clc'mpt - dora high school · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee library...

he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc Ferrnan Presenta- tion Roon.'Jackand Florcnc€ were gle2t supporters ofthe library espccialy Special Colections,"said CindyVentuleth, Special Assistant to the Dedn. iA few years back they donated Floucea very valuable cerarnics col- lection to the Library a:ld with thcn passing the Library is thc rccipient of a large beqdest." For these gifts Prcsident Koester approved thc naning of th€ large assenbly room in the Libra.y's lvest wing after the couple. Florence was a rcnomed artist, the prod uctofthis University itr 1963,. time when it was called San Fernando Vatley State College. Over her career she crcated an eye popping may ofuniquely glazed ceradi.s Pots, bottlcs, dishes, vases, earthensar-their unconveotional fotms, stunning colors atrd eyc-arresting patterns speaking elegantly of her talent. A multitalented dtist. she also produccd sketches, paintitgs, etchings, wood blocks, miniature netallic sculptues, wooden plaques, silrcr point drawings, even needle- point, many oftltem iow in the Libraryt Special Collections. Portions ofher creative eenius adotn the fo'€r ofthe presentatiotr roon newly nmed in her and her husbmd's Florence saw her craft as m important pdt ofthe social fabric, an attitude shued by het husband and reflectcd in the laudatory comnents "f nunerouslong timeftiedds, family members, administrators and faculg vho gathered to commemorate and honot the couple's conftibutions. Mrtha and Gerald Robinson Stady Roorn. 'Mmha and Gerrywcrc clowns!" announ.ed then-Library Dean, Sue Cuzon, at the room naming ceremory the corple's support. As nemb cs of the Catouvt of Clo@ar, she sud, the dto, attired in zany garb, colored wigs, tleir faces grotesquely paintcd, spent much ofthek leisue time ". . .bringing joy and I'ughter 1() those less for- tunate:rcsidents of seniorcenters' hosPital- ized children, Special Olynpics ParticiPmts fheirs is a lifclong commitment to bringirg joy to orhers, . mapclous gift, for which I at- plaudthem." ln the real world Mdtha was a251et Cat State Northiidge Library Assistant rsponsiblc foi overseirlg goEmment ddcu nents. A graduatc ofthe Departnent of Leisure Studies md RecEation, in 2007 she ard hcr husband treated an endowment for the purchase oflbrary tesources to beneft the academic field they both so loved, and that had honored her outstanding perfomance as a graduate student. A later bequest led to thc naming ofa study room in the couple's honor, their contributions commemorated o" a doorplaque beriry their nanes. AP- propiately, the roomt walls re dcconted with clc'mpt pheln li,', obj?ts d'dn, costumes, dolls, wcnajack-in-the box- Two quilts, handrnade by friends' ore with a motif, the other depicting .lowns, hang prominently on the room's walt. To a hosr offriends, former sn,dents, co workers and farnily nenbers who attendcd the .eremony honoring the couple and thcir contribution, Cuzon acknowledged that, "These tena*ab1e gifts will have an enduring impact on our students md facul+" Robcrt Gohstand and Maueer Kelly Study Room. A CSUN professor of Geography since 1972, Gohstand is also a comitted patron ofthe Oviaa LibEry. He served for a rccord twenty yers or the Fuulty SeMte Libiary Committee, halfihat timc as chair; is a long_time member ofthe Fricnds ofthe Library Board, and cunendy sencs the organization as treasurer; instigated and works continually to enrich the Library's Old China Hands Archive, a collec tion doomenting the lives ofnon Chinse living in China fton 1850-19'19; and with his wife founded and endowed thc Library's Reading Room collection. Growirg up during W1l4{I inJapanese-orcuPied Shughai, China, L R: Robed & Mauteen Gohstand Manha & Gerald Robinson (clowns [4olly & Luther), Florence & Jack Ferman, Gohstand fell in lore wit}l books. As a UC Berkeley freshmar he wrote an essay that eamed him a pass so that he could wandet the then-closed libraryi stacLs. "With that pass," he said at the ceremony hororing his and Maureent gilt to the Libsry, "l to -. . swim in an aqu&ium of kno*ledge- I have ne"er been without r pass since." His success at accessing tibrary shelves continued whtu studlng in Moscow during the Cold Wa at a time whe' Russians vere higtrly suspicious ofAnencans- After be&iending a pair o{ matro.Iy librarians ^t t1ne Lilrary oftbe Muru,a gfHirtatt ^sd Reco"struttion of Mosuuhehecane the tust ard onlyAmtrican allowed ftee access to the colections. Latea when broken pipes flooded the library and ih@t€rcd to destroy a treasue trove of tom6, he reciFrocat€d by raisiry tunds for rstoration, leaming the bookbhd- ing trade so tiat he stuld restore damaged documents, and personally bonng md sliip/ngitd_V.9::oy.:dd :atalog-:1Ts-&lcirded by the oviatt Libr_ary. m the rooiin's ildcoiations an aray ofphotos depict of:eohsrandt nmy exploitb. Also Mosco* the llrt corate ata timewhetr Rcsian rns -jdole

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Page 1: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc

he past year saw the naming anddedication ofthtee Library rooms,each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcstot donation to the library.

Jack and Floteocc Ferrnan Presenta-tion Roon.'Jackand Florcnc€ were gle2tsupporters ofthe library espccialy SpecialColections,"said CindyVentuleth, SpecialAssistant to the Dedn. iA few years back theydonated Floucea very valuable cerarnics col-lection to the Library a:ld with thcn passing

the Library is thc rccipient of a large beqdest."For these gifts Prcsident Koester approvedthc naning of th€ large assenbly room in theLibra.y's lvest wing after the couple.

Florence was a rcnomed artist, the productofthis University itr 1963,. time when itwas called San Fernando Vatley State College.Over her career she crcated an eye poppingmay ofuniquely glazed ceradi.s Pots,bottlcs, dishes, vases, earthensar-theirunconveotional fotms, stunning colors atrdeyc-arresting patterns speaking elegantly ofher talent. A multitalented dtist. she also

produccd sketches, paintitgs, etchings, woodblocks, miniature netallic sculptues, woodenplaques, silrcr point drawings, even needle-point, many oftltem iow in the LibrarytSpecial Collections. Portions ofher creative

eenius adotn the fo'€r ofthe presentatiotrroon newly nmed in her and her husbmd's

Florence saw her craft as m importantpdt ofthe social fabric, an attitude shued byhet husband and reflectcd in the laudatorycomnents "f nunerouslong timeftiedds,family members, administrators and faculgvho gathered to commemorate and honot thecouple's conftibutions.

Mrtha and Gerald Robinson StadyRoorn. 'Mmha and Gerrywcrc clowns!"announ.ed then-Library Dean, Sue Cuzon,at the room naming ceremory the

corple's support. As nemb cs of the Catouvtof Clo@ar, she sud, the dto, attired in zanygarb, colored wigs, tleir faces grotesquelypaintcd, spent much ofthek leisue time". . .bringing joy and I'ughter 1() those less for-tunate:rcsidents of seniorcenters' hosPital-ized children, Special Olynpics ParticiPmtsfheirs is a lifclong commitment to bringirgjoy to orhers, . mapclous gift, for which I at-plaudthem."

ln the real world Mdtha was a251etCat State Northiidge Library Assistantrsponsiblc foi overseirlg goEmment ddcu

nents. A graduatc ofthe Departnent of Leisure Studies md RecEation, in2007 she ard hcr husband treated an endowment for the purchase oflbrarytesources to beneft the academic field they both so loved, and that had honoredher outstanding perfomance as a graduate student.

A later bequest led to thc naming ofa study room in the couple's honor,their contributions commemorated o" a doorplaque beriry their nanes. AP-propiately, the roomt walls re dcconted with clc'mpt pheln li,', obj?ts d'dn,costumes, dolls, wcnajack-in-the box- Two quilts, handrnade by friends' orewith a motif, the other depicting .lowns, hang prominently on the room's

walt. To a hosr offriends, former sn,dents, co workers and farnily nenbers whoattendcd the .eremony honoring the couple and thcir contribution, Cuzonacknowledged that, "These tena*ab1e gifts will have an enduring impact on ourstudents md facul+"

Robcrt Gohstand and Maueer Kelly Study Room. A CSUN professor

of Geography since 1972, Gohstand is also a comitted patron ofthe OviaaLibEry. He served for a rccord twenty yers or the Fuulty SeMte LibiaryCommittee, halfihat timc as chair; is a long_time member ofthe Fricnds oftheLibrary Board, and cunendy sencs the organization as treasurer; instigated and

works continually to enrich the Library's Old China Hands Archive, a collec

tion doomenting the lives ofnon Chinse living in China fton 1850-19'19; andwith his wife founded and endowed thc Library's Reading Room collection.

Growirg up during W1l4{I inJapanese-orcuPied Shughai, China,

L R: Robed & Mauteen GohstandManha & Gerald Robinson

(clowns [4olly & Luther),Florence & Jack Ferman,

Gohstand fell in lore wit}l books. As a UC Berkeley freshmar he wrote an essay

that eamed him a pass so that he could wandet the then-closed libraryi stacLs.

"With that pass," he said at the ceremony hororing his and Maureent gilt to the

Libsry, "l to -. . swim in an aqu&ium of kno*ledge- I have ne"er been

without r pass since." His success at accessing tibrary shelves continuedwhtu studlng in Moscow during the Cold Wa at a time whe' Russians verehigtrly suspicious ofAnencans- After be&iending a pair o{ matro.Iy librarians

^t t1ne Lilrary oftbe Muru,a gfHirtatt

^sd Reco"struttion of Mosuuhehecane

the tust ard onlyAmtrican allowed ftee access to the colections. Latea whenbroken pipes flooded the library and ih@t€rcd to destroy a treasue trove oftom6, he reciFrocat€d by raisiry tunds for rstoration, leaming the bookbhd-ing trade so tiat he stuld restore damaged documents, and personally bonngmd sliip/ngitd_V.9::oy.:dd :atalog-:1Ts-&lcirded

by the oviatt Libr_ary.

m the rooiin's ildcoiations an aray ofphotos depictof:eohsrandt nmy exploitb. Also

Mosco* the llrt corateata timewhetr Rcsian



Page 2: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc

SrERRA STA& oakhu

Gerald and luardlaRobinom 58thwedding annirersary

Martha and GeraldRobinson of Coarsegoldcelebrated their 5othwedd ing anniverserySaiurday at a Dartv inCoarsegold witi close to ahundred family membe$and friends-


mariedJar! 6, 1962 inEdgeield, Sosth Carolinaabout a year and halfafterthey met followiag aclurch event in A!g!sla,C,€oryia-

The co{pie has alsolived ir Arizona, Florida,\ Ashington aDd then l.osAngeles before moving toCoarsegold in 2003. Geraldse.!€d in the u.S. Armyand then worked as apurchasing agent for theaerGpace indssul,, alrdManha worked ai alibrary assistant atCalifomia State Ur!il,e'5ity,Nodridge.

the Robinsons helpedfouDd Carrousel of Clowns,a group in the lrs Angelesalea that voluneer asclowns at places such asho6pitals and convdlescerthomes,

AB{WE: andiafitily ot luanha and

Gerald Robinson toast tothe coupb SEludaylrealing clown noses

?rovided by YosemiteCaledng to honor tfte

Robinsons lnvoivementwl$ Cargusat of Clown6.

RIGHT: The Robin-.onsqlt thelr catg trom Sweet

Orearra Cakery,Onra G[G€/Sma Sra

Page 3: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc

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---::---- -

::--: ---


atients enjoy


The official motto of the Car-rousel of Clowns is 'we Give Loveto Life."t":lBut 'Heanbreak Circui!' is

what we call it," said Joanne lack'soo:of Cl€ndale, chairwoman ofthe all-volunteer organization

\ -"Jaikson has a Photograpn rn a'keebsake album. (r thows a li(leboywith lubes in hrs arms and legs

H; clearlv has rrouble standinsManb€rs;i his fantily are support-iru-lrim, but his eYes are frxed onrh; face oi.l cloqn kneelins nexr lohimi lt's Jackson. She\ dressed it*ildlv striDed DanL! and has a neon-bhe-: wic oier her outrageous

I :l&re litrle bov looks amuscd andffiaicd even thouqn he was "aferv sick liltle boy, Jacksofl taid.Th; child and clown met in Nov_;b€r at the request of the Make a

Wish Foundanon of Los Angeles,an orsanidt'on lhat helps t€rmi_nanv l chiLdren. He wanted tohavi: clowns at his rhird birtnday

she said. For new m€mbers, "goinSro some of the horpitah, thar carb€ rather lmumsric.

Howev€r, the emotiooal rewardscan be large, she added.

"Everybody loves a clown,'Jackson igreed.

One panicuhr e:(perience srrndour in Jackson s mind. The srourperfonned rls regulrr +5-minur'eihow at a hosoilrl in Bu!ba.k AIt€r the sho*, ;s is customary, therseparated to meet People individ-uallv.

rickson went into one roomwhere an elderly woman was lyi.gin bed w(h her eyes closed. An-orher woman qas sitting next Ioher. Jackson touched the hand oilhe woman ;n bed and asked, "Doyou leel up lo talking with r

"She opened her eyes andsmiieiat me," Jackson said, and th(woman sitting next to the bed bec-ame excited. The patienr had beerin ihat hospital b€d for a week anrhad shown no response to th.outside world. She had oot eve:

: ; i .: _:: : I .. -::: : ,:: : : -. . :: : .r.. r-.:.

clowning aroundparty. The Carrousel of Clownsinade tbat wrsh come true.

Some 30 public-spirired Los An-geles-area residents make. uP thenon-proht orglnzliron, wnrcn vrs_

irr childrens hosDitals. reliremenrhomes and other iJlaces where Peo-Dle need cheenng up' The group s clowning mightseen like pure fun to an ordrnrry.nlooker. 6u! it hrs a serious inrentbeh'nd the goofy painted smiles,balloons and tomfoolerY.

''SlaDsuck is the wry lacksonaescnbes therr brand 6f humo!Bul it takes a specialkind oipereoflto keep up theirgh spirits nnd srghtlacs before an audience at the (rtY;f'HoDe Medical Cenrer or theUnited Cerebral Palsv/Spa5Iic Chil-dren's Fouddatioo. The Canouselof Clowns has brought laushter loborh, among many others.

Florence Vamer of Burbank rs

another me ber of lhe group whofinds ihe exp€rience 'very rewatd-

ilowerer. it c-an be a shock fo.b€sinners. They have to m3t€su;e this is *hrt lhey rcally wanl,'

Page 4: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc









r, Anan C@pb€llF6,lil Laad6t.rz[,lolly (Marba Robinson) and Stiawberry (Phyllis Upman) clown arolnd al the Tri-Valley Sp€cial Olympics. _-:


)€ned her eves denands ol the Heartbreal I aafe of rnrr <ame nrqhr. \he \ard.; I"Yer. )he oDened her eyes rnd Circuit Ttrey attend lhree monlhlr _rnd ir. trke Gud told me rhar s l

sDonded to a clown, Jackson meerrng\ of lhe qroup dr Jacksoni un,r rle wrnred me ro do. '. -* - - * "' ---'"" houserigettoki.;ih;;;;i,;;, "ii"'",.ij"ii"i,il#a. .r,*

Such experiences mii,e clown'ng They rhen artend ar teast ttrree '*'ion.l ,t i. r'" '.-"i"^. n",

rL;warding pnvrlege. $ows to d€termite if it's really for secreury happened to iee q,The clowns do a grerl deal of thm brocluri tor' rle Carrousel o,;k wirh rerarded ;hirdren and ObservinB rhe shows and !r," *, ll.*"-i..,,. ,r*i,r,,,

""J .;"r*i:

ults. rhey en,e.ta;n. th: .oT- -dl::::]s]._"::","'l1r !l9i ":1".1" il up lor rackson. From thar: lack

,'petito.s at m_any Special Olympics €lowns can find p<rrorm,nts roush. ,1,"'i"rrJJ- ir,! group.s founder:laround Ihe Los Angele\ areJ - esp<rJIl\ *hrn dcJl'ng *i'h chil. lJc\,e K.rn. .sh,, di;d td, ,ex,r.ii"oolino ,u^',no h,,l^^n( nlrv'no dren. lhere rre nm.r !o'l hrrF h -, , ,iuggrine. rwsrrng baioons. pldy,ng dren. -rhe'."

"'. "T,".i"" l,).:" i-r. ,,,."1].i ,"., "e.

,"a .;* r,..!mnks on ea"n o,her rnd teepins rerve rhe roon ,edll) iJs,. Jdck ;;., ;;;b;;,";" jr s,. ro.(phtheatmo,Dhcre livelv. ron qrd. ;;:,,:, ;--- -_ifi:iT#""";:;iro,,ne rn. li ,-r''.-."na;a,,. ; .,'r

'" '","''"d. r4:9i'

l Ler er 'n Bu+'nr I

warrev sDeciJ, or\ mD,cs A-l :; :r r'..0.,1'eii";;;:i#i 'i;"lj,l:'":. . rLrr't oarcrr rrtc 'o mNh run

G;'-;""1:ji;;i::'::.,' ' - " *r'.'i.. 'ri.-;';;i;. ;,:i;;;; rhc rE pon e the! *ere 8<ttin"

t-"fw:;".'il'";. :ffi".,*s. 'h" il;i'-;;;'i;J- r:\ire ;J!;;: trom In' pdlr(.,' sne sri't :ndtathleter. Jrckson said. with re *nr* l"'d"a' ,** -t.rr-,;i tnck ir *J' rrshl lor her from IhJliiiiiiJi,riiJi""iilii,i,..ii,i s."*ia ' Fhnent

Hi.:"i"-irii ir'"" ";;; ;;f; ' tl'i sroup incrudes memb., "r . ro 'r-qrrt the unhur *Jv rhe

&onand rorcl vu, ieoole like rhai all aees, tanqinq from a wom:rn roer rr irosnngfre'ed ro be routlea. rnb qe like Io *ho-lu'r sr;duated from hrlh *err('J(lrlJregoldneckrdce*r:nftb"uth o(oolc. rchool ro J Tdn of Sl Thev;om; '"" -h -n o1e K i rrr! goid

brr""[t ,," s \uch in imnodanr fiom rlt o!e' rhe Los Ansete< JreJ -ro*. h" hcr Jn equrll! rrn\ {'.lCHl.. .r *ti.ri.r,i., ,J*,a,i"i J,. ana musr makc rher!;wn cor- . o*n. " iil rom her drLB\r..liionrhios *irh eich member ol turne\, rlrl"oueh rhev can u"Lrllr F t a'"'"un n on ha'ia3 hc

lheirauJPrce"rnar.neemDhJrize. find *hll rheinc(,lir mrsic .up tr--" ! r'la^^ p"J'- o'Iwe do nor "<rr ' plt nores. rout otlini:dton ot on ioining the

IS.c-L,e or 'ihc emor;on,l JJ.l'Ja. oJCIoJlu"rjng ", a tpt:\"a' , r.'mL,,r *'-\rn.rh< r\rr rnu,,l IhecLqr '.i t 1 -

'n' t ;'rtrain;rig tor solld be clo$ns con- wrsinrBrbleliud'c;','",;"d"': a:":\ .eir B'). -rra l:-.]l:':ienrrris on tinJ,iq out Lf th. ne.! Nhithe(.",cnron.Lhe:.. t /r 'r)r'i rr '.rr"

Page 5: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc


Page 6: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc

L,qf t3 Lollrqrrlr-Hidclen l4rile3 In,t a.4815 N. J.rbino Cangon (tooJlucson Arijon o 9 BJTIS I


:>, clouNs\:i)**M

3l7 rr+o,, ^u tr'..^h '"'{JT-hite,, i,'.u fo"n, \

f:'+1: f"o.,y' .f ,,.y, ooll;,'9,l.'tttlq poo.'rJ of ,r. q oolli,'g., \Co,. i d^i -it h ',,, J[oo. ,

," L, o[o.'rino th'" Bol "nu.,',"

Io5;" b, o[o.'ri^o th"" B"l see.,',s Io'Criql,t# uo,nu Lf",

f"L,;ng" L.."t tL." lo..ghtu,:Jo"gotte" the st"ifi. (hucfig




o if $ rh",ld liuu *q [if. oL*ll^ tki" -o.[J oF .J tn^tio^

o't J ". lfiult '-\e'_ -Jt "Loou", I orr, ".'..,to oqain tu o "lo-n

(g+J +hi^k Tp -_o"" o,-,.[ios



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to b".,ri" L o foo-,.

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ly {non lertgy *Y Y+

Page 7: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc

' Patients Give HeartfeltThanks for2ndChancer Medicine:Transplant recipientshonor each other andUCLA Medical Centerstaffat annual picnic.


T-l NCINO-Twisirne a IoneH baxooD inlo t]le siape of-I-.1a dos, Luiher the clownclearly had a special bondvithhis audience Sunday thai wentbeyond lhe nollnrl fascinationchildren bave wilh neon-ledhat and giani, floppy shoes.

Luurcr, alier ego of GeITtRobinson of West Hills,shared som€thing far moredraEEtic in conmon s,iththose he edefiained: He, likenany of thern, is alive iodaybecause of a heart transplant.

Pioving that p€op1e ca!have a big heart even whenit s rot the original equipnent,Robinso4 a profesionalclown, was tlie featuredentertainer at t]rc annualUCLA Heafi & LunsTmnsplant Picnic, which drsw

T.ansplant recipient GerryRobinson clowns around.

aboui 200 patients, familymembers and hospital staJf toValley Christian AibleilcAssn. s park in Encino.

In one ofhis ftstperloruHmes since hereceived a new healt inNovember, Robinson, 62,seemed to enjoy clownins for

Pleae ,ee PATIENTS, 85

Page 8: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc



NewLivesConfinued ltom Brfellow transplant patienrs as muchds tl'e7 enpyed warchme hth

"It chee$ them up. T"he rcacrionis JUst so ianiasri.,', sajd Robmso!_who a.lso vorked as a Durch6ihaagenr befo.e heuas djainosed tw;

#Aaco with consesrive hean

- For yeam before hrs iitness,

nootnson loJxnteered to entertuinchildrcn in hosDftals.

"Being in il€ same boar urarthey are js sornething n€w,,,he

A mons lus aLidrencF SunlayI l\as lameron IlaL 5. a ic, pauenr from HuntjnetonPF:.n

Canreron aave Robinson a shv'tx lrom the arms of he. molheicolleen, who said Saiurdav mq ,special{lay-ure t8-montb Jr,niver_sarv ot her dauehter's tife_sav'n!operarion at UCLA MedicarcenrFi

liokin8 over at some of thenurses and doclors lrom the m€iti-

. cal crntrr. Ha sard "Thev areincredible. The best

UCLA has the taryest transplantlrogram In the counhy, prdo.mnsabout 90 operahons annuallv:nedriy 950 since the proeram b;.gan, according io JuLe Ch r. anffse wlo Rrves as t"rn*r,nrcoordinato. for UCLA.

The outdoor Aatlenng and anennul loUday party glle the Da_tients and hoslrtal staffa chah.;r^celebrdte their rerEkabte a..nmplisirments, Chait said.

''Ii s a grcar rme for aI ftellanspiaDts and a ther fami]ies t6get togerher, to sharc rh€ir happr_noss ot anotilr year of tiI€. rnFsaid. "They encoura€€ each orhrrTrr ey nelp erch orh€;r r ,

_ Sunday s event s"s also a tred,lor the stdf. ,aid Mrcheue Hahr.ton, a cdrdjologist, as she Fatche.jsome ol her parr(:nrs Dlarlne sottball.

''Seetng them ljve actise ri..Erxe tnis ma_kes aji sorthq.i1iie..[ami]ton sard.

hearttransplanipatient t\4a* Sabtn.above, v-s the B3r;and 25oth rccipientat l.tCLA tvedicatCenter, as indicatedon iis T-shirt. CtownGerryRobinsonentertained the crowat tfie reunion picnic.

Photc hvDAvrD BoriRtRlos Angeles flm€s

''I $?s really jl, or oxyAen. I


Page 9: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc


Ilobinson loves clowrdng around

o.lThe Ca.tousel of Clowns.

Cerry Robinson, senior buver forData Sysrems'HHT pro8ram; tovesclowning around. So much so rhar hespends at leastoneweekend a month asa volunteer ciown bringint cheer topatienrs in Sourhern fornia h.i.n: t(and care facrtrties and providins e;rc.-rainment for rhementallyand phFica y

Gerry is one of 27 dedicited peopte,aAed 1473. who b€long roan orAanrza-Iion called rhe "Canouset of Ctown',Founded in 1929, Cerry ioined theBroup in r980 and currendv rerves s irstalent coordin.tor and'direcror of

The Carrousel of Clowns i5 nor hisonly iDvolvement. He also serves asp.esident of rhe Sao Fernando CtownAlley orSanization. This is a Broup ofp.ote5sionil and amat€ur clowns whotet to8€rher ro promote rhe an ofc,ownin8 and rea;h each orher mo.eabout clownins. They also do votunreerwork, performint at hospirak and spe-

As if all this amount of clowninparound wasn r €noush, he and hk wifelMarrha, op€ned a businesr of rheirdwncalled Apple Dandy parries which fea-rures.lown5, maeic, and ouooers.Animal balloons arttheir ."ri poi,,l.rtem5 ar children s parties. Virturllvevery weekend is filled with ctown

Cerry becafie inr€rested in the art ofclowning over 25 ye.u a8o. while incolleEe majorin8 in speech and drama.he was taking in a tumblins ctass whichwas not one of his ben adiviries. So. inhis very own wordr. he srartedctowninsaround in theclars and rhe spiritcaughi

Lulher i5 the name of Cerrv s ctowncharacte'. He conriders hi;nsetf an

Cerry and his wife, Martha.

Auguste clown. They rypica y coverrheir laces only paniatty wirh mateuo.wear ba88y clorhes, and are atwavs EertinS into trouble. Bur, lhev ena ,i"ir,"nice guy in the end.

Luther is not a one clown team. Mar-rha, Gerys wife, is ajso invotved inclowninE. He, chardcter rs catted Mo v.and 5h€ ir a whhejaced ctown. Theyaieconsidered "prety ctov,ns, and are

nre orherclown typ€ irc. ed a Hoboclown. An American crearion. the Hoh.clowr emersed in rheearlv t9[&. Btackmaleup, rep.esenrinB an unshaven{ace, is placed on rhe lower face. andwhne makeup i5 placed around rhemoulh. The Hobo clown is norma vrhFsad clown andisalwavsrhe,bun of rhejoke.

To be a clown r€quires a warm hean.Iote of love... andstronq teet. cerrvfindrit very rewardinq. "you ser so mu.hba.k," he says. - -

Page 10: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc













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Page 11: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc

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Page 12: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc
Page 13: clc'mpt - Dora High School · he past year saw the naming and dedication ofthtee Library rooms, each ieflecting a signifi.ant bequcst ot donation to the library. Jack and Floteocc