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Cleaners: evaluating performance!

Teacher’s Pack


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© British Council 2014 1

Cleaning: evaluating performance – teachers’ notes

Cleaning: evaluating performance Contents Evaluating performance: teachers’ notes Evaluating performance: answers Evaluating performance: transcripts Evaluating performance: classroom materials

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© British Council 2014 2

Cleaning: evaluating performance – teachers’ notes

Introduction This resource has been produced in two different formats:

This teachers’ pack, including teachers’ notes, classroom materials, PowerPoint presentation and an accompanying video, which can be found in the teachers’ resource page at

A self-access resource for learners with online activities. This is available at:

Overview This resource Evaluating performance is part of Unit 3 of the Cleaning series of vocational resources which aims to help learners develop the language that they will need when working in the cleaning sector. There are three units in this series: Unit 1: the job aims to give learners the language needed for tasks that they are likely to carry out every day in their jobs. Unit 2: health and safety aims to help learners understand health and safety information and training at work. It also aims to give learners the language they need to clarify important safety-related details. Unit 3: supervising is aimed at a higher level for learners who are working in a supervisor’s role. It focuses on equipping learners with language skills that they would use in this role. It also has a larger focus on reading and writing skills. Level (Units 1 and 2): Entry 2/Access 3 in Scotland / CEF A2.

Level (Unit 3): Entry 3/ Intermediate 1 in Scotland / CEF B1.

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – teachers’ notes

Structure, learning hours and delivery context Each of the 12 Cleaning lessons provides a minimum of 1 hour of learning in a classroom context. It is made up of three topics: Unit 1: the job

Following instructions Problems at work Customers’ problems Using chemicals

Unit 2: health and safety

Safety signs Fire safety Personal protective equipment Preventing and reporting accidents

Unit 3: supervising

Customer complaints Accident reports Work orders Evaluating performance

The resource is suitable for whole class use in a number of settings. Timings are flexible since teachers can adapt the resource to suit their learners and build in revision as required. The resource consists of the following components: In this document:

Teachers’ notes, transcripts and answers Flashcards Classroom resources (worksheets and cut-up activities)

Available on the ESOL Nexus website:

Accompanying PowerPoint file – Evaluating performance.ppt Accompanying videos Interactive self-access resources

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – teachers’ notes

Evaluating performance Time: Approximately 1 hour


To familiarise learners with giving structured feedback in appraisals

To give learners practice speaking in a formal situation

To give learners language needed for checking and reporting stock levels Objectives Learners will be able to use appropriate language to:

Describe strengths and weaknesses Give instructions for improvement Check understanding

Learners will also be able to:

Use an appropriate structure for a formal conversation

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – teachers’ notes

Preparation You will need:

an interactive whiteboard or data projector to show the accompanying PowerPoint file, videos and interactive activities (see note below). If this is not available, flashcards can be used for most activities.

to download a copy of the PowerPoint file Evaluating performance.ppt

to go to to play the accompanying videos:

o Supervisor feedback 1 o Supervisor feedback 2 o Supervisor feedback 3 o Supervisor feedback 4

to print a copy of the flashcards to use in class

to print copies of the worksheets for learners to use in class

to copy and cut up cards for activity 4

A note about interactive whiteboards (IWBs): Interactive activities are available to support this resource. We have provided links to each individual activity (these activities are also available to learners as self-access items). On some interactive whiteboards (not all), the activities will be fully functional (i.e. you will be able to touch the screen to drag and drop, and so on). Links for interactive whiteboards appear in boxes throughout the resource. As part of your preparation before the session you may wish to bookmark the activities you plan to use.

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – teachers’ notes

Introduction: Display the Introduction slide and ask learners how they know if the cleaners they work with are doing a good job. Check they are familiar with the term appraisal and check how many have undertaken one as a supervisor. Get whole class feedback on how these work in their companies and elicit from the group what they discuss in appraisals in their workplace. Activity 1: listening for gist Display the Activity 1 slide and explain to learners that they are going to watch four video recordings of cleaner appraisals. Ask them to watch the first, and find out if the supervisors are generally happy with the cleaners’ work. Play video recording 1; pause at the end to allow learners enough time to discuss their answers. Elicit the class’s opinions; ask learners how they know that the supervisor is happy. If learners are unsure, highlight that the supervisor said some of your work is very good and that there are several strengths mentioned. Play the remaining videos and again elicit whether the supervisors are generally happy or not with the cleaners, and how learners could tell. Activity 2: listening for detail – strengths and weaknesses Try to elicit any strengths or weaknesses that learners heard in the clips. Play the first clip and elicit which issues were mentioned from the group. Give out Worksheet 1 and ask learners to number the issues according to which clip they are in. Elicit answers from the class and display the first Activity 2 slide for learners to check. Display the example issues from Worksheet 1 and ask learners to work in pairs to identify which are strengths and which are weaknesses. Encourage learners to give personalised examples from work, and reasons why they are strengths or weaknesses, i.e. You know how to clean. This is a real strength because it means there won’t be any complaints from clients! Circulate and monitor for any vocabulary misunderstandings. Provide feedback by eliciting answers from the class and displaying the second Activity 2 slide for learners to confirm. Ask learners to work in groups to categorise the issues according to whether they relate to the cleaners’ cleaning skills, their customer service skills and their ability to follow rules. Mark the different categories with the letters A, B and C respectively. Monitor groups to check that there are no problems with vocabulary. Use the final Activity 2 slide to give feedback and discuss which issues are the most important. Support learners with any vocabulary difficulties in this activity. If you have access to an IWB you may want to use an interactive activity to check learners’ comprehension of the videos here. Learners have to answer multiple choice questions to identify the weaknesses that the supervisor mentioned in each clip. Encourage the whole class to support the learner(s) at the board answering the questions.

IWB link:

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – teachers’ notes

Activity 3: listening for solutions Ask learners to watch the clip again to find the answers to the following questions. What instructions for improvement does the supervisor give? What will happen if the cleaner does not improve? Learners review problems from Worksheet 1, and try to recall the instructions given to cleaners in the clips. Play the clips again and encourage learners to check what instructions are given and what the consequences of non-improvement would be. You may also want to elicit from learners how the supervisors checked that their instructions had been understood. Ask learners to discuss whether they think the solutions suggested are appropriate. Encourage learners to discuss what instructions or suggestions they give to the cleaners that they supervise. If you have access to an IWB then you might want to try an interactive activity here. The activity requires learners to group sections of the conversation into strengths, weaknesses and actions and is best used as a review after learners have listened for solutions. Encourage learners to work together to group the sentences, and allow learners to discuss whether they have the correct answers before tapping ‘Check answers’.

IWB link:

Activity 4: giving feedback Tell learners they are going to practise giving appraisal feedback to their cleaning staff using the lists of strengths and weaknesses on Worksheet 1. Put learners into groups of three and ask them to choose one of three roles of cleaner, supervisor and observer. Explain that the role of the observer is to listen carefully to the conversation between the supervisor and the cleaner and decide whether the supervisor mentioned both strengths and weaknesses, gave clear instructions to improve and highlighted any possible consequences. Hand out a set of Activity 4 role cards to each group with prompts for their role. Learners can use the strengths and weaknesses on Worksheet 1 for support. When groups finish, the observer gives feedback to the supervisor. Learners swap roles and role cards and repeat with different strengths and weaknesses. Circulate and monitor, checking that learners are able to give effective feedback; support learners with any difficulties. You may want to finish the lesson by asking one or two groups to volunteer to do a role play for the whole class. If you have access to an IWB you many want to use an interactive activity to introduce this section. This activity requires learners to re-order the conversation from clip 4. The activity works best if you get the class to work together to order the dialogue. Learners can listen to the clip’s soundtrack to check their answers or to get support.

IWB link:

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – answers

Answers Activity 2

Issue Clip number(s)

Strength ()

Weakness ()

A Has learnt very quickly how to do the job 1, 3, 4

A Cleaning of desks is not thorough enough 2

C Follows health and safety rules 2, 3

C Has excellent timekeeping 2, 4

B Interrupts clients after 8.30 3

A Most cleaning is good 2

A His/her cleaning is thorough 3, 4

C Doesn’t use yellow sign 4

C Never late for work 1, 2, 4

A A lot of your work is very thorough 1, 3, 4

B Threw away paperwork 1

B Client is very happy 3, 4

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© British Council 2014 9

Cleaning: evaluating performance – transcript

Transcript: evaluating performance

Clip 1

Anna: Hi Rene, do you have time to speak to me about how you are getting on?

Rene: Yes, that’s fine, I have time now.

Anna: OK, take a seat, thank you. Ok, so you’ve been here for two weeks now and a lot of

your work is excellent.

Rene: Thank you.

Anna: Your timekeeping is excellent; you're never late for work and you've learnt very

quickly how to do the job.

Rene: Thanks

Anna: A lot of your work is very thorough, but there are one or two things that you need to

be careful with.

Rene: Yes?

Anna: We’ve had some complaints you've thrown away some paperwork on people's desks

they've complained that they left notes for you, but you've ignored them. It's really

important and the client will get unhappy if documents get lost. Have you seen any


Rene: I think so, but I didn’t understand.

Anna: Ok, no problem, if you see a note that you don’t understand, then you need to show

it to somebody and find out what it means. Is that clear?

Rene: Yes, I will find someone to help me.

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – transcript

Anna: OK, I’m going to speak to the client again next week, but if I get any more complaints

about this then we need to have another conversation. Do you understand?

Rene: Yes, that’s OK.

Anna: OK, I mean most of your work is fine, but we do need to be careful with client’s

documents. Ok thank you for your time.

Clip 2

Anna: Hi Rene, I wanted to talk to you quickly about your work do you have time now?

Rene: Yes, that’s OK...

Anna: Ah, Excellent, you’ve been here a month now and some of your work is very good.

Rene: Thank you.

Anna: Your timekeeping is excellent;; you’re never late for work and yes... you follow all the

health and safety rules and most of your cleaning is very good.

Rene: Thanks

Anna: There's just one problem though

Rene: Yes?

Anna: Yeah, I’ve had a couple of complaints about the desks, some of them aren't cleaned

thoroughly enough;; there's a lot of dust. It’s very important that you follow our service

standards. We need to keep the clients happy. Do you remember the standards?

Rene: Erm, I’m not sure

Anna: No problem, erm tomorrow I will show you everything you need to know to clean the

desks and what the standards are.

Rene: Thank you

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – transcript

Anna: Then, I'm going to check your work everyday when you've finished. If it doesn’t get

better then I’m going to have to give you a written warning. It is really important that

we don’t get any more complaints. Is that OK?

Rene: Yes, that’s OK.

Anna: Good. Your timekeeping and most of your cleaning is great; so we just need to be

careful with this thing. Is that Ok?

Rene: Thats' OK

Anna: Thanks for your time.

Clip 3

Phil: Hi Rene, I just wanted to talk about your work quickly and see how you are getting

on, is that OK?

Rene: That's OK, I have time now

Phil: Ok, well you’ve been here two months now and a lot of your work is great. You've

learnt quickly how to do the job, your cleaning is very thorough and the client is very

happy with this. You always follow the health and safety rules, which is really


Rene: Thank you

Phil: That’s all good, however there is something you need to be careful with.

Rene: Yes?

Phil: Remember that you need to finish the second-floor offices by 8.30. I’ve had

complaints that you are interrupting people who are working there after that time.

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – transcript

This is really important;; we need to make sure that the customers’ staff can do their

job without being interrupted.

Do you usually clean the second floor offices first?

Rene: No, I usually start on the first floor.

Phil: OK, you can leave that one until a bit later, but the second floor needs to be finished

by 8.30 every day. I’m going to speak to the client again next week. If I hear any

more complaints about this, then we will have to meet again, is that OK?

Rene: OK

Phil: Thanks. The rest of your work is really good, but we need to work with the client.

Rene: Ok, I'll make sure I start with the second floor.

Phil: Ok, that's great, that's all - thank you for your time

Clip 4

Phil: Hi Susana, I just want to talk about your work quickly and see how you are getting

on, is that OK?

Susana: Yes, that’s fine, I have time now.

Phil: Excellent, Ok, you’ve been here two weeks now and a lot of your work is excellent.

Susana: Thank you.

Phil: Your timekeeping is excellent;; you’re never late for work. You have learnt quickly

how to do the job and your cleaning is very thorough. The client is very happy.

Susana: Yes, now it’s easier than when I started.

Phil: That’s good, however there is something you need to be careful with.

Susana: Yes?

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – transcript

Phil: I’ve had some complaints that you don’t always put out the yellow warning signs,

when you are mopping floors. This is a really important safety issue, it’s the law. If

someone had an accident we could get taken to court. Do you know where the signs

are kept?

Susana: No, I haven’t been shown where they are.

Phil: Ok, we keep them in the storage cupboards on every floor. You have to put them up

every time you use a mop. Do you understand?

Susana: Yes, when I use the mop.

Phil: Ok, for the next two weeks, I will check that you put the signs up every day. If you

don’t then we’ll have to speak again. This is really important. Is that OK?

Susana: Yes, that’s OK. I will use the signs now.

Phil: Great. Everything else that you are doing is excellent, but we need to be very careful

with health and safety. Ok, that’s all, thanks for your time.

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© British Council 2014 14

Cleaning: evaluating performance – classroom resources

Worksheet 1

Issue Clip number(s)

Strength ()

Weakness ()

Has learnt very quickly how to do the job

Cleaning of desks is not thorough enough

Follows health and safety rules

Has excellent timekeeping

Interrupts clients after 8.30

Most cleaning is good

His/her cleaning is thorough

Doesn’t use yellow sign

Never late for work

A lot of your work is very thorough

Threw away paperwork

Client is very happy

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Cleaning: evaluating performance – classroom resources

Activity 4 role cards

Observer Your role is to listen and check the following:

Did the supervisor talk about both strengths and weaknesses?

Did the supervisor give instructions to improve?

Did the supervisor mention any consequences

Did the supervisor check the cleaner had understood?


Your role is to make sure that you:

Talk about both strengths and weaknesses

Give instructions for the cleaner to improve

Explain what will happen if situation does not improve

Check the cleaner has understood


Your role is to ask questions or ask for clarification to make sure that you are completely clear about:

• Your strengths and weaknesses • How you can improve

• What will happen if you do not improve