circulation 2p cont'd

Circulatory System

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Page 1: Circulation 2p cont'd

Circulatory System

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Circulatory System! Transport substances around the body

! Carries oxygen & nutrients to cells ! picks up carbon dioxide & wastes from cells

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Circulatory System! 3 necessary components:

! Heart (pump) ! Blood (fluid) ! Blood vessels (arteries and veins)

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! What are the four chambers of the heart called?

! What side has deoxygenated blood? ! Where do the two sides of the heart send



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! What are the four chambers of the heart called?

! What side has deoxygenated blood? ! Where do the two sides of the heart send



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Heart! 4 chambers ! Right side pumps to the lungs ! Left side pumps to the rest of the body

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Heart - Anatomy

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! What are the functions of the circulatory system?

! What are the three parts? ! Draw a heart & label the four chambers ! Put arrows on to show where

deoxygenated blood enters the heart. ! Put arrows on to show where oxygenated

blood exits the heart. ! Which side of the heart is bigger? Why?


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And the Beat Goes On…Purpose: To calculate our heart rate at different activity levels. Hypothesis:

Observation: Acitivty # beats / 10 seconds # beats / min

lying down



after exercise

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And the Beat Goes On…Analysis: 1. Make a line graph of heart rate VS activity level. 2. What general statement can you make about heart rate & activity. 3. How did your hypothesis compare to the observations? 4. Why does the heart speed up when our activity increases?

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Blood Vessels! Network of tubes throughout

the body to transport blood ! Arteries

! Carry blood AWAY from the heart

! Contain elastic connective tissue and muscle

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Blood Vessels! Veins

! Carry blood BACK TO the heart

! Receive blood from capillaries

! Contain valves ! Valves prevent backflow

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Blood Vessels! Capillaries

! microscopic vessels, one cell thick ! the place where substance get into or out

the circulatory system ! Bridge between arteries and veins

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Blood! Connective tissue ! about 5L ! Mostly Red Blood Cells

! Contain hemoglobin which carries the oxygen ! Produced in the bone marrow ! Lack a nucleus

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Blood! White blood cells

! AKA Leukocytes ! Fight infections by destroying invading

bacteria/viruses ! Have a nucleus

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Blood! Platelets

! Assist in blood clotting ! <1% of blood volume

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Blood! Plasma (mostly water)

! Protein-rich liquid ! Half of blood’s volume

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Homework! P 87 # 3, 4, 9 ! Circulatory CROSSWORD