circulatory system

Cyrculatory System 1. Blood composition 2. Blood Function and blood disorders 3. Blood Circulation and Arterial diseases 4. The working of the heart and Heart diseases Body Diagram IESO: RIO CABRIEL José González Pertusa

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Cyrculatory System

1. Blood composition

2. Blood Function and blood disorders

3. Blood Circulation and Arterial diseases

4. The working of the heart andHeart diseases

Body Diagram

IESO: RIO CABRIELJosé González Pertusa

Blood composition

Blood composition

Blood composition

Blood composition

Blood FunctionBone Marrow

Blood FunctionErythrocites

Blood FunctionHaemoglobine

Blood DisorderIron-deficiency anemia

Anemia is a condition in which the body does not haveenough healthy red blood cells.

Iron is a key part of red blood cells. Without iron, the blood cannot carry oxygen effectively.

Blood Functionleukocytes

Leukocytes -- a body's army of soldiers -- are a part of our immune system.

Blood Functionleukocytes

They fight the germs that cause disease and infections.

Some kill by completely devouring certain invaders

Blood Functionleukocytes

Blood Functionleukocytes

Some produce weapons in the form of antibodies.

Blood Functionleukocytes

There are those who notify other leukocytes that an invasion has taken place.

If the immune system detects a harmful foreign object, such as bacteria or a virus, it will release histamine into nearby cells. The histamine causes imflamation.



Blood DisorderAllergy

An allergy is the response of the body's immune system to normally harmless substances, such as pollens, foods, and house dust mite.

Antihistamines work by stopping histamine affecting your body's cells in the usual way.

Blood DisorderLeukemia

Definition of leukemia: Cancer that starts in blood-forming tissue, such as the bone marrow, and causes large numbers of abnormal blood white cells to be produced and enter the bloodstream.

Blood FunctionPlatelets


Blood DisorderHaemophilia

HAEMOPHILIA: That impair the body's ability to control blood clotting

Blood Circulation

Blood Circulation

Arterial DiseaseAtherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis can narrows and blocks arteries in critical regions of the body.

Plaque is made up of fat, cholesterol, calcium, and other substances found in the blood

Arterial DiseaseHypertension

Hypertension, also referred to as high blood pressure, is a condition in which the arteries have persistently elevated blood pressure.

The working of the heartSystole and Diastole

The working of the heartSystole and Diastole


The working of the heartSystole and Diastole

Heart diseasesMyocardial Infarct

An area of the heart muscle doesn't get enough oxygen-rich blood.

If blood flow isn't restored quickly, the section of heart muscle begins to die.

Heart diseasesStent