cloth coats -...

THS MALOXK PAUflUt. WBDKMDAT, DBCBMBBK %, ltM. "S" County Letters BRBSHTON. P. It a S»»« and Deo. 8.—H. P. Steenberre, of this place, was fn Matone Saturday. Uns. Charles Woods and daughter, IBertha, were callers,In Malone. Sat- urday, Wallace Rowell spent Sunday with |il« family, returning to WestviUe the •sune night. He is hewing: him son, Hudson, for a few weeks. Mrs. John Kixnpton, of Bangor, qpent Sunday with her grand daugh- ter, Mrs. Henry Best. Bert Barnett went to Bridgeport, Qonn., on Saturday- Miss Clara Conger returned Mon- day to Canton to take up her ool- flay lege -w^^ Henry B Henry P. Sfceenbergre went to Baranac Lake on Monday Nov. 21, to Inspect the Q. A. R. Poat of that place. Mrs. Oeorge OreenWaf entertained Grlends from out of town for a few day* recently. Miss Kiltie Weatoott, a student at Bt Lawrence University, Canton, returned to iker achool Monday. Mise laeaa McArthur returned to Gabriels the first of the week to resume her position there. Mrs Poote,^of WMpplevitte, visit- «d her mother, Mrs. C. J. Daiy. re- cently. Mr. and Mm, S. ft. Fosbung;, of Lake Clear, have been csalMa# on friends in Rruahton tjte past week. The Chalybeate Cna^ter, O. EL & held a sale in th«e Masonic Tte at Brsubton Tuesday and W y Nov. 2», and 30. The sate coaaist- ed of both fancy and useful arti- cles. On Tuesday evening a eaiefc- en pie supper was served, and on Wednesday evening a 15 cent sup~ per. EnleriaimmmiB were provided both evenings. Carl Kitte the gumat of M. M, Quirni for Th-ankagglving. Mrs. Wm. Barnett and Mre. Clay- ton RJOSS left Tuesday morning for {Benson. Vt., to visit their brother, who te seriously ill. Mrs. Mike Prue returned home on Thursday night from Ogrd&nsburg wihere she went for treatment: Jerome Quain, of O&w-ego, has moved to Br<u*htcm to pe^de. He wsll ; occupy Mrs. Dorsey'g house on West Washington street. Standlsn Bteeabarge of Bailor, at- tneded the inspection at Q. A. R. Hall Tuesday, Nov. 22. Mrs. P. K: McMann. J. 8 Quinn Ur, and Mrs. Clayton .. . and Mr. and Mm Willis TtoomM at- tended Pomona Orange at Brusbton last week Thursday. Friday evening a* 7:S0«o*«iocJt of this week a Matrons' SUTOT Medal Contest will be held In tbe tehoot house. Several ladies from Malone and also of our vicinity, win com* pete for the medal, and a very in- teresting programme 4a being pre- pared. Everyone is cordially invit- ed to attend, a oleaaant entertain- ment being assured to- all who do. No admission will be charged out a frwwJH silver offering will be tak- en. Kindly tell your friends afcoat it. In Norwood on Wednesday of last week occurred the marriage of Miss Ada Austin, of that place, to WU- feer A. Carpenter, of Raymondvtlle. Mr. Carpenter, who Is tike youngest soo of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Car- penter, of thl» place, is a young man of starting qualities and the best wishes of a host of friends are ex- tended to him and the young lady he hav chosen for a life partner. Mr. and Mrs. Carswnter will make their home in Baymondvflle where Mr. Carpenter is ta business. CATARRH IN HEAD. DUAXE Iff. and Mrs, William Sprague Oele- 4«th Weddingr Amvtvcraary, Dec. 5th-—Mra Edwfln Trim and Mrs. iJttte Trim visited at the liome of William Liafleur at Rivser B^nd, last Wednesday. Mrs; C. M. Haafciha was called to Herkfmer last Sunday by the death ot her father. Daniel Moon-ev. The proceeds of the oyster supper, held at the home of Clinton Ladd thanksgiving night, were $23.5§. The ladies' aid society met with Mrs. Bert Burr Wednesday for din- ner. Arthur Stick-ney and sister, Maud, stpent Sunday and Monday MUth' friends in Malon*; The many friends of Mr. and Mrs, William Sprag-ue gathered at their home Saturday evening, the occasion being the 40th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sprag-ue. They were presented wWh some pretty chairs, ments were serv-ed' djid all pleasant time. Tire" yfriends ,way wishing them many more happy returns of th# day. had ., visitors in Malone, Mr. end Mrs. Oscar Kimpton, of Bangor, visited tkeir daughter, Mrs. Henry Best, Wednesday.''. Mr. and Mrs. John Quain have moved back from thgdr farm now occupy the Mrs! M&ry Quain house on Dei&ncey Ave. Principal and Mm. Barter Thanksgiving in Ca-nton and dam. J. H. Analott went to Montreal on Saturday to attend the meeting at Karnsjek Temple. TB« Bruahton basket ball team was defeated at Brasher evening, score 24 to IT. Mr. p Pota- Tne B r Nov. 29th, birthday of AbOii borne of Mr, and Mrs. h at "Wea* g Mr. and, Mrs. John ht Th Rupert f Greeno and ki t > daughter spent Thanksgiving at Winthrbi>, returning on Saturday, i On ISwirsday, IXSC. 8th, Qxette WL be a basket hall, game between the Bruahton and Tapper Lake teams in the Allen hall. Mrs. Mary Bmviea visiting with friends in Brushtem this week. Lt. B. Peek was a recent caller in Malone. Peari Cady, of Mai one, was a vis- • itor to Bxushton, Nov. 26th. Miss Mary F'ranoes Quinn return- ed Mondav to Potsdam Normal, hav- ing spent Th&nkagivang- w3th h&r par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caskins, and little son spent a few days in* Ma- lone recently. ^, Guy Chandler is visiting his par- ents for a few day?. Mr and Mrs. Forest Barber are visiting friends in Potsdam. Mices Maokl Whitman was vigrfting- in Malone last w-eek, Mrs. Jas. Foley and l^ft for Springfield, Mass , Tuesday A. 11. Mrs. Henrv SU-enberge returned home Saturday morning from Ma- Ion © where <zh» hcvs been the past -tsii Java-caging for hcr-gee^ w;ho h£& been quite «ick, but is now much better. R. McC. Milier. at aialon^ in- apeoted the II. L Aldrich Boat No. 363 on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd. Mr. an«3 Mrs. A. W. Crozier, of Dea Moines, Iowa, are visiting at the home of the former's aunt, Mrs. J. C, Farnsworth. Mr. Crozier'a faxn SOUTJtt BOMBAY. Postcard ShowTar for M*s, Owrie Dec. 3rd.—Mr. ~*e Mrs L»eoaard *mer*s brother, John Nites, of He- lena, Saturday and Sunday. Daniel Richardson and lady friend, of Dickinson, visited hia parents, Mr. and Mrs, Richardson, Su&day. Bfrank Brayton ta^nsacted tort at^«olra~ Monday; Jt WSL WTLLUM A. FRKS8KR, 17» 1Y1 Third Are., MoHne, III., writes: '•I have been differing from catarrh in the head for the past two months and tried innumerable no-called reme- dies without avail. No one knows how I have anffered, not only from the dis- ease itself, but from mortification whes M I have used two bottles of your med- icine for a short time only, and it ejected a complete medical cure, and what is better yet, th© disease has not returned. "X can mos,*emphatically recommend Perun* to all sufferers from this dis- ease." Read Tilts Experience. Mr. A. Thompson, Box 65, R. R. 1^, Martel,OhiOj writes: "When I began your treatment my eyes were inflamed* nose was Stopped up balf of the time, and was sore and scabby. I could not rest at night on account of continual hawking and apttting. "I had tried several remedies and was try Perima, "After I had taken about one-third of a bottle I noticed a, difference. I am now completely cured, after suffering with catarrh for eighteen years. "I think if those wha are afflicted with catarrh woulCt try Peruna they would never regret it." Serious Illness o* JoHn txecember is hers with abundance of snow and a few degrees below zero. The Jingle of sleigh-bells to•' every w&ene heard, and the atmos- phere te evidence of the approach- ing of the Tuletide. It any of toe readers of thlsNral- usnn have influence «v«r the clerk of the weather kindly prevail on Mm to have the remaining days of this month be so pleasant that they will be epoch markers. C. B. Brus£ fcas-fceen numbered with tbe sick the pa*t- week. ] Smiths over Sunday. ; Miss Beryl Johnetone w.-^ attain- ' ed in town over Sunday. \ Mrs. Katie Batcbelder, of N. T., City, is in town for a week. She I is a soientific.maoiourist. , Mrs. Hiram Clark Js no better and < her daughter, Mrs, Donald, of Ot- ; tawa, is oaring for her. \ Chaa. H. McK&ne returned from Burlington the pa«t week but is to I CLOTH COATS AT BIG SAVINGS AH Ow QtXh Uits H Big Gut Prices few. $8 to $10 Black Kersey Coats, $4.98. $12 to $15 Black Kersey Coats, $7.89. ALL GUARANTEED What Nicer for Chrisima* ? Beautiful Pavey-Caracul Early Bttyiosr, Prtc. tot keeper at Hopkins Point the paat ,\ reason-.-r^tu^ned-r-to her-home in this ^ •MMW>«M9MMMHMMMM village last week. » «•>» «.M«.M* * - « Mr. and Mra. W.- IX Wri«ht, o f ! B SPBCIAIr~B«8* Quality Moire Poaer AJr a brother In A K aaid Mrs Orlin 0 Kus^ell visit- f*d jit thp. home of Mr. and Mrs. John WiLWams in Malone a few days test w«eek. John McCarthy, son of Jerry M<_- Carthy, who reside® in the west end of th,i» town, was taken to Cornwall hO4^>atai,-^ut i« too ill to undersro th>e . i ntenw^d o peratfoin. Mrs. ERza B. Manchearter enjoy- ed a pleasant Thanksgiving, made so by C. D. Manchester. W. H. Mont- ros^ and her nephew froTn Morley. She was the recipient .... of a tiirke^. homey, butter, cranberries and other grood things to eat, Mrs. Manchester is'very thankful for tlfce many fhinsars ree-^iv-eci. Hew Muff and N«ek Piec Special Overcoats and Suits at Savings Now New Heavy Great Coats, 52 Inch©* Long an^ Presto Collars. Aljtii© Sw©g Fancies and Bain Kerseys at Savings ®f $5 and More. AU-Wool Worsted Suits-Ifeat Patter*, that wo Cloaed Late, away Under Price, and How Offer to. You at Bi* Savi««.. NEW FURNISHINGS New DOUGLAS S h o e s M. LEVY & CO. We Bny Raw Furs. The Big Store. MALONE, N, Y. IT. COVlNC?rON CENTBEB. OOOKS CORKERS. ±>ec. 5th,—3?,here was no j.nv3> hing here last Sunday in the church as Rev, Cainee Njvas at JB-urk^- ;ittend- ing the HoMrfe^ convention there. David and' I>oinaldson were guests of Egbert -Soi»thworth lajrt .'o chii- g-uesti ' Mrs. Rov Hutching and Idren of We^tvtlle. w«re ti | of her parents, ; Mr. a-nd. M i Jones, over Sunday./"' ! Rev. Cahee and D-. G. Glbhs acted I o& Samaritans by reanembering th.« ; Chas.. Moore, sick ' Tha-nksgivlng T>a> T with baskets , a caller Sunday Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett v^ited the former's sister, Ma^s. Nttes, 1 of Helena, a few days the past week. X«enoid Nile* and Frank Bra-yton were hauling hay from Banger Tues- day and Wednesday. "~ Birthday Baad met Tuesday, d honor of Mrs. Carrie Tesy, the 65th Ph e 65th Pheipa. er&r Mr. WlHiwus of'good things, s Miss Edna Hunkins has returned mmmmmmmmmmmmj Week. ' '" ' \ Mr. and Mrs... James'Spaulding vis- ; j ited Mrs. Cora Hall an,d Chas. Gdbbs 1 I last Thursday. | wrni I>avid Dustin and Burr Cunming-> ""* I Siam called" on Chas. Oibbs Friday. ; Cora Hall and Myrtfe Gifobs visit-: 1 ; .Dec. 4—The Bible School will have a Christmas tree at the se"hool house Friday evening, Dec. 23rd. Great in- teregt is being shown in the work and a -good pnigrammc as promised % tiw» arirls and boys» of the achool. Adi are invited to attend. Flachael Moore, of South Bombay, spent live week-end visiting 1 her sister^ Mrs. A. Smith. Guy and Roy Smith went to Ro- cht-eist-er. Wednesday where they ex- pect positions for the winter, Bert Brockway, of Bangor, waa in g town looking after his h-ay-pr«aSm* James : busin^9s. . ' ' -• . J3d. Keefe tran-sacted busffie^t at Malone Thursday. mbay, w^s ening at the home A Sith y g Of M* slater, Mrs. A. Smith. FT. COVINGTON. Dec. 4% Dec. §r~Bev. and Mrs. Portia, of Brufihton, we*«e g u e s t s of Dr. and MM. Crocker Sunday evening. Mrs, S. Towjw*end was a caller in Braaher Italia 'Ehuredtety, ^1 Ira Dunn has recently rented the Berry hot»e, owned by RH M caller s^*^—:—Z^^"** " Ve^ "^5ir«iZM- a!t * J - Bllv * SI19 residence on Main Si, enjoyed a pleasant time. Mrs, Pheipi] j ^ ^^ Fen%ea t o Charle® Brush, w&s *giveo A post-card shower in j -—• •- / - Whfch she received 56 post ****** ! Harold li&rkm wt South Bombay Moaday. I 1^. Johnson .considerably better iat -this writing. ,', | Aici Moore and daughter wer« call- j.iers in town Friday. | Carri-e Hawiard wjyg:,.lKaBe from Sunday. DICKINSON CENTER. Those present from out of town were- Mrs.' Set& Jolmson • and Mrs. Sarah Tryon, of Brushton. Mrs. Phelps wishes to expreae her thanks to all of b«er friends for their kind rememSreace. Allen BUanders, of TApp^r Lake, | Who is til at \ I>ec §th.—Mrs. F&rasworth and U j daughter, 'ol Moira, were visitora in; ... ! town over Sunday.............i , : Mttle WaalEmm, Quinnel, oJ.M^li^^^^^^^! Little H«!e& Smith. Is visiting- h«r .tsj $£r. and Mra. A. M- 5—The basket bail game Dec. ] 2<J oetween th-e Ogxtensburg Indepen* ! dents and the locals, resulted in fa,- j-vor of the locals, score 31 to 4. ( Roseoe Adamsv of Skerry, was a [ | oafier in town Saturday. ^~ Mias Kathryn Donahue, of Malone, j ; spent Sunday wath friends in town. \ : W. Boyea is spending a day in | ; W. 6. Ber»o spent Sunday in towsn, , Mr. and Mr«. Thos. "Lowe sg)ent s Sunday in Gonstable. ... _...,_„„..™_ ! Ohaa. t f f o f si>ent""Suhday in town. \ Dan Cross spent Sunday at : home in. Bomtoay. ; John L«Clairr of Malone, spent j : Thursday with B, N. Derushte. ' las b«a FOUR PER CENT s i a a Jauary 1,1907 Wiriooski Savings Bank feS. Had a Surplus June 30, 1910, of (Intereat is compounded seml-amraallf Janaary l and Jnly 1) Depoaits of $2,000 or lesa are safely made by mail. (By check, draft, postoffloe or expressroonevorder, and Cfurrency by registered letter or ex prase ) OFFICERS: TRUSTEES: Ormond Cole, President, Ormond Cole. Emory C. Mower, Etnory C. SCOWCT, i Vioe- Orman P. Ray, c H S Ormaa P R \Pi R. jr. White.G B Etnory C. SCOW Ormaa P. Ray, •H. g, Pray. Treasurer. F. K Blgwood. OB or before Jan. 10A draw interest from JM. 4- is at the home of her grand- ] postal card days this week W^n^s>|"JK: S '^rcutt ^a BOMBAY. ler h*ts done this work before has always given satisfaction Miss jbotiie lashomb is at .nd Deo. S—;Misses Minnie,.-Kate . _ « „ „ _ . Mabel Poonan spent Sunday In Ma- | Olark'jg for the winter. 1 * Rev. George Williams of Norwood, will give an address in the Meth- odist ch/urch. some time m January on ''BoliteneisS.'" Rev Williams is a forceful hearing- lone. Mr, and Mrs. H. T. Murray and son. Harley, spent Sunday in "Ho- ganaburg. A sleigh load from here- attended th>e basket ball game in Ft. Cov- ington Friday evening. Misses Bella and Violet Farquhar spent Sunday in Pt. Covington. Misses Genevieve McKenna and Eva Spiilingrs* were call-ers in Ho»?ans- burg recentlv. T. H. McMullen and son, Percy. •3pp>nt the vret?k-end visitinjr in Mon- treal and Milton, Vt. little 1 eral of her, friends on Wednesdai- evening. All Report a pleasant time Ertrl Hozep, of the Smith House. Mj-'lon'' was' hume ov^r Sundas Zvla! tin CdJ&W'-'li ha=- moved into i Ho yi acp Duranr s residtjtce and Mra. Wi-althii FMwsoi his m<.ved into the* leviL ^^c^tet by Mr Cas- took rharere of the station here dur- ng Mr MrMuli<*n l s absence Mrs. W. Raw5ins anft^ children leave this week for St. I/0uisV'~$!n. Much to the pleasure and conven- >nce of this comxnunitv, P.- H. Cav- rrau^rh has reoi>ened ,his meat mar- ! ket. Hnn. speaker and all will enjoy him. An offering will be tak-ep at the close of the I^rtare. Miss L<ulu Binan, of Bi'iishton, spent several days in to\vn re-cently. Harold Cole of Brasher F^lls, WAJS in town. Sunday. Chrastmas rhetork-als vill be gw- ^n at the high school Friday af- ternoon, *he £3r<l, and at th*» Meth- odist church Christmas eve 45eojpgc Quinac-II, of Sla^eua. ^»~c5 - n O<->niK su k xV.o past -^ Charles cis Ff.lls the liest , i tlv Smdo of St. Regi,s F -Jts ru Mrs, George «tumbered with d Mrs. Mar in St. Re- and Mns a guest at the home of his Sundav, nds? SKERRY. Oee. 5—If the weather the past . week is a forerunner of wJiat the „. ^. ^^.^o. .. ^x. ^.v-^ItJ, «, ^.<««-, ^-.«. C. ft. Matthews attended the j winter "wall be w<j think it will be ily formerly resided Jn Bnishton, and 1 Pomona Grange at Brushttjn TJiurs- , rath«r severe as the snow Is more it has been 32 years since* he was {day. than a. foot deep and quite badly here. * " Miss C Blliott gave her pupils of ' drdfted in peaces, and the thermom- the intermediate room a sleigh ride 1 eter Monday night fell to several de- to Fort Covington on Friday. This ; greea below fc eero. delightful trip will long be remem- ( Mrs. L*. C. Bowen and Mrs. Har- P. Bow^n ,has gone -'-to- Saranac Liake to visit his son at that place. He will co to Buffalo where he will «>end the winter with ter, Mrs, iTred Austin, h e ll daug-h- er, Mrs, iTred Austin. The many fri&nds of Mrs. Rena Dld h h fe i y s McDonald, who ha«feeenao -iH-of typhoid fev*n, will -TregTa<r toiow that she Is slowly recovering 1 . Felix O'Brien, of Chateaug&y, •pent the /irst of the week in thla place visiting his d-augtjrter, Mrs. E. J. Hoffman. - • - Mrs. M. Cummings and son, %v- neet," have r«turt*ed ho.m<> after hav- ? In? spent some tlnfe tn Albany, - White Plain* and Grand Isle, Vt. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin wfent to Chlcope«, Mass. Wednesday. 2tfr. and Mn, Sidney I*aw^nee. of Bangror, viated in Hovm Krtday. Misses Margaret and Frances ilaly 1 BP*nt_ ThAEksgivlng- with th«ir mo- ther, Mr*. P . S.^mJg. wiho to tm- dre treatment at msr^Corn^BJl hos- pital. Miss Charlotte She&la. from St. liBtwrence Universtty, »p«nt a tew dayg h*w test K ffeUJTO Md Monday. %ds9 Luetta Manning went to __ j*urg Center last week to vi^it her- < IMTOUMT, i£oorge Manning. Mr. and Mrs. A. 8. Conger daughter, Fr&nees, spent Thanl...„ og week in Wettertown, th>» guests, no* { Dr. and Mrs. Kerx. " B. M. WMte has rented a part ot and __J meat raarfcet, wtll open a stto«. .next Monday t and harness bered by them. \ vey Miller returned home from Chi- Town. of Massena. Springs,} copee Falls where they -were called day in town l««t week. : by the serious Illness of tiieir fa- Ruasptl wag a <^all«r in Ftt. ther, Martin McNainapfi,, yhgaJJiai- iday. Heft more comfortable. Calista and Mae Kelley Mr«. Aneon Eaeltine Who h a s been Mis Otint __ Covington outives and ir. and on Long Island H R Orcutt hf,^ w the house for siwal we«k. Mra Horace H^n her sister-iTi-L'^"^, Mr A lameter, of Williston \ Miss Gra.ce San Jnn r^n<«-, is <.i;sstir'£ b"i Manor Davidson Mns. Chas \ aln^o - die Palmer spent< lone. Mrs. H S. Smivh y>>. today f iiondaj > t ,- ^ B, Lt. Ortrutt trans." t Malone Thurgda> Mr. and Mrs As;. , Hydrocyanic Acid. The•'4istlfted essential ol! ot almon<S«, which when diluted supplies the popu- lar flavoring for sweets and confection- ery known as "ratafia." contains In it» strongest form a sufficient percentage of hydrocyanic'acid to make it highly dangerous. A youngs man who was eac- ecistdng aa order by pouring !t from a large bottle to a smaller one noticed that he had not put the label Quite straight on the smaller bottle and took it off again. Before replacing the la- bel he licked it to make sure of ita sticking properly. But while poarlnj? j be had inadvertently let a drop or two j trickle on the ontside of tbe bottle J where be had aiRsed tbe label Then when he touched the iabel with his tongue he felt as if something shot along that member and also a jump of bis heart:-'So.'he rushed to a tap, which was fortvmateiy close at band, aad put his tongue muter the running water. Neyer as long as he lired. he entH . vonffn^sJ to *y& the pas»t Charies De- of No. Law- vousin. Miss nd Mr& Ar- 'rday in Ma- 's? TO Norwood >.ral days. i <1 business in rafaee, of St. aid, wouldfeeforget "tbat po aensatloii.-^Cbambers* Journal. Holiday-Gifts In Abundance at MOULDS. Visit Our China Department And see what a nice stock of Holiday Goods we have. E s p e c i a l l y Moderate Priced Gifts. 1 China and Glassware never so pretty and reasonable as this year. We are headquarters for Dinner Sets, Lamps, Brass Goods, etc. A. H. MOULD When the Plague Raged. Sir Walter Besanc in one of his books says of the author of "Robinson Crusoe" and "Jouruai of the Plague:" "De Foe vvas born in the year 1061. His father lived iu Cripylegate, wliere* as we know, he had a shop. The child, therefore, was four years of ag« in the plague year. A. child of four observes a great deal aad may remem- ber a great deal. De Foe says: any ntift hnngM » joint of meat I N. Smith's spent Sunday at their home in He- very til, is better and able to be * lena. J about *toe house. Mias W. A.. Smith vrss a caller in Mr. and Mrs. George Adams visit- Fort Covinqrton one day last - week. ! ed at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Toomey naade a trip' *<*. Bra- ! Etoed Hutchin*. Tuesday. HIDDEN DANGEBS would not take it out of the batcher's f hand, but took it off the nooks hila- | i self. On tbe other hand, the botcher j would not touch the money, bnt pot it | We're Ready. Our State is in t HOLIDAY ATTIRE, and everybody tbat is loolcing for a Ubristmae remembrance for '"HIM." can find *ny number of choice things here that will be appro p^tftte ft"** **j^gVthe^thlnjg*'* We make the want* of men and boys oar study, so far as their outfitting is concern- ed, and we ask slier Sunday. ! ier ssunaa-y. / - j James Thurgood haa designed hla j position as janitor of the school. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Story hove iron© to Santa Clara. Mise Lilian Biamihard has opened d k l shop vrhich is rrraeh Mra. Helen Adame spent several j Nature SAVED FROM AWFUt DEATH. Howl an appalling calamity fn hi " waa prevented is told by A. D. _ WAls; .. . _„_ paie, had no appetite and I to STOW weafcer ev«ry day, Wew' l^»cov«ry was tried, axA «o completely cured her. that she has nog been troubled' witfc a cough flftnee. We the b«t meiictoe t ever \m or heard of.*' Far ooujfhft, <y>f-*- aU bronc&ia] Guaranteed 1>3 feroubtes, [Mi Trtal days at the borne of ner brother, j Fred Hutchins, the past w«ek. I Mists Hampson, of AtbeLstan, Can- , ad a,- is spending: some time at the J h f Mr d Mm S A C j Timely Warniags Thank No Makme Citizen l^i«I to Ignore. ; ly have been seep by the child and j ! remembered. It happened in his fa- j ther*s shop before his eyes.' lWhere Would You be More Apt to ( i m - .home of Mr. and Mrs, S. A- Con ery. Mrs. Adnor Bruce remsizfl^ about the same. Mrs. Mary Campbell and Mrs. Akin Tntstwtw, of visited at the home of Mr. and Almon Austin recently, Oonery and SJ visited at the home of Km. Kerry Tuesday, party «t the home of Mrs. BO Joy Friday was postponed on account of the illncuas *f Mrs. Joy. Her many friends In this pfttee hope for a speedy recovery. Mra Arthur Ford and Mrs. MUton eallera in town FHday. and Mrs.-Horace Eseltine, wiho has been qolte itl, is som« better, The BtKttaday Clu,b will have a dott « party tor Mrs. Bt. C. Ferria and Mra. Nettie Farr at the home of SIGNAi XO.,1 «omes; from the kidney secretions. Th-.y ! 'wfll warn you when tbe kidneys are j siok. "Well kidneys excrete a clear, '• amber fluid. Sick kidneys send out! a thin, palteandL_f^aj»5', or a thick, j red«v iH-smeilinjr urine, fuU of sedi- faeom the back. Back pains, dull and •heavy or sharp and acute, tell you of the sick kidneys and warn-jtou of the approach of dropsy, dlabete£ and Brtghfs disease. Do an'9 Kidn«y Pilte ture sick kidneys, and core thqpi permanently. Here is proof in the " resident:— A German Legend. The Germans have a legend of Fred- 1 erick Barbarossa that he Is act dead, but In an enchanted sleep, sitting with bis knights at a marble table in the cavern of Kyffhausen, in the Ham grown during this long and, covering- tbe table, descends to the floor, and he sits thus watting the moment that will set, him "free. There be has been kept for kmg cen- turies. There he must stay for age*. C. H. Mitchell, Tannery Ithateaugay, N. Y., says: "X uSm Doan'4 Kidney Pills aobu* two years ago, and they were of the greatest bfi ' There was an extreme te Th« Soft Answsr, He—Ugh, I'm going out of this, and you won't see me again until the day of judgment She (sweetly, getting the last word, Find a Gift Appropriate for "Him" than Right Here? Pajamas, Shirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Suspenders, Hosiery, Umbrellas, Mufflers, Night Robes, Under- wear, Handkerchiefs, Shirt Protectors, Etc., Et«. Just come to see how many things < be Just right for hit Christmas. » can show you rt WiH WALTER J. MALLON and Mra OorneUa Bowles, B^ titdt tfefe estBa^oF; vrtsitedat tfeefe&m* of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Eselttae stooped, sharp pains a .dull, gnawing b dar. Bna f^rria Is among the aiek ones at this writing. TS k T. L w«U meet with M1I- lard E^ieston Saturday afternoon, Dec, 10th.- Mrs. Nathan Eseltine I« Quite poor- ly. Mr. and Mrs. Miner Hutchins. of Albws. \isltvS at tbe.homa of Mr. and Mra. Fred Hutcbin* Sunday. M-rA AlBion Austin fa sick with asthma at this wrttfsg. Miss Blanche Hiftehin* several days *t S«m&c her ate 4J that robbed me of energy greatly annoyed by too frequent pas- of the kidney secretiona: Itoan's Kidney RHa gave me pronarpt and poattive relief. This remt?dy has fceen by other members of my family and it has never failed to bring bene- fit, t strongly recommend Doatff K3d Pilla to anyone afflicted with complaint." saie by all dealers. Ne% York, sols agents for, aren't feeling in a better temper pieass ifitJt well o^4aJ^ft London Suturday Review. Sympathetic AdmWtten. Dtnks-So yon enjoyed th* c&wisT Winks-Yes; I was psrticolsrly inter- ested la the Juggler. I'll bet that mao could get any nomber eft %m£te*ti®8* a street ear to the traia wHhoot drs^- SUGGESTIONS. We have Ahe Fiaeet line of Sleds, Skates, Knives, Childrerfs Snow Shovel^ SI«igh Bell*. Meat Chop- ^ t 3 r i g Sets, Scissors, Chafing Dishes, Robe*, dv something to suit the need« and every meiuberof th« family K-m- other sjrttolea not ©numerated abore. It is to show gt»da Come, and make w« will koW them and lardware Go.

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Post on 29-Apr-2019




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P. It a S»»« and

Deo. 8.—H. P. Steenberre, of thisplace, was fn Matone Saturday.

Uns. Charles Woods and daughter,IBertha, were callers,In Malone. Sat-urday,

Wallace Rowell spent Sunday with|il« family, returning to WestviUe the•sune night. He is hewing: him son,Hudson, for a few weeks.

Mrs. John Kixnpton, of Bangor,qpent Sunday with her grand daugh-ter, Mrs. Henry Best.

Bert Barnett went to Bridgeport,Qonn., on Saturday-

Miss Clara Conger returned Mon-day to Canton to take up her ool-flaylege -w^^


Henry P. Sfceenbergre went to• Baranac Lake on Monday Nov. 21, to

Inspect the Q. A. R. Poat of thatplace.

Mrs. Oeorge OreenWaf entertainedGrlends from out of town for a fewday* recently.

Miss Kiltie Weatoott, a student atBt Lawrence University, Canton,returned to iker achool Monday.

Mise laeaa McArthur returned toGabriels the first of the week toresume her position there.

Mrs Poote,^of WMpplevitte, visit-«d her mother, Mrs. C. J. Daiy. re-cently.

Mr. and Mm, S. ft. Fosbung;, ofLake Clear, have been csalMa# onfriends in Rruahton tjte past week.

The Chalybeate Cna^ter, O. EL &held a sale in th«e Masonic Tteat Brsubton Tuesday and W yNov. 2», and 30. The sate coaaist-ed of both fancy and useful arti-cles. On Tuesday evening a eaiefc-en pie supper was served, and onWednesday evening a 15 cent sup~per. EnleriaimmmiB were providedboth evenings.

Carl Kitte the gumat of M. M,Quirni for Th-ankagglving.

Mrs. Wm. Barnett and Mre. Clay-ton RJOSS left Tuesday morning for{Benson. Vt., to visit their brother,who te seriously ill.

Mrs. Mike Prue returned home onThursday night from Ogrd&nsburgwihere she went for treatment:

Jerome Quain, of O&w-ego, hasmoved to Br<u*htcm to pe^de. He wsll ;occupy Mrs. Dorsey'g house on WestWashington street.

Standlsn Bteeabarge of B a i l o r , at-tneded the inspection at Q. A. R.Hall Tuesday, Nov. 22.

Mrs. P. K: McMann. J. 8 Quinn

Ur, and Mrs. Clayton . . .and Mr. and Mm Willis TtoomM at-tended Pomona Orange at Brusbtonlast week Thursday.

Friday evening a* 7:S0«o*«iocJt ofthis week a Matrons' SUTOT MedalContest will be held In tbe tehoothouse. Several ladies from Maloneand also of our vicinity, win com*pete for the medal, and a very in-teresting programme 4a being pre-pared. Everyone is cordially invit-ed to attend, a oleaaant entertain-ment being assured to- all who do.No admission will be charged out afrwwJH silver offering will be tak-en. Kindly tell your friends afcoat it.

In Norwood on Wednesday of lastweek occurred the marriage of MissAda Austin, of that place, to WU-feer A. Carpenter, of Raymondvtlle.Mr. Carpenter, who Is tike youngestsoo of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Car-penter, of thl» place, is a young manof starting qualities and the bestwishes of a host of friends are ex-tended to him and the young ladyhe hav chosen for a life partner.Mr. and Mrs. Carswnter will maketheir home in Baymondvflle whereMr. Carpenter is ta business.



Iff. and Mrs, William Sprague Oele-4«th Weddingr Amvtvcraary,

Dec. 5th-—Mra Edwfln Trim andMrs. iJttte Trim visited at the liomeof William Liafleur at Rivser B^nd,last Wednesday.

Mrs; C. M. Haafciha was called toHerkfmer last Sunday by the deathot her father. Daniel Moon-ev.

The proceeds of the oyster supper,held at the home of Clinton Laddthanksgiving night, were $23.5§.

The ladies' aid society met withMrs. Bert Burr Wednesday for din-ner.

Arthur Stick-ney and sister, Maud,stpent Sunday and Monday MUth'friends in Malon*;

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs,William Sprag-ue gathered at theirhome Saturday evening, the occasionbeing the 40th wedding anniversaryof Mr. and Mrs. Sprag-ue. They werepresented wWh some pretty chairs,

ments were serv-ed' djid allpleasant time. Tire" yfriends

,way wishing them many morehappy returns of th# day.


., visitors in Malone,Mr. end Mrs. Oscar Kimpton, of

Bangor, visited tkeir daughter, Mrs.Henry Best, Wednesday.''.

Mr. and Mrs. John Quain havemoved back from thgdr farmnow occupy the Mrs! M&ry Quainhouse on Dei&ncey Ave.

Principal and Mm. BarterThanksgiving in Ca-nton anddam.

J. H. Analott went to Montreal onSaturday to attend the meeting atKarnsjek Temple.

T B « Bruahton basket ball teamwas defeated at Brasherevening, score 24 to IT.



Tne BrNov. 29th,birthday ofAbOii

borne of Mr, and Mrs.h at "Wea* g

Mr. and , Mrs. Johnht Th

Rupert f

Greeno andki t> daughter spent Thanksgiving at

Winthrbi>, returning on Saturday,i On ISwirsday, IXSC. 8th, Qxette WL

be a basket hall, game between theBruahton and Tapper Lake teams inthe Allen hall.

Mrs. Mary Bmviea j» visiting withfriends in Brushtem this week.

Lt. B. Peek was a recent caller inMalone.

Peari Cady, of Mai one, was a vis-• itor to Bxushton, Nov. 26th.

Miss Mary F'ranoes Quinn return-ed Mondav to Potsdam Normal, hav-ing spent Th&nkagivang- w3th h&r par-ents.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Caskins, andlittle son spent a few days in* Ma-lone recently. ^,

Guy Chandler is visiting his par-ents for a few day?.

Mr and Mrs. Forest Barber arevisiting friends in Potsdam.

Mices Maokl Whitman was vigrfting-in Malone last w-eek,

Mrs. Jas. Foley and l^ftfor Springfield, Mass , Tuesday A. 11.

Mrs. Henrv SU-enberge returnedhome Saturday morning from Ma-Ion © where <zh» hcvs been the past

-tsii Java-caging for hcr -gee^w;ho h£& been quite «ick, but is nowmuch better.

R. McC. Milier. at aialon^ in-apeoted the II. L Aldrich Boat No.363 on Tuesday, Nov. 22nd.

Mr. an«3 Mrs. A. W. Crozier, ofDea Moines, Iowa, are visiting atthe home of the former's aunt, Mrs.J. C, Farnsworth. Mr. Crozier'a faxn


Postcard ShowTar for M*s, Owrie

Dec. 3rd.—Mr.~*e

Mrs L»eoaard

*mer*s brother, John Nites, of He-lena, Saturday and Sunday.

Daniel Richardson and lady friend,of Dickinson, visited hia parents,Mr. and Mrs, Richardson, Su&day.

Bfrank Brayton ta^nsacted tortat^«olra~ Monday; •

Jt WSL WTLLUM A. FRKS8KR, 17»1Y1 Third Are., MoHne, III., writes:

'•I have been differing from catarrhin the head for the past two monthsand tried innumerable no-called reme-dies without avail. No one knows howI have anffered, not only from the dis-ease itself, but from mortification whes

MI have used two bottles of your med-icine for a short time only, and itejected a complete medical cure, andwhat is better yet, th© disease has notreturned.

"X can mos,*emphatically recommendPerun* to all sufferers from this dis-ease."

Read Tilts Experience.Mr. A. Thompson, Box 65, R. R. 1 ,

Martel,OhiOj writes: "When I beganyour treatment my eyes were inflamed*nose was Stopped up balf of the time,and was sore and scabby. I could notrest at night on account of continualhawking and apttting.

"I had tried several remedies and was

try Perima,"After I had taken about one-third of

a bottle I noticed a, difference. I amnow completely cured, after sufferingwith catarrh for eighteen years.

"I think if those wha are afflictedwith catarrh woulCt try Peruna theywould never regret it."

Serious Illness o* JoHn

txecember is hers with abundanceof snow and a few degrees belowzero. The Jingle of sleigh-bells to•'every w&ene heard, and the atmos-phere te evidence of the approach-ing of the Tuletide.

It any of toe readers of thlsNral-usnn have influence «v«r the clerkof the weather kindly prevail on Mmto have the remaining days of thismonth be so pleasant that they willbe epoch markers.

C. B. Brus£ fcas-fceen numberedwith tbe sick the pa*t- week. ]

Smiths over Sunday. ;Miss Beryl Johnetone w.-^ attain- '

ed in town over Sunday. \Mrs. Katie Batcbelder, of N. T.,

City, is in town for a week. She Iis a soientific.maoiourist. ,

Mrs. Hiram Clark Js no better and <her daughter, Mrs, Donald, of Ot- ;tawa, is oaring for her. \

Chaa. H. McK&ne returned from •Burlington the pa«t week but is to I


AH Ow QtXh Uits H Big Gut Prices few.$8 to $10 Black Kersey Coats, $4.98.$12 to $15 Black Kersey Coats, $7.89.

ALL GUARANTEEDWhat Nicer for Chrisima* ?Beautiful Pavey-Caracul

Early Bttyiosr, Prtc. t»tot

keeper a t Hopkins Po int the paat,\reason-.-r^tu^ned-r-to h e r - h o m e in this ^ •MMW>«M9MMMHMMMMvillage last week. » «•>» «.M«.M* * - «

Mr. and Mra. W.- IX Wri«ht, o f ! B * ® SPBCIAIr~B«8* Quality Moire P o a e r

AJra brother In A Kaaid Mrs Orlin0 Kus^ell visit-

f*d jit thp. home of Mr. and Mrs.John WiLWams in Malone a few daystest w«eek.

John McCarthy, son of Jerry M<_-Carthy, who reside® in the west endof th,i» town, was taken to CornwallhO4^>atai,- ut i« too ill to undersroth>e . i ntenw^d o peratfoin.

Mrs. ERza B. Manchearter enjoy-ed a pleasant Thanksgiving, made soby C. D. Manchester. W. H. Mont-ros^ and her nephew froTn Morley.She was the recipient ....of a tiirke^.homey, butter, cranberries and othergrood things to eat, Mrs. Manchesteris'very thankful for tlfce many fhinsarsree- iv-eci.

Hew Muff and N«ek Piec

SpecialOvercoats and Suitsat Savings Now

New Heavy Great Coats, 52 Inch©*Long an^ Presto Collars. Aljtii© Sw©gFancies and Bain Kerseys at Savings ®f$5 and More.

AU-Wool Worsted Suits-Ifeat Patter*,that wo Cloaed Late, away Under Price, and HowOffer to. You at Bi* Savi««..



M. LEVY & CO.We Bny Raw Furs. The Big Store. MALONE, N, Y.



±>ec. 5th,—3?,here was no j.nv3> hinghere last Sunday in the church asRev, Cainee Njvas at JB-urk - ;ittend-ing the HoMrfe^ convention there.

David and' I>oinaldson wereguests of Egbert -Soi»thworth lajrt

.'o chii-g-uesti

' Mrs. Rov Hutching andIdren of We^tvtlle. w«re ti| of her parents,; Mr. a-nd. Mi Jones, over Sunday./"'! Rev. Cahee and D-. G. Glbhs actedI o& Samaritans by reanembering th.« ; Chas.. Moore,sick ' Tha-nksgivlng T>a>T with baskets , a caller Sunday

Mr. and Mrs. John Barrett v^itedthe former's sister, Ma s. Nttes,1 ofHelena, a few days the past week.

X«enoid Nile* and Frank Bra-ytonwere hauling hay from Banger Tues-day and Wednesday.

"~ Birthday Baad met Tuesday,dhonor of

Mrs. Carrie

T e s y ,the 65th

Phe 65thPheipa.


Mr. WlHiwus

of'good things,s Miss Edna Hunkins has returned

mmmmmmmmmmmm— j W e e k . ' '" '

\ Mr. and Mrs... James'Spaulding vis- ;j ited Mrs. Cora Hall an,d Chas. Gdbbs 1I last Thursday. |

wrni I>avid Dustin and Burr Cunming->""* I Siam called" on Chas. Oibbs Friday.

; Cora Hall and Myrtfe Gifobs visit-:1;

.Dec. 4—The Bible School will havea Christmas tree at the se"hool houseFriday evening, Dec. 23rd. Great in-teregt is being shown in the workand a -good pnigrammc as promised% tiw» arirls and boys» of the achool.Adi are invited to attend.

Flachael Moore, of South Bombay,spent live week-end visiting1 her sister^Mrs. A. Smith.

Guy and Roy Smith went to Ro-cht-eist-er. Wednesday where they ex-pect positions for the winter,

Bert Brockway, of Bangor, waa ing town looking after his h-ay-pr«aSm*James : busin^9s. . ' ' -•

. J3d. Keefe tran-sacted busffie^t atMalone Thursday.

mbay, w^sening at the homeA S i t hy g

Of M* slater, Mrs. A. Smith.FT. COVINGTON.



Dec. §r~Bev. and Mrs. Portia, ofBrufihton, we*«e guests of Dr. andM M . Crocker Sunday evening.

Mrs, S. Towjw*end was a caller inBraaher Italia 'Ehuredtety,1 Ira Dunn has recently rented theBerry hot»e, owned by R H M


s ^ * ^ — : — Z ^ ^ " * * " Ve^ "^5ir«iZM-a!t*J-Bllv*SI19 residence on Main Si,enjoyed a pleasant time. Mrs, Pheipi] j ^ ^ ^ Fen%ea t o Charle® Brush,w&s *giveo A post-card shower in j Q£ -—• •-/ - —Whfch she received 56 post ****** !

Harold li&rkm wtSouth Bombay Moaday.

I 1 . Johnson i« .considerably betteriat -this writing. ,',| Aici Moore and daughter wer« call-j.iers in town Friday.| Carri-e Hawiard wjyg:,.lKaBe from



Those present from out of townwere- Mrs.' Set& Jolmson • and Mrs.Sarah Tryon, of Brushton. Mrs.Phelps wishes to expreae her thanksto all of b«er friends for their kindrememSreace.

Allen BUanders, of TApp^r Lake,

|Who is til at \ I>ec §th.—Mrs. F&rasworth and

U j daughter, 'ol Moira, were visitora in;... ! town over Sunday.............i , :

Mttle WaalEmm, Quinnell, o J . M ^ l i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ !Little H«!e& Smith. Is visiting- h«r

.tsj $£r. and Mra. A. M-

5—The basket bail game Dec.] 2<J oetween th-e Ogxtensburg Indepen*! dents and the locals, resulted in fa,-j-vor of the locals, score 31 to 4. (

Roseoe Adamsv of Skerry, was a [| oafier in town Saturday. ~

Mias Kathryn Donahue, of Malone, j; spent Sunday wath friends in town. \: W. Boyea is spending a day in |

; W. 6 . Ber»o spent Sunday in towsn,, Mr. and Mr«. Thos. "Lowe sg)ents Sunday in Gonstable. ..._...,_„„..™_! Ohaa. t f f o f si>ent""Suhday in town.\ Dan Cross spent Sunday at: home in. Bomtoay.; John L«Clairr of Malone, spent j: Thursday with B, N. Derushte. '

las b«a FOUR PER CENT siaa Jauary 1,1907

Wiriooski Savings BankfeS.

Had a Surplus June 30, 1910, of(Intereat is compounded seml-amraallf Janaary l and Jnly 1)

Depoai ts o f $ 2 , 0 0 0 or lesa a r e sa fe ly made b y mail .(By check, draft, postoffloe or express roonev order,

and Cfurrency by registered letter or ex prase )OFFICERS: TRUSTEES:

Ormond Cole, President, Ormond Cole. Emory C. Mower,Etnory C. SCOWCT, i Vioe- Orman P. Ray, c H SOrmaa P R \Pi R. jr. White.G BEtnory C. SCOWOrmaa P. Ray,•H. g, Pray. Treasurer. F. K Blgwood.

OB or before Jan. 10A draw interest from J M . 4 -

is at the home of her grand- ]

postal card

days this weekW^n^s>|"JK: S '^rcutt ^a

BOMBAY.ler h*ts done this work beforehas always given satisfaction

Miss jbotiie lashomb is at


Deo. S—;Misses Minnie,.-Kate . _ « „ „ _ .Mabel Poonan spent Sunday In Ma- | Olark'jg for the winter.1 * Rev. George Williams of Norwood,

will give an address in the Meth-odist ch/urch. some time m Januaryon ''BoliteneisS.'" Rev Williams is aforcefulhearing-

lone.Mr, and Mrs. H. T. Murray and

son. Harley, spent Sunday in "Ho-ganaburg.

A sleigh load from here- attendedth>e basket ball game in Ft. Cov-ington Friday evening.

Misses Bella and Violet Farquharspent Sunday in Pt. Covington.

Misses Genevieve McKenna andEva Spiilingrs* were call-ers in Ho»?ans-burg recentlv.

T. H. McMullen and son, Percy.•3pp>nt the vret?k-end visitinjr in Mon-treal and Milton, Vt.


1 eral of her, friends on Wednesdai-evening. All Report a pleasant time

Ertrl Hozep, of the Smith House.Mj-'lon'' was' hume ov^r Sundas

Zvla! tin CdJ&W'-'li ha=- moved intoi Hoyiacp Duranr s residtjtce and Mra.Wi-althii FMwsoi h i s m<.ved into the*

leviL ^^c^tet by Mr Cas-

took rharere of the station here dur-ng Mr MrMuli<*nls absence

Mrs. W. Raw5ins anft^ childrenleave this week for St. I/0uisV'~$!n.

Much to the pleasure and conven->nce of this comxnunitv, P.- H. Cav-rrau rh has reoi>ened ,his meat mar- !


speaker and all will enjoyhim. An offering will be

tak-ep at the close of the I^rtare.Miss L<ulu Binan, of Bi'iishton,

spent several days in to\vn re-cently.Harold Cole of Brasher F^lls, WAJS

in town. Sunday.Chrastmas rhetork-als vill be gw-

n at the high school Friday af-ternoon, *he £3r<l, and at th*» Meth-odist church Christmas eve

— 45eojpgc Quinac-II, of Sla^eua. »~c5 -


su k xV.o past-^ Charles P«

cis Ff.lls the liest , i tlv

Smdo of St. Regi,s F -Jts

ru Mrs, George«tumbered with

d Mrs. Marin St. Re-

and Mns

a guest at the home of hisSundav,



Oee. 5—If the weather the past. week is a forerunner of wJiat the

„. ^. ^^.^o . . . ^x. ^.v-^ItJ, «, ^.<««-, ^-.«. C. ft. Matthews attended the j winter "wall be w<j think it will beily formerly resided Jn Bnishton, and 1 Pomona Grange at Brushttjn TJiurs- , rath«r severe as the snow Is moreit has been 32 years since* he was {day. than a. foot deep and quite badlyhere. * " Miss C Blliott gave her pupils of ' drdfted in peaces, and the thermom-

the intermediate room a sleigh ride 1 eter Monday night fell to several de-to Fort Covington on Friday. This ; greea belowfc eero.delightful trip will long be remem- ( Mrs. L*. C. Bowen and Mrs. Har-

P. Bow^n ,has gone -'-to- SaranacLiake to visit his son at that place.He will co to Buffalo where he will«>end the winter withter, Mrs, iTred Austin,


e lldaug-h-

er, Mrs, iTred Austin.The many fri&nds of Mrs. RenaD l d h h fe i

y sMcDonald, who ha« feeen ao-iH-of typhoid fev*n, will -TregTa<rtoiow that she Is slowly recovering1.

Felix O'Brien, of Chateaug&y,•pent the /irst of the week in thlaplace visiting his d-augtjrter, Mrs. E.J. Hoffman. - • - •

Mrs. M. Cummings and son, %v-neet," have r«turt*ed ho.m<> after hav-

? In? spent some tlnfe tn Albany,- White Plain* and Grand Isle, Vt.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Martin wfentto Chlcope«, Mass. Wednesday.

2tfr. and Mn, Sidney I*aw^nee. ofBangror, viated in Hovm Krtday.

Misses Margaret and Frances ilaly1 BP*nt_ ThAEksgivlng- with th«ir mo-

ther, Mr*. P . S.^mJg. wiho to tm-dre treatment at msr^Corn^BJl hos-pital.

Miss Charlotte She&la. from St.liBtwrence Universtty, »p«nt a tewdayg h*w test K ffeUJTOMdMonday.

%ds9 Luetta Manning went to__ j*urg Center last week to vi^it her-

< IMTOUMT, i£oorge Manning.Mr. and Mrs. A. 8 . Conger

daughter, Fr&nees, spent Thanl...„og week in Wettertown, th>» guests, no*{ Dr. and Mrs. Kerx. "

B. M. WMte has rented a part ot


__J meat raarfcet,wtll open a stto«.

. n e x t Mondayt and harness

bered by them. \ vey Miller returned home from Chi-Town. of Massena. Springs,} copee Falls where they -were calledday in town l««t week. : by the serious Illness of tiieir fa-Ruasptl wag a <^all«r in Ftt. ther, Martin McNainapfi,, y h g a J J i a i -

iday. Heft more comfortable.Calista and Mae Kelley Mr«. Aneon Eaeltine Who has been

M i s

Otint __Covington

outives and ir.and on Long Island

H R Orcutt hf, wthe house for s i w a lwe«k.

Mra Horace H ^ nher sister-iTi-L' " , Mr Alameter, of Williston \

Miss Gra.ce San Jnnr n<«-, is <.i;sstir'£ b"iManor Davidson

Mns. Chas \ aln^o -die Palmer spent<lone.

Mrs. H S. Smivh y>>.today f iiondaj > t ,- ^

B, Lt. Ortrutt trans." tMalone Thurgda>

Mr. and Mrs As;. ,

Hydrocyanic Acid.The•'4istlfted essential ol! ot almon<S«,

which when diluted supplies the popu-lar flavoring for sweets and confection-ery known as "ratafia." contains In it»strongest form a sufficient percentageof hydrocyanic'acid to make it highlydangerous. A youngs man who was eac-ecistdng aa order by pouring !t from alarge bottle to a smaller one noticedthat he had not put the label Quitestraight on the smaller bottle and tookit off again. Before replacing the la-bel he licked it to make sure of itasticking properly. But while poarlnj? jbe had inadvertently let a drop or two jtrickle on the ontside of tbe bottle Jwhere be had aiRsed tbe label Thenwhen he touched the iabel with histongue he felt as if something shotalong that member and also a jump ofbis heart:-'So.'he rushed to a tap,which was fortvmateiy close at band,aad put his tongue muter the runningwater. Neyer as long as he lired. he


. vonffn^sJ to*y& the pas»t

Charies De-

of No. Law-vousin. Miss

nd Mr& Ar-'rday in Ma-

's? TO Norwood>.ral days.i <1 business in

rafaee, of St.

aid, would fee forget "tbat poaensatloii.-^Cbambers* Journal.

Holiday-GiftsIn Abundance at

MOULDS.Visit Our China Department

And see what a nice stock ofHoliday Goods we have.

Especially Moderate Priced Gifts.1 China and Glassware never so

pretty and reasonable as this year.We are headquarters for DinnerSets, Lamps, Brass Goods, etc.


When the Plague Raged.Sir Walter Besanc in one of his

books says of the author of "RobinsonCrusoe" and "Jouruai of the Plague:""De Foe vvas born in the year 1061.His father lived iu Cripylegate, wliere*as we know, he had a shop. Thechild, therefore, was four years of ag«in the plague year. A. child of fourobserves a great deal aad may remem-ber a great deal. De Foe says:any ntift hnngM » joint of meat

I N. Smith'sspent Sunday at their home in He- very til, is better and able to be *lena. J about *toe house.

Mias W. A.. Smith vrss a caller in Mr. and Mrs. George Adams visit-Fort Covinqrton one day last - week. ! ed at the home of Mr, and Mrs.

John Toomey naade a trip' *<*. Bra- ! Etoed Hutchin*. Tuesday.HIDDEN DANGEBS

would not take it out of the batcher's fhand, but took it off the nooks hila- |

i self. On tbe other hand, the botcher jwould not touch the money, bnt pot it |

We're Ready.Our State is intHOLIDAY ATTIRE, and everybody tbatis loolcing for a Ubristmae remembrance for '"HIM." canfind *ny number of choice things here that will be approp^tftte ft"** **j^gVthe^thlnjg*'* We make the want* of menand boys oar study, so far as their outfitting is concern-ed, and we ask

slier Sunday. !ier ssunaa-y. / - jJames Thurgood haa designed hla j

position as janitor of the school.Mr, and Mrs. Albert Story hove

iron© to Santa Clara.Mise Lilian Biamihard has openedd k l shop vrhich is rrraeh

Mra. Helen Adame spent several j Nature

SAVED FROM AWFUt DEATH.Howl an appalling calamity fn hi

" waa prevented is told by A. D.

_ WAls; .. . _„_paie, had no appetite and

I to STOW weafcer ev«ry day,

Wew' l^»cov«ry was tried, axA «ocompletely cured her. that she hasnog been troubled' witfc a coughflftnee. We the b« t meiictoe t ever

\m or heard of.*' Far ooujfhft, <y>f-*-

aU bronc&ia]

Guaranteed 1>3

feroubtes,[Mi Trtal

days at the borne of ner brother, jFred Hutchins, the past w«ek. I

Mists Hampson, of AtbeLstan, Can- ,ad a,- is spending: some time at the Jh f Mr d Mm S A C j

Timely Warniags ThankNo Makme Citizen l i«I

to Ignore.

; ly have been seep by the child and j! remembered. It happened in his fa-j ther*s shop before his eyes.'

lWhere Would You be More Apt to( i m -

.home of Mr. and Mrs, S. A- Conery.

Mrs. Adnor Bruce remsizfl^ aboutthe same.

Mrs. Mary Campbell andMrs. Akin Tntstwtw, ofvisited at the home of Mr. andAlmon Austin recently,

Oonery and SJvisited at the home of Km.

Kerry Tuesday,party «t the home of Mrs.BO Joy Friday was postponed

on account of the illncuas * f Mrs. Joy.Her many friends In this pfttee hopefor a speedy recovery.

Mra Arthur Ford and Mrs. MUtoneallera in town FHday.

and Mrs.-Horace Eseltine, wiho hasbeen qolte itl, is som« better,

The BtKttaday Clu,b will have a dott« party tor Mrs. Bt. C. Ferria and

Mra. Nettie Farr at the home of

SIGNAi XO.,1 «omes;from the kidney secretions. Th-.y !

'wfll warn you when tbe kidneys are jsiok. "Well kidneys excrete a clear, '•amber fluid. Sick kidneys send out!a thin, palteandL_f^aj»5', or a thick, jred«v iH-smeilinjr urine, fuU of sedi-

faeom the back. Back pains, dull and•heavy or sharp and acute, tell youof the sick kidneys and warn-jtou ofthe approach of dropsy, dlabete£ andBrtghfs disease. Do an'9 Kidn«y Pilteture sick kidneys, and core thqpipermanently. Here is proof in the

" resident:—

A German Legend.The Germans have a legend of Fred-1

erick Barbarossa that he Is act dead,but In an enchanted sleep, sitting withbis knights at a marble table in thecavern of Kyffhausen, in the Ham

grown during this longand, covering- tbe table, descends tothe floor, and he sits thus wattingthe moment that will set, him "free.There be has been kept for kmg cen-turies. There he must stay for age*.

C. H. Mitchell, TanneryIthateaugay, N. Y., says: "X uSm

Doan'4 Kidney Pills aobu* two yearsago, and they were of the greatestb f i ' There was an extreme te

Th« Soft Answsr,He—Ugh, I'm going out of this, and

you won't see me again until the dayof judgment

She (sweetly, getting the last word,

Find a Gift Appropriate for"Him" than Right Here?

Pajamas, Shirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Suspenders,Hosiery, Umbrellas, Mufflers, Night Robes, Under-wear, Handkerchiefs, Shirt Protectors, Etc., Et«.

Just come to see how many things <be Just right for hit Christmas.

» can show you rt WiH

WALTER J. MALLONand Mra OorneUa Bowles,

B ^ t i t d t t f e f eestBa^oF; vrtsitedat tfeefe&m*of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Eselttae

stooped, sharp painsa .dull, gnawing b

dar.Bna f^rria Is among the aiek ones

at this writing.TS k T. L w«U meet with M1I-

lard E^ieston Saturday afternoon,Dec, 10th.-

Mrs. Nathan Eseltine I« Quite poor-ly.

Mr. and Mrs. Miner Hutchins. ofAlbws. \isltvS at tbe.homa of Mr.and Mra. Fred Hutcbin* Sunday.

M-rA AlBion Austin fa sick withasthma at this wrttfsg.

Miss Blanche Hiftehin*several days *t S«m&cher ate 4J

that robbed me of energygreatly annoyed by too frequent pas-

of the kidney secretiona: Itoan'sKidney RHa gave me pronarpt andpoattive relief. This remt?dy has fceen

by other members of my familyand it has never failed to bring bene-fit, t strongly recommend Doatff K3d

Pilla to anyone afflicted withcomplaint."saie by all dealers.

Ne% York, sols agents for,

aren't feeling in a better temper pieassifitJt t» well o ^ 4 a J ^ f tLondon Suturday Review.

Sympathetic AdmWtten.Dtnks-So yon enjoyed th* c&wisT

Winks-Yes; I was psrticolsrly inter-ested la the Juggler. I'll bet that maocould get any nomber eft %m£te*ti®8*a street ear to the traia wHhoot drs^-

SUGGESTIONS.We have Ahe Fiaeet l ine of Sleds, Skates, Knives,Childrerfs Snow Shovel^ SI«igh Bell*. Meat Chop-

^ t 3 r i g Sets, Scissors, Chafing Dishes, Robe*,dv something to suit the need« and

every meiuberof th« family K-m-other sjrttolea not ©numerated abore. It is

to show gt»da Come, and makew« will koW them and

lardware Go.