coded by heart 1-18

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  • 8/14/2019 Coded By Heart 1-18


    Coded By HeartCopyright of DM Carter 2009-2010


    Run! I screamed at myself.

    The factory started exploding; this was a trap, a very clever one.

    Alex, you will die here and now. I ignored the voice.

    I ran away for my life, partly conscious to the urge to run back.

    I fell just outside of the front doors, crying then silenced by something falling heavily on me.


    I sneezed, yet again.

    Guh, I hate hay fever! I said through clenched teeth.

    It was spring time here in Australia, when the baby animals are born, great weather, the long

    wait to go to the beach after winter, new spring clothing sales.

    But also, drug dealers getting more variety, people pulling stupid stunts, all the guilty come

    out to play, but who against?

    Me? Against my laser antique ring, my death sleep powder kept in my large and long


    Why am I talking like this? Im a spy actually. Agent Thorn, the title Im aiming for. My

    parents both died in what was to be believed as a plane crash. Huh, I knew better.

    Alexia, take those Telfasttablets! Youre spreading germs around! yelled my aunty.

    Ashleigh wasnt my real aunty, but she stuck around as if she were one to me.

    I just did! I yelled back. God, hay fever has its ups and downs. Up side, no school, downside, I cant hang with my mates and have to catch up on work.

    I sneezed again and I cried in frustration. I threw my pillow at my door and then Ashleigh

    came through it, almost tripping on the pillow.

    Hey, I got some eucalyptus cream here to sooth the nose. She said awkwardly. Oh, God no.

    Ash I started.

    Its this or sneezing 24/7 Alex.

    I glared at her. I hate the smell of eucalyptus. Sheesh I can smell it from here.

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    Alex she said sternly.

    I groaned and sat still. She came closer and softly dabbed some cream under my nose.

    I had my eyes closed but at the first whiff I jumped away. For Gods sake Ash, that stuff


    Good medicine tastes and smells bad. She quoted.

    It isnt medicine! I said in my smartass way.

    She sighed. Having dinner at five?

    I pouted then mumbled, Im not hungry.

    She left not before picking up my pillow and tossing it back to my tones of green bed.

    As I hated to admit it the cream was working, I didnt need to breathe through my mouth

    anymore because both nostrils were blocked.

    I walked across the hall into the bathroom. A nice and modern one I might add, Ashleigh was

    making big bucks at the local football, basketball, netball, and softball and cricket clubs.

    Shes so into the sports, she teaches kids and has her own teams.

    So, the house we live in is good, her husband drives a taxi. But who cares? Theres food on

    the table and a house we can afford. Its a nice but small one, only for three.

    I looked into the mirror. I still looked normal. But that red nose! Sheesh!

    I have long and thick dark brown hair that looks black at times, milk chocolate eyes bordered

    with long thick lashes. She has freckles and a pale and slightly tanned complexion.

    I pulled a face at the mirror. Sure I looked pretty. Thats it. I hate to wear fancy stuff. What

    is the need? Its the 21st century dudes

    I sighed and walked back to my room. I was sick and tired; staring at the ceiling wasnt much

    fun either.


    Beep. Beep. Beep.

    I groaned.

    Beep. Beep. Beep.

    I stuck my head under my pillow.


    What the hell! I said, fully awake.

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    Then everything was like an explosion.

    The blinds opened from the window and the strong and bright sun shone through and the

    wardrobe and bedroom door opened.

    Morning Alexia, I believe its quarter to eight. An electronic voice said.

    Oh crap! I was going to be late.

    I jumped into the shower, my hair was tied into a bun on the top of my head and it takes ages

    for my hair to dry. I was brushing my teeth at the same time.

    I dressed into my boring school uniform. Weve got a new range of jumpers, the school

    blazer was simply a must but the school was modest by saying optional.

    Todays lesson will consist of, Sport, English, which has a topic test, then recess, followed

    by Humanities, lunch and ending with Chemistry. You also have a highly important meetingwith Mr. Wall this very afternoon. Your bus leaves in twenty minutes, have fun! the

    electronic voice said.

    Stupid system I muttered. Twenty minutes? Ill skip breakfast. I had to pack lunch, sport

    clothes, books, my laptop, phone, feed the cat and try to clean the kitchen. Ashleigh cooks for

    breakfast, but does a messy job of it.

    It took fifteen minutes to get to my bus, crud.

    Morning Alex, youre going to be late. Brady told me. He was washing the dishes, good

    less to do.

    I looked at him, an idea forming in my mind. A smile slowly crept on my face. He saw this

    and quickly said, Alex, the exercise will do you good.

    Yeah but I have Sport today and Ill be doing that for seventy minutes, please? I whined

    and begged.

    I got to go and drop something off at the post office.

    My bus stop in along that way, just drop me off their and Ill run the rest.

    He raised an eyebrow, Through traffic?

    That or the whole way I taunted. I really thought that instead of being homeschooled,

    living a normal life was easy. Homework was the tip of the iceberg cold hard work.

    He sighed. Fine, get in the car now.

    I was running, racing through the highway cautiously.

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    I was hurrying too, I could see my bus approaching. I ran harder, only to be nearly hit by and

    fast moving car. It stopped, its shiny black hood and windows casted the sun in my eyes.

    What the fudge? I said angrily.

    Sorry Miss didnt see you. A voice said.

    A sudden strong wind sent me staggering. Oh God, it was the bus.

    I saw it keep moving forward, past my stop.

    I grumbled to myself. I distinctly heard a door open and closed harshly.

    Do you know the directions to Dromana Secondary School? a cool voice asked but it was


    Yeah, follow that bus I missed. I growled. Dammit, dammit, dammit!

    I finally looked at the guy. Oh, God. Checklist: Hot, tick, tall, tick, brunette, tick, grey eyes,

    tick, smiling, tick, real, blank.

    Sorry, Im in a crappy mood today. I said.

    Would you like a lift then? he asked gesturing to the car.

    I can I started.

    Come on, traffic is building. He smiled. I sighed and followed.

    You know, Im not supposed to be talking to strangers and accepting car rides from them.

    We call it Stranger Danger. I chatted nonchalantly.

    Im not a stranger, just a fellow student. He was still smiling.

    Which way now? the driver asked.

    Follow this road until I tell you to turn. I said. I memorised this, seeing I lived not that

    much far away, possibly three kilometres.

    During some courses with the agents, I thought to be polite.

    My name is Alexia Thorn, and you? I said holding out my hand.

    He looked at my hand. Is that a laser ring?

    I froze. Wha- what are you talking about? Crap, crap, crap, crap!

    Youre the daughter of the agent legends, Heidi Thorn and Rick Thorn. I was at their

    funeral, not that much after your coding.

    I wasnt looking at him anymore. Theyre dead. And I should be too.

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    I saw in my peripheral vision that he looked down and sighed.

    Turn right? the driver asked obliviously.

    Yeah, then turn left and left again. I responded.

    Well Im Justin Clark. My parents werent that legendary but they were rich. He said it like

    it was a bad thing.

    Rich? And theyre sending you to Drugmana? Are they mentally impaired? I said


    He laughed, No Im assigned here.

    We were passing through the school gates now.No,Im assigned here. What a doofus.

    Huh was all he said

    We came round the front of the school, and once the car stopped I bounded right out.

    Thats the general office. Im sure theyll hire a tour guide for you. I said and left for my

    sub school.

    Iwas originally assigned here.Iwas living here.Im the undercover spy here! No one can

    take it from me!

    Someone already did, a nasty voice said in my head.

    Shut up! I said darkly. A few Year 7s stared at me but who cared.

    I heard someone trying to sneak up to me. Hi Indy, nice try, I already know you always

    breath to hard when youre going to do something dramatic. Oops, that one slipped out.

    How would you know? the wavy blonde girl asked me.

    I sighed, I knew because she wrote it in her diary and I read it during her party last year, I

    came late and I was changing in her room from my netball uniform to some casual clothing.

    Her diary was hidden under the small space of her bed.

    I have good hearing and Ive known this for ages, I observe a lot. I lied. Good thing I like

    lying, especially for my lateness to classes. Spies lie frequently.

    Uh huh she drawled. So, I saw you nearly got rammed by a car. She raised an eyebrow

    at me.

    Whatever, Im fine, right here and breathing arent I? I said. She didnt look convinced in

    the way she wanted it to be.

    Who was the hot guy?

    The driver wasnt hot. Said Smart-ass Alex.

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    She raised an eyebrow at me but I kept on walking, Anything interesting happen while I was


    She thought for a bit, Besides fewer accidents on court, yeah everything is normal.

    I chuckled heartily only to be stopped by someone walking to us, the Principle.

    Alexia, this is Justin Clark, he will be starting in your class today. He smiled. Maybe he

    was offered a lot of money.

    Hey Alex, we meet again? Justin said, one of the cheesiest things to say in this


    Am I showing him around? I said with my fingers crossed in one pocket, hoping I wasnt.

    Just to your form room and sub school is alright, I guess your form teacher will find

    someone to show him around.

    Oh, okay. I said quietly.

    We silently walked up to the lockers, Indy, Justin and I.

    You can get a locker later I said as he walked to a locker that was empty, the one above

    mine that is. Can he irritate me more?

    This is the only one here left, Alex. He said.

    Im going to go to my locker and then we came go back down to see Tianna. Indy said,traitor.

    Sure, I like to meet all of your friends. Justin smiled.

    I didnt want to be rude so I kept quiet and shoved my school bag into the middle locker.

    Um, Alex? he said.

    I turned, and almost fell into my locker. He was so close to me I couldve pushed him away

    with my knees without lifting them.

    Do you mind? I said harshly.

    He frowned and his grey eyes looked hurt, everyone here knew me. I rather to study before

    dating, Im studying to be a field Agent. Duh! But of course no one knows about that.

    Except for him

    He stepped back when I continued to glare at him.

    What other gadgets you got? he said slyly.

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    I wasnt going to talk in front of these people so I simply said, My keys, which I know can

    cut real deep. I knew this because I was walking back from school when I was sent on a

    mission. I cut the guys hand when he was going to shoot some guy. I save lives.

    He raised an eyebrow at me, as if he didnt believe me. I sighed and I grabbed his hand and

    he smiled at that but then I turned him around and tripped him over, pinning him to the


    Care to help demonstrate? I said. Everyone was silent and the teachers werent around.

    Alex, get off him! Indy came back.

    I sighed and released him. Sure he was taller than me and muscular than me but I pinned him


    I grabbed Indys shoulders and wheeled her around to the stairs.

    What was that about? She accused.

    Nothing, you wont understand. I muttered.

    I can understand anything, just tell me! she whined.

    I stopped, No, you dont! Do you know what its like to live without parents, living with

    their close friends that arent like you? You never had a pet, never relaxed when you were out

    in public because danger is everywhere! Whatever you say can be tracked! I cannoned out

    more, but in my head.

    Indy looked startled at my outburst. I think I said a little too much information to an outsider.

    Why is this day getting worst?

    I did the most stupid thing ever. I walked away.

    I was walking back up the sub school, thinking about going to my locker only just spotting

    Justin there, so I walked to the basketball courts near to the secret passage door I came across

    earlier in the year.

    I went through the door and stumbled over some low tree branches. Muttering to myself, I

    grabbed my phone out. The signal at this school was horrifying, but with this cool phone? It

    didnt matter. I checked the time, only two minutes until the first bell rings and when Form

    Assembly will start.

    I dialled the most important number at that moment, the Agency.

    Hello Alexia Thorn, this is Calla West, may I help you? said a cheery voice.

    I could imagine Calla being bored at an office but I smiled at her pretence.

    Did you have a late night again, Calla? I asked casually.

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    I heard Calla sigh, Yes, but a good reason too, he was hot.

    Anything happening with the two of you, or you was just a chicken? I asked.

    I heard her scoff, Hes gay! How would I look if this guy just constantly talks about how his

    pores look dry?

    Good point, I laughed.

    Did you want to talk to Boss? She asked.

    Yeah, tell him Im not happy! I said, suddenly angry.

    I heard Calla mutter something before she put me through. So now I had to go through

    annoying procedures. A voice modifier, a ton of passwords, my secret question followed by a

    multiple question of answers, then I had to answer the Bosss question (What his favourite

    tissue texture was) and finally I heard the cheerful voice I was so angry with.

    First, you dont tell me that I have someone else in my area; then you just arrange a meeting

    this afternoon, for sure I would know about the news! How, could, you? I said the few last

    words separately.

    Miss Thorn, how nice to hear your happy voice, I hope you are doing well! he said. Talk

    about an understatement.

    Answer me. I growled.

    Miss Thorn? he said happily confused.

    Who is Justin Clark, the new spy who is now in my area?

    Who did you say? he said.

    The bell rang. You know what I said. Answer me! I yelled, but not loud for the students on

    the basketball court.

    I never sent a Justin Clark to the Area of Mornington Peninsula.

    Oh sure, like What? I said belatedly.

    Youre the only one in the area, under cover as well.

    Then why is he here? He knows about me. I said, hoping he understood the double


    Ill send for an Agent to take you after school, just blend. He answered seriously.

    Like I couldnt blend for almost half my life I assured him.

    Ill notify Ashleigh and Brady about your absence, oh, and Ill disconnect your homesystem, cant be too careful now. He said.

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    Fine, Im going to class now. I said then hung up cutting off his farewell.

    I raced to my locker, getting my gear for first lesson; Im already late as it is.

    I raced down the sub school, to the last room on the left. Everyone was there. Just as I come

    in I heard the teacher say my name. I sneezed in response and then meekly said here.

    Do you have a note for your absence Alexia? the teacher asked annoyed. And late pass?

    Im not late and I was in a hurry to catch my bus I forgot to ask for a note. I said truthfully.

    Sit down. She sighed, as I walked towards my usual seat. I bet you can guess who was

    seated next to it too.

    I sat down and ignored everything else. I observed Justin in the corner of my eye, being

    sneaky. He didnt notice, he was being silent, like all new students would do.

    Alex? someone whispered from behind me.

    I turned around and saw Acacia smiling uncertainly. I raised an eyebrow at her then she

    handed me a note.

    Acacias Spring Party!

    Come and dress up in spring colours! Guys, wear fancy spring clothing. Girls fancy dresses

    in spring colours (or any colour).

    Its a formal night, full of mysteries. Define your look with a mask and dress/suit.

    Its a Masquerade!

    Love Acacia

    I smiled and nodded.

    Then she passed a note to me.

    Ill text you the night it happens so you better find a dress and mask


    Trust her to be suspenseful. I nodded again.

    Whats that for? Justin asked when roll calling was over.

    Its a party invitation, why do you ask? I said.

    I was just wondering, you dont need to hold my hand and enjoy tripping me over. He

    rebutted. I rolled my eyes and stuck my middle finger at him. Too bad the teacher saw.

    Alexia, detention at Recess, The teacher said, I rolled my eyes again, some things never


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    Sitting alone in a classroom full of classmates was great.

    Ending up being partnered with the annoying new kid in Chemistry was at my wits end.

    No, no, no, stop! Dont add the solution yet, it isnt the right temperature yet! I hissed.

    Justin rolled his eyes, Whatever boss.

    Dont call me that. I growled.

    He shrugged and added the solution. There was a big light and shattering glass heard through the quiet


    I turned on him, I told you not to add the solution yet! Then something fell on my foot. It was solid

    and hot.

    Great I now have a hole on my school shoes. I grumbled.

    Justin just laughed. Then everyone else started to do the same. I cursed under my breath.

    I will get you back eventually you know! I declared.

    What with? he asked, raising his eyebrows.

    The bell rang, and I cleaned up Justins mess. He wouldnt know what hit him.

    I left the room five minutes later, walking back to my locker.

    I didnt need to rush for my bus, I was getting picked up.

    Oh yeah I quickly did my plan against Justin.

    I was at the front of the school. Everyone was still here, unless they were on their bus but they still

    had a good view of the limo that came. I groaned.

    The limo came up in front of me and the driver seat opened up to reveal Calla.

    She was a pretty red head of average twenty-three year old height.

    Hey girl, fancy a ride?

    How else will I get there? I smiled. Everyone was looking at me and I caught the eye of Justin, who

    was smirking at me.

    I sighed as another Agent came out of the passenger door and opened the door for me.

    The door closed and I was happy with the dark tinted windows. I can see them but they cant see me.

    How was your day? Calla asked.

    Irritating, I grumbled.

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    She spared me a look of sympathy. You sure know how to shake the Boss up; he has all agents

    tracking your area, except Will here. She smiled at him which he returned. Hmmm somethings up.

    Will looked at me then his gaze trailed to my fingers which were rubbing against each other because I

    was nervous about the meeting.

    Did you cut yourself? he asked.

    I looked at him confused then he pointed to my fingers. No wonder I thought it was wet, it was

    sweating from the nervousness I felt but it was blood.

    Chemistry class, Clark didnt listen and messed up the task. I explained. Calla scoffed, Lazy idiot.

    Will turned around and offered me a tissue and a pen. Oh, this isnt an actual pen with ink. Instead the

    ink is filled up with this stuff that acts like a band aid and boosts your recovery time. Sort of like

    stitches or something.

    I tended to my injury, it didnt hurt, much. Ive had worse.

    Mr. Wall has already disconnected your home system. He wants to know if the guy who put us on

    alert knows anything more.

    Other than that I can trip him over and threaten him, give him the finger, skip detention and be very

    strict in Chemistry, no I dont think so.

    Calla laughed, You tripped him over? What was his expression?

    Dunno, he was sort of love struck, then I tripped him and yeah he couldnt breathe.

    Will chuckled. We can always count on Alexia to bully others.

    Yup Alexia Rebel Thorn, youre finally living up to your name girly! Calla cheered.

    I half-smiled, Dont call me girly. I mumbled.

    Sorry, well here we are. She turned to smile at me.

    I looked around; we were at a government house, well mansion. Its strictly under surveillance at all


    Well lets get to business. I sighed out.

    You can leave your bag and things here. Calla said.

    I have work afterwards, if this doesnt take long.

    What time?

    Five-thirty, I need to get back to my house to change.

    She was leading me into the gates and on the pathway leading to the polished door. Ive grown up to

    get used to the mansion, the place where a part of the Agents live.

    New garden, did you do it or a gardener did it? I noted.

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    I did it of course, thats why they let me work here.

    I hate gardens, they give me hay fever. I grumbled.

    We reached the door, I was wondering where Will went.

    All yours, Calla gestured to the door.

    This door was funny, well not magic tricks but I love this best.

    I turned the knob to the left twice, then to the right once. I jiggled the door knob then turned it right to

    left. The lock clicked open.

    You did that fast, I take ages trying to get the correct angle of it! Calla complained.

    I smiled, This is probably my thousandth time doing that.

    We should change it. Calla piped in.

    We came up to the double doors that led to the entry office. Calla used her key for this one, Easy

    peasy. She grinned.

    Once we entered we were bombarded from a hell of a lot of Agents.

    Im Alexia, not some crummy impersonator! I cried to them.

    They dont want to see my bad side.

    In my annoyance I just kept walking on, then running.

    I was almost to the meeting door until a hand grabbed my arm, making me fall down and whoever it

    was to fall on me.

    God, you fatty, get off me! I growled.

    I looked into the smirking face of Justin.

    I sighed and then glared at him, Comfortable?

    He gave me his signature smirk, Absolutely.

    I shoved him off, and got up to the door, and then remembered something.

    Wait why youre here? I turned back expecting his smirk.

    But the hallway was empty.

    I rolled my eyes and walked into the door, cursing myself then opened it to see Mr. Wall in his large

    leather seat and Mr. Smirking-because-Im-dumb was on one side of the tiny couch.

    I decided to stand next to the couch.

    Alexia, good timing, as always Mr. Wall drifted off giving me a weird look. Did you talk to

    yourself? Youre here for a mee-

    Yeah, I know. I replied cutting him off.

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    I turned to give Justin a questioning look, which he looked at me innocently.

    I rolled my eyes and turned to the Boss.

    Inform me more, I asked politely.

    He nodded, I brought in Mr. Clark today to question him, questioning first then the official meeting.

    He smiled at me; he was up to something with the official meeting.

    I was still waiting in the office, ten minutes after Clarks questioning, apparently he was seeking a life

    like mine, flattered, not.

    I glanced at my watch, only half n hour until I had to go home and get ready for the caf.

    The door opened up, Justin was there.

    Hey he whispered.

    I nodded curtly.

    Alexia, whatever I did to make you hate me, Im sorry, but youre, well youre

    He was speechless.

    I gave him a questioning look.

    I sighed, Youre so powerful with this undercover business. He looked at me.

    Thank you, Clark. I said while keeping my expressionless face on.

    He sighed again. Anytime Agent Thorn

    I felt a slight tingle go down my spine, What

    He smirked then grabbed my hand and led me to a door on the right.

    It was the official meeting room.

    Mr. Wall was standing behind the Boss chair, and indicated us to sit on the chairs left vacant at the

    front of the room. We both walked towards the allocated chairs and I remembered that I was

    still holding Justins hand.

    Alex, you okay? he asked giving my trembling hand a reassuring squeeze.

    Not sure, I gasped.

    He chuckled, okay now he was growing on to me, how selfish I am right now.

    We sat down, (still holding hands!) and I glanced at around the room. This looks similar to my


    Everyone toast to the new Agent this company has received recently, Agent Thorn! Mr. Wallannounced.

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    I smiled totally listening to what the second part he was going to say.

    And we hope she wouldnt chop off her new partners head off during their missions, Justin Clark!

    he continued.

    Everyone laughed, but I didnt.

    I turned to face a smirking Justin, Thanks for the idea Boss. Everyone went quiet just as I launched

    myself at the horror-stricken Justin.

    His beautiful face was priceless.


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    I arrived at work, the little caf that was right next to the beach.

    It wasnt really busy, but from experience around dinner time it will get quite busy.

    Alex, youre late. I looked up to see the guy who helped me get this job.

    Hey Drake, sorry, I sort of well, I hurt myself. I lied. I hated the first ever time I arrived at the

    primary school, the first time I actually went to a school, the teacher asked me why I was late, I

    responded so quickly because of my nerves.

    I walked through the gates and tripped. They believed that for six years.

    I pulled myself back into the present.

    Why do you always hurt yourself? he grinned.

    I dont ask for it! I said, glad I changed the subject without him knowing.

    He shook his head and smiled gently and warmly at me, I felt myself blush, which I dont know why

    that ever happens to me.

    Start cleaning those benches, Archie is up to here with the guests saying its sticky. Archie is the

    guy who runs this place. I nodded and went to the cupboard of cleaning supplies.

    I opened the door, then shut it quickly, nausea winning over me.

    Ive seen dead bodies before, but this one was someone close to me.

    Dr- Drake? I whimpered.

    He appeared, What? You okay?

    I think we should close for tonight. I have to make a very important call.

    He glanced at the cupboard, Alexia what is it?

    A body I replied weakly.

    He got me up and alerted Archie. Archie was there as quick as possible; well he only lived on the

    second floor of this caf.

    Ive called the police and the um Crime Investigators I said uncertainly over the MASSIVElie. The Agents liked to be called that, you know a cover. My cover is to hurt myself whenever.

    I stood up and practically sprinted to Mr. Wall.

    Who is the body?

    I hesitated, then I did something I never done for a long, long time. I cried.

    Its Calla.

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    You can wake up now. A voice whispered to me. Their hot breath tickled the hair around my ear,

    making it itch.

    I breathed out and then opened my eyes slowly.

    When I saw the face of Clark inches away from my own, I was instantly awake.

    What the hell are you doing here? I shouted.

    Im sorry for pretty much everything. He replied.

    I raised an eyebrow, So youre sorry for nearly running me over with that car?

    He smirked, I enjoyed that very much, it was the first time I met you up close.

    I screwed my face up in confusion. First time you met me?

    He shrugged, I was at your first coding, you were so tiny and your voice was so mature. Your

    parents wouldve been so proud.

    I flinched at the mention of my parents, but also happy that the cover about my parents was believed

    so much.

    I suddenly remembered who I was talking to, You know this doesnt stop me hating you.

    He chuckled, Youre such a fighter, and you live up by the saying short and cute but feisty.

    I poked my tongue out, then smiling at the black eye I gave him. I couldnt resist asking, How about

    your back and shins, any damage done to those?

    He gave me a glare, You sure did.

    Wait, what time is it?

    Nine thirty in the morning.

    WHAT? I shrieked.

    Hey calm down, youre apparently recovering from an injury.

    I scoffed, Who came up with that?

    Your boyfriend, Drake, quite a handsome lad he is.

    I laughed, and once I started I couldnt stop.

    Geez, what kind of medication do you take? he looked over to my bedside table and spotted my

    Echinacea, the Herron brand.

    Does that say heroin? he joked.

    I started laughing again.

    I really knocked your head hard. He said worriedly.

    I stopped laughing, What do you mean?

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    He tilted his head in confusion. Dont you remember? You attacked me and I had enough so I

    shoved you off and you banged your head on the chair.

    I dont feel hurt I trailed off.

    Wait you said Drake made it up. I said, instantly angry.

    Never met him, though I heard you sleep talking, He grinned, You said yourself he was


    Hold up, what happened? he was sooo confusing.

    You attacked me, I pushed you off, you had an accident, and we took you to hospital, where you are

    now, and you were okay then you fell asleep, also you slept talked. He smiled.

    I hate you, you know that? Why isnt Mr. Wall forcing you out?

    Because Im your partner in crime, duh He smiled, damn was he hot.

    Where is Calla?

    Whos she?

    That red head chick I was with at school, you know the limo?

    Oh yeah, what about her? he asked, curious.

    Never mind I was such a chicken.

    And youre free to go. The lady smiled. I looked up at Ash, You seriously need to renew your


    Not my problem, Drake came by, very furious that you skipped out on work, he said it was a busy


    Yeah well, I got really angry at my other work shift. And thats how I refer myself to the agency

    that they were crime investigators and I was like a student being taught to them.

    I dont like that business, youre better off to coach netball or something.

    What, with my reputation on court? I challenged.

    She rolled her eyes, and practically shoved me through the hospital doors.

    Im hungry. I stated.

    Ash just sighed and pulled in to a pizza place.

    Hey, its Darcy! I exclaimed.

    Darcy was my cousin; she knew my identity and the truth of my parents she usually just avoid those


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    Hey, what now youre skipping school?

    I donged my head I quoted her.

    She blushed, I was eleven then.

    Well have the Secret Recipe okie dokie smoky? I ordered.

    Ashleigh gave me an unsure look, What exactly is in there?

    Darcy and I practically yelled, Its a secret!

    Ashleigh sighed and left a red note (thats twenty dollars) and went over to a table for two.

    So hows your job? she asked. Such a nice question, if only she knew

    Im now an Agent, but undercover still so that isnt much. Oh and I practically based up my spy

    partner. I said.

    She laughed, Wow, youre always so feisty, hold on a minute. And she went to tell the pizza

    making guy my order. The pizza shop wasnt crowded nor was it empty.

    I was tapping my fingers to the song that was playing on the radio, which was Good Girls Go Bad

    by Cobra Starship ft. Leighton Meester.

    I love this song! a familiar voice said. Can you take a guess that might be who?

    Clark, what are you doing? I said in a serious and sharp tone.

    Thorn, Im at a pizza shop, Im either going to order pizza or chat up my partner in crime. He saidin the same tone.

    Dont mock me! I said through gritted teeth.

    Darcy came back and raised an eyebrow at Clark, If youre going to harass our customers you might

    want to leave.

    Or what? he snapped back, I softly tapped his crossed arms.

    Im black belt, Darcy smiled.

    Pfft, whats that going to do?

    Uh if she attacks you then youd mostly be dead seeing as I can give you a black eye.

    Alex, before I go I need you to meet me at this address. He handed me a piece of paper.

    Im confused; I think you messed up your sentence.

    Whatever, you know what I mean and with that he left.

    Stupid idiot Darcy and I muttered.

    I was sitting in a room made up of only big white walls,

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    In the hallway there are people looking through,

    The window in the door,

    They know what theyre here for

    I pulled out my iPod headphones and looked around the gym. Because Im supposedly recovering

    from a concussion, I was allowed to rest myself. I was bored, and not wearing a sport uniform, I

    walked to my class; they were in a middle of a Catch the flag game.

    Sir, Im bored, can I join in? I asked.

    He looked at me, Sure, but come off when you feel faint.

    I nodded and quickly joined the team that had the less good players, I wanted a challenge.

    I heard the other team groan and cat calling at me; I was waiting in our teams half, waiting for an

    open entry.

    The basic idea of the game is to run to the other side without getting tagged and ending up going to

    jail. I was a fast runner, but I dont like to run too much seeing as I got a short breathing problem

    (No its not ASTHMA!)

    Why isshe on their team? a high voice sneered, eew, just my luck, the perky Sandra who was so

    athletic, total b.s.

    I ran towards her and then quickly dodged to my left and into the circle. Safe!

    Alexia, dont go yet, stay there for a bit.

    I waved my hand, not really interested in whoever said that. I play my own rules.


    I was sitting in a room made up off big white-

    How the irony, I love Paramore

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    Carrot trees and potatoes! Damn, I cant distract myself.

    Ouch, I winced at the pain in my knee.

    Sorry the girl on duty at the sick bay apologised.

    So what do you think? Clark asked. I wanted him to get out.

    She pulled a muscle, I suggest you to go to hospital to get some x-rays done.

    I laughed a humourless laugh. I was just there this morning! I declared.

    She didnt take her medication. Justin joked to the girl. She giggled, and do my eyes deceive me?

    She handed him a tiny pink paper. I smirked and jumped into the crutches.

    You sure you dont want to take the wheelchair? she offered nonchalantly.

    No, its for old people! I said exasperated.

    I left not looking back and said, Privacy for the two. I said in my waitress tone.

    I heard the girl giggle, and I continued to swing myself in the crutches. Damn this school.

    Are you sure? I mean people will be wondering about this I said hesitantly.

    I was sitting in the brightly coloured room of the Agencys first aid room.

    Stay away from school for the week then, duh! Calla told me.

    I never want to go there again; I want to go away from this place. I said. My voice felt hard in my

    throat, unfortunately Calla recognised this.

    Honey, this education and experience is part of your cover, its important. She coaxed.

    Not formy education! That crap is nothing for me! I can learn better, just send me away to a different

    area! I cried outraged.

    Calla sighed, This isnt got to do with your parents is it?

    I felt the tears coming. No! I am NOT going to CRY!

    Take this tablet and rest yourself for an hour, you should be better by then.

    I took the tablet and chewed, tasting the chocolate flavour

    I woke up with a start.

    Wow, I was better.

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    Wait! Im not angry anymore!

    Did Calla drug me?

    I gasped.

    Maybe those evil pineapples that were on crack actually came out of my head and drugged me!

    Ahh, pineapples on crack!

    Where the hell is that carrot tree with potato flowers?!

    Crap, Im going crazy!

    Id thought you already were. said a voice.

    I turned around to face the stranger.

    He has hair the finest soft platinum blonde ever, his hazel eyes boring into my standard dark ones.

    He smiled, Im Mike.


    Alexia Kay Thorn, I know about you. He smiled, showing perfect pearly white teeth.

    My teeth werent that pearly white

    Are you an Agent? I asked.

    He looked surprised and embarrassed, No Im still in school.

    Oh, I just hate my school! But if I leave then I leave my lifelong friends!

    He nodded, I know how that feels.

    Are you a pineapple on crack? I blurted.

    He chuckled, a very soft one, one that made me happy and smile.

    How long does this last for? I asked instead.

    A few minutes at the most. He replied.

    I started to hum Fences by Paramore.

    I know that song, I play it on the drums. Mike said.

    Cool, you in a band then? I asked.

    He grinned, Yeah but we need a singer, a girl preferably. He smiled, invitingly.

    I like singing I said.

    We need a place for the try outs though

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    Perfect! Ill ask my boss at the caf, we have a stage. I explained.

    Awesome, well here is my number so you can contact me and get the word for me. He smiled

    grabbing his phone out and writing his number.

    The memory of that girl handing Justin her number flashed in my mind and I suddenly felt angry.

    You okay? Mike asked.

    Yeah, I think the side effects are finished I said with a trace of anger.

    Why the fudge am I feeling like this?!

    Well I better go to the main office.

    Can you show me the way? Mike asked.

    I looked at him then sighed and nodded.

    We both went out of the room and walked to the office.

    So who else is in your band? I asked just to keep the silence away.

    Well there is Lucas on guitar, Ace on bass and me on drums. He replied coolly. Not even bothering

    that he rhymed a bit.

    I can play the piano, but I stopped a few years back Fudge, I brought it up.

    What do you mean? he asked.

    Um my parents death I played at their funeral but I stopped. I said, hopefully the funeral bit

    didnt sound sarcastic to him.

    He nodded, Im sorry about that

    Nothing to be sorry about I replied.

    Well if you get the position on the band, you can sing and play piano. He smiled, making me feel


    I started to hum Fences again.

    Try to sing it! Mike urged.

    I sighed then sang, I never had lessons but I sing mostly my whole life, and danced along with piano


    He stopped walking making me stop too. Are you fu-?

    I placed my hand on his luscious lips, Dont swear to my face please. I said with a sweet smile.

    He nodded and I took my hand away, Are you serious? That is like the best voice Ive ever heard!

    My friend Acacia does better. I mumbled, flattered.

    Well you rock out those lyrics big time! You sound more of a pop singer!

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    Is that your type in the band?

    He nodded, We sometimes make our own songs too.

    Awesome, I made some songs too! I said enthusiastically.

    He was about to say something when I collided with a door.

    I cursed (Damn, damn, damn!) and opened the office door.

    Mr. Wall looked amused, Taken a liking to my door have you Alex?

    Not in the wrong context. I muttered.

    Feeling better? he asked.

    I nodded, Though some crazy crackpot messed up with the side effects.

    Um, I made the solution Mike said quietly.

    Oh, sorry,you made it? I said with a big emphasis on the you bit.

    Yeah he mumbled.

    I grinned, Pineapple on crack huh?

    We all laughed, Alexia, Calla informed me that you are out of school for the week, so Ive sent you

    on a mission.

    I gulped; this is my first ever official mission, one that could possibly kill me, well not like my

    previous undercover missions.

    Inform me please. I said sounding business like.

    You will go with Mr. Golden to the Agent boarding school for the week, again undercover. You will

    have a new look and style, preferably the opposite to you.

    Wow, a new cover. As if I could be anymore different

    My codename is? I asked, knowing I wont be Alexia Kay Thorn, the well known name among

    the Agents.

    Garcia Rosemary Lovell, a typical upperclassman, straight jet black hair and she her attire consists

    dresses, skirts and high heels, the latest fashion.

    Otherwise a skank, you mean?

    They laughed. At me, Im used to it by now.

    I sighed, Well lets get this done and over.

    I was led into a salon inside the Agency. They dyed my hair darker, really black that it had some

    purple shine to it. It was also straightened than usual.

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    I was then led to makeup; they put only eye shadow and eye liner only. They gave me a bag that has

    my essentials for hair and makeup.

    Then clothes and I tell you that the Agency has EVERYTHING?!

    I was led into the Latest fashion section.

    I picked out nice clothing, skinny jeans for cold weather, skirts and a pretty long green one shoulder

    strap. I picked out a checker country top, a standard black tank top and a few other tops.

    Then off to shoes, walking straight past my favourite skate shoes and Converses.

    I was stopped by the lady at the high heel/boots section.

    Oh, dear.

    I was handed a bright yellow high heels, the kind that laces around your foot. Pretty?

    I got some boots and a knee length winter boots; this is definitely not my style.

    I came back to the office, completely changed into a new style.

    Mike stared at me, Wow, you actually dont look like a skank!

    Thanks for noticing. I huffed.

    Well your official Riverdale Mission #1 is about to start. Mr. Wall said, motioning an Agent I

    didnt see before to escort me and Mike to a waiting helicopter.

    There was an agent boarding school?!

    Damn the public secondary collegeIgot to!

    And the words Riverdale Mission #1 rang in my head.


    Im now trembling slightly from the intense situation.

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    We slowed down a little so Mike and I can sky dive out.

    This is something I have never done.

    Its the scariest yet exhilarating thing ever, not saying Im a wuss, Ive killed people before!

    We were all set, the helicopter guy was going to land with our (mostly mine) luggage and land at the


    Why cant I go with him?

    Ready Alexia, we are about to jump? Mike asked.

    Instead of my constant trembling I was shaking violently like a motor getting ready to go.

    NO! I screamed as Mike jumped, tugging my hand with him.

    I was screaming like a banshee and had my eyes closed.

    I felt something near me and I grabbed onto it for dear life, I want to live. Live!

    The wind whistled against my ears, but I still heard what he yelled.

    Alexia, youre holding onto the parachute cord!

    Whatever that was I let go of everything, I dont know what to do!

    I felt Mike grab me close and know I dont have any feelings; Ive mentally prepared myself for hot

    looking guys. He grabbed a loose cord and pulled it, releasing me to make room for the parachute to

    blow up.

    Okay, I am now sort of calm, but Im still falling.

    We landed like ten minutes ago, just never go sky diving in a mini skirt, loose hair and stiletto boots.

    Because you would die!

    Well painfully you will

    Garcia come on, hurry up! Mike said to someone.

    Hey! Im talking to you! he said loudly. I turned to see who he was talking to. Oh, me

    Sorry, I forgot I had a cover name.

    Well dont forget that it is Garcia Rosemarie Lovell, okay? he said.

    I gave him a duh look and walked towards the building.

    Mr. Gold! Lovell! a serious voice called out in front of us.

    Yes sir? Mike greeted.

    Did you finish the files about Clarkson? the guy asked.

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    Mike nodded, Clarkson was tailing after her brother, but after our cover practices, I was a master of


    Clarkson Clark? No, Mike said a girl was Clarkson

    I followed Mike and the guy I didnt know (that worried me) to the huge building. It looked like a


    This is the dorms of the school Miss. Lovell. They guy said.

    Hey Garcia, I gotta ditch now, my kind arent on the upperclassmen terms. Mike said sheepishly.

    Oh I said


    I followed the guy through the automatic doors to be met with a decent wave of cool air instead of the

    warm and sticky atmosphere outside.

    Caspers! he bellowed.

    I saw a girl walk towards us, Sir? she said. She was shorter than me but not by much, she was

    tanned and had dirty blonde hair. Her eyes were the greatest combination of green and blue which

    were surrounded by thicker lashes than mine.

    This is your new roommate, Garcia Lovell. He said.

    Oh, welcome! Thank you Mr. Wall. She replied. That is familiar

    Are you by any chance related to the Agent guy Mr. Wall? I asked him.

    He gave out a laugh, I am his nephew to be exact. He just smiled.

    I raised an eyebrow, Nathan Anthony Wall, twenty-seven year old Agent, one of the most stubborn

    and risky spies in their youth, parents are dead. I recited from my files.

    Why wasnt this school listed in his files?

    His smile faltered, You must be good at hacking computers I take it he said with a trace of awe.

    The girl with us laughed, Even better than Ruby, she might be!

    I gave her a confused look but she just smiled and led me to an elevator.

    For your stay, remember that you are on the fourth floor and the door opposite the elevator. She


    Thanks I struggled to remember her name, did she mention it?

    Aurora-Rose or Ar for short, she smiled again.

    I laughed, Okay then I acted as if I forgot straight away.

    Youre so mean! She giggled. We came to a stop at the second floor and the doors opened.

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    And in came Mike and two others.


    Ar looked uncomfortable, Hey G, lets stop by a couple of my friends rooms kay? she said.

    I gave her an innocent smile, Sure, I would love to meet them. Then I flicked my long hair back, at

    least I didnt mess up, for now.

    Dude, shes hot! I heard someone say behind me, they didnt know how to whisper quietly.

    Shut up! I heard Mike hiss quietly. I barely heard him.

    We came to a stop at the fourth floor, which made all of us go out.

    I saw the door Ar told me about, the shiny white woods golden knob shined invitingly.

    Garcia, this way Ar said. I followed her to the door next to ours, seeing Mike and his two friends

    disappear in to a mysterious door, making my spy skills kick in, making me mentally note to check it

    out later.

    Ar knocked impatiently on the door, one similar to our own.

    What? An irritated voice grumbled behind the door; it made me feel unwelcome somehow.

    Its me and the new girl. Ar replied back, still impatient.

    I heard immediate movement from the room concealed by the door, making me brace myself.

    The door opened and a gun was pointed at me.

    Who are you? the guy said. I just frowned at him. Aurora-Rose stepped back from the gun.

    Tyler, you know you cant fire on school premises. She whispered.

    In my peripheral I saw Mike and his friends emerge into the hallway, stopping dead at the sight of the


    Ill give you three seconds to drop your weapon. I warned.

    Who are you?! He bellowed.

    Garcia Rosemary Lovell, now drop your weapon. I warned yet again.

    I heard footsteps coming and he pointed the gun at the group of guys, Mike and his friends.

    One, two and three I counted.

    He didnt drop it. I sighed and despite my skirt and boots I lifted my right knee and flicked my leg up

    and hit the gun out of his hand and like what I did with Clark, grabbed his hand and tripped him over

    and pointed my ring at him.

    Who are you? I asked harshly.

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    Tyler Anthony Scott. He growled back. My earring started to make a long beep, a lie detector ear

    ring! I didnt know they gave me one.

    Tell the truth! I yelled at him.

    Dont tell me what to do bitch! he yelled and tried to push me off but with no luck.

    I turned him over and stomped my stilettos on his manhood. He groaned in pain, Bitch! he


    I did it again, Never ever swear to my face! I screeched at him.

    Just because youre parents are DEAD! he roared at me. I froze, which you should never do.

    He shoved me off and grabbed his gun.

    Im going to kill you, imposter! he yelled at me.

    Aurora ran for the elevator which left me, the psycho and Mike and co.

    Garcia, leave him to me. One of Mikes friends said.

    No. I said plainly.

    I pretended to scratch my nose, aiming my ring at the gun.

    Red alert, I whispered, the rings laser beamed straight into barrel.

    And somehow the bullet released backwards, towards his chest.

    I heard several screams, but I ignored it, reaching into my handbag (it was huge!) and grabbed a glove

    and plucked a strand of hair and tucked it safely into a clear money bag.

    You killed my boyfriend! I heard a girl shriek. I turned around.

    She was blonde like Aurora but she had a natural olive complexion.

    No this is the imposter. I said clearly.

    Tyler Scott is my boyfriend and you killed him! she shrieked.

    I ignored her, continuing my work. I got the Rolex watch out and in the battery part I carefully dabbed

    the guys blood onto it and closed it.

    Lesson number one, when you get an unwelcome feeling, question it. My voice rang out to the

    gathered crowd.

    The watch gave an audible beep making me glance at it.

    The name made me freeze.

    Garcia, are you okay? I heard Mike say to me.

    I looked at him.

    Im so sorry I whispered.

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    I just killed Mikes brother.

    Contact the Agency, the brain needs to have its memories collected. I said and walked to the room

    Im staying in.

    I ran to the made up bed, the other two were hastily done. Sage Gold, why does it ring a bell in my


    Garcia, are you okay? A tiny voice came from the door, it was Aurora-Rose.

    Im fine; I was just looking through the files. I said and lifted the watch.

    Dont worry about Jennifer, she just didnt want to- he broke up with her this morning, she just

    wanted to vent her anger at you. She said, closing the door behind her and jumped onto her bed.

    So you need help to unpack? she asked.

    I shook my head, well Garcias.

    Okay well thats your bed, your vanity and your drawers to stuff your clothes in. she said.

    The door opened again, revealing a petite girl with an easy smile on her face.

    Hey Im Ruby. She said.

    I waved my hand and gave a tight smile, Im Garcia.

    She nodded and her next words were very smart, But youre not really Garcia, youre undercover


    I laughed, Youre really observant. I praised.

    She gave a really huge smile and jumped on her bed which by the way had no theme, just a collage of

    bright colours.

    Im the best on my year apparently. Her smile was all confident.

    As Ive noticed the past years, every year, Aurora said.

    So Ruby, did you notice any different with this so called Tyler? I questioned, suddenly serious.

    Her smile faltered to a small one, I noticed that he was walking around lost on the campus duringclasses and the real Tyler would find his classes even if her were drunk or sober. She said.

    Did you try to tail him? I interrogated.

    I thought that my studies were much important than some douche bag. She spat out.

    I would rather too, but it is said we should learn for our education.

    What a load of rubbish! Ar cried out landing backwards into her multiple metallic pillows.

    A sudden urgent rapping collided with the rooms door, making the room shake from the force.

    What? I called out rudely.

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    The door opened and the figure of Justin came in. I turned to Ruby and Aurora to see their reactions

    and I was surprised.

    They were glaring at him.

    I looked back at him aware that he was asking me something.

    What? I asked.

    I was told that Ale- I mean Garcia Lovell would be here. He said the name as if it were foreign.

    Are you seriously that dumb? I asked incredulously.

    Ok, I dont know who you are but all I know is that youre fucking hot. He said.

    My expression turned all fuming. I walked up to his face pointing my finger into is muscled chest

    while saying, Dont ever swear to my face EVER! I shrieked.

    Alex? he said.

    I blew up.


    at him.

    Yep, youre Alex. He said.

    I punched him, harder than I ever thought I was capable of.

    OW! he yelped.

    I really fucking hate you! I screamed.

    Everyone went silent, even Mike and his friends who just entered the door.

    Y-you swore! Mike and Justin exclaimed together.

    I stuck my finger at them and stalked out of the room but one of the guys grabbed me by the waist.

    Share some of your love with me babe. He purred. I punched him too.

    I pushed my way through the crowd of professional Agents taking tests on the dead body.

    I went down the hallway to the door I saw the guys go through earlier.

    It was dark, figured.

    I looked through my handbag looking for a source that will give me the light.

    I found a pair of multiple lenses of Gucci sunglasses. I slipped them on and tried to see through the


    The doorway turned bright as if the light was switched on suddenly.

    Oh, God.

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    I walked up to the ebony grand piano and sat at the bench that was in front of the keys.

    I was staring at the keys, partly conscious of my hands reaching for the cold and stiff white keys.

    Play, my mind ordered me.

    I started a melody, a soft and slow one.

    I didnt realise I was crying until the tears fell onto the keys and my fingers.

    Alexia Kay Thorn cries. I sniffed.

    What an idiot. Someone said from behind and I felt a cold metal pressed against my temple and a




    Was I dead?

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    No pain.

    What was that noise?

    And eew, what was that sticky stuff?!

    Ow, ow, ow! Its hurting me!

    A sudden flash came to my sight. Oh, God, was I going to get those flashbacks you get before you


    I saw the image of a lady kick boxing with a guy, their movement very precise.

    There was three kids there too, cheering on the adults, two boys one girl. One of the boys said

    something to the girl, making her nod her head making her dark curls bounce around.

    They both stood up.

    And started to kick and punch.

    Now, now guys dont get all guys are better fighters because that little girl found his weakness,

    every guys weakness.

    She laughed at him and walked away, giving the thumbs up to the other boy. He frowned.

    I couldnt hear his words, whoever I was, I was following the girl.

    She suddenly stopped at a mirror and when I came behind her she smiled at me. I looked at the mirror

    not seeing my face. I looked back at her dark eyes.

    Me? I mouthed.

    She nodded.

    Im dead arent I?

    She shook her head.

    She practically ran to the piano, one of those fancy old ones and started to play.

    She started to cry too.

    Did she know death was coming?

    Alexia Kay Thorn cries. She sniffed with snot and all.

    I jumped out of my hiding place, placing the gun at her temple.

    What an idiot. I snarled.

    I clicked the gun and bang.

    She fell.

    I ran from her, why did Nikolai choose her?

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    I dont like doing stupid assassinations for free, especially for family.

    Congratulations! Youve killed somebody! my mind usually says after I accomplish an


    Now it didnt.

    I dialled a number into my disposable phone.

    It rang once. What? an irritated voice barked.

    Taylor van der Rosia is terminated; pay me when I see you. I hung up.

    I needed to find Nikolai.

    Where have you been Justine? mum called out.

    Where is Nikolai, I havent seen him for a week! I shouted.

    Ray sent him off as a favour.

    Anger boiled in me, Rubbish, he knows that the Tradition Ball is coming up next week, we had our

    tasks set!

    Its what Ray said

    The little girl was walking back to the adults; they were finished and were squirting their water bottles

    at the boys.

    A family, one I dont belong to anymore.

    The girl approached, jumping onto the man, who tickled her and kissed her forehead.

    I couldnt hear anything, nothing, but I could read his lips as he mouthed Daddys little girl.

    Daddys little girl huh, why leave his little girl ALONE under the bed and never returned when


    Dont think about it.

    It makes things worse.

    Especially when I was dead but wasnt dead.

    Its a code I have to think about.

    Where do you think she went? the brunette guy asked, still rubbing his chest where Garcia or wellknown as Alex punched.

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    If I was pissed at douche bags I would go somewhere quiet. I responded.

    The guys threw glares at me and I returning those glares. Girls hate it when guys gang up on her.

    I looked over at Ar, who was nodding.

    Ruby you are a genius at coding things out and hacking computers but you arent an expert at life.

    Ace snarled.

    I gave him the deadliest glare I could manage.

    Like you could talk, Dallas, what happened toyourparents huh? They ditched you to the Australian

    Agency, not the Texas Agency. Why? I roared.

    Just shut up everyone! Im going to find Al- Garcia. The brunette guy announced and walked out of

    the room. I followed him.

    Nicole escaped. I finally blurted.

    He stiffened his walk, making him look like a hot retard, if that could work.

    I dont care about her. He replied.

    Why because she murdered your father, is that it? I whispered.

    SHUT UP! he roared and turned on me, slightly masking a soft melody and a gun shot.

    What was that? we said at the same time. I looked around, the hallway was empty.

    Through there, he said pointing to the old wooden door.

    Thats the old music room; no one goes in there now because of an experiment blew up. I looked at

    him and he was smirking at the idea of something blowing up.

    I ran to the door, having trouble trying to shove the door but when you have a muscled guy with you,

    its no problem.

    Blood was spilt everywhere over the beautiful piano.

    Alexs blood

    Oh my God, how did this happen? I gasped.

    Run down to the lobby, our Agents should still be here. He said angrily.

    I ran like he said, not bothering answering Ar, Ace and Lucas.

    Everyone filed out of classrooms, half curious about me and because the bell went.

    Shes dead, shes dead the words chanted over my head.

    Dazzling little bird, she flies

    Whisking away from those little lies

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    Little girl dont give up,

    You got to lift your head up,

    The women stopped singing to the little girl, several years older than the girl who looked at me in the


    The lady stood up and walked out, dimming the light.

    I felt myself appear in front of the seven year old, looking at the back of her head.


    She was just coded.

    And those were my numbers.

    I felt myself sit in the vacant chair drifting off to sleep.

    Broaden your sights, little bird

    Tiny wings wouldnt occurred

    Fly yours dreams tonight

    A family will keep you right

    I fell asleep to my old lullaby.



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    No go away.

    Alex, can you talk?

    No I dont want you here. My voice huffed.

    He chuckled. How did you survive that shot?

    I opened my eyes, How am I supposed to know?

    He shrugged, I thought maybe a physic could help you

    A hunched figure approached me, placing their cold finger tips on my temples, the right side burst

    with pain making me scream out.

    Its a drug. She said, licking her lips. Maybeshe is on drugs.

    Alexia doesnt take drugs. Justin said.

    Or do I I said sarcastically.

    No not illegal, legal. The psychic said.

    Thats it; I want Mr. Wall here right NOW! I screamed the pain in my head again.

    Okay princess Justin muttered.

    And take the wacko too! I raised my voice.

    Your parents arent dead arent they Alexia? she said.

    Shut up! I yelled. I lunged for her, only to be tackled from the side from Justin.

    Get off me! I said and punched his neck. He made a choked sound.

    Taylor a voice came from the doorway.

    My head snapped towards it.

    At the door was a girl probably the age of fourteen, who had hair light brown and hazel eyes.

    How could you be alive?! she questioned, urgently looking at Justin who was still coughing.

    Im not Taylor. I snapped at her.

    Nicole! Justin wheezed.

    Fuck, what happened to you!? She yelled.

    I froze, What did you call her? I said.

    Nicole the earring beeped.

    Thats not her real name, dont lie to me. I growled.

    The psychic was edging out of the way, hastily tripping over her feet.

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    The atmosphere turned tense, Im not lying. It beeped again.

    You are lying! How can I trust my partner in crime if he is lying to me? I yelled, taking in the pain

    from my temple and somewhere deep within me.

    How could you tell anyway? he snarled.

    Justin that is enough, A new voice ordered.

    Boss, finally youre here! I exclaimed angrily.

    Justin, you and Alex are going to talk with Mike, he has some explaining to do. Mr. Wall said and

    turned on his heels and walked away.

    I shoved past Nicole and followed Boss, Justin right behind me.

    Alex, just here me out, please Justin begged into my ear, making it itch.

    Youre breath stinks. I murmured, stifling a smile when he checked his breath.

    Suddenly I was enveloped into a heart crushing hug.

    Cant. breathe! I choked out.

    Whoever it was released their hold on me.

    Who are you? I said.

    She doesnt remember? Mike dragged the word out a little.

    I glared at him, It was you! It was your stupid drug!

    Its not so stupid now that youre alive now isnt it? he argued back.

    Hey watch your mouth, fuckwit. Justin hissed, charging towards him. I stepped in front and shoving

    him back, making him stumbles over.

    Mike, dont change your solution, it has changed her life. Good thing we concealed the incident.

    Mr. Wall said, then turned on us, Alexia I want you to train Justin, it is your job being an Agent to

    teach an under classed. He growled.

    I nodded.

    I dont need her help. Justin spat out. I pushed him into the wall and pressed myself against his

    chest, threatening him to be silent.

    It isnt your choice or hers; its mine as chairman of this Agency. Mr. Wall yelled. Thought he was

    nice before? Ehh! Wrong!

    Everyone left, but I still pinned Clark to the wall.

    I dont want a word about this. I said.

    What, that you were on drugs thats why you didnt die? he sneered.

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    I leaned into him and whispered in his ear, You really wanted me dead, huh?

    I released him and walked away, walking back to the room I was in.

    That wasnt smart to do.

    I was instantly thrown on to the floor, the wind passing me like a small gale. The door was instantly

    closed, interrupting the silence I walked in on.

    Youd think that you somehow came back alive you could continue your pitiful life? a girl

    screeched at me, well I thought it was me because I was thrown on the ground.

    Who are you? I said, finally looking around to see.


    You know who I am. She growled at me loading a cold looking gun.

    Youre the one who I trailed off.

    Yeah, Im responsible for your blood being spilt. She thundered on.

    I heard footsteps banging on the linoleum flooring, urgent voices shouting. She pointed the gun at me,

    her free hand holding her aimed arm at a right-angle.

    Get up. She ordered harshly.

    I got up, no plan to save my life; I just had to count on fate.

    Youre too easy to kill but hard to track, but Im getting better. She whispered.

    Why are you whispering? I yelled out. Just never forget that she had a gun. She fired at me but

    missed by ice cold inches.

    Stop moving, Ill get you anyway. She hissed at me. The door was being kicked, urgent voices were


    She tried to shoot me again so I ducked behind a cabinet, looking for something to help me.

    Smoke balls? Great, it may not be effective. I grabbed them anyway and threw them just as she came

    past and did one last shot and got me.

    My blood spurted out of my forearm as if it exploded like a water balloon.

    I was welcomed back to darkness

    This was the most boring day ever.

    But I know how to make it fun!

    Ellie, I want you to write out a draft of invitations for me, dont say the date or place remember! Just

    say that theyre invited. I ordered.

    Sure Ellie dragged.

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    I turned around in the Gym facing the windows reflection which casted a mirrored effect. No one was

    around, just me and the brightly lit big gym.

    My hair was tied up in a ponytail just for Sport, a long tank top and leggings with expensive running

    shoes where my attire than the schools dark blue shirt and black basketball shorts.

    Acacia! Oh My God, listen to this! Alice said rushing up to me.

    I raised an eyebrow, impatient, curious.

    Alice waited for a few brief seconds, waiting for effect, Justin Clark has a crush on Alex! I mean

    come on, theyre perfect for each other but Alex can do better right? she gossiped.

    I thought about it, her loner attitude sure did get weird during Chemistry; she was all bossy when she

    had a partner, And it depends actually I finally said.

    On what? she asked appalled as if it was their destiny.

    If Clark stops being an asshole to her, he might get a chance, which I doubt. I explained.

    Him an asshole? she said incredulously.

    The bell rang a long echoing throughout the empty gym.

    Shit, I have Indonesian. I said avoiding her question. She sighed and we both walked to the change

    rooms to go back into our school dresses.

    By the time we got outside, my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller ID but it was Private.

    Hello? I said curiously.

    Acacia May? Have I got the right number? someone said with a slight accent, which made me think

    of where about whomever this was come from.

    Um, yeah? I said confused.

    The line cut off.

    Asshole. I muttered.

    We stepped out of the shade to go up the stairs to our sub school, stepping into the blistering heat of


    I wish winter was here. Alice whined.

    Then how will you get a tan, besides those for shit fake tan. Sandra said, coming from the bushes to

    our right.

    Sandra, were you smoking? I exclaimed, shocked.

    She looked paranoid, No I was just seeing a friend. She walked off; something with the way she

    walked was very weird.

    I think she is made of bullshit. Alice said darkly.

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    So you believe Alexs rumour about her? I asked, reminiscing the time Alex went in front of the

    school and said a list of things why Sandra Walters is a big fuck-up in life instead of saying her


    Now I do. She muttered.

    Youre late Miss Frale. The teacher scolded.

    Sorry I muttered sheepishly.

    I sat down at the back next to Ellie who handed me a piece of paper.

    Ive got the best design for the invitations

    I looked at her smiling face, her red hair shining angel like in the sun.

    Show me later. I mouthed at her, reluctantly tuning in to the teacher.



    Yeah Alex

    You sure that was the name?

    I slapped my hand down on the table, Yes I am sure!

    I just cant believe a fourteen year old Ray said.

    I curled my hand into a fist, You better listen to me and I know what Im doing.

    Cant say so, Justine. He replied.

    You better though, I will leave this little so called group! I threatened knowing that I was the only

    capable and innocent looking girl to do the dirty work.

    He got up from his chair, chucking a small leather bag on to the tabletop. Your payment, Justine

    I grabbed it and looked inside the bag, Fucking prick I muttered.

    I threw it away in the nearest bin I found.


    Take one more step.

    I tried to take the step but couldnt.

    I looked back at the little girl.

    Its a code; her eyes seemed to tell me.

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    I sighed; I took a step back and woke up.

    You seriously got to stop getting in these situations, you little rebel. Calla smiled.

    Did I take that tablet again? I asked horrified.

    She laughed so hard, rocking in her seat and then toppling off it.

    I thinkyou took it, am I right? I laughed.

    Agent Thorn, get here immediately. Mr. Walls voice barked through a speaker in the room.

    I groaned, cant I rest for FIVE minutes without being called to business? Dont answer that.

    I got up and walked out of the room. Huh, I was at the Agency

    Soon enough I escaped to the main office.

    Wait! Door! Ha, I knocked on it.

    Garcia, I believe these boys want something. He said gesturing to three guys trying to fit on the

    small sofa.

    Is it about the singing? I sighed.

    Sorry, yeah but all the other girls are The guy with dirty blond hair started.

    Incapable to balance life and death with singing. The long and layered black haired guy finished.

    They mean they cant sing for shit. Mr. Tablet-saved-your-life-but-you-dont-appreciate-it said.

    Okay I started only to be RUDELY interrupted by.


    Alex, over hear please. He said gesturing outside the door. I rolled my eyes and followed.

    Im never going to follow Clark anywhere alone ever.

    He kissed me.


    I walked back home, angry with my payment.

    Fucking counterfeit money and fucking DOUCHEBAG!

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    I went up to the apartment, riding the elevator for two angry minutes.

    When I got to my apartment door I opened it and banged it closed.

    Whats wrong with you? my mother asked me.

    Whats fucking wrong with me?! Why would YOU ask ME? I yelled at her. I stomped my way to

    my small room, slamming that door too.

    I went to my files, looking at the R section.

    Taylor van der Rosia, it was the same picture as that Alex girl.

    Hang on she has dead parents? I just saw them like few months back? Could they seriously be

    dead now? No I dont think that Alison or Richard have died then, theyre the best Agents in this

    century and surely when their death comes, it will be the worlds hugest news, well to the Agents.

    I looked at the picture of two blond boys, around the age of Taylor. They looked familiar; I mean Iveseen every Agent.

    Because its my job to kill Agents and that scares me, Nikolai is an Agent and I will never kill

    someone of my blood.

    There was a soft knock on the door and before I could say Dont come in! Nikolai came in.

    I glared at him, Nikolai.

    He nodded at me, Justine.

    I couldnt help it, I had to ask. Why did you choose her?

    He looked down. Ray gave me choices but I had to choose her he mumbled.

    You know what she is, Nikolai.

    Like you could talk, you attack a Gold Leaf member before the actual dance! he accused.

    Ray told me to do it! I yelled.

    He shook his head.

    Its in a week; I have to behave to achieve my goal. He muttered.

    That will be? I prompt.

    Nothing He smiled.

    I narrowed my eyes.


    I was walking around the campus, every movement my head towards it.

    I sighed, Im being edgy.

    Agent Thorn! Someone called out to me.

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    I turned to see another Agent.

    Yes Agent? I said. Well I didnt know his name but I used the formal way to address Agents.

    Mr. Wall requests your presence at fifteen thirty. He said.

    Oh mmk I replied. Fifteen thirty? Three thirty Wait! Thats ten minutes away!

    I hurtled towards my dorm, getting out of the dirty clothes I was in and quickly brushed my teeth. I

    started to rush out past Ruby and Aurora.

    I went to the elevator, going to the first floor and out to the instructors building

    And ran straight into Clark.

    Ellie I love it! Lauren exclaimed.

    I smiled, glad that I did everything right.

    But where is the place, date and time? she asked puzzled.

    Thats for Acacias group to know and for the invited to find out. I smiled secretly.

    I walked off, leaving a confused Lauren Clack.

    Hey Ellie! an unwanted voice called to me and I started to walk faster.

    I could hear him running for me, luckily I was a fast runner and I sprinted away from him.

    Finally youre here! Acacia sighed out to me as I came round the corner.

    Well Ive sent out the invitations, what else? I asked.

    The band I had lined up bailed on us, what we are going to do now? she panicked.

    Well just have to see who wants to. I shrugged.

    Call Lex, she knows a lot of things. Heidi suggested.

    True, she is such a know-it-all. Acacia grinned.


    Hello Agent Thorn. Mr. Wall greeted.

    Sorry Im a little late. I mumbled.

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    Thats unfortunate but we will get straight to the point. He replied. He was pacing in front of his

    desk, a strained expression showed in his face.

    The Agents Traditional Ball is coming up and I guess you know about the theme this year. He

    turned to face me, questioning me.

    We have to become a new person, undercover. I responded.

    He smiled, Youre an undercover Agent, so it is decided that you teach the students a new cover. He



    If it is suitable I stalled.

    Yes it is Alexia. He said excitedly.

    I sighed.

    Last class? he offered.

    I shrugged, Alright then

    When I was little I never wanted to grow up as a teacher.

    Neither an Agent

    I didnt watch where I was going and as my cover was, I walked into someone.

    Damn, sorry. I said.

    Hey youre Mikes friend right? the girl said.

    Uh, not really I mumbled.

    I tried out for the singing but I didnt make it, so they said they chose you. She sounded a little

    tearful then.

    I smiled sadly at her, Im sorry.

    She tried to hastily wipe a tear that escaped, I really hated it when people cry, somehow it makes me

    feel guilty.

    We should harmonise sometime? I asked. She looked up and smiled.

    Im Arianne. She held her hand out.

    I grasped it, Im Alexia or Garcia as my cover name. it didnt matter anymore.

    Hey where did you get that wound? she said pointing at my temple.

    She fell. Justin said as he came around and slipped his arm around my shoulders.

    I didnt fall, I was just testing gravity and it still works! I joked.

    They both laughed and Arianne waved and hurried away.

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    Thats when I walked out of Justins hold.

    I hear that you are teaching this afternoon. He said.

    I glared, How do you know that?

    I bugged Wall Juniors office, I dont trust him. He smiled and had a happy tune about him.

    Youre happy? I asked.

    Im smiling arent I?

    That alone should scare you. I laughed.

    So I know that youd be all What? How did THIS happen? well, since The kiss he has been

    talking to me and actually taking his job seriously.

    I think he is taking it seriously.

    Hey, how would you feel to, I dont know, be my example of cover? I asked him.

    He considered it for a while, Uh okay?

    Great, be there right on the dot. I said. I may seem friendly to him now but I have a diabolical plan!

    And my other diabolical plan involving Justins locker would be even better over the days

    *Evil laugh*


    Number one to wearing a disguise, Garcia called to the classroom full of intrigued students,

    everyone was so in awe with her, not me, Is to know what to wear and your covers characteristics.

    Everyone watched as she walked to the classroom door and slapped it twice, Come on Justin.

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    God is really trying to kill me with desperation, the guy was hot! Well I know he is hot even if he was

    wearing a dress and heels complete with makeup.

    We all started to laugh which made the guy get infuriated and lunged for Garcia and gracefully she

    dodged his way making him face plant to the ground, the dresses frills lifted up to reveal his boxers.

    Cutie right Jen? Cassidy whispered in my ear. I turned to her, Hes mine.

    Look at the way they act, are they even going out? Cassidy accused at our lunch table.

    I pointed my Caesar salad wrap at her, They arent I can tell.

    The doors opened and in came the twins, Ruby and Jai. Their dirty blonde hair the same shade as each

    others, well they are twins.

    Jen, youre so totally not listening to me! Cassidy whined loudly.

    I looked back at her, Hm?

    She sighed irritated, You need a date now that he dumped you.

    I rolled my eyes, I can get any guy I want, what you are talking about?

    Its just that the Agents Dance is next week. She said.

    I gave her a duh look.

    So Jennifer, whats your verdict with Garcia seeing she killed your boyfriend? A guy asked me.

    I sighed, Shes going down and her bad ass ways wont inflict on my status.

    He raised an eyebrow at me, She knows her stuff Jennifer and I really wouldnt count on your status

    while she is here. He beckoned at the table where Garcia, Justin, Aurora and the twins were, upper

    class mans.

    My face flushed with and embarrassment, Go away Tony.

    He faked looking hurt, You seriously dont remember my name even when we fucked real well?

    The memory of our time on his bed in his own apartment was as he said it fucked real well.

    Cassidy got up and walked to the door leaving me to deal with this shit.


    Toby we can do it again Jennifer he sat next to me and stared into my dark green eyes.

    A plan came to my mind.

    Soon, I have a plan.

    I was waiting in the study area of the library pretending to take notes out of a Chemistry book.

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    He walked in looking around.

    I looked back at my notes and sighed and closed up returning the book behind me and walked over to

    the door.

    Wheres the slightly lifted wood plank? There!

    I dragged my foot there and stumbled forward dropping my books and making me fall right into


    Oh my God, so sorry! I said over and over again while he breathed a laugh.

    You okay uh, Jenny? he said.

    I looked up to meet his grey eyes.

    I dont know how long we stayed like that until I shook myself and turned around and bent down for

    my books, feeling my knee length dress ride up my back thigh, giving him a slight look at my thong.As if I realised I pulled it down a bit and stood up to see him staring, caught in my trap.

    You like? I smirked.

    He smirked back, Yeah I want some.

    Im free tonight; my apartment is empty as always I offered.

    Ill be there, Ill set up a plan so we wont be disturbed and dont worry, I can find the apartment.

    He answered.

    See you there.

    Goodbye Jenny. I like the nick name

    I was sitting on the soft vanity chair fixing up my curls. I was wearing my strapless black dress that

    had a poof around the top of my thighs and laced stockings on and a white feathered boa around my


    I love being rich and beautiful.

    I heard the elevator give a ding and in stepped Justin, fully clothed.

    His brown hair was messed up unattractively but attractive to me.

    Nice costume. He said finally.

    I smiled flirtatiously and grabbed my brush and dropped it behind me, Whoops.

    I turned around and bent down, making the dress fall to my stomach.

    I peeked between my legs, Want it?

    His answer was to rush up to me and carry me to the bed, taking his shoes, socks and shirt off.

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    The kissing was heaven, sweet and passionate at first then getting rough.

    The dress, its beautiful on you, but I wonder if it is even better off?

    I looked over at the time and shit! It was almost the time my plan was going to happen!

    I stood up and decided to slowly unzip the back. I heard the bed springs creak from weight and

    suddenly I felt the zip hurtled down and someones teeth gripping onto it and sliding it down, straight

    to my ankles.

    I turned around and rolled him over and unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down urgently. His

    boxers had a tent in them.

    He wants to play.

    He was asleep so I decided to cover myself with my silk robe and picked my iPhone out of my bagand dialled Toby.

    He answered straight away, Look Jen Garcia has seen the tape but she isnt upset.

    WHAT? I yelled. Justin stirred but I was reassured by his loud snoring.

    Hey, she came to train me and the camera started beeping and she looked. She isnt bothered, she

    was just laughing at how small it was. He chuckled a little.

    Toby, we have to go with Plan B. I said desperately.

    I heard him sigh, Jen, people will think that you are a slut, well I cant blame them.

    I gasped, Whos the one asking for it before?

    I was asking for a relationship! he argued.

    Whatever, I have to go. I hung up and changed into a great clubbing outfit, Plan B.

    Daddy, its nothing! I tried to convince him.

    Jennifer Marie Winter you have to go to the Agency, if they are requesting you then go! Daddyargued.

    But stupid Garcia is there. I mumbled.

    NO, I want YOU to go because Ray wants an innocent one to be a double agent. Taylor van der

    Rosia, he wants you to kill her.

    I choked on my drink, Daddy, I cant kill.

    You killed your last boyfriend did you not?

    Anger surged through me, GARCIA DID IT!

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    No one could hear us over the rhythm of the bass, making our conversation private.

    You are to go.


    Then I will kill the guy you just slept with, you dirty tramp. He verbally bitch slapped me.

    He got up and left, all my love and adoration for my own Father flushed down the toilet.

    Couple days later I was in the class Garcia taught; apparently it was her last day.

    Now, I need to see how well you can act. She smiled.

    I just groaned and thudded my head to the desk and closed my eyes.

    Several minutes later someone tapped my shoulder.

    I looked up and immediately slammed my head to the desk, pain enforcing on my forehead.

    Jenny you alright? he asked me.

    Im just tired, too much homework for me last night. I mumbled.

    You can go; you actually failed this class anyway.

    Without another word I got up and left the room.

    Im going to take that offer about the Agency thing.

    Please wait Miss Winter. The lady said.

    I waited for five minutes; no one ever makes me wait for ages!

    A door opened and in stepped a girl. She froze when she saw me.

    Hes fucking replacing me with a bimbo?!!

    Yeah Justine, Im replacing you with someone who is less cunning than you.

    How old are you? I asked the girl politely.

    Im younger than ya mum! and with that she left the building. She looked familiar


    I hate goodbyes.

    There I said it.

    I couldnt deal with all the students hugging and giving their email or numbers to me so we cancontact each other. It was too much to bear.

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    Okay guys, helicopter is waiting for me I said smiling sheepishly.

    Everyone smiled and said their last departing words to me.

    Where the hell is Justin, maybe having fun with Jennifer? Eew!

    Miss Lovell, we would see you at the Dance. Mr. Wall Junior said to me. I smiled and nodded.

    Just about everyone starting to follow me to the helicopter, expectantly waiting for something

    Suddenly Justin appeared next to me, Arent you going to say goodbye? he yelled over the

    helicopters loud whooshing wind from the propellers.

    I glared at him, Already did.

    He SMIRKED, I was in the crowd and you acted all sheepish Alex.

    Whatever Clark, I rolled my eyes at him and turned to wave at the crowd.

    That should do it.

    We were halfway to the Agency and there was no talk.

    So we arent going to sky dive out? I asked suddenly and intelligently.

    No, we can just land like normal people. Clark answered in a duh tone