climate change sensitivity of the african ivory nut palm, hyphaene

IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science OPEN ACCESS Climate change sensitivity of the African ivory nut palm, Hyphaene petersiana Klotzsch ex Mart. (Arecaceae) – a keystone species in SE Africa To cite this article: A Blach-Overgaard et al 2009 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 8 012014 View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Systems in peril: Climate change, agriculture and biodiversity in Australia Chris Cocklin and Jacqui Dibden - Beyond Kyoto – the necessary road Ellen Margrethe Basse - Tackling future climate change by leaf albedo bio-geoengineering Andrew Ridgwell, J Singrayer, A L Hetherington et al. - Recent citations Global-change vulnerability of a key plant resource, the African palms Anne Blach-Overgaard et al - Multimillion-year climatic effects on palm species diversity in Africa Anne Blach-Overgaard et al - Climate change and the African baobab (Adansonia digitata L.): the need for better conservation strategies : Climate change and the African baobab (Adansonia digitata L.) Aida Cuni Sanchez et al - This content was downloaded from IP address on 11/09/2021 at 01:14

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A Blach-Overgaard1, J-C Svenning and H Balslev
Ecoinformatics and Biodiversity group, Department of Biological Sciences, Aarhus University, Ny Munkegade 114, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark
Email: [email protected]
Abstract. Africa is the most vulnerable continent to future climate change. Profound changes are projected for southwestern Africa with increased drying, notably with delayed onset of the rainy season in September-November, and temperature increases in all seasons. The projected climate changes combined with land-use changes are thought to constitute the main threats to biodiversity in the 21st century. To be able to predict the potential impact on biodiversity, it is crucial to achieve a better insight into the controls of contemporary species ranges. Using species distribution modeling, we assessed the climate sensitivity of the key-stone palm species Hyphaene petersiana (African ivory nut palm) in southern Africa. We tested the relative roles of climate vs. non-climatic range-controls and found that climate had a clear effect on the range of H. petersiana and that especially water-related variables (annual precipitation and precipitation driest quarter) were of high importance. Nevertheless, latitude was the overall most dominant variable, reflecting spatial constraints on the continental-scale distribution. Of the remaining non-climatic factors, soil type and human influence were as important as the climatic factors. A future decrease in annual precipitation below 400 mm and hydrological changes towards drier conditions could cause a dramatic decline in H. petersiana populations, while the influence of temperature changes is less clear. The ongoing, unsustainable utilization pressures on this palm species by humans and livestock are likely to exacerbate the negative effect of future climate changes on its populations, especially, given the expected human population increase in Africa.
1. Introduction The global environment is rapidly changing, and the fourth report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has established that observed climate changes are likely induced by anthropogenic activities, notably increases in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations [1]. Over the past 50 years, the global average temperature has increased more over land areas than over the oceans. Concurrently, changes in precipitation patterns has occurred between 1900 and the present with increases in precipitation in some parts of the World, but drying in the Mediterranean region, parts of southern Asia, and in the Sahel and southern Africa [1]. Drought events have affected ecosystems and people since the end of the 1960s in Africa [2], and the African continent has experienced gradual warming in the past century with larger warming in June-August (JJA) and 1 To whom any correspondence should be addressed.
Beyond Kyoto: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 8 (2009) 012014 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/8/1/012014
c© 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd 1
September-November (SON) [3]. It has been stated that Africa is one of the most vulnerable continents to projected future climate changes due to lack of adaptive ability and interactions of additional confounding challenges [2]. Poverty, infrastructural, and technological challenges combined with disasters, political conflicts, and degradation of ecosystem functioning constitute key problems in Africa, exacerbating future climate-linked stresses and straining on the continent’s adaptability, and response to future climate change [2]. It has been estimated from 21 multi-model projections of IPCC’s A1B emission scenario that regions across Africa will likely experience median temperature increases between 3-4C in all seasons (e.g., December-February; March-May) at the end of the current century – an increase which is higher than the projected global mean [4]. However, the projected temperature changes depend on the different emission scenarios (of which only the median of the A1B emission scenario is provided here), and regional differences, notably for the latter part of the century where the differences in projections between the scenarios become more marked [1]. For example, up to 9C temperature change has been projected for North Africa and 7C change for southern Africa by the A1F1 emission scenario in certain seasons at the end of the current century [2]. In general, the drier subtropical regions will likely experience more warming than the moister tropics [4]. The most robust findings of current projections of the 21st century precipitation patterns are drying in the Mediterranean region and southern Africa, while eastern Africa is likely to experience increases in rainfall. The predicted southern African drying is more pronounced in the southwest in JJA (winter), which constitutes the dry season in most of the region, except for the winter-rainfall regions in the southwest. However, the contribution of winter drying to the overall annual mean drying is less than that of the reduction projected for SON (spring). Less precipitation in spring can be regarded as a delay of the rainy season and contribute to the maximum temperature response due to suppressed evapotranspiration [4]. Several previous studies have already addressed the potential consequences of the future climate changes on biodiversity in Africa (summarized in [5]): predicting that ~5000 African plant species will experience losses of climatically suitable area by 2085 [6]; while up to 25- 40% of African mammals will potentially be critically endangered by 2080 due to loss of climatically suitable area [7]. Climate change is not the only foreseeable, future challenge for the biodiversity: land-use change will probably continue its increasing pressure on biodiversity in the 21st century [8].
In order to assess the potential impact of future climate and land-use changes on the biodiversity, it is critical to determine what mechanisms control the contemporary ranges of species [9]. Although a key issue, the scientific understanding of species ranges and their determinants is still limited [10, 11]. Here, we assessed the controls of the continental-scale distribution of the African ivory nut palm (Hyphaene petersiana) in order to estimate the climate sensitivity of this key-stone species. Palms constitute an important component of tropical and subtropical ecosystems around the World, with only a few species occurring in warm-temperate environments [12, 13]. Palms are sensitive to climatic gradients, and they are therefore good objects for studies that attempt to achieve insights into the 21st century prospects for tropical and subtropical organisms [14]. Recently, it has been found that climate, notably water availability, is an important control of the distribution and diversity patterns of Neotropical palms [14-16]. Hence, palms and the associated ecosystem services are likely to be sensitive to climate changes. Palms have been an important resource for human societies for >10,000 years [17], and cultivation of palms has taken place as early as 4000 years BC [18]. Today, cultivated as well as numerous wild palm species are still an integral element of the livelihoods of many local communities [19, 20] where they are utilized for numerous products and applications, e.g., the leaves and petioles for building materials and basketry, and the fruits, sap, oil, and palm hearts for consumption [13, 21], with palms constituting an important nutritional source in many communities [22]. Besides their key role in the daily lives of local communities, cultivated palms provide widely used commodities and are important for national economies, notably the African oil palm, Elaeis guineensis and the coconut palm, Cocos nucifera [13]. The diversity of palms across the World is high: most palm species are found in Asia, followed by the New World; however, the palm diversity in Africa is comparatively low with only 65 recognized species [23].
Beyond Kyoto: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 8 (2009) 012014 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/8/1/012014
Tomlinson [24] divided the African palms into two broad ecological groups: 1) species that tolerate dry and exposed habitats, and which are never found in dense forests; and 2) forest palms, which are intolerant of drought and light exposure. However, there are palms associated with intermediate habitats [12]. The genus Hyphaene, from Tomlinson’s first group, is found in a variety of savanna types from the arid Sahel/Sudano savannas (H. thebaica) to the coastal savannas (H. coriacea). Restricted to the eastern and southern parts of Africa, H. petersiana (figure 1) is found primarily inland away from the coast in areas with high water tables, or in streamside riparian vegetation (figure 2) [12]. In Angola, Botswana, and Zimbabwe, H. petersiana occurs in the grasslands with high water tables, as well as, on the delta islands of the Okavango Delta, Botswana [25]. In southern Africa, H. petersiana is utilized in many ways by rural communities, and also by livestock and wildlife (table 1). Depletion of H. petersiana populations have already been observed [25-28] mainly due to over- utilization and bush fires [12, 27], destructions by elephants, and potentially due to lower rainfall and higher temperatures, as observed by local communities dependent on H. petersiana for daily needs [27].
Here, we used species distribution modeling (SDM) to examine the climatic and non-climatic limitations on the distribution of H. petersiana. We specifically wanted to 1) examine if climatic factors constitute important constraints on the distribution of H. petersiana, and 2) assess the relative role of climatic and non-climatic factors (soil type, human influence and spatial constraints) as range constraints.
Table 1. List of Hyphaene petersiana uses in southern Africa.
Basket–weaving: the leaves are used for creating baskets, the baskets being constructed using palm leaf pinnae, often from unopened young leaves [25, 27-29].
Timber/construction material: in many areas the thick petioles collected from tall palm individuals are used for building palisades and in other areas the felled stems are used for fencing posts or water troughs [28-30].
Human consumption: palm hearts (edible terminal shoots) and edible fruits are harvested for consumption. The fruits are further utilized for making palm liquor through fermentation, and the sap is used for palm wine [28-30].
Fodder for livestock: the palm is often browsed by domesticated livestock (cattle, goats and donkeys) [25, 28, 30].
Utilization by wildlife: especially elephants and baboons consume fruits of H. petersiana, and also act as seed dispersal agents [29, 31]; however, it has been noted that also hippopotami browse this palm species [25].
2. Methods
2.1 Palm data and predictor variables The localities (n = 40) for H. petersiana came from herbarium collections, provided through the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, the Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (NHN) and Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem (the latter accessed through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) data portal (; literature surveys, and through Google Earth. Hyphaene petersiana is confined to eastern and southern Africa in hot, dry sub-tropical climate, normally found in areas with high water tables, or in riparian vegetation (figure 1, 2). It possesses very distinct
Beyond Kyoto: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 8 (2009) 012014 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/8/1/012014
grayish-green foliage, and it is a tall erect palm with fan-shaped leaves [12], thus identifiable on the satellite images provided through Google Earth.
We used the following four climatic variables obtained from the Worldclim dataset [32] to represent potential range controls for H. petersiana: 1) annual mean temperature (AMT), 2) annual precipitation (PREC), 3) precipitation seasonality (PSEA), computed as the coefficient of variation (SD/mean) of monthly precipitation averages, and 4) precipitation of driest quarter (PDRY). We also used the following three non-climatic variables to represent habitat characteristics, and one spatial variable to account for major spatial constraints on the distribution of H. petersiana: 1) soil type (SOIL), obtained from the Harmonized World Soil Database (HWSD), which for Africa is derived from the regional SOTER (soil and terrain) studies and the Digital Soil Map of The World (DSMW) at 30’’ [33]; 2) human influence index (HMNINFL), which is an index of values representing low (0) to high (72) human influence, estimated for each grid cell based on several proxy data layers for human influence, such as population density, land transformation, accessibility from roads, rivers and coastlines, and electric power infrastructure [34]; 3) closeness to rivers (RIVERS), which is a categorical data layer with two classes: > 2 km (0) or ≤ 2 km (1) from major rivers or water bodies, computed in ArcGIS 9.2 (ESRI, Redlands, CA, USA) from the SRTM River-Surface Water Bodies data layer [35, 36]; and 4) latitude (LAT) was included to represent a spatial constraint on the distribution of H. petersiana, as it occurs only in southern parts of Africa. LAT was computed in ArcGIS 9.2 from a Worldclim data layer using the sampling tool in Spatial Analyst. The resulting table was converted to a point shapefile, and subsequently converted to raster using the Conversion tool using Y (latitude) as priority field. All raster data layers were reprojected to the Lambert Azimuthal equal area projection and resampled to 1-km grid size using the nearest neighbor or bilinear resampling techniques for categorical and continuous variables, respectively, using ArcGIS 9.2.
Figure 1. Hyphaene petersiana in dry savanna habitat in northern Namibia. Note the distinct grayish-green, fan-shaped leaves, which make this species easy to identify even on satellite images (photo by Marco Schmidt).
Beyond Kyoto: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 8 (2009) 012014 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/8/1/012014
Figure 2. Typical savanna habitat for Hyphaene petersiana in close proximity to water courses, Okavango Delta, Botswana (photo by Teo Gómez). 2.2 Predictive modeling and model evaluation A state-of-the-art SDM algorithm, Maxent [37], was implemented to model the distribution of H. petersiana. Maxent was chosen among a range of SDM techniques given its rank among the best performing predictive algorithms in recent comparative methodological studies [38-41]. To address the study questions, we set up four nested models of increasing complexity. The CL model consisted of the four climatic variables and LAT, in the CLS model, SOIL was added, in the CLSH model, HMNINFL was added, while finally in the CLSHR model, consisting of all eight predictors, RIVERS was added. The default settings for Maxent were used to allow feature classes (linear, quadratic, product, threshold and hinge functions of the variables) to be selected based on the number of point localities as this has been shown to provide good predictive performance over a range of datasets [42].
To assess the relative role of the variables in the study, we examined the regularized training gain attained by the variables when all variables of the particular model were included in the Maxent runs. In addition, the climatic variables were subsequently used in isolation in a model using all point localities to estimate their overall contribution to the prediction for H. petersiana, thus avoiding any interactions among the remaining predictor variables. Model performance was assessed by dividing the presence localities into random training (80%) and test (20%) datasets, and subsequently using the threshold independent assessment metric, the Area Under the receiver operating Curve (AUC) for model evaluation [43]. The models were calibrated on the training dataset and tested using the remaining 20% test data points.
3. Results The Maxent modeling of the four nested models all provided good model predictions with AUC values ≥ 0.947 (figure 3). They all managed to predict the species’ eastern and southern range (figure
Beyond Kyoto: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 8 (2009) 012014 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/8/1/012014
3a) and its absence from the extreme south and northwest of Africa (figure 3b-d). Based on the AUC values, the model with superior predictive ability was the CLSH model (figure 3d), followed by the CLSHR model (figure 3e) and the CL model (figure 3b). PREC and PDRY were the two most influential climatic variables in the CL model while the effects of AMT and PSEA were much smaller (table 2). The more complex models provided similar results providing evidence of the strong precipitation-related climatic effects on the distribution of H. petersiana regardless of whether additional habitat variables were included or not (table 2).
Probability of presence
Figure 3. (a) The presence localities (n = 40), and (b-e) predicted distributions for H. petersiana based on Maxent models fitted to all presence localities using the (b) CL model, (c) CLS model, (d) CLSH model, and (e) CLSHR model. The AUC values are given in the upper right-hand corner of each predicted distribution map. The lowest legend interval is set to approximately correspond to the minimum training presence threshold (the lowest predicted probability corresponding with a presence record used in the model) across models.
Considering the response curves to the four climatic variables (figure 4), H. petersiana has a strong response to annual precipitation occurring primarily in areas with approximately 400 mm annual precipitation, and the likelihood of occurrence declining rapidly below this threshold, and more gradually above (figure 4a). In addition, it primarily occurs where there is pronounced rainfall seasonality (figure 4c), and 1 or more months with very little precipitation (figure 4b). With respect to temperature, the likelihood of H. petersiana occurrence peaks sharply between 22-25C (figure 4d).
Regarding the non-climatic range-controls, LAT was the single most contributing predictor variable for the occurrence of H. petersiana, accounting for 43.3-59.4% of the model gain (table 2).
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Beyond Kyoto: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 8 (2009) 012014 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/8/1/012014
This reflects that the continental range of H. petersiana is limited by geographic constraints, with the species missing from climatically suitable areas outside southern and eastern Africa. The CLS, CLSH, and CLSHR models all had SOIL being the second-most important predictor (table 2). Hyphaene petersiana had a high probability of presence on six of the 31 soil types, namely, Fluvisols, Leptosols, Luvisols, Planosols, Solonetz, and soils in areas of inland waters [33]. HMNINFL was of similar importance as PREC and PDRY when included (CLSH and CLSHR models) (table 2). Overall the model response to HMNINFL was positive i.e., the stronger human influence, the higher probability of finding H. petersiana. The influence of RIVERS was small (table 2), however, there was an elevated probability of presence ≤ 2km to rivers or other water bodies.
(a) (b)
Figure 4. Hyphaene petersiana response curves to the climatic predictors. The response curves were estimated by Maxent modeling based on all presence localities using the particular climatic variable in isolation. Precipitation seasonality represents the coefficient of variation (SD/mean) of the monthly precipitation averages.
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
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ab ilit
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Beyond Kyoto: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 8 (2009) 012014 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/8/1/012014
4. Discussion Our analyses showed that the continental-scale distribution of H. petersiana is controlled partly by climate and partly by non-climatic factors, in particular geographical constraints, but also habitat characteristics such as soil type and human influence. Considering the climatic variables, it was clear that H. petersiana is very dependent on water-related factors (figure 4, table 2). The response to precipitation below 400 mm annually was marked, with the probability of presence decreasing drastically below this threshold, as well as, more gradually above 400 mm (figure 4a). In terms of temperature, it was similarly clear that above 23C, the probability of H. petersiana presence decreased rapidly (figure 4d). The study also provided evidence that the distribution of H. petersiana is strongly influenced by non-climatic factors as well (table 2).
Table 2. Relative contribution of each predictor to each of the four Maxent models, as measured by its contribution to the final regularized training gain for a given model.
CLa (%)
CLSb (%)
CLSHc (%)
CLSHRd (%)
Annual mean temperature AMT 4.7 3.4 2.2 2.0 Annual precipitation PREC 18.4 12.2 11.2 11.4 Precipitation seasonality PSEA 1.8 0.3 0.2 0.1 Precipitation driest quarter PDRY 15.7 12.7 12.9 13.0 Latitude LAT 59.4 51.6 45.0 43.3 Soil type SOIL 19.7 16.6 15.9 Human influence index HMNINFL 12.0 11.2 Closeness to rivers RIVERS 3.2 a AMT+PREC+PSEA+PDRY+LAT b AMT+PREC+PSEA+PDRY+LAT+SOIL c AMT+PREC+PSEA+PDRY+LAT+SOIL+HMNINFL d AMT+PREC+PSEA+PDRY+LAT+SOIL+HMNINFL+RIVERS
It has recently been found that the geographic variation in palm species richness in the Americas is mainly controlled by the availability of water with palm species richness peaking in ever-wet regions [14, 15]. Our results show that the distribution of H. petersiana is also strongly dependent on the climatic water regime with a sharply defined optimum in relation to annual precipitation and rainfall seasonality achieving its peak occurrence at low-to-intermediate overall precipitation, pronounced rainfall seasonality, and ≥ 1 very dry months (figure 4a-c). The projected drying and temperature increase by the A1B emission scenario for the current century, especially in southwestern regions of Africa [4], could therefore be a potential threat to the survival of H. petersiana populations in the future. Given the narrow climatic niche requirements as indicated by the response curves to both PREC and AMT (figure 4a,d), it seems likely that even a slight change in annual means could potentially influence the maintenance of viable H. petersiana populations in southern Africa. Increasing scarcity of H. petersiana currently observed by rural communities in Botswana has been partly attributed to increased temperatures and reduced rainfall [27]. It has been projected that in southern Africa, the annual precipitation is likely to decrease by 5-15% and in some extreme western region up to 20% according to the A1B scenario by 2080-2099 compared to 1980-1999 [4]. However, the most pronounced decrease in precipitation is projected in the JJA quarter (up to 40% [2]) which extends into the early spring (SON) [4]. In terms of temperature changes, the A1B scenario projects temperature increases across all seasons, but notably in JJA and SON, the temperature increase will be at or above the annual mean (3.7C and 3.4C, respectively) for the same time period as above [4] in line with observations over the 20th century [3]. In the light of these projected changes there are potential risks that the precipitation will fall below 400 mm and the temperature will increase above 23C, creating a stressful environment for H. petersiana within its current range. However, as noted by
Beyond Kyoto: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 8 (2009) 012014 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/8/1/012014
Svenning and Condit [44], caution should be made when inferring detrimental effects of the projected temperature increases since some species may be able to cope with the projected changes due to inherent abilities to tolerate warmer climates than observed today. Apart from the climatic water regime, the soil relationship also highlights the importance of hydrology, particularly an ample soil water supply for the occurrence of H. petersiana. Certain palm species like H. petersiana are capable of persisting in areas of low annual precipitation and high day-time temperatures given a sufficient supply of ground water, i.e., high ground-water levels or high soil-water retention [12]. Yet, climate change may well change the hydrology, notably increasing drought would diminish the occurrence of wet soil conditions, and hence, potentially influence the persistence of H. petersiana.
Non-climatic factors were important determinants of the distribution of H. petersiana, notably latitude, soil type and human influence, while the effect of the closeness to rivers or other water bodies was minimal. The pronounced predictive strength of LAT most likely reflects that climatically suitable regions for H. petersiana are found outside its current range, notably in the savanna swath stretching from west to east across northern Africa. Hence, the strong effect of LAT probably reflects that the range of H. petersiana is not in equilibrium with the environment at the continental scale (i.e., the species is currently only partially filling its potential range [45]). A number of factors may cause such non-equilibrium ranges: time-limited expansion from place of origin or refugia [46-48], physical barriers [49], intrinsic range limitations [50], or interspecific competition [51]. Such non- environmental constraints on the range of H. petersiana may constitute yet another challenge for the 21st century fate of this palm species, notably by limiting its ability to track the changing climate. Additionally, land-use changes and the contingent fragmentation of suitable habitats [8] may further strongly impede the dispersal of H. petersiana [52]. The response to the SOIL variable showed a pronounced association of H. petersiana with the soil types, classified by FAO as: Fluvisols, Leptosols, Luvisols, Planosols, Solonetz, and soils in areas of inland waters. These findings corroborate the known observation of the species’ association with the riparian zone and its association with sodic/alkaline alluvial soils with high water tables [12], being particularly characteristic of the young alluvial soils (Fluvisols), other river soils (Leptosols, Planosols), and soils associated with grasslands in semi-arid, sub-tropical regions (Solonetz) (, The response to the HMNINFL factor was positive. This response could indicate several things, notably, reflect the sampling patterns of the palm collections, or the association of H. petersiana with waterways, which are also preferred sites for human settlements. The human influence index, as mentioned in the method section, is computed from a range of human impact proxies. Particularly, (1) the accessibility proxy (15-km buffer surrounding e.g., rivers or roads); (2) gridded population of the world; (3) land transformations (built-up areas, population settlements, land use) could all explain the positive effect of HMNINFL in the CLSH and CLSHR models: It is generally known that plant collections tend to be made in accessible areas, e.g., often along rivers and roads [53], thus, the positive HMNINFL relationship may reflect this sampling bias. Hyphaene petersiana is in some instances found near waterways [12, 29]; however, the RIVERS variable provided less explanatory power than HMNINFL. Alternatively, it has been noted that palms are dispersed by humans in close proximity to human settlements: palm seeds are often discarded after consumption of the palm fruits and traditionally villagers tend to manage fruit trees, as observed in Botswana for H. petersiana [29], i.e., H. petersiana might indeed be more abundant in the more influenced areas. Given the association of H. petersiana to rivers and riparian vegetation, the lack of influence of the RIVERS variable was unanticipated; yet, one explanation could be that the SOIL variable provides a more detailed description of the habitat in which H. petersiana is found and thereby limit the effect of the RIVERS variable. In addition, the RIVERS variable is computed from only larger water bodies in Africa [35, 36] and, consequently, may not capture the true relationship between the occurrence of H. petersiana and closeness to rivers, even though, category 1 was dominant.
Despite the fact that H. petersiana is likely facing future climatic stresses, other factors are likely to further increase the strain on this key-stone species as well. As can be seen in table 1, H. petersiana is a much used wild palm species, and the anthropogenic utilization of the palm has already been noted
Beyond Kyoto: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 8 (2009) 012014 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/8/1/012014
to have a negative effect on its population densities in Botswana and Namibia [25, 27, 28]. An ethnobotanical study has shown that the increased utilization of H. petersiana leaves for basket weaving in Botswana has lead to the disappearance of the palm in certain areas around human settlements. Hence, some communities have over time noted that they need to travel further and further to harvest palm leaves. Human population increase in the Okavango Delta in Botswana since the late 1960s has changed the utilization pattern of useful plants in the region from subsistence to consumerism [25]. Basket weaving using H. petersiana leaves became industrialized by 1984 with 50% of all women from the rural communities producing baskets for local and overseas markets [25]. Studies have shown that the heavy over-utilization and notably, the destructive harvesting methods have lead to the decline of H. petersiana in this area [25, 27]. The harvesting methods often damage the apical meristems preventing the suckers from reaching reproductive maturity, and thereby preventing regeneration from seed production [25]. A recent study has observed even further depletion of the H. petersiana resource since the 1980s in the same basket weaving areas in Botswana despite the fact that advice had been given to rural villagers not to utilize palm leaves harvested in unsustainable ways [27]. Unfortunately, the destructive harvesting of palms is common place across Africa. Additional problematic harvesting methods have been observed for other palm species in Africa which as a consequence are likewise threatened with local extinction [22, 54]. In Namibia, similar palm population declines of H. petersiana have been observed, especially the skewed population structure with less mature individuals than expected [28], as found in Botswana [27]. The decline in Botswana has been attributed to the over-utilization of unopened leaves for basket weaving; nevertheless, the harvest of H. petersiana for basket production seems to be within sustainable limits in Namibia [30]. However, unsustainable browsing by livestock and felling of adult individuals for building materials have been recorded in both countries, notably livestock browsing in Namibia [25, 28, 30]. Sullivan et al. [28] also noted that the decline of H. petersiana was more marked in areas of higher population densities of villagers and livestock corroborating findings of an additional study where H. petersiana has been found to decrease in numbers as the environment becomes more and more degraded due to an increasing human population [55]. This indicates that the pressures on H. petersiana will be continuing during the 21st century given the high current [56, 57], and projected human population growth in Africa [57]. Hyphaene petersiana is associated with semi-arid regions with sufficient water availability from high water tables [29], and it has been projected that semi-arid parts of southern Africa are at moderate to high risk of desertification [2]. This may imply that there might be even higher future utilization pressures on the products of this palm species if other useful plants fail to cope with 21st century environmental change in the region.
5. Conclusions The current distribution of H. petersiana is controlled by a combination of climate and non-climatic factors. The palm has a very narrow response to several climatic factors, notably annual means of temperature and precipitation as well as precipitation seasonality. The strong effect of soil types associated with wet conditions implies that hydrology limits its distribution as well. The projected climatic changes for southern Africa, with strong precipitation decreases in the dry season (JJA) and spring months (SON) may therefore have a strong negative impact on the distribution and abundance of this key-stone palm species. Moreover, the future climate-driven stresses may be exacerbated by the rapidly growing human populations in Africa. The unsustainable utilization of H. petersiana is likely to continue and increase with increasing human population unless marked changes in the management of H. petersiana occur.
Acknowledgements This work was financed by the Danish Natural Science Research Council through grant #272-07-0242 to JCS, #272-06-0476 to HB, and the Faculty of Science at Aarhus University to ABO. We are
Beyond Kyoto: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 8 (2009) 012014 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/8/1/012014
grateful to professor emeritus John Dransfield for thorough evaluation of the palm data and helpful comments on the predicted palm distributions, and to Peder Klith Bøcher for computing the RIVERS variable. Moreover, we would like to thank the data contributors for making their palm data available for the project: The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Dr. William Baker); The Nationaal Herbarium Nederland (NHN) (Dr. Jan Wieringa & Dr. Johan van Valkenburg); and the herbarium collections accessed through the GBIF data portal (Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum Berlin-Dahlem). Finally, we thank Marco Schmidt for permission to use figure 1.
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