used this to bring interrogate politicians and government workers.

• 1954: Army-McCarthy hearings- televised hearings where McC bullied military officers. He took it too far and people were no longer swayed by his tactics. Opposing Army Lawyer said “Have you no sense of decency, sir”

• McCarthy was censured by the Senate. He died in 1957.

Page 6: Cold War. East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany. Independent but did not

Sputnik and the Space Race

• 1957- Soviets launched Sputnik I and II, the first satellites. • 1961- Soviet astronaut first to orbit the earth.

• American Response: – NDEA: Efforts to improve Math and Science Education. – NASA: Kennedy announces intent to put a man on the moon.– 1958 US Launches Satellite– 1962- John Glenn orbits the earth. – 1969- Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the Moon.

• “America had won the space race and decisively demonstrated its technological superiority over the Soviet Union.”

• textbook• Space Shuttle Endeavour set to launch today (delayed until May 8) will be

the past for the Shuttle and the second to last manned space flight for NASA.

Page 7: Cold War. East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany. Independent but did not

Covert Operations • Kennedy wanted to prevent Communism from spreading in

developing countries.• High levels of inequality and poverty made leftist movements strong• Provided governments with financial aid• Covert operations so overthrow anti-American leaders• Iran 1953 : PM Mossadegh nationalized oil company, close ties to

soviets, exiles pro-American Shah (monarch)• CIA arranged riots and a coup that ousted Mossadegh and returned

the Shah to power• Guatemala 1954: Arbenz elected president of Guatemala with

Communist support. • Took over American owned land (United Fruit Company)• Americans armed opposition and trained them in Nicaragua and

Honduras. They invaded and forced out Arbenz.

Page 8: Cold War. East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany. Independent but did not

Bay of Pigs Invasion• 1959: Fidel Castro overthrew

American supported dictator Batista.

• Carried out land reform, seized foreign owned businesses, allied with Soviets

• CIA trained Cuban exiles to invade and overthrow Castro.

• 1961 1400 armed Cubans landed at the “Bay of Pigs”, but their boats hit reefs and almost all were captured or killed

• Made the US look bad for 1) trying to overthrow neighboring gov, 2) failing at it.

• Increased tensions with Soviets and Cuba.

Page 9: Cold War. East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany. Independent but did not

Cuban Missile Crisis• 1962 American spy planes

detected long range missiles installed by the Soviets in Cuba.

• Kennedy ordered Naval blockade to prevent more missiles, and ordered them to dismantle existing ones.

• Soviets agreed to remove missiles in return for promise not to invade Cuba, and to remove missiles from Turkey.

• Closest we had come to Nuclear War.

• Led to a short term easing of tensions and Nuclear Test Ban, but long term buildup of Soviet military and weapons.

Page 10: Cold War. East and West Germany and the Berlin Wall 1948 France/UK/US merged zones of Germany and Berlin to form “West Germany. Independent but did not

Afghanistan• Soviet Military invaded in 1979

(threat to have possible Soviet power in Middle east with access to oil)

• US supported mujahedeen – $3-$40 billion disputed

• (Also supported anti-Soviet opposition in Angola, Nicaragua)

• May have funded Osama Bin Laden

• War lasted for 8 years, once the Soviets withdrew we also withdrew support

• Did not participate in rebuilding the country

• Left unstable situation where Taliban/Warlords and Mujahedeen continued to fight a civil war, eventually resulting in a Taliban government.