clean-room gas monitor model cm505 (impinger)conducted for this purpose is impinger method....

General Specifications <<Contents>> <<Index>> Clean-room Gas Monitor Model CM505 (Impinger) Yokogawa Electric Corporation 2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 Japan Tel.: 81-422-52-5617 Fax.: 81-422-52-6792 GS 12Y04F03-01E GS 12Y04F03-01E ©Copyright Jul. 2007 3rd Edition Oct. 10, 2008 n GENERAL As the degree of integration of LSI increases as well as large scaled FPD production is driving forward, removal of gaseous contaminants such as ammonia and acid gases in clean room has become an impor- tant issue. To cope with this requirement, monitoring of air borne contaminants and periodic check of chemi- cal performance is vital measure. Typical test method conducted for this purpose is impinger method. How- ever, conventional impinger method has problem of long measuring time and cross contamination by the operator. The CM505 Clean room gas monitor realize contamination-free, on-line air borne monitoring with impinger method with measuring time of 1 hour. Op- tional multi-stream type (16 points) is also available. The system can monitor both Ammonia (or cations) and Acid gases (Anions) depend on the requirement. n FEATURES ●Gas collection is done by impinger thus both gaseous and particle/mist contaminants are collected Ammonia gas is measured at a sensitivity of 0.01 µg/m 3 . Acidic gases (hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc.) are measured at a sensitivity of 0.02 µg/m 3 ●The system can monitor Cations (sodium, calcium, etc.), Fluoride and organic acid (formic acid, acetic acid), and Boron depend on the requirement. Fully automated system and un-manned measure- ment ●Ion chromatography, a highly reliable analyzing tech- nique is used The results are monitored on a trend graph from a work station. Optional communication output is avail- able ●Chemical filter life production software is available Optional multi-stream switching type (up to 16) is available n SYSTEM CONFIGURATION This system consists of a gas collection unit with a im- pinger unit, an ion chromatograph unit and a worksta- tion (personal computer) as human interface. 1. Gas Collection Unit The gas collection unit is composed of a stream se- lector (optional) and a gas collector (Impinger) Stream Selector (optional) The stream selector for 16 points is available. Sam- pling time is selectable. Maximum supply tube length is 50 m. To minimize "memory effect" due to absorption of samples to the surface of the tube, the system is provided with a function to wash the tube from the stream selector valve to the impinger with pure water. The system also provides "fast loop" to minimize the delay in measuring time for the case where sample tube is long. Gas Collector (Impinger) Sample gas is introduced into impinger and those contaminants in the sample, both in gaseous and particle/mist form are absorbed in the pure water. After bubbling (gas collection), the whole amount of water in the impinger and washing water used is introduced to Ion-chromatograph. 2. Ion Chromatograph Unit (Pi501) The ion chromatograph unit traps the collected ions in the concentration column. After that, those ions are forwarded to the separation column by operating the switching valve. The separation column is filled with a packing mate- rial with ion exchanger. The ion components entering the column will be separated by its electrical/physical characteristics respectively and then flow is to the de- tector. The detector measures concentration of those respective ions separated. 3. Workstation (PC) The workstation is used for operation and data displays, such as system running and operation commands, running status display, chromatogram in- dication, display of history of analyzed values, alarm indication, a function notifying remaining service life of filter (optional), setting of various parameters, etc.

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  • GeneralSpecifications

    Clean-room Gas MonitorModel CM505 (Impinger)

    Yokogawa Electric Corporation2-9-32, Nakacho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 180-8750 JapanTel.: 81-422-52-5617 Fax.: 81-422-52-6792

    GS 12Y04F03-01E

    GS 12Y04F03-01E©Copyright Jul. 2007

    3rd Edition Oct. 10, 2008

    n GENERALAs the degree of integration of LSI increases as well as large scaled FPD production is driving forward, removal of gaseous contaminants such as ammonia and acid gases in clean room has become an impor-tant issue. To cope with this requirement, monitoring of air borne contaminants and periodic check of chemi-cal performance is vital measure. Typical test method conducted for this purpose is impinger method. How-ever, conventional impinger method has problem of long measuring time and cross contamination by the operator. The CM505 Clean room gas monitor realize contamination-free, on-line air borne monitoring with impinger method with measuring time of 1 hour. Op-tional multi-stream type (16 points) is also available. The system can monitor both Ammonia (or cations) and Acid gases (Anions) depend on the requirement.

    n FEATURES●Gascollectionisdonebyimpingerthusbothgaseous

    and particle/mist contaminants are collected● Ammonia gas is measured at a sensitivity of 0.01

    µg/m3.● Acidic gases (hydrogen chloride, sulfur dioxide,

    nitrogen dioxide, etc.) are measured at a sensitivity of 0.02 µg/m3

    ●ThesystemcanmonitorCations(sodium,calcium,etc.), Fluoride and organic acid (formic acid, acetic acid), and Boron depend on the requirement.

    ● Fully automated system and un-manned measure-ment

    ●Ionchromatography,ahighlyreliableanalyzingtech-nique is used

    ● The results are monitored on a trend graph from a work station. Optional communication output is avail-able

    ●Chemicalfilterlifeproductionsoftwareisavailable● Optional multi-stream switching type (up to 16) is available

    n SYSTEM CONFIGURATIONThis system consists of a gas collection unit with a im-pinger unit, an ion chromatograph unit and a worksta-tion (personal computer) as human interface.

    1. GasCollectionUnitThe gas collection unit is composed of a stream se-lector (optional) and a gas collector (Impinger)

    StreamSelector(optional)Thestreamselectorfor16pointsisavailable.Sam-plingtimeisselectable.Maximumsupplytubelengthis 50 m.Tominimize"memoryeffect"duetoabsorptionofsamplestothesurfaceofthetube,thesystemisprovidedwithafunctiontowashthetubefromthestream selector valve to the impinger with pure water. Thesystemalsoprovides"fastloop"tominimizethedelay in measuring time for the case where sample tubeislong.

    GasCollector(Impinger)Sample gas is introduced into impinger and those contaminantsinthesample,bothingaseousandparticle/mistformareabsorbedinthepurewater.Afterbubbling(gascollection),thewholeamountof water in the impinger and washing water used is introduced to Ion-chromatograph.

    2. IonChromatographUnit(Pi501)The ion chromatograph unit traps the collected ions in the concentration column. After that, those ions are forwardedtotheseparationcolumnbyoperatingtheswitching valve.Theseparationcolumnisfilledwithapackingmate-rial with ion exchanger. The ion components entering thecolumnwillbeseparatedbyitselectrical/physicalcharacteristicsrespectivelyandthenflowistothede-tector. The detector measures concentration of those respective ions separated.

    3. Workstation(PC)The workstation is used for operation and data displays, such as system running and operation commands, running status display, chromatogram in-dication,displayofhistoryofanalyzedvalues,alarmindication, a function notifying remaining service life offilter(optional),settingofvariousparameters,etc.

  • 2

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    GS 12Y04F03-01E Oct. 10, 2008-00

    Gas collection unit

    Stream selector (option)


    selector valve

    Stream valveGas introduction pump Eluent

    Eluent pump

    Sampling pump Concentrationcolumn

    Ion ChromatographUnit

    Separation columnDetector

    Switching valve


    To another impinger unit and ion chromatography


    Effluent pump

    Impinger unit



    Pure water

    Minimum detection limit*: 0.01μg/m3 for F– and Cl– 0.05μg/m3 for HCOO– 0.10μg/m3 for CH3COO–Measurement cycle: Less than 60 min (at overlap

    measurement)(5) Boron measurement

    Measurablecomponents: BMeasuring range: 0 to 100 ng/m3Minimum detection limit*: 10 ng/m3Measurement cycle: 140 min

    *: Minimum detection limit means the calculated valuebythesenseandnoise(S/N>2)

    Measurement accuracy:Range Co-relationwithmanualimpinger

    < 0.5 ***0.5 to 1.0 Less than ±40 %

    1.0 to 5.0 Less than ±20 %

    5.0 to 50 Less than ±15 % ***: Depend on the variation of manual impinger

    Measuring points: One point or up to 16 points (optional)Measurement method: Overlap measurement , series measure-

    mentCalibration: Calibrationusingstandardsolutions,auto-

    maticcalibrationExternal contact input: Measuring stream skip signal, external

    alarm signal, and external alarm reset signal

    External output: Abnormalconcentrationsignal(forevery

    stream, relay contact), system alarm signal (relay contact), measuring stream signal(binary,relaycontact),re-measure-ment signal (relay contact), liquid leakage signal(relaycontact),alarmbuzzersignal,and alarm light signal

    nSTANDARDSPECIFICATIONSModel: CM505 Clean Room Gas Monitor

    ● SystemSpecificationsGas collection: Impinger methodAnalysis method: Ion chromatography Measurement:(1) Ammonia measurement:

    Measurablecomponent: NH3Measuringrange: 0to50μg/m3Minimumdetectionlimit*: 0.01μg/m3Measurement cycle: Minimum 40 min (at overlap

    measurement)(2) Cations measurement

    Measurablecomponents: Na+, NH3, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+Measuringrange: 0to50μg/m3Minimumdetectionlimit*: 0.01μg/m3Measurement cycle: Minimum 40 min (at overlap

    measurement)(3) Anion measurement

    Measurablecomponents: Cl-, Br-, NO2-, NO3-, SO32-, SO42-,

    PO43-, (SO2 amount is calculated from SO32- and SO42-)

    PO43-measurementissubjecttosam-ple test

    Measuringrange: 0to50μg/m3Minimum detection limit*: 0.02μg/m3forAcidgasand0.05μg/

    m3 for PO43-Measurement cycle: Minimum 40 min (at overlap

    measurement)(4) Fluoride/organic acids measurement

    Measurablecomponents: F–, HCOO–, CH3COO–, Cl–Measuring range: 0 to 5μg/m3 for F– and Cl– 0to30μg/m3 for HCOO– and


  • 3

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12Y04F03-01E

    UtilityPower supply: 100Vto120VAC,50/60Hzor200Vto

    240VAC,50/60HzPower consumption: CM505; 0.5 kVA ForPersonalcomputer(notebookPC),

    a power line in separate power source is required.

    Wiring material: 3-wireshieldedcableofouterdiameter

    12.5 to 14.5 mmGrounding: Independent grounding (grounding resist-

    ance 100 ohm or less)

    PureWater• ForExternalpurewaterinlettype

    Purity: 18 Mohm/cm or morePressure: 0.2 to 0.3 MPaFlowrate: 1 to 2 L/min.Connection port: SUPER type Pillar Fitting,Tubesize: OD 6.35 mm, ID 4.35 mm

    • ForPurewatersupplysystemPurity: 18 Mohm /cm or more

    Water supply: Pure water (18 Mohm /cm or more)Operating temperature range: 5 °C to 40 °CPure water tank: 20 L come with low level sensor

    Reagent(EluentandRegenerant)(1) Ammonia measurement

    1 mmol/L nitric acid (HNO3), 0.2 ml/min.Supply frequency: Approx. once a month, replacement

    (2) Cation measurement11 mmol/L Sulfuric acid (H2SO4), 0.2 ml/min.Supply frequency: Approx. once a month, replacement

    (3) Anion measurement4.5mmol/Lsodiumcarbonate(Na2CO3), 0.2 ml/min.Supply frequency: Once a month, replacement

    (4) Fluoride/organic acids measurement7 mmol/L of sodium hydroxide, 0.2 ml/min.Supply frequency: Once a month, replacement

    (5) Boron measurementEluent:

    1 mmol/L sulfuric acid plus 7.5 mmol/L mannitol, 0.5 ml/min.Supply frequency: Once every 12 days, replacement

    Regenerant:25 mmol/L tetramethylammonium hydroxide plus 7.5 mmol/L mannitol, 0.5 ml/min.Supply frequency: Once every 12 days, replacement

    Oct. 10, 2008-00

    WasteWater• Chemicaleffluent

    (1) Ammonia measurementNitric acid solution, approx. pH 5, 2.2 ml/min.

    (2) Cation measurementSulfuric acid, approx. pH 4, 2.2 ml/min.

    (3) Anion measurementSodium-carbonatesolution,approx.pH10,2.2ml/min.

    (4) Fluoride/organic acids measurementSodium hydroxide solution, approx. pH 10, 2.2 ml/min.

    (5) Boron measurementSulfuric acid, tetramethylammonium hydroxide and mannitol mixed solution approx. 3 ml/min.

    • FordirectconnectiontofactorywastewaterlineEffluent: MixtureofChemicaleffluentandpure

    waterdrainage(about1to2L/min.)Piping: Thewastewaterisnotpressurizedandso


    Piping material: Corrosion-resistant material such as stain-

    less steelConnection port: Rc 1/2

    • ForPurewatersupplysystemFrequency of tank discharge: Once every two days, discharge from the

    20 L tank.InstallationEnvironmentMustbeinstalledinthecleanroomorinaplacewhichisascleanaspossibleSamplegasisdischargeddownwardfromthebackoftheCM505.Anexhaustsystemmayberequiredseparately.Ambienttemperature: 10 °C to 30 °C. Temperature changes dur-

    ingmeasurementshouldbeminimal.Ambienthumidity: 20 to 80 % RH, no vapor condensationAltitude: 2000mabovesealevelorlessOthers: Nodust,Novibration,Notilting,Noexpo-

    suretodirectsunlight,Nodirectairblownfrom an air conditioner, No corrosive or explosiveatmosphere,Mustbefixedasan anti-seismic measure.

    SampleGasconditionsUpper detection limit: 100 µg/m3Measuring port pressure: -0.05 MPa or moreFlowrate: 1or2L/min.(peranalyzer)Tube: Tobepreparedbycustomers TubematerialPE TubesizeOD6.0mm,ID4.0mm,length

    up to 50 m.Theinsideofthetubemustbecleanedwithpure


  • 4

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    GS 12Y04F03-01E

    ● CabinetSpecificationsConstruction: Stand-alonenon-closedtype(fixedtothe

    floorwithanchorbolts)withfrontdoorandkey, for indoor installation

    External dimensions: 860 (W) X 730 (D) X 1060 (H) mmMaterial: Body; Steel plate, Door; Steel plateCoating: EpoxyresinbakedfinishCoating color: Roof; Munsell N-3.5-0, semi-gloss, Front

    and side plates; Munsell 2.5Y 7/4, semi-gloss

    Weight: Approx. 150 to 180 kg depend on the specifications

    • Purewatersupplysystemspecifications(comewithpurewatersupplysystem,20Lwatertank,20Leffluenttankontrolley)

    External dimensions: 555 (W) X 840 (D) X 810 (H) mmWeight: approx.23kgexcludingwaterandefflu-


    ● MainComponentUnitSpecifications• GasCollectionUnit

    Stream selector valve (optional): 16-points selectionSelectionperiod: VariablePure water washing function: SettingforeverystreampossibleGas introduction pump: 2pumps,FlowrateAbout10L/min.Impinger: 2units(1analyzertype),or4units(2

    Analyzertype)Gas collection pump: 1 or 2 units depend on the application,

    Flowrate range 0.1 to 2 L/min. (practical flowrate1L/min.)

    • IonChromatographUnitModel: Pi501Eluent feeding pump: 1setofdoubleplunger,activedamper

    systemSuppressor: Used except Ammonia measurementSampling pump: With cleaning mechanism, 1 setOven: Temperature 45 °CElectrical conductivity detector: 1 unit, measuring range 0 to 5 mS/cmAutomatic switching valve: 1 unitMain column: 1 columnConcentration column: 1 columnDimensions: 370 (W) X 460 (D) X 230 (H) mm without

    suppressor 410 (W) X 460 (D) X 230 (H) mm with

    suppressorWeight: Approx. 24 kg without suppressor, Approx.

    27 kg with suppressor

    ● Workstation(notebookPC)Tobepreparedbycustomer.Weightshouldbeunder10kg,whenitisputonCM505.Recommendedspecificationsare,




    PC IBMPC/ATcompatible

    CPU PentiumII300MHzor higher 1GHzor higher

    HDD 4 GB or more 15 GB or more for OS10 GB or more for ApplicationRAM 256 MB or more 1 GB or more

    Language English or Japanese

    Display800 x 600 VGA or higher,andbeviewablewithequaltoormorethan256colors

    Serial port


    I/O: D-Sub9pinRS-232-Cport(male),2portsfor2analyzertype


    Therecommendedtransfercable: ELECOM CO., LTD. USB PC to Serial

    CableUC-SGTCable: RS-232-Ccrosscable

    ● WorkstationSoftwarePIWSFor operation and display of CM505NumberofIonchromatograph: Choice of 1 or 2Languagetobedisplayed: Choice of English or JapaneseMedia of software: CD-ROM

    Oct. 10, 2008-00

  • 5

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12Y04F03-01E

    nPRODUCTMODELCODES● ModelCM505Clean-roomGasMonitor

    Model BasicCode OptionCode Descriptions

    CM505 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Clean-room Gas Monitor (with Impinger)Measurement -1

    -2- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -


    Anions -NN-A2

    - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

    NoneAnion measurement (with suppressor)

    Cations -NN-C1-C2

    - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

    NoneAmmonia measurementCation measurement (with suppressor)

    Display language -E-J

    - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -


    --- -N - - - - - - - - - - Always “-N”--- -N - - - - - - - - - - Always “-N”--- -N - - - - - - - - - - Always “-N”Option /EX

    /W16-streams measurementWith pure water supply system *1

    *1: Comewithpurewatersystem,water/effluenttankontrolley.

    ● ModelPi501ProcessIonChromatograph

    Model BasicCode OptionCode Descriptions

    PI501 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Process Ion ChromatographEL pump -P1 - - - - - - - - - - Always"-P1"Oven -V1 - - - - - - - - - - Always"-V1"Measurement -A1-A-B


    - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -

    Anion measurementAmmonia measurementCation measurementFluoride/organic acids measurementor Boron measurement

    Display language -E-J

    - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -


    --- -N - - - - - - - - - - Always “-N”--- -N - - - - - - - - - - Always “-N”--- -N - - - - - - - - - - Always “-N”Option /T Withterminalboard

    ● ModelPIWSWorkstationSoftware

    Model BasicCode OptionCode Descriptions

    PIWS - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Workstation software for Pi500Display language -E

    -J- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -


    Numberofanalyzer 12

    - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -


    --- -0 - - - - - - - - - - Always"0"--- 1 - - - - - - - - - - Always “1”--- -N - - - - - - - - - - Always “-N”--- N - - - - - - - - - - Always “N”--- N - - - - - - - - - - Always “N”

    Oct. 10, 2008-00

  • 6

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    GS 12Y04F03-01E

    nACCESSORIESANDSPARES1. Standardaccessories

    Name Partnumber Qty Description


    Eluent *1 --- Please purchase it from chemical company.

    Standard solution *1 K9601LB 1 NH4+ 10 mg/L, 50 ml

    System check solution *1 K9601LC 1 NH4+ 1 mg/L, 100 ml

    CationEluent *1 --- Please purchase it from chemical company.Standard solutionSystem check solution *1 J9735BD 2

    Standard solution 50mL (mg/L)Li+:0.5, Na+:2, NH4+:2, K+:5, Ca2+:5, Mg2+:5 (mg/L)


    Eluent *1 --- Please purchase it from chemical company.

    Standard solutionSystem check solution *1 K9601LG 2

    Standard solution 50mL (mg/L)F-:5, Cl-:10, NO2-:15, Br-:10, NO3-:30, PO43-:30, SO42-:40 (mg/L)

    Fluoride and

    organic acid

    Eluent *1 --- Please purchase it from chemical company.

    Standard solution *1 --- Please purchase it from chemical company.

    BoronEluent *1 --- Please purchase it from chemical company.

    Standard solution *1 --- Please purchase it from chemical company.

    Anchorboltset K9613MA 1

    TUBEworkingjig K9613MC 1 Toolfortubeconnection

    Tank 10 L K9603ZJ 1 or 2 *1 Eluent tank

    Fuse S9517VK 2 3 A

    Fuse A1288EF 2 1 A

    Fuse L9019EF 2 or 4 *1 3 A, for Pi501

    Fuse A1174EF 2 1.25 A

    Ferrite core K9607MU 7 For CM505 power supply (2) and DO (5)

    Ferrite core K9607MV 2 or 4 *1 Between PC and Pi501

    Tank 20 L *2 K9603RF 1 For pure water

    Accessories kit *2 K9601BG 1 For pure water

    Insert tool for regenerant pump *3 J9734QY 1 For only Boron measurementUser's manualCM505 Clean-room Gas Monitor IM 12Y04F03-01E 1

    *1: Dependonthesystemspecifications*2: Provided when pure water system is ordered*3: Providedwhenboronmeasurementsystemisordered

    Oct. 10, 2008-00

  • 7

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12Y04F03-01E

    2. Sparepartsandconsumables


    Item PartNumber


    Ammonia Cation AnionFluorideand



    1 month Fluoride/organicacidmeasurement:filterunit*4 9933-11-102 2

    3 months

    Ammonia measurement: concentration column *1*2 K9601GA 1

    Ammonia measurement: separation column *1*2 K9601FA 1

    Cation measurement: concentration column *1*3 J9732AN 1

    Cation measurement: separation column *1*3 J9732AX 1

    Cation measurement: suppressor *1*3 J9732DV 1

    Anion measurement: concentration column *1*3 J9732DX 1

    Anion measurement: separation column *1*2 J9732DF 1Anion/fluoride/organicacid/boron measurement: suppressor *1*3 J9732DU 1 1 1Fluoride/organic acid measurement: concentration column *1*2 J9732QV 1

    Fluoride/organic acid measurement: separation column *1*2 J9732QU 1

    Boron measurement: concentration column *1*2 J9732QR 1

    Boron measurement: separation column *1*2 J9732QS 1

    Linefilter K9601DC 1 1 1 1 1

    4 months Diaphragmforeffluentpump K9601BH 1*5 1*5 1*5 1*5 1

    6 months

    Plunger seal for eluent pump K9600HZ 2 2 2 2 2

    Plunger seal for sample pump: for reagent line K9600NY 2 2 2 2 2

    Plunger seal for sample pump: for wash line K9600NZ 2 2 2 2 2

    Plunger seal for regenerant pump: for reagent line J9734QM 1

    Plunger seal for regenerant pump: for wash line J9734QR 1

    1 year

    Rotor seal for concentration valve K9600QC 1 1 1 1 1Plungerforeluentpump(forammonia/anion/fluoride/organicacid/boron measurement) *1 K9600HY 2 2 2

    Plunger for eluent pump (for cation measurement) *1 K9600HE 2 2

    Check valve for eluent pump: pump inlet *1 K9600HA 1 1 1 1 1

    Check valve for eluent pump: pump outlet *1 K9600GV 1 1 1 1 1

    Plunger for sample pump *1 L9869DJ 2 2 2 2 2

    Check valve for sample pump: pump inlet *1 K9600NG 1 1 1 1 1

    Check valve for sample pump: pump outlet *1 K9600NB 1 1 1 1 1

    Plunger for regenerant pump *1 J9734QV 1

    Check valve for regenerant pump: pump inlet *1 J9734QK 1

    Check valve for regenerant pump: pump outlet *1 J9734QJ 1

    Gas collection pump *1 K9608GJ 1 1 1 1 1

    Degassing module *1 K9603PB 1 1 1 1 1Cartridge for pure water supply system:Q Guard TL *6 QGARDTL01 1

    *1: Replacementintervalmayvarydependingonoperatingcondition.Shouldbereplacedasneeded.*2: Shelflifeis6monthswhenstoredinacleanplace,outofdirectsunlight,attemperaturesbetween15and28°C.*3: Shelflifeis3monthswhenstoredinacleanplace,outofdirectsunlight,attemperaturesbetween15and28°C.*4: Usedtopreventcarbondioxidegasintheairfromenteringtheeluentforfluoridemeasurement.Requiresreplacement

    onceamonth.ShouldbepurchaseddirectlyfromParkerHannifinCo..ListedpartnumberisthecataloguenumberofBolston Filter.

    *5: Only with pure water supply system.*6: Only with pure water supply system. ShouldbepurchaseddirectlyfromNihonMilliporeK.K.ListedpartnumbersarethecataloguenumbersofNihonMillipore


    Oct. 10, 2008-00

  • 8

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    GS 12Y04F03-01E

    3. ReagentsReagentsshouldbepurchaseddirectlyfromKantoChemicalCo.,Inc.and/orWakoPureChemicalIndustries,Ltd.

    Measurement Item Description Size PartNumber*1QuantityConsumed


    Eluent HNO3, 1 mmol/L 10 L14701-84 (Kanto) 1bottle/month

    Standard solution NH4+, 10 mg/L 50 ml38107-96 (Kanto) 1bottle/month

    System check solution NH4+, 1 mg/L 100 ml38108-96 (Kanto) 1bottle/month


    Eluent H2SO4, 10 mol/L 250 ml37993-13 (Kanto) 1bottle/month

    Standard solution Mixed cation standard solution (mg/L)Li+: 0.5, Na+: 2, NH4+: 2, K+: 5, Ca2+: 5, Mg2+: 5

    50 ml 07197-96 (Kanto)1bottleeach/monthSystem check solution


    Eluent Na2CO3, 4.5 mmol/L 10 L38085-84 (Kanto) 1bottle/month

    Standard solution Mixed anion standard solution (mg/L)F-: 5, Cl-: 10, NO2-: 15, Br-: 10, NO3-: 30, PO43-: 30, SO42-: 40

    50 ml 01856-96 (Kanto)1bottleeach/monthSystem check solution


    Eluent NaOH, 1 mol/L 500 ml 37847-08 (Kanto) 1bottle/month

    Standard solution

    Fluoride ion standard solution, 1000 mg/L 100 ml 14613-23 (Kanto) 1bottle/month

    Sodium formate 25 g 37175-30 (Kanto) 1bottle/year

    Sodium acetate 25 g 37093-30 (Kanto) 1bottle/year


    Eluent H2SO4, 10 mol/L, for ion chromatography 250 ml37993-13 (Kanto) 1bottle/month

    Eluent, regenerant D(–)-mannitol, M.W.=182.17 500 g 133-00845 (Wako) 1bottle/month

    Regenerant 25% tetramethylammonium hydroxide 500 ml 206-15035 (Wako) 1bottle/month

    Standard solution H3BO3 (analytical reagent grade), M.W.=61.83 500 g04232-00 (Kanto) 1bottle/month

    *1: ProductnumbersofKantoChemicalCo.,Inc.orWakoPureChemicalIndustries,Ltd.


    Oct. 10, 2008-00

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    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12Y04F03-01E









    4-ø15 holes




    710 8070

    720 7070

    ↑Front side

    Bottom (anchor bolt position)

    Power cable inlet

    Main beraker

    * With pure water supply system (/W)** 16-streams measurement (/EX)

    Drain tube inlet *

    Sample inlet **Unit: mm

    Wiring connectorfor water supplysystem *


    Pure waterinlet173 90 85


    CM505 top

    CM505 front side

    1000 860





    Maintenance spacePlease secure the installation space of the trolly separately for with pure water supply system (/W).



    Cartridge for pure water

    Pure water tank (20L)Drain tank (20L)

    Unit: mmSwitch box






    Oct. 10, 2008-00

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    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    GS 12Y04F03-01E




    Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3Bit 4#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9


    D/O (*2)

    D/O (*2)

    D/O Common

    D/O Common

    D/O (*2)

    D/O (*2)

    Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3Bit 4#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16

    Bit 0Bit 1Bit 2Bit 3Bit 4#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9#10#11#12#13#14#15#16





    A BNo Connection

    Normally Close (*1)No Connection

    D/O (*2)

    D/O (*2)











    Terminal board sw

    itch number


    Normally Open (*1)GNDGND

    D/O (*2)

    D/O (*2)



    D/O Common

    D/O Common

    Measurement Strream Skip Input

    Alarm InputAlarm Reset InputLeakage Water Alarm OutputAlarm Buzzer OutputAlarm Light OutputRetry Measurement Output

    Alarm Output

    Measurement Stream Bit Output

    Stream Alarm Output

    terminal board switch A 101 and 102Power Off

    Without eventWith event


    *1 :*2 : Select either terminal board switch A or B

    Power Off Open Common CloseFor A Without event Open Common Close

    With event Close Common OpenPower Off Open Common Close

    For B Without event Close Common OpenWith event Open Common Close

    When power is turned off: Open Common Close

    Contact input

    ResistancebetweenA and B

    200 Ω or less100 kΩ or more200 Ω to100 kΩ


    No operation garanteed

    Contact outputAlarm Buzzer, Alarm Light

    Use the contact at 30V DC, 0.5A or less expect forAlarm Buzzer, Alarm Light.

    Power OffWithout eventWith event

    0VLess than +1V

    +24VProtection circuit is not provided.

    Oct. 10, 2008-00

  • 11

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation GS 12Y04F03-01E

    ● MeasurementStreamSkipInputUsed when any stream measurement is skipped.

    ● RetryMeasurementOutputOutputs from the relay contact when the same streamismeasuredagainduetoanabnormalityinthe measured result. (No output at overlap measure-ment)

    ● AlarmBuzzerOutputTheterminalforsoundingthebuzzerwhenanalarmis generated. Power of +24 V DC is applied. The buzzerisprovidedasstandard.

    ● AlarmLightOutputThe terminal for lighting a rotating warning light and the like when an alarm is generated. Power of +24 V DC is applied. Normally, the light is not mounted. The user should not use this terminal.

    ● LeakageWaterAlarmOutputWhen liquid leakage occurs in the CM505 (except within Pi501), an alarm is output from a relay contact.

    ● AlarmOutputWhen a high level alarm occurs, alarm is output from relay contacts (5 points).

    ● MeasurementStreamBitOutputMeasurementstreamsareexpressedandidentifiedwithbitsandareoutputfromrelaycontacts.Measurement

    Stream Bit0 Bit1 Bit2 Bit3 Bit4

    1 1 0 0 0 0

    2 0 1 0 0 0

    3 1 1 0 0 0

    4 0 0 1 0 0

    5 1 0 1 0 0

    6 0 1 1 0 0

    7 1 1 1 0 0

    8 0 0 0 1 0

    9 1 0 0 1 0

    10 0 1 0 1 0

    11 1 1 0 1 0

    12 0 0 1 1 0

    13 1 0 1 1 0

    14 0 1 1 1 0

    15 1 1 1 1 0

    16 0 0 0 0 1

    ● StreamAlarmOutputTheabnormalconcentrationsignalforeachmeasure-ment stream is output from a relay contact.

    Oct. 10, 2008-00

  • 12

    All Rights Reserved. Copyright © 2007, Yokogawa Electric Corporation

    GS 12Y04F03-01E Oct. 10, 2008-00


    1. General(1)Nameofyourfirm:________________________________________________________________________(2)Personincharge:_____________________Department:__________________Phone:_________________(3)Nameofthefactory:_______________________________________________________________________(4)Measuringpoint(s):________________________________________________________________________(5)Powersupply:___________VAC,___________Hz

    2. Measuring Condition(1) Gastobemeasured:__________________________________(2)Numberofmeasuringpoints:____________________________Point(s)(3)Gasconcentration: ____________________________________µg/m3,(ppb) ____________________________________ µg/m3,(ppb) ____________________________________ µg/m3,(ppb) ____________________________________ µg/m3,(ppb) ____________________________________ µg/m3,(ppb)(4)Others:____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

    3. Location of Installation(1) Environment: □ In a clean room, □Sub-cleanroom,□ Outside a clean room(2)Ambienttemperature:__________to____________°C(3)Others:____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

    4.OtherRequirements:_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________

    CautionForsafeandcorrectuseofthisproductbesuretothoroughlyreadtheinstructionmanuals.“Windows”,"WindowsXP"and"WindowsVista"are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.“Pentium” is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.Other product names and the like are registered trademarks or trademarks of each company concerned.
