codal analysis the woman in black

By Emma Blake

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Codal analysis  the woman in black

By Emma Blake

Page 2: Codal analysis  the woman in black

Visual analysis

The opening scene is very dull which is normally associated with horror films

We see some very old dulls, innocent objects like this are used very often in horror

There are three young girls siting around the dolls having a tea party which is a very normal thing for girls of that age to do which builds up suspense

The house they are in is very old and dark which again is building up suspense and is very common in horror films

Through out the scene they are smiling until they all turn to the camera, at this point they look very serious and look to a big window

The three of them walk to the window stamping on any toys that might be in the way and then hey jump from the window, the scene where you see them walk is building up suspense

The fact that they are three innocent young girls in danger is a running theme in horror

Page 3: Codal analysis  the woman in black

Audio code

The music at the begging is very slow building up suspense

It makes the atmosphere eerie and mysterious

The basic tune is repeated a lot in the opening

Towards the end the music echoed again building up suspense

At the end we hear screaming making us think that due to the girls jumping from the window they have died

Page 4: Codal analysis  the woman in black

Technical code

Through out the clip there are a lot of

extreme close ups highlighting what is

happening, in this instance the

innocence of their actions

Extreme close ups are used a lot in

horror films to build suspense

There are also a lot of close ups

The editing is quite slow especially when

all three girls turn to face the camera

Page 5: Codal analysis  the woman in black

Narrative code

The storyline of this clip is that three

girls are having a tea party with their

dolls when something happens making

them want to jump from a window

By looking at the house, their costumes

and the dolls they are playing with we

can tell it is sometime in the past

Page 6: Codal analysis  the woman in black

Enigma code

The enigmas make the audience want to watch on

In this opening an enigma is made by the music and how it is in contrast to the girls smiling faces

When the girls all turn to face the camera the audience may feel a little uncomfortable as an enigma has been made as the audience don’t know who they are looking at

When they all jump the audience will be left wondering why they jump after looking so happy whilst playing, questions will be raised as to who the main character is in relation to this event