cleansing oct 2010

Cleanse your way to better health

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Page 1: Cleansing oct 2010

Cleanse your way to better health

Page 2: Cleansing oct 2010

Want a Slimmer Healthier Body?Safely lose pounds and inches naturally through nutritional cleansing.

Overeating, eating the wrong kind of foods, stress, lack of exercise, and genetics can contribute to excess fat and obesity.

BUT DID YOU KNOW? Preservatives and toxins associated with processed foods, unfiltered water, air pollution, household chemicals and cosmetics also are a factor to obesity and weight gain.

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Toxins, pollution, poisons, herbicides and pesticides... we hear horror stories about exposures every day somewhere in the world. It only makes sense that if it is "all around us" it is also "all inside us".

How do we protect our health from this constant exposure.

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Do you mean like a “Colon Cleanse”?

NO. Think CELLULAR cleanse; not colon.


Everyday we’re continually exposed to toxins in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the items we touch.Give your body the nutrition it needs to cleanse itself naturally. Feed and nourish your body, without depleting your body with laxatives or diuretics.

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One of the ways the liver deals with impurities is to increase body fat. The body envelopes these impurities, in essence to PROTECT you from their influences. Diets are not successful for long term weight maintenance because they don't address the reason why body fat exists.




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“Your food is your medicine, your medicine is your food.”

You can hardly miss the stories about the link between nutrition and health.• Cancer• Heart disease• Diabetes• Obesity• High blood pressure

Illnesses that indisputably have 'something' to do with food

To stay healthy, humans need some 50 different minerals we ourselves cannot produce. These minerals have to come from somewhere. You'd think they'd come from food, as they always have but a lot of important minerals have disappeared from our farmland due to years of artificial fertilizer use. Disrupting the balance of the soil.

After conducting studies in various parts of the world, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) concluded that the prevailing method of farming is leading to a 'serious shortage' of minerals. Another recent study showed that since 1985 the vitamin and mineral content in beans has fallen by 60%, by 70% in potatoes and by 80% in apples.

Popeye would have to eat 200 cans of spinach today to get the same amount of iron as he got from that one can 50 years ago.

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DID YOU KNOW…•Between 1940-1991 minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Copper in vegetables have declined as much as 96%.•Meats have lost 41% of it’s Calcium, 54% of Iron.•Fruits have lost up to 27% of it’s Zinc.•Apples and Oranges have lost up to 67% of their Iron.

*Tests were repeated in 2002 with similar results.

•Not only has mineral content declined in the past century, Vitamins A and C have also dropped dramatically!!•Wheat has also lost much of its protein!!

*29 separate studies have found similar results

What about you?

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DID YOU KNOW…•Did you know that it takes 12 apples in 2009 to equal the nutritional value of 1 apple in 1976.•Did you know that it takes 51 bowls of Spinach in 2009 to equal the nutritional value of 1 bowl in 1957. !!! Studies are now suggesting that for the 1st time, PARENTS will begin to OUTLIVE their children.

•Banned PCB's from 20-30 years ago are still in our bloodstreams. We've passed that down to our children who now have those chemicals PLUS whatever additional toxins they are ingesting from today's processed, over-cultured, and chemically altered foods.

Are you toxic?

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•Overwhelming evidence suggests that mineral depletion in crop lands has reached a critical point in history.• Our foods are nearly empty of nutrients dependent on minerals for synthesis in food.

1936. United States Senate documented the issue of depleted soil borne micro nutrient trace minerals. To quote from this study: "Countless human ills stem from the fact that impoverished soil of America no longer provides plant foods with the mineral elements essential to human nourishment and health!" THIS WAS IN 1936!!

1997. The US Department of Agriculture confirmed with graphic depiction, the reduction of soil borne micro nutrient trace minerals coincidental with the increase in mineral deficiency disease.

2008. The Society of Chemical Industry's (SCI) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture reported that there is no significant difference in nutrient value in organically grown food compared to non organically grown food. Both methods produce remarkably low nutrient values deficient in critical minerals due to past over harvesting practices.

University of Texas. Donald Davis, a senior researcher at the University of Texas, performed research into the disappearing nutrients in food. Historical data spanning 50 to 70 years show apparent declines of 5 percent to 40 percent or more in minerals, vitamins and proteins in vegetables.

Washington State University professor Stephen Jones and researcher Kevin Murphy shows that today's modern wheat has less nutritional value concluding that grains have been developed for baking qualities that are related to protein, not related to iron and zinc and selenium and other essential vitamins and minerals. "You would have to eat twice as many slices of modern bread as you would of the older variety to get the same nutritional value."

2001. The Journal of Complimentary Medicine pointed out that US and UK Government statistics show a decline in trace minerals of up to 76% in fruit and vegetables over the period 1940 to 1991.

2003. News Canada reported that today's fruit and vegetables contain far fewer nutrients than they did 50 years ago. Potatoes, for example, had lost 100 % of vitamin A content, 57% of vitamin C and iron, and 28% of calcium. Over the entire 20th century the average mineral content in cabbage, lettuce, spinach and tomatoes, declined from 400mg to less than 50mg.

2004. The Journal of the American College of Nutrition examined food composition changes from 1950 to 1999. 43 crops were examined showing statistically reliable declines of 6 nutrients. The declines were observed in protein, calcium, phosphorous, iron, riboflavin and ascorbic acid; 6% in the case of protein and 38% for riboflavin.

2008. The UK publication Food Magazine. Analysis of food quality changes in the UK over the period 1940-2002. In an analysis of milk: iron content had fallen 62%; magnesium was down 21%; copper content had disappeared completely. Parmesan cheese; 70% decrease in magnesium. The calcium and iron content of all the foods examined was reduced dramatically. Beef rump steak iron content fell 55%.

“One thing is certain, mineral deficiency is a root cause of multiple medical conditions that are abated by mineral replenishment.”

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Living in a bubble is not an option.Look for Cleanse products that are all natural and contain powerful antioxidants like bilberry, blueberry and raspberry. These help protect your body from free radicals and support cardiovascular and brain health.

You will also want something that contains pure Aloe Vera (specifically the inner-leaf gel), the most concentrated formof the plant. This promotes a strong immune system. Alfalfa juice concentrate with a blend of trace minerals will also support the body’s functions.

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Remember this.

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Create a vision for yourself.

=-Create clearly defined goals; NOT big overstated goals that will overwhelm you.

**Let's shoot for 40 lbs in 3 months. Let's not!-Commit to change 1 day at a time. Teach yourself to commit.

I hope so...I'd like to... Sure... I don't know why I do this...

THESE ARE NOT commitment statements.

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Have a routine and commit!!-Do you set a goal with the subconscious decision to be disappointed?-Do you feel bad and remain disappointed?


What are you waiting for? -Are you rebelling against your own success?

-Are you trying to control the outcome? By not trying?

-Don’t judge yourself.-Don't create an overstated goal and then hyperventilate over it.-Maintain a level of DAILY order.-Stay focused!

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How BAD do you want it?-Why does it have to be bad to be good?-Why do you have to “want something BAD”?