climate change project jessica jang + khyla granstrom

Climate Change Project Jessica Jang + Khyla Granstrom

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Post on 22-Dec-2015




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Climate Change Project

Jessica Jang + Khyla Granstrom

Main Question: How are humans using technology to

deal with climate change concerns?

1) What are some ways in which technology is being used to avert

global warming?

Energy efficiency technologies are capable of using the same amount of energy we normally would, but in reality, using less resources. Examples of these types of energies are used to provide power, heat,

and cooling systems.

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Researchers are also looking into creating low-carbon technologies in order to bring down the emissions of carbon, which is a cause of global

warming, along with methane and nitrous oxide.

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Using less fossil fuels is always a good way to help reduce the risk of global warming. By not adding

any coal-burning (mainly coal mostly consisting of carbon) power plants, there will be less carbon

emitted into the atmosphere.

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Reusing sources of energy such as solar power, wind power, and others is also a good way to help

reduce the amount of pollution in the air. Renewable sources of energy is an effective technology to help

prevent this.

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As for vehicles and methods of

transportation, by using low-carbon fuels, that can be a good way

to help reduce the emission of carbon into our atmosphere. Also

by relying less on methods of

transportation to go places and using less of this energy, that

could also contribute to help solving the

problem of releasing carbon into the atmosphere.

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2) Describe some high-tech solutions that have been suggested to deal with

the effects of climate change.

Large vertical pumps were to be used to transfer cold ocean

water from the deep to the surface. Drawn up by Chris Rapley and James Lovelock, the

scheme is based on the hypothesis that colder water absorbs more

carbon dioxide.[image source]:

American physicist, Lowell Wood, believes in launching giant mirrors into orbit to block out

sunlight. The mirrors would not completely block it out, but would filter harmful infrared radiation.

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Paul Crutzen proposed using sulphur rockets to create clouds to block out the sun. The idea is

based on evidence that volcanic explosions accompanied by massive clouds of sulphur helped

cool the Earth's temperature by 0.6C.

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3) What are some simple technologies or low-tech solutions that could

minimize the effect of human activities on the environment?

One of many solutions is by painting roofs white, the sunlight

could better reflect off of them instead of

having it being absorbed, thus sending

away some of the carbon dioxide

emissions out of our atmosphere. Though

we would need several white roofs to actually

have a noticeable effect on this climate change, it is one of many low-tech solutions that we

as humans can do.

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Of course, another solution is to plant more trees. Deforestation is a big cause to greenhouse gases being emitted, and by planting more trees and

cutting down less, this could help further solve the problem and help reduce the risk of any negative

climate change.

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Another solution is our use of electricity. By using less electricity,

greenhouse gas emission can be

further prevented. By simply unplugging

devices when they are not in use could make a really big difference

in the amount of greenhouse gases being emitted and released into the


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Our Opinion:

It is evident that climate change is becoming more of an issue than it was before, and that is all the

more reason for more people to be taking action in preventing these negative changes. Even by

changing how we live in the simplest ways possible (ie: unplugging devices when they’re not in use, using low-carbon fuel, etc.), it can make a bigger

difference if more people contribute.

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Lower-tech solutions can be easy, though it would be more effective if more

people had a better understand as to what is

going on with Earth’s climate. If we start to make changes in our

lifestyles to help improve our environment and

climate now, we could be setting an example for future generations. We

could be nearing a society in which we have

less environmental issues than we have right


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