clues to madrid virtual fieldtrip

The C lu e s to Madrid by Penn Mullin

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T h e C lu e s t oM a d r id

by Penn Mullin

Page 2: Clues To Madrid Virtual Fieldtrip

Let’s take a tour of Spain and visit some of the places that Miss Lake and the students visited . We will see the Pyrenees Mountains and travel to Toledo and Madrid. We will visit the Toledo Cathedral, the Prado Museum, and Plaza Puerto de Sol. We will look at paintings of El Greco, Goya and Picasso. We will go to a bullfight. Finally, we will learn some Spanish words and customs and sample some Spanish foods. Then you’ll make a travel postcard about Spain using Microsoft Publisher.

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P y r e n e e s M o u n t a in s

The Pyrenees Mountains form the natural border between France and Spain, and completely engulf the tiny nation of Andorra.

The mountains extend for about 270 miles from the Bay of Biscay to the Mediterranean Sea. The highest point is Pico de Aneto at 11,168 ft. (3,404m)

Additional mountain ranges found on the Iberian Peninsula include the Cantabrian, Sierra De Gata and Sierra Guadarrama in the north and central, and the Sierra Morena and Sierra Nevada in the south of Spain.

Photo : Bruno Monginoux /


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T o le d o is located in the Castille region of central Spain, 42 miles southwest of Madrid and 85 miles southeast of Avila. It has a population of about 75,000 and is a very popular tourist destination, especially as a day trip from Madrid.

The Alcazar and Cathedral dominate the picturesque skyline of Toledo.

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T o le d o C a t h e d r a l

Toledo Cathedral in Toledo, Spain, is ranked among the greatest Gothic structures in Europe. Inside, the cathedral contains important masterpieces including a spectacular baroque high altar and two paintings by El Greco.

Toledo Cathedral by night. Photo Ramón Durán

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M a d r id

Madrid’s Gran Vía buzzes with activity 24/7, fronting shops from high-end to gritty and hotels for all budgets. Along the Vía you’ll also find grand cinemas that host Spain’s red carpet film premieres. Photograph by Guido Cozzi/Atlantide/Corbis

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P r a d o M u s e u m

Prado Play is a fun site on the Museo Nacional del Prado home website. Play the games to learn more about the paintings on display at the museum.

The Prado Museum is the largest art gallery in the world. It also has sculptures, drawings, coins and other works of arts, but its large collection of paintings has given it fame worldwide. It houses more than 8,600 paintings, of which less than 2,000 are shown because of lack of space. Many museums throughout the world have less art in their halls than the Prado Museum has in storage.

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Goya – The Third of May, 1808

Picasso - Guernica

Famous painters and paintings of


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Famous paintings AND SCULTPURES

of Spain

El Greco's "The Disrobing of Christ"

Portrait of Julius Caesar Drusus, also known as Drusus the Younger. Sculpted in marble in the 1st century CE. In the Prado Museum.

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P la z a P u e r t o d eS o l

Bear and Madrona (strawberry) tree, bronze sculpture in the Puerta del Sol.

At night the plaza becomes awash in lights, giving the square almost the look of a

fantasyland. Those Puerto delSol shops you did not even notice in the daylight now

beckon you with their large neon signs.

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This huge stone bullfighting ring, built for increasing crowd demand, is one of the later stone bullrings built from the 19th century.

P la z a d e T o r o s d e la s V e n t a s

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S p a n is h w o r d s a n d c u s t o m s

Por Favor -

Amigos - Friends

Gracias - Thank you

Adios – Good bye

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Spanish Foods

Helados – Ice cream

Paella – Rice dish

Tapas - Appetizers

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This is an sample postcard made on Microsoft Publisher. You can make your own, by opening Publisher, choosing a postcard template and adding some information you learned about Spain. Then print your postcard to share with others.

To do

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Your postcard will be graded using the following rubric, so do your best and ask if you have questions.

For an A…

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