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  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    Influence of Stakeholders in Developing Green Banking Products

    in Bangladesh

    +on,o +oufic houdhur 1/  0d. Sali,(2 0d. 0a,oon Al ashir  */  !raash Saha(% 1.  3ecturer (4e"art,ent of usiness Ad,inistration( 5ast est ni8ersit(angladesh

    2.  eneral 0anager(ASI an 3i,ited(19: 0oti;heel o,,ercial Area(4haa-1)))(angladesh

    *.  3ecturer (4e"art,ent of usiness Ad,inistration( 5ast est ni8ersit(angladesh

    %.  4e"art,ent of usiness Ad,inistration( 5ast est ni8ersit(angladesh


    5n8iron,ental concern is tring to control the "atterns of consu,ers< consu,"tion and =eha8ior of

    ,anufacturing industries and =usiness enter"rises worldwide since cli,ate change issues has =een considered as

    a glo=al challenge. After so ,an argu,entations in the de8elo"ed countries( it has =eco,e an incessant "u=lic

    endear,ent in the de8elo"ing countries lie angladesh( as the le8el of en8iron,ental deterioration has "iced

    u" to the ,ountains. 0an ,easures ha8e =een taen into account while ada"ting to cli,ate changes( =ut the

    actions are inconsistent in ,an cases es"eciall in the financial sector ,ost a""ro"riatel in the =aning

    sector#. +his stud ai,s to highlight the su"re,e =enefits( encountering challenges( strategic as"ects of reenaning with two ,a;or o=;ecti8es. First one is to caricature the e>isting scenario of green =aning "ractice in

    angladesh and the other one is to accentuate how indi8idual and also institutional staeholder forces such as

    regulator( ,anagerial or en8iron,ental( that can affect the deli=erate en8iron,ental =eha8ior of =ans

     "erfor,ing in angladesh. +he findings suggest that =ans should go green and "la a "ro-acti8e role to tae

    en8iron,ental as"ects for functional i,"ro8e,ents and changing client ha=its in =aning =usiness. se of

    a""ro"riate en8iron,ental technologies and ,anage,ent sste,s will not onl =e useful for en8iron,ent( =ut

    also "ro8ide =enefits as greater o"erational efficiencies. After using =oth descri"ti8e and inferential statisticsanalsis( this stud also ad8ocac for the necessit of staeholder"enditure for the whole =aning industr =ut a larger

    in8est,ent in constructing green structure can gi8e a chance to this industr to contri=ute with ,ore

    en8iron,ent friendl acti8ities which could gi8e the, an considera=le co,"etiti8e ad8antages too  Porter and

    van der Linde, 1995#. reen financing could =e the ,ost effecti8e wa that =rings not onl the =aning industrunder the u,=rella of green e,ergence =ut also include the =usiness organi?ations and indi8iduals who ha8e

    co,=ined relationshi" with =aning industr and the en8iron,ent. Not onl Cuantitati8e =ut taing Cualitati8e

     "rocedure( =aning sector can change or su""ort the wa of e8olution of the nature of an econo,. Financing in

    green co,,ercial "ro;ects ,a result in =uilding a green econo, where =ans ha8e the accounta=ilit for

  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    sociall res"onsi=le in8est,ents to "ro8ide =etter ser8ices for sustaina=le en8iron,ent. or"orate fir,s also,oti8ated to wor on such "ro;ects which will lead the, to good =usiness as well as ,aintaining the

    res"onsi=ilit to the en8iron,ent  Menon and Menon, 1997, Porter and van der Linde, 1995#.

    Bowe8er( =ans need to consider the interests or understand the ,oti8e for influence of their staeholders(

     =ecause it will hel" the, to fulfill the ulti,ate de,and towards en8iron,ental res"onsi=ilit. If =ans ha8efailed to ,easure the e>"ectation le8el of green acti8ities that is reCuired = its staeholders who are also the

    staeholders for the en8iron,ent#( then the staeholders ,ight ha8e lessen their interest on nor,al =aningacti8ities as well. So( therefore( =ans should tae initiati8es to include staeholderternal staeholders along with e en8iron,ental

    staeholders will get the si,ilar "riorit to share their intentions( nowledge and "erce"tions( a=out

    en8iron,entall res"onsi=le green acti8ities( with the =ans.4e8elo"ing new green "roducts would =e the first atte,"t for =ans to ,o8e concerning green =aning as"ects.

     Now if =ans show a fa8ora=le attention to their staeholders to "artici"ate in the "rocess of i,"ro8e,ent for

    de8elo"ing new green "roducts it would =e "ossi=le for =ans to "erfor, as learning-organi?ation a""roach

    which will hel" the, ,aing "rofita=le =usiness along with ,aintaining the 8alue of e en8iron,ental

    staeholders later, 1997, !!" 1#$%1#5#. ans ha8e to ensure all t"es of staeholderi,u, =enefits for their en8iron,ental staeholders through =an-

    staeholders interaction which will lead =ans to =eco,e not onl a "rofita=le =ut also an en8iron,entall

    res"onsi=le organi?ation. At "resent( this interaction "rocess could =e the ,ost "rior asset for the =ans to

    for,all incor"orate en8iron,ent staeholdera,"les where =ans ha8e onl atte,"ted so,e green =aning initiati8es(

    although the ha8e not esta=lished the,sel8es as learning-organi?ation till toda. Bowe8er( now =ans are

    reali?ing the i,"ortance of introducing new green =aning "roducts and the in8ol8e,ent of staeholders in the

    de8elo",ent "rocess. +his article is tring to "resent the "osition of en8iron,ental res"onsi=le =aning "ractices

    in angladesh and how and which staeholders Internal D 5>ternal# can significantl influence the "rocess of

    de8elo",ent new green =aning "roducts. +he findings ,a o"ti,isticall influence the =ans in angladesh

    and other green staeholders to =e ,oti8ated for taing green =aning a""roaches seriousl.

    Literature Review

    A green =an ,a not =e e>actl defined as an ethical =an( a sociall res"onsi=le =an( or a sustaina=le =an

     =ut has si,ilar ind of acti8ities and "erce"tion and =ans around the world ha8e alread e>ercised green

     =aning for once at least   Mar&io '((7 #. +he co8erage and =enefits of green =aning clearl ha8e a "ositi8e

    i,"act on en8iron,ent co8ering the securit and cost  Javelin Researc) '((9#. A stud = *ao +'((9 includes(

    green finance influences the alternation "rocess of resource-inefficient and car=on-"roducing industries into

    green industr. Bowe8er( credit and ,aret riss cannot ,oti8ate ,an financial institutions to =e

    en8iron,entall res"onsi=le  Mercier and -liver '(('#.  ./C +'(1( accentuates that onl the =ans and other

    financial institutions can influence the cor"orate "ractices( = incor"orating sustaina=ilit issues into their

    lending decisions( to =uild a cleaner or greener future. 0ank rack +'(1( notes( as =aning sector is the su"erior

     "ro8ider of financial su""ort( it can control the necessar transition for ,ini,i?ing green house gas "ollution and

    reducing the de"endenc of car=on energ sources.  0ank rack +'(1(  also "u=lished so,e 8ital ele,ents of


  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    a""ears confusing or incon8enient( the "roceed with the t"ical =aning acti8ities as ,an financial institutionsha8e not et differentiate green =aning as a ,a;or "ros"ect for en8iron,ental res"onsi=ilit. In this situation(

    there are difficulties a,ong changing consu,"tion ha=its towards green =aning andana '(((#. +he

    e8idences o8er the ears indicate that financial industr is res"onsi=le for a financed "ro;ect cause en8iron,ental

    destruction and ha8e a ,a;or influence on clients< "erce"tion( which ,a gi8e the access to financing  Rai)anand 6a3i3 '((5#. Staeholder theor suggests( an organi?ation ,ust include staeholders< interest in the strateg

    and "roduct de8elo",ent "rocess  8tkinson et al", 1997, /reeman, 19$ 6arrison and t" Jo)n, 199# Polonsky,199# #. 4e8elo"ing strategic green alliances could =e one of the ,ost effecti8e was to de8elo" less

    en8iron,entall-har,ful "roducts  /ineman and Clarke, 199# 6arrison and t" Jo)n, 199# 6artman and

    tafford, 1997 Mendleson and Polonsky, 1995#. ans should address the sustaina=le de8elo",ent as"ects that

    will ensure the "rocess of staeholderisted in ,an de8elo"ing countries lie +aiwan(+hailand and hina. In Argentina( hile( 0e>ico and the !hili""ines( a negati8e reaction was created influenced

     = "eo"leisting

     =usinesses on the =asis of ha8ing 5ffluent +reat,ent !lant 5+!# in the industrial units. A co,"rehensi8e

    guideline on or"orate Social Res"onsi=ilit SR# has =een issued that suggests financing in Solar 5nerg(

    io-gas( 5+! and B=rid Boff,an Hiln BBH# in =ric field where =ans ha8e =een ased to concentrate hard

    on engaging with staeholders in scrutin of the en8iron,ental and social i,"acts and = now 27 =ans D 1

    financial Institution ha8e alread agreed to this a""roach fro, angladesh an. Now-a-das( =ans are

     "ro8iding 5-co,,erce facilities through ,one transfer and transactions in local currenc using internet as well

    as "ro8iding the custo,ers with online-=aning facilities co8ering "a,ents of utilit =ills.

    Recentl angladesh an has ,ade an in8estigation on co,,ercial =ans e,"hasi?ing the en8iron,ental

    issues for launching new green =ranches as well as considering the green =aning infor,ation "ro8ided = those =ans till first Cuarter of 2)12( to disclose a green =aning re"ort for the first ti,e. +o" ten =ans were selected

  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    on the =asis of A053i,atel *(226 =ranches

    *9.*:# with increase in the nu,=er of =ranches $(199 =ranches# through online co8erage for facilitating

    ra"idl e>"anding custo,ers along with internet =aning ser8ices. Bowe8er( online =aning co8erage for "ri8ate

    co,,ercial =an

  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    ource: 0anglades) 0ank

    o,,ercial =ans are now offering financial ser8ices through ,o=ile "hone so that custo,ers can co,forta=l

    continue their =aning o"erations and transactions fro, anwhere using fast e>"anding cellular

    teleco,,unication networ in angladesh. For this reason( angladesh an issued a guidelines on 0o=ilefinancial ser8ices 0FS# in 2)11 under which 1% =ans ha8e alread started their o"eration out of 2* =ans ha8e

     =een gi8en license. Around 1.: ,illion custo,ers are the =eneficiar of this ser8ice "resentl with a growth rate

    of 1: "er ,onth and around +. **) ,illion are transacted "er da. eside 0FS( custo,ers are also allowed to

    en;o 2% hours =aning ser8ices through countrwide A+0 =ooths using A+0 card "ro8ided = the =ans

    against custo,ers< accounts. 4utch-angla an is the leader of ha8ing the highest nu,=er of A+0 ooths

    2(17)# where %(**2 A+0 =oots are o"erating in angladesh.

    ans are now using "a"er on =oth sides for internal consu,"tion and also associating custo,ers with the e-

    state,ent and online co,,unication such as 8ideo or audio conferencing in lieu of "hsical tra8el. +he are

    getting ha=ituated in using ,ore dalight or energ sa8ing =ul=s instead of electric lights and ha8e ,ade "ro"er

    8entilation sste, to reduce the use of air conditioners. 'ehicles are con8erted into N and e,"loees are

    tring to use of office stationar "rinter cartridges( "hotoco" toner( etc.# efficientl e8en using co,,on ta=le


    Fro, the o8erall discussion( it is found out that green =aning "ractices in angladesh are not satisfactor in linewith glo=al awareness a=out green =aning  .slam and Das, '(1tensi8el e>a,ine the "ower to influence of staeholder

    introducing green =aning "roducts in angladesh. Fro, the "re8ious studies it was alread esta=lished that the

    staeholder has an increased interest on the green =aning sector =ecause of the need of the ti,e. +hus we,odified the sa,"le =ase to include not onl the consu,ers =ut also the ,anage,ents and "ossi=le staeholders

    in the green =aning "rocess. Rather than the finding the i,"act of consu,ers o8er the green =aning( we

    targeted the =roader financial staeholders to inter"ret and esta=lished a for, of influence indicators.

    +o ,eet our o=;ecti8es we used a sa,"le of :2) "ossi=le staeholders to e>a,ine the staeholder

  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    Sa#pleFor the sa,"le( we too %) rando, ,e,=ers fro, each of the staeholder grou"s. Sa,"le distri=ution( in ter,s

    of =aning industr was not statisticall different fro, an other studies currentl going on angladeshi

    financial sector. A statistical e>a,ination of differences =etween earl and late res"ondents that there were no

    non-res"ondents =iases. +he sa,"le was o=tained fro, 21 go8ern,ent and "ri8ate =ans. &ut of our "reli,inarinterest grou"s onl less than 2) was interested to "artici"ate in the stud. After including the non-disclosure

     "aragra"h in the contract( finall a sa,"le of :2) res"ondents was finali?ed. +his ,ight suggests( there is a "ossi=ilit of non-disclosure interest in the target staeholder grou"s. It also suggests that there is lac of data

    and e8idence in the green =aning sector of angladesh. It can also =e descri=ed as non-res"ondents =ias which

    is different fro, our "reli,inar statistical findings. Bowe8er( due to s,all sa,"le si?e( a Cuantitati8e non-

    res"onse analsis was not undertaen which is identical scenario fro, !olons( Rosen=erger and &tt,antensi8el i,"ortant for the de8elo",ent acti8ities( which is inconsistent with the staeholders< influencing

     "ers"ecti8e. +he results e8en showed that three staeholder grou"s 5,"loee nion( otto, 0anage,ent and

    Research o,,unit# had no or a little i,"ortance or influencing a=ilit according to all criteria where Non-

    or"orate onsu,er grou" had onl the indirect threatening a=ilit and the S"ecial Interest rou"s had thedirect threatening a=ilit onl. +he ,ost interesting "art was that the ,edia had all the direct a=ilities and

    i,"ortance where 5,"loee grou" had onl direct and indirect influencing and coo"erating a=ilit without

  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    ha8ing an i,"ortance. In ter,s of 0iddle 0anage,ent( the were tring to indirectl influence and had anindirect i,"ortance in the de8elo",ent "rocess. Rest of all( the o8ern,ent Regulator &rgani?ation had a

    direct i,"ortance according to the result with indirect threatening and influencing a=ilit and direct coo"erating


    Bowe8er( it could =e said that( ans in angladesh are in the initial relati8el costless and eas# stages ofgreening their "roducts and thus( ,ight not tae e>tensi8e e>ternal assistance or learning organi?ation techniCues

    to ,ae en8iron,ental i,"ro8e,ents. +he suggestion is "lausi=le( for staeholder theor suggest that the rangeof staeholders and their indi8idual staes is e>tre,el conte>t s"ecific and thus green issues should ha8e ,ore

     "riorit in the =aning sector of angladesh than an others. Another alternati8e suggestion could =e that the

     =ans should esta=lish the trend to include ,ore e>ternal staeholderercise the "rocess of designing and ad,inistrating

    green =aning related as"ects. +hough c)mid)einy and 2orra=uin +199#  conclude fro, their "ri,ar stud

    that co,,ercial =ans are generall acted as "rofit oriented-organi?ation which leads the, to "refer short-ter,s

     "a=ac "eriods =ut to i,"le,ent the significance of a""ro"riate green =aning a""roach( the need to ha8elonger "eriod in8est,ent which ,a not "ossi=le at e8er case for the =ans. +hus( go8ern,ent ,ust design

     "ro"er legislation of en8iron,ental rules for =ans and ensure enforce,ent. At first( go8ern,ent should enforce

     =ans to continue in-house green initiati8es which will inter"ret a green office guide. Secondl go8ern,ent

    should strongl influence these =ans to finance for green co,,ercial "ro;ects and loan "rogra,s for "ro,oting

    en8iron,ental "ractices a,ong clients and other i,"ortant staeholders. 0ost i,"ortantl( go8ern,ent should

    focus on awareness de8elo",ent a,ong general staeholders and clients ,ae their relationshi" with green

     =aning. +he angladesh =an should ,oti8ate these =ans to include =aning staeholders as well as

    en8iron,ental staeholders with the strateg "rocess to i,"ro8e the was of de8elo"ing green =aning

    ,echanis, or induce the, into for,ulate new green =aning "roducts. should ,onitor that if =ans are

    a""ling their staeholder"ert to draw a "lan

    for the en8iron,ent ,anage,ent "lan. ans should ee" following as"ects in ,ind while financing an

     "ro;ects lie anal?ing the "ro;ect in ter,s of scale( nature and the ,agnitude of en8iron,ental i,"act. +he

     "ro;ect should =e e8aluated on the =asis of "otential negati8e and "ositi8e en8iron,ental effects anal?ed = the

    ,anage,ents and third "art e>"erts and then co,"ared with the Ewithout "ro;ect situation

  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    the financial institutions should assess the sensiti8e issues lie 8ulnera=le grou"sK in8oluntar dis"lace,ent etcand "ro;ects should =e e8aluated in ter,s of en8iron,entall i,"ortant areas including wetlands( forests(

    grasslands and other natural ha=itats. aning institutions need to e8aluate the 8alue of real "ro"ert and the

     "otential en8iron,ental lia=ilit associated with the real "ro"ert.

    At another "oint where =ans need to include staeholdera,"le of =est "ractice. It re"resents good go8ernance and trans"arenc(

    de,onstrates a desire to engage in ,eaningful two-wa co,,unication( and recogni?es the i,"ortantcontri=ution staeholders at all le8els can ,ae to future changes which will directl or indirectl affect the

    whole financial sector. ans should tae such awareness and training "rogra,s to s"read the i,"ortance of

    green ,echanis, a,ong the e,"loees( clients and other i,"ortant staeholders to include the, into the green

    strateg "rocess. 

    I#plication to the Business *o##unit)&n a glo=al =asis( while getting ada"ted with changed en8iron,ental strateg is still seen as ,ore of a "u=lic

    sector focus than ,itigation( so,e increased focus has =een e8ident. +he "ri8ate sector should also =e seen as a

    su""lier of inno8ati8e green "roducts and ser8ices. +here is a clear need to ,eet the ada"tation "riorities of

    de8elo"ing countries with e>"ertise in technolog and ser8ice deli8er. +he "ri8ate sector has "articular

    co,"etencies which can ,ae a uniCue contri=ution to the green infrastructure( through inno8ati8e technolog(

    design of resilient fra,ewor( de8elo",ent and i,"le,entation of i,"ro8ed infor,ation sste,s and the

    ,anage,ent of ,a;or green "ro;ects. &ne i,"ortant constraint in "ri8ate sector engage,ent in cli,ate change

     "ro;ects( for =oth ,itigation and ada"tation( is the lac of ca"acit of financial institutions in =oth "u=lic and

     "ri8ate sectors to e8aluate "ro;ects. 0ost of the co,,ercial =ans rel on short ter, de"osits and an asset-

    lia=ilit ,is,atch also li,its their a=ilit and willingness to structure financial "roducts with the longer tenure

    that is t"icall needed for cli,ate change in8est,ents  Jeucken and 0ouma, 1999#. Bere( the "ri8ate sector can

    ,ae a significance role in ter,s of deter,ining en8iron,ental targeted "ro;ects that should =e attained throughstrategic "lanning with the consideration of =eing an i,"ortant staeholder of the en8iron,ent. +he whole

     =usiness co,,unit is 8er ,uch affiliated with the e>ce"tion and there is still a significant a,ount of wor to

     =e done =efore "ri8ate sector in8ol8e,ent =eco,es ,eaningful. 0ore effecti8e co,,unication of cli,ate

    change issuesK o""ortunities to e decision ,aers in angladeshi cor"orate and the effort fro, financial

    institutions will hel" to o8erco,e the infor,ation ga"s =etween the =ans and the =usiness co,,unities.

    0anage,ents should focus on in-house green acti8ities to i,"l the first le8el i,"ortance of creating green

    infrastructure. road =ased infor,ation disse,ination needs to =e su""le,ented = a ,ore targeted a""roach.

    &ne on-on-one consulting and +echnical assistance can =e far ,ore effecti8e. +here is another i,"ortant

     "otential tool to ,oti8ate the "ri8ate sector is =e ,ore aware of successful and co,,erciall 8ia=le in8est,ents

    and initiati8es = other cor"orate in the region and indeed glo=all. 


    +o the conte>t of de8elo"ing new green "roducts( certain deter,inants could =e e>a,ined. +he =ans inangladesh ,a co,"are so,e s"ecific ,easures to i,"ro8e their green =aning "ractices whether those could

     =e ,eaningful for de8elo"ing new green "roduct or construct new green =ranches. onsideration of

    staeholderternal en8iron,ental staeholders. It is necessar to

    ha8e o"en dialogues and direct co,,unications =etween staeholders to de8elo" coo"erati8e en8iron,ental

    relationshi"s which ,a hel" =ans to de8elo" new green "roducts.

    So( e8er =an has to "artici"ate in the new green "roduct de8elo",ent "rocess with greater in8ol8e,ent fro,

    staeholders and contri=ute to green =aning "ractices in todatre,e national and glo=al =aning

    co,"etition. angladesh =an( which is woring as the ad8isor of all co,,ercial =ans in angladesh( has to

    e,"hasi?e the i,"ortance of in8ol8ing staeholders with significance of green =aning acti8itiesG"ractices of a =an while according "er,ission for de8elo"ing new green =aning "roduct and should set u" a strong

  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    ,onitoring unit to identif which =ans are gi8ing efforts toward green =aning "ractice. o8ern,ent shouldalso encourage the general staeholders to engage in green =aning "ractice so that e8er =an can

    acco,,odate the result fro, =eing a green =an.

    Recent researches ad8ocate a=out an e>isting "ositi8e relationshi" =etween en8iron,ental and financial

     "erfor,ance( which ,a dri8e all staeholder grou"s to dee"l thin a=out green =aning "erfor,ance and ,ahel" the, to esta=lish a green culture. According to this "a"er( onl % out of 1* staeholder grou"s ha8e the

    highest influence in de8elo"ing new green "roduct which will surel ,oti8ate the strategic "rocess of includingother staeholder grou", 'ol. *$( No. * 1997#( "".2:-*7.

    an +rac 2)1)# Elose the a"- ench,aring redit !olicies of International an

  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    Januar :.Jeucen( 0 and ou,a( J( J 1999# @+he hanging 5n8iron,ent of ans( *M. )eme .ssue( 0I-27(

    Autu,n( 1999.

    Jeucen( 0arcel 2))1# =Slow Starters are aining !ace - +he Res"onse of ans to Sustaina=ilit Issues

  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


    Research Journal of Finance and Accounting 

    ISSN 2222-1697 !a"er# ISSN 2222-2$%7 &nline#

    'ol.%( No.7( 2)1*


    htt"GGado=e.a,,Ginde>."h"Lo"tionco,QcontentD8iewarticleDid2* accessed *) 0arch2)1*#.

    htt", accessed 16 Fe=ruar 2)1*#.

    htt"GGwww."e=lds.orgGfilesG!u=licationsGArticlesG5&FA+Q+owardsQgreenQ=aning."df accessed 17

    Fe=ruar 2)1*#.

  • 8/16/2019 citeseerx


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