climate change, agriculture and food security

Event name CCAFS: An Overview Name Position Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) – Overview Bruce Campbell CCAFS Director CIAT BOT, May 2011

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Page 1: Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security

Event name

CCAFS: An Overview


Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) – Overview

Bruce CampbellCCAFS Director

CIAT BOT, May 2011

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The Challenge

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Message 1:In the coming decades, climate

change and other global trends will endanger agriculture, food security,

and rural livelihoods.

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In order to meet global demands,

we will need

60-70% more food

by 2050.

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The concentration of GHGs is rising

Long-term implications

for the climate and agriculture




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6 • 3/21/11The suitability for crops will decline in many areas……

-95 to -31-30 to -11-10 to -101 to 2930 to 4748 to 98

% change

Andrew Jarvis, CIAT/CCAFS

50 crops, to 2050

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“Unchecked climate change will result in a

20% increase in malnourished children by 2050,” relative to the full

mitigation scenario.

-Gerald Nelson, IFPRI/CCAFS

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Message 2:With new challenges also come

new opportunities.

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Average price in voluntary carbon markets ($/tCO2e)

2006 2007 2008

Ecosystem services

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Program Design

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CCAFS: the partnership

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The CGIAR Research Centers

Lead center - CIAT

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1. Identify and develop pro-poor

adaptation and mitigation

practices, technologies and

policies for agriculture and

food systems.

2.Support the inclusion of

agricultural issues in climate

change policies, and of

climate issues in agricultural

policies, at all levels.

CCAFS objectives

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The CCAFS FrameworkAdapting Agriculture to

Climate Variability and Change

Technologies, practices, partnerships and policies for:

1. Adaptation to Progressive Climate Change

2. Adaptation through Managing Climate Risk

3. Pro-poor Climate Change Mitigation

Improved Environmental


Rural Livelihoods

Improved Food


Enhanced adaptive capacity in agricultural, natural

resource management, and food systems

Trade-offs and Synergies

4. Integration for Decision Making

• Linking Knowledge with Action• Assembling Data and Tools for Analysis

and Planning• Refining Frameworks for Policy Analysis

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Place-based field work

Indo-Gangetic Plains:Parts of India, Bangladesh, NepalEast Africa:

Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, and Ethiopia

West Africa:Senegal, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Niger

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Progressive Adaptation

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Objective One: Adapted farming systems via integrated technologies, practices, and policies

Objective Two: Breeding strategies to address abiotic and biotic stresses induced by future climatesObjective Three: Identification, conservation, and deployment of species and genetic diversity

Adaptation to progressive climate change · 1

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Adaptation to progressive climate change · 1

>> Spotlight on: Farms of the future

The climate analogue tool identifies the range of places whose current climates correspond to the future of a chosen locality

Choice of sites for cross-site farmer visits and participatory crop and livestock trials

Searching for climate analogues

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Adaptation to progressive climate change · 1

>> Spotlight on: Two Degrees Up

Short climate change photofilms highlighting the impact of a two degree rise in temperature on smallholder agriculture

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Adaptation to progressive climate change · 1

>> Spotlight on: The AMKN Platform

It links farmers’ realities on the ground with promising scientific research outputs, to inspire new ideas and highlight current challenge.

The Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Knowledge Network platform is a portal for accessing and sharing agricultural A&M knowledge.

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Objective One: Building resilient livelihoods (Farm level)

Objective Two: Food delivery, trade, and crisis response (Food system level)

Objective Three: Enhanced climate information and services

Managing Climate Risk · 2

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Managing climate risk · 2

>> Spotlight on: Indexed crop insurance

• Knowledge and tools for targeting, implementing, and evaluating index insurance

• Using crop yield predictions to develop robust indices with low basis risk

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Managing climate risk · 2

>> Spotlight on: Reconstructing climate data

Google tool for Ethiopia scaled up across AfricaFilling gaps in meteorological records in partnership with local met services and WMO

Crucial for calculating index insurance, forecasting production for food crisis and trade management etc

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Pro-poor Mitigation

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Objective One: Identify low-carbon agricultural development pathways

Objective Two: Develop incentives and institutional arrangements

Objective Three: Develop on-farm technological options for mitigation and research landscape implications

Pro-poor climate change mitigation · 3

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Cross-project learning on best-bet institutional models across East and West Africa

Pro-poor climate change mitigation · 3

>> Spotlight on: Carbon project action research

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• Earthscan book of current knowledge

• Lessons from REDD+ for agriculture

Pro-poor climate change mitigation · 3

>> Spotlight on: State-of-the-art agricultural mitigation

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Objective One: Linking knowledge with action

Objective Two: Data and tools for analysis and planning

Objective Three: Refining frameworks for policy analysis

Integration for Decision Making · 4

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Baseline survey conducted in 36 sites, 252 villages, with 5,040 households

• Sites for participatory action research

• Guidance for research foci

• Basis for formal evaluation of program impacts

Integration for Decision Making · 4

>> Spotlight on: Household baseline survey

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Select climate model (6 options

or their avg)

Select emission

s scenario(3 options)

Select the centre year of the time


Select location Select the number of years of data desired

Integration for Decision Making · 4

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Cross-cutting principles, activities & outputs

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Building a user-driven agenda

• From large-scale stakeholder consultations

e.g. GCARD, regional meetings

• Specific exercises with selected groups

e.g. Venice meeting, regional scenarios, farmer testimonials

From local to regional to global

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People or organizations increasing their own ability to achieve their objectives effectively and efficiently.

Capacity enhancement

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• Understand and act on social differentiation: gender, wealth, occupation etc

• Examine both vulnerability and agency, e.g. via village participatory analysis

Focus on the most vulnerable

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Join up climate, ag & food policy

Working with UNFCCC negotiators

AgClim Letters

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Budget$63.2 million totalSources:• CGIAR Fund - $41.4 million• Current and Projected Restricted

Donor Projects - $17.3 million• Other Income $ 4.5 million30% to partners

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Centre Total Budget

AfricaRice 0.8 Bioversity 5.6 CIAT 6.0 CIFOR 1.0 CIMMYT 5.5 CIP 3.0 ICARDA 2.0 ICRAF 7.9 ICRISAT 4.5 IFPRI 4.2 IITA 1.0 ILRI 8.0 IRRI 1.1 IWMI 5.2 WorldFish 2.0 Total 57.8

4.6 0.8


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Budget allocation to Themes

Theme 1 Adaptation to Progressive Climate

Change 34%

Theme 2 Adaptation through Managing

Climate Risk 13%

Theme 3 Pro-poor climate change mitigation


Theme 4 Integration for decision making


Coordination, Synthesis, Capacity Enhancement,


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• A new way of working – needs behavioral changes

• Boundary issues amongst CRPs


• Largest coalition of scientists working on agriculture and climate change in developing countries

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• Learn about the program on the web and through presentations

• Engage with theme leaders and center contact points on your research

Learn and engage

• Use research products coming out of other centers

• Develop multi-center programs of work which are embedded in CCAFS strategy

• Develop ownership and feel a part of the program

Collaborate and contribute

What Should You Do (as a


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