cj? argus. - secretary of state of washington...thorul. "u"let tb.m lurn fint to aho" pilt,. at home...

ARGUS. () cj? WEEKLY VOL. 9. PORT TOW' E TI1, W. T., THURSDAY, JULY 24. J879. '0 IRANDY CITY &ACKERI. J.It. PeGII tI'. 2E'D"NT, Prop. Water It.. POIIT TOWNUND, Thl,mmmndkttl" el"""nt IIn<l tletltrabl)' /(). raled lIolel ill no" lIm14,r lh" dWtltI or lit 0111.11101 P"OIlr!elor, wll" will C"",hlf.:1 It til 'lIt! !lIllIle wen..,., "l'Se whleb reml rW thO I"OltU· lilt fir 'Joant by tbe «ta)' lIr lII'Ut:k. ...tlOo. Oosmopolitan Hotel. 811ualed al had of Vlllan Wharf. P.r' T •••H.' '. T. Thll UOUM II n." alld ae.l, l'Umlllled. UI.l (I(MoIIMeIall Ihe Ippolntllltlft1l01. ' lr:lr_t-OI_ Itl nat 11I'lpllet1 .lIb the beU 01 WI.e. L1lluon aIlIlOI.",,., T...... IIln lattl Tlble .11<1 Readl&fJ KoolII In Ihe 11111 I .111 be lIlt undone til nlalre thll 1I0wi MOOII<lIG aoolla tbe Territor)'. n WUU,t rU1H1. CENTRAL HOTEL. Dr. Tho•. T Minor .................................: Good Boord and LodgiDp can be obtained at MR •• MYERS' T IlASSU:.. "T BOAIDEK8 WIt.I. 'IXD AT .. berotlie1r waa..-can auell<led 10. Term. Very Re •• on.bl •• W At foot of biU. 1lae1l:: rWltA Dnloa TOWSSE.'i'D. W. T, TO THE PUBLIC I'ROFE.II0NAL CARD'. Q. MORRIS HAI.I.IR. I"orC; W.'T. Cu be coo.DlI.tt, ."bt 01' clal, at HotpllaJ W. H. ROBERTS. TEACHER OF PlAID un ORm. Port Town •• nd, W. T. Tual,.. dOfle CMI rtIaIIOn&b5e tennl W Arent for Del*er _roe. and l&ft'II\lI haoOlall<l .l"aIACII 0tlMt. 0'11 ClUb 01' 1.."IlI_ wont. plan. Ibe Call ... AND t.'OUlfSELLOa AT LAW Pl'OOlor IA Attmlra1t1. MOll'" loaned, Heal Eltlte bo\J&Mlntt 101(1 rvm.to Le.... l,;olleoUlll m.lle. (;on.'Jllaol'lll, A('. PORT TOWli'IItND, W. T. James M. Gassaway. M.D. I'HYIIC.AN 'URCEON Otlce.. Wattr tit •• OppoIJte FOitoftltt, PORT T<rtr.fSE."l'D. ", T, 611' door-yard. or .iot 10 00." "e bar. and w.. t.h.r-beatiD wall.of lb. hou•• H... IOn. aad daDlh&l1'l "If. "rtl"- in,uP in iraoraace, and, _ith .ueb .urrouodinp, pe,...., t.e 'JlrinlZ' .nd f....boUl oC tb.ir Ii,..... And I hn. Aid, 11 it any .onder lhat 11'''le lin- 10..ly plac" are fo .....kcn rur II,e rudtlt IOciety .nd "'UIi"- tDent that ean be found el,ewhet'? 11 it anI "onder tbat oat of ''M'b lucb IOboola al.he.. tber•• hould,K'l) an el.ment or Ilwle.. o... , milt.le and "ict, to I:orrupt and deltrny enrytbin. that i. )onlyalld of f{oo«l report? Who .r. to eon"" •• tb". drearyaad doleful homu illto plaoll of order .nd beaut" lill thn ,bin "in their inmat.. a""l from ait tbe C06I'1. aad dililpatilll' aur.etioll. out,id. an<f, biad tbem tben "hl're re6nement and purity and hue tb.ir d".lIin, pl.e. P Tb.. dauBhl'" of our lao.j tbat are no" ftcei,illg tb. education and culture. I C it be truI, u mOlt are "illie, to ai_ 10", that, Mthe band that rach tbe cradle rules tb. "orld," it i. man importaat that that baad aho.ld beguid.d byltnottledg. aDd wildou, and it .bould rull, DOt bl fOl'; aDd violenOlt I hut by diaorltion, tell. dem... and 10.', aod tba" like the lUy "bicb it IOmetim •• rinll i' ahould b, tb. unfailin,.ig. and 1:.1_ bot of truth and purity. 'Thtly tbMs rul. thlrt, and tbua, .re "ortby lie all booor; &ad thel that lraia alld 6t our daught.n for Ibil rulf!, cuml bebiad no ocbel'l ia th.ir c:lahn. lip. 00 our rratitude aad a8'eetioll' Tbtrt ill a common notion that piety i. a .. atimental IOrt or cbiDI tbat liftl it. poasellor abon tbe plaoe of !if.-a frame or mind, and di'poai- tion of tbe .£fiction., that 6od. ita real espre.. ioo in lingi.g psalm. and talkin, about religion. St. Paul a.. m! to b... a different 'f'ie" of tbe piety of children. Ho oonlidera it dutifulo ... to p&rIDta. Wbere tbat i, found, tb.re i. thi foundation of hou.ehold., true, "001,. Ii"ia«, aod tbat b1u.ed ioflueooe which i. CO ... ten .nd "Ictifyall the r.latioo. and departmentl o( lire. If w. bu. luch bom.s in our land, they that ar. LO Ki .. them tbeir cbief oh.rm aDd "ideat inOu.noo are our dauebters, the women of edueatioa aod oulture. Aad ooly luoh bom.. will bave tbeir true ioiluence in laving (atben. bUI' bands, .nd brother., {rom squander- iog tb. b.. t giftl of lif., and making "reok IDd ruin of all it. peao. aDd joy. I bue ... a bomu in the midlt of broad and ftrtile acre8, "ith gro,,- in, .nt.1 earner.d cropl in abundaoce. with no i.door beaut1 or auraalion. Not a book better than a patent med· ioin. alman.c, or a patent offiee reo port, Not a nato mUlio. Not a Oower, 1.0 bide tbo di.order of tbe are faith)... 10 thoir trill!, iflbe cia,. of .hildhood .. d ,outb are puotd b, uOlmplo,td and unim. prond, ir all lb. opportunUea and inDu.ncel of th. hom. and famil, ate nealeoted. no earthly inltrumen. taliti.. coming in ,ft.rward. can make ,m.nda (or ,II that wrong do- lo,. YOli may lop 08' lOme o( tbe u."btl, brao_ of twi>ted, plltled and d.formed &I'M; _' •••0 train ,rouDd itA minhapen propor. tion. the mOlt be,.ti(ul .ioOl .. d {Io".n, to bid. ill uglinellj bue 1011 c.n never take the t,,{.t out of ill fibre, or .traiJtht.n it, crooked trullk, When a cour .. of .rime com.. to its Ihockin, bllt legitimat. end, in tbe penitentiary or 00 tb. galiN'S; wb.n tb, idle vagabond!, now called tramp•• aol.1 boodlum!. baTe 10 mul- tiplild tbat the, ban b.eom. a aui· I&ue,. and in 10m. cue. tbe ttrror of tbe land; tben th, Il,w'papers, prelcb.. aod ,t(ormen become TlI'J path.tic and .loqu.nt OYef tbtrO", iojuuie. and "rong. of lOCi.ty. TbeT are 1b00t f.rtile in eJ:pedient& to cure tbe.. t.rrihle.,i1 .. tb. blame of wbicb th.y &IOribe to lOCiety, lbe go"ernmeot, the Statej oTlrlookiDI tbe primal oau.. oC &11 thi. milChi.f. in tb. mil&QTlrn.d famme. ud hou.. bold. tboughout tbe land. It i. tb.re tbat children ,.t thl biu and drectioa tbat lhape th.ir entire rutur. coune. The pat refoma· tion tbat w. netd, il , reformatioa io the (Mnili ... lld bOton of the pw- ?I.. They art 10 maol fountaio bud. of inOu.ne. tbat Nod out \h.ir innumerabl. ,Irlaml into-thl great corrent of d.i1y ure; .. nd "bat tbeM IprIDes and lOurcel are, IUGh "ill b. tbe .b.raeter of our .ociet,. and of our Gountr,. Wben theN homel ". plaell of order and dilCipJiOI, of Cbriltian rule and godlyli'f'ini. tb.n will our IOhool. b. all ..... can uk, and our looietl p.... (ul. pure and happy. They tbat d .. ir. to contrib· ute to tbil bl".. d end abould mani- fe.t tbeir !olioitude ber•• and beret at tb. fontal beatl,spend tbeir .8'ort. and ply their remedi .. till tb.ylla.... mad. tbese ,ourc.. of domlltio life pure and .".. t. Tben will tb... in- numerabl, Itruml of i.Du.nee 80" out, carrying .beer and blesaio&, to tho "bole land. No .cbool on eartb can take tb. pl.ee of the famil,.. No teaoberl, ho"e"er trae and f.ithful. can .tand ill Ilud of. obild'. parentil. 1C tb.,. .fort., earb, rebellioul will, IIlOlIH U indoJlat aatare \0 10.' .«'on. aDd la110111. ratniat apoa a .16.h &ad ..lC.ladulpae .piri'- But the cunctl or are .piDa' the tMch.r, and the m...ure of IUooeII i' al ••,. 1m&1l wbeo .ueb ao\.Me· d,nta are k) be .acouotered. AU teac:hers are not .iN, faithrul and Ti«i1ant. Th.ir patieoae i. bQmao, aDd 10 ar. their po".rao! tad.ruM; and, if to the best and mo.t .uce.... ful, YOll Hod, ..16ah, wilful aDd uo- truthful child, tbe chance. are that in nine oue. out.' t.n you "ill 6nJ, t<lyour grief and mortifieatiou, tht tbole unlo".ly trait. of ch&r&oter ban hue grown with your ohild'. gr:."tb, and Itrangtbeo.d with itl Itrength. Who are the .uccellrul lebolan in tb ••ehool? 'Vho Moure ,h. approbation of teaeb'fI, and make for th.m.el.el a name aad rep- utation tbat par.nt. and Crilod, ",ill al"ay. point to with pleuur. and pride? Those "ho ban brougbt (rom their bomes a dncil. 'nd obe· di.nt .pirie, and bu. willingly and oordi.lly ..eepted the dilOipline ao d rule of tbe IOhool. [hardly know or .uother 'lIbjebt that require. mora emphatio t.,cbin .. than thi., tb. rela· tion of tbe bome to acbool , con' o ceming which tbar. is .1Ieh a Hriou, error in the -miade of .0 mID,. par· e.ltl. Tbey abould kno. thl; tbe future )'eal'l of tbair children io scbool, art, a. & rule, jilit ,.hat tbey tb.m •• ln.make them. the obild lellrns 10lhiog at aehool and come. hom. oeitber "iler oor batter tban it "eat, ia most ea,\" tbe blame lies on tbe bom. aad O'Ot on tbe Icbool. E"ery cbild comioK into a .chool bringl "itb it it, o"n biltor" a.d readl out to it8 eomp&nioD' anJ teacherl tb. ..ry .. ere' tbingl of (amily and bou.. bold rule, that par. enti would (rom ,n e,.OI. Partoll IOm.timea are most .olicitoul that a child'. clot bing Of luncb balk.t should tell no ealel of a .cant ward· robe, or lean larder, whil' tbe,. arit all rorgetful that ita unbridled t.m· p.r aDd tongue, it. uillubdued "ill, ill grud and .eI6.bnell, itl deceit and uotruthrulnell ar. publishing abroad hom. lIoret., a huodr.d fold more di1lraeeful tban untidineu or paVlrty. I know of no rule (or tbliJ corre,}tion of tbe eYil. berl iu vie" tbln that of St. Paul. in re... rd to tbe admi "ion of childr.n to tb. raqk of b.ne60i.ri .. among tbe early Ch,ini.n.. Thorul. "u "Let tb.m lurn fint to aho" pilt,. at home and to :-ilquite their pareotl." our Icbool. are LO reacb a bilb .t,nd,rei of ucenence, iC children are to reo cei"e the full b.neSt of the te&t3ber'. ellurts in their bebatr, it ooly can h. dODl "bere the ground bu been pre ptlred before baud by proper born. traiuinr aod dicipline. Into a docile ant.! willing miod ameoable to dici- phna and rul., a "ill and ",n qual. ilied teacher will pour tbe treasures n( kno"ledge witb plealur. lod de- lirbt, Eun if lueh b•• Iow to re· c.ivI, yet i( \bey b. quiek to 10"•• tbpre "ill .till be a pleasur. and reo ward in luoh a .. nice, tbouRb it be one of pain.taking and toiling; while that for I child of aa undi80iplioed ,,;!I, rurractory temper, and uDap- preciatin Ipirit. "ill be the mOlt dilta.t.ful of all tub. and bring th. leut pOllibl. banefit to tbe pllpil. The tenth InDual cataloj.,tllo of St. HrJen's H.II .chool, of Portl.nd, ill heroro Uil. The follo"illg ntraOt, rron: Bisbop Morrill' adJnll dum worthy of. aareCul p.rusal: We line still to Ilm"nt, in too mAny clliel, tbe "ant of Brm and in. ulllifCent support o( Ih, di'cipline o( the ichoul on the put of parenta, This is .ery oll.er'able in tht mat· ter of a!l!lenee from achqpl. The th .. t leem. to prevail in the mimb 01 mlny o( th. children, il that auendance .t .chool is chi. fly for the !JeD,fit uf the teach.raj fot them the-y stud,; for Ibem they re- cite. Thilt a childilh mind .hould tli. thi. "iew of IbinlS i. 1I0tlO worderfulj but tbat parent. Ihould .eem to .. c.re it, i. & Itatter of 10m. lurpriie. And ),et parent. and chi:, dren lire con.t.ntly combining to ... eur. lonler and Ibord frequent alJ· .ellces, and both art mar. plelled "b.n the ehild has gained anolher day from lehool am.lleliSOnl. Alidf'l frum the manife.t lOll 10 thellllj.,I'I'II, which .uch a cuun. mu.t bring,lh.r. il an inju.tic. to the .chool and to the teicher, that oUllht to born. ill mind in .ucb c ..... Ev. ery sinKle pelted and indul"od child il a'll example cOlllHantly put for· ward by dozlnl .nc.1lcotes of other., "ho IIr. al"ay' on the lookout (or a "ellk p:ltce ill the hondl of Jiscipline through "hieh they IU14Y uClpe. So, too, mu.t the faithful toachff make up, as rar ¥s potlSibl.,· by added at· t.ution and toil, (or noel.et ami ab· lene', due to parentll indulgflnce amI ... e.kn.... "Thi, il tauity and ,exadon of Ipirh." This ludl m. t" .peak more tully of the relation. of bom. and to tbe .ohoo!. Thue relatiorll are .ery in- timate .nd important, and de5lr"e mOlt careful con.idtratioo. The idea pre"il. witb m.oy people tbat Ibe achoolabould a lubstitute for home; and tbat, wbert proper borne training hu been n.i(leot.d, or ill te.chings bavt "rought b.flD, and hardened enD a cbildilh n.ture into aelfishness and inluborJioation. tbere thQ school teacher i. to come in aod make am.nd. for ,II tbi. "roo&, do- ine. Parenti 1&1, uI w.nt Illy obild taugbt good manue!". at acbool, for 1 hue flO time to do it at borne," or III hop. )'OU will ttach my daughter to rlilspect ber moth.r, for I have not bUll able to do it," Th..e lid cou· fesliionl .re frequlill1t1y mado, ami ther ,ho" an ulter rni .. pprt-b.o.ion of the true pro"lnee of Ihe .chool .nd the scbool teacber. Tbe lohool ean io oOlrue IIU.. take the pi a('e of home, and only in a fe" and c.ptionll 0"" can it make partial amendment (or lh ... riou• .ud !iff!' lon, injury rac.iyed before the 6rat elltered a school room. A wile and faithful teacher ClIn in lome eaI8', doubtlell, III lOolll11thiu,J to cor· rect thill early e"illJial, and. by yig. ilanci and patieuc.. i1nl.1 unfailing HDME TRAINING Dr CHILDREN. and "ho wu ottm JouDd daodn, with the bUN1 gurdlet. Sh:tb, An1 m"n who. 'Arter taklne a few drlllk' would pin hit earl *k and .allt &tOO.ud (roOl place to place. beatnc (or lOme one to Ilep on the tall 01 bll COlt, Thcre "'I!re Ie\'eral other mbeJ(olD8OOn ""hldl ('lime under th41 Slcke,.· nodee, "'1 eil I wlllllot Dltlltlon The lICk !.,rr,' nllk) amJ yrt trr,. t"OnTlndnr COall wlJ(1 ''tlllll!! Ihe heall ot ne.dnon, tllltllr • rtoW !('l(IfI:I'tO( SaCitll wereorpn- luk 011 Ihe Soullll tht·n'! "ould be !'ewer dt!"d btlU IrllnfJ* allll olhel"l who make n1it:ht hld@()ulj III thlt Illall II & purl- fier In hi! "'a)'. !!. R. ARGUS SOUND PUGET II PfllJ,.Ii!Ht.D &YEItT Tut'aaDAT AT. ttl1 r.".Jtad t lfllShlDgtOn Tt.rrltorr· ALLEN ,VEIR. IDIT08 .ASO PROI'IlIIl:TOR. .... eltMlMtn'l ...... -Ja.oe .. r ..... ID .. 'I.tIO. SUES OF "O,'gRTISISO : (lnt Inch. liNt IO!oertlon. , .••••..• l'Cb'Ubtt.'qUl"llt •• .... .50 Trtu,lent advert! emrnf.' 10 IIl'ute lottl'don l\Iust be :\\'\,'OlOlilllllal b)' ('ftsh. WAII"l!f!Oa.h1l!ie.Ued .entb I 7·A!I FroID ollr OOCfllfloDlt.L I EDrTUH AROl:i!:- ,,'e f1ftllu rea\1 Ilhntlt thu )1ll1I- W1lG4!lltt ImU... lduwll n lh't! lor 1111-· UtnJelIlOrf Ki/;ululit om_ldo llle rfIIILlr Ui tAl' llllli h.'lllllI'f'!I. a ""II, .t c., IUllll'lhut5 ,!:,'l'I'e 1tC oOen ulcrlttti. III Callrllrllin. tn uri)' tllt)'I, there 1\'11" Illl orplll,.allull "'I,kll till I llIore 'Olll! III JOe QlhnJ L'OtllIUllIllth·. 01 1IIluillg: C;&llll" 1IrIlilhe celdmllL't1 JUlI,l[u LYlldl-It\,(,hl- 1IIrhltestrem..'. IUlll tile drblJppIlrk or llI","lloOO. MIlII Ir laIO.llaQlf'tu bl.'\.'CJme u I'(:.L'OII i1gllt 10 ntr .ner""rtl" "."'" the 1IlI!l"lthrnl III daultr IIIt'Rll. It elrll:lllutL't1 .... 1I1i r\,w BreiT Illlut'fI. IOlllll or "'1'0111 Mr\" Illllu.. uIoo, cllW IIJ thlt rl 1,,1."1' crrlturr 100l:lY· Some or llie oIl! Ultlm'.-:I"S bclllg III Pllrt Towllklld on the .alh, .1111 K'('lul: IUlt1l1 IIbjM.t £un'llI&, tlMllr rt:\'I,...d k ill p"'" whlclJ L .. Utt-oJ t"U1I,lu.. ",L,t, 1lIl_luent, rheethl&' thu j::lonul ,.f the faa tallln.: 111111, 'IIl'hlkl dill la -.olt, I 1houlo:ht It wOllltl lutef\H lIlId UlUH IOUlll by IIluJlnath.,t;' II' 'p'-Cllli ,'Ortlnzs. 10 that mUll" ur the Ill:W tOI"111 tllddUruprlul(luJ lip III 1111. 'l'l"rrllory take IhMl llolke alld sc.... yerll tt1m 011 thlt lo'1'.It'ro tlope. In "I:t)' C4;lIllllllnhy. tllef(' MI't! 111- dlnJnalt who k:t:<'V (llIt.<We or 1I11"t"Ct 'f\oI,t1ull or Jaw )'d "'to llIore or II lIul.. Ut't lIlIUlll1!UI)' who uu luekJ:tlull by tht: Tlldu tire liitl ludh'liluilli \\'IIU tDllM under the Of thu SACIl:- Ia WIIOIIi I 11111 lloout to "he S.,ckcrt were rel(ulltrlr urttAnlu'tl . ..ltb o18o.:rs. lod"u ruom, IIIt.4iJolOI'On!i Mlill tIJll&, .1I11 oneil turllL't1 out III tlldr 1Ia, I call not dh'ulgu Ituy or tlltl &e. till: hllil\lc. I will C(lwtlllO 11l)'lI'Clr 10 the Ollklul3 .... ·urlr:lJrt. Wllllt't' II' follo"',oI: Grand Gloater, Illlltrt)· Chucltll'r, 1Jt:;I,ltlor Cai:...hl:r tlntl '!'I't: 0, O. a Vtlllillur, II thu l'ul!,rlt .... l ..11,u•• 1I11 notllll.'lJ the JI. C, IUlt! G, G. who ..u.t!ud !Jcaliliur 10 lIOHle COil· lttlltut pL.l'C whure tlKl n. wa .u.ltlllg ..ltb a illCk prc"lulllllr pn:lllln.lI with or nour. Wht:li 1111 W/&I r.t(r. tbt: liCk: ".11 dn&wlI OVtlr tllu [).<Iut· tor', hull. 11111 Dour ...ell rubtlfd III Mud die tL.:tho left to estrlcatll hlultICl( lit Id.. lIN. It "'1 IcncraUy lIoue uC3Ir l&rp mirror, 10 tw.t UICl tdlow. lllkr rub- Wuc tbtl flour (rolll lib e)'d, 1'OU1(J rtlillUi llana' pnl)'er "lid .. s.. .. hllUiCIt &II otlle,. ... hlul." It luvarlablr qUletA:.'tJ the UIO!!t alld olatJe IIUlu1 who WCIO 1I0t ,we de&cJ to .lIaloe dl&IlKe for tlie better. 8tldom "U the .ack n:qulft.u kllOlitl Chot-; hi r.ct fO tltr'\'t:tlVtI .aIJ It lhllt Lbo IOwa or Brlml)' (.;Ity bel.';twe IUOtttJ IlJr the atlatno: or 11It..'h cliartclcn a, L"JUe under tar. butJ o( tJet.duot'. Yow lor & dC§l'rlptlon o( IhOo'cl who CIlOt uoder the IUttell,,"ce o( tlte PI!'itt AllY mau who Ol)llily a.volt.led IlIoocla allli their ImtllCllten. a.lwayl .. lUI aroUUtl 111"I'iul' OUOtJ Templ.r "rtlla:!ollt dotlgCi to get Illto priVllttl rlllll b .. lTelUne Il'llnlllli or ulle 011 tile mlk:lug trouble geuerlillr anll IJIO'tUl& hlwlell a It..'alltlll1mollgu, 8eco0til. AllY OlIn (oulld 'eellllr III hi. JOt:Utl o'er lim mhlulel, mak.lng UJ:l'll16l for tbe At.enl'C or the luetllllh:. an.-,r tali:- hli' drlui, or othu lIICn:IIUIlt..II,.e, 'I'blrd, AIlI UlIIII who WOllW 1111:1: In 1tllll ftrllllgerl, whell tuklllK t1rlnkJ, I&nli lilt! Mil or odd wlthollt bt:lng uk-ell, founl .. AllY man IOllllllloalllll:Aroulld "IUlout IIny ,,1!lblc Il:ClIl' of ,ullport, ''POlntert,'' or "them'. mine." relulIlng 1I'ork "I)tll otTered, uLi eoll.ldered by all JOadcltlun. as. dt!11l1 beat. ... 'filth. A man who would lIC\"fr pay bolltK llebLi when baO too money,

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    WEEKLY:::======:=======::,:,,:=:====~~~===::::::===========VOL. 9. PORT TOW' E TI1, W. T., THURSDAY, JULY 24. J879. '0 ~3.


    J.It. PeGII

    ~. tI'. 2E'D"NT, Prop.

    Water It.. POIIT TOWNUND,Thl,mmmndkttl" el"""nt IInted,plltled and d.formed &I'M; _' •••0train ,rouDd itA minhapen propor.tion. the mOlt be,.ti(ul .ioOl ..d{Io".n, to bid. ill uglinellj bue 1011c.n never take the t,,{.t out of illfibre, or .traiJtht.n it, crooked trullk,

    When a cour.. of .rime com.. toits Ihockin, bllt legitimat. end, intbe penitentiary or 00 tb. galiN'S;wb.n tb, idle vagabond!, now called

    tramp•• aol.1 boodlum!. baTe 10 mul-tiplild tbat the, ban b.eom. a aui·I&ue,. and in 10m. cue. tbe ttrrorof tbe land; tben th, Il,w'papers,prelcb.. aod ,t(ormen become TlI'Jpath.tic and .loqu.nt OYef tb• • trO",iojuuie. and "rong. of lOCi.ty.TbeT are 1b00t f.rtile in eJ:pedient&to cure tbe.. t.rrihle.,i1.. tb. blameof wbicb th.y &IOribe to lOCiety, lbego"ernmeot, the Statej oTlrlookiDItbe primal oau.. oC &11 thi. milChi.f.in tb. mil&QTlrn.d famme. ud

    hou..bold. tboughout tbe land. Iti. tb.re tbat children ,.t thl biuand drectioa tbat lhape th.ir entirerutur. coune. The pat refoma·tion tbat w. netd, il , reformatioaio the (Mnili...lld bOton of the pw-?I.. They art 10 maol fountaiobud. of inOu.ne. tbat Nod out \h.irinnumerabl. ,Irlaml into-thl greatcorrent of d.i1y ure; ..nd "bat tbeMIprIDes and lOurcel are, IUGh "ill b.tbe .b.raeter of our .ociet,. and ofour Gountr,. Wben theN homel ".plaell of order and dilCipJiOI, ofCbriltian rule and godlyli'f'ini. tb.nwill our IOhool. b. all ..... can uk,and our looietl p....(ul. pure andhappy. They tbat d..ir. to contrib·ute to tbil bl"..d end abould mani-fe.t tbeir !olioitude ber•• and beretat tb. fontal beatl,spend tbeir .8'ort.and ply their remedi.. till tb.ylla....mad. tbese ,ourc.. of domlltio life

    pure and ."..t. Tben will tb... in-numerabl, Itruml of i.Du.nee 80"out, carrying .beer and blesaio&, totho "bole land.

    No .cbool on eartb can take tb.pl.ee of the famil,.. No teaoberl,ho"e"er trae and f.ithful. can .tandill Ilud of. obild'. parentil. 1C tb.,.

    .fort., earb, rebellioul will, IIlOlIHU indoJlat aatare \0 10.' .«'on.aDd la110111. ratniat apoa a .16.h&ad ..lC.ladulpae .piri'- But thecunctl or.u~ are ~1 .piDa' thetMch.r, and the m...ure of IUooeIIi' al••,. 1m&1l wbeo .ueb ao\.Me·d,nta are k) be .acouotered. AUteac:hers are not .iN, faithrul andTi«i1ant. Th.ir patieoae i. bQmao,aDd 10 ar. their po".rao! tad.ruM;and, if to the best and mo.t .uce....ful, YOll Hod, ..16ah, wilful aDd uo-truthful child, tbe chance. are thatin nine oue. out.' t.n you "ill 6nJ,t

  • Oresen It.rna,

    A Romantio Elopement

    w:llking Ullltch. At ~ mill.ut"~ to 11. t.(I-, News By blaH IWAn.I., bf:uiu.: Iho IItarA :lutlauipe:ol. luul ISIUfOUllued 1'/' nil ti.e couttillUU:t t:l.cellt 1" • W' , Il"COU wulkr Iilollh' 1I011UU tl cOllll!tJ of lle Z"\lll:'r"I ut 1Il11~UlUCC., lro:fl I The Cour.ml Io..~. C'ornclha h~,.,•• ,_

    ' \ . I I I . 1 F II S'ot\! ~ ...~11lollli,IUtlmlu'll o( 1l1'111l1.l:~" foil ~Ill": bb II:P t 1!'!,rc.ll'1'l'-l()ll (Ill t Ie 0111 I, • '. 'JUllrd:. ..: 'ere> II \' :-oclaurt contelllplll.tl'S viiit. ~IW l!u lllUt 01 tho ~:ll, nl TIO,'

    t;llllur DrUI'" ""lId. j inc- I, '!nd:,JIt :J~"l:ci .... ,lUI ill': th~ Jo)U1I1. n!,II)' lIlcn::I.~lUli· • • o~ III'etl: .\Utlrr~OI1, Ethtcr of tlJt !'ndBc "\1" ::- t Ie Til!) UJtl Fdll)wll' cCl1ll:tery, at

    (lea). oue uf the WSI kuo.-u nuJ mo~t fr. mel'. btiuy much illllll'Orl!i1. 'lilSl'let'ted colored lIlt'n b Callforub, tirollllf'li Three Inl111lt~tl :11111 twelit\"3e\'l;1l ne\\' .\ ll.,lrt)· of ~ouri l.II £rom the blktd 'tluJ au liurnr iltrf"t lhl~ afttrnoou. Hel lUone,' Qt\h'r olti~'t'~ Wl'l~' Oilt'lletl on tue C1>lllltr)':lre stelng the i..hull!.aout 81'-btaaWIlJl a~t\l &0 ,'tara, • I .' J "II ~

    • FrulII :'! .."ICfl. • t.1 1Il~:. • A, r.1 JCrt!l "h"wtJ the ~t1le J", bruhll WutJl·r "'ll'J cOWID,htt-J 011 tllt Two EIl.,li.]: 6i. ...:tm.'I.~ ll!l.\'C ,I"hl l1i~. '1.:aU:I rou},11l 'It n'c itr;ttl· lilat III 0Clr'Il

    C ',',- I I 1. tl~t All'l PlIIch " rttjIt'lta.l rilec", OuuRt t~'rn y WI ea IiOUll.l of I .1m".,J 0",·,> ;; 500 '011'" of :O;p:l.lIi.!J ironthe IInC', on or abont F till:lS of tallt 1rt't'k..\ i c.:o.' ., • .\ IOllIc Iinc (It (:Illi,tan: \u ""rl"OliJl4'ctor jOll1n"yin~ ItOUlhwllrrl \\W. 11m!"· ort" ,n !i..wla'l1. t1.Il).l\lJ':,h l:lIil"-'lh! lilt Tuee.l1y, LoU.DU for~Ilered. U~:I;:-:;t'd:l. milt! or luore from thuu.IJ, }Jmin.: th.. l~l5: \ll"f'k I,"'••i:-:-!) tlOll1t,ls lull. I Itl:)' \.:;\1110 (ru1l1 Call1ortliJ. It-tbrl"\'u tnlo) A tlt:l'j) ;';lIlly :IDII LUfm:J to a I0: IIt:id~iln'l' ~','I~ ~hijll~1 il'\.ollt Cali:l' I., U. I ~"m~. lif EU)o;"'llC, v'-eut ~lcri41. III D lolCk: \dt l1I11uoli!~led olllll~wnlt! !o..' r . olill:' III thu uellill • all,1 [uunua tt~"'He fuuu.l ..~ "",rolllcttt'rl' Ilnlla IlbUlf)o,t"lpU. tt)~,"\ to ,:lIl ·lol.nCH:,). I l'OtIlll nlOkU·'il IIlIII! tb:lt wuuldnrtl\ariw.It is Ilrt"III::'t:,t from th letter~ Ib_lt bb Til!' Willo'-" of th\." l:lt .. e,·i:.;ntlil'l'.gen. Lurne,t IUlIl up. ta..:llb"n.:Iwo.' \'1';\$ Leol~~llll'ut:l:. n ;eutll::.unu iu f,li: (,lal Jtllnes .\. l'ollill llil'tl 1:\'1t w.:-e:< tit . ,h ,u\"t~1 YOU~1 bo). WHe foo~ ,clTcnnut:mc.cilILll ....elt rUlJetteJ. S.lCI"~llle!lto, II~lXl 00 "C tr.", I,·utololl l'ICt)' 11/1 • ;S lelli. it \I"U1dis(Ir.~.'

    Tbe Inlenor dep:\rtwent tellOrlA the 11O!~n· " '. the 1),"111 cllteriU$ tile ri"ht arm -Plthmoll of that ro.'lluuha to Ott tI,Gill,OW. Til.. we:lther nt:-.t, Loms 1:t.'4t w~'Ck :\Jllnh:ll. \'entllllches IIC'o~' the e~r-;

    Poor Food nod Consumption. I~nh eXC;>s.'lI'·el . hot, th~ met'Clll'r rangm,; Th~ jur) fnilelt to .gree ou tbe Ra .lroln !.lG til O~ Ilcgrces In the liluille. cue ot t.'orvn!li.a. lIu will h:l"e tbe paIt.n

    A 1.10\' nnswerin.. til£' description of of lying ill j ..i1 :I!lother lJix tnOlltha, or:::.\t tIle tnLleii of how UlQI.\' fal'.uen! Chnrlc,:Hosii i~ li\.i'll" near Cownn,wille tUl~ther OllllOftUUtt)· of. e clIpe oll'en ititlL

    tUlllllll'Chank"l, we wonder, i"i 'the Ilud;· ,'. .. I~C' .' fwo wOllum who h:ullltl froan Lill1l,wheat Inell.kfa'it gon~ iuto lIis,;{rr\re 1 We Ollt.:lo!'IO, \II II Frer.c I· illlndlim fllllIlJ.". with f.{1:nt!l:lIlC1t l~) clt'Ort!, i3l"1l Ea~IUA:1,re,ldih' I('c:tll the hme whea uncolllltee proJ e (l( 1\ e ellgllle 0 IC tnn· Tht! )rl~lioic i.a ttl he ihO fctl 1000g, The c.ha\'e no~ l'etlllj' l>Cell deemed lIree. r\·. neue. tr:'lellln~e \US {lI,loU.The people unxe lIot realized thM whnl St'CI'Cta.l'y E"aru ha" nuthorizet.1 the I • The 1':11 '11Ie :~a",l ~~'I ~Ii .. ~thev ~ardehihlkll'hill. Tho,' \\{.,... Imt fourteen occllrr.:,ll1l .\doria tlJa 'h:,':'. l'an ttItabn~~ for th~ dt(lOSlt ~f t~bercl'J and ll~llt, tI'e olll"'1t I...:n:; ~.\,:.,:. Hl\~'1 the \le:lturr thalli;lell t!wre 1'IllQ ldlin,; wheretOthe Itlflatnmlltlon to .... Iuch I: nl1:111-ally {In',iJent nzetinilll'tl'.t\l'o \'''In thltl;,..IIIt'lllt.gi"elJ rise. lllcl'C l\l'a; mUlI\' men v:ho I '0 ." I Tu.. nolwtr,111·",1II,JI,i,un~)'kttlnlu.:tIby a chllnt'c of lh'intt l'tnde'I' the tul"'l'-' ,Tho nlUO\lIIt or lltn.!l,l.lrll Jollo1'8 Auurl;\ lUll 1,1, tllNUlOh ...,"u: ;,leDdlJ iLlllL

    I 1 °d " .'" I' I' I ,lu..,lfrvm)lnrcll I, IS,!:!, to Jul~' J, Illllnrollti,lUI"\·r\1'b:~hll.\1 'U:\l"OlIdcalllarceli nrcn Y~,uepolilte,- m tielI'. Ull., 'l~;G, Wtl.'l e3J,OI,OOO. I)f' 'tllii4 rt::lJII)'llIlltlc,~Ul.nn!eS1!. \ Ir.aht~.. I~Ule'l 10 Iltgh l,n nltloulIt, ..~13,3J!),94~ 11:\' I,t'eu i~ tied, Tile \iOleliwof tho.! Itorm on Friday ...~t8 pOwQr thllt It tlenolU:nlltes theJ5e ~nl Ibut '. 518 91:! h:;s heen l'etlll llf'll. Thill fri~ltful In IlOrtiollA of tbo. co~ntr, lIIi nInfluences, ami the" h,·t out 11 fo.u·h· I ' ~6' 41 000' , I' h~\illlOt hunl of all)' ll1aterl~llnlury ftIllit-Ion... lifo with enc'mies in their ltmg'i e:wc'!" I , tI\ Ctrcu ntlon. illg from jt. Ou L'llItlOl' (l1.1.1l1S h wu I per-tltnt nre remleroo powerleh b,' tho Tit. Pllllm:1Il Pu.J~e 'ar. eneJ, From varion CluseS, 105 Ih'es Wetoe tbe bnl to $tlAllll ulto lll:WCno"er.~ IIdiaclO&Cd full ftminiuc attire of the 100t on ateaU\OO6ts the flll-'t t .....eh.e one Jar·neatest quaJity and n nuw of golden months. Dunng the past h"el"e 1U0ntl11l &nlQel Hlyne, Acoal miuer a~ ?i~hair which abe had 8t\Crificed, nnd nt thirt)'-one lh-es .....ere IOSl I v Ql"Cideoti COOl }by, 11311 a rock faU 011 hllD, ~I-o

    . J. ~IlA: bone W~ broken IUIiI doin. him -,liS{ut of which 111e broke dov..n nnll ashore; the pl'e'lOliS twelv( month, for. UaftlY.cru~d. Emma. 8.1id her rtlther wa fore- tY-lie\'tIl. lit 18j5, the I\umher or JiveA RSlIIf1l1l III Jackson county t... _:man in It Illwmill, nnd Hnrry 11o.d been 1000t in lltpnmbont'l WlL" GO;; in I j6, JM1l:lry, 1.01:1 inchu: Febrolr)', 1..~Ii 11.;':;Q. clerk in l\ hotel. Sbo had been reo.d- 39l; in 1:-7i, 3~·li in 18;8, :!O:!. The •.~!J, ~\llnl, l.GSi :\IDy 3; Jnne, .bi.ing dimc novel IieU8l1tioni ami I.Ieca.me 5teat.l)' . to le1.ing 30 from hcr mothi.r'. bureau, nUll 0 It IC .ttum >ero ett~"Ul.nu JIO~tnl cards 3SI. Thu illdu ,tl't.llleo 1:l.1l1C )'ear, SJS,reaching Detroit bought the hOYs' Rnt Of. Itl\ckllf.'e~ ~f tlurll I1l11l, !01lrth :lIl,1 the ~~l!IlI\1tion, fO;,O~O. " tbeclothe"i nnd then C31l1f1 10 Bullalo nntl cl~ 1l.~lw'r llepo5lt~ fOI' malllllg ut ,JILl, ~u:lh. a >'OUllg IllAlI relldmll...~~ bft' Se tint· theu' U~,lC'CS, UJIOll the lint IiC"ell tla\'1t of .\It:ltlo'l'~, bAil h" lei IJmkcn III tile~~

    pU UI). at. A ·r.fu:n Il~rcf' .IOlt mg Se,ltel..I:>eI" lind the SUI\PI.jl\lcndeilt oi hl', hurltl rlltl~ing IIsnilllt a tree WIthoule. Their totnl C:Jplt41 wl.en ar· II l' I ' II 'I~' . "':" 1 "'lllla CIlll;A;l!\lllla taul of Ipeed.

    " , °1" ·0, , I I' Ie, I way. til , r\'lce IJI t ll'fCte< to 'D-resteu \\a.!l ~ - oJ 1 llC l'Olunuce IIlI U, I' '" I The HOlHlbllrt ~tl.t lIlIj" Ihera Arel_~~.a.

    d I I , f I .1 Hl\ (' IiIUli nl' count milt 0 UPOll Cllrll " . . thrv-rrea y worn I own to 11:l1ll ne, nnu d I f I I I f l:r.'iU IIl1lnbilr II 1I111ll1IJt'llUtll IJ:IJIllli IIIHarrr oonreMt'lJ of ,,'uich lluring June aggregated hown bu~ the box should be lloolislleU I'loxlt)" ~Ol ollly hll\·e.e ad btt


    O\'er 1,500,000 lJu b{'IA lwnin't 929,000 R'i n 8~nitt\ry mrosure "'llen C Summer wuther, but frot~ ~re """" ongreSi u frequellt oc' flit I!.u: C\llIiitrue.tJon of tbe worl.:. It ii COllllidcrcli by SOll:lllthllt Da l.eiiSC'llll wtJulll bU\'e lnkeu a Juorollruuent COllrlC', if, !1J"iteall of ask IllS It sub.Merilltivll of 100,000,000 fraucs for the cnunl,he hnd forwCtlo. filUlIIIIJrel)arntor)' eOlllpany10 Leroy Benuhon 1I0lntif 011t lliat it ill notcertllin that Ihe Slearngl1l1 routo bns lIot ad-"auw!]c tbnt mar bl'reaUer Icatl to the cre.Ation of a IIccolltl enonl, wliicb wunld depriveDe Le eps' ('!lnttl of tho trnde of the twoC08l1t8 of tite Unitcd Stlltes, on whlcll it reoU" fur ita ebief prodli.

    Till! 1l1'''lIU or Tllrlit AllolUllln.Dr.uus, Jt1ly H,-Sllfenteeu nntioltal

    Liberal. ",ho seceded frolll Ibo pllrt)· oou.ti~tntfd a IICCHnll heAde\1 by Ibe bistorinnI'rehllllbk. Their ICCtlll.on 1r11l Ilue to afOtO of celilare pUif..J upon tbem b)' II mil.'jority of the JlSJ't~ for IIlfl1lOrtiug Disw.arek'ildew on the trlrltr. 'fhe clOllllg debato ontbe tariff' '\Iill be weDionble for lboe protes'"of Delbruck I'-lld l,u!.:er, wbo Ilrol,he ieddi.touttnt and coufusIon I' the rual' of thetarla.

    I'rllure "ud .'lrJc"P.na ,Jaly IS,-The bnditt cowmltte.

    df Ihe cbamber of del)utiell, nud Ihe Itna.torial comwitlie, bove pronouncell in f:lvorof France I.lI.kilid au eth'e part in optllingnp Ctntral Afric.;l. A cowmlsllon to tJ:aw~ine tbe project of Qultilla: Algerlll alld !)eue.gal to SOlldau by riUl\1"D)'b.. betn appointed.It indlldeA DtLeuepI, urioua .tuo.ton auddeputit'llnd a number of tllgin~n.

    'rhe De"d ••..Inl:."~.LolCDOl'. July IS.-Mler II stnttlll of Ibe

    late l>rince Imperiol hi, beeu lliaced illWutmlniate.r A\ibn, lW,1 lOme other 1I1e-morial erecled l'·ltll 'Ihll funlb coutributed bythe Drill~h llrm,', II ball n ruolvet.l to de~vole the lurillu. of tht funtls tlI the eltab-IiIWnt'llt of a 1"lUe1"o!cllt iUSlitUliou iu com.memorntlou of the prince. It i~ cowputedthat the trw)' fund aloue \flll amouut to£00.000,

    '1'he Orh~"Il" ""lnU)·.H I!I intlwatetl that the meeting of memo

    bet8 of tL" Orll!llUI tamlly nt tielle1"A, an.nounced tobe be!(lne.s:t ijllturdflY, il intelldetlto dillcu~u tLe course to Lo tAken b,. them in"lew of the Iml)royewent ot their pro.peclJin conlleqaellco of Ihe IJpllt Ukel, 10 occurAmong DODlpartllt. beelll'il of the uupopu·larily of PrinC1> Jerome Dounllarte.

    };a1Iirlf"UOII". IlierlC'n.LoYUOli. July JO.-III l:."vIIl1e'llIllncll of de.

    preilloll lu LanaAshire IUBIl llumbcrl ofoperntivell nrll eUllgtAtillg to Amerll!II,

    ('llolel'l\ "1111 nll,llIlIerl".A Herlln 11i1lflntcb 111)'11 thllt cholera bnll

    mll.d. itl nppurance in l'3woleusk aud ill epl.deulic. Diphtherin cOlllinutl Itl ro.vages inBellaarAbla, where 0 leecript of Ihe Goverllorl.a publl.hed, orderiug nwvenial ftlmiptionof tbe dwelliug.. lind c1olbiul,;: of Ib& peas.antry.


    ,PU"'ET SOUND AR"'US lbu Atl\liOIl hOll~U fur ,.bdt, r n fel't' uightlIi Ii • ,;u", L"lu, ...,on,I,,,,1 ",""u,1 to, ,Hy.1I:;,,;,;;,~=;;:..,:;,.=======~ ,11'" II IJlhl\",·1 ,bllt hI' I ,I'rnuol:d, HillIWIIt I 'L I' "'I.W or .11 n t 11"1\' nil ';1". IlrleliU. b;I"l' t.IIl,1I Lilli IU d.l.\r,.;" lie ball

    ~ - - Ut:lll A bll'h~ nn.lIl,lt(;I\- b,rt' 1.1.111\' '""can..I . 4 "Ill" "~>"I •.rf'J JIi"1 llllll" !t"111 ',HI ,II~ l'l.Jil..ti III tbe~ 1..1,t !lui :-'ullill It 1'1\ I.t II. L..'.It tu.1.1J" to

    h1\l' hi" lJ l'lll'r, ..·l"lIII \'ir"ini,\ 11.1 lr I at\" ~nf, ril.'; for tho

    -- I"':UU of rlnn,ALU:X Wtll:. : : ..::,ltltll·:Inlll·l'oprlrtlll·. fbr.1loluet, r in l;., ..L .lle :

  • Advice to a Youeg Man,


    , .. , \:,cr~' "It:!;!t.· llllUlc or "IW.

    House-furnishing Hardware,PHIlIJ; Ql:ALlTY.

    TIlil iI the Lo.rges, olltilles, IOltctedstock of Boota anll Shoes OD

    Puget Sound, comprising...." d Ma". Dre..I.~,

    • 0...." 1~..I..,Praak .IH ••.



    Boots aDd ShoesOf the very Iatat qualities and of the

    J..atest. Patterns.

    Stoves, TiDware,PU1IPS. ,_. {1I:0:; !'IPE,PU.IIPS•. - InON PIPE,PU111'S. J- 1Il0:; PIPE,

    _DII'ontr.n 0"-



    Arctic OYer-lhoee.OUt'.. :r..di.', M., and ChildreD',

    Rubber Over-Shoel.

    Wllarftnrrer •


    __......Uk aaul ~eedl.. ,

    ..... P ••dl , f7 dfM ...••AI dU ,

    t:&e., I:&co•• 1:1..


    Vesaela Ditchatt"td,Frci~ht5 Collected,

    Tt'lllllill~ of 11.11 kind. done,At reasonable 1·:a.tf·~'1 u.nJ. o;atid\lcrion

    gtll\r:t.nw"tlF......rdl"lr d C•••I_I".. D4u,,,,

    1I1 1 l' ded ~

    GooJ Dr)" lind G n Woodalway. 011 bllnl1. A.1.o, gOOtl &rk.

    TUlOTBI' lI"\"~"'\'HUI BA."-AGEb'TS FOR-

    St.eUa.coom :Beer,Seattle Deer, Anti I.e")' Dro.ll

    SodA \VI\tcr am1 Root Beer.All butD_ .OtnMted kt tlllr t.N will rtttl..




    Anti Repo.iring exeeutotl U llsual, tUldIlltisfn.ct)on guluantcetl.

    A.·"1 ,p ..\, .,tII.l·.."."J•••UeIMd~

    To Lb. JlIIerchaoti or Pon Tow II_Inti Y1I willlAY lb.L "'.reefl,••I! )'''lIr '0011_ tlll,1 AdvMGOeIbe tolD r,n JOUf frehc!lf bill-, ''lr .. I...·I! ..certainI, I.peeL YHur 1"1.1""'01"", ,0- w,' h.....aueodetll0 rteelvlnl;. ~hlPI'lf>~,IOUiJ t1,,1l\'. rio,fllllf 'WI rll' miDI )'.an ....... ..

    W. lit. _till prer:rt.

    bJt 'l'OU Ilromiiietl ma, when Ii 10 &'Ut Tim Ht'..-, 111'. o:ou rentl" 1" on6 of repntable character, antI it mayUJ,·Robert. The collI worlJ i!l lJ,I>fore In n -few mhitlt('3 the anliiWer W!\S be said tbat in Ilo Cftse has the dll.ughter1Illl'1 Edtlieo, but. 1 prefN' it. to hOllle Oa..'~het.l back: of 111111,,'1\) officer done better thnn in thena rOil umlel' the inlluen of th.. ,I.. · I Yes nIl hn\'e ll('('n for ftn hOlll'" in3tllnce ctbo\'e referred to. -New YOI ktell.' I love "-Oil ilill; nml when 1 am ~IIB ne~': :\11'. Colt then rend' the Correspondence of the Cincinnl\tiiJici 1 ..ill oircl' l\ pmyer fo:, )·ou; Lilt rluc\ition which the Operl1tClr &tnt to }Jr. On.tette.1&'3 home Ilh'l,in, With the Ill'Cthl of Shaw: .: Do you take )llIrgor(':. WrightMllt\!nes lUI hll"-C nlfule me l,reDlll. for ,·o\ll·In.wful wife, nmi Jlt'Ollli~ to be~J Old-never, 110 never:" And fllithful to her IIntilli"p:lrated b)" c1eilth J"atbe pent-up emotioll!f broke o"'er Thcl'C WIUI t'onsillemble lIclR)' At tlle And then remember, son, that theIllmtramt. nllli the frlliI WOlIlRn shook I&n Fmncilii..'O otticf", nllli while wni~ing world is older than )'OU are b)' toeveral&hll. re..."tI ill t\ ltcI'm. . for 1\11 "ns\ver lhe LI'ide chattNI plea.s- )'earsj Ihat lor tbouf!and of ,ears h hIS

    8llth l scene "'as ne,'el' before Wit· nntly with her ftienclll, (lnc of wlj(~w tleen so full 01 smarttr and better young-eel on \rnsbj.ngton Ittreet. Hobert Mid: U WOllltln't it bG II jol.e, )ll\g~le, men than )'ourself lh:u their feet stuck OUIIOltl II if Jll\mly~e


    ' come d18OrgiU\ued b)- tb~ uNion of the voun'" men ba\'e d it. Your clothes fitT~ the word. choked him, Anti he ]"leculiar Londo? ~tIOOlIJthen." 1:1\8 .bel:n ;.ou better Ih:m )'our father', fit him j tt.e)'

    -lail rough l1ee..·o O\'cr hia cheeks, ~te(1 'I\-ith n 8111Clon WI18h ""hlc~ It 18 COSt mOle mone)'; the)' are more 1l)'limj~tnn "'ere folling like nino belien!tl will 81lC\...·ul!£ully protect Its ur· )'our mustache is nealer; the .:nt of )'our· Xalind' Iitood, Iter face rntlilmt with iace for years. "The effect of ole Vro- hair is belter, arld ).ou are preuier-oh,

    ~~.lltI thoutrb" numbel' of itllel"8 hlUl CtiiiI, it ill said, hM 8urpAMelI tiXlJt'Cta- f.ll prettier ttlan "pa.I' But, )'oung man,Pl6e1!d aro~nd, Bohen a..ud 1I1\1imln, tion, and it it onl)' to Le ~~11181'ef1 to tht! old genlleman gets th~ biggest 53,lary,'~Iilpture of hDl'piJlC81!, ",'(Ore 1\11 un· tho restonttion of An old y~ntllllg.. The and his homely. scr,mbling signature onIIllltiowi of surroundings, anll lima on oheli know D111>ean liS If JU8:' cllI&eletl the business end of a cheCk will drain'''utter dar, beneath murk)' cloud!!:, frow the rock, showing its o~~r-in~1 ~!. more mone)' out 01 the b'nk in five min..'tr lie... life \\'41 commenced with a 01"8, the qunrtz 1Ult1 f~ldsp~r ghtterlng In ute, Ihan )·ou could get OUt w!!h a ream~ Soon All ""e,oe nboard nml )Iome- tbe sunligbt. The mtuf;ho nllo comes of paper and a copper-plate slinillure in1lld bound. Ollt much more t1ilitinetly tllnn lx-fol'e,- six monlhs. Young men ale useful.lbe 1I'itnellselt of tho 6Ctne lillgerttl Exchl\ngf. son, and they ;Ire ornamental, ;lnd we all,,~ 10\'e them, and we couldn't engint'er i\Bob T0l'f'r li4iI1, "1\1 not be bulltlozeod F1.tznoodle to America. picnic iuccessfullr Without them. Dutlilt ~IY by a "'.omnn." -- the,' :lre no nO\.t!hiell.lon. Oh. no, noth.~~o," Illid f\ little bootblllCk, flfhnt'lt Aw ]'m nlmOlit Welll'W)' of thilt per· ing- or the kind. Th~)' O:l\'c been here~ mydl\d 11\111, I\nd 1I0W he'll tl'ouLletl petullimeAsurwiw' of et ...·f':lb:11 1't'~.\·f,.'t.11 ttlor~. Don't De so llloJcn a3 10 .hut~lIlAke/( in hi!\ hoots llnd mv mother Englishmen nnd toill'80 flWClCII~I(ll Anu:!" "'oursel! clear O:J~. but d,Jn'! be 110 fri'sh·ba,1 nothing to ent ull dn)':' iean sporting men. It \\"orw.lt~lJ me-If )011 will hafe to be pUl au',,}' III the coolJ~ Wbi11111e, who Ilntl n Inrge drink. it. be n.t nil possible fOI' uuythmg ~f .lIch to ~eep from spoiEng.. Dun't be alinid

    ::tc tlI{lACity, whic1. he gcnerAlIy im. a cllllrwncter to twouLle lilt III t.ho that )'01.11' merit will nOI be disco\'ered.fined, 'illickl)' remltrkCt.I, "This Ihow slil,hteat dp.gwet>. It i!t 1\ Jlretty well People 011 o\'er the .....orld ale huntjn~ for!II been WOrth l\ thousAnd Iiollnn to Im~let'litooll thing by 1111 intli\'itlul~ls ,en- you, ancl if )·ou :ue worth finding the)'~.lI\(l8. gl'ent deot\l mOI'C to Illy poor dO\\left with the pwopllh wCR~nlllg will find )'ou. ..\ diamond isn't so t'ilsilytQ ijy. YOll h~t jJl(Il'C'1l be mOl'U brend pown!ls" t1lltt um!dh ..o~dinll.r\\'~: clrClUll: lour.d as ~ quartz pebbl~, but people""- llleo,lt lind [lOtlttOl'II in my Il.hllnl)' Mtnnce81' iH lItterly rllhcnloll!ol (01' AllIc,- sel1rcb for It all tbe mOrc lnter,t1v,-UlJr..·lCttbl!. r, too, will Ll'eak the ju!,'lf, iC!lns to twy to nw cOlllpete with All)"' Iing~on Hawkel'e.~ thank Ood thnt. some sOOtI fln~1 "'1.1 bod)' in sporting mAttnhM who is .born • _... \ e· .• 1 B .. I I 1'1,. ··",.r"",,. TI,. P" ..ident l"emhH the sentence ofto Vlttlhingt,n lltl'eet to-da)·." UUuA I ..... lllY I \VII e. ..'l. ....""t tbought .Mlllintlu tnlked "'ell, nnd must ill\'lIrwinbly get uttnhly woutell llismissnl L:r COUl·t mal'tilll upon ClIJltldn"I turnr


    We will pay

    ONE HUNDRED DOLLARSHe"lLnl (or the arre!t IIml cnll\'lctkm 'Ifthtt pArt)' ur IJltrllel "'lio klllt't1 II1Ir CHillI!It Scow loAv. III ,ldrtlrson en., W, 'I" lItthe 1II1t1 ('Iittttlil \ferk 'IX ""11.\ kllll"tJlllNltllcwo wLocki Itgo. tVt·(Ilh.,'cre and 11 l'O\V \\'l'IUkilled III 1X'\JllIhu l!lit, Illld tlll~ lItl;er-1\lilt ,"'O",-Wlli klllt'l.l OIlIlOOllt.'uly 4. l~j!J.


    Pert 1'ownltlud, Jill)' 17, 1810. 2:!

    WTllu Xilllollll.l 001+1 .'ktlill \\:U1l\\ItI1It.~111l IInulll'y & J{lllol~!l11 lllr llilllIe-t j'hOlogl'lll,h.11I tilt' l UilCtl :ltlltd. 111111the \"ICUIlI1 )h:dill (lir tllc I,.oe.~f In 111\' \lvl..!

    -i1U 3luut,owcly ill"tt:" :i1U }'!"'oI11l,'b.."

    11.~, IlllAtIl!lUAW. Wll.lI, ISMA~


    AT1'UII~t~Y8A1" L.\\V J\~U l'Il(J(.,~r..1I:3tn A"mlrnU)·.

    Port TO,,·IIt1)l1U. \\', T

    Foreign & Domeslic FruitCAXlJIE8.

    COXFECTIO:s to thM.. k lhv "boYI" PLAIN. FANCY JOB WORKor thc Fire Co., ror t.bllir "'NIII~. .J::Xtll.:uteIJ at Iho AaGUS OFFICi>.

    EDITORIAL CO~RESPDNOtNCE'--llltitl. over which tho "iron hOriul"tlllliv travels for publio cOTl\'cniclICo,

    •\ "HIP 'W !'ol'\,'n n. I'pc:iks louJer (oJr Olympia IiIIHI.J.UlnlC" lIy 'nit! WAy. Thurltton County onterprise tillUl has

    3:1)' other public work within the;>llSt. decade. l"ils5ing through Te·

    J.ca\·ill~ hOllie Juring thisl'leaslltlt nino where \V8 chlln~ed (lars, a rilloJuly weather, \'to jOl1rllt\'elll1q~r Ihe of .!..luut four miles lOuth (,OliO"llluKhing watl!r~ blue" tlll\l t' IIl1pnse tbellc~ brought. us tothllt gr6at, lo·be, higll"my of com-I TilE I'RISON,mercc kuo,," u Puget . \lml. Loc:\ted near the Skookum Chuck

    l'OItT 1.l.·HLOW lllLI., ri\'er and on the lin. of the N. P. ItA'tb' first pl')rt on our wa" ~e It The contractors ba't'l 20 acresCound still idle. The PUKet Mill oC land here, upon which thll! eroct·Co., its prtseot O"lIers, bue er~ctftd ed a prillon builJing tbr.e·starinawd Ilurly finished a large mill here, bigb. Its walls are 1 foot thicle, tbethougb there has been but "littl. e:se timllcrs being 50 fastened togethergoing on" durin~ tht past t"O years, that the smallest kind of an aUl'ursa,'" the ship·buildini Industry car· could Dot be inserted at an! placerted 011 In'llie Hall Uros. Eyen that ,'t'itbout encountering great, ironillll pres~1It wuitiDg, like mllny other spikes. Buitles tbis tb're i!J weatb·entNprins, C,lr a revivul or trad•.•r boardinp; It inch tbick nail.d 00How the citheens or this little burg outside. The capaoity or the prisonmiss the J;uitling band, the genius, is 130. The lower floor is entirelyand Ih. eller~y or the Illle, lameuted taken up by tbe male ward. It can·Arthl.lr Pbinnoy! WI ruund taius 3Q tPolIs and hn 110 outl.t sllve

    l'OI:T GUoIULK up a pair of narrow stairs andDri\'injt away Rt its "ccu,tomtd through a clnsoly guarded P"sllie'11i!Cll. Tho .... hirr of it ",W8, the to the second floor. On tbe secondc uuds oC 8IR"ke curling hea,oen"ard floor, which is ret-ched h,. an outsideanu IhB OCflll1l craft that her. lie stair".y, aro found (l Ji,inJl room,mc>oretl MwaitillJ:; Iheir cllrgoes, all 24xSO ft., a "ash room 20x20 Ct., I.tell of Mil tllierprilio tila: IImO'OS dillinA' room 20x30 ft., and a kitchenwirh the ellcqn- oC eleam and tho and romalo 'l'VR.rd :.!Ox20 eaoh. Alsointolligtnce uf 'tHlllll'lI brain power. on Lbo north sido of this Roor, areHer., for tbo pltlit twcllty.fh·c yelitl, spacious reception, store and guardhll\'e bien cenlered Ihft efforts o( rooms Itnd tho DrltOna\. The upperIhrl!\,d ullsineli ml.'t1 wllo III\\'e ~'lad. or tbird story is inlellJed for a workulllI, built up a IUlllhorillg Ulllllu(ao IIb0r,' Tbe ,.ard, )(JOx200 (eet, iswr)'- Ihat il simply illlmelll5C in its enc osod by a }:!·foot. Icockade

    IHul'0rlioll8 , comllarll'\! ",hh ~.lmilar Somt idu& of tbo explw8e of chis ~n.IlllilituliullS (\11 the StJUIlI1. \\ Ilhout terprise may be gl1ined by rellectlll&,goill'" into tlotail, we will pus on tu lhal the iron doors to the cells, alono,the quiet littln tOWII of Port Ml&di· cost about 810000 Tbert are at presson, Ilud from thenCIJ 10 tnt 4.6 prisrnlers (.11 males) can·

    fined ber.. Fiye Jluards ara .m·SEATTLE, played, a nigbt watchmaA, a warden,

    Thellr~e and "ro.. ill);' to"n th.t is a superintendent, two bead coopersalrl:Ildy drawing ulltl~r Iltr .wingsl.hlJ and a forem.n rnr tbe brick y.rduriuuJ IIllllluf.cturllu[ IUdullfIU The brichyard "hen rairly st.rted,which he (leak Il di'ersitit'd MII,I tbri'" will lurn out 4000 or 5000 briok perill'f pOj>ullloce. Uillinclis hllyiull been day, wbile tbe cooper shop alreadyoycr ....rous;tht ber' au much tlurinp: (urns out (tom 100 to 150 barrel a pertbe past (If'" yCl1rs, and the credit week. A fine looking 3,"re garden')'stem h"ving pre\'lIil\!d ,n exten· is also worked allo by con,iot labor,h'el~o, Selltlle bill liiulftored more, Near the prison ia the TburatoD Doss CUll BAKB.-W.learn tbatproportionattly, rrom Ihe preulell t Coal Co', mini. It i, idle at prelent, oar townsmen, Mes n. J. A. Kubndull times, than bllS ,uly otber tow II but will reslilme work about Au~uu aDd B, S. Mill", ar' gettini up aDO PU,l{liIt SoUIltI. Ntu·ertheles.i sb. 15t. Tbe 't'ein of coal,7 (tet tbick,. b' h II J 300 par'y for a grlod clam bake on Sat·IS raving t • currellt flu) v. an il a fine property. Tbe tunn.I, 'eacb!.1Lf brings ber new cllpitil,llel't' Ctet tleep, wu partially exploreJ b, urday next. Tbe lpot selected isindustrie., increased pupulatiun aud us. It is proposed to utilize tbe 000 Kubo's SprinJt, or Peckham Spit, attbule adnDtlKes which pro"A aure .. ie' labor in tbis mine, u well u 10 the head o( Port Townsend bay. Th.tteppini IItonel ill the healthy HfOWlb a aaw mill near hy. '11 r . h r. . - I" movel'l WI urnla a ree eonu,.·o( young CIties. ~Itt e I 11)" po' The contract Iystem has ben in,itiOIl, otber thin,s beiu$[ equlLl here force "year, aod no prisoner. bue aDee to ami from the grounds, aliaarter, to lucoesdully comj>lt18 "ith as yet ellCl:~d. In (act there il no tho clams. ThOle qoing "ill onlyall riltal, (ur the po.ition and prel' pollible chaoce ror elcap., noept need to take thtir eatablel for lunch.tige or tb, nurth· .....,.1ern merropulis. (rom the guardl, wbile out at work Some labor ba. alread, b.en t:(.lJut "e mUlt burry on. Aflcr roo It is claimed (or the Iystela-mai'ling O'llr ni~bt hAre, e:lcblwging 1st. 1'bat it le..enl the coat oC p.nded in preparing tables, leatl,"reeting. "ith friendl Illld hutil! keepiog prisoner., 82618 being an &:e., on the ground.. The littlenOlillg the many improvements ill nllally I..ed to tbe Territory 00 the Itoam (erry boat, from Port Disooy.the .,.lIlc. during the few ,bort mouths 46 now confined, er,., "ill b' employed to oarry pa••lince lalt "e llaW' it,tbe Itaunch little 2,1. Tbat it areatly lellena the II

    M . L.. d I J " Hngen aDd tow Ima er boat., AItumer elfe Ig6r 11& oVar 1'1 ,an a danller o( eacape, as (ormerly jail(e" houl'I' rid" Cllrriel UI p"st the deliverilll "er. o( frequeot oocur jolly tim. is expeoted, abould tbethe thri't'in~ to"n o( Tacoma, tbe renoe, " ••tber prove fine.hal( relll,ollited corp.e o( Steila· 3d. That by this moanllhe Inten00010, and un to tion o( tbe law, wbero sentence t.o

    OLY)fru.. bard labor is paased, i. (ully carriedHere, after huilllC trneled a cir· out,

    cuitoul rout. o( about a hundred \\re (ound tb. iostitution in aplenllIile~, we find the capitol city-as did condition, talked witb lome o(quiet, lit I.H·...uretl and ItS hand· the prisoners and founJ tb"{wtrelOme a, sbe h.. been ,illce rllilroad hum.nely treated. \V. ila oooamo'emen~1 be~lln to sprnd tho tlr· ,ion to in,utigate tb, ciroum-minul f"er amonK entbllsill~tic l/lnd stancea connected with a ,tatemento"uers. Situated at tho bead of by one P. ~. Con~, I dil"bargcd.co,Dnuigation, a hundr.d and ninoly ..ict, pubhlhed III that OOOVlot ~milel from "here Cape Flattery tli· champion, tbe uDemooratio Pr.n,Tid.. the StrAitl o( Fuca rrolll the The lIldi,idulll had jUlt satil6.d abroad Paci6c, Olympia ocoupir.s lUI sentence for horso Itoaling "b,n hiaimportant Jeographical p",ition. correlpondence appear.d in the pa·BoutiD~ a r&lr Ibare oC tbe wealth, per referred to. He must hue beIDand Dlucb o( tb. ariltocrllc,. (if in· a partioular (riend or tbe editor, ordud tb". be lucb a tbinfl) 1fI Wuh. the latter "ould cert.inly ba.. h.ldiOltOD T.rritory, 'be lookl out upon his staremont until itl truthfuln...tbe "arId "ith a complacent Irnile was eit.blished by better autborit,wbich indicatna willingne.. to biJe Hia Slatoment WIS limpl,. ralle rromher time uDtil a greater deire" of beginninsr to end, "i'b one ainglemillennia! IIor1 i, attainable. H~re qualification. Tbe perlOoal proper1he Hat o( g'O't"8rnment is, ud horr t,. whicb b. claifllad "Ill not retb. Solonl of the Territor,. poriodic turned to him con"istld o( a cbeapally uHmble to ov.rhaul and rl'pair pi:ltol, "ortb about 11.60. It w...Ibe loYerhmenlal machinery or th~ (nrgotten at \Valla Walla, in brinl{common"ealth. Ol,.mpia 1",,,lters inl{ him down, and "18 le(t at UlSandar a lummer'a lUll, or Ihiur. IU:!E'gtstion, bloaulle he ..id ba wal'neath a "int'1 blut, alike "ith an p;oing hack and could ,et it. \V.eu, grac. "hlch c('llld ollly Cbll.rllu· 1&" bil receipt ror.6 in money, andt4:m:o ••ell regulated city. a ui' o~ c!othOJ, worth .18 to '20-, Whiling a"ay • da,. anti a hIli( Jrivtn at hi, discharge. Ha n..er~er. a~olloJ o!d frlen~,! Illd acclilpt did any work, .... bile confined, harder109 an 10't'ILatlon to 't'lllt tban Jlardening-aod not. even tbat

    one·third of the time. Hil "atobn.lTCO PRI'OX, "'as ne't'er taken (rom him, be "al

    W. were uod' 1;)., cb .. morning trltin," not lIironed,lI and, iC any (lfth couldon tbe Olympia & Tenino rlilrOMd. Le (ountl, it "auld btt 00 tb' IcoreThe pa~~ oon,ined of GOY. E, P. or too eas,. treatm.nt. GOYFlrrr' Ron. Frallcil Tarbell, l·urri· o. h'toria Treasurer; Han. 'f..\1. Ueed, r-'orry objeote~ t~ /iflvmr l~ I~ OOlt J F SHEEHANl' d' II J P JI 11 It. luit on dllmllUal,lIror,' said be, • • ,

    er. Au 110r; . nn. . .. . oyt, "1 hllve oa a flO auit or clotbea and lnlportorand Dealer InJudge or the Dillrict Court; H"... ood b ~Amoa Tullia, Cuun.ihn,••1".,; )(r. 'h.y ough' '0 bIll ••oug or a STOVES, TIN PLATE, SHEEHROK,\\ conYict.

    ·m. Billings, Shltrilf or 1'huI'ltton But we CADnot partiolilarize (ur. LEAD PU'E, fUlfl'S, ZISC, WIRE,Co., and thflt si~IJl.seeill~, llrllt per· ther,and mutt lea"e the reader her. And Houae.Hold FU1'Ili8hingIon liilgular. i'he rOld lJcd WItS lev. in lieu or describing .. monotonoUI d.!, Or undulating' Iwer ~(uy W,ullts, Har ware. 23the carll "ere CUllltlhtUiulIS, tllll nll'lrn· trip bome. WATER ST.. l'ORT TOWSSEEDill;.t "Icil /lHI, ~h 1l11ii1llVru.hl" gtlO"o,l"as .1"'lly up," &.:.

    Tbe tiitlleu uultl or track ben

    Juuou. - Venires hu. boen is·ned ror tbe (l')llowin; jurotl rrom

    Jefferllon county, for the 'ept4'mller

    1erm: "rand jurorl-Chas. Eisen.hei., Benr,. Webber, O. A. Smitb,J. E, Pugh, F. W. l.litllin~I, Thos.Pieroe. Petit jurors-G. B. Hanltl,

    John ADderaon, G.o. Udlin~.. W.BRoberta, S, H. Cottlt, JOI. \\'hit~.Ju. Eayel, eh.., fl. G~rriltL, CoGuptie aod n. H. Greelllo".

    60 I live (or those who 1o,.~ me,For tbole 14'1.0 know 1lI1: (111\'.

    Fur Illu 11t·:UOllll lIllIt "mild alJo\'u meAutl ",MI~ III" ~plrlt tou:

    For th~ call~ Ihllt IlIck.• IlMl~rILl:ce.For the WNIlji( tlmt liet!d'i n:.tIStllllrtl,

    For tile brlKht hOv

  • p


    8 a It


    [0. C. U. ROTD5C11I 1.1>

    Vlr.lnla It,a Whlske,

    FnlI> BItbmool!, Va_ d1.... _Il1o ~I••~Ile_


    Itook Cove .ou.bon Whls-ks,••rgrs and 1816.

    D. C. H. ItOTH.CHILD.Conlular lient or FRANCK;

    u u u Pnu;.Vice. eouul or . NtCAitAnu.a.;

    u U " URAOUA\',

    Durham Old Vlrllinia ....Wbluer-IS73.

    17 For oaJe by ROTHSCBIJ.D & c..

    PeruvianEQUAl. In every lftpect tn IhI- hP.t

    J~lnrponl SitU 'or.n pllrpnM'!l rf'lr "'hldl• Ipotletlwhllellftlllll1oc required.

    t7 Boye,. will find It IttfltlJtr alll)chellptr than a"T 011..., by l:lIlJln~ ror

    16 IaIQplel, 7 J[, MUSCATF.1and Wine Vlntrr. hn))or1a1 dlttd by lli tro~ the .lne1~ro.: In pll)tt "1Il11~;"

    ~I" .ud Cor sale at:salt Frauclk.'o ""tea by


    OM 8 1-4 inch FISH wal1onfor sale at ahar-l1ain by

    Exchange Bought and Sold.


    TllIS F.S'rABUSTIltEX1' J[A::5 JUST Ol)F::\,F:O WITH A FULL A~J.)Complete SlockoC Ceneral Merchandlae, collslsllltg III pl'u IIrHCtl'clwul'e Grooeries, Provisions, Crockery,

    Boots, tmd Sfwes, Dry Goods, Notions, ~·c., ~S·c.Which will be .old at Port Town.end Prien, fOf' ca.h.


    '''OOL l.l.lDEt;••tun~, AND OILFor which tho bigbost market price "ill bo paid. FIUlucrs will find it to

    tbeir interost to can alld CXLIt1line gocx!s at tbis estlhli hmf'nt

    n.r.,. pu,ch..ing .I••whore. :-;U TROUBLE TO ,BOW GOODS.

    Port Townsend• .Maroh 27, 1879,

    -0 A:SD DEALERS 1:S 0-



    n":1-:ltfl':~::~~rr~::e~:a:;:c,,=b1 tbe olBtflrtlflt ere..,

    8~1:.f1:l.1P. to~U: ~~~_Po_"_TO_W_O"_0_4_.'_00_0_"'_"_""_. IGenuine slraiahl Bourbon


    The Highest Price Paid for Wool, Hides, Fursand Produce.

    Liberal Advances made on Consignments.


    Dry Goods, Clothing,Boots and shoes,

    Ship chandlery, Hardware, Groceries,Tobacco, cigars, Wines, ~ liquo:::s

    ~nIPPI G! ~O)ml~~mN }IER~n!NT~



    ~ For Gooll cll'''' gil to Uoloomb'.

    WILL L1i..\ \'E

    POrt Townsend~ Portland, Ogo.OM .boa' It•• Jttlh or ...th ••••b.

    I··ur Freight or PAUHge, Appl1 011 Uo:lrd,!O Or to a ....TIGCIULD .t CO, qeotl.

    The First-class steamshior-#Ft

    17A nne UIOrllucnt of Itgal blanksat -llok.1llllb'L

    Go to \\'lttern\l\n &; Kau Cor tho beltcarpcu, At reasoRltblo prices.

    W 'rhe AtlOU5 Is kepr for IIle, f'IIU-larly, lit Mr, 1J0lcomb'lI Variety Store.

    tV' Two 1I11t-elltM &ewing mRchlnee,a \\ 111011 .nd 1\ Slllgtlr. MEW, for Nlo,API11.}' at the ABOt:! olllce.

    Ed'" Sllrsilparllla and Soda Wattl'. rort1M3 million, at Holcomb', Variety Mtore.


    WILl. u:'"v'"Port Townssnd for Sitka,

    AILli"n '('err'y, l\ml WIl, Poru,0 .. u••".u" '''e 1.& v' Neb X..I".

    'rUUK II ttUl trouble Itl Oregon O'fertbe OO¥efllor.Cb14dwlck admlnlltratlon at-fa',.. 'I'bou~alldl or dolla,.. oC ItoltnCIUltla hne lireldy been I"tltortd. Anet thework gOf.,l brnely on. It II 00: "ltogeth.er ullllktly thlt A lew eX-Qftlclall "Ill yethnV6 all opportllully oC lurveylng tile",orld Cmm behlnlJ the ball,

    R.UCIOU8 NOTIClU.l!enlCf:1 'Will be hald In St. l'1lu.l'lctlu.rtb on

    illnl1ll1)' next at 11 A. x, and j r, x. 8undaT.cboolat' .,.. Jl.:ven108' prayer on Wed.nflttoday. at j o'doca. Litany 00 rnday MOI'IIIu.a,l\t I•., rrftCbln~ lIUt SandAyln tbe M. E. ("'barehluornhl, tnd e-rmlmt, 111 Re.., 8. A. Btarr.l*IItor. ~Ib aebool .t t:1), 1'. x,_& A.111m'. Su.pt. Pra)'er 10eedna 011 Tbu.nt1ay.v.'11111 _.. f o'eloi.:ll,

    lte«ull;uentoe-ill tbe Pretbnerlu. (""hludl:b~~ga"t1':t~tub~:r: 1). W.If.cde, ...tor.

    QOILJ:CT. W. T •• ,July", 1819.ED, AROU!:-The annewraAry 01 our

    natloll t~ beenlluly celebraled. Our 8""t1llerylllell fa.luted tbe open lug day. 1'Mcitizen. a.mbled _i an tarly hour at thepla~ appointed. T~ declaration oC In·dellenetoce 'ft& reid by )fr. L. M:. Ford.There were a1ao allproprlate peecbelland,lnKlr,g. A. public dinner waaglvtll tree,A I(OOd VAriety of me-tJ, pitt and cakes,aeYC!rallatt:e pans fUJed wltb ttra"berrles,.nStar and cream, made It an tujoyableCeatt. The YOUR' people made good UHollhe larp 1'11'1111' No accidents, drunk·tonrM or t1lhtlnl to recvrd.

    You~, 40., A. J. SlIITD.

    P.umso nO!(OR~.-Ctlpt.U. O. Jlorce.ortl1t~ P. 11. S. S. D~kot.'l. W 'I tcm1ert'1 n(llrowtll receptlOll at (lib port 011 Thut5lJnyI"~t. ('Ill the itlpposltloll thRt he "'ould betrall~(l:rrN on aL'COun: or tOO wl~lKIrawRlof the DItlroUllrolll thlJ route. '!'oo OOIllJorUII.. (111\00 dLocou~IIIYelJ' mtulc. bothIIpOll tile ttrrlvalltlld 11eparttlT'C of tbe \-es--~1. JUi( /liter I(':lylng tho ",laar(, Capt.:Yom flrtJ 1\ snlute allli dipped hi!! 1111: IIItill wcr to frlclUh 011 Ihorej and, tUfulngrouud. raised Ill! cap, bowlug If.cdullyIUllckno,,'ledKmetlt 01 tho honor con rerrtd.Helore the ,·e..;;sel Will out tho 01 hArbor sho\," t:lluted 01 the· flrlug or Dr. .w.lnor'icantlon, which !aluto WIIS IIpproprlalelyalliweretl. Capt. Morse carries "lth himthe warmeat wlllhelJ oCa large number otrrlcmb. It Is nlmnroo trntt tbo Awkllwill take tho plllce 01 tho Dnkota on thllroute. At different points on tbe Sound,pt'tltlons to the P. 11. 8. S. Co. httve beenclreulatal. aud estellahely 11S;lled, pray·ing that Capt. Morse be retalu~ OD UJia

    lOll".TlIE lIt.'TCUlSSOSS.-On Mondll) ncn·

    Ina: the§e noted .llIge", Rl311c tbelr secondIlilpearance In Port 'fuwU08I1lJ. l'helr DU-\lIence WIS 1I0t I! latfte. aU thlulS COll-l!\lered, u might l'CHlonabl)' bue been exIlCCted, bllt the entertainment "A! uertaln-Iy olle or the ,llO!t euJoTllble ot ItI kind.Tho proa:r1lmmc, lLS nlmlered, coutAined~ome 01 the ."eett8t OIelotll.. ever wrlt-tell. By l'CQ.uest, several l-Ileocs lJUlla onthclr prnlou, .ppettnUlco were telll'l>c1ueed, NCllrly ner}' 101ig ellcltOO enthu-1i11l1ltlcapptauS6--efipeclll.1ly"RecoUcct!onaolclllh.lhoOO." by ~t1M Lillie 1l ., "l'hecrffi1 oC tho Bella, ,. br the compl'nYI "ndlC,erul otlle". Although tbla company1m been uaveling (or mHny)·eftl"l., and theeltler couple are lar bt!)'ond the prlwe 01U(e Itl IDtmbers ,UU IluLlln their "ell·eamed reputalion. M,. H. J, and lU"Lillie P., baaeo autllOprano, relptetlvel1,hlte 00ili powerlul 'od flue trained¥ol~... 'rhel, appeArance U thit pl"l'e"at a real treat to Ollr plOple.

    Local and News Items.

    TUI! 'teamslilp City oC Chester. Peter)f:Il'lI:lt. COlllul"lIt.1er, .:,IIet.1 1J'(I1l\ ~:mFrlllllcl1t.'Ot on I3l&lllrdH1. Jul,10tb at Doon-h""III, on b1UlN 871.a!k1l;:t:rc. as btl'Iliall, 1 pk. treasure ant.llKJOO 11ki nlllJe-400 Will. July ~Ltt. at .. A. 11., met ,I,.1):lko'Jl lto\Ut11 lCOUlb. PaMenl.'t'rl'l foJr IheSound: C H Bt-t:k"ay. P Ba.nulnJ. Ml"IEdward... Ml"IC 0 U,,"IIIR. J 1) Doll)!a",wlCo "K.I 2l'bl.lrell, F II .oOUjltAIl. HFIJ!lJcr. ~ B SuylUoor. W n Burhlttn, 0W .~rell\"l and "ICt. anu 20 In rhe fl~r~IlJU. YdM Crtr Port TO\flliend. 3!J 101l'jror Sf:tttle, OOlollSj Cor OlywVIa, 15 tOll'jror'l'al'Oma.

    '1'00 OAIl,-The .ntf'rltlnlllellt all\'t""IIItCfI b)' }Jr, C. H• .ll!Ulllll.ler. lor Ihu bellO--tit uf lIllr public loCh lOb, I"ll~ Ilt:\.-.:u..rll)·j)O!ljoOllCllllldl·lhtlt.ety. Olt t\,\'OUtlt u( theIlUOr he"ali or Ihe IlcrCOrllltr. It \\'"1I1{l"1l-('rull,. "0[«1 "U"J bnd" b,r th~ \\'ho hatltlXI"'Ctell 50 i1111'1:l1)' to tluJu, tllo.: tn:lll.

    TilE Yer)' grAUCrIUllltl".L'O,IIC:I tu Iuuldthllt Un. P. t;. lIyhwd, Corlllt!rly 01 lhl.tplttl't. 1ll5O of OIYUI(tl:l. 11:\'1 reodwaln \.'"Illtil t"kll chllrKe or :, l'hurch Iu XU\VYlltk cliy If a ..1..,y oCf:.~ lM:ralluUlo.Tile rewrtw.l gt!lItlemlilll hta u»'ny W:ItIUrrlelltlJ 00 PUK':t Suuu\lj .nt.l h.nlu)("I)tovtd, hllllfelC by his Iyorll:\ ,. It It 'h-till!: that he ,houkJ "10 up high\·r."

    ~o..., of yol. 1 01 rbe "Cllidiltml,Democrat.' a aen.'u-eo:ullUl p:ltt:ut outlkleP"I.IC!r, publlfllttd at

    ~It .... Klltlt 11111.01 Ihl- rIA~. I-"I..itlngrt;alh~ 11:1.1 frlt'IK1-ln 1,1I111d OOllllt)'. and)1,·. Ur. K\'llo~:;. oC WlIklbr. hili lftnSIJeuflllll: the p'l ..r WI" kill (1IIjdry. )lrl.1I:ltIu1.l, 01 IhJ.j city, Illhl llL·,1o Settle1lurl:lUl. or I 1111111 Cu" allO WCllt acro.to \\ hklby.


    .\ u:rrt.t: rrom lIr. \\'1111111 F. UIt"',r,l('l't'l,tly lIf 1.h1ll~t'IIC-l. llllunlt~ Ih rll:ll ht:I' I,,(t"k III 1lI, ubllllllll~. lit I.u"dl. 3t Ih.

    111:", 1)0\\"1111'. 01 1)lllt~'II"U, 1m lIt;'uSO UIl"'cllII' 'u I"'fflllr.. lIIl1U\1II11I.1. IIr.Gaa.aflll)' ~t'llt 111,""111('(1' 11I-t \,"yle.

    llA.T. f:. \\'. U1111..1·. Ill"IIt'l"IM Ill' C'u'"-101ll'l. Ilt :\',.\¥ 1':11; 1111:1. CIllI' II .. I', tiM:l50ulIll 011 IIrltlll)' Ilt,t ~11l1 I\'I,:ut II\'lH" toVII'lorl",

    '1'IIE "1"ol't 'I'o¥l'Uit'wl .\Ullih·t1r HilUtl"11It~ Nl~llily kl'1.1In'( "'1't'rhlllll'llh'lll'l111-

    plhut!UU for tlJr~ lJfHtlcl\'Hl'y rdl'!:IIII}' ht·tlllll(l(l br It.

    Ax ndllllg IIlftlch )tAme nf llilac b:1I1took pIH...~:1 ft'lv lll••u IIJ,:fI. 1... lw.'t'1I 1\\"0clulJl IIlllll!: III' or tilt' ilUll1! b '}" III lU\\"Il,all,1 It.'~lllh.'11 III :t. til:,

    '1'lu: lII13U (0)'1 I .. tOWII '" !lll/lIlll hll"l.'HIli:\\' ..llld of 1101'"1.' 10 Inl..l· 10:1111'''11 by.'rhe fll'alll Ii" v. hlnte lit POlt \\ ll~ulI I,hI L'OlI~ or ...'OII'trlM.'tlon.

    tiC" OOtlllt)' I, uot It:rt wlrh'lIlt :I 'ChoolIUlICrlllttlll.lclil. ,. "'III be ,,",u by rheemIelillal! or lit. D. W. SUlltll, I,ub-llshcilill allutl~r t'O:UlUIIo

    Un'. ,1ft., Al:lIe\\". 01 Ihl' pIAl"e. II~'b.'t'IIIIIJ tu UI'llIpl". 0I'1111)'11I1t Ik,· ••J. K.·1'hollll' .....I1· 1'1111'11 t.lllrlllJ: tile IfIthcllU: ur1I1t1111(u:r III E;h'~rll \\'.~hhlll:ton.

    CAI'T. J. II. S¥l'\It, 01' Il'htllli Co., wa.III town 1.H \.....'ek. IUIVI'II-\' T'f'...'O\·el'l.'tI Cromti,e Imml)'lle Jltroke ~ll'uru whh'lllltl h••bt.'Cli nl1f'rlnl; rur IIlv 1):I,t tlfO 1I101lt1l5.

    ',JOJlX J>OTTIi:Il, late a Ilrlvllie Ie Com·INtll' "U", l~t 1t"I"t )lahll'. Ih-u! ArtU·ery. Ii otlIIJN.'(1 10 relliJrt In J)r, '1'.1',Itllnur. 1-: u1lI111lu)t ~ll~tllll CIlt Ptn Ion,.

    Tilt: citl7.cll' uf QII11l)'hltw V3U81 RNb"nlly 111'10 Ihe 'WlIllanl pillut' ur c1vlll-ZIItlon )-ec. 1'hdr .... lebr:Hloll 011 the 4r1ldklllOt IllChulu ltlly t.lnutkeuue . or dglll-In".

    \\'EarelutJebt({I to lIr. X. Gurl 11. orIhb IIIllL", Cor" (01)1 nr 11M3 ··Ultme MIs·IloUlar)·..·• I'rtsb)"tt!rllln Infllllbl)' lUlledIII Sew Yorkj alao Iur other l,ul>lll.:lttloHloC III ttl1'5t.

    YR, TllOl. Phtlllp!. rcal tltlte tudln-'lltallOll "gtlll, lllUl our Ih:lIIk.- (or. \'011;1"ullhe "'1'ntnlertl' Ht.'i'Ortl." a Il~Jtt D1oll1b- OE8Y.H"~D COMI'LUlfJCT.-On TueNl.,.Iy IlUbllahtd hy too ·l'ntvelt,.' Jllltlralll'e t~nlul the ulelllhe,. or "H~nf! F:u,;llI-'Co., 011I1u1Io"l. CoIIIl, Co.. !llllloC tltt btl, ... I, "ellt up to lhe

    hOu5CoCollr~leenl~ fOW'll.nlIUl, )Ir, n.CAI'1'. ~l1rrl. 111111 Mr. C••". Clapp, or L. '1'lbOOl,. ami eereundl!ll that K~lIlM!IlI.U

    J)ulllCelleilil, alme ul' 011 Ihe ~~I1'orlle. III ul'ellent 'lyle, 'rile IIUlIlt:dllllll rell-'ftll!lll.I[. '1'11tt lIttlllner wnt Ineral hour'll 1011 ntthls, "e ullderstud, Is th~ Jlbe,.1lale, hllYlllg KtOnudai "'hilt! l'OwlllJt Otlt otrer olade by Mr. '!'Iltbllb to lee t1,.t rheOtDtlll~lIe.w h:ubor. COlUloallY t.lo not hue to V.y an1 trel,ht

    )tR. J. F. SlIt.'t'han m'ellll, rcc:tlft'l1 n mOlley In C'Ulnllhetr lilt'" liN ClIchlt ro1l000k of Ill:W tOVUl\ Int.lllllW'llre. UI. ad- Port'l'oW'lI(lC!m.l 'rom SAnta Crtl&, ClII.~1I1ft:ment lhb "'tt:k 11Illil1lltt tblt he I~ Jilr. T. ftndllt wllIlJt'rll&l~con him tJO,Idll "hoillin, the Cor'" III ilia lint, antI 110 but uyt hI' will llot hllll'k dOWll" ftomtNlIIJle 10 IhoW' IUOO4. GI,e 111m I call. hli propoellion. He I. olle 01 ,he rOr'lt.

    111:i.~11 • Hellion, 1I01Ulti& Co.,.1 rort tnO'ltlflud III00t enlerprblua: UI~U In PurtHlallity. art: 10 lIa", • II!!'" -ttalllt'r billie. 'l'OWlIWlllll.IH StlaUIe. Jfer lIhlleuJllII'. ~'1ll he J10 Jr. BltOCOllT TO Jt'mClt. -Ollr rem.lc,.keel. 2J C~t n, beAm tilt! a n. t.kpth of "'Ill rtlllt!tllber th"t llurilla: Ille Illoulh orItokl. $118 will have tllJO '''·Inch enilut.'ll. !lay, 1871. II Ct'Mlllll ··OOl:(Or Snlhh" ftl~5 rt. II lOki-. pt:lrt.'d III I'ort 'I'oW'lI!end. Itl'l.1lI11P.111led

    IT ISI)'CIt'h,&, to look 11110 tha IIZaroell. b)' hili Courlt'eM·)·car.()kI dlllllhtt.'r. "ooUlor *>Ult or our lh{)le AV"lIuo hlelltl lt• aull he 11\',lguaud ItS a "WOtIClel'flll dltlll IlIc-there llh'ler\"t Illl~ IlIxurlAllt ~rowth oC ,,,g- luter." lie d:llllltd iUlIJetlllllur,,1 llO"'crt!ulIlOIl_ltll' result ur It little Ilttl!lIlloll. Cllr her. lte. 'rho AI:OUiI, whIch hrltlxo~ 0111)' 110 thl'llC g:1l'llenl Krllll(, tho INtl- JIl~t 1)It:llC!l.I 11110 ollr hftud lt• dCllOUlll'el.llite. but til'll 61e 1:1 \'lmrlll(l(,1 br the lJrll· Illl~ lel/uW' Ilut! his tll'lIghter III t11t1 monIIl\l1tly L'Oloret.l now('~, which, to the hOl1li! 1I11ll1clUu~1 lerltl~ ". frLlulli. The)' hn\'eand to ollr 10\'", CUI be Ilketled unto.ro 1.10111 bten arr"~Il'tI-lhc glrlllbuut l\ nlontllmany Cbe... rlill rlll'l.'i to wekome the Ura.,:- Iljtfl .1111 the "Hllt'r )1I;t wtek-on It chargetr IUlIOllg U~. A wl.HI /lInll hn9 '41(1: urllltlllUhll'turlllt l'lIl1lterftit L'Olu. They"O",w more I\o"en It }'Oll would 111l,:e It:l\'t! bolh "'OIlII'~'"I... l, llllllwlli douht~ KO"OUr 10U\ alii dlflllg:hle~ lu\'~ tli:lt \llIh:1I 1:1 Ih) [he IK'IlItt:IlUJrr. Tbt)' :lre l'Vullut\llnpure and beautlCul. It· the Salt:IU, °1"" Jliil.

    I;RIEF LOCAL lTE~l;';.Till:: IIUtc1lhtBOuii nrc til OI}'n11111i.

    Rr.ct:t"no.:s anl the onler orrho lh)'.)In. W, 11. U. Ll':ltlled. I Ilul,blllg h\

  • r

    Stock!FROM THE EAST.



    'ECUR}; IJARGAI!S"~.


    WCome Early and Oflena

    Bros. & Co.,eattle, : : : W. T.

    E. N. OUIMETTE,DMltr In a11lnnda 01

    DIlY HOODS AXD lIILLIXERYCun:" lWa &pd FUlb at"",,, OIJ'l11p1a. ",•• T, •

    OLYMPIABroom Factol'YI

    ISAAC CHlLBERG, Prop'r._Jll.lluhrtlU'lr 01_

    All Kinds of Bl'ooDllAt San FnnciJco prices. Broom 11'&110

    ranted toll give utilfaction. P~ronil.e Home IndUitry,

    Will make mlJo""IUlce on n.1l ClL~ ules illlhe abo"e line of gooUt.



    T&ylor'l Sulky Rn.kc,

    Mitchell's }"llml \Yagon,

    Sweepstake Plow.,

    BniDca' Hender,

    Meline Plows,

    Etc., Etc.,


    -YOU TIIt.:-


    Pomttodcs,Hoir OilJ,

    And 1111 Articlel uacu lor the Toilet.



    Qui,k Bal.. lllld SmaU ProfiUt

    Carefully Oompounded.

    Pmints.Oil• ..,d

    BMlIbeaA large uaorlment.

    --D£A1.ZRS JS--


    Ceo. W. Harris,(Su~,....r to J. F. MorrilL)

    _m..ur BY EXPRESS OR !!..lIL,

    Promptly nttendwto.

    OLYMPIA HOTEL,J, G. SPARKS, Proprietor,

    OlymJlia, W. T,

    N, S. PORTER,A or T u I: X E Y - A T - LAW,

    Ulyrupi,I, ,y, T,

    H. C, STRUVE,A T TOR ~ E l"" -. A T - LAW,

    OJ)'mpu, W. T.

    SIGN··CITY DRUG STORE,Senttle, W. T,

    lu.lrI~S",'Un,. JOlt. r. UcS.trlln.

    McNauaht Brothers,ATTORNEYS-AT·.LAW,

    Seattle, 'v. T.


    SEATrLE, W. T. SC hwabacherLt·, DAR.-OX, 1 I I • paorRJETOLfrff ('~ 10~ from L'l. IfllUK.

    General MorchandiseOf extra Qualitv.


    Iii of mOllt ablurd deluJiollL Uwnlly from c'rime more than widowers. In all TALLOW-l.,luotable at ,(it 4e., ttention to these DC- • I· . r d I b 0 "(l dl .'We gtve no more a , IOCla IIIUatl?nS women ~re oun 0 e RICE-)Iarlu u"t(!c1 a~ Chilli mlllllo.l, ~t~tl; JI '~n.

    currencel thlln an exclamf\tiOn of lur· much less disposed 10 cnme th3n men, ,.11; &..n~ ...k'h ll1l.nd, :j@7j. Iprise, Md tben forget all nbout them. and lhe presence of children greatly in. COFG:tt-~l~~~:"f!lOjc; Ja",,~: JUo, nOlft;We are talking of to pel'lOl1 whom,}Xr- fluences the morality of married .'omen, rEA~Wequota ~Ipt.n In llowfred bonl ~IOcj La,hRps we rarely meet. Itnd hl\\'8 not teen Those who have children sbo\\' only :!It:o(iU~n~~:~~;,J~·rl r'~J~~n C,ln bblefor a Jong time' au,ldenly be aplVlft'l"I, about half the lendency to crime 01 the 9lr; bf bble8lr; Cru.h~>1 J I•. tOle, hrblJl•. 101e;

    J • r- . h d I'uh'mltd bbllllr hi 1111 nlr; (lr&llUlilCd bbl'A thougbt.-out of the ordmary course, olhert, W,do",',. on Ihe other an, . lOr,'" bbl,IOje, 'it may be-e.ntel"l our mind j we u.preu 5f:em h) be more often inspired "'ilh crlm. S'li~~I~U""bl. It 4::~ I" ,lol., :..De In M"llnll ~~it, wben behold I the .me thought has ina1 lboughls where the, have children 8ARUI~U-Qr box'... !1 l. If ho'tI. S!il8SjUIi been puUnl through the mind of Ihan where the, aTe "'itbOul them. Is YEA:;~;~~"7~~~~;-'':' l~h:W~::~~ty,our friend. 'Ve meet with a certain ex· this from misery er some other cause? \\·ISElt-Sbtrry. f ....~lll'·, It, It It,!:! w"'U In u, r7~fll.Ferie-nct, ud tben we renlember, or As reaards suicide, the presence of a ~~n)·.l!o:lltItlc In ":11. tl :.oo~' ;III .... It flOfanew we ftMember that the ume ex:~ youM' family elercises a pe:aliarlv well '- ten.'.hes, tha.t th~ de"elcpment of the m. great eonlldeDca in preslInt niue" but ebort·

    1 d I f tI I Crt. it it thouf:lht, w1l1 rule hlgber.gallant gentlemen, worthy of those (lVI ua, loom Ie Itructure e~ germ up FLOUR-llarket finD at full prien. Thebrightly civil dAyS for biJr gaUl\ntry and ~ the mature man, has had It.8 pnmlell demand ia fairly aood anll It f'll bome con,ger,t1e mannel'8t met the admirable pro. m t~e developme~t o~ ~be rnce.. The .cmptioD. Oregon ncd Wllllo WaliA urllDdlcession mnd mdvanced with an animated re1"tlon ot lL man I 1)lntulll to Jus an· are In Ught snpply aDd mllrket ftnn.

    .t.s, to, ~y >t'e"ti·." '0 y,ounet ,•.1V imlll na.turo is no .doubt. one of t.he OATS-Feed. tbe market I. a little more.-- .... J ., JoItU.., ...Iv. ncti... and firmer. Sat, of 1000 at $1 to,wi wbom h~ WlUl intfmately acquain~ tS''',:test of an mylten", but there~atlon POTATOES-3O@.(Oc.ed. Brutu. had his eye upon him, lUld of bfe to t.Ulltter, though a.lo~·er kmd of CUJCAOO )UDUT,without diJplaying any rudeneu W'ha~ mya~rr, 1.' equally ~YAtenOU& ~o CBICI.OO, July 1$,ever, quietly ad\'anced himself, inter- phYSical ~I~nce can t'lncl.date the r1!latton ~.&ti~:~rf~ ~~d~~:~;eeptal the Toung gentleman'l hand a, it of the SPlnt to the bnun, but the fact LABD-Sb S5@5 87XII plid forAu£alt.was gracefully rut forw,.ro, and enuJ. 'bat man', bl'!,in IUlll no ,ul-erio~ty t,o POBX-~ 70 paid for Aagu.t.oped it with lu. mon"l jua u it ..ai that of the hi ,b5t. apes from which hll SEW "tou )luun.about to clasp thu ~tl of the young IIpiritual luperilVity could pouibly be Nzw YORK, ;rDl, Hi,Wly. The teeth of Brutus '«"ere r ntly guesaed.' .... far.from gi\-ing IU.Ppo.rt to a. WBEAT-ZtronCi.te III t f I FLOUR-Stead"preutd upon tbe hand. but ill nOt ma n II Ie '-lew 0 our Iptntua na· WOOL-QQiet.pierce or te&r it. Tb.young gentleman tur~, rather t.ehlla to cut ~w~Y, the DOLUS COtTO" )IAUrY.wu a Ielf·poiRd, selllible man. luch u ground from under ~y m"tenllh'~l(~ "!' LI1'&&POOL., July 1:;.were common in thQle days. . He wMi pment. The qUf"Itlon, what POUlt m COTTO:S-A Ibade ea.ler. Prictl nn-no fid;tty or ailly thing bur.'gradullly the de\'elopment, either of tbe indh'idutll cbanged.withdreW' the hau~ whlcb the faithful or of the ra~, ~I th"t where the Ipiritual E.a.". ""b_t JII ...UI.guard bad gently mtereepted. He was tlitn.re. comes 1~' cannot. be an,1\'ered, Lono,., .lul, 15 - Floating cugon.IfO struck witt, the conduct ef Brutua but 1 15 not an Importa.nt one to nnt"'er. ,lrolli·that he becsme hil de\"oted friend and It is, !iowever, in Ilcconhmce "'hb all CltrQOft 00 pallage anti for Ihlpment.e"er after honored tbe dog that 10 faith' the ~nologielS of c~tionl ii th~ s.'\~e ftii~rk LAue. durn.fully pro1.ecled che lady be admired. cr1!ahve power wbicb nt the begmnlD,g Quotatioci of GOod cargoes orr cotU, 4S0And ye~ tbi. dog we 10 cherished '«"as c.reatetl matter ami nfterv.'ard g,,,,e It ~. un damage for MileR' actoUnf, In.mun!..red by a man unknown. Wben hft', SnaIl)', ,,-hen the ~ction of that life ~:~~~1S::@:;~': ~:~:~e~: t~~~c.fa~:found he lily between the tomrow& life- ~.d&v~OlJe(1 che bodily frame and the MlO Il•.• 4il.I~ ... hb :l bullet hole through his tiide. 1D tlnch"e menwl powetll ~f ~mn, com, Goed Ihipph~~ (,'",10.. wbeat 'lD p.....g;e.The brave actl de'l"otw animal slept the pJeteU the "_'ork by bre:nbl0g mto nllln flPr GOO II! Queentitown for orden. jUlttletp ot dl'lotli, Rnu the green com & brtatb of high@r nod rpirltuaJ life.- .hipped or to tt, promptlr lhippeu. jel 611;

    f II nearly duc, tal Cd; Ort'gon for Ihlpwtlll.grace II ~. I\t.o~·e him. WalS not that "PJal\1eofGrauhoppers. {iii GIl.too good an Ilmlnd to be o"'neJ by 10 __ F.ir ","u."e Cbicll$;1) or ;\I1hraule, for(rail a tenure 1 We "'anr. no more dogs. :\ company of Runlan soldieu, while lhipmeut (luricg pre"lIt DJ'lnlh .ad foUo,,-

    Ri,h-on,l (V.. ) D'·'pat,l, illg one, ....r 48(t III, Am.lenn•• 41. ed.... . n cemly on their way to Elisabelhpol, r'• were beH~t \\ith clouds of IrtU hOpptfl, ~~~:::Oi~ ~~f;41l:6.~a~b~t~'~n '1rot,

    The IudiAn departlUen~ annGunces that fngb:ene,J Ihem more than the Turks .trong.thllt ;00 hOfJltIl hll\'c hefn run off h" 'e\'er did .\} n'ght the}' could nOI sleep; Itell WinteJ', 91 Od.white men frvlU R,'(} Cloud Agenc)', lind their a~n~, tneir unlforms, and th~y tbtm- White :Ulchli/IUI, Oil &l.the :nilitlll·. "lIchoritiE!it cnnc.ot. interfere !c1ve were co\', red wilh m~ses of th~se o.~d: 1Iitlludlml, 9i1 1hI. :So. 2ItaDIlar.l,on "~"'O:1l1':' of tlUi~ COluUlltullnw of in1ect5 th~l cr~t,t Into their rtloulh5, nOfes Rell .\tII. Spring, ~o. :J 10 ~o. 2,lhlpplul:,Inlt yeH.r, ~lltilough the 'tolen bol'lltS were .nd cars Tne officers H..d UItO Ihe fler ceo tAl, 8.@8. ltd.tlrh'eu IIAst ClIlnl/it Sherid.n ami Robin, Iwuses, ou: Ihe plaiue of ~I,mhoppers F1?ur, ,o\w. SIIlte. )ler ctntnl, BllM.son, h"J l'fCViolis pn~rbi(on. A ftllinn of Flour. AlD. utm Stalt,lI" ct":1tol, 11i1101l.

    _.- ...- -- flf een miles 1\ .• , ltll.:kh· CO~'rf~d with •l~tt~f Ie ri"ht Ll,lI.n conquer in:l.1l I d II I '!lIe whe:!.t yielll in Ohio is fully' IIIe 11t'1O. an ;: LIt r.:f~1O ;\0.1 Sits. '\'efe

    IlrgUtllO'l.:. 1:.. t:t·!' I.cAI·tue Ill)llUmlJliollll HhHntl}' dtmo\'tU per cellt ~rt'nter thnn Illlit )'enr, Vdlichaf l!S'"0r.lOt W'II dIdO "Milk' yuur dearl)·- --- ,.,___ WIl8 111,,0 it \'el-Y Ilenvy yenr. Xew ~'1'tI.inbought UJ~I·:\'"h.."

  • p-------------------~


    Portla~d, : Oreglll.LElns.Oll It. FRr:n.A.~O,

    (La'.ot MIIl.Qllt;;~

    ,J. A. I"!ITtlO"'lJ1UDOE.Plrl'tt huron., ,nil 1Jt&l., III


    1\'10 NTH S}



    Look Here.

    .ni1·':A:::re~e';''::lTr~~~aa" PECVL'~•• Aad It aow"aad. tbe •

    CilMPIOIIHi£Sili Of liE ImO,n.r-JuI......lao b .. ...a .._.1.,.4 tid. ••• .,le orTILndler, aU ......te la tettlf'riutbt tllq are tILe aLl nindIDIIID m nI: It ............. hU. _.-17 tor_aa4 WMllJ.aato-. ItF ... ...ut.broqlt.1, aa4entaa4I u............t. er til.....t17, ... tile 4IIln1u.to ......I'ClOa.. A.nat, 1'01'

    HA••E.' (e.naln.) •••eLE eEARED HUII_,8peclally Improved for thla Se..on-Ten or Twelve tHt CNt.o

    lOLl AlE"" '0" 'HE OLO IlL/AILISchalll•• F...., Fre'ghl, and Spring Wagon..Iud.b.'•• W••on., S'udebaker 4 Spring Hacks.R.gu'.lo., Wlnol ••11., The most complete windmill in _EI••rd H.rv••t..... Vastly superior to any other band biDder

    Harvester in mutet. Will handle todgedor fallengnln,and t1efttIit better than :lony known machine of its class.

    T.,lo••ulk, R...... Self Dump.ing and' Plain. .

    .~nIID. ond In. I ..gmes-

    - r..~.~='1=: - r.

    I NOTICE Tb. .""" 'DOd willn,all. f'Olltellon" lint! lit·tpolll.., buoille•• of .11 Illnd, 10' ~rtlel 10 lb.CtIunlry. etlltl'l'lnconly. 11111\11 (ODllIIlDloQ forthIJ1UU'. 1'((IIDpt II:u,n" made (MID allMI-IKllon' .n\11I1I bu'hlf~' wll'len wUl rt>eelnl'IlmOOUIMle lUltntlo1a. All klad,'"f !alOrmll·lIun fll,nl~hed. Pa"le. 1I011llnil Llil... aIDa:

    TilE CI):»I!,J!'t,.'{.IT,~S Itr.lI r.L·I;O~I" ST.Ut" ev)!, pl'u~o'lu PiJfllllUIl ~J piles; ha"ingand that will fetch 'em; there's 4n oM used c\-err remoo.r that ca.me to my Il~ .111ftnning mill wLich the chil,lrcn CRIl tice without benefit, until [ usetl Dr . OStom,lUll1 they'll err to sit utl:\11 night; Wilham's [ndi:m Ointment .nd rt.'(ei\"l~J ~ 1Ihere'llll gro\'e with 1II0re'n fort\· LinlJ illlmediJ'ltc re!i('f,"' I!\,' .in. it, nnd bo.'u't.lcl'I kin t..,ke the kitchen J,UlDi CACROLI..ebairs right out thar'; then ['111 goiu to (An 01,1 miuu') Ta:t1mR., ~t'nuln, SOLE AGE:""TlI it,lt TilE l"~lU\'ALLi::lJbreak t\\,o colts thi" IilllUllle", anJ bnwa I ST.\XD.um ..no J:srEr .~nGA.XS,lightning rod put 111\ nnll 'twt.'l'1l me'u It you are going to 1'311\~ your hO:JH', 1\ w, rR'~"'IC£ .t cothe oltl womrlll we'll Illl\ke it n ptlil'Ct Lam, \\':I,;on or mlichinery, th~ womld' I ~"~'=~"'~...="'="_"~·~""='=...~~_r-ntdise aroun' thnr' 1" fnl Imperi.shahle .ltixed Pnint is surely T :l\r:I:ou't&o:D:I.orv·. L

    II And )'0111' rricesl' the 1)l't!H, fOI' it i., WatmntN b,\' t!l"ir EMPERANCE HOTEII Willi, IJI'in' thnt cilia ill the fu~t n;oents in )"0111' own to\':o not to chulk, ~~I, ~:J3, :l:l7 .ull ~:l9 Sfo_lId HI••

    yt!lU', we shan't b'nr ltowlI n'IT Ilc:w)". cl1l.ck, IK.'e! or blister: to CO\'er better and 8

  • Goods



    Pioneer Bakery,I'OH'I' TOWNSEND, T. W•

    C·.\ "'r" I ~ JI .. :W Itt. I:,WillIe:.'... Port Townsond e\' IY

    'I'hIlN!:I)' IIlOIIlIIl)C. lit 1I'lle I)·dod;. lilr

    San Juan and Lopez Islands,Schomo, Semiahmoo and

    Bnaml.b'neWtlll"g 011 ~"lIlnIIlY tlYUUlll', W!tI

    .1-0 Il"ll\·tl

    Port Townsend for NoeahBay, nnd way ports

    On blllldJ&)' 1lI0rlllll~•• In IIIIlC, ~11I",lllll'1'111""""'1· I

    U. S. Mail Steamer01 SP A T C H,

    PLAIN & FANCY ~OS WORKJ::XI),:IILe\1 :U U.e AUOt.li ur"IC~


    Tho Lowest Rates for Cash



    Opposite Wa,hJn&,ton Hotel



    'VelJe1;ab~e...Also, Corllcd Dl'el IlIld Pork, Smol.:edMC(l~ Pork and UolognA l::iall~llge,;,

    Uentl Clll~el!e, Tripe, tic.• ltC.

    L. SMI:TH" F. T E R RV


    Conetanll, on Hand the

    Choicest of Meats



    Conlilting in part of





    OAM'AIN W)t. BLACK. Master oC tile

    Yaeht FRANCES

    To Plea&ure Seekers.

    U~I'I'W STATES, IDISTRIOT J~l\lrtlollthereof, lifO hereby rcc/uln:d to llIe tlltMclaims In this ollll'(l Wthin ,Ixty (6011Io)'sfrom date hereM. r

    Given IIl11ler illS hllnd. at m)' onJoo. IIIOlympili. W. 'l'.• thill i8th day or JUIiCA. D. 187lJ.

    J.1·. nROW:S-,19:10 Regliter of the Land Office.

    WIJhel to RI1n

    I), II. TALIJOT.Gcn'J Lanll«rlpl'lltl Wllnanl Droker.

    SIOllX Citr, Iowa.

    Culllllli{ luttlltlon to Ihe IIb.we umke.wc \\'lIuld Il..k for the lHH\' llrul a l.'OIlfl.llI·11111" III tllil p:a:rollJlgt: "0 111..:111,. bltHOorcl11IJ1011 the ohJ Ilou!;u. It "'111 lid onr 1..111,_'1Il1lt elldllllVlII' IU kl1ll' It lull IUPllly 01all kllllis or Uru, &; lIL"I1ldnes 1)C\.,Ir.J.tugelhcr wiLh the StJllulllrd (Jlltem 1l1..'O1·due. aud ~h\6i\\·lIre. J>lllliU 1I11iJ 01111. .tldFtllllulll'l)' 1I1It! I1l1c l."1lth·r}'. whlt'll "'of!,,>'Ill !'ell lit n:liOnll.bl~ I'IItH, WIIO:C6lllcIIml ret:tll.

    We lInl alHl Ilglmt! fllf tllll new l!erl~I)f '-Chool bovkl!. UL'llll!rll ClU btl ~1l1l"IlI·d.

    4\\' X. O. lIILJ..,tSUN.

    .''''[l I,,.rll·,... I' n, \I' ,",-'.I •. lIlJ1..ll.W " T l·urtTo.. n... IlI\\.T__I I. I '.1" rt " \\ \ T...... Ilk. ..n 111: ·.·,h ,. \\'11""· 1...,,1'•• " .....·,··,IJ,oIl"dr 1,\\ ".T·, I'.'! I 1"-11 ,,,,1·1"/II ~ I·"n..r ......\ , .. ,', ....11"1I1'1Ji" ...'. h.nn.....I).,h .. JIl\· Tcw "lIll1l1,h~."11,,1' II J l'hll11 I. I II.:" ••. Whl,. Illv"r. ••W J nolk..u ......11 n- .Mill' .... LOti,,," vUIe••,"1~1 I. Mr \lnlf",l1. ,Il II ~ ., •• tlllN/CIiHoI,~ I" )lllInd \> I.U_rd .• '''! To...,uend ..JnA Ill' rr ,: ~l'fllIll"lI~r Lope., ••J: l l""n r: ....1'I11"C!ll ~Ule, ,.W, UII)boall .•I. l·.JlII1 Sanalwo. II ..:

    SUbortinatc Lotu Directory.

    Sf). l"lImenll,o.!Jttl I''-~Ii\tneoe Lodge llell'1~ J"nr...nl, •••• Ili·lUlnlllnOll ..•. Anrakl.:Cntljl:t \f"nnl ,\,ttllll~•.I;..I'I,·"I.Io·.\\'.\ )I('I""r1lmll

    ~ 'f.~:~:~~~;:.:::'.:::·l.~:'~~~):::::..:~~ ~;hIW~"nII ,Il..rt'lh•.•••.•.••••• 1'o'll111~ Jn"n "'..lIfler: 1'I"nhll '·II.lIhll J'lif ~rKIIl"llII .;III"·ltll WnUr, W,IlI/I W I' lIurlon

    t !!.Ii" JUlin ~n JrUIlI •••. lI ..y. T J Wl..~k"'"10 111..1111: "1111' ..Si"'''Il·I·'~11)11"" .. S II )'arllnI~ Jelf,·r-.'n .• , ••• I·/lt·1 -r"..·U....:llll. .. , •• l" II IIIll\'1 1.11rto, lit th" mercy(l( tllh!r1y llllrriplldly or prf>occlIpiedC'ommilu'ell. Thl'! @uorlnClUllIllll1ber(II pf>titionl 11idresspI! 10 GlIngrf'ls at(he instlloce n( tilt Nlitilllllli Temper.

    IlIlCe Socip,y, hut i,w:noretl 11.\' theFlllIuP J udicinr~' CORlmitIN', o( which)lr. Alllttt il ellairmllll, ·hll.\·e huru.le~ilimlte allll importunt fruit in Ihecrelloli,1ll u( this spl'cilll committee,Of Iho .ltillllite II'Jloiullnclit of thetlommiasion o( illqlliry thpre needTlOW be but liule dount. Other illl'port.un national t~mperlnc~ It/lilil.tiun will in due tiwe quilo a~ C~r·t.ainly (ullow,"

    ..._' Ill.' I••' 1I:" .. lh "I~ .". h·...r ••


    \\'.A!UJ1(GTOJ(. D. C., .'"ly Iii. lS7lJ.

    The llpeecirr oC &"ator Zilcb Chan.dler nelr tbe ciOi' uC the late I~..iollia bothering tile D~mocr&tic preu.Thlt SenIUM h.. dey~loped l.tely acapacity for .."iolt the riKht thiog

    at 'he right ti ..e. a.d ",opping .he. A. R. JOHNSTON &CO.he getl don.. Hi, argumcllt of tbeDemocratio part" for ill reu.llt t;inl.... mort eft'ecti"e Iban .n,thin, ,bitBlaine, Edmunds, Co"klib~, or Glr·fielde hu ll&id. I am slad to knowthlt it will b. eatenlir,ly circdlattd.

    Nothing being left unprol'ided forby Congrea. eJ:cept c.rtain expen.nconneet.d witb U, S. Mlluhall and,h.ir deputies, and i' being Ihou~btlhey "auld ten. without pi!, rel!-

    ~ I.IOOral AlI\'l\!Il'tS 1I11l\lc 011 COlislgn·j!lg upon tbe cOUlmon ..n•• Mild pat· mellt".riotism o( Conrn.. at the r~gular&lllion, the Pr..id.. t did lIot imlOediatel.r call & leeond Ip ecilll lelliollupon tb. adjournment u( the first,hut there i. no doubt h. will ClIIl &lie agtnltl r,,, 1,II1I11"'rl .t Slm'one j( during tb. nut qUItter th.re Cdehruhnl On'\Ct: or {JCOt.'T SoUXD PILOT 0011'1'1

    l'Art TO""l4!lld. \V,'l'., Jilin! j8. '10.•ho,ld be I.y trollhle.';", r'om I... Green and Dried Fruits SO'l'ICE I. h...., g'''"10 maate" orof (und. in conducting tbe bUli.ell "'11 ;;ullll( re~l. rellulrhllC pdot&, allli nilofthe Courtl. ,\III) Ii