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  • 8/2/2019 CLE Exam Reviewer



    - the Israelites were constantly at risk when they entered Canaan due to the numerous tribes

    that inhabited the region

    - the Israelites were exposed to false gods, such as Baal, the Canaanite nature god of fertility

    - the Israelites were often tempted to worship false gods, especially when they had poor

    harvest, for they were desert people and didnt know much about farming

    - but even so, God demanded absolute and exclusive fidelity (being faithful), for he was their

    liberator. If they were unfaithful, they would risk losing their land to their unity, and risk losing

    their unity as the true people of God

    - it took Israel 50 years to completely occupy Canaan for it was not easy. They relied heavily on

    Gods support and guidance to prevail over their enemies

    - God led the Israelites through this hard time by choosing worthy leaders such as JOSHUA

    - the settlement of Canaan represented Gods desire to establish a new society where justice,

    freedom, and fidelity to Him

    Obedience: Joshuas Secret for Success


    - won battles over superior foes and successfully led the Israelites into Canaan

    - his strong leadership was not characterized by superior military strategy but by constant

    obedience to Gods will

    - a man of faith who boldly led his people against incredible odds because he believed in Gods

    promise that He would be with him

    - Joshuas life demonstrates how God is ever faithful to His covenant and how were supposed

    to respond to our mission through faith

    1. God calls Joshua to lead the Israelites (Nm 27: 12-22, Dt 31: 23, Jos 1: 1-9)

    - since Moses was slowly aging, he asked God for a successor, then God chose Joshua. Take

    Joshua, son of Nun, a man of spirit, and lay your hand upon him. (Nm 27: 18)

    - Joshua was the most qualified and deserving candidate to be Moses successor for he was very

    faithful to God and his teachings

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    - God commissioned Joshua: Be brave and steadfast, for it is you who must bring the Israelites

    into the land which I promised them on oath. (Dt 31: 23)

    - Like Moses, Joshua did not know exactly how to accomplish his mission but God assured him

    that He would support him

    - Joshua consulted God before every major endeavor

    2. Joshua leads the Israelites in crossing the River Jordan (Jos 3-4)

    - Israels first problem was crossing the River Jordan and establishing a foothold in Canaan. God

    told Joshua to send the Ark of the Covenant into the river first, and then the water receded,

    which allowed the Israelites to cross.

    - this event was considered miraculous by the Israelites, which can be also known as a plague.

    - the Israelites believed that this miracle came from Gods power. in order that all peoples of

    the earth may learn that the hand of the Lord is mighty. (Jos 4: 24)

    3. The Israelites experience victory at Jericho (Jos 5: 13-15, Jos 6)

    - since Joshua knew that they could not afford to be caught between two or more enemy tribes,

    he knew they had to conquer the city of Jericho first, before the highlands of Canaan.

    - before the Israelites crossed the River Jordan, Joshua sent 2 spies to explore Jericho and its

    surroundings. The spies were almost captured, but a woman named Rahab helped them


    - God intervened and assured Joshua of victory. I have delivered Jericho and its king into your

    power. (Jos 6: 2)

    - God told Joshua to do the following:

    1. Have all the soldiers circle the city and march around it once.

    2. Do this for 6 days with seven priests carrying rams horns ahead of the ark.

    3. On the 7th

    day, march around the city 7 times and have the priests blow the horns.

    4. Have all the people shout aloud when the priests give a long blast on their rams horns.

    5. When the city walls collapse, make a frontal attack.

    - the walls of Jericho indeed fell, which the Israelites believed once again, to be one of His


    - the Israelites were able to take over Jericho and then Canaan, all through Gods intervention

    - when Joshua had finished his last task for God, he gathered the people at Shechem to renew

    their covenant with Yahweh

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    The Israelites fell into a cycle ofsin, punishment, repentance, and deliverance. This cycle became a way

    of life for them in the OT. They kept forgetting one simple truth--to survive in Canaan, they had only to

    remain faithful to God.

    Like the Israelites, we need to realize that we can overcome our weaknesses only through faithful

    cooperation with God's grace. Through sincere prayer and a conscious moral effort on our part, we can

    slowly break the vicious cycle of sin that enslaves us.The judges in the OT were not interpreters of law like in the present. Rather, they were military and

    spiritual leaders called by God to protect His Chosen People and to keep them faithful to the covenant.

    They were heroes inspired by the Holy Spirit to be God's instruments.

    Gideon and His Dedication to God

    The Israelites began to worship other gods. This distracted them and gave the Midianites the chance to

    invade their land.

    1. God calls Gideon to lead his people (Jgs 6)

    - Gideon was called by Yahweh through an angel: "The Lord is with you, O champion!" (Jgs 6:12)

    - Gideon at first didn't believe it, but God was patient with him. Even if Gideon felt that he was

    insignificant and felt reluctant to heed God's call, God reassured him by saying, "I shall be with you." (Jgs


    2. Gideon leads in the defeat of Midian (Jgs 7)

    - Gideon sent messengers to various tribes and gathered an army of 1000 Israelites, but God only told

    him he only needed 200

    - instead of using swords or shields, Gideon was told by God to use trumpets, torches, and pots

    - At a given signal, they uncovered their torches and blew their trumpets, shouting "For the Lord and for

    Gideon!", then they broke the pots- the Midianites awoke in total confusion and panic. They began fighting and killing each other, then

    fled. They were defeated as God promised.

    God once again gave strange instructions to His chosen leader. This again proves that God's ways are

    very different from our ways.

    Gideon was called the brave and mighty man of God. But when the Israelites invited him to be their

    king, Gideon responded with humility by saying, "I will not rule over you, nor shall my son rule over you.

    The Lord must rule over you." (Jgs 8:23)

    Samson and His Reliance on Spiritual Power

    The Philistines were the most persistent and threatening of all the Israelites' enemies. Their oppression

    of the Israelites was the longest and the worst.

    1. God fulfills a promise in the birth of Samson (Jgs 13:1-23)

    - Samson was the fulfillment of a prophecy about a baby boy who would become a great warrior

    - at Samson's birth, angels appeared signifying God's presence and intervention.

    - he was offered to God and consecrated as a Nazarite (Nazarite Vow = uncut hair, no drinking wine)

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    2. Samson fights the Philistines (Jgs 15)

    - Samson was a very strong man. To keep his strength, he just had to maintain his Nazarite vow, which

    was a sign of one's dedication to God

    - it was Samson's strength that protected Israel from the Philistines

    - Samson, however, was not a military hero. He did not gather any warriors to fight with him but waged

    war alone

    3. Samson succumbs to a human weakness (Jgs 16)

    - Samson was also overconfident and overly proud of his abilities (weakness)

    - the Philistines learned that Samson had a human weakness through a woman named Delilah

    - Samson fell in love with Delilah. At first, Samson didn't tell Delilah his secret, but when Delilah

    pretended to be very hurt, Samson told Delilah about his Nazarite vow

    - Delilah cut Samson's hair, and Samson was captured by the Philistines

    - they tortured Samson; chained him, gouged out his eyes, and enslaved him

    - the Philistines though didn't notice that Samson's hair had slowly grown back. So Samson prayed to

    God and asked for strength one last time

    - using all his regained Strength, Samson pushed against the pillars and cried: "Let me die with the

    Philistines!" (Jgs 16:30)

    Samson had offered his life to save Israel and shown Yahweh's power against the Philistines. He was

    able to fulfill his mission.

    Samuel and His Strong Prayer Life

    Many judges had come and gone but Israel continued to be unfaithful. The Philistines continued to pose

    a threat to the Israelites. The Israelites thought about having a human king, just like the other nations,

    who could save them from their enemies permanently. At that time they were waiting for another judge

    to deliver them, little did they know that Samuel would be the last judge.

    1. God answers a mother's prayer. (1 Sm 1:11)

    - a woman named Hannah, who was barren, prayed to God for a male child, and promised God that he

    will be consecrated as a Nazarite (Nazareth)

    - God heard her plea, and gave her a son, whom she named Samuel, which meant "Asked of God"

    - as she promised, Hannah offered Samuel to God; she took care of him first then gave him to Eli, the

    high priest, to serve in the temple.

    - Hannah wanted Samuel's life to be dedicated to God for as long as he lived

    2. God calls Samuel (1 Sm 3)

    - Under Eli, Samuel learned the importance of faith in God and the way to live a holy life

    - one night when he was sleeping near the Ark of the Covenant, Samuel heard someone calling him.

    Thinking it was Eli calling him, Samuel came to him. When God called Samuel a 2nd and 3rd time, Eli

    realized it was God calling Samuel so he told Samuel to reply, "Speak Lord, for Your servant hears." (1

    Sm 3:9)

    - Samuel followed Eli's instructions, and the Lord spoke to him and called Samuel to his service

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    3. Samuel leads Israel in prayer (1 Sm 7)

    - when Samuel saw how disrespectful to the Ark of the Covenant the people had become, he gathered

    the people to pray for themselves and repent

    - when the Israelites wanted a king, Samuel prayed and asked God to help him. Before making major

    decisions, Samuel always prayed first; he took time to show the people how they had done wrong and

    he motivated them to turn back to God- Samuel's call was to be a priest and a prophet; as a priest, he was to be a model of faith and prayer. As

    a prophet, he was to tell the people of God's will for them

    - God would work through Samuel to help His people select their first king, and continue the lineage

    which would eventually lead to David and Jesus Christ

    4. Israel desires a king (1 Sm 8)

    - the Israelites' desire for a king grew stronger. God told Samuel to warn the people about the right and

    power of a king

    - but the Israelites didn't listen. They continued to pressure Samuel to select a king for them

    - the Lord instructed Samuel to do as the Israelites wished. He consoled Samuel saying, "It is not you

    they reject, they are rejecting me as their king" (1 Sm 8:7)

    - God also told Samuel, "At this time tomorrow I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin whom

    you are to anoint as commander of my people Israel. He shall save my people from the clutches of the

    Philistines, for I have witnessed their misery and accepted their cry for help" (1 Sm 9:16)

    In Samuel, we see the importance of prayer in the life of a leader. Samuel always consulted God in

    prayer whenever he was to make important decisions. He prayed to find out what God wanted him to

    do. He also prayed for the Israelites and led them to repentance.

    The Lesson of Saul's Disobedience: His Failure as King

    - Saul was a sheperd from the south- He came to Ephraim to look for his father's lost donkeys. Saul and his servant went to Samuel, hoping

    that Israel's judge and prophet could help them find the donkeys

    - Samuel spotted Saul easily in the market for Saul was strikingly taller than anyone else there

    - God told Samuel, "This is the man of whom I told you; he is to govern my people" (1 Sm 9:17)

    - Samuel told Saul that he was to be Israel's first king. Saul was shocked at this revelation. Eventually

    though, Saul trusted Samuel and reluctantly accepted the offer to be king

    - the next morning, Samuel privately anointed Saul as the first king of Israel. Anointing was a sign that

    Saul was God's choice. He was to rule over the Israelites as God's servant; the Spirit of the Lord was

    given to Saul so he could save God's people

    The Early Reign of Saul

    - Saul had all the qualities of a good king. He was a good and able-bodied man, and a capable mediator.

    He prevented the tribes from fighting one another. He successfully gathered men and formed an army,

    something the judges couldn't do

    - He claimed his first military victory over the Ammonites (1 Sm 11: 1-15)

    - inspired by his bravery, the Israelites folloiwed Saul into battle against their enemies.

    - Saul found favor with God. Under his leadership, Israel became united

    The Later Reign of Saul

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    - as his duties grew, Saul be came temparemental and impatient. He began to have violent mood swings

    and make wrong decisions

    - the sacred writers often described Saul's tantrums by saying, "The spirit of the Lord had left him." Saul

    even quarreled often with Samuel, his closest adviser

    - one time, Saul performed religious ceremonies before battle even though he was told by Samuel not to

    do so

    - in another battle, he was instructed by God not to take anything from the defeated enemy, but Sauldidn't listen and got the enemy's cattle

    - Saul's power gradually alienated him from his own people and threatened the existence of his kingdom

    - he had forgotten that kings are meant to serve other. He had grown corrupt and self-centered

    - the once reliable, humble, and resourceful young man had become ill-tempered, cruel, and

    disobedient. This struggle would be with him for the rest of his life

    Saul, initially a great leader, brought unity among the Israelites. Later on, however, his impatience and

    bad temper led him to disobey God's commands completely.


    God showed His concern for His people by calling exemplary individuals to be the leaders of Israel. He

    was faithful to His promuse to remain always with the Israelites.


    Trust in God and obedience to His laws were the reasons for the success of the Israelite leaders. We

    should learn from their examples and remain faithful to God.


    The stories of Joshua and the judges of Israel show us the importance of prayer. Whenever their

    enemies attacked them, the Israelites cried out to God for deliverance. When faced with big challenges,

    their leaders prated for enlightenment.

    We too must turn to God in times of distress, but we should not remember Him only when we havetroubles. Prayer should help us see God in all experiences.

    Saul became disobedient to Samuel and to God. Guided by God, Samuel left at once to find and anoint

    Israel's next king.

    David's Call and Anointing (1 Sm 16:1-13)

    - Samuel was led by God to the house of Jesse of Bethlehem

    - Jesse presented his sons to Samuel, who were all tall, strong, and handsome. However, Yahweh told

    Samuel, "Do not judge from his appearance or from his lofty stature.. Not as man sees does God see,

    because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart" (1 Sm 16:7)

    - God was concerned with the inner qualities of a person. Just as he had reasons for choosing Moses,God had his reasons for choosing David over his siblings

    - Samuel asked Jesse if had anymore sons, so Jesse sent for his youngest son, David

    - when David came, God said to Samuel, " 'There--anoint him for this is he!' Then Samuel, with the horn

    of oil in hand, anointed him.. and from that day on, the spirit of the Lord rushed upon David" (1 Sm


    Although David was the youngest and least experienced among Jesse's sons, it was he who Samuel

    anointed to be next king of Israel. Though David had the blessing of God, Saul was still the king. He

    respected Saul so he waited for his own time to be king.

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    The Young David

    David at the Court of Saul (1 Sm 16:17-23)

    - Saul often felt stressed and experienced bad moods, so he asked his servants to find a harpist whose

    music could calm him down

    - the servants found David who was good with the harp. His playing would calm Saul down- David's soothing melodies became such a great comfort to Saul that he asked David to remain in his

    service; David became one of Saul's armor-bearers

    - the Philistines continued to threaten the Israelites. There was a giant Philistine warrior named Goliath

    who no Israelite dared to fight

    - Goliath personified to the people the cruelty and intimidating presence of their enemies

    David's Victory over Goliath (1 Sm 17:41-54)

    With all his soldiers afraid to face Goliath, Saul became desperate. Saul even offered my and even his

    daughter to anyone who could defeat the giant, but no one took his offer.

    1. Goliath dares the Israelites

    - for 40 days, Goliath waited for a challenger. During this time, David arrived at the Israelite camp to

    deliver food. He was surprised why no one challenged Goliath. He asked, "Who is Philistine.. that he

    should insult the armies of the living God?" (1 Sm 17:26)

    2. David accepts Goliath's challenge

    - instead of keeping quiet, David approached King Saul and offered to fight Goliath. The Philistines

    laughed when David came to the field, for he was so small and weak compared to Goliath. David only

    had a shepherd's staff, a sling, and 5 stones.

    - David was not afraid, for his confidence came from the conviction that God would decide the outcome

    of his battle.

    3. David wins the battle

    - David took a stone and hurled it with a sling at Goliath's forehead. Goliath got knocked out. David then

    took Goliath's sword and killed him in front of the shocked Philistines.

    - David's incredible victory showed that Yahweh was the living God who gave courage to the weak and

    fearful, saved the opperessed, and made the impossible come true.

    - David's days as a shepherd were over. He was now a great warrior in Saul's army; Israel's new hero and

    greatest champion.

    4. Saul became jealous of David (1 Sm 18:6-16)

    - when Saul and David returned from the Israelites' victorious battle, they were met by several women

    who sang, "Saul has slain his thousands, and David his ten thousands" (1 Sm 18:7)- Saul grew angry when he heard the song. He began to envy David's success and suddenly saw him as a

    threat to the throne.

    - Saul's jealousy grew so intense that he planned to kill David. Once, he aimed a spear at David while

    David was playing the harp. Saul also sent David into dangerous battles hoping that he would be killed in


    David's Friendship with Jonathan

    - David became a close friend of Saul's son, Jonathan. Jonathan was a great warrior; he often helped

    David in battle

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    - Jonathan learned about Saul's plot to kill David, so Jonathan warned David and helped him escape.

    Jonathan showed that he was a good friend and a good son by saving both David and Saul

    - David became a fugitive and traveled from one place to another to escape from Saul's pursuit

    David Spares Saul (1 Sm 24)

    - one night, Saul came upon the cave where David was hiding, and rested there

    - David saw the perfect opportunity to kill Saul, but instead of murdering Saul and ending his ordeal,

    David just cut off a piece of Saul's robe- when Saul woke up in the morning, David showed the cloth to Saul and said, "My lord the king! ... Why

    do you listen to those who say, 'David is trying to harm you'? You see for yourself today that the Lord

    just now delivered you into my grasp in the cave. I had some thought of killing you, but I took pity on

    you instead... I will not raise a hand against my lord, for he is the Lord's anointed and a father to me"

    - Saul was deeply moved; he felt ashamed for plotting to kill David. David had both reason and

    opportunity to kill Saul but wisely chose not to do so. David showed that he was still loyal to the king

    despite Saul's efforts to kill him

    - Saul returned to Canaan but quickly forgot the lesson he had learned. He again became jealous of

    David and wanted to hunt him down, but there were more serious problems this time. Samuel had died

    and the Philistines had invaded deep into Israelite territory

    - Jonathan fought valiantly to save his father but the Philistines had all Israelite forces surrounded. Soon

    after Jonathan died, Saul and his army were defeated. David, who was far away, heard about the news

    and mourned the tragic deaths of Jonathan and Saul

    King Davids Reign

    With Saul gone, David became King of Israel. He knew very well that he needed Gods guidance

    more than ever. He asked God, Where shall I go? (2 Sm 2:1) God told him to go to Hebron, which was

    in the center of Judah. There, the men of Judah anointed David as their new king. They publicly

    recognized him as Gods choice.

    Davids Accomplishments

    David achieved much for Israelmilitary and political victories, religious stability, cultural advances,

    peace, and prosperity.

    Davids first problem was how to win back the northern tribes, who were still loyal to Saul. But after

    some months, David was able to unite all tribes of Israel into one nation.

    1. David gains military and political victories- The Israelites won successive victories over the Philistines and finally drove them out of


    - David also entered into a treaty with the Pheonician king. This expanded the borders ofIsrael as far as Assyria in the north and Egypt in the south.

    - Never before had Israel experienced such political power. David brought a period of internaland external peace to his nation.

    2. David establishes Jerusalem at the seat of power.- David transferred the seat of power to Jerusalem. This gave his people a fresh start.- David also gave due importance to the Ark of the Covenant which had been neglected

    during the time of Saul. He transferred the ark to Jerusalem so that all the tribes of Israel

    could worship Yahweh there.

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    - Jerusalem was transformed into a religious capital. This legacy of David began a traditionthat would last a thousand years.

    3. David encourages the writing of the OT books.- Davids reign was characterized by peace, order, and justice and with such an atmosphere,

    scholars were encouraged to produce many of the great books of the OT such as the

    Pentateuch and the Book of Psalms.


    David receives Gods promises.- God promised greatness and immortality to Davids kingdom- Your house and your kingdom shall endure forever before me; your throne shall stand firm

    forever (2 Sm 7:16)

    - I will make your dynasty stand firm forever (Ps 89:5)- God promised David that his family line would go on forever. The greatest gift God offered

    David was only seen generations later when Jesus Christ was the Messiah was born from

    Davids line.

    -King Davids Sin and Repentance

    David was a great leader, but he was not perfect. Like Saul, he, too, succumbed to temptation and sin.

    Davids Sins of Lust, Murder, and Adultery (2 Sm 11)

    - One day, David saw a beautiful woman named Bathsheba bathing, and asked his servant tobring her to him. She was the wife of Uriah, one of Davids trusted officers. Although David

    had many wives already, he still desired to have Bathsheba as well.

    - It was legal at that time to have more than one wife, but marrying someone elses wife wasillegal, for doing so was to commit adultery and was not allowed by Jewish law.

    - So David sent Uriah to the frontlines of battle where he would surely be killed. With Uriahdead, David could then take Bathsheba as his wife. It was a clear case of lust, murder, andadultery.

    Davids Repentance (2 Sm 12)

    - God was displeased with Davids sins so He sent the prophet Nathan to denounce hissinfulness.

    - Nathan came into Davids palace and told him a story about a rich man who had manycattle, and a poor man who only had one lamb. The rich man received a visitor, but he

    would not take from his own flocks, so he just got the poor mans lamb instead. David got

    very angry with that man, but Nathan said David was that man. (2 Sm 12:1-7)

    Nathan used a powerful story to point out Davids hidden sins and make him realize the great injustice

    he had committed.

    1. David acknowledges his sins.- David acknowledged the truth humbly: I have sinned against the Lord (2 Sm 12:13)- He realized the seriousness of the evil he had done and remembered how good God had

    been to him. He wept in sorrow and awaited Gods punishment.

    2. David faces his punishment.

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    - David saw chaos in his family and in his nation. His first son with Bathsheba died (2 Sm 12:15-18), his other sons murdered each other (2 Sm 13), and his son Absalom plotted a

    rebellion against him (2 Sm 15).

    - All these events brought him great sorrow so he begged for Gods forgiveness.- God forgave David but David had to face the consequences of his sins.

    3. David receives Gods saving grace.-

    Its important to remember that even though David sinned, he repented. In the end, thebrave and courageous David became a model of repentance

    - Have mercy on me, God, in your goodness; in your abundant compassion blot out myoffense. Wash away all my guilt; from my sin cleanse me.. A clean heart create for me God;

    renew in me a steadfast spirit.. Restore my joy in Your salvation; sustain in me a willing

    spirit. (Ps 51: 3-4, 12, 14)

    After his genuine repentance, David lived in Gods grace once again. He received tremendous

    blessings of prosperity from God. That is why the Scriptures refer to him as, a man made after Gods

    own heart. His kingdom grew more admirable in the eyes of people. His reign brought great peace and

    prosperity to Israel.

    King Davids Psalms and our Prayers

    Psalms are rich and vivid lines of praise to God. David wrote psalms as a young man and prayed them

    often. When he became King, he promoted the writing of the Book of Psalms and the other books of the

    Old Testament. The Psalms became a central part of Jewish prayer life, especially as part of temple


    We all pray, to express our heartfelt praise to God our Creator, Savior, and Destiny. We pray to ask for

    His forgiveness, thank Him for His blessings, tell Him of our joys and frustrations, and present to Him our

    petitions and supplications. The Psalms are inspired prayers in the Bible that can help us experience God

    and talk to Him. As prayers, the Psalms


    - rich and vivid lines of praise to God

    - written by David as a young man, and was prayed by him often

    - became a central part of Jewish prayer life, especially as part of temple worship

    - inspired prayers in the Bible that can help us experience God and talk to Him. These prayers often

    address God as a friend and as an intimate confidant with whom we can be perfectly honest

    - teach us that God deserves an honest prayerone that comes from the heart

    - express not only our anguish, sorrow, and frustration over the many things we experience in life, but

    also our great joy and thanksgiving for Gods blessings and favors

    Psalms: Rich and Varied Ways of Praying

    Psalms are classified in different ways. Three common types: praise, lament, and thanksgiving.

    1. A psalm of praise expresses praise and thanksgiving for the saving acts of God and a plea for His

    continual care

    - examples: Psalm 19, Psalm 103

    - Gods Glory in the Heavens and in the Law (Ps 19)

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    - Praise of Divine Goodness (Ps 103)

    2. A psalm of lament communicates bitter and sorrowful feelings. It describes a problem and asks for

    Gods help. To express the persons or communitys gratitude for Gods deliverance, the author of the

    psalm promises to praise and serve God.

    - examples: Psalm 13 and Psalm 77

    - Prayer in Time of Distress (Ps 13)- Confidence in God during National Distress (Ps 77)

    3. A psalm of thanksgiving expresses our gratitude to God for His goodness and Generosity.

    - examples: Psalm 92 and Psalm 118

    - A Hymn of Thanksgiving for Gods Fidelity (Ps 92)

    - Hymn of Thanksgiving (Ps 118)

    The Psalms remind us to turn our hearts to God at all times to prepare ourselves for the major turning

    points of our lives. The Psalms can truly help us become closer to God.


    In the Bible, wisdom means knowing God, living according to His will, and "living truthfully". Thus the

    opposite of wisdom is foolishness, which refers to a life lived untruthfully. Essentially, to be wise and

    virtuous is to have a loving relationship with God and with one's neighbor. Virtue and wisdom led the

    Israelites to observe their faith truthfully.

    Solomon: The Wise but Extravagant King

    Solomon was considered a wise king because he could clearly distinguish right from wrong. His life

    teaches us that true wisdom is grounded on a proper relationship with God.

    Solomon Proclaimed King (1 Kgs 1:1-48)

    Solomon was the second son of David and Bathsheba. He was an educated man who had been prepared

    by his father to be the next king. Solomon rode David's mule to symbolize the rite of passage. Solomon

    proceeded to Gihon where he was anointed by the priest Zadok and the prophet Nathan. This

    symbolized that Solomon was not just David's choice, but also God's.

    The Splendor and Glory of Solomon's Reign

    David's parting words to Solomon were "Take courage and be a man. Keep the mandate of the Lord,your God, following his ways and observing his statutes, commands, ordinances, and decrees as they are

    written in the law of Moses" (1 Kgs 2:2-3) David reminded Solomon that he would only be successful by

    abiding by these instructions, and by keeping God's law.

    1. Solomon requests for the gift of wisdom. (1 Kgs 3:4-15)

    When God appeared to Solomon in a dream and offered him anything, Solomon asked for wisdom. (1

    Kgs 3:9)

    God was pleased that Solomon asked for wisdom rather than wealth or power. It was a sign that he

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    knew the makings of a good leader, so, God rewarded him with wisdom along with riches and power.

    Solomon's request for wisdom marked the start of his reign.

    2. Solomon uses his gift of wisdom.

    Solomon became famous for his ability to pass wise judgement. Even rulers from distant lands came to

    him for wisdom. One time, Solomon settled a dispute between two mothers who were each claiming a

    baby to be hers. (1 Kgs 3:16-28) Solomon ordered the baby to be cut in half and to be shared, when oneof the women offered to give up the baby. Then, Solomon knew she was the true mother.

    Like David, Solomon wrote wise sayings and composed songs; parts 2 and 5 of the book of Proverbs are

    ascribed to him. He encouraged the writing of the Wisdom books, which deal with philosophy and the

    proper wat of relating to God and living an upright life.

    3. Solomon builds the Great Temple of Jerusalem (1 Kgs 6)

    The Temple of Jerusalem became the centerpiece of Solomon's reign. It was known as one of the

    wonders of the ancient world. Solomon had the temple built because he wanted to give God only the

    best house possible. But God reminded him that it was not the splended temple but Solomon's

    obedience to His will that pleased him.

    4. Solomon brings Israel to its golden age.

    During the reign of David and Solomon, Israel experienced an era of great peace, prosperity, and

    religiosity. Solomon made Israel a world power. With peace and international respect finally attained

    during David's rule, Solomon's kingdom was able to amass wealth far beyond David's dreams. Solomon

    was hailed as one of the greatest kings the world had ever seen. (1 Kgs 10:23-24)

    Solomon's Sins and Eventual Downfall

    Solomon's greatness, however, did not last. Like David, he too succumbed to sin and temptation, and

    made critical mistakes during his reign. He slowly forgot David's instructions to keep God's laws. From

    being wise and simple, he became extravagant, idolatrous, and proud.

    Solomon's Foreign Wives and Idolatry.

    Solomon kept many foreign wives to further his international power. In time, he joined his wives in

    worshipping other their false gods. This led to even his own people practicing idolatry, which marked

    the onset of disunity and division in Solomon's kingdom.

    Solomon's Extravagance

    In the latter part of his reign, Solomon used exploitative methods such as forced labor and heavy

    taxation to accomplish his goals. He was only interested in the northern countryside for the materials itprovided for his temple, and because of this, the resources of the once over-flowing national treasury

    were slowly depleted.

    "He shall not have a great number of horses; nor shall he makes his people go back again to Egypt to

    acquire them.. Neither shall he have a great number of wives.. nor shall he accumulate a vast amount of

    silver and gold" (Dt 17:16-17)

    Horses and chariots were paraded by kings to show their military strength, but for the Israelites, they

    were reminders of the Egyptian army that had oppressed their ancestors, so it was offensive to them

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    Examples: "A wise son loves correction, but the senseless one heeds no rebuke" (Prv 13:1)

    "He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him takes care to chastise him" (Prv 13:24)

    The Book of Sirach/Ecclesiasticus

    Jesus Ben Sirach is the author of the Book of Sirach or Ecclesiasticus, which means "church book." BenSirach was a wise man who lived in Jerusalem. He had a great love for the law and the temple, who

    wrote this book to help the Israelites maintain their religious faith through a study of their traditions and

    their holy books. The Book of Sirach/Ecclesiasticus is deeply religious and devotes 7 chapters to Israel's

    history and heroes.

    Example: "A kind mouth multiplies friends, and gracious lips prompt friendly greetings. Let your

    acquaintances be many, but one in a thousand your confidant" (Sir 6:5-6)

    * Both the Book of Proverbs and the Book of Sirach contain short practical advices for everyday living.

    SOURCE: Called to Discover our Christian Faith

    The Prophets: Calling Us to Conversion

    After Solomon, came the Prophets, who were sent by God to bring the Israelites back to him.

    Faithfulness to the covenant, the sign of friendship between God and Israel, was the focus of the

    message of the prophets Among the prophets were Elijah, Amos, and Hosea.

    A Divided Kingdom

    After Solomon died, Israel fell apart. The northern tribes, majority of the people, resented the inhumane

    economic and political policies of Solomon, especially the higher taxes and forced labor. Rehoboam,

    Solomons son and successor, refused to lighten the burden of the northerners, so Jeroboam led themto a revolt against the house of David.

    The revolt split the nation in 2 kingdoms: The northern kingdom was called Israel/Ephraim, and the

    southern kingdom was called Judah, and its capital was Jerusalem. They sometimes fought but were

    at peace most of the time due to their faith in God.

    The northern kingdom, Israel however, was more unfaithful. The kingdoms beginnings were marked by

    setting up images of Baals (gods of fertility) at places of worship. The kingdom of Judah was also prone

    to idolatry, despite having the Temple of Jerusalem. Idolatry was the worst sin of the Israelites, and it

    was this that forced judgment of them. Since kings no longer represented Yahweh to the people, God

    sent the prophets as His messengers to both kingdoms.

    Early Old Testament Prophets

    Along with kings, prophets were also considered leaders of Israel. During the division after Solomons

    reign, the people turned more to the prophets rather than the kings for Gods message. Prophets were

    not always well-liked, but the people knew that they spoke the Lords message for them. The prophets

    proclaimed their message using imagery and symbolism. Some delivered their prophecies in the form of

    beautiful poetry. (Am 8:1-2) Some delivered their prophecies by acting out their message. (Ez 12:3, 5-6)s

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    The prophets called the people to personal conversion and national reform, but their message usually

    fell on deaf ears. They were even beaten, insulted, stoned, or imprisoned for confronting the Israelites

    with Gods sharp criticism and unpopular message.

    Despite countless hardships, the prophets continued to preach Gods word, and ended up prophesying

    to a remnant of the people who continued to sincerely believe in God. In the end, the prophets

    advanced Gods plan of salvation by preparing the people for the coming of the Messiah. THE PROPHETS

    WERE NOT FORTUNE TELLERS. They spoke only the truth about the conditions existing in Israel at thattime. They were guided by God to show the Israelites the error of their ways. Also, the prophets were

    accepted by the people only when their predictions came true, only then were they considered

    authentic and qualified to interpret the problems of their time from Gods point of view.

    Elijah: Call to Faith in the True God (ELIJAH = YAHWEH IS MY GOD)

    Elijah was called by God to prophesy to the northern kingdom of Israel during a period of idolatry. The

    kings of the northern kingdom didnt want their people to go to the South, for fear that the northern

    tribes might develop a desire to reunite with their southern brothers. Elijah made enemies of the king

    and his wife. He was called, TROUBLER OF ISRAEL. Aside from his outright attack on Baal, Elijah also

    denounced the kings injustice to the poor.

    The True God of Israel

    Elijah was first asked by God to prophesy a long drought to the northern kingdom for their people

    already forgot their covenant with Yahweh. Then in the 3rd

    year of the drought, God again summoned

    Elijah to present himself to the king and announce Gods promise of rain.

    1. The contest at Mount Carmel (1 Kgs 18)

    Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to prove who the real provider of Israel was. He went up against

    450 prophets of Baal. They built altars of sacrifice and agreed that only the one who was truly Godcould produce fire from heaven to burn up the offering. Many saw the fire of Yahweh consume the

    holocaust. Rain followed, bringing the drought to an end.

    The Israelites realized that everything they had been receiving came from Yahweh. The contest at

    Mount Carmel did much to restore the faith of many in the one true God, Yahweh. This enraged Jezebel,

    the kings wife, thus Elijah fled to Horeb to escape her wrath.

    2. A quiet God (1 Kgs 19)

    Elijah climbed to the top of Mt. Horeb. He waited for God in the strong wind, but the Lord wasnt there.

    An earthquake followed, but the Lord still wasnt there. Then came a great fire, but still, the Lord wasnt

    there. After the fire, there was a tiny whispering fire. Only then did Elijah hear Gods voice.

    Elijah encountered God in silence. This teaches us that Gods presence can be felt not necessarily in

    great events of history but in the small and seemingly insignificant affairs of life. Be still and confess

    that I am God (Ps 46:11)

    3. Seizure of Naboths vineyard ( 1 Kgs 21)

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    Hosea was a native of Israel who preached after the time of Amos. Hosea spoke to the Israelites the way

    Amos did and passionately criticized Israel's sinful ways, however, his tone was softer and his message

    was full of love and sympathy.

    The unique thing about Hosea was that he lived out his message before he preached it. His strange and

    painful marriage taught him much about God's love for the Israelites.

    God called Hosea to marry a prostitute named Gomer. (Hos 1:2) Although Hosea loved Gomer, she was

    repeatedly unfaithful; she would always be with other men despite Hosea's love and respect for her.

    Hosea tried everything to win his wife back, but Gomer was too set in her old ways and refused to go

    back to him. Gomer's infidelity was so bad that God told Hosea to name his children Lo-Rouhama and

    Lo-Ammi, which meant "not loved" and "not my people", respectively. The names not only expressedHosea's frustration with Gomer, but also God's disappointment with Israel.

    1. Hosea presents insights into God's love

    God told Hosea to love a woman "as the Lord loves the people of Israel, though they turn to other gods"

    (Hos 3:1) Gomer symbolized Israel whom God faithfully loved and called to repentance again and again.

    Hosea's message applies even to us today: God will always love His Chosen People-- Israel then and we

    today-- and will never leave them. Hosea paints a picture of God not only as a loving husband, but alsoas a loving father of a rebllious child. Hosea 11 is considered one of the most moving literary pieces in

    the OT. Example: Hos 11:1-4.

    2. Hosea challenges us today

    Hosea challenges us to look at our own ungratefulness. His broken marriage is an image of our

    relationship with God. His story forces us to reflect if we are like Gomer.

    Hosea's life shows us that God keeps on loving us no matter how stubborn or sinful we are. Hosea also

    shows us what it means to be faithful. His devotion to Gomer brought him closer to God because it

    helped him realize that faith is an everyday decision to love the people around us.

    The Prophets: Calling Us to Renewal

    Despite the efforts of Elijah, Amos, and Hosea, many Israelites refused to convert and return to their

    covenant with Yahweh. God then sent the prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel to once again call the people

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    to true repentance. Jeremiah and Ezekiel were given the task to prepare the Israelites for the Fall of

    Jerusalem and the Babylonian Exile.

    God restored His people by ending their exile and bringing them back to Jerusalem. God sent Jonah, to

    guide them. Through Jonah, God reminded Israel that its mission was to serve as a "light to the nations"

    and not to "outcast" those outside the Jewish community.

    Jeremiah: Be Confident In The Lord

    The kings after Solomon were weak and evil except for King Josiah, who instituted reforms to purify

    Israel's worship (2 Kgs 22-23), though widespread idolatry continued.

    It was during Josiah's time that Jeremiah was called to be a prophet. Jeremiah was a young man from

    the priestly family of Anathoth. He prophesied until the reign of King Zedekiah, Israel's last king.

    God's Call to Jeremiah

    Jeremiah was shy and timid; he was not very confident that he could carry God's tasks. Because of this,

    he needed strong support and reassurance from God. (Jer 1:5-7)This was why God called Jeremiah in an intimate way. God Himself touched Jeremiah on the mouth

    while saying, "See, I place my words in your mouth" (Jer 1:9) He knew that Jeremiah needed constant

    assurance so he could prepare the Israelites for the difficult times ahead.

    Jeremiah's Message from God for Us

    The Israelites, complacent with their faith, believed that God would help them even though they made

    no serious efforts to follow the covenant laws, due to God's promise that David's Kingdom would never


    1. Jeremiah speaks of true faith in God

    The Israelites were confident that no foreign people, not even the mighty Babylonians, could ever

    capture their city. But Jeremiah knew better, so he spoke to the kings and asked them to concede to the

    Babylonians to avoid bloodshed. He predicted that God would allow the Ark of the Covenant, the

    Temple, and the city of Jerusalem to be destroyed (Jer 7:1-7; 3:16; 19:10-15) because these had become

    false sources of security for the Israelites.

    Jeremiah taught the Israelites that faith was a matter of personally accepting God and following His will

    rather than of performing grand rituals. Sadly, the kings didn't listen to Jeremiah and even accused him

    of being a traitor.

    2. Jeremiah speaks about God's judgment

    God called the Israelites to become His faithful people but they refused to cooperate with Him. In a

    vision, Jeremiah saw a boiling pot being poured over Judah (Jer 1:13-19) Jeremiah believed this

    symbolized how God would judge the people, of how He would allow the Babylonians to invade Israel,

    and of how He would cleanse the land of false worship. It was a vision of the fall of Jerusalem.

    3. Jeremiah speaks about the New Covenant

    The climax of Jeremiah's preaching was his prophecy of the New Covenant. He predicted that although

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    most of Israel would be destroyed, a remnant would survive. He also spoke of God's promise that

    whoever remained faithful to Him would be part of the New Covenant. (Jer 31:31-34)

    Jeremiah preached that in the New Covenant, God would no longer simply give laws like the Ten

    Commandments. Instead, He would "write" His law in the very hearts of His people. (Presence of the

    Holy Spirit)

    According to Jeremiah, the time of the New Covenant God would be a time when God, through theMessiah, would pardon sins and make things new. This was a message that sustained the Israelites'

    hopes during their long and difficult exile.

    Jeremiah's Inner Struggles

    Jeremiah predicted the fall of Jerusalem. Sadly, the Israelites found it hard to believe that Jerusalem

    would be destroyed for it was David's city, and God promised that David's kingdom would last forever.

    (2 Sm 7:16)

    Thus the Israelites treated Jeremiah poorly. He was disliked, questioned of his authority, despised by his

    own family, and was turned on in anger. He was later arrested, beaten, imprisoned, sentenced to death

    (Jer 16), put in jail (Jer 37), and thrown down a dry well (Jer 38). Jeremiah often complained to God

    about the difficulties of his mission (Jer 20 / Jer 20:7-9)

    Jeremiah's Newfound Strength and Confidence

    God sustained Jeremiah through all his hardships. God guided and encouraged him through the ups and

    downs of his life. He grew stronger and braver as he carried out God's mission. He also grew wiser and

    became more trusting in God. Over time, Jeremiah began to understand God's plan for him. (Jer 20:11)

    Jeremiah understood and felt his people's suffering. He even became closer to the people who once

    hated him. His own agony brought him closer to them. (Jer 8:18-19, 21, 23)

    Jeremiah suffered with his people while remaining incredibly hopeful in God. His own life became a

    symbol of hope for the Israelites. His faith helped him overcome all obstacles and transformed him from

    a timid young man into a brave and resolute leader.

    4. Jeremiah depicts God as a Divine Potter

    God is like a potter who molds His people like clay according to His will (Jer 18). God remains for us who

    He is-- the ultimate source of renewal. As Jeremiah and the other prophets predicted, the Babylonians

    invaded Israel in 597 B.C. Ten years later the Great Temple and city of Jerusalem were destroyed. The

    remaining Israelites were taken prisoners and brought to Babylon. Babylon was God's instrument for

    purifying the people of Israel. God allowed Israel to break so He could reshape it and make it into thevessel it was meant to be.

    The Israelites lost everything that constituted their identity as God's people. (No king, no temple, no city,

    and no land) However, it was in the midst of their deepest suffering that they came to understand more

    God's call and to be His people. During their exile in Babylon, the Israelites once again turned back to

    God because all they had left was their faith.